There is a new set every 5 levels but it isn't really worth getting more than maybe a set for a healer merc at 75, 85, and 105. I'd suggest even if you go this method, you still use MQ2 with afk tools to answer tells while you are away. A NOTE ON MERCENARIES AT 85: At 85, to assist players utilizing a Heroic Character (a character which is automatically leveled to 85 for you and given subpar but serviceable gear, a mount, and other goodies. So max out at lvl 82 and grind all your final AAs here. I can't think of many places where the time taken to get there and get setup to afk xp wouldn't have been better spent just killing or questing for regular xp then logging out. Thanks for pointing that out. At 46 you can fight the goblins at the zone in or move up the ramp to the left side of their courtyard and kill the crusaders and sentry's. You won't be able to use it until 10 or 15 respectively, but you don't need it before then. The adds are just too intense. The first camp is in the large room in the bottom right side of the map. At 6-7 go into the middle cave and kill pumas. SOME DISCLAIMERS: First I want to point out that Almar's Guides are pretty good and he lays out a pretty fantastic path to getting to max level and getting geared along with plenty of other advice. Ive left a trio of toons in the tutorial afk, not for the sole purpose of xpin, but I had something come up and left the keyboard. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. Kill bears, wolves, and snakes near the zone line to Blightfire. Lots of nameds spawn here, so be careful if you don't have a good group or a good box team. The cities are a cake walk, though the wandering mobs on the walls in the second city can really mess up your day if you don't pay attention. Joined Feb 1, 2009 Messages 62 Reaction score 0 . Valdeholm (PoK>Blightfire>Goru'Kar>The Steppes>Icefall Glaciar>Valdeholm) - I absolutely love this place for these levels. When you rez your mercenary you will immediately be charged the Upkeep cost on him. Pretty much everything is undead and the zone is very easy to get to. Great post. They will be indifferent to you to start. Then drop down via the waterways near the entrance to get to the tunnels and kill there until about 56. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. I played a cleric for 9 years until I finally left. Neriak Fourth Gate (accessed off Neriak Third Gate or from ETWK if you've done attunement) - One of my favorite zones for grinding these levels out. It's still confusing, you slipslide everywhere, mobs are invisible, pathing is terrible, and you get vertical aggro. EverQuest Cheats & Guides. I also ding to 57 at this camp in the video including the sweet ding noise and a cringey. The best place in this zone is the hobgoblins, which are directly left of where you zone in, at the north end of the canyon. This will net you boatloads of exp from achievements and the HAs and some amazing augments along the way. The exp here is good. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices.If you are a resident of California, please view our California Privacy Disclosure. Do they take up a group slot? I may try again with this guide. Your toons are going to get attacked and hit. Make sure that the Tank Merc has been assigned the role of Main Tank. Otherwise you spawn here if you deselect tutorial on creation) - Go get a tank merc from the drakkin man in the tent with the training masters and spell vendors. The center of the zone is all undead. A single heroic 85 is all that is really needed to roll over the content though, which shouldn't be hard to find on any server you're on. D damination Level 2 Joined Apr 12, 2015 RedCents 313 Aug 17, 2018 #2 38-44 especially will come in a matter of hours. Third, get yourself maps immediately. The amount of experience you get varies upon level, but I know in the level 100 range, you get around 8-10% of a level per completion, as well at 1-2% for kills. At 82 or straight away if you have a group, head down through the mansion to the basement area. Talk to Marla Gaslow. To level up your Mercenaries, simply take them on bounties - they get XP for each fight you beat. Watch out for the clerics if you don't have a solid interrupt. Also during cooldowns they will use agro reducing abilities. Q: So wait a mercenary is allowed into an LDoN? This makes this one of the best places to grind for paladins trying to wrap up leveling or grind AAs. It's also a MONSTER of a run as Jungle and Trak's Teeth are enormous zones. You can come here a little earlier if you want, but ensure you have some form of crowd control handy. They do not have much in the way of HP, but can hit hard. After that you need to go back to the bottom right side of the map and start killing nobles and highborn. Also