However, the roles of good and evil seem to blur over time. It's likely however that he learned the truth following Voldemort's rebirth as he showed much less hostility towards Sirius than before (while still a significant amount) and he was made aware that Peter was alive and on the side of the Death Eaters. He'd have been mean to Harry deliberately to prevent anyone from guessing the truth from favouritism then, I guess. well,snape is like harry's stepfather because he loved lily but lily saw james so lily liked him and when the sorting hat was putting everyone into houses james and lily did the dramatic stare so they loved each other so they got married, Being in love with someone's mother doesn't make that someone your stepchild. Is Snape Hermione's father? - But it would have been too complicated with where Harry's protection would come from instead. Obviously from the books' standpoint James is Harry's father. I can see why people who didn't read the books could have somehow jumped to that conclusion. Also, Snape's love for Lily was most definitely romantic by the end. Answer (1 of 5): Snape is, technically, very distantly related to Harry. Snape entered the Leaky Caldron. Latest answer posted December 07, 2017 at 11:40:19 PM. Magazines, Or create a free account to access more articles, JK Rowling Reveals Why Harry Potter Named His Son After Professor Snape. You see your self in DH 2 James making a fool of Snape and James looks just like harry for a REASON!!! In the books though, Harry is described as strongly resembling James (the only differences are eye colour and scar) while he and Snape only have black hair in common really. Since his happiest and most loving memories were with Harry's mother, Lily, his Patronus took the same form as hers which is what made Harry follow it in the first place. Okay, now I read the books. Severus Snape's infamous line about Harry Potter's eyes in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 isn't actually a Harry Potter plot hole. Harry Potter Movie Summaries: Brief Overviews of Films 1-8 Harry names his son after both Hogwarts directors: Albus Severus. Who asks this kind of question? it is 150% James but i guess they think that because snape loved her and in the beginning you can tell she liked him before she met james. According to Wizarding World, a Patronus is generated through "memories of happiness and hope." Select from the 0 categories from which you would like to receive articles. After the big reveal that Snape was a double agent, fans started debating whether he was a hero or a villain. However, of all of the characters in Harry Potter, few are as fascinating as Severus Snape, the Slytherin potions master who seems like one of the cruelest villains for nearly the entire series. In the Deathly Hallows Part 2, it seemed like Snape could have possibly been Harry's father from: James' Animagus form was a stag, hence the nickname of Prongs. I read the first book and I instantly knew that Snape was an enemy of Harry. As far as a crazy 'open-ended' plot twist, that's where my mind took it. It is 100% obvious that James is Harry's father because Sirius is his godfather because Sirius was James's best friend. How does Harry change throughout the second book, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? Unfortunately, he left us prematurely without being able to keep his promise to be still reading Harry Potter at the age of 80. It could have been easy to mix up Snape's confession of a decades long unrequited love for the pair of them having been in love. This way, Draco's soul would be spared. Who is Harry Potter's real father? - Quora A few years back, one fan asked the author directly about her decision. Tobias Snape | Harry Potter Wiki | Fandom This time, however, she wasn't here. A Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Snape is hostile to Harry due to his resemblance to his father James Potter. In other words, he was the potions genius who's been helping Harry excel at the art of potion-making all year. If you look at the etymology of the words, you'll see he's both referencing Lily and his vow to . In the film adaptation, Lord Voldemort slashes Snape's throat, then orders Nagini to finish him off. Dumbledore was gay. Fuck no. BOOM, People obviously don't pay enough attention and they are lost in the moment of the realisation of snape actually being a pretty good guy, because at first I felt the same way too, People think Snape is Harry Potter's father even though James Potter is Harry's because Dumbledore said "Make sure Harry is safe and pretend that you're is his father.". And, in fact, Snape is working against him to protect Harry. This shows that, sometimes, our senses deceive us. In a since-deleted tweet, the user asked @jk_rowling Why did you pick Snape to name Harry's kid after? I mean, peaple brought it from films where actors have a certain hair color. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital Snape is the father of Harry, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction Ore they're just idiots. i think cause snape had a thing for lilly. In the Harry Potter series, Severus Snape is long established as one of Harry's most consistent antagonists. Quickly, the two become close friends, and Snape tells Lily, a Muggle-born witch, about Hogwarts and their future there together. What we do see are characters whose actions come as a result of their difficult past. Characters in the books that knew James clearly state that Harry is James' son because he looks like James. Her reply ignited a huge debate among Twitters legion of Harry Potter fans, prompting Rowling to tell them to never change.. Is he a spy for Dumbledore or for Voldemort? Their Patronuses were the same because Snape had loved Lily, not because they'd had an affair or had a child