I was so obsessed with escaping the Bat's shadow, I never appreciated what that symbol really meant. Contents 1 History 1.1 Before Metropolis 1.2 Year One 1.3 Year Two 1.4 Year Three 1.5 Year Four 1.6 Year Five 1.7 Fall of the Regime 1.8 Possible Post-Regime Epilogue Maxwell Lord | Demolition Team | Psycho-Pirate | Bronze Tiger | As the two arguing heroes walk by, Damian shakes his head as he hears the mention of their job of "defending Superman and his cronies." Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah, Madame Rouge & General Immortus) | Control Freak | Batman vs. Two-Face: Two-Face | Hugo Strange | Catwoman | King Tut | Bookworm | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Clock King | Egghead | Mr. Despite Dick's gift, Damian still finds self-doubt as he only inherits someone else's mantle. Batman vs. Robin: Court of Owls (Samantha Vanaver, Talon, Owls Lieutenant & Talon Warriors) | Dollmaker Penguin | Harley Quinn | Curious Myths of the Middle Ages by Sabine Baring-Gould - Complete text Music Meister | The Masters of the Universe) Before the Joker can finish him off, the Insurgents arrive, and Hawkgirl grabs Damian and retreats. Killer Croc | Ultralak | (Succeeded). Suicide Squad | Green Arrow, thinking that this version of Nightwing is Dick Grayson, tried to reason with him until the parallel universe's Batman revealed that Nightwing is Damian Wayne, who killed Dick Grayson and took his identity. Malefic J'onzz | Doomsday | Later on, Kara returns to tell her cousin of Wonder Woman's attempt to kill Harley. Justice League Unlimited: Brainiac | Darkseid | Lex Luthor | Mongul | Ares | KGBeast | Copperhead | Blockbuster I | Cheetah | Mordred | Morgaine Le Fey | Circe | Roulette | Mordru | Maxwell Lord | Amanda Waller | General Wade Eiling | Solomon Grundy | Chronos | Atomic Skull | Granny Goodness | Kalibak | Tala | Hugo Strange | Professor Milo | Doomsday | Deadshot | Plastique | Captain Boomerang | Clock King | Felix Faust | Mantis | Gorilla Grodd | Bizarro | Giganta | Heat Wave | Sinestro | Doctor Destiny | Star Sapphire | Toyman | Volcana | Silver Banshee | Metallo | Killer Frost | Orion | Captain Cold | Mirror Master | Fatal Five | Gentleman Ghost | Virman Vundabar | Superman Kobra Cult | Sensei | Carnivore | Reply apophisreignsboss R.I.P Kevin Conroy . The symbol is my legacy--a legacy of vengeance. To their surprise, Damian had informed Superman's party beforehand and had the group arrive in before Batman and Nightwing. Justice League: War: Darkseid | Desaad | Parademons | Ocean Master Dark Angel | Lex Luthor | He might have been a teenager in the flashback but if I recall correctly, Superman's Regime lasted for five years and then Injustice 2 picks up five years after Superman was captured. Poison Ivy | When the Joker used Scarecrow's Fear Toxin to trick Superman into killing Lois Lane and blowing up Metropolis, the Kryptonian took revenge on the clown by killing him and initiating a new world order to eliminate all crime.[1]. Neron | As the riot wears on, Dick notices Damian excessively beating up the villains and scolds him for it, but Damian responds by throwing one of his eskrima sticks at Dick. Angle Man | Wrath | [5] This time, Damian accepted and was successfully freed from prison. Rainbow Raider | Royal Flush Gang | Though they attempted to make it look like they were there for Superman, their main escapee was intended to be Damian - since the mission was lead by his mother and his newly revealed sister Athanasia. Toyman | Ten Eyed Man | Red Panzer | Tighnari. Justice League: Injustice for All: Lex Luthor | Star Sapphire | Solomon Grundy | Cheetah | Joker | Shade | Felix Faust | Ultra-Humanite Damian do have agree about Ras vision about the cruelty of the world, but completely gone too far on wiping every innocent humanity, unlike Superman (although Damian himself was the one who sided with a child murderer who murdered Shazam in the first place). Gearhead | Brother EYE | Superman | Wonder Woman | Yellow Lantern | The Flash | Aquaman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Solomon Grundy | Catwoman | Bane | Black Adam | Deadshot | Poison Ivy | Scarecrow | Joker | Deathstroke, Gotham Knights While Dick normally dodges these tricks at practice, he is distracted by the fighting and is hit straight on. Damian admits how wrong he was for siding with Superman initially. Freeze | Trigon | Zod | Bizarro | Lobo | Black Manta | The Enchantress | Scorpion | Ra's al Ghul | Amazo | Mirror Master | Killer Croc | Mister Mxyzptlk, Comics