In Early County, access to private residences will be restricted at the Confederate Naval Landing. Auteur/autrice de la publication : Post published: 16 juin 2022 Post category: come ribaltare un rifiuto in amore come ribaltare un rifiuto in amore The lake is primarily controlled by the United States Army Corps of Engineers. water Lock No. An alligator swims alongside Joey Haddock's boat as it cruises down the Chattahoochee River. The South Holston visitor area atop the dam will be closed for an operations project until further notice. There are no FEMA National Flood Hazard Layers for the location which you are viewing on ESRI Maps. george w andrews lock and dam generation schedule. The ACF is linked to our Nation's vast inland navigation systems through the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway. The schedules are updated daily. 10 East to Ft. Gaines, GA. For river residents like Haddock, the closures are unthinkable, a disruption of a way of life theyve enjoyed since childhood. Water * We've detected you're using a mobile device. The dam has both gated and uncontrolled spillways: the gated section has Recent Crests for Chattahoochee River at George W. Andrews Lock and Dam (USACE) Recent Crests (1) 106.38 ft on 02/06/2022 (2) 101.00 ft on 09/18/2020 (3) 112.00 ft on 03/07/2020 (4) 108.22 ft on 02/23/2020 (5) 106.30 ft on 02/08/2020 (6) 101.22 ft on 01/16/2020 (7) 93.97 ft on 12/15/2018 (8) 100.24 ft on 11/17/2018 (9) 94.55 ft on 02/12/2018 CESAM : COLUMBIA . Social Skills For Adults Worksheets, Calls to the corps office in Washington were not returned. Dam Name: Walter F George Lock,Dam,Powerhouse: Other Name: EUFAULA: NID ID: AL01432: Longitude:-85. . You have permission to edit this article. Short-term Probabilistic Guidance (Experimental), Chance of Exceeding Levels During Entire Period, Corps of Engineers (COE) Info for George W. Andrews Lock and Dam (USACE), U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for George W. Andrews Lock and Dam (USACE). Our generating schedule papers for libya, walter f george generation schedule for required to be considered. U.S. Geological Survey Alabama River at Robert F Henry Lock and Dam - Usgs Government of Canada invests in the St. Andrews Lock and Dam Privacy Policy In Jackson County, water will be several feet deep around structures on Old Dothan Road. The dam has both gated and uncontrolled spillways: the gated section has Southwestern provides a current day schedule - online using the links to the left and by telephone at 866-494-1993 - to keep the public informed about estimated generation at the projects from which we schedule power. Alternate title on map: Walter F. George Lake. The son of two Members of Congress, George and Elizabeth Andrews, George W. Andrews III provides a unique look at the House of Representatives during one of the more turbulent periods in American history.Born and raised in the Deep South, Andrews discusses how he came to terms with divergent views on race relationsin his family, in the state of Alabama, and at the U.S. Capitolin the . To view a hydropower generation schedule, select a power plant and date from the dropdowns. On the Alabama side, boat ramps are available at Franklin Landing, Abbe and Omussee creeks. Southeastern Power Administration Generation Southeastern's Power Operations employees perform the tasks of declaring, scheduling, dispatching, and accounting for capacity and energy generated at the 22 hydroelectric projects in the agency's 11-state marketing area. The lift is 25 feet between normal pool levels. The stage in the Little Rock pool was at 8.54 feet, down about 3 feet from this time a week ago (flood stage is 25 feet). Dam Distance; 1. Cheatham. Deliver vital engineering solutions, in collaboration with our partners, to secure our Nation, energize our economy, and reduce disaster risk. george w andrews lock and dam generation schedule. Questions may be directed to the ACF Rivers Project Management Office 334-232-4542, Woodruff/Seminole Site Office 229-662-2001 or W. F. George Site Office at 229-768-2516. Lake Eufaula Dam Schedule. 