Upstate and Western New York Fishing Report - May 13 , 2021 Read Fishing Reports Weather for Oak Orchard . The next significant rise in flows may bring on some fresh steelhead action thru March. There would have been a similar few day high/stained fishable water window in the smaller area tribs too. Thank you, Lindsay Agness for providing us with her image and Mike Waterhouse for his drone picture of the Oak. Conditions were ideal with stained river water and dirty near shore Lake waters on northwest winds for cover for the fish to disperse. Approx 100,000+ King salmon and 10,000 15,000 steelhead are placed in the net pens for hopeful imprinting on the Oak Orchard. Ernie Calandrelli has been slapping the eyes with harnesses. Plenty of salmon are spawning now in the higher flows and some of the post spawn zombies will be flushed out along with lots of other weeds and debris. Anchor where the current isnt strong and cast out shrimp. Anglers might consider re-releasing those fish in the turbine channel. OAK INN DUESSELDORF - Apartment Hotel Reviews - Tripadvisor The Wolcott Creek off Furnace Road had some late season kings. If an angler arrives at a parking lot and there are several cars, they should consider going to another parking lot. Expect water level fluctuations thanks to hydro power operations and whats been a delayed leaf fall. Looks like a good head of turbine water with overflow levels diminished. We are living and experiencing all the fishing action directly or thru trusted reports of other die hard anglers as it happens. Winter and cold and snow is hanging in. reported that the ups & downs continue on Lady O and this past Saturday was an UP judging from young Jeremiahs smile! To view the final results, visit the LOC Derby website. New open Lake steelhead creel limits should help overall survivability too. Try trolling straight out from Sodus Bay west to Ontario searching for kings down 50 over 150 fow. Warming temps and the next spate of water could bring on some big fresh steelhead! Flows in the Oak are still slightly high and water color has improved with 2 ft of visibility. Since then, the Douglaston Salmon Run has reported salmon entering the river on a consistent basis. At the Oak Billboard on the NYS Thruway. Flows in the Oak are already on the rise today thanks to increasing overflow water. Downstream slow water spots are for sure locked up and even upstream all the way to the dam is frozen except for a rivulet here and there or if you were to break something open. For now in the near term low and clear flows are not in the cards. Im just returning from the Fly Fishing Show in Edison, NJ so will need to come back up to speed on fishing info as some angler reports come in. Weather is definitely agreeable right now and should last for another day or two. Well see how long any cold weather may last (theres been no prolonged cold spell yet) and whether this is the stretch of weather we might have typically seen in January. That amount of rain would definitely be a good thing. The working mans big trout and salmon trip is still here, and its not even a contest compared to the other exotic, far off angling destinations. Over the past weekend with warm temps there was some melt off. And, a big shout-out and congratulations to Crazy Yankee for winning this past weekends 2021 Niagara Pro Am! Backside of higher and dirtier early spring flows means some hard fighting steelhead. All that cooler water we have again in the Oak could surely be spreading out the fish and drifts are going to need to be down and slow for best hook up chances. Some reports of stained water color to the east which could be a result of Canal drainage. The fishing this last week has been better than the previous couple weeks. Check the drift, slow the swing and/or put a longer leader on with some more shot if you want to get in the zone. Any rainfall is really going to get things cranking and water color this time is likely to get dirty. We found meat was the best bait. Its been a windy week on Lake Ontario off the Orleans County NYCoastline. He cites that the Salmon showed up earlier in the season due to a number of factors, including a warmer winter, less ice on Lake Erie and an earlier Spring. Watch for other changes soon like more content to this website. Look for a bit of a temp shock there and the fishing action back on the rebound as things warm back up. Cormorant numbers, however, remain a significant challenge to all the Lake wide salmonid stocking efforts. We are generally most confident in our Oak interpretations, less so in the other area smaller tribs. Flows in the Oak are still humming along at slightly high consisting of a good head of turbine water. The first will be a 1 day event July 10th. Look for those smaller waterways to open back up again slowly like thru the end of this week or weekend. The charter fleet has had king salmon action in 100-120 FOW using chrome glow flasher fly combinations down to 60 ft. There are miles of water for fish to be dropping back from compared to about only a short mile of Oak water. So, we moved out to 250-300 FOW and things got better. Angler reports indicate that fishing quality was down during parts of this year in some Lake Ontario tributaries, including Oak . With the full moon arriving today, fall fishing is moving into a transition period for a variety of species. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. The bite was not hot and heavy but we picked at a few steelhead as we approached the 30 line. The other area smaller tribs I have not laid eyes on directly and should have something like medium flows. Over all though, the brown trout action on the Oak is tough. Oh winds could shift it this way and that would mean well get some snow. Within a few minutes, an 8 lb steelhead hit and Bill was on his first Lake Ontario fish. Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Monthly Weather | AccuWeather Theres no part of the driftable or castable or swingable waterway that is frozen over. With the river water at 75+ degrees salmon wont be heading up in big numbers but there are always a few of the early runners. Changes will take effect once you reload the page. To the east at Sandy Creek flows are reported to be medium or just a notch greater. Fish as soon as reasonable conditions allow instead of waiting for supposed better conditions that may or may not materialize. Meaning flows are back on a slow retreat now but water color prob wont be the dirtiest itll be until today or tomorrow. Starting Tues, Sept. 7th, the Orleans County Boat Launch at the end of Ontario Street (east side of the river) will be closed for reconstruction. Fishing pressure most days pretty agreeable with salmon anglers falling out of the mix now and only mod numbers of guys pursuing brown trout so far. Flows are actually up just a bit from earlier in the week when the visibility was less. The longer range forecast looks like back to colder for rest of next week. When flows are reduced, guys are seeing a handful of browns and a few more steelhead nearer the dam. Actually that forecast sounds more normal by November standards. Consider how wet its been for months now, the high water tables, saturated fields and brim full swamp headwater supplies and youll come to realize the typical slow rise and quick fall of trib levels is going to occur more like quick rise and slow fall. Flows in the smaller area waterways should continue to drop from around moderate maybe going toward low and clear. Real low, low, mod, mod to med, med, slightly high, slightly high to high, high, real high, blown. For now most all waterways are low and clear. Stay at the shop lodge (Licorice Lodge) close to the Oak Orchard River fishing action! Less noticeable will be in Sandy since Canal flows there are throttling up. This site uses cookies. Seasonable cold is forecast to hang in at least thru the week and weekend. The rest of the Oak, like after the confluence, were high water fishable by at least this past Sunday thru about yesterday as the overflow levels diminished. Any significant precipitation or melt off or runoff could bring all the trib flows right back high and off color again. The following report is courtesy of Captain Andy Bliss of Cold Steel Sportfishing. OAK ORCHARD Fishing Report 2023 | United States Other area smaller tribs have low to moderate flows possibly getting a little bit of stain from the most recent precipitation. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Oak Orchard Fishing Report - Facebook Flows in the other area smaller waterways are high and dirty. There could be fresh steelhead, fresh silver browns or drop back fish. The other area smaller tribs have medium+ and slightly stained flows. Forecast is for a warmup with temps around 50F (and wind) for the mid week and chance of rain on Thursday. No doubt as flows drop and clear even a little guys should get onto more fish, especially brown trout. Pictured (R-L) is Brian, Dean and Mike from North Tonawanda, NY with a fine king they caught aboard Troutman 2 in 120 of water just northeast of the Oak! Flows should be back on the retreat already today with some stain hanging on. Capt. Thru this beginning part of the week, most hook up action has still been mostly for Kings. A few guys report crowding, but as compared to say last year Id have to say there are a few less guys out and about. The state is funding the effort as part of the Lake Ontario Resiliency and Economic Development Initiative. Posted January 31, 2021 We are pleased to announce dates for two of these events for 2021. It remains to be seen if theres any prolonged cold yet ahead of us. New migrations of fresh fish could come anytime during this part of the season with good flows or especially with any bump up in trib flows. Bald Eagle Tournament Series Bald Eagle Marina. Flows in the Oak are about medium and barely stained with about 2 feet of visibility for now. So no big change in flows yet in the Oak. Plenty of calendar time left ahead thru February and March for late winter/spring action. Ground flow recharge from strong supplies might keep things up a little higher then typical winter levels but never-the-less things will be icing in or freezing up except for a few fast water slots. We are catching fish in 50-110 water in front of the major rivers and off 9-mile point. Forecast ahead is for snow showers today, chance of area wide snow tomorrow and then another warmup for the end of week. Nice fresh hard fighting chrome in the Oak on the backside of the late winter high and dirty flows. The weather is a changing again according to the near term forecast, with above freezing temps expected day and night starting about Wed/ Thu and lasting at least thru the begin part of next week. It includes a county map with the designated public fishing access points and boat ramps, tackle & bait shops, marinas and popular fish species of Orleans County. Riggers were parked at 75 & 85 ft with fixed cheaters 10 ft above. Anglers cannot be on the Archers Club grounds only in the immediate bankside water. To the west at Johnson Creek, flows are medium and mostly clear with reports of some brown trout hookups. Fishing Report Orleans County Tourism | Hot Press Releases Its been pretty warm, and the near term forecast thru this week is continued warm with