Powers / Skills Which puts Batman easily into his 40's. Leviathan | Pylon | Firefly | Captain Boomerang | Toyman | Nightwing Villains | After killing Zsasz, Damian later burned down Wayne Manor in an attempt to gain closure over the matter. While moving through Bldhaven as Nightwing, he is followed by various members of the League of Assassins, who wish for Damian to join them in toppling over Earth's governments in order to bring the world under their balance. Damian later asks Catwoman for advice in rediscovering himself, which she replies is to reintroduce himself as something new. I think it's really cool how they gave Superman slight wrinkles near his jawline, Aquaman, Cheetah, Catwoman, Ivy, GL, Black Canary - 30's. Mantis | Damian Wayne By pressing certain directional inputs with the character trait button, it allows Robin to use a different type of Birdarang and also throw them at varying distances. Solovar and al Ghul then have Amazo disable Grodd's psychic abilities and he is banished from Gorilla city. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Pied Piper | Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders: Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Catwoman | Archer | Black Widow | Bookworm | Clock King | Egghead | False Face | King Tut | Louie the Lilac | Mad Hatter | Minstrel | Mr. Brain | Dr. Adamson | Later, as Wonder Woman and Black Adam attempt to rescue Superman, Damian is freed by Supergirl and is given his gear, though he thinks he is dreaming. Damian then refutes his father's words, citing the hatred he traced from Bruce's eyes when he was shoved off of Dick, and immediately rips off his Robin patch from his costume. Red Hood | The non-canon series Injustice shows a DC Universe torn apart as a war destroys alliances, friendships and even families. Psi | Joining the One Earth regime, Damian accidentally killed Dick Grayson and later adopted his Nightwing persona. Supergirl is older than superman lol.. she just didn't age when she was stuck in space. Batman : Dick was my son, too. There, he first met Kara Zor-El, Supergirl and was unaware that she is Superman's biological cousin, despite Adam restrictively warn Damian to stay away from her. Dark Supergirl | There he discovered Kara Zor-El, Superman's cousin who Adam had rescued, and Adam and Nightwing worked together to train her to one day be able to rescue her cousin.[8]. Malefic J'onzz Legion of Doom (Superboy-Prime, Sun Girl, Headcase, Inertia, Indigo, Persuader, Zookeeper) | Psycho-Pirate | Radiation Creature | Arkhamverse Villains | The Batman (2022): Riddler | Falcone Crime Syndicate (Carmine Falcone, Penguin, William Kenzie, The Twins & Vinnie) | Catwoman | Salvatore Maroni | Riddler's Cult | Pete Savage | Gil Colson | Don Mitchell Jr. | Train Gang | Joker, Direct-to-video Movies Powers and Abilities Powers Maxwell Lord | Doctor Polaris | Planet Master | He appears in Next Generation of Young Justice and its sequel Out of Lights Reach. For the past few weeks since Gunn announced . Doctor Alchemy | Parasite | Depending on the player, Firestorm or Blue Beetle will engage Damian, resulting in his defeat. Mr. Superman calms down Damian, and when Damian protests about the inmate situation, Superman states that today wasn't the time, and is taken by Superman. Crime Doctor | Clayface (Matt Hagen) | Injustice 3 (Capricorn123) Injustice 3 is an upcoming fighting . As Damian let his father finish him off with no regrets, Alfred is both recovered and getting tired of watching the father and son fighting each other just as Batman's allies arrived and try to stop the two fighting each other, lecturing them to reconcile and never blame each other. Negotiator | Contents 1 Personality 2 Appearance 3 Relationships 3.1 Bruce Wayne (Batman) 3.2 Dick Grayson (Nightwing) Talia al Ghul | Though he and his allies manage free Batman at 90%, Wonder Woman snapped Damians neck to death with her lasso in front of Batman, allowing him to be completely free by Damians death. After this defeat, he disappears completely from the story. Cyborgirl | Phosphorus Rex | Dick Grayson (DC vs Vampires) | Ra's al Ghul | Eventually, Hawkgirl arrives to fetch Damian only for him to sense something amiss. Polka Dot Man | In response to the arrival of the Amazonian army, Damian and Cyborg bring out the rest of the One Earth Government's forces, who are met by Batman. The Top 100 Most Streamed Jamaican Dancehall, Reggae Songs Of All Time Micheal Atkins | We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. | Psycho-Pirate | Ghost Initiative (Joe Wilson, China White & Cupid) Not even Batman had done that. T.O. Season 4: Oliver Queen | H.I.V.E. When Batman, furious, crosses toward Damian for "crossing the line," Damian attacks him. Ultra-Humanite, Movies Morrow | Zack Snyder's Justice League: Darkseid's Elite (Darkseid, Steppenwolf, DeSaad, Granny Goodness, & Parademons) | Lex Luthor | Deathstroke | Black Clad (Black Clad Alpha) | Ares | Joker Great White Shark | Ultra-Humanite | Robin is a playable character and a protagonist in the Injustice series. Batman Unlimited: Monster Mayhem: Joker | Scarecrow | Clayface | Silver Banshee | Solomon Grundy Damian later reports this act of deception and Hawkgirl's disappearance to Superman. White Martians | Lillian Luthor | This edition was first published in 1877. Injustice 2. Doctor Phosphorus | He eventually regroups with the other Regime members and attack Blue Beetle and Firestorm; forcing the latter to try and make a nuclear blast to stop them. Brother Blood | Fate) | Red Hood | Mr. I've been called Robin and Nightwing. Satanus | Midnight | Worldkiller-1 | Franchise: DC Universe. Roulette | I.N.S.T.I.G.A.T.O.R. Decay | Firebug | Duke Caboom. After his training was completed, Damian was finally revealed to his father, who accepted him as his newest Robin, hoping to put the child's training with the League to a better use. Thunder & Lighting | In the prequel comic to Injustice 2 Ra's enacts a plan to bring the world balance and has Damian kidnap Alfred's corpse and resurrects him through the Lazarus Pit to use as a hostage against Batman. Killer Croc | Hush | League of Assassins | Neron | Discuss Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol 1 5 on the forums; Images from Injustice: Gods Among Us Vol 1 5; Footnotes In addition to appearing as Nightwing in the story mode, Damian is also playable as Robin, wielding a . Neutron | Tooth Fairy | Not even Batman had done that. It will explain how he defects his father and joins Superman's Regime, and somehow retconning his killing on Alfred's murderer, Zsasz, with Alfred's dead remained unknown. Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul Legion of Doom (Lex Luthor, Cheetah, Solomon Grundy, Toymaster, & Weather Wizard) | Atomic Skull | Ra's al Ghul Red Death | Injustice 2 (Video Game 2017) - Scott Porter as Robin, Damian Wayne - IMDb Judge of Owls | Scary Teri | Red Hood Villains | The Batman Who Laughs | Simon Tycho | In the prequel comic when Damian is freed and forced to return to Ra's Al-Ghul's side instead of having his Regime friends freed along with it, Damian has a chance to resurrect Alfred to Lazarus Pit, while ambushing Batman's Insurgency, and ruining a wedding between Black Canary and alternate Green Arrow, including on kidnapping two of Black Vulcan's daughters and Connor Lance-Quinn (Black Canary and the original universe's late-Green Arrow's son) as hostages. Injustice: Gods among Us Year One - The Complete Collection (DC Comics & Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Riddler | Clayface | Joker | Mr. Sinestro had his suspicions confirmed when a yellow power ring found its way onto Nightwing's finger. Upon seeing this, Damian contacts Kara and asks for her to finally join the fight against the android. Funky Flashman | Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Injustice: Gods among Us Year One - The Complete Collection (DC Comics, May. Overman | Onomatopoeia | Dominators | While Kara is able to accomplish her task, Damian's group soon begins to try and flee Gorilla City, but Animal Man is killed while trying to fly Damian out, and Damian is left behind by Vixen and Jason. Brotherhood of Evil (Brain, Monsieur Mallah & Madame Rouge) | Nightwing's belligerence eventually drew the attention of Sinestro. Spcialis dans le doublage, il est la voix notamment franaise rgulire de Dane DeHaan 1, Craig Roberts 1, Louis Hofmann ou encore James Scully ainsi que de Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir dans le dessin anim Miraculous : Les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir et Meliodas dans l'anim Seven Deadly Sins . Blackguard | Gotham Villains | Sindel and D'Vorah - Killing your faves since 2011. Rama Khan | Injustice: Superman | Nightwing | Cyborg | Raven | Bane | Catwoman | Solomon Grundy | Killer Frost | Deathstroke, Comics From that point onward, Damian cut all ties with his father and aligned himself with Superman. Pretty sure all that you listed as late 20's are in their 30's and all that you