allegedly groped former staffer Brittany Commisso. The Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares spends almost half of his day on this blog! Those are definitely incisors.. And where are the parents who think they can buy their way out of their guilt and shame, their incapacity to be parents? He received a commendation from the U.S. Department of Justice for going above and beyond the call of duty as a Police Officer. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple has never had an opponent since he first won his office in 2011 and it shows in his campaign account. There was a large turnout at Carpenters Local #291 for Albany County Executive Dan McCoy and Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple as they formally announced their re-election bids. Has Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple Gone Rotten? Maybe Apple has forgotten that the position he holds as Albany County Sheriff is an elected position. First of all because he has been affected by his experience. Andrew Cuomo's . Matthew J. Miller, a Democratic county legislator and high school biology teacher in Selkirk, not far from where Sheriff Apple grew up, recalled how the sheriff responded to the 2014 strangulation death of 5-year-old Kenneth White by a teenage cousin in their home in Knox, N.Y., part of the Hilltowns community in rural northwestern Albany County. for your willingness to come forward and publicly join the group challenging the incumbent system of hypocrisy, corruption, indifference, negligence and outright criminality. Me. xc``g``c ` fbbFuAQ|z`"pA-* You must not be sincere in your claim that he has been injured physically, psychologically, academically, socially, spiritually! What is the value of your grandsons, their young boys peace of mind? On top of that fact thisis yet anotherblatant conflict of interest. Sorry. He has spent 40 years in public life, and for him to all of the sudden be accused of a sexual assault of an executive assistant that he really doesn't know doesn't pass muster," Glavin said. We've received your submission. The perps involved in the sign vandalism were not minors but adults. Is his new assignment a sympathy assignment? A decade ago, in the midst of what would become a successful campaign to become county sheriff, a potentially devastating recording emerged. Shame on him. ALBANY Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple defended his office's handling of sexual misconduct charges against former Gov. I think thats unfair.. She took the test the other day and guess who administered/oversaw it Yes! dropping plans to run for the state Senate. New York state sheriffs' campaign 5-year fundraising totals*, Dutchess County - Adrian "Butch" Anderson: $853,552, Suffolk County candidate - Larry Zacarese: $313,117. R.S.V.P. This is only a small bit of what the hell is going on in Albany. He sailed on to victory and has run for re-election unopposed not once but twice since. Read our Emergency Preparedness Guide for important advice about making sure your household is ready for the unexpected. Neither one of them, Det, Tyson Ruecker and ADA Kurt Haas has any business being in control or allowed to screw up innocent peoples lives. -;~+i'y>=Y' Mr. Cuomo has also sought to discredit the sheriffs investigation by trying to link it to Ms. James. Craig D. Apple Sr., the Albany County sheriff, has run unopposed since being elected in 2011. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Tyson Ruecker fabricated an entire drug transaction and ADA Kurt Haas went with it. Thats the situation we have now. Weve developed the habit of rewarding local criminals if theyve got the right friends. J.B. P.S. groups and leaders in dozens of hate-filled letters sent over the course of eight years. ALBANY, N.Y. ( NEWS10) Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple told NEWS10 he will run for state senate if the district maps drafted by the special master stay the same. Albany County's Sheriff, Executive Announce Campaigns - Spectrum News stream Cuomo denied the charge, which was later dropped, as well as other accusations of wrongdoing from multiple women alleging sexual misconduct and harassment. The current staff of 375 for both sworn officers and civilians maintains the day-to-day operations of the Facility. But he said he has continued to fundraise because there is no guarantee he will not be challenged in the future. We're told they're both extremely grounded in spirituality. Weve reported on his one