highs pushing the 80s F. Yes the area has been getting some precipitation lately, but no single rain event (yet) has been enough to move fish upstream. Most all fish in real nice shape, some legit fresh Kings after the last rain which isnt always a sure thing in our area low gradient tribs. Chance of rain/snow showers for the mid part of this week with forecasted mixed bag precipitation of rain, sleet and snow thru the end part of the week. A good WNW wind thru last night probably moved more fish near shore or into the tribs from Lake Ontario but dont look for those fish to loiter in estuary or rivermouth spots at this point in the season. And Erie Canal bolstered flows (year 2) will be contributing to the fishy equation sooner then later in multiple tribs! They can be found in Lake Ontario, its tributaries like the Oak Orchard River and in numerous inland waterways. The steelhead were strong and vigorous and silver so hopefully indicating good health and smolting. Hearing of legit salmon bites and even a few browns too in fast water areas on the Oak. On select evenings, Ive seen a few fish crashing too like at the Bridges. Flows are moderate to medium and slightly stained at least where you might be able to find a slot with open flows to drift. Cool nights and cooperative winds should make for better battles with more staging Kings and trout chances as well. Fishing pressure is real light again on the Oak so far today. Action reported pretty good around the Archers Club yesterday and then slower today. Theres been some water level fluctuations thanks to hydro power operations already and look for that to continue with almost daily fluctuations expected due to leaf fall or windy conditions. But with cooler temps this week, the water temp has finally started dropping. Thanks to a return to cold temps and snowy weather, trib flows retreated for the beginning part of this week. Fathers Day Outing with Get the Net Charters. We hope to go live with more info soon! Now for the mid week, its warmed up again! Lower Niagara River action picked up a tick or two this week for bass and walleye according to Lisa Drabczyk with Creek Road Bait and Tackle in Lewiston. For now the drifting conditions are pretty nice all around. Capt. This weeks fishing report is from Capt. Look for post spawn browns to be redistributed thru the waterways and the chance for some fresher steelhead. Theres no new real cold temps in the near forecast and if even this rain doesnt open the smaller area tribs right away by this weekend or next week they likely will be thanks to a continued warm-ish weather forecast. Free reign for trout and salmon moving up and down the waterway of the turbine channel gives so many more angling opportunities immediately and in the future. Light tackle drifting from small boat or bankside too. Avoid close contact, such as shaking hands, hugging, and kissing. The last shot of rain was Sunday and theres been some cooler weather for the beginning part of this week. Sean Morrow - Procurement Officer - Oak Ridge National Laboratory Fishing Report. Hopefully the fishing pressure overall is likewise spread out like the fish. They started in 60 feet of water trolling northwest with cut bait and the reel started screaming. The Clubs cooperation with out of the area fishermen is truly above board and greatly appreciated by all! Register now and see your name at the top of the list, CDC/New York State Department of Health guidelines, following the guidelines on DECs website about fishing responsibly in New York State, information about the benefits of being outdoors safely and responsibly. First fish took a deep meat rig. In subsequent years ahead when runs are made up of multiple year classes of fish the returns and fishing prospects could be even better! When high flows drop and/or cold flows warm and/or dirty water clears then anglers who can make good drifts or swings get in on the action. Follow them up from the Rivermouth, lower river, frog water, fast water stretches, Waterport dam. Good case for earlier season catch and release and reasonable creel limits Point Breeze Oak action March 2020. So for now the drifting and swinging conditions look pretty good. So for now the drifting and swinging conditions look pretty good. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. Icing conditions should accelerate especially in the smaller waterways Will know more about how anglers have been hooking up as we catch back up on the fishing chatter. In early November and early December, all Lake Ontario tributaries (Eighteenmile, Johnson, Oak Orchard, Sandy and Salmon Creeks) will see higher flows. Not sure if we are even going to see the typical influx of trout guys those crowds are already tardy not unlike the trout and salmon migrations. Mild winters or short duration cold weather lasting into spring is generally considered good for alewife survival, and hopefully a so far mild winter will bode well for alewife. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission. So for now, flows in the Oak have dropped back to low and clear. Thankful for that continued Erie Canal water feed for select tribs as the forecasted precipitation at this time not likely to cause a big change in trib flows. New Fall Fishing Program. Canal feed should be continued there so if we find out any intel for that we will pass along. Sunday, we caught a decent variety: a couple of big salmon, 2 year olds, matures, a steelhead and couple of cohoes. Reports from the rest of the downstream water or other area smaller tribs are thin thanks to the light fishing pressure. Capt. Pitch a retrieve and wait for the hard jolt! Most all ice cover looks to be moved out. For now flows in the Oak are mod and slightly stained and no icing. Thanks, Capt. See ya out there! The chance to fish from your own two feet for trout and salmon you measure in pounds, not inches, for 7 9 months depending upon weather and water conditions. The hope is this cold weather will be a good thing for later winter and spring steelhead action. Longer range forecast is chance of cold again after that with another snowstorm for end next week. Flows in the other area smaller tribs should be around med and slightly stained. If an angler arrives at a parking lot and there are several cars, they should consider going to another parking lot. (There will be no fees for the 2021 canal boating season.) Sandy Creek is probably remaining stubbornly stained from that Canal drainage but definitely dropping back some. The salmon are running in New York State - EnviroPolitics Mike LavenderfromIntimidator Sportfishingreported that the ups & downs continue on Lady O and this past Saturday was an UP judging from young Jeremiahs smile! Stream Conditions - Fish Oak Orchard Forecast temps in the mid 40sF for this mid week period and chance of off and on rain showers. Thanks to the flash freeze after end of last weeks high water, even with the overflow cranking, flows did retreat quickly and never really got too dirty to fish in the Oak. A couple of days of cold weather earlier this week probably hastened the retreating flows. Courtesy Ron Bierstine, Only a smattering of anglers spread out in the Oak and other area tribs finding good salmon action for fish spread from rivermouth areas all the way upstream to fast water spots. On the Oak its been exceptionally weedy and duckweedy but some of that material is moving out now. Early fish always tend to head to the dam as it has the most oxygen and they are hoping to go farther upstream to cooler waters. The fish are going to turn on and off there so persistence is the name of the game and long and light presentations. According to Capt. Suspect some pressure has shifted to other area smaller waterways. New York State is open for fishing and DEC encourages anglers to recreate locally at a nearby waterbody. Flows are mod or almost med and mostly clear. POINT BREEZE WEATHER Those fish deserve a chance to immigrate back out to the Lake if caught and released back into the turbine channel. To the west, theres not a lot of recent reports but flows should be more like moderate to medium and going toward clear. Water color is one foot of visibility or less. Good drifts on lighter leads are still scoring some hook ups on some dark and slightly silver fish. The forecast after the warmup for the end of week/beginning part of the weekend is back to cold temps with snow on the backside of the rain so the up and down, 2 3 day cycle will continue. There could be some fresh fish migrations in the rest of the downstream river course and the other area smaller tribs anytime now thru the spring on these high water events. Slightly lower flows will likely reveal more browns then thought when the water was higher. Flows yesterday in the AM were down but did rebound nicely to the mod or almost med flows weve had this season. Light fishing pressure with just a handful of cars at each parking spot. Dont be afraid to start targeting the warmer water many kings will hold and 60 to 67 water this time of year. Looks like more of the same in the near term forecast anyway. With the flows observed today anglers should be able to cover all the fishy water pretty effectively. The release to that point was a great success! Thanks to the abrupt cold and snow and wind all the tribs are essentially frozen in. Contact us for how and where to help out each spring. Ron is in salmon jail but managed this med male at dawn at the Oak Orchard river mouth Sept 6 on a glo spoon. Think something like flows going from low to not so low. To the east look for a quicker turn for lower and clearer flows and doable drifts then to the west. They also caught their biggest king at 27-1/2 pounds. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Those smaller tribs will drop and clear and warm up sooner then the Oak. As we hit 515 FOW the 85 rigger fires with a Warrior Lures Blue Jeans (on the 10 ft cheater). Keep informed about 2021 canal hours. In shore warm water but it didnt stop hard strikes at dawn not much left in the fight afterwards. Temps are forecast to begin to cool down for the end of this week and thru the weekend. IMO one nice silver fish is worth a whole bunch old upstream darkies. Nice big fresh King drifting action on the backside of high flows from end of Sept rains. Little to no fishing pressure because of the recent events, with the few anglers out enjoying action like this for early Apr 2020 steelhead in the Oak. Saturdays afternoon trip was one of the best weve seen. You can check these in your browser security settings. Their Catch of Kings ranged from 16 to 22 lbs. Fishing pressure is real light I saw just one car on the Oak. Most fishing pressure has been to the east but even now that has started to ease up some. View his full report, From at the Oak to the Bar at Recent precipitation for now probably not enough to keep flows any higher then low-ish when Canal water is ended. Fridays big east wind iced the inside waters where mature kings were being caught from 120 feet of water and in prior to the wind. $25,000 Grand Prize for the largest salmon. Trout and salmon rely on alewife in particular in the open Lake waters of Lake Ontario. Please check our website, at, for the current CFS. Sunday was a special day. Action has been a little more measured then say 2 3 