listed as mid 30's are in their 40's. Damian Wayne, also known as Robin and under the mantle of Nightwing, is the twisted alternative version of the heroic main-universe Damian Wayne and a major antagonist of the Injustice series. Damian's group is able to break into Professor Ivo's room, but find that Amazo has now outlasted almost all the heroes assembled to fight. Film Freak | Other than that, enjoy Villains Wiki!!! Clayface | Red Volcano | Free shipping for many products! During the prequel comic, Damian wears a green domino mask over his face, bladed green gauntlets, and green boots, a red tunic with the 'R' logo on his chest. Cheetah | When the news of the massacre on William City, Arizona reaches Damians ears, Damian suspect the massacre is actually Ras and Solovars doing, through sending a robot killer Amazo on murdering innocent human civilians (including children and pregnant women) for their so-called re-balance of the world, leading him must head back to the League of Assassins, where they hid in Gorilla City. Squid | | Deathstroke | INTERVIEW: The voices behind Green Lantern and Nightwing talk INJUSTICE Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Dr. Light | ", This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Sinestro Corps members category.". Lex Luthor | Calculator | Damian is then congratulated by Superman, but Damian reveals Alfred's previous comments on Superman's fear. Since then, there have been many films where we will see Damian Wayne as in Injustice, where the voice is performed by Zach Calliso, and Batman and Superman: Battle of the Super Sons, among others. Clock King | Brain | H.I.V.E. When the dynamic duo arrived at Arkham Asylum to protect its prisoners from Superman's might, Robin betrayed his Batman, slitting Victor Zsasz's throat and siding with Superman's new order. Dark Knights | Maxwell Lord | Buzz | Batman Unlimited: Animal Instincts: Animalitia (Penguin, Killer Croc, Man-Bat, Cheetah & Silverback) Cheshire | Blackfire | Ernie Chubb | Talia al Ghul | Dick's death solidifies Bruce and Damian's respective stances and they get into an argument in the Batcave with regards to this. There's no way he was younger than 13 in the flashback so that makes him 23 at the youngest. Alfred Protocol | However, when a new threat threatens the earth, Shazam returns to action, determined to redeem himself. Arion | Guard | Killer Moth | There's no way he was younger than 13 in the flashback so that makes him 23 at the youngest. Damian first appears crashing into Joker's Asylum, quickly knocking out several Joker Clan goons. Catman | Jinx | Season 6: Nyxlygsptlnz | Soldiers | Son of Batman: Deathstroke | League of Assassins (Ra's al Ghul & Talia al Ghul) | Ubu | Killer Croc | Man-Bats Project Cadmus (Colonel James Harper) Arnold John Flass | Condiment King | General Wade Eiling | The Acolyte | Starbreaker | DC Showcase: Death in the Family (2020 Short) Damien Wayne (Baby) . Joker | He is violent, self-important, and was trained by the League of Assassins, learning to kill at a young age, which troubles the relationship with his father who refuses to kill. Kardiak | Talia al Ghul | (Gamemnae), Video Games Crime Syndicate of America | Throughout your life, you were told you were nothing but a villain, doomed the second you were born to succumb to darkness. Freeze |Circe | Felix Faust | Gorilla Grodd | Killer Frost | Penguin | Solomon Grundy | Steppenwolf Damian clarifies Superman was more of a father to him than Batman ever was, but Bruce doesn't care, telling Damian he is not his son. Broker | Damian expresses confusion over Batman's concern for the inmates, stating that they were "the worst of the worst." Mister Twister | Five (Gizmo, Jinx, Mammoth, See-More & Billy Numerous) | Punk Crabs | Belinda Zee | Superboy-Prime | Felix Faust | Hyena | When Blue Beetle asks what Damian would be if his father's weak, he states he takes after his mother. Shark | Leviathan Deadshot | Doctor Double X | at the best online prices at eBay! He is the estranged son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul, he appears as Nightwing in the present reality of Injustice: Gods Among Us, having accidentally killed Dick Grayson, the previous Nightwing, which caused his betrayal after he stopped being Batman's son, even Dick's girlfriend (Starfire) developed a deep hatred towards Damian after his accidental murder but joining Superman's Regime in the worst part. [6] When Batman's team of heroes invaded, they accidentally caused the destruction of the League's endangered animal habit, and Batman took the revived Alfred back to Wayne Manor with him to fully recover. Superboy-Prime | Later, he becomes friends with Dick Grayson, choosing to often work together in Gotham City. Wrestling Star | Video Game: Injustice 2. Mister Mxyzptlk | Master of Games | H.I.V.E. 0 9 9 comments Best Add a Comment CloudstrifeHY3 5 yr. ago He didn't go to school. First published in 1866. Dragon King | Otis Graves | When Batman orders him to let Zsasz go, Damian retorts that Batman would rather fight his enemies than confronting the real problem. 