sons recent reckless driving on Route 143 and destruction of a mailbox and damage to another care and how that was all kept quiet by Thompson (His kids a police dispatcher now in the Coeymans police department!). Lawyer for Cuomo serves preservation of evidence notice to Apple - CNBC Just count how many raids were botched up and how many search warrants were defective on his watch. Sheriff Apple is a lifelong resident of Albany County who currently resides in the Town of Colonie with his three sons. We want both of them held accountable for their lies, forgery and fraudulent use of their positions. You can reach her at endstream Brittany Commisso: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | We smell a couple of skunks, dont you?The Editor, Qui tacetconsentirevidetur ubi loquidebuitac potuit. He knew only that the piano had once belonged to Edison there was paperwork to establish its provenance. Or is Thompson raiding the evidence room? Still trying to talk my daughter into filing a pain and suffering lawsuite being that my grandson doesnt want to attend RCSMS anymore for fear of these students attacking him again and the supervisory adults ignoring it!! Why you ask, because there were NEVER any drugs. The evening will be cloudy with temps in the 30s. Apple has said he purchases merchandise for his fundraisers through the cigar retailers, and offers other services at his event like a cigar-rolling station right on the golf course. Sheriff Apple said that his office had received help from the state attorney generals office and outside lawyers hired by the State Assembly, which conducted a separate investigation of sexual harassment claims against Mr. Cuomo. (Paul Buckowski / Times Union), Union leaders say New York state workforce could see mass exodus, Vincent Riggi suit seeks $27.1 million from brother's estate, Tour of Utica-area restaurants feels like trip around the world, Glenville Police ID pedestrian struck and killed Wednesday, DEC finds 14-foot python in New York suburb, Churchill: Antonio Brown partnership is a massive risk, It's weekends in jail for ex-guard who sexually abused prisoner, Samantha Humphrey case being treated as homicide, Ex-teacher in Schenectady gets prison for exploiting student. And speaking of conflicts of interest: Word on the street isthat alleged Thompson squeeze, Daniele Crosier, was placed in her new FT position with the Coeymans police departmenton the conditioin that she pass an physical agility test (required by civil service). SOUTH BETHLEHEM Clifford C. Apple, 73, of South Bethlehem, beloved husband of Joan (Murray) Apple for 47 years, died peacefully at St. Peter's Hospital Sunday evening, April 10, 2005. Cuomo attorney has a list of requests for Sheriff Craig Apple In fact, that honor goes to Dutchess County Republican Adrian "Butch" Anderson, whose five year haul of around $853,000since 2015 is way ahead of what other sheriff candidates have brought in during that same period. Copyright NY Sheriffs Association All rights reserved. Beginning as a Correction Officer, he became a Deputy Sheriff in 1989, an Investigator in 1991, a Sergeant in 1993 and a Lieutenant in 1995 when he supervised the Criminal Investigations Unit. Other attacks have followed. The New York Post reports on Doordashs latest venture into the 15-minute delivery world with the opening of a delivery-only grocery store in Chelsea. We dont give a damned if hes Republican or transvestite. Albany officer Craig Apple describes woman as a victim and says investigation of governor could lead to arrest The sheriff of Albany county said he was 'very comfortable' describing a woman. ALBANY, NY (WRGB) Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple addressed concerns about how a criminal charge of forcible touching against former Governor Andrew Cuomo was filed after reports. Your daughter MUST come out and file her Notice of Claim against the RCS CSD school system. The sheriff is facing calls for his resignation after charges that stem from an incident in which he allegedly pointed a gun at his long-time neighbor, and later during an interview with . . Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. This directory covers Craig Apple. The sheriff attended both of Mr. Ngorans hearings, strategically seated in the front row in dress uniform. Thanks for contacting us. APD needs to find this schmuck D and arrest him for criminal impersonation. Albany County Sheriff As one of the most respected sheriffs in the nation, I believe that Albany County residents are relieved that Sheriff Apple will remain on the job. The editor. Descent and respectable police officers do their job with honor every day. Sheriff Craig Apple began his law enforcement career in 1989 as a corrections officer for the Albany Sheriff's Department in New York. In 2019, Sheriff Apple pushed for the release of a cook at a homeless shelter, after he was arrested on immigration violations. Sheriff Apple holds a master of science in Public Administration and a bachelor of science in Public Administration. 2 0 obj "I just. No matter how the Cuomo case turns out, it seems that the sheriffs standing in his community will not suffer: He is known among some fellow Democrats as the Teflon sheriff for his ability to persevere, even thrive, through trouble that might tarnish less adept politicians. Not only did they arrest and terrorize the entirely WRONG man, they didnt even have enough to convict the moron who is running around with my husbands NYSDL. endobj Albany County was incorporated in 1683. << /Type /XRef /Length 89 /Filter /FlateDecode /DecodeParms << /Columns 5 /Predictor 12 >> /W [ 1 3 1 ] /Index [ 2 40 ] /Info 21 0 R /Root 4 0 R /Size 42 /Prev 215520 /ID [<4c1ade3e5d340ea39ed33c6587fdd2fd><4c1ade3e5d340ea39ed33c6587fdd2fd>] >> Skip Dickstein/The Albany Times Union, via Associated Press. {_Z;e6U3K9""d DD^KH\IyP9IQfYR7 ksqo m*f02a^m|h#RJ'qZNSZq1sACdg << /Annots [ 28 0 R 29 0 R 30 0 R ] /Contents 9 0 R /MediaBox [ 0 0 612 792 ] /Parent 31 0 R /Resources << /ExtGState << /G3 22 0 R >> /Font << /F4 23 0 R /F6 24 0 R /F7 25 0 R /F8 26 0 R /F9 27 0 R >> /ProcSets [ /PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI ] /XObject << /X10 8 0 R /X5 7 0 R >> >> /StructParents 0 /Type /Page >> I did my job. We admit that the arbitrary line dividing the minor from the adult is ridiculous but thats the law. Maybe hes been spending too much time around the likes of Albany County District Attorney P. David Soares. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple is a local boy, from the RCS area, and rumor is that there is no love lost between him and the Coeymans police department. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple is no longer running for state Senate. A look at the sheriff's campaign expenses reveal mostly contributions to other local Democratic candidates, donations to not-for-profit groups, and costs to run his fundraisers. No excuses. The sheriffs jurisdiction covers roughly 540 square miles, overlapping local police departments in cities like Albany, Bethlehem and Cohoes. Send what you have to and well have a look and publish the facts (your best bet is to have the docs scanned to pdf format and send the pdfs. Lead editorial, digital, events, creative, and advertising teams to produce a weekly business-to-business print and digital online publication. Albany County Location 112 State St, Albany, New York, 12207, United States Description Industry Cities, Towns & Municipalities General Cities, Towns & Municipalities Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Harold L. Joyce AlbanyCounty OfficeBuilding, NY Connects: Long Term Care Services & Support, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Albany County, Economic Development, Conservation and Planning, Shaker Place Rehabilitation and Nursing Center, Albany County: A Great Place to Do Business, Industrial Development Agency / Capital Resource Corporation, Evacuation Functional Needs ("Special Needs") 911 Registry, Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). New York house explodes in Albany, 2 occupants killed The Albany County Sheriff's Correctional Facility is one of the largest County Correctional Facilities in the State of New York. Days after . David Soares, the Albany County district attorney, accused the sheriff of using troubling investigative methods and hiding potentially exculpatory evidence in the Cuomo case. Heres todays Mini Crossword and Spelling Bee. Arson fire in Brooklyn may have been antisemitic crime, NY Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, Sick trolls leak gruesome Maggie Murdaugh autopsy photo after it was accidentally shown on livestream, How a retired detective snared his seventh 'Torso Killer' confession, It's insane that NYers can use but not buy pepper spray for self-defense: Change this now, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dead at 61 after brain aneurysm, How Ariana Madix discovered Tom Sandoval was cheating on her with Raquel Leviss, Raquel Leviss, Tom Sandoval