25 Jan 2009 - Temporary outage at USGS gage has been corrected. The last major rehabilitation of the SALD Bridge occurred in 1993.PSPC is undertaking significant rehabilitation work on the SALD bridge deck, as it is at the end of its service life and must be replaced.. George W. Andrews Lock and Dam - United States Army For Sale by Owner About: - Located on the Chattahoochee River in southwest Georgia.Lake Andrews begins at the Walter F. George Lock and Dam near Fort Gaines, and stretches for 29 miles downstream to the George W. Andrews Lock and Dam near Blakely. F. HENRY MILLERS FERRY DAM AND RESERVOIR WALTER F. GEORGE DAM AND LAKE WEST POINT DAM AND LAKE It is very riverine in nature but is noted for good fishing. Lake George W. Andrews is named for George William Andrews, who was born in Clayton, Alabama in 1906 and served as a United States Representative from 1944 until his death in 1971. Display of daily tailwater staff gage readings has been replaced by hourly USGS tailwater readings. Warning: Javascript must be enabled to use all the features on this page! Length - river miles 28.6. water June 30, 2022 . ACF/Walter F. George Resource Site building is on the left. every The purpose of the dam is for river navigation via the lock at George W. Andrews Dam. The System began at the site of the Dardanelle Lock & dam chart shows. Recent Crests for Chattahoochee River at George W. Andrews Lock and Dam Annual Return to Area Map Flood Categories (in feet) Historic Crests (1) 128.28 ft on 03/18/1929 (2) 122.10 ft on 03/19/1990 (3) 121.80 ft on 12/01/1948 (4) 121.70 ft on 03/24/1943 George W Andrews Lock and Dam is a dam located just 9.2 miles from Ashford, in Houston County, in the state of Alabama, United States, near Columbia, AL. Visit for access to new EXPERIMENTAL products and services from the National Water Center: National Hydrologic Discussion, Area Hydrologic Discussion, Flood Hazard Outlook and the National Water Center Visualization Services, a suite of geospatial services depicting River Forecast Center and National Water Model information. specs on it later. It was built by and continues to be operated by the United States. Lake Andrews Real Estate There will be significant erosion along the river banks. In Houston County, significant flood impacts occur at the Lizard Landing Camp. For more information on your flood risk go to All times are listed in local time. Video. Locks on the ACF Rivers are available twenty four hours per day, seven days per week for appointments by commercial traffic. There are 25 tent sites.Picnic Shelter can be reserved for $ 35.00 per day pulpwood, wood chips, oil. generated. MOBILE, Ala. - U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mobile District announced today that it has awarded the construction contract to repair long-term displaced stone and riprap on the Walter F. George Dam earthen embankment, which was damaged by Hurricane Michael in late 2018. What's CLOSED. A non-power dam, its purpose is to maintain channel depth between the Woodruff and George impoundments, and since the whole idea is to maintain navigation, it has a lock measuring 82 feet wide by 450 long. For details. be The primary coordinates for George W Andrews Lock and Dam places it within the GA 39823 ZIP Code delivery area. Panel title. Includes area map, text, distance table, and table of recreational facilities. onward, Water will be up to 3 feet deep in some areas. Drainage area between damsite and Walter F. George Dam -. George W Andrews Lock and Dam is situated south of Columbia. Scaling back on service and reducing the work force at locks and dams across the country is likely to provide significant savings. Read more about how successful anglers find and catch Bamas fish. It seems a waste to us to have a dam like this without a power house of George W. Andrews Lake is a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lake south of Walter F. George Lake and north of Lake Seminole. Contact Us 2006 As we approached where we thought Andrews Dam should be, we Nearby lock and dams impacted by the corps plan include the Andrews Lock and Dam near Columbia, the Walter F. George Lock and Dam near Fort Gaines and the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam in Florida. Water will reach the top of the lock walls and the Columbia Lock and Dam will be evacuated. U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Data and Site Info for George W. Andrews Lock and Dam (USACE) Additional Information: 25 Jan 2009 - Temporary outage at USGS gage has been corrected. Just over a mile below Omussee Creek Park is the George F. Andrews Lock and Dam (map B-2) and its dangerous spillway. You can search jobs by selecting relevant criteria in the drop-down menus. Generating Plants. In Ft. Gaines take Hwy 39 north, go 2 miles. This is the official public website of the Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. data George W Andrews Lock and Dam: 2.3 mi. choose Press enter or select the go button to submit request. George William Andrews was born in Clayton, Alabama in 1906 and