weeks ago when it seemed we got a small run of fresh steelhead. Any emergency Canal drainage flows are now tempered and so that leaves tribs like the Oak and Sandy mostly to regular run of the river flows. All our boat ramps are open. Dsseldorf, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Weather Forecast, with current conditions, wind, air quality, and what to expect for the next 3 days. For now it doesnt look like a big snow event. Look for fish to be well spread upstream thru all the waterways with anglers wise to spread out too and try different spots to find fish. Greater impacts expected SW of here but the south shore of Lake Ontario may get some accumulations. If the forecast is realized, with especially significant rain, there is the chance for high or blown trib flows. A few guys report crowding, but as compared to say last year Id have to say there are a few less guys out and about. Meanwhile, well be tapping into our charter captains for updates. Zane Smith of New Brighton PA with new LOC-leading salmon at 32.4-pounds. Sandy Creek has been the most consistent brown trout action so thats where most of the fishing pressure has been. Oak Orchard Tackle & Lodge The fish are placed in downstream pens at Ernsts Lake Breeze Marina and will be fed and cared for before release in about 3 4 weeks. Sign up for our FREE Fishing Reports Today! The Oak Orchard Harbor is in the process of being dredged which started last week (8/25) and is expected to be finished in mid September. See more info on their. Slightly high and stained flows make for good drifting chances after all the high and dirty. There was a few more inches of snow and more Lake Effect Snow showers are expected today here on the immediate Lake Plain. There are still Kings around, about in a one qtr green fish to three qtr old moldy ratio. We have also been catching fish from 25-70 down. Bob! Mixed bag chances for lakers, browns, steelhead in the River or on the Niagara bar rivermouth. A couple of reports thru yesterday mentioned some hook ups on smaller browns and steelhead. One angler for the beginning part of this week reported good action. Look for some late fish to come thru but likely not in any great concentrations. Fishing pressure real light. Required fields are marked *. For more information, visit our website at and click on the Fishing Report along the top bar on the home page. Fishing pressure is light with most guys reporting a few steelhead and/or browns. We look forward to another 20 years as WNYs longest running trout and salmon speciality fly, spin and float trib shop! Fishing pressure picking up some at the dam with downstream guys pretty well spread out. This is in some contrast to earlier reports of mostly Kings kicking around on the lowering flows. Brown trout reports still about 50% good/50% slow. A few pools or slots may hide a fish that didnt take the drop back trip. A little rise in flows and some stain to the water makes for a willing biter with this nearly 20 pound hen steelhead. See more info on theirFacebook page. See our list of charters and guides HERE. Look for improving action thru the month with cooling weather or cooperating wind and waves and water color. Other area smaller tribs like Sandy also hanging in with flows about as theyve been, chance for a little more color to the water thanks to the last rain. Chance of some fresh steelhead migrations all around now and going forward. To the east flows are also somewhat higher then typical fall flows with slightly stained water color. Small and Largemouth Bass are also abundant, aggressive and eager to bend your rod. More then likely flows will be on the rise in the near future and hydro managers could bump flows up beforehand in anticipation of higher run of the river flows to come. There was some water level fluctuations yesterday thanks to hydropower operations and when the water was down briefly a fair amount of fish were seen in the upstream areas. We had higher then average Fall water flows previously and theres good likelihood well have higher then average late Winter water flows in the near future or even thru the Spring. The derby runs until Sept 6 and the awards ceremony held at Captain Jacks in Sodus Point (arrive by 3 PM). The area received a few inches of wet snow and sleet thru the end of the past week. He is also doing some scuba fishing for bass for something a little different off Tonawanda. Chance of fresh steelhead on the backside of the last higher flows or at least the past falls browns and steelhead should be redistributed. Second season trout action now with light fishing pressure and still reasonable weather with all kinds of water to fish seems like the name of the game right now! No lunch will be offered and no fly fishing tourney will be held. If theres significant rain ahead of or instead of the ice/snow, then trib flows could be on the rise and going off color. Nice to see some chances spread thru the watercourse now with fish that are all mostly in good shape. Forecast is continued warm thru today and tonight with rain likely today/tonight. Water temps have flirted with 40F but should slide back with the forecasted colder weather ahead. Boaters are asked to use the Oak Orchard State Marine Park on the WEST side of the River on Archbald Rd. Hook ups on some fresh fish are coming a little easier then the previous few weeks check out the latest catch pic below. By steelhead standards the flows we have now are real nice and could move some fresh fish upstream. Fishing pressure is real light with one or two guys reporting a few fresher looking steelhead hooked up.
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