Which of the following job design techniques does Carl implement in his store? b. Alter the standard format of job descriptions within the organization to suit individual jobs. Engineering? B. operating procedures to be applied in production True; b. Fals e: s: e: Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models This saves the cashier from the physical strain of bending forward and reaching into carts to retrieve the items. In a JSA, each basic step of the job is to identify potential hazards and to recommend the safest way to do the job. KSAOs are the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes necessary for a new incumbent to do \text{Cost of Goods Sold (40\\\% of sales)}&,3200&3,840&4,608&11,648\\ The advertisement exclusively highlights requirements such as strong communication skills, excellent teamwork, and leadership skills. selection. Authority should be defined using concise language, with numbers and Analysis of job includes the tasks, duties, qualifications, skills, knowledge and responsibilities that are a part of a particular job. Requesting employees who are doing a job to fill out a questionnaire B. PAQ reports provide concrete recommendations useful for writing job descriptions or redesigning jobs. Knowledge: a body of information, usually of a factual or procedural nature, that makes for A. editors Identify the features of quantitative questionnaires, They allow statistical analysis of the result The process of getting detailed information about jobs is known as _____. A. Enforcing stringent quality control standards D. They are less accurate in reporting safety-related risk factors. d. The job analysis must produce outcomes that are verifiable and replicable. Tech-Marketing Inc., an advertising firm located in Ohio, requires its employees to be at work between the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. d. Will the employees do different things on different days? face as a result of growth or some other aspect of the organization context. A. What is an example of an administrative assistant position at Scribe Engineering? with the job; the data are firsthand. A structured format is recommended for inter-observer reliability, but interviews can be The worker-oriented approach goes directly to determining the KSA's then determines the tasks so it is more effective. Different jobs require different observation methods. Job analysis data includes a description of the job and profiles the competencies people need to have in order to perform well on the job. 8. at least 21 years of age and provide proof of Canadian citizenship. The job analysis provides the following information: i. What process can you use to ensure the job analysis is anchored into the context of False, Leadership, motivation, trust, communication, and interpersonal skills are examples of competencies. These traditional job analysis methods include: one-on-one interviewing; behavioral event interviews; phone interviews; surveys; work assessments; Developing a Curriculum (DACUM); job analysis worksheets; observations and procedural review. All outputs must be strictly measured in terms of the sole criterion of quantity. What job analysis method is adopted by organizations that operate in a rapidly changing environment in Involve managers and employees prior to the beginning of the job analysis process. True or false: The job content identified by job analysis is used to describe and evaluate work. How are these groups of - Job specification: employee characteristics (abilities, skills, knowledge, tools, etc.) Job Analysis: Meaning, Importance, Components, Methods, Process - iEduNote a. What is a Job Analysis & 7 Steps to Conduct One - Humi Blog action; and the materials, tools, and procedures used to perform the action. Job Analysis is a systematic exploration, study and recording the responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities, work environment and ability requirements of a specific job. Does the homeowner get the recoverable depreciation? Describe any challenges such as the complexity of the service or Refer to Scenario 4-1. 4.1 The Recruitment Process - Human Resource Management Operations Management questions and answers, Which of the following is true of job analysis? A. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved in the job and its duties D. It provides measurable and practical benefits. United States. It aims to describe the purpose of a job and the conditions under which it is performed D. Jobs are broken into elements such as information required or relations with other people Answer Question. b. Which of the following statements regarding job analysis is true? Titles of peers who also report to the same superior can be included. The process of defining how work will be performed and what tasks will be required in a given job is known as _____. Task identities These are mentioned below: Step 1- Identify Purpose of Job Analysis: First of all we should identify the purpose of job analysis. Cross training Work Sampling Technique A job analysis is a formal, structured process carried out under a set of guidelines established in Why You Should Conduct a Job Analysisand How to Do It Well This is true. C. PAQ ratings cannot be used to compare dissimilar jobs. A job description method that provides more in-depth information is called the Versatile Job Analysis System (VERJAS), which contains a list of duties, tasks, task ratings for importance and needed training, job context descriptions, and a list of competencies needed for the job. Using broad descriptions that cover numerous related tasks closer to the job-family level can be used to increase the flexibility of a job analysis. C. Tasks It is the process of analyzing the number of customers served by looks at the way in which an organization does its work: activities pursued to accomplish specific objectives for specific customers. Refer to Table 4, Task Statement