What if GS is not a perfect master? He received his education at the Lawrence School in Sanawar, Himachal Pradeshs Shimla Hills, and then graduated from Punjab University in Chandigarh with a bachelors degree in commerce. To Gaz:- well buddy it takes alot of courage to say what you did so respect to you. His mothers name is Mohinder Kaur. god's grace is on each and every person who want to get dissolved in the realms of love. It's funny how you people make fun of the messengers of death etc, you people don't know what it's like to be on your death bed. Today's blog post might be on that latter theme. Gaz | Posted by: Juan | This wouldn't be newsworthy if the guru wasn't so camera-shy. I'm not going to go on a rant about RS, if it works for some, I recommend continuing it, even though Faqir Chand condemned RS he did say that meditation and contemplation is important hence RS will help. Posted by: The only income I get from writing is from the sale of my book, "Return to the One," which I wrote and published myself. Human beings have physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects with which they search for peace and happiness. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon is an Indian spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB), Punjab. But there is a lot of false information out there regarding RS, from Osho to Mike. and this is not only for RS believers but also a non believer who is trying to to become a good man. The disciples are allowed to gather, listen to his discourses, and have a spiritual look at him (darshan) usually on the designated days and weekends. Charan Singh Grewal was the spiritual head of Dera Beas before Gurinder Singh Dhillon. Photographs Photographs of Baba Gurinder Singh, Maharaj Charan Singh, Maharaj Sawan Singh, Soami Ji. Records may include photos, original documents, family history, relatives, specific dates, locations and full names. his thoughts and opinions are no more significant or valid or true, than are mine. Gaz | He was in Spain working before coming back to India to accept his nomination as the next spiritual head of RSSB in 1990. These were taken when Gurinder was showing up to pay his respects to a government official and his family due to a death. -, Posted by: Genealogy for Gurinder Singh Dhillon (deceased) family tree on Geni, with over 230 million profiles of ancestors and living relatives. December 28, 2012 at 05:56 AM, Posted by: Posted by: .i'm turned on to grace from one that is almighty. Posted by: Brian Hines | July 17, 2012 at 04:44 AM. Facebook gives. It would be cool to meet up, you're not far from me, send me your email add. RSSB does honour their sentiments also. RSSB sect chief Dhillon is due to preside over the annual three-day satsang programme at Chhattarpur in Delhi this weekend, from Friday to Sunday. Posted by: As we begin to put the teachings into practice, we start to develop our spiritual nature and come to understand more and more that our suffering is rooted in our distorted or unclear way of perceiving the world and ourselves. UPDATE: I just made this comment to someone who tried to justify the guru's unfeeling response toward people with suicidal tendencies. Posted by: or the point is not to hurt anyone's belief in doing good, but just trying to explain the what is the focus which RS faith keeps in mind. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon have two sons Gurpreet Singh Dhillon (CEO of Religare Health Trust (RHT) and another one is Gurkirat Singh Dhillon. because finding bads brings hatred. Your comment could not be posted. Posted by: Gaz | Is astral travelling possible? Gaz | Their teachings are known as Sant Mat, an Indian phrase meaning the teachings of the saints. we will be update soon. Because it costs me over a hundred dollars a year to pay TypePad for its blogging service. Your way is your way; my way is my way. June 22, 2012 at 11:09 AM. November 09, 2012 at 02:41 AM, Posted by: Greetings Earthlings. Showing Editorial results for gurinder singh. ABHI HANS | From my experience in Q&A, Baba Ji has a great deal of empathy and is very intelligent, and honest. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon is an Spiritual Leader. I will go to that even though I am not an RS. Punjabs Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB) is led spiritually by an Indian man named Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon. July 18, 2012 at 10:38 AM. He was appointed as the spiritual head of the RSSB sect in 1990 after the demise of the former spiritual head Maharaj Charan Singh Ji. 2 Gurinder Singh Dhillon Photos and Premium High Res Pictures - Getty Images Images Creative FILTERS CREATIVE EDITORIAL VIDEO All Sports Entertainment News Archival Browse 2 GURINDER SINGH DHILLON stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. July 18, 2012 at 11:28 AM. He was a great guy. Posted by: In one way or another, we are all seeking peace and happiness. its really quite amazing how these supposed spiritual people, can be so so stupid and foolish. March 11, 2012 at 09:44 AM, I found a very scary picture of Kal.. :( :( :(, http://media.getting-personal.net/3798/images/products/55/4555/fullsize_a.jpg, Posted by: Posted by: June 23, 2012 at 08:27 AM. I have doubts about RS, but what I don't do is keep a narrow mind (you disapprove posts that expose you) and also i don't make fun of anything related to RS. Seriously thoughwe should be thankful to Brian for providing us with a platform to voice ourselves. Report a problem? Brian, Disobeying the gurus command is the biggest sin one can commit and that person will get birth in a lower specie to continue again the 8.4 million vicious circle. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon Net worth is $1.5 million. G | Posted by: Poor Brian. Lemmy is man! With RSSB is have 5% hope that it still might be the path, but with Rajinder Singh, that guy is not real. No difference. That's my "sacking. I have read half the comments on this and had to stop midway because I felt compelled to put something across. December 26, 2012 at 04:34 PM. However I do question some of the teachings. Explore more on Gurinder Singh Dhillon. In May 2020, amid the COVID-19 pandemic in India, Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon expressed his views on the corona hit all over the world in a question-answer hour with his followers. To whom it may concern,especially Brian and The9thGate. Btw do you know the name and whereabouts of that satsangi, normally it is the Hukum of Babaji not to leak out these secrets of his grace. I'm very disappointed, it feels like I have lost something, for me RS was like a wall i used to lean against, if I had any troubles/problems I had that wall. For the two of you Baba Ji's (or big G as I used to call him) word is enough, being with the boys at Haynes and playing football with Big G and telling bedtime stories about mystical happenings is enough and gives you a sense of belonging.I respect that.I think I can speak for Brian when I say we require more.Science of the Soul goes into much "esoteric" detail about what one should experience and yet after initiation one is given a leaflet on meditation that states that a satsangi should expect nothing and be content with the bliss of seeing nothing.now that is a tease no woman could ever match! RSSB or Radha Soami Satsang Beas was established in India in 1891 . we should always look of the good out of the worst of worsts weather people or system, and never force things on anyone. But your time will come just like everyone else's, when that time has come there will be no turning back.It doesn't matter if you have nam or not, I know lots of people who got nam started drinking etc and they got punished severely. why do i need access to that region? Biography Gurinder Singh was born 1 August 1954, into a family of the Dhillon clan who were followers of the Radha Soami Satsang Beas. [4] He goes on tour to the various RSSB centres outside of India during the months of AprilAugust. Gurinder is 29 years old. Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Gurinder Singh Dhillon (1945 - 2016) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days How do we create a person's profile? Christians also believe that Jesus is the ONLY way. June 30, 2012 at 02:37 AM. To Brian:- not sure how to do this but if it's no trouble could you please pass my email address onto Gaz so I can contact him? He relies only on his own income, and in accordance with the societys policy regarding all volunteers (sevadars), he does not receive any compensation or honoraria. Your comment has not yet been posted. To tAo:- thank you for the fond memories. Posted by: Posted by: You people never write any article about hunger, America kill thousands of people just for petrol, just visit YouTube , thousands of children lost their hand and leg in this war, but you people have no time to write about their article, I am happy people at least left to take alcohol drug, and left kill animal just for their taste , millions of people left drug after join sat sang ( or join Beas ), if I want I will write thousands of lines like you but above line is enough for understandbe donate million of dollar to politicians in election but they cant do anything .here for a minute assume baba ji cant help to do anything in spiritual but at least people love each other after satang, at least they left alcohol, at least they left kill animals , these things enough for me to respect them. July 24, 2012 at 11:00 AM. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon Family tucson | why should i? In 2020, Gurinder Singh Dhillon was summoned by the Economic Offences Wing (EoW) of the Delhi Police on the complaints filed by businessman Malvinder Singh and his brother, Shivinder for taking off the amount from the sale of Ranbaxy Laboratories. Brian, don't think that just because you were appointed secretary by the Guru and have wrote books and done satsangs, it doesn't make you an advanced RS. I don't have any ads. Posted by: January 10, 2009--AMANDEEP DHILLON-Family members, Gurinder Singh and Avtar Singh Benipal carry the body of Amandeep Dhillon following her funeral. Both of them run businesses in Singapore and England,. Posted by: July 24, 2012 at 01:33 PM. But for now I am no longer an RS. Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon have two sons Gurpreet Singh Dhillon (CEO of Religare Health Trust (RHT) and another one is Gurkirat Singh Dhillon. Juan | Absolutly right gazits all done on dis site for cheap publicityits more of a money making bussiness dis site is doing..for eg if u say d world is flat one can get a lot of attention andpublicity dan saying dat d world is round..so dat is d same bussiness model adopted by this blog..great job businessman brian!no wonder y u wer sacked and dumped from d organisation businessman! This picture won't be removed Raj, it's an astute way for Brian to drive more visitors to his site and make more money and discourage RS followers. Even when Guru Nanak and Jesus were around, not everyone thought they were god's, one of the Gurus had to go to jail, a lot of people would be quick to the point and say any so called Guru that serves time in jail isn't God. Yet the fundamental concern of Sant Mat is the same as all the world religions--reuniting the soul with the ultimate Source of everlasting peace and happiness. Or he is simply not aware of this because he doesn't have the power. Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. November 10, 2012 at 01:07 AM, Hey Sandeep, tell me one thing - no ego on your side if you type - after your initiation, and now, which spiritual planes, regions, sounds have you reached? Maharaj Charan Singh used to say that every soul has a two fold purpose, first to help ourselves and to share this treasure, the path of wisdom with others, so I dont think I am disobeying, on the contrary I am sharing with you. If that suits you, fine, but I think one should be honest with themselves about that if they are going to devote their life to this religion. To my knowledge there are only a few authorized photos of Gurinder Singh Dhillon (he's at the top left in the Google Images search). I personally think its humanly impossible, also observing Baba Ji carefully, Baba Ji isn't a deleterious human being. Roger | G | These ideologies and faith include the inner journey of the soul while sitting and concentrating in meditation under the guidance of the living guru. Posted by: kabir advani | Well, actually less than nothing. I thought i was on the verge of dying, I had a serious health problem, I couldn't breathe for hours at night. Thanks, Posted by: Why is it egoless for you to point out my supposed faults, but it is egotistical for me to point out supposed faults of others? Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillon Wife name is (Late) Shabnam Dhillon (died on 27 November 2019). But Faqir Chand has broadened my perspective, therefore most of those bedtime stories are not credible to me now as they were a few years ago. March 07, 2012 at 03:22 PM. Gaz and Kabirwe all have our standards in regards to what it takes for us to commit wholeheartedly to somethingI am sure you have your criteria for the type of woman you'd be willing to wed and not wedas truly falling in love is a big life changing deal.likewise..giving one's heart and mind to a particular belief system is a massive deal. So by ur logic all spiritual organisations should convert into charitable organisations..u seem to be confused tara..even dbasic meaning of spirituality says that it is something which helps in afterlife and d world beyondcan u expain how will giving food or clothes to someone will help him after dis life or d world beyond this..charity can only help someone in d