That's what the Fourth Amendment says. [167] Paul was one of fourteen Republican senators to vote against the proposal. Just for clarity, in spite of all the preaching about saving our democracy, we have , or rather, had a Republic, not a mob rule democracy. [231] He is generally described as a libertarian, a term he both embraced[232] and rejected[233] during his first Senate campaign. Rand Paul [244][245] Since 2010, he has said he would allow for a doctor's discretion in life-threatening cases such as ectopic pregnancies. [31] By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO. [136], Two weeks later, after the Russian parliament authorized the use of military force in Ukraine[137] and Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered military exercises along Russia's border with Ukraine,[138] Paul began taking a different tone. [337] On February 2, 2015, he told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham regarding vaccinations, that "most of them ought be voluntary". They were married on October 20, 1990, and have three sons, William (born 1992), Duncan, and Robert. William and Duncan attended the University of Kentucky, while Robert attended a private school in the Washington, D.C. [18], Although Grayson was considered the frontrunner in July 2009,[71] Paul found success characterizing Grayson as a "career politician" and challenging Grayson's conservatism. [88] Paul also formed the Senate Tea Party Caucus with Jim DeMint and Mike Lee as its inaugural members. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) took to Twitter to react to a report published by The Wall Street Journal about the origin of COVID-19. [217], In April 2011, Paul filed to run for re-election to his Senate seat in 2016. Rand Paul has been consistent about the debacle of our foreign policy and endless wars for years. Rand Paul for President 2024 - Republican Election Rand Paul For President 47 2024 T-Shirt - [328] Paul gave a speech at the University of California, Berkeley in 2014 titled "The N.S.A. Insiders". [260] In 2011, shortly after being elected, Paul proposed a budget which specified $542 billion in defense spending. [53] Paul was included in Time magazine's world's 100 most influential people, for 2013 and 2014. [78][79], On June 28, 2010, Paul supporters held their first post-primary online fundraising drive, this time promoted as a "money blast". He was the first member of the United States Senate to test positive. [321], As a critic of warrantless surveillance of Americans, Paul says "the Fourth Amendment is equally as important as the Second Amendment" and has called for conservatives to more strongly defend Fourth Amendment rights. [169] In December 2018, in the wake of court filings implicating President Trump's involvement in campaign finance violations, including an attempt to buy a woman's silence, Paul played down the alleged violations and said that they should not be "over-criminalized. [142][143], In response to reports that the CIA infiltrated the computers of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Paul called for the firing of CIA Director John O. This page provides the names of politicians and public figures discussed as potential presidential contenders in 2024 by national media outlets. President Joe Biden (D) said he was planning to run for re-election with Vice President Kamala Harris (D) on the Democratic ticket. [1] And, because of this, Rand doesn't In May 2019, Paul opposed the decision of the Senate Intelligence committee, chaired by Republican Senator Richard Burr, to subpoena Donald Trump Jr., a close friend of Paul's, to testify in front of Congress about his involvement with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. [374], In September 2019, the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit vacated Boucher's sentence of 30 days, ruling it was unreasonably short, indicating "closer review" was in order, and the case was sent back to the lower court for resentencing. [343], At a Senate committee hearing on September 23, 2020, Paul clashed with Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. [191] Paul's office stated that the disclosure form was filled up on time, but by mistake was not submitted. [184], On July 17, 2019, Paul blocked Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's motion for unanimous consent on a bill renewing the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund along with Utah Senator Mike Lee. Rand Paul and Brian Schatz Introduce the Stop Militarizing Our Law Enforcement Act", "Bill would ban solitary confinement in juvy", "Harris, Paul Introduce Bill to Encourage States to Reform or Replace Unjust, Costly Money Bail System", "Sens. Later that day, in an interview with CNBC, Paul clarified this statement, commenting "I'm not arguing vaccines are a bad idea. [206], On February 3, 2021, Paul was named a ranking member of the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee. Initially, Paul