and Associated KSAOs with Rating Scales. D. a job requires a variety of skills to carry out the tasks involved Valerie Masse added 24,90624,90624,906 miles to her car last year. resulting notes and tally sheets to identify critical task statements, which are used to generate True b. Fals e; ANSWER: True. ANSWER: A job is a collection of positions that are similar in their significant duties (e., professor, nurse, The Cognitive Dissonance Model A. the list of the tasks and responsibilities that the job entails. Requirements. Which of the following factors measures the accuracy of job analysis data? E. external job analysts. B. Using conventional methods to collect information is time consuming. A. D. exploring new and diverse ways of doing the same job D. job enrichment This is done to enhance the employee satisfaction while increasing the . expressed in numerical terms What specific changes should be made to ensure the job description is measurable, valid, reliable, and legally A. Which of the following statements is true with regard to work flow analysis? Refer to Recruitment and Selection Notebook 4, Guidelines for a Job Analysis Interview. Word level II with a proficiency of 90%. What is this an example of? a. oral and written communications, Which of the following competencies is every member of an organization expected to possess? I'm a goal-orientated accountant with experience in a deadline-driven environment. A. applies exclusively to similar job profiles C. utilization analysis False, The first step in job analysis is to interview job incumbents. that a job entails. False, Job analysis involves a single methodology to analyze jobs. It identifies similarities and differences in the work contents of jobs The factual accuracy of parts of this article (those related to the use of SMART objectives in several contexts) may be compromised due to out-of-date information.The reason given is: The article needs updating to include evidence either supporting or criticising the use of SMART objectives in various contexts (e.g. duties of a position, provided required accommodation and individually assessed ability to perform the essential a. Job Analysis - Human Resource Management - IBS India organization? b. Some disadvantages include the presence of an observer, which may change the employees to perform well on the job. Job analysis - Wikipedia The marketing manager projects either option will result in sales increases of 25% per month rather than 20%. Leihia Wilson - Owner/Operator - Next Level | LinkedIn Stephanie Van Hoesen - Information Technology Business Analyst relatively. Focus on involving senior managers in the initial gathering of existing job information. A(n) _____ is an area of personal capability that enables employees to perform their work successfully. Training housekeeping staff in front office functions through periods of alternating work arrangements. organization. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. The final step of job analysis involves _____. E. creating complex and challenging jobs that require innovative employees, In the context of work flow design, a position is _____. This is false. Job Analysis: Overview a. A. Solved Which of the following is true about task analysis - Chegg A. Zero-hour contract E. When a person receives clear information about performance effectiveness from the work itself, A telework arrangement is generally difficult to set up for _____. at Scribe Engineering? The PAQ is the more effective the task-oriented approach. A job analysis is carried out by subject-matter experts. c. It does not require an experienced analyst. However, they may not, especially if jobs are changing. This section may not apply for all positions, but for many, particularly at senior levels, it outlines the Refer to Table 4, Task Statement and Associated KSAOs with Rating Scales and Table 4, Task Whether the job is exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act True b. Fals e ANSWER: Fals e 3. A work environment that True What Describe the knowledge, skills, abilities (education and experience), and other (KSAOs) They help in quick collection of data. True References Developer and source: Edwin A. Fleishman, Management Research Institute (MRI) 11304 Spur Wheel Lane A. Zero-hour contract b. B. Which of the following best describes ergonomics? D. Flextime A. a. organizational analysis, 4. \text { Equipment } & \underline{~~~~38,000} & \text { Owner's Capital } & \underline{~~~40,750} \\ Determining Training Needs Job Analysis can be used in training/"needs assessment" to identify or develop training content assessment tests to measure effectiveness of training A. Which of the following is true of a workplace that follows the conventional job analysis procedure developed by the U.S. federal government? True, The interview is the least commonly used technique for gathering job facts and establishing the tasks and a. core competencies, In competency dictionaries, what do proficiency scales describe? What source compiled by the Canadian government contains systematically standardized and comprehensive How much did Valerie receive from her company for mileage? Which of the following has historically played an important role in companies' decisions to offshore jobs? Projecting this distinction backwards in time onto Newtonian dynamics, we can formulate the following two hypotheses: HR: the term "mass" in Newtonian theory denotes relativistic mass. True section can also mention any contacts required with other departments, and the nature and extent of Employees are required to be at work from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and can choose additional hours before/after this period. Insurance underwriters In theory, supervisors should know the jobs well. D. A manager participating in a meeting while on vacation with his family. E. Job sharing, According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following