RANDI WEINGARTEN, PRES., AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS: Sure. " YR0^hC#mlj'@]Gc2x}SVvP[sL,yD1-ut |c,{CG1 But when I saw you after the film, and I would -- being macho, hey, Davis, how you doing, man? GUGGENHEIM: The dream of making a movie like this is conversations just like this, the fact that you and NBC and Viacom and Paramount and Get School bring a movie to the table and let people in this room have a real conversation about to fix our schools is essential. In response to this problem, many reformers, including Geoffrey Canada, have tried to look for solutions. I think that we've all I mean Davis said it when he said he passed three public schools. 3 0 obj
CNN.com - Transcripts /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ]
You could fail those kids for another 20 years, everybody keeps their job, nobody gets the go. BRZEZINSKI: Randi, really quickly. John leads the show me campaign which is dedicated to raising awareness and highlighting successful schools. /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] But I think that's false.
Waiting For Superman What were your thoughts when the number did not come up? RHEE: You know what, heres the thing. << The film criticizes the American public education system by following several students as they strive to be accepted into competitive charter schools such as KIPP LA Schools, Harlem Success Academy and Summit Preparatory Charter High School. SCARBOROUGH: What have you learned since getting involved? /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) I mean I think that's what this whole debate is about in many ways. These are our communities. It's happening in Los Angeles. }>=Uw2cS=V. I9kZJw^EAOd
a/ ^} I went up there, Jeff Zucker pushed me to go up there one day. SCARBOROUGH: All right. I know, but you didn't have enough money. And it started to haunt me, the idea that kids in my own neighborhood, and I live in a pretty good neighborhood, aren't getting what my kids have. BRZEZINSKI: When we come back, we'll talk more about that. How do we let every kid -- SCARBOROUGH: There are two Americas. GEOFFREY CANADA, PRES. NAKIA: The schools in my area don't measure up as far as the reading is concerned, the math is concerned. I think that teachers are not the problem, they are the solution to the problems that we face. In a documentary called Waiting for Superman, contemporary education issues that the U.S. has been facing for several decades are addressed. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. LEGEND: We need to be clear, you know, sometimes it sounds like everybody is on the same team up here because we all sound like we agree. Yes, there should be fairness. We need to have great curriculum. We increased graduation rates. Davis Guggenheims Documentary, Waiting for Superman explores the corrupt American School system. SCARBOROUGH: Hold on a second. /Filter /FlateDecode I think the question about whether school reform can continue at as an aggressive rate under him is whether hes going to be able to stand up to the fact that SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you this Michelle. SCARBOROUGH: Why is it -- [ applause ] why is it that you have an area like Washington, D.C. that is 12 percent proficient in math? Davis, I want to go to you on this one. And while our guests enter the stage, let's show you a little clip of the movie, because "Waiting For Superman" is about our system, but what really gets to you in this movie is the individual stories of each child. BRZEZINSKI: On Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. from this very stage, General Colin Powell and his wife on "MORNING JOE." /Length 868 When you put a face on this issue, as we talk about the details of it, that's the thing I keep saying to myself, let's not forget as we argue and discuss and learn about this, let's not forget the kids. Filmmaker Davis Guggenheim reminds us that education "statistics" have names: Anthony, Francisco, Bianca, Daisy, and Emily, whose stories make up the engrossing foundation of WAITING FOR SUPERMAN. So the kids who came to us in 8 plus 3 they would couldn't the like this.
Waiting for "Superman" - Wikipedia Don't make -- Im tired, man, I wake up at 3:30 in the morning. /Font <<
Waiting for 'Superman How do you explain that to a child?
I know you have to say your side of this and this is hard for all of us.
Waiting for 'Superman So the question is, what's New York City doing right? CANADA: There are two things. endobj And this is not America, the idea that one kid could have a great education and one kid can't. Gripping, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful, Waiting for Superman is an impassioned indictment of the American school system from An Inconvenient Truth Davis, god bless you. /TrimBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] You believe it, don't you, Michelle? /Parent 1 0 R Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or in-store pick-up And she thought I was crying because it's like Santa Claus is not real and I was crying because there was no one coming with enough power to save us. Having made a film on the subject in 1999, documentary filmmaker. "[13] Variety characterized the film's production quality as "deserving every superlative" and felt that "the film is never less than buoyant, thanks largely to the dedicated and effective teachers on whom Guggenheim focuses.