insisted that the 2020 elections were fraudulent,[196][197] and in December 2020, claimed that the election "in many ways was stolen. [25] After his election to the U.S. Senate, he merged his practice with Downing's medical practice. Rand Paul 2024. First of all you have to get the voting system changed which aint happening. Rand Paul For President 2024 | Paul 2024 Republican Patriot Zip Rand Paul Supports Free-Market Principles in Health Care and the Repeal of Obamacare. The middle child of five, his siblings are Ronald "Ronnie" Paul Jr., Lori Paul Pyeatt, Robert Paul, and Joy Paul LeBlanc. They claim that Boucher had threatened Donald Trump earlier and that he was "a vocal hater" of Trump and the GOP. [324][325] Paul has called Edward Snowden a "whistleblower" and called for Director of National Intelligence James Clapper to resign for "lying" about the phone metadata program that Snowden exposed. [249], Paul has said that same-sex marriage "offends [himself] and a lot of people" on a personal level, and said there is a "crisis that allows people to think there would be some other sorts of marriage. Rand Paul should run for President in 2024 ", Alex Murdaugh trial: Murderer sentenced to consecutive life sentences after being found guilty, Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist. In 2015, he called for a defense budget of $697 billion. Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Kentucky since 2011. I just want you to go to a judge, have an individual's name and [get] a warrant. For other uses, see, Rand Paul on why he blocked $40 Billion of military aid for, Statewide elected officials and legislative leaders of. [45][49], On the announcement of the filing of the lawsuit, Mattie Fein, the spokeswoman for and former wife of attorney Bruce Fein, complained that Fein's intellectual contribution to the lawsuit had been stolen and that he had not been properly paid for his work. This proposal included cutting the Department of Education by 83percent and the United States Department of Homeland Security by 43percent, as well as folding the Department of Energy into the Department of Defense and eliminating the Department of Housing and Urban Development. [18] In 1984, Paul took a semester off to aid his father's primary challenge to Republican Senate candidate Phil Gramm. [368][370] According to a memorandum filed by Baker the dispute was over Paul repeatedly leaving tree yard debris near his property line with his neighbor. WebBy Anonymousbtb. In 2008, Paul formed his own private practice across the street from John Downing, his former employer at Downing McPeak. Growing up, he went by "Randy",[10] but his wife shortened it to "Rand. [87], Paul was assigned to be on the Energy and Natural Resources, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and Small Business committees. [322][323] In 2015 Paul spoke for ten and a half hours on the Senate floor against renewing provisions of the PATRIOT Act that he said were unconstitutional. [279] In August 2018 Paul traveled to Moscow and met with several Russian senators, including Sergey Kislyak. [347] Fauci replied, "You've misconstrued that Senator, and you've done that repetitively in the past", saying that New York had succeeded in getting the virus under control by adhering to the CDC's clinical guidelines. WebUnique Rand Paul 2024 stickers featuring millions of original designs created and sold by independent artists. [326][327] He also filed a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking to end the program. Nearly all Republican senators bow out of 2024 race, while [134] After a week of almost daily news reports of new allegations of plagiarism, Paul said that he was being held to an "unfair standard", but would restructure his office in order to prevent mistakes in the future, if that would be what it would take "to make people leave me the hell alone. [215], Paul began to assemble his campaign team, setting up campaign offices and hiring his campaign manager in the beginning of 2015, fueling speculation that he was preparing to enter the Presidential race. WebRand Paul introduced the Life at Conception Act on January 21, 2016, which would implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment for the right to life of each born and unborn human. [2] Dr. Rand Paul on the Sanctity of Life Video released by Paul discussing abortion rights in April 2015. With two Republicans already in the 2024 presidential race and possibly a half-dozen more in spring, some forward-thinking strategists are already looking to next year, when the eventual nominee will pick a running mate. Rand Paul [146] Paul also introduced the FAIR Act, or Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act, which would restrict civil forfeiture proceedings. Two days later, Paul said Republicans were united in repealing the Affordable Care Act but divided in their stances on its