if you abandon at any time before you get your reward you can reset - otherwise 4 hour lockout. everquest afk mercenary leveling guide. Worth about half a level in that range. Based on the information provided my first thought was that the begging skillup RNG was better on higher level NPCs than lower level. Frontier Mountain (BEST AREA FOR 100-108) - The giant fort has one named who drops a ring that is pretty in demand. Resplendent Temple is awful in my opinion, with it being nearly impossible to pull singles, and Pillars of Alra is hard to get to (you have to run through a lot of angry Alarins who can see invis in Resplendent Temple) and easy to get yourself killed in, for much the same reason. I realize that I didn't add directions, just general sense of direction. At first, just wait. Split or tank em, however your group is set up. Ignore the giant black golem and Nortlav and head up the stone tunnel killing gargoyles and golems until you get to the castle full of gargoyles and ghosts. A mercenary's icon will show their archetype and hailing them will tell you their class. If you're looking for the old information that used to be on this page you'll find those guides along with all my other EQ content here. ALTERNATIVES: Arcstone(67-75)(Guild Hall, talk to portal crystal vendor and buy Arcstone Spirit Sapphire) - I really recommend this place to people with Undead control or slaying abilities. The good news is money is now weightless! Q: If the Mercenary dies do I have to buy another one? It does require player crafted items that may be harder to find, but not much harder I think. After about 12 though, you can speed things up immensely if you're fighting with your tank merc and he can hold aggro way better after 10. Everything is gnomes, constructs, slimes, minotaurs, and elementals. Mercenaries are the answer to Everquests "grind" and Must-Group to level. From PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's Harbor, Board the ship Stormwave or talk to the teleporter guy if it's all broken>Dead Hills. Doesn't apply to certain AAs, like tradeskills, etc, but its plenty sufficient for leveling. Get invisibility on a character who can rez or has a healer merc at least. You get to experience every bit of content across 110 levels, hundreds of zones, and 24 expansions. So now if you and a friend want to do an LDoN you'll have a group of 4 and will have no need to find a 3rd for the LDoN. So finding a camp could be tough depending on your chosen servers population and the hour of day. If you'd like to see every single zone in the game that I have a guide for, head over to my Everquest Index Page. Slaughter everything you get your hands on that isn't a friendly dragorn. Go left from the giant hole in the ground after zone in until you get to a pond. I came back and my toons went from level 3 to level 10!!! Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries. All of the nameds are completely unlinked from the other mobs. The westside is still gangster though, so you can kill most of the stuff there. Kill everything. This amounts to tens of thousands of AA's. When the mob starts to run, you want enough space for your merc team to finalize the kill before aggroing the mobs across the hall in the other room. Considering how easy it is to level on live these days, just paying for one month while you level to 110 is plenty. Your toon classes are irrelevant. There are numerous groups in Empires of Kunark, but lets say you're not feeling up to that yet. Mobs are tightly packed in some places and lots of classes who can swarm like to swarm here because of it. Fifth, Daybreak gives you an option to accept some 25% experience potions instead of your monthly 500 Cash. Pretty much all the critters assist each other though. The key zone for AFK leveling and AA grinding in the 65 to 80 level range is Wall of Slaughter. You will need invisibility, levitation, or balls of steel. What that means is he just won't do anything. Just places that are more or less easy. Some players are reporting trouble verifying their email address. Press J to jump to the feed. topic on the EQ forums. (Test server people should average 37%.) Once you zone in there is a monster bridge. At that point start pushing through the shopkeepers to the south or go up the ramp to kill the masters and grandmasters. The north wall of the citadel is a combination of giants, undead, drolvargs, and cockatrice. Also something to keep in mind is if you complete the themes out of order you will not unlock the mercenaries from the theme's below it. #everquest #project1999 #sinnycool 2 MINUTE SPAWN AFK CAMP to 60 / Everquest Project 1999 green / Update since V5.5 patch what changed? your mercenary comes equipped with the armor and weapons he needs. The south