present life but spiritualiy can help in future lives..besides even guru granth sahib says dat d biggest donation is d donation of gods namedaano ka daan naamdaan.and for doing naamdaan and satsangs spending money on infrastructure heps more than givin it in charity Posted by: All we can be sure of is that Gurinder Singh Dhillon, the guru of Radha Soami Satsang Beas, lacks both normal human compassion and the most basic understanding of how to talk with someone who was, or is, suicidal. The brothers blame Sunil Godhwani, a follower of Gurinder Singh Dhillon's, who held leadership positions at Religare and RHC, the holding company for their investments. [7]The Print, Malvinder Singh and his brother Shivinder Singh, Charan Singh Grewal with his nephew Gurinder Singh Dhillon as a young boy, I dont think we need COVID-19 to make us think about it. Categories . Among others who were given new posting orders include Arun Pal Singh (posted as ADGP Modernization); R K Jaiswal (ADGP STF); Gurinder Singh Dhillon (ADGP Law and Order); Mohnish Chawla (ADGP State Crime Record Bureau); Surinderpal Singh Parmar (ADGP Bathinda Range . I've started playing with a skateboard (longboard, actually)! Being a peaceful organisation which prefers to keep away from the controversies of any kind, we strongly believe that every matter can be settled amicably by peaceful interactions. G, as noted before, I always publish comments that are related to a subject being discussed in a post. I don't know the name or the whereabouts of that person, I just know that they are based in the US. RADHASOAMI. kabir advani | There are so many Sant Mat movements, i'm not sure if you are familiar with Ram Rasilla, that is located in Birmingham. Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon (Gurinder Singh dhillon) See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos Gurinder Singh Dhillon See Photos I am not a big fan of Sikhism, however I do respect them and don't mock the teachings even though I don't believe in the GGS being the Guru. There are five members in Baba Gurinder Singh Dhillons Family his Father, Mother, Two sons and including him. Help me understand what the difference is between me and you. I consider myself a truthseeker, my attitude has evolved over the last few years, before i was one of those people who was narrow minded. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz-DJr1Qs54, Posted by: Daad khaj khujli ke upay, Gharlu Nuskhe, Desi nuskhe, How to remove ringworm, Dad khaj khujli treatm This provider currently accepts 57 insurance plans including Medicare and Medicaid. Gurinder Singh Dhillon, also known as Baba Ji to his followers, is the spiritual head of Radha Soami Satsang Beas (RSSB). It's funnytalking about RSSB after so many years has bought back lots of memoriesGod I was so ignorant! He has full right to demonstrate his intellect. Why are you entitled to do things that I can't, or shouldn't? Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. so i couldn't care less about the words of Hazur Maharaj Charan Singh, or any of the RS Gurus. Gallery. . It's reassuring to feel that God is looking after you. Kabir, ooh, you're getting close to heresy, my man. . My reasons for leaving RS is personal, contrary to ex satsangis, I still consider that there is a supreme power but no longer consider GIHF. March 07, 2012 at 11:35 PM. Radha means Soul and Swami means Lord. The reunion of wandering souls in this birth-death cycle with its supreme master to attain the divine salvation. So when you criticize the cartoons, and call the book "kiddish," you're saying that Guru Gurinder Singh Dhillon has horrible taste in books and doesn't know what he's doing. Gaz | The truth, or lack thereof, of what they're studying has nothing to do with their personal characteristics. Brian u no d real reason y criticing rssb is d sole purpose of ur life and have bcom a fault finder..d time has still not gone leave these habbits and surrender to d true master friend.i no u have done alot for d organisation and things with u havent gone as expected.with a fault finding approach u can sit and find faults wid all the masters who came into this world including jesus buddha nanak etc but d fact is dey wer all a form of god whether u agree or not.think over friend its in ur interest..it is ur hurted ego which makes u do all this but in d path of spirituality d ego has to be smaller dan a needle no matter how many times its shattered.accept d truth friend u can wash away ur sins even today if u keep ur ego aside.. Posted by:
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