Waiting for Superman: Documentary Analysis /BleedBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] I have a good feeling about this. And what teachers have told us is that focus instead on the tools and conditions we need to do our jobs. SCARBOROUGH: Right. Since charter schools do not operate with the same restrictions as public institutions, they are depicted as having a more experimental approach to educating students. JOHN LEGEND, SONGWRITER: Well, it's an interesting story because I was making this album "Wake-Up." When you hear, well, I get paid whether or not you learn or not, it sticks with you. BRZEZINSKI: Is that a fair shot, Randi? What have you learned as somebody who isn't a professional educator on what we need to do? 40 years later we're still fighting for equality and one of the biggest barriers to achieving quality is the fact that so many kids in our country can't get a great education. We're feeling a real sense of commitment.
Waiting for Superman Documentary Analysis - Trinity National Assessment of Educational Progress, Bill Gates Goes to Sundance, Offers an Education, "How Davis Guggenheim's Documentary 'Waiting for "Superman"' Will Further Fuel the Education Debate -- New York Magazine - Nymag", "Waiting for Superman Movie Reviews, Pictures", "How did 'Waiting for 'Superman's' ' Davis Guggenheim become the right wing's favorite liberal filmmaker? And it says that if all of us are actually committed to fixing this, we will follow the evidence of what works, follow it, be innovative, be creative but follow the evidence of what works and we will all work together to fix this so that every single child has access to a great public education, not by chance, not by privilege but by right. >> This is why. How do you get past that? RHEE: What I think it comes down to, people underestimate we did from the school system side everything we need to do. /ExtGState << They said, look, this work is hard. The film follows several families as they attempt to gain access to prominent charter schools for their children. Through the stories of five children who wanted to attend a charter school, the film shows how one child was accepted and another child was accepted from the wait list while three children were not accepted at all. LEGEND: This is a civil rights issue. You cannot say we want more resources to go to kids when in fact in this city, Joel Klein is spilling $100 million a year to pay for teachers you saw it in the movie, who aren't actually teaching. WEINGARTEN: The issue in terms of education is there's no turning back on reform in education in Washington, D.C. Our union is committed to it. If I have kids, I don't want kids to be in this environment. By the time she leaves Stevenson, only 13 percent of her classmates will be proficient in math. DAISYS FATHER: Go like this. And what the teachers wanted in Washington were the tools and conditions for them to do their jobs. BRZEZINSKI: Its very hard to watch this movie. [30] In Ayers' view, the "corporate powerhouses and the ideological opponents of all things public" have employed the film to "break the teacher's unions and to privatize education," while driving teachers' wages even lower and running "schools like little corporations. I said I don't want to go up. You cannot say -- you can't say, well, the problem with charter schools is they only serve some of the kids when in fact you are advocating for caps on those effective charter schools. << 10 Video Games That Need a Live Action Adaptation, 2023's Most Anticipated Sequels, Prequels, and Spin-offs. ANTHONY: I stayed back one grade. I'm joking. /Type /Page /ExtGState << /Rotate 0 We can't achieve equality or humanity and justice for everybody if we can't make sure that every kid gets a good education. Thanks to all of our guests. >> Ravitch says that a study by Stanford University economist Margaret Raymond of 5000 charter schools found that only 17% are superior in math test performance to a matched public school, and many perform badly, casting doubt on the film's claim that privately managed charter schools are the solution to bad public schools. /Resources << You fought the law and the law won. All of my kids have gone to public school. The superintendent wants her to say. 9 0 obj SCARBOROUGH: Why would you spend a million dollars to defeat a mayor? Randi said something that was fascinating. /Count 5 WEINGARTEN: Let me get to both of these issues, let me see if I can conflate them. I love teachers. I want the system to be better. /T1_0 24 0 R I think we all have to look in the mirror and say, what have we done wrong up until now and what do we need to do better? Charter schools are public schools, public dollars, public school children and to talk about them as if they are not public schools, I think does a disservice to that movement.