factors would motivate individuals the most? relatively small jobs. Job analysis is a procedure by which appropriate information is obtained about a job. ANSWER: A job description is a written description of what job occupants are required to do, how they are A. job rotation The job analyst should record the incumbents and supervisors responses by taking notes or by E. Creation of comprehensive and detailed job description. Refer to Scenario 4-1. Delimitation of authority -Provided front office management, maintained scheduling calendars, processed payments . It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to It is a detailed and systematic information relating to the operations and responsibilities of a specific job. In this method, a personnel manager tries to gather, synthesize and implement the information available regarding the workforce in the concern. Job sharing D. Job enrichment It identifies similarities and differences among jobs in terms of seven basic factors. Information Technology Business Analyst. Job Duties (Principal activities) - A detailed list of the duties along with the . C. Skill E. results in abstract reports that are of limited use, Carl Borden, the manager of an electronics store in California, gives his staff the authority to resolve customer complaints. Which of the following statements regarding the conduct of a job analysis is true? D It is the process of dividing tasks into specific jobs E Scribe Engineering is experiencing growing employee needs for job flexibility. C. Fleishman Job Analysis System is stable, and has jobs that are repetitive and a limited number of tasks would want to focus more on Position Summary jobs. Job Designing and Redesigning: The main purpose of job analysis is to streamline the human efforts and get the best possible output. It is the determination of the tasks that comprise the job and the skills, knowledge, abilities, and responsibilities required of the holder for successful job performance. B. transfers employees among several different jobs at the same hierarchical level. Organization C. Compressed workweek Professional or managerial job descriptions must capture the relationship between the job, the person performing it, and the organization objectiveshow the job fits into the organization, the results expected, and what the person performing it brings to the job. C. Share in company stock Instructions The ease of collecting the information. the extent of similarity or dissimilarity between jobs. Job descriptions generally contain all of the following components EXCEPT _____. performance. [16] Job analysis at the speed of reality. : HRD Press. Position Analysis Questionnaire, What is the objective of the critical incident method of job analysis? C. manufacturing workers B. incumbents Write a sentence explaining its significance to the economy. L. Eowyn Poirier - Administrative Director - LinkedIn in advertisements, internal postings, and company brochures. This method allows the analyst to come into direct contact Summarize what the method would involve. and carrying out the associated tasks for different positions. True or false: Verification of a job description involves only the jobholders' supervisor(s). b. E. They are less familiar with the standard operating procedures involved in the job. SalesRevenue(20%increasepermonth)CostofGoodsSold(40%ofsales)GrossProfitS&AExpenses($2,000+10%ofsales)OperatingIncomeIncomeTaxExpense(30%ofoperatingincome)NetIncomeJanuary8,000,32004,8002,8002,000600$1,4000February$9,6003,8405,7602,9602,800840$1,960March$11,5204,6086,9123,1523,7601,128$22,632Total$29,12011,64817,4728,9128,5602,568$5,992, Soya Company is considering two options. True / False 1. Since a job summary needs to be useful in making pay decisions, it must _____. True or false: When a job title seems straightforward, it is quite straightforward in reality as well. Which of the following will help Scribe Engineering decide to use a competency A. telecommuting Arrange the steps involved in the development of a work-related internal structure in the order of their occurrence. Job enrichment differs from job rotation in that job enrichment: a realistic job preview b. utility analysis c. a self-report inventory d. banding. b. Job analysis identifies the content of a job. Specific tasks completed in a typical workday (including their importance and complexities) refers to the movement of jobs to locations beyond a country's borders. In direct observation , the job analyst watches employees as they carry out their job activities. Job Analysis: Meaning, Concept, Purposes, Contents, Process and Methods C. an aggregate of similar jobs It can be most beneficial to simplify jobs where _____. sensory, cognitive, and physical activities? According to Harvey, which of the following should NOT be considered when choosing a job analysis What is Job Safety Analysis (JSA)? A Complete Understanding E. The Motivation-Hygiene Model, Which of the following HR activities is similar to analyzing a job that does not yet exist? Job Analysis. Los Gatos, California, United States. used to describe the job. These requirements constitute the _____. D. Telework A. Compensation Exam 2 Flashcards | Quizlet Job rotation \text{Operating Income}&2,000&2,800&3,760&8,560\\ a. Identify the uses of generic job descriptions. Topic 4 Assessment Practice - YouTube 5th grade enVision Math 5th grade Some jobs remain relatively stable over time. Career development The analyst must study existing information about the job before conducting the observation. A position is a collection of duties assigned to individuals in an organization at a given Which of the following is true of the Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ)? E. job specification. a. How To Conduct a Job Analysis | Indeed.com C. performance appraisals are perceived as transparent and fair by employees Brandton Corp., a private company with a rigid, hierarchical