together. Professor Slughorn, his Potions Master, was very fond of both Snape and Lily, so they were both likely a part of his elite student group, the Slug Club. In a 2007 interview with Bloomsbury, Rowling joked that Skeeter would probably have gone on to write a biography titled "Snape: Scoundrel or Saint?" Look again, the guy doesn't have black hair. We cannot make it any more clear that Severus Snape is not Harry Potter's real father. Sometime before 1960, pure-blood witch Eileen Prince married Muggle Tobias Snape. Snape was a Slytherin when he was at Hogwarts, and like many students in that house, he excelled at Potions, the Dark Arts, and Charms. In the Harry Potter books, is Snape Hermione's father? - Quora But Snape's attempts to uncover the truth resulted in Sirius teasing that the truth was at the Shack. And, perhaps, one of the characters that best embodies the duality of human nature is Severus Snape the heartbroken man who built a shell to hide his true goodness. Severus is born the son of the witch Eileen Prince and the Muggle Tobias Snape. Due to the age difference between Rickman and Snape, as he is portrayed in the book, make-up was used on Rickman to make him look younger. The Harry Potter novelist shed light on Twitter over the epilogue to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which revealed that Harry named his son Albus Severus. At the Sorting Ceremony, Lily is sorted into Gryffindor, while Snape ends up in Slytherin, ensuring that the two friends are separated for their entire tenure at Hogwarts. Snape's actor Alan Rickman's first and middle initials -, Snape and James Potter's respective actors - Alan Rickman and. And he killed Dumbledore. Dumbledore calms him down in front of Fudge: "That will do, Severus," said Dumbledore quietly. Harry gave his eldest son the middle name Sirius. Severus Snape is one of the most intriguing characters in the Harry Potter saga. Snape didn't know that he was the father of Harry, hell, even Harry didn't know. In honouring Snape, Harry hoped in his heart that he too would be forgiven. Alan Rickman was, without a doubt, magnificent as Severus Snape and a perfect guardian of Rowlings secret. Rickman was Rowling's first choice for the role. Finally someone with some sense. It's especially bad since James has a penchant for bullying Snape. In The Deathly Hallows, the last book in the saga, we realize that there are no longer any people who we could classify as good or bad. It must have said Severus Snape. His mother was a witch and his father was a Muggle, leading to the moniker "The Half-Blood Prince." Snape did confront Harry about the missing ingredients for the potion. I know for a second I was thinking the same thing but in all the movies & books they say he's a spitting image of James but has his mothers eyes. Because in the movie, dh2, in the death scene where harry is talking to dumbledore in the train station, harry references the visions he had from snapes tears. If Snape was jealous of James, it would make sense such jealousy could result in disabling James, who essentially persecuted Snape during Hogwart's schooling. Published Aug 27, 2022. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Spoilers for the Harry Potter film & books to follow! While Snape and Lily try to remain close despite their differences, Lily disapproves of Snape's friends all of whom later become Death Eaters under Voldemort while Snape can't stand James Potter, one of Gryffindor's most popular students, who's clearly carrying a torch for Lily. And two, a lot of things in the movies suggest snaps is always protecting him and helping him. "Well Harry Minnie said that you received a post today. Furious, Snape kicks Harry out of his office and refuses to continue teaching him, but in the end, when Harry is convinced that Voldemort has captured Sirius, Snape goes out of his way to check on Sirius and alert the Order of the Phoenix about Harry's vision. Something a father would do. Rupert Grint admitted to being afraid of him in an interview. He's always had a crush on her even when they started Hogwarts. Was Snape Harry's real father? : r/harrypotter - reddit Maybe he loved her still, maybe they were blood related or maybe had the same memory. Their relationship seemed to be permanently damaged from that day on. Is Snape Harry's Father in Harry Potter? Explained I found a few clues in all 8 movies minute 83:54. With Dumbledore's help, Snape manages to hide the Sword of Gryffindor in a forest for Harry to find, enabling him to destroy horcruxes (because the sword is strengthened by basilisk venom) and keep track of Harry in general, quietly assisting him in his mission to weaken Voldemort enough to finally bring him down. The only thing that made me think otherwise is the JAMES that they picked for the movie. Upon their shared arrival at Hogwarts, Lily is furious at Snape for sabotaging her relationship with her sister, and matters only get worse from there. We know from the Goblet of Fire a person can maintain disguise via polyjuice potion for as long as they have access. ", Rita Skeeter is a journalist and author in the Wizarding World known for her sensationalized tell-alls, including "The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore.". For requests, comments, or to hear his pitch for a third Avatar series that incorporates robots, you can reach him What Would 'Potter' Have Been Like With Tim Roth As Snape? Snape stays by Voldemort's side throughout the Battle of Hogwarts, which turns out to be a fatal mistake. i mean he evn has ta same patronus as her. Doesnt he look just like James, with Lilys eyes? Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. It's widely known by Hogwarts students and professors that Snape wanted to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, not Potions. Why do people think Snape is Harry Potter's father isnt it - Fanpop Having taught at Hogwarts for fourteen years in. He was only 21 days older than her. However, this didn't relieve the rivalry between the two young men. When he sees his Potter relatives in the Mirror of Erised in the first book, it's narrated that he spots relatives with pretty much every feature he has - even his knobbly knees. Despite his status as a Death Eater as well as implications that he had some form of status among them before Voldemort's attack on the Potters, Snape did not seem to be aware of Peter Pettigrew's role in the Death Eaters nor was he aware that Peter was actually the one who betrayed Lily to Voldemort as he seemed sure that Sirius Black was the culprit. Didn't you post this crap a week ago? Warner Bros. Well, he's clearly not very nice, and he's working both sides of the street. Unbeknownst to both Voldemort and Snape, Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been hiding and watching the entire scene unfold, and when Voldemort leaves the room, Harry rushes forward to try to save Snape. On a 2019 episode of the UK game show "There's Something About the Movies," actor Tim Roth said that he was offered the role of Snape the same year he was cast in Tim Burton's "Planet of the Apes.". 29. Snape showed Albus the doe after he asked Snape if he had developed feelings for Harry. It has just dawned on me that JK Rowling drops tons of clues during the series that Snape could be Harrys father, not James as we are initially led to believe. Dolores Umbridge also casts a Patronus (in the form of a cat) during "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.". Fury of the Gods Special: Shazamily Matters, 25 Years Ago, Michelle Yeoh Starred in James Bond's Most Underrated Movie, 10 Worst Written Female Characters In An Action Movie. In Harry's fifth year, now that Voldemort has officially returned, it's more important than ever for "the Boy Who Lived" to protect himself against the Dark Lord, who's skilled in the art of legilimency (meaning that he can delve into Harry's thoughts at any time). They weren't siblings though - we know their parents' identities and they're 2 different pairs. Tonk's patrous turned into a wolf but for awhile people thought she had been in love with her cousin Sirus but in reality it was Lupin. I did not read books 5-7 so I'm not sure what they say. It appears that he also played his part very well. Thus, were faced with the question: Who really is who in Harry Potter? even the novel delivered that message, but there is no bloodline between harry and snape and btw it doesnt say that, snapes patronus is a deer (doe) for lily because he loved her (obviously) because lily's is also a deer (doe), his patronus has nothing to do with harry or a bloodline but all to do with lily (and love ). Throughout most of the Harry Potter franchise, Severus Snape was the Potions professor with a knack for bullying students he didn't like. " I'm looking for Harry Potter" Snape said. The ultimate dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, has the strongest villain-style charisma in the Harry Potter world. We know that Snape has the dark mark, an indication that he was once a Death Eater. Is Snape a repentant mortal? The Potions Professor at Hogwarts despite his history as a former member of Voldemort's Death Eaters, Snape is shown to have a personal distaste for Harry specifically.This is eventually revealed to be a by-product of Snape's lingering resentment for Harry's father, James -- who had . They think that Snape is the real father because the whole time he spent odd amount of time watching Harry and making sure he didn't screw up and not just because Dumbledore "Was raising him like a pig for slaughter." Unsurprisingly, audiences still debate about where he lands on the morality spectrum. From lifelong vendettas to his long-lost love and his true allegiance, here's the entire, fascinating backstory of Severus Snape, explained in full. Snape already knew about the world of magic, and was, in some ways, a key figure in Lilys childhood. It's possible his Patronus was also a stag (the only character whose Animagus form and Patronus have both been seen is Professor McGonagall, and hers are both cats). I mean seriously after years of "you look just like your fathers" and the fact that lily never was romantically interested in snape during the movie, only him towards her,you would think people would know James is Harry's dad. It was because of Snape that Harry Potter became aware and practical of the Disarming Charm (. Severus Snape's biggest regret. But no, he wasn't Harrys father! Harry Potter Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Which side is he on? When Lily got sorted into Gryffindor, and Snape into Slytherin, he got a bit envious and started disliking James. Surprisingly, less blood is shown than in the book. If by real you mean through genes the answer to that is James Potter. While Snape may have protectedHarry partially out of hisenduring love for Lily, his debt to James can't be understated -- and was directly referenced asthe reason why Snape savedHarryfrom Quarrel in the novel version ofHarry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. I had the same question when I watched it before reading the book. In the books, Snape is one of the youngest teachers to be recruited at Hogwarts school. are you guys really watched the movie? Unequivocally no. Nevertheless, Snaperepeatedly proves himselfthroughout the series as a surprising protector for Harry. Tobias Snape was a British Muggle and the patriarch of the Snape family in the late twentieth century. They met as children and became great friends. He mightve said "you're just like you're swine of a father" but when I heard that he said father as if in inverted commas. That would have been a brilliant twist! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Ravenclaw, Elder and Unicorn 10 1/2 inches unyielding, sparrow. " Should I tell him you're here Severus". Rowling plays around with the questions in our minds. Severus Snape: Who is Who in Harry Potter? - Exploring your mind She was putting MORE thought into than most people who read the books. While it doesn't excuse Snape's behavior at the time, James Potter's seemingly only redeeming moment from that period of his life was his decision to keep his friend from accidentally killing someone. 2006-2023 Fanpop, Inc., all rights reserved. After hours of slaughter, Voldemort comes to a realization. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Facts About the Potters Left Out Of The Movies. In the book, we learn that James Potter and his friends were bullying Snape, and Lily came to his defense. "Think about what you are saying. Thoughts? Jemes is light and Snape is black like Harry is. In his dying moments, Snape asks Harry to look at him clearly a reference to Lily, in that Harry's eyes resemble his mother's and gives him a vial of memories. Towards the end of the series you start to notice Snapes attitude discreetly change and in the last movie you could see he really did care for Harry. When Snape accidentally injures Petunia using magic, she calls Lily a "freak," while Lily reveals that she and Snape saw a letter that Petunia wrote, begging Hogwarts to accept her as a student. And that's whenSnape shows up and does the job himself. Sirius Black, a wanted murderer accused of killing 13 wizards with a single curse, has escaped Azkaban the wizarding prison and is apparently hunting Harry. Harry Potter fandom is one of the largest, most active and productive in the world. "That is great. It makes me mad. The Harry Potter books and movies are filled with unforgettable characters, from students like Hermione Granger and bullies like Draco Malfoy to professors like Minerva McGonagall and the villainous Lord Voldemort. Though Dumbledore tells Harry that Snape protects him as a debt to James, he doesn't divulge anything further, and the enmity between Harry and Snape continues. Harry's Real Father Severus Snape was sitting on the bank of the murky river near Spinner's End like he used to with Lily Evans, his long time crush. Though Lily assures her friend that she can't stand James, an altercation with the young bully ends in nastiness when Snape calls Lily a "Mudblood," a horrible slur referring to Muggle-borns and it effectively ends their friendship forever. James Potter, as is mentioned several times throughout the series, is Pureblood. Alan Rickman, the actor who brought the character to life, was the only one . I think people were just kind of grasping at straws. Do you think Dumbledore told Snape the truth about how Sirius escaped He seems to somewhat favor the students of the house of Slytherin, of which he is the head. However, what he doesn't know is that Snape is secretly helping him. One notable factor of the books was when Harry was speaking about Snape with Dumbledore, the latter would always ask Harry to address him as "Professor Snape". Because of this, quite naturally, we identify him as a villain. This door has been locked since I left the ward ten minutes ago. Despite never appearing in the actual events of either the book or film series, James' rescue of Snape -- although a pretty bad indictment on the kind of person he and his best friends were as teenagers -- is quietly one of the more important momentsin the series' backstory. When the year draws to a close, Harry and Sirius come face to face, flanked by Ron, Hermione, and Lupin, and a shocking realization comes to light. Be sorted, earn house points, take classes with our fine Hogwarts staff, debate which actor portrayed Dumbledore the best, and finally get some closure for your Post-Potter Depression. A better question is, why do those who read the book look down and laugh at those who didn't? In modern times, they resided in a house on Spinner's End. SNAPE IS HARRY POTTER'S FATHER? Haven't they read Philisiphers Stone? Muggles these days. Besides when watching movies some people like it to be a story they've never seen or heard and for the record movies don't always follow the book to the letter. Because it seems like a interesting idea. J. K. Rowlings, author of the Harry Potter series, went to a great deal of trouble creating unique characters who shared common connections. Well for one, some make fanfictions and theories about the story. Snape, however, doesn't join the Order in this particular fight against Voldemort at the risk of exposing his cover as a double agent for Dumbledore. What made them think that way ?? Warner Bros. Pictures. In Order of the Phoenix, Sirius mentions that all Pureblo. He was a double agent, so many character details were kept a secret. will help you with any book or any question. The scene with Severece's tears in the memory thingy in dumbleweinies' office. I've also read all the books, and I knew that Snape wasn't Harry's real father. Lily was a Muggleborn while Snape was halfblood. Does this make Dumbledore a bad guy and Snape a hero? Next time you read a book and then go see the movie try not going in with preconceived notions (con, I already know what happens doesn't look good on you when you're laughing at others because they don't) and really watch the movie like you've never heard the story before and stop sitting there dictating every line, that's no fun. Even just from his name, Snape, it sounds like snake, usually associated with evil. Oh I'm sorry HalgBloofAzaria. One might consider Snape as a covert operative under deep cover, as the reader learns of his ultimate mission in the final book of the series.
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