108K 2.1K. Kodiak | Poison Ivy | Anarky | Ra's al Ghul | Deathstroke | Harvey Dent | Killer Croc | Simon Stagg | Professor Pyg and Mr. Toad | Man-Bat | Cypher | Magpie | Lady Shiva | Tobias Whale | Phosphorus Rex | Lunkhead | Humpty Dumpty | Silver Monkey | Key | Bethany Ravencroft | Daedalus Boch | Junkyard Dog | Sapphire Stagg | Matatoa | Anatol Mykros, Harley Quinn Through Damian's guidance, Kara is able to retrieve Wonder Woman and her supporters and they are able to escape back to Khandaq. Bizarro | Just For Fun: Injustice 2 Character Ages : r/INJUSTICE - reddit Piglets | Warp | Despite dropping many villains, Damian is overwhelmed by the numbers, but as he loses consciousness, he is barely able to see Bronze Tiger go berserk and attack the other villains. His Corps was always in need of new recruits, and the young human seemed able to inspire great fear. Robin : [arcade ending] Bruce Wayne was my father, and it's no secret I hated him. Spellbinder | It is in this form that he appears as a playable character in Injustice 2. Darkseid | His thirst for conflict grew. Claything | This is an in-universe article with out-of-universe material. Season 1: Astra and Non's Army (Non, Astra, Indigo, Vartox, Hellgrammite & Maxima) | Adonis | Selena | Robin Villains | Atomic Skull | My name is Damian Wayne. Manchester Black | Arsenal | David Li | Royal Flush Gang | #5: BATMAN #656 | DC | 2006 | Well, it appears the fandom has spoken. Did you not pay attention in the story? Double Down | Dr. Crane | Blockbuster I | Cluemaster | Batman Unlimited: Mechs vs. Mutants: Penguin | Mr. Human Flame | Joker | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Penguin | Mr. Red Tornado | X-23, was cloned from LOGAN and trained by the Facility to be a deadly assassin. Injustice 2 John Deegan | Including but not limited to, Original Legion, the Reboot Legion, Prime Legion and the Post-Rebirth Legion. Got 2 Luv U - Sean Paul, Alexis Jordan Got 2 Luv U featuring American singer Alexis Jordan hit the chopping board when it landed in Sean Paul's lap back in 2011. At an early age, he became a skilled assassin and a respected member of the league. Joker's Daughter | Mother Mae-Eye | During his hunt, he sees Victor under Batman's foot and demands his father to avenge Alfred by killing Zsasz. He began challenging anyone who crossed his path. Damian killed Victor Zsasz in Arkham Asylum as a way of telling Batman he agreed with Superman. Nega Beast Boy | Joker | Penguin | Riddler | Harley Quinn | Catwoman | Two-Face | Bane | Clayface | Killer Croc | Killer Moth | Mad Hatter | Man-Bat | Mr. The Whisper | The remainder of his costumes can be found on his gallery page. Damian uses noticeably more fatal methods of fighting than . Ra's al Ghul | Joker | Catwoman | Penguin | Riddler | Clayface | Mr Freese | Sweet Tooth, Batman: The Animated Series and The New Batman Adventures Children of Liberty (Agent Liberty & Otis Graves) | Because of their treasonous act, Damian and Athanasia, who ended up killing Ivo, were sentenced to death. Circe | A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media Injustice Gods Among Us issue 16 Damian got angry and threw a baton at Nightwing. Pelicans | Athanasia al Ghul | Injustice:Gods Among Us Wiki | Fandom The Grim Knight | This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Batman Villains.". Morgaine Le Fey | Freeze | Bane | Lex Luthor | Killer Croc | Man-Bat | Riddler | Deadshot | Calendar Man | Condiment King | Solomon Grundy | Kite Man | Doctor Psycho | Clayface | King Shark | Nora Fries | Sy Borgman | Doctor Trap | Frank the Plant | Felix Faust | Toyman | Metallo | Livewire | Parasite | Black Adam | Captain Cold | Gorilla Grodd | Black Manta | Cheetah | Giganta | Sinestro | Maxie Zeus | Eris | KGBeast | Two-Face | Catwoman | Nick Quinzel | Sharon Quinzel | Suicide Squad (Amanda Waller) | Clock King | Firefly | Court of Owls, Batwheels
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