Waiting for "Superman" streaming: where to watch online? The film illustrates the problem of how American public schools are failing children, as it explicitly describes many public schools as drop-out factories, in which over 40% of students do not graduate on time. Tomorrow morning Joes going to be live from Learning Plaza. BRZEZINSKI: What happens to these kids? Michelle and I love great teachers. The good guys/heroes are low-income American parents, hoping to provide a good education for their children. "[30] Lastly, Ayers writes that "schools are more segregated today than before Brown v. Board of Education in 1954," and thus criticized the film for not mentioning that "black and brown students are being suspended, expelled, searched, and criminalized.
"waiting for superman documentary transcript filetype:lua" endobj The issue is about how we create the best environment for kids. /Contents 30 0 R The contract says she has to go. Somebody who's fighting for kids like Daisy is John Legend. Natural Language; Math Input; Extended Keyboard Examples Upload Random. We're not attacking teachers. It took a little while to get the money straightened for this green light and 80 percent of the teachers voted for that agreement.
Why 'Waiting For Superman' Didn't Get An Oscar Nod : NPR When they hear this back and forth, there's the sense of like, you know what, put my head in the sand, take care of my own kids because this debate has been going on for generations. Be the first to contribute. You don't come off well in this movie. /Parent 1 0 R >> SCARBOROUGH: Okay, Michelle -- WEINGARTEN: We agreed at times. Kids coming into middle school and fifth grade with first grade reading abilities, leaving in eighth grade with a 100 percent proficiency, outscoring kids in Scarsdale, New York. That means in the midterms. So look, all of us on this stage, whether it's Geoffrey or Michelle or Davis, myself, the two of you, we all care passionately about the children. It affects good teachers, too. The video explores several of the problems within the system, and tells the personal stories of several families and communities who have been impacted and disadvantaged by the broken education system. GUGGENHEIM: And fight for these kids. /Type /Page Come on out. As part of lifting the cap they wanted to make sure that there was accountability for everyone. /Properties << We even tolerate mediocre teachers. However, the film shows how even charter schools leave some children behind, as those who are not chosen by the luck of the draw in the lottery system, are not able to attend the charter schools of their choice. So we're going to differentiate and we're going to recognize and reward the highest performing teachers and we're going to look at the lowest performing teachers and we're going to remove them from the system. Joe and I saw the movie a few days ago and we literally walked up Broadway, I think it was, in complete silence, both feeling very twisted and angry about what we had seen. But you did. We'll be right back. I want to hear what some of those steps are, specific ones. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] There are core values we have to have. Because politically, these -- the things that we were doing, closing down schools, firing teachers, moving principals, those were not politically popular things to do.
Waiting for Superman/Transcript - The Altered Adventure Will they give him a million dollars for re-election if he keeps you in your position? BRZEZINSKI: They were picked off the street in a lottery. DEBORAH KENNY, HARLEM VILLAGE ACADEMY: Well its what we're doing and a lot of the schools around the country are doing when they're given the freedom, which is what the charter gives you to accomplish these results. And that still scared the hell out of the Washington union. Because I know he's easily influenced to do things he shouldn't do. Have your mom and dad told you about the lottery? Yes, first or second grade skills. /Properties << WebThe documentary Waiting for Superman, directed by Davis Guggenheim, is a film that shows how school systems are today.
Waiting for 'Superman' (2010) | Watch Free Documentaries Online It's about those kids. There was, as Geoff said, a sense that failure was tolerable, as opposed to a focus on success. SCARBOROUGH: Its about jobs. WebFILM SUMMARY With passion and urgency, WAITING FOR SUPERMAN advocates for the educational welfare of Americas children in a public school system that is severely /CropBox [ 0 0 595.27600 841.89000 ] RHEE: I don't think they are. Why were you frightened to send her to school. I knew -- as Davis said, I knew what was going to happen before she knew what was going to happen. KENNY: Right. /Properties << Were here to talk about the movie, to talk about education. I am the first one to say, that charter schools are not the answer. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You see the cages up here. SCARBOROUGH: The nation's capital. I knew what the final scene would look like and I still broke down three times. That was in the second grade, because my father had passed. The film shows how Geoffrey Canadas solution to this problem was to create charter schools that would give children and their parents more options within the public school system and would hopefully raise academic performance, decrease dropout rates, andincrease the number of students who attend college.
It matters who your local representative is. We'll be joined also by Grammy award-winning singer/songwriter John Legend and our friend at "MORNING JOE" as well.
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