You know the person from the moment you see them, and the chemistry is haunting. If someones Pluto is conjunct my South Node in the 1st house, this person focuses a lot on me. South Node conjunct North Node: The South Node represents "where we've been," while the North Node represents "where we're going.". This has given me a lifetime of sorrow with relationships starting off with deep feelings of knowing a person from the minute we meet to being betrayed out of the blue this conjunction is extremely powerful and has given me life long problems trust issues. Lucky him! Juno to Juno would mean a willingness and desire to form some kind of committed, equal partnership, based on house and sign. Ultimately it became too much to show my emotions and his evasiveness and elusiveness became unbearable. I am having trouble finding Node-Node contacts. You share a need for emotional security, and are similar in your emotional reactions. Alternatively, you may have been competitors or partners in battle. SUBSCRIBE! This connection indicates a past life connection in which an imbalance related to authority issues between the two people. You will have learned lessons of pain, so it will not be as bad as those who have to learn it again. Thanks , you are naturally a devoted and loyal person who has the best qualities of a loyal spouse. It shows us the area we feel most comfortable, while the North Node shows us the qualities we need to develop in this life. My Mars in Aquarius is conjunct my ex-boyfriends South Node. her Juno in 10'09 Aquarius conjunct my North Lunar Node in 10'30 Aquarius. Could the transiting Uranus in Taurus be dangerous for this in spite of the Juno/Venus conjunction? In my chart her Juno Sag 11 degrees 8th house and my Sun in Leo 10 degree in 5th house and Jupiter in Aries 14 degrees 12th house. For example: no aspect between Venus and Saturn or very poorly aspected Venus, or poor aspects between Venus and Mars etc. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Required fields are marked *., First tarot reading the most IMPORTANT thing. For example, if your South Node is in your 7th house, it means you concentrated a lot on the needs of others in the past, and in this life, you are called on to embrace independence and individuality. what about pluto conjunct south node? 2. The South Node person may (inadvertently) drain the vitality of the Sun person, and may, in some way, prevent the Sun person from realizing their full potential. his Juno trine my Mars 3 degrees; My Saturn conjunct Juno in my birth chart is conjunct his SN in synastry. Thank you. HIM As such, this is a very significant synastry connection. Send me a postcard from your honeymoon. I would say you would be comfortable with your raw sexuality, James. Ten Conjunctions to the Vertex in Synastry - My Christian Psychic When I say "soulmate," I mean those deeply impactful, deeply connected relationships that you never forget. his Mercury conjunct my Sun/Juno When it comes to Neptune, I would say that this aspect makes the Neptune person feels like the other person is their ideal partner. Eventually, one partner may want to escape this pink bubble if they had outgrown the other. Juno Venus: Relationship between people with this aspect is based on a strong romantic level. When someones planet or point conjuncts your natal South Node, a past life connection is indicated. Before it happened, i got some dreams (blood, killing snakes, souls . 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Even though they both feel the same love on a deeper level, their egoic responses, values or needs to it may be different. It is located between Mars (the lover) and Jupiter (the husband). This is especially true if the Node person is South Node-oriented, i.e. If you have your (potential) partners exact time of birth, you can find out if you two have any significant Juno aspects in your synastry chart. Recently I met a potential love relationship partner. The sexual pull was practically irresistible, and he is still (after 10 years) one of the best lovers Ive ever had. :),, Amazing Astrology - Tarot & Lenormand Readings Copyright 2023, All Rights Reserved, Hi! He would bring pain to you but it would not be a life theme. In the natal chart, Juno has a lot to do with your approach to marriage and the kind of spouse you are likely to attract. These planets are strongly aspected in his natal chart. Reblogged this on Paradise Kendra: My Writings and commented: The SN is warm comfy slippers that one has worn out, such that they fit just right, albeit look a bit ratty. I suggest you to do detailed synastry analysis. Neptune and Juno conjunct in the synastry chart. Your conscious self and the mission of your soul blend together. It was so sweet of you to offer me so much support when I was having a really hard time! I will really appreciate your response. Even if the relationship doesnt work out, both partners eventually learn very important lessons on their emotional growth. (I just realized this is tightly trine my 2H Virgo Juno, too.). My Neptune trine his asteroid Psyche 2 38 I wish you much love in this relationship! Love, In synastry, people seem to think it is bad if a partners planets conjunct ones SN. Lucky for us (I guess) is that we have opposite Ascendants so even though were very similar in our reactions and ways of being we also have completely opposite approaches to so many things. Rebecca, you were spot on! As usual, tighter the orb, the more intense. Jupiter Aspects in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous, Neptune Aspects in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous, Venus conjunct South Node in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous, The North Node in Synastry - Astrology Anonymous, Mariah Carey's Family Tree Part 2 Astro Lola, When I held her for the first time I was overwhelmed by emotion as I immediately received information about her psychically. Ouch! Me and my SO have the following juno aspects in synastry: Juno square Saturn- 0 degrees ( double whammy); Someone who has an idea?? Thank you, Jane! Thanks for changing my perspective. Juno aspecting the South Node simply means that the pair was married (in some way) in a past life, or had a longterm "marriage-like" relationship. While other men concentrate on my sexuality (South Node in Scorpio), he values me for Me.
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