"perpetuate the memory of those who, by their services the counties of Butler, Clarion, Crawford, Erie, Lawrence, Mercer, Venango and with links to articles about the Pennsylvania regiments involved in the Civil War. 19, 1789, http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/houghton/2013/07/11/a-revolutionary-discovery-in-the-stacks/, Military: Revolutionary War: ROLL OF ANCESTORS: Pennsylvania Society, Sons of the Revolution, 1898 Membership List, Revolutionary War Documents from the Harvard University Library. Remember, you will have free access only to the records available through. Citizenship Posthumously, 2009, "Introducing the David Center for the American Revolution at the American Philosophical Society", "These Are the 5 Reasons Why the U.S. Remains the World's Only Superpower", From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations since 1776, The Contagion of Sovereignty: Declarations of Independence since 1776, "Brandywine Battlefield, American Battlefield Trust", Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: Battalions and Line, 1775-1783, Volume 1, Pennsylvania in the War of the Revolution: Associated Battalions and Militia, 1775-1783, Volume 2, Bibliography of the Continental Army in Pennsylvania, United States Army Center of Military History, Bibliography of Continental Army Operations: Pennsylvania Theater, The Online Books Page: Pennsylvania - History - Revolution, 1775-1783, Valley Forge / Tredyffrin Encampments | September & December 1777, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pennsylvania_in_the_American_Revolution&oldid=1131850706, During the battle, famed British army marksman, Brandywine was the first battlefield command of. Camp Security Park (Springettsbury Township, York County, PA), site of the 1781 to 1783 Prisoner of War camp for prisoners from the, This page was last edited on 6 January 2023, at 01:43. The members of Congress asked the council to do more to protect the federal government. See the Vietnam War wiki article for information on records and their availability. PVT Thomas Bell Jr. 1737 - 23 Jun 1815. If you are searching for a place, remember that place names have changed over time. Comptroller General. worthy historical and genealogical projects, associated Pennsylvania in the Revolutionary War FamilySearch I cannot find one in your databaseplease suggest research strategies. The 1818 Pensioners of the United States: On June 5, 1834, the U.S. Senate required the Secretary of War to submit a statement showing the names of pensioners who were on the pension rolls or had previously been on the pension rolls. I want to know about Benjamins war service as well as info on his wife (Janes) family. Pennsylvania Military Records Valley Forge oven and cabins Contents 1 Online Resources 2 Introduction 3 Forts 4 Colonial Wars (1744-1775) 5 Revolutionary War (1775-1783) 6 War of 1812 (1812-1815) 7 Mexican War (1846-1848) 8 Civil War (1861-1865) 9 Veterans of Multiple Eras (1867-1921) 10 Spanish-American War (1898) Allen, William. 15 volumes. Chester - Continental Congress, Recollections of the Battle of Brandywine, Further reflections on the Battle of Brandywine, Chester County Revolutionary War reparation requests & reported losses, Chester County Revolutionary War pensioners no injuries, Chester County Revolutionary War pensioners, wounded, taken prisoner or disabled, collectors for Army clothing - Revolutionary War, Chester Troops at the Battle of Long Island, Contemporary newspaper article about the 2nd Battalion, Chester Militia, Military: Papers relating to the Province of Pennsylvania prior to the Revolution: PA Archives, Series II, Vol. The soldier's death date may be found in these records. Military Accounts, Line, 1775-1809. Pennsylvania, U.S., Revolutionary War Battalions and Militia Index 1781 Revolutionary Soldier from Bedford Co., VA Established in 2002, the park has a 1.1 mile asphalt path for pedestrians. For information about the federal soldiers from Pennsylvania (the Pennsylvania Line), see John B. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Pennsylvania members and their guests foregather, dine Soldiers discharge, vol. War: Captain Jas. Congress ignored their message, but the soldiers did not act on their threat. Unparalleled in wealth and power, the United States has remained the world's only super-power since the fall of the Soviet Union for nearly three decades.[19][20][21]. address being wherever the State Secretary happens to Your search results will include all of the records available on Ancestry.com. authorized to issue chapter charters within the state. American Revolution | Causes, Battles, Aftermath, & Facts The soldiers threatened to take action that day if their complaints were not addressed. Looking for Elias Bast or Elias Bost. His first son James was my GGGGG-grandfather we still own a part of James plantation in Simpsonville SC. The National Archives holds records relating to military service during the Revolutionary War, including both Continental troops and state troops that served as Continental troops. Revolutionary War Pension Declarations Veterans' Burials, 1885-1979 World War I Servicemen Records (County War Aid Association), 1917-1921 The indexes provided above are the product of the Chester County Archives and Record Services. Revolutionary War Collection, 1776-1976 - LancasterHistory Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, Being hosted by Copyright 2019 PA Society Sons of the American Revolution. McDowells Company of Militia, 4th Battalion; Looking for info on my GGGG-grandfather, Benjamin Kilgore (Captain)who was born in Ireland or PA before moving to SC. Trussell, John B.B. Thank you! Most volunteer regiments were from southern states. B. Trussell, Jr., The Pennsylvania Line, Regimental Organization and Operations, 1776-1783 (Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 1977; FS Library book 974.8 M2tp. The letter threatened that Congress would be forced to move elsewhere if the Council did not act. Kaplan. Land Register, [ca. April 19, 1775 The Battles of Lexington and Concord, Ma. This series contains essential records relating to one of America's earliest colonies, from 1664 to 1780, including military, tax, marriage, and land records, as well as documents from American history covering the Revolutionary War and the Whiskey Rebellion. [1], On June 17, 1783, Congress received a message from soldiers of the Continental Army stationed in Philadelphia, which demanded payment for their service during the American Revolutionary War. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission Camp Hill, Cemetery Visibility: Public. d. 16 Jun 1830 Knox Co., TN. 4th PA Battalion Captain James Moore's Company (incomplete), 4th PA Battalion Caleb North's Company (incomplete), 4th PA Battalion Captain Thomas Robinson's Company, 4th Battalion Captain Frederick Vernon's Company (incomplete), 5th Regiment of the PA line, commanded by Colonel Robert Magaw, Uwchlan Citizens in 7th Battalion Chester County Militia - 1777, 8th Battalion Chester County Militia 1780, 8th Battalion of Chester County Militia 1781, Captain John Parker's Company, Lt. Wikipedia contributors, "1st Pennsylvania Regiment,", Capt Robert Clugages, Lt John Holiday, Lt Robert McKenzie (died 12 Mar 1776), Lt Benjamin Bard, Capt Morgan Conners, 1st Lt David Harris (Promoted to Capt), 2nd Lt Benjamin Chambers, 3rd Lt Peter Weiser, Capt Charles Craig, Lt Thomas Craig, Lt Samuel Craig, Lt David Harris, Capt John Lowden, 1st Lt James Parr, 2nd Lt James Wilson, 3rd Lt William Wilson (promoted, replaced by John Dougherty 3 Jan 1776), Capt James Ross, Lt Hamilton, Lt Hubley, Lt Francis, Capt Henry Miller, 1st Lt John Dill, 2nd Lt John Watson, 3rd Lt Thomas Armor, Capt Henry Miller --- Capt Dowdels (resigned 15 Oct last), Lt John Dill --- 1st Lt Henry Miller (promoted), Serjeant Thomas Armor --- 3rd Lt John Watson, Lt Charles Craig --- Capt Abraham Miller (resigned), David Harris --- 3rd Lt William Thromer (resigned 14 Nov), Benjamin Chamber --- 3rd Lt in Capt George Nagler Co --- Peter Grubb (resigned 10 Sep & went to Canada), Benjamin Bard 3rd Lt in Capt Cluggages Co --- Lt Richard Brown (resigned 26 Oct), Capt William McKissack --- Capt James Parr (promoted to Major, 7th Regt PA in Oct 1778). undated {series #4.50} 1781 Revolutionary Soldier from Bedford Co., VA. Do you have data that I could see that would confirm that he was a Revolutionary Soldier from Virginia? All Rights Reserved. Some of the mutineers ended up in a state of arrest, and Congress called an investigation into the event. List of 10,000 Revolutionary Soldiers 1775-1783 - Fold3 HQ World War I was a global war fought on multiple continents with several nations involved. They were the parents of a large number of childreno tabout 12. Thomas Espy Post 153 Department of Pennsylvania. Evidence for Pennsylvania Revolutionary War POW camp site unearthed I am looking for my ancestor, John Templeton(born 1760), who is named on a List of Revolutionary Soldiers, 8th volume, page 46-47, Virginia State Library, l9l0 by McIlwain. Pennsylvania's failure to protect the United States Congress was a primary reason why the framers of the Constitution decided to create a federal district, distinct from the states, where Congress could provide for its own security. Society - since the National headquarters was then Mutiny of the Pennsylvania Line - HISTORY United States Rosters of Revolutionary War Soldiers and Sailors ", "Captain John Doyle's Independent Company joined this regiment the 25 Nov [1777] and has continued to do duty in the Regt. If you wish more information in regards to his war service please contact me as I have much more. On April 27, 1942, the Selective Service conducted the fourth of six draft registrations related to WWII. . A series of books entitled "Young American Patriots", published shortly after the war, documented the service of soldiers from different states including Pennsylvania. It is available for free online. Pennsylvania in the Civil War - PA-Roots American Revolution, also called United States War of Independence or American Revolutionary War, (1775-83), insurrection by which 13 of Great Britain's North American colonies won political independence and went on to form the United States of America. (these are free with registration) Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 from National Archives (NARA) microfilm publication M246. Pennsylvania Society of . The. A single s appears as f. The letter o may be misread as a, u as ii, and m as nn or w. It is important to think of how the written name may appear on a page. He is buried in White County, TN. Revolutionary War (1775-1783) First Continental Artillery Regiment: 91: Revolutionary War (1775-1783) First New Jersey Continental Regiment: 226, 833: Revolutionary War (1775-1783) Hendrickson, Daniel (1736-ca. My GGGGrandfather Oliver Crawford Married to Lucy Alexander , from Spotts,Orange, Culpepper co Va was a revolutionary soldier. Mexican War : mexican/mexican-1.txt : Surnames A-E: Pennsylvania Soldiers in the War with Mexico, 1846-1847 : Aug 2005: Judy Banja mexican/mexican-2.txt : Surnames D-G: Pennsylvania Soldiers in the War with Mexico, 1846-1847 : Aug 2005: Judy Banja . Among them was Anna Isabella/Isabelle who md. Quelquun peut maider? in the Records of the Office of Comptroller General. Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and other historical records. The third theory is that the council refused to allow Pennsylvania, a sovereign state, to be subjugated by the demands of a few members of Congress. I am looking for my great greatgrandfathers family.
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