camp is the three rooms near the Nobles Causeway zone line. I strongly recommend you choose a guide from this list though as these will be the guides I will continue to roll out updates to as time goes on. Everquest AFK Leveling Missions. You can very very quickly get yourself a full set of 87-92 gear, including the Formal armor set. I look at AFK Mercing as if the . The North Camp is the second camp when you reach level 77. You should be able to clear through here without too much hastle. They have low HP and don't hit very hard. Finally, while Heroic Adventures in Dead Hills, Ethernere Tainted West Karana, and throughout The Broken Mirror zones might be the "fastest" way to level, it's stupendously boring and repetitive. The run to it is also very short. The undead lake is good for paladins and there are a couple of drolvargs mixed in. Abstruse armor is very serviceable. Healers have a chance of actually rezzing you! These Mercenaries are much more weak than a Journeyman Mercenary however I guess one plus is they cost a lot less every 15 minutes! You will be murdering said spiders and slimes and other animals. Favorite area is the Queen's castle area. Go in all the buildings. Find Tyrinam and take the Reducing the Threat - Worgs quest. Posts: 1,338. A: Yes they do! Will continue editing as I play through on different characters. DO NOT USE FOLLOW HERE. I updated that page so that it has a link to almost every single EQ guide I have written; laid out for you by expansion & easily navigateable with Ctrl + F. It'll provide a better alternative to people who just want information about a specific zone rather than a leveling guide. I didn't realize how good this zone was until I was recently leveling and grouped with a guy who dragged me out here. Stay away from the air giants though. If you're having trouble making your mercenary level with you suspend him and go AFK for a few minutes. As someone who is just coming back on the test server, I am going to use the hell out of this! The difficulty comes in finding a safe spot to set up camp, thanks to terrible pathing and wandering mobs. At 6-7 go into the middle cave and kill pumas. WARNING: 'Hatching a Plan' mission next to PoK standalone bank has been nerfed into uselessness. i.e. Youre looking to create a merc team of Tank/ DPS/ Healer. If you're a returning player you can find Mercenary Liaison's in PoK. It just depends on gear if solo and number of boxes/size of group if not. You can push to 86-87 here by going into the west corridors, but the exp falls off a cliff at 83. These things are amazing exp up to 62, at which point you need to go to the back and drop down into the froglok slave tunnels. So there is a level 75 vendor, 80, 85, 90 and so on. At 70 though, it starts to seriously lose it's luster. This is the only stance a Rogue merc will attack on. After that though it's single pulls non stop. The same nameds you can get from the lake are here, though I believe a named giant is the most common one. Pathing will get you killed. You may finish them and have 30-45 minutes to wait. The mobs have varying levels of HP, but don't hit that hard in comparison to even other TDS content. Inside the city, the Alarans come in groups of two or three or solo. If you went to another zone first and are coming here after 55, then just zone in by dropping into the big hole and coming up at the very back of the zone. Two paid accounts gives you a tank and healer you don't every really have to pay attention to. Llux's guide to warrior swarming v3. Make me want to fire up the game again! Another semi decent camp would be the Gorgons in the top left of the zone. BEST: 38-48 City of Mist(PoK>Field of Bones>Emerald Jungle>City) - This is will very likely be some of the fastest leveling you will do. Q: I'm the puller for my group but my merc won't stop attacking it when its all the way out in the middle of no where. Moving on, on the right hand side it will show you his Race, Type, Confidence and Proficiency. 48-55 kill the mutant floaty guys, shades and crazy humans. Select the first HA he gives you, Into the Hills. Some of the Shissar are undead, but most aren't and they have high HP and hit hard to boot. At 56, head toward the bottom. As pay to play, you really don't break for AAs, just turn on autogrant and there you go. The mobs in four of these level boosted zones drop Glowing Athlai and Othni armor pieces, which can be turned in for armor that is great from 71-80. There is a quest with the platinum efreeti armor which eventually nets you a Illusion:Specter item that is sick. There is a castle structure there. I know there are a LOT of mobs you can access off this area, but have no idea what nameds if any are common here. While you're on that sidebar, read the Returning/New Player