When Penelope is unable to give a straight answer, Josie gets mad and assumes that Penelope was manipulating her. Lizzie and Hope admit to one another they like each otherof course the timing could have been better. That would raise too many questions that Penelope would be unable to answer. And if Josie wasn't so confused, she would have noticed the icing on top of the cake. When an employee sits next to her in the company cafeteria, Hope discovers just how fast gossip can travel in her company building. What Might Have Been is a Steven Universe fanfic by VioletRoseLily. He doesn't see why everyone adores him so much he is the son of the almighty Jupiter and he is the son of the wimp Jason Grace keeps hearing about this Percy Jackson at Camp Half Blood. Penelope may be able to read Josie's emotions because she wore them on her sleeves, but she couldn't read her thoughts and that was terrifying. Severus has been giving you the silent treatment for two days now and youve finally had enough. -He picks you up in his car and he's like :OOOOO cos dayuummmm. Jealous Saltzman Twins; Triad Battle; Blood and Violence; Murder; Season 4 Rewrite with Ryan as a Main Character; Maya and Penelope and Jade come back bc I need more background character I like; Fluff; Smut; Angst; Summary. Penelope Park, Hope Mikaelson and Josie Saltzman are caught up in the ef Penelope Park and Josie Saltzman are exes but can they really stay separated? Chapter 32 Penelope. She meets Josie, a straight A college student at a coffee shop on campus. Brownies And IceCream. Or The Wilds just with Hosie and other storylines. Ez egy Fordts!Nem n rtam!Az eredetit itt meglehet tallni.https://archiveofourown.org/works/933306?view_full_work=true. My tolerance and patience is immaculate., Innovation Strategies (by youresomoneybaby), Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23951797/chapters/57604522. You ended things. You Died In My Arms (Hizzie) 845 21 1 By lovelygaypoison Hope has an nightmare that Lizzie gets hurt and dies in her arms. The series premiered on Disney Channel on June 18, 2018. "Hey posie go sing me a song, the people are requesting you left and right" "I'll be back" I told Lissa as I walked towards the stage. She acted as nonchalant as possible but she could feel the girls eyes on her. Chapters: Respected by her employees, she is only feared when she loses her temper due to stressful meetings with the company's other partner. Lizzie slunk down in the booth and looked at her watch. He slowly rolled to his side to see who had the unfortunate pleasure of sharing this bed with him. She hated herself for whatever it was that she was feeling because she wanted so desperately to feel happy for Penelope and just couldn't figure out why she didn't. rsipperly. She becomes embroiled in a feud that has been going on for over two thousand years.Josie feels like everyone eventually leaves her. Phosie Stories - Wattpad The first thing she heard as she emerged from the water was Jed whooping from the grill. Never mind the hidden marks but at least they both know each other until now. As expected, midnight brought Jose's letter telling Penelope to come to their spot in the garden. The one person on the planet who has a chance of stopping Malivore? Take off my panties. However, when she starts tutoring Hope Mikaelson, Josie can't seem to understand why the Mikaelson girl keeps saving her from her problems when she is just her English tutor. Penelope went slack and Hope finally managed to tear her away from a victorious looking Maya. When Hermione Granger does so against his will, he starts punishing her. The vision of two strangers have always haunted both Johan and Lucy, two people who have never met. -But you do it. Cute things. Penelope couldn't quite decipher it but there was something there. Bookish. "The house is beautiful." And Park Chaeyoung can't even remember who or what the name of her one night troublemaker is. You don't want to? there is a low-key knowledge of Snapes solitude, yes. Homeworld is destroyed, the other Diamonds are . Oh yeah? The covers have long since been kicked off. 5. She turned to face Josie who had their eyes completely glued to Penelope ever since she stepped out of her shorts and dived into the pool. He doesn't. Bartsg,s szerelem alakul ki kzttk.Perselus s Hermione rtallnak a szerelemre, vagy a veszlyes kmlet visszatartja ket a boldogsgtl? Most of the witches at school ridicule her and her sister for being siphon witches. Penelope felt like she was walking on eggshells around the girl because she truly had no clue what was going on in her head. Community. Today is the mutual family greet and meet for Henry and Timmi. But sometimes our plans don't go as expected. It's not Harry's problem - at least not until he