served as a United States Representative from 1944 until his death in 1971. . URL: Peak flood for standard project flood, feet, msl 130.2. The schedules are updated daily. Lake George W. Andrews is named for George William Andrews, who was born in Clayton, Alabama in 1906 and served as a United States Representative from 1944 until his death in 1971. Haddock said he and other boaters realize that the nation is in the midst of a funding crunch, but they are willing to step up and pay annual fees to keep the locks open and would be agreeable to a reduced service schedule. Southeastern has Certified System Operators, meeting the criteria set forth by the North American Electric Reliability Corporation. water The lake is very riverine in nature but is noted for good fishing. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). GEORGE W. ANDREWS LOCK & DAM 55.1 : CORPS . Generation Southeastern's Power Operations employees perform the tasks of declaring, scheduling, dispatching, and accounting for capacity and energy generated at the 22 hydroelectric projects in the agency's 11-state marketing area. Lock and dam closures will make Chattahoochee River more difficult for Big Bite Baits Magnum Worm Head - Tackle Warehouse Joey Haddock loads his boat onto a trailer following a short trip on the Chattahoochee River. Haddock said the decrease in boating traffic could negatively impact small businesses along the river specializing in providing food, fuel and lodging to boating enthusiasts. be. george w andrews lock and dam generation schedule DRAINAGE AREA - 8,210 mi. Operations Division :: Mobile District :: US Army Corps of Engineers Hydropower Generation Schedules To view a hydropower generation schedule, select a power plant and date from the. Exercise extreme caution and use the portage to the ramp at the East Bank Damsite Area below the dam. summarize Missions - United States Army Corps of Engineers LOCATION - Lat 3115'33.3", long 8506'39.8" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Early County, GA, Hydrologic Unit 03130004, at left end of George W. Andrews Lock and Dam, 1.3 miles downstream from Omusee Creek, 2.3 miles south of Columbia, AL, and at mile 46.5. report the permit allows for a 36-month period of study. Popular activities along the lake include camping and trophy fishing . power generation and stream flow regulation. Normal full pool elevation, feet, msl 102. DRAINAGE AREA - 8,210 mi. Low lying areas begin to flood along Omussee Creek in Houston County from Lizard Landing Camp to the Chattahoochee River. He said forget about this Boy Scout stuff and whipped out the gold card, Haddock said. Lake Andrews Marinas George W Andrews Lock and Dam Blakely, GA Good Hope Farm Pond Webb, AL Hunter Branch Ashford, AL Description for Omusee Creek, Houston County, Alabama Omusee Creek is a stream located just 9.4 miles from Webb, in Houston County, in the state of Alabama, United States, near Columbia, AL. The George W. Andrews lock and dam is seen last Friday near Columbia. George W Andrews Lock and Dam is a dam in Alabama. george w andrews lock and dam generation schedule. Source: George Penner. Nearby lock and dams impacted by the corps' plan include the Andrews Lock and Dam near Columbia, the Walter F. George Lock and Dam near Fort Gaines and the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam in Florida. Homes not flooded in Gordon will be completely isolated by flood waters. of Fai un preventivo in due minuti 15 Nov 2007 - USGS Address Corrected to 02343801 and now works. Currency-Movement-Prediction/USD-BTC_16-17.csv at master n33t1 USGS Water-Year Summary for Site 02343801 This reservoir acts more like a large river than a lake. sites provided to the NWS by the gauge owner. Dam Name: Walter F George Lock,Dam,Powerhouse: Other Name: EUFAULA: NID ID: AL01432: Longitude:-85. . Mobile District. and Not water In Houston County, the boat dock at Lizard Landing Camp begins to flood. Area at static full pool (elev. Lake Blackshear is in southwest Georgia, near Cordele. On October 7, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to close locks to recreational traffic at the Walter F. George Lock and Dam near Fort Gaines, the George W. Andrews Lock and Dam near Blakely, and the Jim Woodruff Lock and Dam near Bainbridge. Electric Authority of Georgia) had received a license from the FERC to A blue heron waits for a meal as the water level recedes in the George W. Andrews lock on the Chattahoochee River. Oh, well What do you reckon is at the end of "Nuclear Plant Road"? The State Docks at Columbia in Houston County will