Birthday party, bad joke, head inside the bear's mouth and chomp, child's head's crushed. The Sister location closed and became a rental branch. The first one came to possess a Puppet from FFP. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. They hired an indie game developer to create a series of games to remove the dark rumors floating around their franchise. One by one he took each of them down. For the good old times, before the problems, she would take them there. It's clear that the events are after 2023, and fans speculate that it happens between 2024 and 2029. The concept for the business did so well that they ended up creating a second location: Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The problem is that he got a new hobby, and this where his hill went down. He's even observed in one of the endings to be sleeping alone in an alley under a cardboard box and newspaper. Its a person that decided to copy all of Game theorys well, theory and mark it off as their own work. With all of his attempts and failures to keep Junior Freddy Fazbear's Pizza open and safe, he finally decides to close the facility for good. People like to call is "The Big Bang". Fnaf Full timeline. Later during one of Freddy's performances, something tries to infect his code and causes him to shut down. I'm pretty sure she didn't commit suicide, or does she possess an animatronic? The problem is that, in 1982, he accidently let his daughter get close to Baby when he wasn't looking; and Baby killed her. He got out sometime later, as they managed to prove he had some mental disabilities and had a fixation with wearing the suits around, and had no violent behaviour. Over the time of the mall's construction, Fazbear Entertainment had been throwing all of the old haunted animatronics down here, which were slowly building into a new amalgamation. We'll try and cover all of the lore so that newer players to the series have a better idea of what is going on. Nothing is known about their name, physical appearance, or gender, and their fate after the end of the game is also unknown. Despite being a despicable man, Afton had a familytwo sons and a daughter. Ballora is the only completely new design, a ballerina animatronic containing his wife's body. The lore is extremely complex and deep, and without a open-minded grasp of scary elements most of the horror will go over a typical player's head. FreeBlue Baking Stream 23rd of February! Originally, they were unable to create animatronics. His wife took Michael and the other boy with her, leaving him alone. I have claimed over a dozen of them already, too. This would not last, however, and Evan ended up dying in his coma. This, however, is merely fan speculation and not canonical fact. A BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL. The amount of money they got was so much, William used it to test his engineering skills, designing the first two Spring Lock suits: which were obviously Bonnie and Fredbear. Old animatronics get send to the back rooms and the new toy animatronics replace them with enhanced facial recognition technology to stop criminals. RELATED: Five Nights at Freddy's: Things You Didn't Know About The Lore. He got out sometime later, as they managed to prove he had some mental disabilities and had a fixation with wearing the suits around, and had no violent behaviour. Vanessa gains a split personality and creates a bunny suit to wear when Glitchtrap comes out. THE BESTEST. During this "party" each of the animatronics were let to freely do as they wished within the dining facility, where they all turned on one another. Due to the design of the spring-lock animatronic, Evan's tears caused the suit to fail and crush him inside the mouth. Then Ennard came to be, Michael was fooled into the Scooping Room and became a suit. Within this new location, four new animatronics were created and adored. Throughout this time, she visits a therapist to try and fix her mind. Was the child rebuilt as a robot? Some have theorized that he is a robot-like Charlotte from the novel series or that he is a "rebuilt" version of the Crying Child from FNAF 4. A labirynth with no exit, a maze with no prize. Purple Man drives away from the scene and the child dies outside of the diner. She tries to break apart the files to keep Glitchtrap broken apart, but instead, he invades her mind. Copyright 2023 Pro Game Guides. His wife became unstable and left, while he berated and blamed Michael for Evan's death. The Puppet animatronic was eventually able to break free of his box to try to rescue Charlie, but it was too late, and as the rain was heavy that night, it broke down beside her in the alleyway. The first one came to possess a Puppet from FFP. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Keep safe, and have a happy New Year. He also returned to his Dave Miller persona, working at the Diner, taking a closer looka at his sons. He caused the death of his family, lasting only him and his older son. William Afton and Henry opened in 1967 the family friendly Fredbear's Family Diner, featuring a brown furry suit of a bear as a mascot. (Btw, he was released because they didn't have evidences pointing it). The owners of Fredbear's close the diner and sell their company to a new owner to move on from the tragedy. After the mysterious disappearance of Michael's father, Michael decides to disguise himself as a technician and go work at his father's newest facility, Circus Baby's Entertainment & Rentals. As it stands, there is neither concrete information on the bite victim's identity nor the animatronic which did the biting. What exactly is so important or special about Gregory that led him to end up in these circumstances? Nonetheless, fans have been eagerly awaiting the reveal of what exactly is in the box, however, with Cawthon's retirement from the series it seems unlikely that an answer will be given anytime soon. William went back to the closed original Fazbear's and destroyed the spring-lock suit that had crushed Evan before placing Evan's body inside the suit to try and put him back together. Have you ever heard of Among Us, Gregory? TRANSCRIPT: here: video took no less than 6 hours of active editing to fi. Upon hearing about the grand opening of a new Fazbear's, he immediately drove there. Two men opened the original restaurant and its several rebrandings as co-owners: William Afton and Henry Emily. Comments are on moderation and will be approved in a timely manner. Only FNaF 6 will answer us. Within the game development team, Vanessa arrived. Created by Popcorn drawings Updated 29 Jan 2021 List of edits. Henry, on the other hand, didn't know any other thing to do, so he asked for a job; he became Phone Guy. I must say, I did not anticipate such a traffic boost at the end, but with Security breach releasing, perhaps I should not have been so surprised. *banging* It's-It's been a bad night here for me. However, Charlie, or the Puppet, and Golden Freddy, or Evan Afton, stayed behind to ensure that William and everything he had done was fixed. He hires a full team to work out all of the previous issues and create a new name within Fazbear Entertainment. With this, they successfully fled the facility and began the search to destroy William. Image via PlayStation. Who are Sundrop and Moondrop in FNAF Security Breach?