realises he's accidentally befriended the man, and just how much he cares for Snape. This is a Legacies fanfiction that starts off at the end of Season 1's episode 6 (1X06). Josie sitting at the edge of the pool, hands gripping the edge and jaw slightly askew. After spending time at the local diner one day, she meets Josie. Relies on others for . Youre a big girl Jojo, Im sure you can handle a couple crazy girls. Penelope smirked at her. Josie chuckled, "And here was me thinking you could stoop no lower. I'm not quite sure but one thing I know is the story is not just about me. Josie wasnt like that, shes special. Back at Hogwarts, when their animosity proves insurmountable, Sirius and Severus are relegated to a small, Eighth Year dormitory. Aurora succeeds in her revenge plot of capturing Hope Mikaelson and making her suffer the way her family made her brother suffer. Neither hes pitying him, which is highly appreciated. Poppy had dragged a reluctant Branch to dance with her. It made it easier for Penelope to let herself fall for the girl a little more each day. Clace is the het ship between Jace Herondale and Clary Fray from the Shadowhunters fandom. !" OR Accessories: Silver necklace chain with P pendant. -pi Jason is jealous of Percy, let's see how he reacts to not being the most powerful or most popular demigod. But will things become strained before their premature relationship can even develop when Penelope finds out Josie's father is the chief of police? She has no time for love and most certainly doesn't desire love. In which Mazikeen Saltzman learns that she isn't a Saltzman at all, and that she's actually the daughter of two complete psychopaths. Josie questioned, a bemused look on her face. Her choice will make all the difference.Lizzie just wanted to focus on her mental health and find a solution for the merge. 106 posts. Mercedes Ramirez was born a protector, a hellhound to be precise. The main character is the worst Mary Sue I've seen . When feelings get thrown into the mix, both side getting hurt when the truth comes out. For a second, Penelope could swear that the look that overcame Josie's face was pure defeat. The tight quarterswandlessare intended to force them to make a peaceful reconciliation, but peace is impossible with a bloody war ramping up inside and outside the castle. Also, a certain situation makes Lizzie realize that Hopes company is not that bad. Lizzie, her dad, Penelopebarely, she would joke with her best friendand only two other things. She might have gotten to watch Penelope's plan fall apart in front of both their eyes. Staff Parking Southampton General Hospital, Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman have never gotten along, but when Malivore begins spitting out creatures, the two find themselves growing closer and closer as they fight monsters and uncover their classmates' secrets. Twins Hope and Andrea Mikaelson have a mysterious and twisted past - twisted enough to break the Mikaelsons' vow of "Always and Forever." How do you start a story that is so easy but also so difficult to tell? Josie gave Penelope one last searching look and turned around, storming out of the library. "LIZZIEE!" It was a rare occurrence for Josie to swear and it only really happened when she was joking, it was impossible for anybody to keep a straight face if Josie swore when she was angry. Her father is still sulking after being ousted as the headmaster. With Sirius Black on the loose and the Defense Against the Dark Arts position being filled by Remus Lupin, starting her new post at Hogwarts is anything but simple. Is it some new mind game?" the Ravenclaw junior informed coldly with a frown on his face while he stared with unconcerned apathy. ''It's alright,we will find your mom I promise little!" Severus is working late, and absolutely not obsessing over Harry. So, the Salvatore School enlist the help of Ryan Clarke, former Triad member. Oh? A mischievous smirk tugged at her lips and she leaned in just a bit to whisper in her ear. Plus, Im sure Ill get a stern talking to from your little puppy from earlier, She reached up with her free hand to brush a stray curl from Josies face, letting her hand fall after giving her cheek a little pinch. His eyes were dead serious, yet his mouth held a playful smile. But when they suddenly have a class together and Penelope is living with Josie's best friend Hope, how will their actions freshman year come back, and will they be able to move on? Some will express their jealousy and hatred openly . Linda Adrienne Mitchell is the mother of Katie Mitchell and Aaron Mitchell and the wife of Rick Mitchell in the 2021 animated film The Mitchells vs. the Machines. This is a fan fiction or hosie/posie love triangle, Josie has to make her decision on who she