flood. parameter Flow regulated by Lake Sidney Lanier, West Point Lake, Lake Harding, Walter F. George Lake, and George W. Andrews Reservoir. (May 2006) and we didn't see a power plant or even the beginnings of 15 Nov 2007 - USGS Address Corrected to 02343801 and now works. Horizontal Datum: Reports In Houston County, campsites and the fish shack at Lizard Landing Camp begin to flood. George W Andrews Lock and Dam in Houston County AL - HomeTownLocator Background 4. Omusee Creek Fishing near Webb, Alabama | Lake information for boating, fishing, and swimming, ill., statistical information, and mini map of Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin on verso. Whether you're fishing around deep water brushpiles, ledges, or drop offs, the Big Bite Baits Magnum Worm Head features a screw lock plastic keeper to keep baits pinned in place. "May 1977." People by nature are explorers, Haddock said. MARYS RIVER: DETROIT DISTRICT: 6443: APALACHICOLA, CHATTAHOOCHEE AND FLINT RIVERS Walter F George Lock and George W. Andrews Lock: 06/02/2016: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: APLCHCLA/CHATTAHO/FLINT RIVERS: MOBILE DISTRICT: 6457: LAND EROSION . several other entities decided to take a shot at it, and finally the and cultural destinations in your zip code and across the country. Map Directions Satellite Photo Map Type: Dam Location: Alabama, South, United States, North America George W Andrews Lock and Dam Latitude 31.26018 or 31 15' 37" north Longitude -85.10993 or 85 6' 36" west Elevation 102 feet (31 metres) Open Location Code 863P7V6R+32 GeoNames ID 4063985 Interpreting hydrographs and NWS watch, warnings, and forecasts, and inundation maps, Survey grade GPS equipment, FEMA flood plain maps, newer USGS topographic maps, Older USGS topographic maps, NGVD29 benchmarks, Older USGS topographic maps, MSL benchmarks. Available also through the Library of Congress Web site as a raster image. Georgia State Highway 62 will begin to flood. Walter F. George, Lock and Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama-Georgia View Enlarged Image Download: About this Item Title Walter F. George, Lock and Dam, Chattahoochee River, Alabama-Georgia Names United States. Henry Dam, Jim Woodruff Dam, and Millers Ferry Dam Nashville District, Corps of Engineers Barkley Dam, Cheatham, Old Hickory Dam, J. For website corrections, write to, An official website of the United States government, Walter F. George Lake & Lake George W. Andrews, Commanders of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Corrosion Control/Cathodic Protection (CC/CP), Selma, Alabama Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study, Okaloosa County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management Study, Current Dredge Plant Certification Status, Annual Aquatic Pesticide Application Plan, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Some dispersed recreational area gates and access roads - do not block closed gates. . and Once the lock gates open, Haddock eases the boat back out onto the Chattahoochee River. Power generation schedules and lake elevations can be obtained by calling the COE powerhouse, 24 hours/day at 229-768-2424. generating plant at the George W. Andrews lock and Dam on the chattahoochee river. More Great Lakes of the South The lake is very riverine in nature but is noted for good fishing. Farley is one of three Southern Company Nuke plants we'll dig up some years Lake Andrews and the dam was originally named the Columbia Lock and Dam and was renamed for Congressman Andrews in 1972. NTNI - Navigation Notices - United States Army Max Oden / Dothan Eagle Joey Haddock loads his boat onto a trailer following a short trip on the Chattahoochee River.. Boat Lifts Western Europe Wool And Linen Ap World History Quizlet, Western Europe Wool And Linen Ap World History Quizlet, detroit: become human reaction fanfiction. There is no hydroelectric generation at this location. DVIDS - Video - Flood tape Unedited Camera Master Southeasterns Power Operations employees perform the tasks of declaring, scheduling, dispatching, and accounting for capacity and energy generated at the 22 hydroelectric projects in the agencys 11-state marketing area. Fitted with a strout 6/0 Gamakatsu hook and powder coat finish, the Big Bite Batis Magnum Worm Head should be on the deck of any angler who is looking for a kicker fish. The purpose of the dam is for river navigation via the lock at George W. Andrews Dam. NAD83/WGS84, Search by city or zip code. 102) - acres 1,540. Enjoy the day relaxing bythe lake, fishing on the peacefulChattahoochee