affair allegedly pre-dated Tom Schwartz hookup, Max Scherzer's first look at the new pitch clock, Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( @" ` !1AQaq"27UVrst#456BRSb3Tu$C%c&D'Ede ? Andrew Cuomo without consulting prosecutors or informing the. Lazlso Polyak has agreed also to publicly join the lawsuits, but he is specifically going after the RCS CSD, too. The Facility has a maximum of 1043 beds, providing custody for local, state and federal prisoners. (518) 487-5037 (fax) Supporting first . Albany County sheriff won't run for state Senate seat - Spectrum News I mean, its totally up to him. Its Wednesday. As of 2022, 104 episodes of Dragons' Den were broadcast consisting of at least 754 pitches. It may not show immediately, but it is showing from what you tell me, but it has changed the kid and he needs help to work through it. @NYSheriffs 2 Craig D Apple @CraigDApplesr 14h Last nt Deps stopped a vehicle on Central ave in Albany for traffic violations. Your baby is too warm and overheated, she said. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple confirmed on Twitter Saturday that a home in Berne had exploded around 8:30 p.m. Friday. Try Kinkos or save money and buy a portable scanner at Staples). You have found an ally! Tyson Ruecker claims my husband was driving, Leonard Dupigny, who the APD didnt even bother to find that WAS found by the Times Union, can tell you who had the vehicle and where. 1996. He apparently left his marks on at least one of his pianos a Steinway grand that he owned for not quite 40 years. iedOap. Meet the sheriff who wants to put Andrew Cuomo behind bars Its the double-standard that is the question in the Kerry Thompson case. Best part is the Grand jury minutes. He bit the instrument as it was being played. Raised in Bethlehem, a town just south of Albany,. His words appeared to have little effect on voters: Mr. Apple was elected sheriff, and his tenure and popularity have led him to run unopposed in every election since. Get a secure copy of your crash report by supplying your name, the accident date and the accident report number. {I?D]7 DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DD Thank you for your comment. Our advice is this: Get your grandson into counseling IMMEDIATELY. The national limelight fell on Apple, a Democrat, last year when he pursued a misdemeanor case against Cuomo, who allegedly groped former staffer Brittany Commisso at the Executive Mansion in Albany in late 2020. dozens of hate-filled letters sent over the course of eight years. Sheriff Craig Apple told The Post that it's possible the governor could be arrested if the allegations are substantiated. Tyson Ruecker is a Brady Cop to the Nth degree. List of Flash animated television series - Wikipedia He holds certifications from the New York State Law Enforcement Institute at John Jay Criminal College, the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the United States Department of Justice FBI National Academy, and the New York State Corrections Academy. Having done that and proved his mettal, Giroux then went on to accept a position with the Federal Bureau of Investitation (FBI). Aug. 7, 2021, 10:06 AM PDT. Thank you, Tina! Sheriff Craig Apple grew up in a family of volunteer firefighters who lived right up the street from the firehouse. The Sheriff Craig D. Apple Sr. Sports Field, offers an artificial athletic field for field and box lacrosse, soccer, baseball, football, softball and more. In 1999 he was promoted to Chief Deputy Field Commander. We shared the elevator down to the lobby with a neighbor who was meeting our son for the first time. NY Sheriffs Association Blog Archive Craig Apple Edison, the biography by Edmund Morris that was published in 2019. the opening of a delivery-only grocery store in Chelsea. << /Filter /FlateDecode /S 36 /Length 71 >> A police officer somewhere in the US is going to give his/her life in the line of duty with HONOR. R.S.V.P. Besides that, the first thing the RCS CSD attorney is going to ask his parents is: If you felt he was so injured, why didnt you get him help? The sheriff galvanized the county and made statewide headlines in 2018, when 300 or so migrants swept up in raids at the southern border were brought to the Albany County jail. Andrew Cuomo was charged with forcible touching, a misdemeanor sex crime. The Dignity Act went into effect last year and mandated compulsory training for all school staff; we have police patrolling our school corridors because the aides and the