FNAF Lore - Copypasta William projected the new building to have a place for torturing children - specially made for Michael, actually. He liked so much the idea of killing children and the profit he could get from selling their organs - healthy children organs are way more valuable than adults' -, he made special alterations in his robots, turning them into kid-kidnapping and killing machines. This is what causes their odd behavior at night, as they are trying to reach the security office to make sure Afton isn't in the building. They use old circuit boards to save money with also possessed WILLIAM AFTONS DIGITAL AI GHOST. However, Charlie, or the Puppet, and Golden Freddy, or Evan Afton, stayed behind to ensure that William and everything he had done was fixed. This fire releases all but one spirit. Well, he was fired when FFP closed. Gregory, do you see the small vent on the floor? This caused the company to scrap all of the animatronics, except for the Puppet, to ensure the safety of all children. In case you're wondering what he did with the fifth one, he obviously hid it inside a spare Freddy suit he then painted yellow, duh. Later, he created the Puppet animatronic to protect his daughter, Charlie, as he was nervous about bringing her to the new establishment, Junior Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The entire FNaF lore Author left to start the microwave Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) is a series of point-and-click horror games for PC and mobile made by independent game developer Scott Cawthon. After Fazbear's Fright burnt down, in an attempt from Michael to remove the suit - he thought the fire would disintegrate the suit, but it only hurt more -, he concluded the last thing he had to do in his neverending life was to go after his father, one to caused all the shit that happened to everyone in this freaking franchise. Concerning the Freddit banner controversy, About the influx of people calling Pizzerias.
FNaF 1-7 Full Timeline Could I get some opinions on this timeline The problem is that he got a new hobby, and this where his hill went down. Published Feb 15, 2022. As the spirits thought their killer was dead for good, they left. The room was designed to mimic Michael's room from the other house, so when he would fall asleep, William would take him to the "nightmare" room (Michael would be drugged) and unleash nightmarry robotic versions of the Fazbear animatronics to haunt him at night, giving him some reminders of what he did to his brother. I have come to anticipate such disappointments from FNaF. THE BIGGEST. After losing a second child to the animatronics, the original diner closed, and William descended into madness. RELATED: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Things You Should Know About Vanny. William finally got some b****** and had a child named Micheal. However, Circus Baby's design was too entrancing to his youngest, Elizabeth, and she was consumed by the animatronic. Five Nights At Freddy still has many mysteries and questions in its lore that fans want to be answered. 61. Related: How to play all minigames in the Five Nights at Freddys series. At least they died for a good reason. It has been featured in Game Theory, Culture Shock, Break Down and The SCIENCE!. . He became their main feature to roam the new attraction. Within the game development team, Vanessa arrived. Security stopped him from entering, and he was met by Henry, who heatedly asked him to leave and reminded him that it was his fault that all the children died in the previous restaurant. Unfortunately, in doing their research, the people building the attraction went through the shutdown diners and found Scraptrap or William Afton within his suit. Unbeknown for him, the plush was actually a camera his father used to check on him. The main beats of lore within FNAF! The voice actor of Phone Guy is the game's creator, Scott Cawthon. On top of this, William encouraged his older teenage son, Michael, to bully Evan and regularly scare him with a Foxy mask. The caller does not call you on the sixth or seventh night. In case you're wondering what he did with the fifth one, he obviously hid it inside a spare Freddy suit he then painted yellow, duh. Michael got a fake name - Mike Schmidt (he wasn't as good with names as his father was) -, and worked there. ugh, its a pain. The suit had crushed Evan's head, and after heading to the hospital, he was put into a coma to be stabilized. Instead of playing as a new hire within the facility to work nights and watch after the animatronics, players are a child who is haunted at night by the animatronics. Hello there, other side of the computer screen. This is because the game does not take in present day, but rather in 1993. is a fan site dedicated to solving the mysteries around the Five Nights at Freddys lore with a methodical fact-based approach. This location, Circus Baby's Pizza World, was only owned by Afton but served the same basic concept. This has never been confirmed, however, though it could fit as William did say he was going to "find" his father at the end of Sister Location. The box itself has had numerous FNAF related appearances since then, though none of these have provided any more insight as to what the deal is with it.
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