FAQ. But if you just absolutely HAVE to go somewhere else, here are some suggestions. BACK TO ACTUAL ZONES THAT CHANGE!! At 65 I like to head up to the second levels and kill the higher level guys there. ). It's also a hot zone and that makes it really worth it. Pretty much every single thing in The Grounds wants to eat your face, so there is less confusion and thus it's more popular. What i mean is if you do Field of Scale, you'll have the rank IV merc, not the III or II. Still do! The Droga area is super nice for rangers as the goblins are headshotable. Undead mobs for your paladins to slay and lots of Dark Elves to murder. Leveling up in Everquest 2 is very quick these days compared to before, but . Kor-Sha Laboratory (105-110) - Only really worked 2 camps in this zone. Murder the Rallosians, crystal golems, and frogs. Entire house is pretty much open at 26. That said, some of the zones have been made hot zones. Only thing that sucks is most of the mobs do AoE damage. Stay at the entrance until you get to 80, then you can push into the north pathway. 13-28 Estate of Unrest (PoK>Butcherblock Mountains>Dagnor's Cauldron>Unrest) - This is a good place for undead killers, but in my opinion the run out to it is too far and the exp is better in Blightfire. Your Mercenary can come in two skill levels Skill Levels Apprentice - on par with single group geared players, on spells and abilities that have a rank, it will have rank 1. The optimal quest guide lists Old School RuneScape quests in an order that allows new Members to progress in an order that minimises the amount of skill training. Also adding a few notes about Sarith and Resplendant Temple as I spent some serious time in them lately but really just came to my conclusions about them. You can get a little more life out of the zone by acquiring one of the temporary keys that let you teleport up to Grieg's spawn point. You'll need a high level to help you with the missions and quests. Otherwise, kill puslings and bubonians. Kill lots of rotdogs and snakes. I will endeavor to keep this guide as up to date as possible and will revise as I play through zones with different class combinations or get better advice. You will decimate all. All of the tier 3 House of Thule zones work here, but I like Fear Itself since it's mostly just a revamped Plane of Fear, which I have fond memories of dying in. The Foundation is one of them and might be worth heading to. How does it help with boxing? They are very easy to pull individually, especially on the left side. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. You must log in or register to reply here. Too many HP, pain in the ass abilities. (On Test Server, these free additional accounts come with Gold subscription status versus the Silver status on a Live server.) That's all I have for now folks. Dulak's Harbor (35-43)(PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's) - You can go higher than this by killing cultists and stuff in the tunnels of the zone, but I think the best thing about this place is the mob density for lower levels. A player could easily gain the same amount of XP they got from 2 or 3 hours of AFK'ing pet/merc XP exploting if they spent 10 good minutes at the keyboard. Leveling/Setup This guide covers zones up to Omens of War. I normally just move a group through various mobs, killing everything. The druid is a . How this guide works: Player Level refers to the "sweet spot" level range for the player to both gain good experience while still being able to be effective (landing spells/melee) This doesn't mean you must be between this level range. and barrel your way to the second city. It's the only level range I feel that you should be here to the exclusion of anywhere else. Once you get there, it's party time. This zone is a lot better when you factor those in. EverQuest Leveling Zones for Each Level Reaching higher levels can be determined by your zone, so let's start from the beginning with zones 1-10. Once that's done, go through the doors and head to the second level. The gear starts becoming available at 75 and is bought with Marks of Valor from Ethernere Tainted West Karana. I forget about that guy. At 12, all start killing gnolls or skeletal ogres. These levels will come steadily and you will very likely never be overwhelmed. Your merc will balance his abilities in defending and attacking the enemies pulled to him. This expansion introduced Mercenaries and basically completely changed the way you level in Everquest. When do I have to upgrade him? When you first zone in, the closest mobs are farmers and tired farmers. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! He is a raid target. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to.
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