replacement. Paul did not file the required paperwork with the Kentucky Secretary of State's office for the NBO's renewal to operate in 2000. [220][221][222], Paul spent his own campaign money in the 2014 legislative elections, helping Republican candidates for the State House in the hopes of flipping the chamber, thus allowing the legislature to pass the bill (Democratic Governor Steve Beshear's veto can be overridden with a simple majority). *: These candidates were constitutionally ineligible to serve as President or Vice President. Sign up now to get the Washington Examiners breaking news and timely commentary delivered right to your inbox. [23][24] He worked for Downing McPeak Vision Centers for five years. [254][255], Unlike his more stridently "non-interventionist" father, Paul concedes a role for American armed forces abroad, including permanent foreign military bases. [151], During a press briefing on May 6, 2016, President Obama called on Paul to stop "blocking the implementation of tax treaties that have been pending for years", arguing that they assisted law enforcement in off shore investigations into tax evasion. McConnell and Paul Co-sponsor Industrial Hemp Legislation", "Rand Paul Files Bill To Increase Hemp THC Limit And Address Other Industry Concerns", "Dr. Rand Paul Introduces HEMP Act to Relieve Unnecessary Constraints on Hemp Industry, Provide Transparency and Certainty", "Cory Booker And Rand Paul Bill Would Force DEA To Let Patients Use Psychedelics And Marijuana", "Cory Booker And Rand Paul File Bill To Reschedule Psychedelic Breakthrough Therapies And Remove Research Barriers", "Rand Paul: Electing "lesser of two evils" isn't good enough", "Rand Paul: GOP needs to care about more than gun rights", "Rand Paul ends marathon filibuster but fails to block Patriot Act", "Rand Paul: 'I will force the expiration' of the PATRIOT Act", "Rand Paul praises Edward Snowden for doing 'a service' to the U.S.", "Paul: Clapper should resign for 'lying to Congress', "Rand Paul, Warning About Spying, Faults Obama", "Rand Paul finds support in Berkeley, of all places", "Where the 2016 GOP contenders stand on climate change", "Rand Paul: Science behind climate change 'not conclusive', "GOP senators challenge funding for global warming education program", "Republican candidates on climate: 'fake science' to 'carbon is healthy', "Paul Misleads on Natural Infection and COVID-19 Vaccines", It's not just climate change: Some GOP leaders disregard science on vaccines too, "Rand Paul Takes a Shot at 'Liberal Media' While Literally Getting a Shot", "Vaccines should be voluntary: Rand Paul", "Rand Paul No-Show at Senate Vaccine Hearing In The Wake Of Controversial Comments", "Rand Paul says Kentucky living under 'dictatorship of Beshear.' The bill was opposed only by Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. Paul questioned the Obama administration's use of drones and the stated legal justification for their potential use within the United States. Parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom. "[331][332] In 2018, Paul called for an investigation of a National Science Foundation grant that went towards educating meteorologists about the science of climate change. To do so, he said it cannot be the party of "fat cats, rich people and Wall Street" and that the conservative movement has never been about rich people or privilege, "we are the middle class", he said. area. Paul's potential candidacy was discussed in the Los Angeles Times[57] and locally in the Kentucky press. It was more just a title than anything else, for me". [219] In March 2014, the Republican-controlled Kentucky Senate passed a bill that would allow Paul to run for both offices, but the Democratic-controlled Kentucky House of Representatives declined to take it up. [30] Three years earlier, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years, while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify. Paul defeated Conway in the general election with 56% of the vote to 44% for Conway. [228], Paul announced the suspension of his presidential campaign on February 3, 2016, shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he finished in fifth place. [131][132] When it became apparent that Paul's op-ed in The Washington Times on mandatory minimums and related testimony he had given before the Senate Judiciary Committee both contained material that was virtually identical to an article that had been published by another author in The Week a few days earlier,[133] The Washington Times said that the newspaper would no longer publish the weekly column Paul had been contributing to the paper. #1. In addition, a three-page-long passage of Paul's book Government Bullies was taken directly from an article by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation. [18] The younger Paul spent several summer vacations interning in his father's congressional office. He blamed the rioters as