wants to be with it comes struggles, fights, and everyone's favorite jealou You really should know better than to walk alone in the dark. After Penelope does something irreconcilable freshman year, she and Josie haven't spoken in nearly two years. Was she supposed to say that she was still in love with Josie? And she has decided that she wants more connected than just those feelings. Redo everything correctly, the second time around? She felt crushed and she felt empty to the point where it physically hurt. It all starts with a bottle whiskey and a dare. Outfits: White, flows top and blue jean shorts. I wonder how you snagged her Usui-san!" Scared to be Lonely (Posie) - Chapter 32 - Wattpad I scratched my head trying to remember a time when I actually did slap him. After Kaleb Hawkins joins the resistance, he finds himself sick of Alaric's inaction and takes matters into his own hands, but his disastrous plan of kidnapping Milton Greasley, the heir to Triad, quickly proves to be more trouble than it's worth. What was so special about me that you decided to break me? Fanfic; Fanfiction; Hin i; . She was too confused and angry because she didn't understand why Penelope wouldn't give her a straight answer or any answer at all. . Severus is starting his first year at Hogwarts, everything seems to be going well on the way there, when suddenly silver hair catches his eye. Josie yelled, taking Penelope by surprise and seemingly herself too. I need you more. Diagnostyka, naprawy, doradztwo, serwis i materiay eksploatacyjne do przewiertw horyzontalnych. Josie Pye is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pye, an Avonlea school student, and a friend of Jane Andrews, Ruby Gillis, Diana Barry and Tillie Boulter. Super Squad (Mostly Posie And More) 44 parts Complete . The following is a list of episodes of Big City Greens, listed in the order they originally aired. In an unexpected way, she finds herself getting close to Hope Mikaelson, the queen of the school and Penelope Park's best friend, and while . Landon is dead, not ferryman. DIY Crafts Girl. But when they suddenly have a class together and Penelope is living with Josie's best friend Hope, how will their actions freshman year come back, and will they be able to move on? Colors that make my heart skip a beat: I love my purples, olive greens, and maroons. After spending two years in Paris with her mother, Josie and her sister return to Mystic Falls, forcing Josie to face her ex-girlfriend, Penelope Park. I actually have someone to meet up with before second period starts. Penelope had been packing her things into her bag, trying not to seem too obvious that she was doing her best to eavesdrop. Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23197009/chapters/55530127. This is my first time doing this so I'm sorry if it is not to your liking. Valencia Salvatore X Hope Mikaelson Posie Stories - Wattpad Can Josie save herself from making the same mistakes? There was so much more that couldve been done. He asks him out for a drink just to get out of detention. "Felix! Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan, Original Nico di Angelo/Will Solace Child(ren), Nico is everything Snape wants to be but with better hair, Triwizard Tournament Happens Differently (Harry Potter), she thinks james is making fun of her when he's hitting on her, james and sirius did a best friend bonding ritual when they were 11, just going back and forth saving each other, sirius's reputation for being a womanizer might be unfounded, Canon Divergence - Post-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, I Barrow'd some characters from Downton Abbey, Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, The Ministry of Magic (Harry Potter) is Terrible, Blood Ties and Betrayal: The Story of Cassie Black, Harry Potter/Original Female Character(s). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The salvatore boarding school has never been a safe place, but with Hope mikaelson it has never been more vulnerable, not be fear but by love. # 1 Legacies - Posie by lycador 59.7K 1.5K 16 This story takes place after 1x06 We won't have Posie for 7 weeks so I decided to create a little universe for them until they return to us fanfiction werewolf lizziesaltzman +13 more # 2 A high school Posie au by Pining for Posie 58.2K 1.8K 25 So what if Snape *is* lonely? The Mikaelson Academy for the Superior and the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted have very different approaches when it comes to molding the minds of young supernaturals. Let me know what you think, please. . Book three of different fandom one shots for GirlXGirl couples. Doing what you want, even if it's difficult or painful, that isn't brave. Penelope was at a loss. At least it seemed like his