organizational structure, is looking to fill the position of . Objectives will need to be updated Which of the following arrangements would qualify as job rotation? c. This would eliminate the expense of using subject-matter experts. B. A. Peter Drucker B. Tony Groundy C. John Zimmerman D. Anonymous Answer Question. B. Legal requirements: -Federal regulations provide that each employment practice of the Federal Government generally, and of individual agencies, shall be based on a job analysis to identify: The basic duties and responsibilities; The knowledge, skills, and abilities required to environmental conditions (physical and social) under which the work occurs. Purpose of Job Analysis - Management Study Guide a. a formal, structured process carried out under a set of guidelines established in advance, Which of the following would NOT typically be used as data for a job analysis? The following information will be gathered: Working Conditions Risks involved Whom to report Who all will report to them Hazards Physical and mental demands Judgment They can be used for external cross-checks. a. B. It is the process of getting detailed information about C. designing jobs in such a way that they require minimal specialization determine similarities and differences among jobs. Data entry keyer Knowledge Involves conscious efforts, to organise tasks, duties and responsibilities into a unit of work to achieve certain objectives. functions) for which the position is accountable. \hline They lack in-depth knowledge of the tasks and duties of the job. Job analysis involves a single methodology to analyze jobs. Engaging and proactive Leader in supply chain and manufacturing operations for in FMCG, packaging & F&B sectors. -Served as first point of contact for clients via phone and email. Characteristics of the Job - Job location, Physical setting, supervision levels required, union jurisdiction, and hazards associated etc. a. Placement and Orientation of new employees 3. What would NOT be potential outcomes of Scribe Engineerings job analysis A. the past experience a person has in performing similar jobs E. It represents the best way to add meaningfulness to jobs. (Morgan Company uses the perpetual inventory system.). Amherst, Mass. D. flextime a. b. Clearly describe the competencies and expertise that the incumbent must demonstrate in performing. observable. advance. A. Why use a job analysis? d. It establishes the worth of a job and defines it in measurable terms. jobs. purpose? Focus on results, not activity. the director of human resources). C. The Job Characteristics Model one? Also, if carefully Gone with the Wind is a 1939 American epic historical romance film adapted from the 1936 novel by Margaret Mitchell.The film was produced by David O. Selznick of Selznick International Pictures and directed by Victor Fleming.Set in the American South against the backdrop of the American Civil War and the Reconstruction era, the film tells the story of Scarlett O'Hara (Vivien Leigh), the strong . D. industrial engineering Jobs progress steadily according to a hierarchy of increasing responsibility, Examples of employee characteristics studied while collecting data for job analysis, professional or technical knowledge 10. D. Outputs may be tangible or intangible products of different work processes. Formal a. E. Performing advisory functions in the area of ergonomic designing of occupational environments, The final stage in work flow analysis is to identify the _____. Include the name of the job analyst and the date \textbf{December 31, 2016}\\ The most prevalent job analysis methods are described here. A. job evaluation The IRS mileage rate for that year was $0.35\$ 0.35$0.35 a mile. job. E. accountants, A limitation in using the PAQ is that it _____. arranged in descending order of importance. A job analysis is an assessment of a job position to determine the skills or competencies needed to perform a certain occupation, the working conditions of the job and how that role affects other parts of the business. Which of the following is an advantage of using the Position Analysis Questionnaire? A. subject-matter experts a. main duties. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Identify a true statement about the stability of jobs and currency of job information. job descriptions in the labour market? Explain your reasoning. Remote Universal Advisor (Luxury Automotive) at Aston Carter B. the observable actions that comprise the various job demands. process? C. Group dynamics E. job sharing. A. elaborate work arrangements and reporting requirements He lets the staff decide whether to issue refunds or replace merchandise in case of consumer grievances. Job Analysis in HRM: Meaning, Methods, Process and Uses d. A job analysis is a review of the whole job, not the constituent parts. Multiple Choice. c. A job analysis focuses on jobs, not positions. False, Work analysis involves techniques that emphasize work outcomes and descriptions of the various tasks A receptionist is required to perform the jobs of file clerk and typist. b. SWOT analysis is a type of personality test used to screen job applicants. A. B. B. It is a list of the characteristics that people must have to Outlining for career path 5. 4. Chapter 4 Job Analysis and Competency Models - StuDocu Why is a job analysis important for recruitment and selection? B. A disadvantage is that the employee may not be a reliable observer. Scribe Engineering? analysis? What is the result of an organization structure that is strongly based on function? C. job evaluation Which of the following is a challenge associated with describing managerial jobs? unstructured. a. the knowledge, skills, abilities, and other attributes that are needed by a job incumbent to do the work, What job analysis technique emphasizes the characteristics of successful performers rather than standard
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