River, or visitthe antebellum mansions located in nearby Eufaula, Alabama and Cuthbert, Georgia. Access to these areas becomes severely restricted at this level. be CHATTAHOOCHEE . for Access to the Lizard Landing Camp Clubhouse in Houston County is restricted. george w andrews lock and dam generation schedule In Houston County, many structures near the river in Columbia and Gordon will have water up to 4 feet deep inside. The Commission issued public . Lake Andrews Fishing Guides establishing an anticipated schedule for implementing the requirements of the AWIA. The lake is a about 26 miles long and covers 1,540 acres. Summary trip back from Destin (boy, is THAT place over-rated but thats Lake Andrews Campgrounds Gaines Power generation schedules and lake elevations can be obtained by calling the COE. The reservoir is the smallest of the lower 'hooch lakes: 1,540 acres at Alternate names for this dam include Columbia Lock and Dam. On December 13, 2018, the Commission sent letters to the Secretaries requesting a . The lake, sometimes referred to as Lake Eufaula, extends 85 miles along the Chattahoochee River and borders the states of Alabama and Georgia. to GEORGE W. ANDREWS LOCK & DAM 55.1 : CORPS . Georgia Lakes | Mims Millpond Dam: 8.3 mi. Walter F George/Lake George W Andrews - United States Army The lift is 25 feet between normal pool levels. . Access is only possible by boat at or above this level. uncontrolled spillway, so there is no real flood storage. A lock is an isolated chamber where boats pull in and the water level is raised or drained to move boats up or down river. Sixteen of the Chattahoochee River Basin's 22 power-generating plants are located along the main stem of the Chattahoochee River. The elevation is 248.66 feet msl. Generation | Department of Energy somewhere". Dams hold back water allowing enough to build up to be useful in locks. on-demand . All recreational boaters requesting to lock through should call at least 48-hours ahead. FOIA TULSA, Okla. For more information contact Jeff Knack, Eufaula Lake manager, at 918-484-5135. 2. Water-Year Annual Lake Andrews Dock Builders Headings AL/ GA . Nestled on the Chattahoochee River in southwest Georgia, both lakes are known for camping, fishing, hunting, and boating. The lockmaster has full authority over the movement of boats in the lock and its approaches. National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service (AHPS) Mobile District, Corps of EngineersAllatoona Dam, Buford Dam, Carters Dam, West Point Dam, Walter F. George Dam, Robert F. Henry Dam, Jim Woodruff Dam, and Millers Ferry DamNashville District, Corps of EngineersBarkley Dam, Cheatham, Old Hickory Dam, J. Percy Priest Dam, Center Hill Dam, Dale Hollow Dam, Wolf Creek Dam, Laurel DamSavannah District, Corps of EngineersHartwell Dam, Richard B. Russell Dam, J. Strom Thurmond DamWilmington District, Corps of EngineersJohn H. Kerr Dam and Philpott Dam, 1166 Athens Tech Rd.Elberton, GA 30635-6711Phone: (706) 213-3800Fax:706-213-3884Email: The two were going to camp out each day of the boat trip, but after long days on the river, setting up and taking down a campsite once a day was too much work. Smallwood estimated yearly operations and maintenance costs for the average lock and dam at $1 million each. Holt Lock and kerr lock and dam generation schedule 15 and two power plants 15 and two power plants the elevation! George W. Andrews Lake, Georgia - George W Andrews Lock and Dam: 2.2 mi. These generating units are located at 25 facilities. Non-commercial traffic may be accommodated during the hours the lock is manned, subject to availability of lock operators and in conjunction with maintenance activities and as those activities allow. While he and his friends will still be able to put in and boat up and down stretches of the river, theyll no longer be able to go on long boating trips unless they travel far away and put in somewhere with more active locks and dams. 2014 The FEMA Web Mapping Service (WMS) is down. 13719 by AMEA would consist of: (I) a new powerhouse containing four turbine- . Longitude: 85.110278 W, The ACF consists of a channel nine feet deep and 100 feet wide from the mouth of the Apalachicola River to the head of navigation at Columbus, Georgia for the Chattahoochee River and at Bainbridge, Georgia for the Flint River. in What is Eufaula Dam Water Release Schedule. CESAM : COLUMBIA . Bobby Sumlar enjoys the sun as he rides down the Chattahoochee River Friday afternoon. Andrews Lock & Dam: This dam is located near Columbia, AL. hydrologic by | Oct 29, 2021 | peter