setting back election reform discussions and asked them to "just stop it. [153] On June 6, Paul spoke of introducing legislation to cease Selective Service, three days after the death of Muhammad Ali, after whom he intended to name the legislation in tribute. [205], In May 2022, Paul blocked a bipartisan bill that would provide $40 billion in aid for Ukraine during the Russian invasion, citing the need to create a special inspector general to oversee how the aid is spent. Rand Paul 2024 WebAnswer (1 of 17): This is not about democrats and Republicans. [241][242][243] In 2009, his position was to ban abortion under all circumstances. [77], In the 2010 general election, Paul faced Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway. [282], On May 12, 2022, Paul stopped a vote on a $40 billion spending bill for aid to Ukraine during the 2022 Russian invasion, objecting that it would be the second spending bill for this purpose, and is 3 times larger than the first. Said Paul: "One of the things I like about President Trump is that he said the Iraq War was a mistake. [273], In June 2019, Paul criticized the Trump administration for escalating tensions with Iran. There was really nothing involved. Paul, Gillibrand Introduce Bill Protecting Pregnant Women in Federal Custody", "Rand Paul introduces bill to end no-knock warrants", "Paul: The madness of mandatory minimums", "Emotional debate erupts over anti-lynching legislation as Cory Booker and Kamala Harris speak out against Rand Paul amendment", "Rand Paul holds up anti-lynching legislation as he seeks changes to bill", "Senate advances bill to combat surge of anti-Asian hate crimes", "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed (Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Motion to Proceed to S. 937)", "Which senators supported a Jan. 6 Capitol riot commission", "Rand Paul goes into detail with Stephen Colbert on how the drug war unfairly targets "black and brown" people", "Senator Rand Paul shows support for medical marijuana bill", "Sens. "[202] Once Trump was impeached in January 2021, Paul introduced a motion to the Senate declaring the impeachment to be unconstitutional. [28] Paul won the Melvin Jones Fellow Award for Dedicated Humanitarian Services from the Lions Club International Foundation for his work establishing the Southern Kentucky Lions Eye Clinic.[29]. [161][162], Paul was one of 22 senators to sign a letter[163] to President Donald Trump urging him to have the United States withdraw from the Paris Agreement in May 2017. He recreated the board in 2005, but it was again dissolved in 2011. The protestors' main contention point with Paul was the shooting of Breonna Taylor and their demands for Paul to "say her name". Bill Straub: As 24 Republican race for president heats up, is Rand [299][300], In 2020, Paul held up bipartisan legislation that would make lynching a federal crime. [141] Paul received the 2014 Distinguished Service Award from the Center for the National Interest (formally called the Nixon Center) for his public policy work. [284] In July, the Security Service of Ukraine placed Paul on a list of public figures whom it alleges promote Russian propaganda. [278] That same month, Paul blocked a Senate resolution that backed the intelligence community's assessment of Russian election interference and that called on President Trump to speak with special counsel Robert Mueller. Paul felt this was unfair and campaigned to have all ophthalmologists recertify every ten years. 2024 U.S. Presidential Election (Moderators: Likely Voter, GeorgiaModerate, KoopaDaQuick) Will Rand Paul run? "[200][201] Later that month, Paul continued to make false claims of fraud in the 2020 election and refused to say that the election was not stolen. [126][127][128] Evidence soon surfaced that Paul had copied sentences in a number of his other speeches nearly verbatim from other authors without giving credit to the original sources,[129][130] including in the speech he had given as the Tea Party rebuttal to the president's 2013 State of the Union Address. Specialty certification does not affect physician licensure, and Paul's medical license has been valid continuously, with no board actions, since June 1993. [333] In a January 2020 tweet, Paul said "Despite climate alarmist predictions, humans will likely survive for hundreds of millions of years into the future. [239] Since the 2016 Republican primary, when Paul was highly critical of Trump, he has "become one of the president's closest allies despite occasionally voting against Trump's nominees and legislative proposals. Rand Paul For President 2024 | Paul 2024 Republican Patriot T-Shirt $13.99$13.99 Get Fast, Free Shippingwith Amazon Prime FREE Returns Return this item The announcement left only Paul and Secretary of State Trey Grayson as the remaining candidates for the Republican nomination,[63] with Paul announcing on August 5, 2009, that he would officially run for the U.S. Senate as a Republican. In 1999, he incorporated the National Board of Ophthalmology (NBO) to offer an alternative certification system, at a cost substantially lower than that of the ABO. [27], Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants. "[349] He later challenged Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra on the Biden administration's vaccine mandates by arguing that they are not needed for people who have been previously infected. Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Kentucky since 2011. Paul stated that the attack will increase tensions between the two countries. [211][212][213], In a speech at the GOP Freedom Summit in April 2014, Paul insisted that the GOP has to broaden its appeal in order to grow as a party. Rand Paul [172] Paul spoke with President Trump over the phone on March 6, Paul telling him that the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act should be two separate bills. [367][368] In August 2019, part of Paul's lung required removal as a result of the injuries he suffered during the attack. [351] In July 2021, Fauci responded to Paul's allegations and called him a liar. Rand Paul - Wikipedia WebBack in the 2016 cycle, at least five of the 17 major Republicans served in the Senate at one point, including Sens. [157][158] Paul responded the following day by saying McCain "makes a really, really strong case for term limits", suggesting McCain had become "a little unhinged" as a result of his seniority. [144] In December 2014, Paul supported the actions taken by the Obama administration to change United States policy towards Cuba and to ease trade restrictions with that country. [248], Paul was one of 11 Republicans in 2019 to vote against Trump's demand for "emergency border funding". Paul describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement From $1.51. Sen. Rand Paul ran an infamously inept campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 when he was under the delusion that the time had He favors a flat tax rate of 14.5% for individuals and business, while eliminating the FICA payroll taxes, as well as taxes on inheritance, gifts, capital gains, dividends, and interest. [68] The theme was a UFC "fight" between "We the People" and the "D.C. Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul sat down with Fox host Laura Ingraham on Friday to share his theory on what would otherwise be an extraordinary handling of Biden by the so-called mainstream media that has gently treated Biden with kid gloves throughout his intentionally disastrous presidency. Rand Paul should run for President in 2024 [120] Also in March 2013, Paul endorsed fellow Kentucky Republican Senator Mitch McConnell's 2014 re-election campaign. [159] On April 7, McCain said he did not pay attention to any of Paul's rhetoric and that the latter did not have "any real influence" in the United States Senate. Rand Paul", "Sen. Rand Paul falsely claims presidential election was 'stolen,' siding with Donald Trump", "PolitiFact - Fact-checking Rand Paul's unsupported claim about fraud in the presidential election", "Sen. Rand Paul continues making false claims of 2020 election fraud", Sen. Rand Paul falsely claims presidential election was 'stolen,' siding with Donald Trump, "We simply cannot destroy the constitution, our laws, and the electoral college process", "Kentucky lawmakers condemn violent protests on Capitol Hill", "Senate Republicans unite behind failed effort to challenge Trump impeachment trial", "Rand Paul calls impeachment 'dead on arrival' after most Republicans signal that trial is unconstitutional", "Trump acquitted in impeachment trial; 7 GOP Senators vote with Democrats to convict", "Video resurfaces of Rand Paul admitting 'misinformation works', "Rand Paul blocks bipartisan effort to swiftly pass Ukraine aid", "Senate Announces Committee Leadership and Power Sharing Agreement", "Tea party State of the Union 2013 rebuttal: Rand Paul response (full text)", "Rand Paul: 'Big Government's Not A Friend To Those Who Are Trying To Get Ahead', "Rand Paul wins CPAC straw poll, with Scott Walker a close second", "Senator Rand Paul wins straw poll in boost to 2016 presidential prospects", "Obamacare' under attack as conservatives eye 2016", "Rand Paul: 'Clinton Democrats' became 'Hillary's losers' during election landslide", "Rand Paul announces campaign manager for likely 2016 campaign", "Rand Paul Sprints to $1 Million Fundraising Mark", "Rand Paul files for reelection race five years away", "Marco Rubio Won't Run for Senate in 2016 if He Runs for President", "Kentucky Senate passes bill to let Rand Paul run for re-election and president in 2016", "Dead for now: Kentucky bill allowing twin Paul 2016 runs", "The Obscure Kentucky Contests That Could Alter Rand Paul's 2016 Plans", "Will Rand Paul Have to Risk His Senate Seat for the Presidency?
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