teachers are incapable of doing their jobs; the principals have to be instructed by the kids that they need to be proactive (When we have childish principals like Verga and Black who are fixated in preadolescent developmental phases, what can we expect of them?). During this 2-hour training session, we provide your employees with vital information about what to expect during an incident, what to expect from law enforcement, and how to respond to law enforcement. Theyve put him in protective custody at taxpayer expense; rewarding another criminal. Anyone can read what you share. No evidence of coordination has emerged. Imagining my baby sweating uncontrollably, I thanked the woman, took off a blanket and loosened his scarf. Luis Ferr-Sadurn contributed reporting. %PDF-1.5 The 21-year-old son of Sheriff Craig Apple was charged with drunken driving early Saturday morning after a crash at Central and Colvin avenues, police said. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Steinway stopped making Model Bs with 85 notes in 1892, a year after it had added an 88-note version, the forebear of the Model B that is still in its product lineup. Not only did she announce her campaign the day after the criminal complaint against Mr. Cuomo became public she also had recently visited the county, distributing millions of dollars in aid to local governments and posing for photos with local functionaries, including Sheriff Apple. And now hes supposed to assist Chief Deputy Courcelle to manage law enforcement in Albany County? Can we prove this, YES. The complaint against Cuomo was based on the account of Brittany Commisso, a former executive assistant to Cuomo. Craig D. Apple Sr. is known among some fellow Democrats as the Teflon sheriff for his ability to persevere, even thrive, through trouble that might tarnish less adept politicians. Yet his handling of the Cuomo complaint has left him vulnerable to criticism from the Cuomo camp and, more important, from the Albany district attorney, David Soares, who has yet to commit to prosecuting the case. I bite my teeth into the wood, and then I get it good and strong. Morris wrote that this was difficult to do without slobbering and that some of Edisons phonographs he sank his teeth into them, too looked as if they had been savaged by an enormous rodent.. Please add my name to the lawsuit.My name is Tina Brooks and Im the one who wrote to you about my grandson being bullied and attacked by 2 other students a couple weeks ago at the Middle School while aides NEVER came to rescue!! We say apparent because it might be the only way to get Thompson under control without excessive embarassment to the Sheriffs Department. He also devised a singular method of taking in the sound from his piano. Sheriff defends decision to charge former New York Governor - WGRZ Cant Thompson get a uniform that fits? But youd better act fast because unconfirmed information indicates that Coeymans police chief Gregory Darlington and at least one of his officers, Gerald Deluca, may not be in their jobs very much longer, and may have a date with the feds (unless they resign, we hear). In 2018, for instance, the Albany Police Department made 17 arrests with a sex crime as the top charge. Created By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Lunatic Terrorizing Neighbors AND Local LawEnforcement, A Pillar of the Community HasTransitioned, Information on the Poop Senders Investigation, Top Secret: Two Coeyman Cops, Idiots, Really, Suspended, WTF?!? Craig Rowland: Local officials call on Idaho sheriff to resign after he Maybe Craig is not as stupid as this makes him look. PBS Kids. Put yourself in my position, he said. Editor says police retaliation is behind bust at wife's spa @p &'d:cQf Please email regarding usage and reservations at the facility. ADA Kurt Haas complied and prosecuted what he KNEW was nothing. Albany County Sheriff's Department employee charged with embezzlement Craig Apple has been working as a Sheriff at Albany County for 1 year. However after exploring this opportunity Im drawn back to the goal I have always set for myself and my kids which is find a job you love, and you will never work a day in your life, Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said in a Facebook post Wednesday. Apple even tweeted at President Trump on Sunday, asking the President to call him about getting Ngoran released. He has established a progressive record not often associated with a county sheriff. He said he paid just under $45,000 far