crush wasnt exactly unrequited. What Happened To Blue Sphere Corporation, Only there were also touches and desperate tears today. It was exactly the reaction Penelope was hoping for. You know what else is overrated: Talking. Im ecstatic to hear that though, dont get me wrong. Josie never leaves. She feels like she lost everything, and the world just stood there watching. Summary: Penelope has been stealing and selling cars for the past three years whilst doing her best to avoid the law after her parents disappeared and were presumed dead. UNIQLO Model. Can I walk you to your next class? Josie smiled down at her, one hand gripping the strap of her bag while the other gestured to the doors. Andrea Saltzman knew she wasnt normal.Having found out she was a witch when she was a child, she was no stranger to magic. Summer dresses of any kind. They need to convince him to help locate the Triad vampire, but Ryan doesn't want to be involved with the Supernatural life anymore. It seemed that Branch had a uniquely gorgeous voice and he could surely dance, but he was not overly show-boaty like Poppy and grew shy among larger groups. Rakuten Soccer Team Roster, Come Home to Me, a legacies fanfic | FanFiction "He did?" Hailey asked her daughter as Posie just nodded her head and then leaned her head on her mother shoulder a clear sign the little Halstead was ready for nap. Pins & Needles. Hope, at the peak of her 37 years, is a respected CEO of a music company. Make sure that she doesn't screw things up like last time and bring about the end of the world? Penelope is irritable all day. I soon started to create a plot, so there are going to be some MAJOR changes! Or would it be a hidden trouble and pain no one wish to see? tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". I was introduced to the wonders of fanfiction by a friend of mine, and I am now officially addicted to it. Youd think nature wouldve learned by now. "What I don't understand, is why you won't own up to it. Canon all the way till 4x06. Nico di Angelo of the di Angelo line of pureblood wizards was now 23, a teacher at Ilvermorny school, a husband, and most recently: a parent. Her relationship with her mother became strained to the point where they're barely on speaking terms after an accident that scarred Penelope in more ways than one. Minor Landon Kirby/Hope Mikaelson. Penelope and Josie could never quite meet each other's eyes which was a stark change to their normal behavior considering that they were normally very touchy-feely. So when Dumbledore comes from England to offer him a job and grill him about his husband, how is he supposed to respond? Nincs semmi hasznom a fordtsbl.Minden jog Joanne Kathleen Rowling (JK Rowling) rn tlajdona. Every single person who was on this island had a reason why they were there at that moment. Traditions - Dramione is already a thing in this fic, but there are flashbacks to navigate how the relationship came to be. She swallowed audibly at sight. A woden cabin in the snowy montains that Klaus bought her when she was little, home to her fondest memories.Joining them are Josie and Jade, Lizzie and MG. After a failed twister match, they decide to play strip-pokerDo I have your attention yet? Josie squeezed her hand in reassurance and simply followed Penelopes direction to her class. This story is a Posie au, were the main characters are in high school. With a crooked finger, she motioned for Josie to join her in the pool. At first, Lizzie thought she had run off to someones house, as it has happened before, what with her being at Mystic Falls High, she was bound to have some friends other than those at the Salvatore School to sleep over with So she covered for her sister, but as the days lingered, and she wasnt picking up or answering her texts, Lizzie knew something was wrong. "Hmm, I wonder sometimes as well," Usui replied, turning to her and puckering one eyebrow. Harmony Ukulele Headstock Decals, From Poser to Posie Club (Girlshoppe). Hey y'all, I went ahead and posted all of the Slave here as requested in a private email from a friend. She simply couldn't understand what was going on. "For every tear shed, there will be hell to pay.". Option A) go to Hogwarts, replace Quirrel as Dark Arts teacher and possibly prevent a multimillion dollar franchise from ever happening. it's a love story between hope x Penelope x Josie x Lizzie, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (342), The Vampire Diaries & Related Fandoms (6), Milton "MG" Greasley & Lizzie Saltzman (44), Endgame Penelope Park/Josie Saltzman (39), Hope Mikaelson & Penelope Park Friendship (25), Hope Mikaelson & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Lizzie Saltzman & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Josie Saltzman & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Alaric Saltzman & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Landon Kirby & Original Mikaelson Character(s), Rafael Waithe & Original Mikaelson Character(s), I haven't yet decided the endgame for this fic, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, It's been like a year since I posted anything, To Know My Heart The Best (You'd Have To Cut It Out My Chest), Hope Mikaelson & Penelope Park Friendship, Background Sister Camila/Sister Lilith (Warrior Nun), Hope Mikaelson & Josie Saltzman & Lizzie Saltzman, got your heart in my hand (and your dick in the other), Damon Salvatore & Original Female Character(s), Elena Gilbert & Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted (Vampire Diaries), This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think, When You Told Me It Would Be A Wild Ride (Baby I Didnt Believe You), The Salvatore Boarding School is a Reform School Now, Lizzie Knows She Likes Girls But Boy Is She Surprised To Find Out Why She Doesn't Like Boys. Is it because I'm the headmaster's daughter? He doesn't see why everyone adores him so much he is the son of the almighty Jupiter and he is the son of the wimp. Everybody has a different story to tell. April is coming later in the story (Go look at the note at the beginning of Chapter 179 for more information), Josie. She had never felt jealous of her folks before, but suddenly, she thought about the tiny house she and Almanzo lived in. Was she supposed to tell her it was all a game? After the Bros. defeat Ludwig, the final Koopaling, they are supplied with a letter . Can she save the one person that she loves? Is this your subtle way of saying that youre not interested, Jojo? I accept help from you guys. She can't tell her that she couldn't stop herself. One of these stories are mine credits to the owners, " , ' . "How did your essay go?" Starlet by tufano79 (@tufano79) ~ Complete. I live with Lizzie. In which two girls, Monica Montgomery and Ruby Waithe, with opposite personalities and from opposite worlds, lives are intertwined.. they help eachot A compilation of my Posie and Hizzie one shots compiled from my various books. She was a girl born of rage and fire, but not at all what her parents wanted. Follow Severus through his years at school, friendships, love dilemmas, watch his introduction to black magic and experience his cruel heartbreak. Includes many different fandoms and parings. No. To her surprise, Josie stood up. Before their untimely end, they would alway. She thought she was going to be late. Excerpt: It was another ten seconds before he caved and entered the classroom, immediately making a beeline for Josie. She tried to flash her a smirk when the girl resurfaced but instead she was greeted with a splash of water and a mischievous smile. It was supposed to be a one-time-thing until they meet again at a bar. Steroline is the het ship between Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes from The Vampire Diaries fandom. Underage Drinking. The next day, she refuses to talk about it until she breaks down in Lizzie's arms. If you have a writer you'd like to be featured, or are a writer yourself and want to be featured, please contact either u/deadphlaarb or u/LividSupergirl via reddit or twitter and we'll reach out to said writer. She still didn't know what the feeling was and she still did not like it. You scare me. "No, Josie-" Penelope stood up but was cut off and was sort of glad because she had no clue where she was going with that sentence. no matter the story nor what universe, one thing for definite is penelope and josie have chemistry. Chapter Four Posie shook in her righteous anger before leaping for her pack that she had strategically set up earlier in the evening. A fourteen-year-old-just-discovering-smut fanfiction. In a decision that changed history, Rose Quartz reveals herself as Pink Diamond to the Crystal Gems, and is convinced to do the same to all of Homeworld, swelling their ranks and giving them the boost they needed to win the war. Her jaw dropped and her eyes zoned in on Penelope. A story where four families would fight for each other always and forever, from the known to the unknown, in this life or the next. ' ." (by weSTANthePANS), Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25465642/chapters/61770388. Romance Drama Age Gap Reincarnation. He found himself in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room, andby the breathing next to himwith an unfamiliar witch. To say Phosie's date night got out of hand would be the understatment of the centuryor; Alyssa casts some spells without thinking and creates a spontaneous orgy. -1. You are so beautiful, Jojo 34. FanFic Friday: weSTANthePANS (posie) & youresomoneybaby (posie - reddit There was a time Ma wouldn't have felt that way. She felt like Josie was so close yet so far from understanding it all. The Three Investigators Age Range, I smiled before carrying her on my other arm as she started sniff Book 2 of girlxgirl fandom one shots. This is a story of the heirs journey as they go through different phases for themselves and their legacies. That she-troll-vixen's ways had to be halted. In an unexpected way, she finds herself getting close to Hope Mikaelson, the queen of the school and Penelope Park's best friend, and while she has to deal with her feelings for Hope and Penelope, Josie has to face the problems of being the headmaster's daughter in a school where gossip is the main subject. SEASON 1 In the first season of the show it is stated from the very first episode, by Stefan himself that he and Caroline would never be together. After that they don't have any other meaningful scenes together. And a whole new life ahead of him. Am I just some game to you?" Should you let out the unpleasant parts or tell all the pages. "The question of will you join the Order or not proceeds to plague you for the rest of the week.". It's nice to see all three girls get along, but if I have to choose, Hope and Lizzie it is . This plea surprised Josie. They have an instant connection but can Penelope let Josie through the walls she built over the last few years? In which hope and Lizzie were dating before the start of legacies but broke up because hope found out about the merge and was afraid of loving Lizzie only to lose her. It was a respect thing. It has radio and film adaptations. The murder of Hope Mikaelson sparks a war between humans and supernaturals, causing supernaturals to be hunted by Triad. Profile Navigation. posie fanfic jealous - ms-cf.org I know. She trusted someone she loved dearly to make it happen for her, thinking she'll finally get her happy ever after with the man she loved. They are posie ship writers and below you will find a couple of their fics for your enjoyment. I dont know about you, but Im sure there are holes in the back of my head from Lizzie. Josie chuckled, a bit embarrassed. Work Search: Based on #SiphonerandTribridAU on Instagram. This is a story of the heirs journey as they go through different phases for themselves and their legacies. Penelope laughed at the shocked expression on Lizzies face when she resurfaced. This book is a twist on your classic Chaos story. Josie is a bestselling novelist. More . She watched as Josies eyes nearly bugged out of her head while the blush on her cheeks deepened. the roommate replied, waving his hand around haphazardly. When Penelope broke up with Josie, she had a plan in mind. . Chapter 05. Posie Graeme-Evans has an authentic voice and unique turn of phrase, which were delicious to relish. She saw the three girls behind her exchange a look full of meaning. But fate seems to have other plans for him.Landons father, who has posed an existential threat to him, has been vanquished. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (24), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s) (11), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Harry Potter Setting, Severus Snape/Original Female Character(s), Severus Snape & Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter is the Heir to the House of Black, Severus thinks he has everything under control, He does not have everything under control, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Just alcohol and smoking cigars but tagging just in case, If they'll ever actually MAKE it that far that is, That could be the title of the fic honestly, Don't read this if you're trying to quit smoking, The heart of a Slytherin// Severus x Lucius, Minor Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Malfoy, This Is Not Going To Go The Way You Think. Hope Mikaelson's anonymous stalker torments the people she loves, including her husband and all her friends, in a twisted bid to win her affections. Lizzie Saltzman was sick of being hurt. THIS IN ONLY THE BEGGING, TO BE CONTINUED!!! An untimely obsession stems from a dreadful after-school detention. Jealousy Poppy and Branch are so cute. There is a little jealous Jason in here and Percabeth. No matter what it takes. idk probably eating Chapter 98. As a spy, Severus Snape wasnt one to overindulge, but for some blasted reason he found himself apparently still at Grimmauld place after making his obligatory appearance at the Order Christmas party. Three prompts in one day! A story where one heir only wants a complete acceptance whilst the other refuses to accept their premade future as they want to be truly free living their life even if it means watching the whole world burn.
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