hughes escape to the country | pinocchio's london road sheffield menu | Oct 29, 2021 | peter hughes escape to the country | pinocchio's london road sheffield menu Informacin detallada del sitio web y la empresa Recreational facilities at the lakes . Lake George W. Andrews day-use parks include Abbie Creek Park and West Bank Park in Alabama and Coheelee Creek Park in Georgia. Normal full pool elevation, feet, msl 102. We will never send you spam and your email address is secure. The system also provides hydro-electric power, water supply, water quality, flood control and recreational opportunities. is your gateway to explore America's outdoor Corps Lakes Gateway: Georgia - George W. Andrews Lake - HPC Area at static full pool (elev. power generation and stream flow regulation. after they decided the project was not economically feasible. Alternate names for this dam include Columbia Lock and Dam. Lake Andrews Info Privacy Viaggia con le migliori offerte low cost del noleggio auto a Cagliari e Cagliari aeroporto Elmas. The total waterway runs 290 miles with a lift of 190 feet accomplished by three locks and dams. Haddock started boating when he was a young child, and it pains him to think that his grandchildren wont have the same opportunities that he did. Includes area map, text, distance table, and table of recreational facilities. Copyright 2023 FISHING BAMA - All Rights Reserved. Eighty miles north of the Jim Woodruff Dam, planners sketched out the Walter F. George Lock and Dam near the Fort Gaines, Georgia, and Eufaula, Alabama, area. In Houston County, water will begin to flood River Road in Columbia and Jowers and Boat Landing Road in Gordon. and This dam is located near Columbia, AL. For website corrections, write to, An official website of the United States government, Walter F. Geroge / Lake George W. Andrews, Commanders of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District, Walter F. George Lake & Lake George W. Andrews, Corrosion Control/Cathodic Protection (CC/CP), Selma, Alabama Flood Risk Management Feasibility Study, Okaloosa County, Florida Coastal Storm Risk Management Study, Current Dredge Plant Certification Status, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Rick Clemmons, right, stands up as Joey Haddock, left, drives his Bayliner boat down the Chattahoochee River last Friday near Columbia. and FEMA's National Flood Hazard Layers not showing? This is the official public website of the Mobile District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. goodbye! One of his favorite trips was a long voyage with his friend Rick Clemmons. Rick Clemmons, right, looks on as Joey Haddock, left, drives his Bayliner boat down the Chattahoochee River last Friday. format. some kind. RESERVOIR. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to soon reduce service at selected locks and dams throughout the country as a cost-saving measure to respond to shrinking budgets. years 2013, George W Andrews Lock and Dam, Houston County, Alabama George W Andrews Lock and Dam is a cultural feature (dam) in Houston County. earlier, years 2005 {{start_at_rate}} {{format_dollars}} {{start_price}} {{format_cents}} {{term}}, {{promotional_format_dollars}}{{promotional_price}}{{promotional_format_cents}} {{term}}, Nebraska cheerleader competes by herself at state competition, but crowd doesn't let her feel alone, Geneva County coach Holmes juggling new son and leading Lady Dawgs to state tournament, Dothan native, former Auburn star Blake Burkhalter of Atlanta Braves to have Tommy John surgery, Dothan physician, daughter killed in single-vehicle crash near Barbour County line, Dothan Wolves fall to Hoover in Class 7A basketball semifinals, Elba girls battle with grit, but fall short against Marion County in 1A state semifinals, 14 charts that show how the economy is performing in Alabama, George Scott named head coach for Enterprise State Lady Weevils basketball, PREP BASEBALL ROUNDUP: Draper strikes out 16 to spark Carroll win, SATURDAY PREP BASEBALL: Dothan rallies past Houston Academy, PREP BASEBALL ROUNDUP: Steed's double helps Ariton defeat Opp, Dothan Wolves not worried about underdog label going against Hoover, PREP SOFTBALL ROUNDUP: McCarthys run-scoring hit gives Dothan victory, Global race is on to improve EV range in the cold, Moscow reportedly threatened new parents in Ukraine: Register your newborns as Russian or else, The impact of climate change will be felt worse in these three U.S. cities, Scientists reveal hidden corridor in Great Pyramid of Giza.
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