more than if its past had not included Edison, he said and sent it to a piano technician in Yonkers, N.Y., to re-regulate the hammers, to get it playing nicer.. A Sincere Invitation from the EditorUPDATED! Were looking forward to doing what we can and Thank you! The County contains three cities, ten towns and six villages. Commisso has worked for Cuomo since 2017. Why is it we do that around here? How SMB Uses Resources. Because of the continuing power of the Albany County Democratic party, elected officials here are more likely to face competitive races in primaries not from Republicans or third-party candidates in the general election. Kerry Thompson. Sheriff's Office. No evidence has emerged of any coordination, but Rita Glavin, Mr. Cuomos lawyer, said the timing should give all of us pause that the heavy hand of politics is behind this decision.. During the past year, over 7000 prisoners were admitted to the Facility. That is it. Former New York Gov. and (2) Now that Scott Giroux is with the FBI, why isnt he or is he keeping tabs on the goings on in the Coeymans p.d., maybe waiting for the right moment to pounce? PDF Sheriff Craig Apple Albany Police Department Albany, NY And the big question is: Did she really pass the test? for coming forward to help us clean this mess up! Since its inception, the Agency has consistently grown to its current strength of over 700 employees. Whats up Craig? 4 0 obj Albany County Executive Dan McCoy, Sheriff Craig Apple Kick Off - WAMC You have found a voice here! Community Programs; Restorative Justice; Diversion Programs; CONTACT; More. Edison paid $725 for the Steinway, a Model B, in June 1890. Are you alleging she is guilty of a crime? In our work to keep our communities safe through our training and accreditation programs, legislative advocacy, Operation Safe Child and Yellow Dot. Former Gov. I deeply apologize to the unions who supported me, Committee members and volunteers who carried petitions in the hot weather, as well as [Albany County Democratic] Chairman Jake Crawford who tried tirelessly to have me reconsider how I can best serve the community. How to get the best out of Smalbany Magazine & BlogUPDATED! New York state sheriff campaigns' cash on hand+, Suffolk County Errol Toulon Jr.: $107,379, Schenectady County Dominic Dagostino: $61,599. Sheriff Apple has been an outspoken voice about Kinimo Ngoran, the Capital City Rescue Mission's long time chef who was recently detained by ICE. Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple also revealed that he was caught by surprise by the abrupt docketing of the complaint shortly after his office filed it in Albany City Court on Thursday. Sheriff's son faces DWI charge - Times Union Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple said it's possible Cuomo could be arrested if the allegations are substantiated. Tyson Ruecker simply signed his name on two forms that he tested drugs and we have a sealed indictment. Kerry Thompson has already been removed from the Coeymans scene and is taking admin leave because of his involment in a number of criminal activities, not only obstruction of justice and misuse of public office, and has been given a promotion with the Sheriffs department. He is also a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the International Counter Terrorism Officers Association. Diese Episodenliste enthlt alle Episoden der britischen Dramedy Doc Martin, sortiert nach der britischen Erstausstrahlung. He needs another blanket, and that scarf has to be snug around his neck!. << /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /ColorTransform 0 /Filter /DCTDecode /Height 434 /Subtype /Image /Type /XObject /Width 1600 /Length 73891 >> OzG$qx?.D DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ DDD@ ]UR He has served in the Albany County Sheriff's Office since 1987. . Raised in Bethlehem, a town just south of Albany, Sheriff Apple joined the department in 1987, just two years out of high school. The woman, herself a mother of three, smiled sweetly. Whatever is the reason, we think its SCANDALOUS that Albany County Sheriff Craig Apple is making Kerry Thompsonlook like a saint! Special Notice: We make every effort to be truthful, complete, fair, and balanced on this blog; therefore, if you see anything that you know to be false or incorrect, or if you have additional information to clarify any issue, please let us know by e-mailing your information or by leaving a comment.
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