And what is the big bad wolf? . The dream horse (doctor who) 26 pages Completed December 27, 2021 The time lord sent by Cyberlife. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (262), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (93), the fandom needs more Eleven/Rose reunions, i would tag the episode but i basically looked at the series finale and shot it to hell, so actually just know that That Bit of dialogue isn't mine and ignore <3, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, but just be aware it's not an Eleven/Rose fic, laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, darling i just can't get you out of my head, your scent lingers in my old jumper, references to Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler - Relationship, a bit of a blurb that got a bit out of hand, no beta we die like missy's character arc, Sideways Parenthood: A Fathers Love and Frustration, It's not a story but it's a thought based on the story I read if (Rose Tyler was a future regeneration of River Song and in a way they were reunited), Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), Chameleon-Arched Rose Tyler (11th Doctor) Era, Feelings and Timelines are Impossible Things, Post-Episode: s02e04 The Girl in the Fireplace, Post-Episode AU: s01e13 The Parting of the Ways, Canon Divergence - No Doomsday (Doctor Who), eight i am so sorry i cut you out of this, but also maybe not considering the pain these other doctors will be put through, , ( ), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s). "Twin Flames; Two souls that are always meant to be together. The only thing he has in his pocket worth anything is the Sonic Screwdriver. A magic mad man, fell from the sky in a bl "Might fuck around and save some people." The Eleventh Doctor takes Clara to a cocktail party and has a momentary lapse of judgment (Or does he?) When the whole world turns crimson in Autumn, he's far too good to resist. But I wont need to. "And you're my clever man, Doctor." Pairings: Rory/ 11th Doctor friendship, Rory/11 in plutonic bdsm, Rory/Amy. Meu orientador o Jared, que a propsito, amigo da famlia h anos, o que me faz ter certa intimidade com ele, e uma pequena queda por ele tambm (uma queda do tamanho do monte Everest). tardis, newwho, timelord. Requests can "You're my fantastic girl, Nina Rose." Her path isnt nearly as straight as shed like it to be, but she was going to do anything to keep her family the way theyre supposed to be. And now he understood the changes and why he spent more time in there. he cried and checked for a pulse.Nothing. The doctor finds the idea of Rory having feelings for him to be assured hijinks ensues This is a Rory/Eleven doctor fanfic so that's what you're getting dude-man This is a highschool au/ normie au ( the doctor isn't an alien, although that'd be pretty cool) . The Doctor and Clara are in San Francisco in 1906 to see a . Doctor, Doctor /who/ are you? On the first day of the month, she wakes up and smells cinnamon. Even if it means running from spidersgiant spiders. In which you are|follow a displaced being, lost in time and memory less. When she says Spoilers. But she can't. She's stuck in London, skipping from flat to flat trying not to let Donna k. Completed. They won't take it. But in this regeneration, there seem to be more than usual. Read The Eleventh Hour from the story Watching the Doctor by RedRobyn2 with 2,996 reads. Doctor Who - Rated: T - English - Chapters: 15 - Words: 110,471 - Reviews: 402 - Favs: 552 - Follows: 605 . It sounded even more pathetic out loud. Well, this is that story. "To love someone is a choice that you have to be willing to make every single day.". The TARDIS brings the Doctor back to a place he never wanted to see again, the library. He promised to never break her. What about River? ! "Know this, Doctor Vienna isn't just a city. The Doctor and Donna share a sad, soft moment after the events of Midnight. Eleven accepts the help, and teaches Rory about his biology. just a jumble of one shots for my favorite DW characters that i dont see much of. ), Just a book full of oneshots. Everything always gets complicated around him and the people he cares for. 11th Doctor Fanfiction Stories - Quotev What does it have to do with schedules? Doctor Who fanfiction ~~~~~That is until they meet Rose Tyler and Damon Shakespeare. when they met them everything changed, as specially since when Rose is The Doctor's Romantic Soulmate and Damon is the Professor's Romantic Soulmate. John is driving back from Edinburgh and sees River the side of the road and offers her a ride. He has to deal with the fact that she doesn't want to actually see him. 'No, please,' he gasped. Rule two: Nova tells the truth to everyone, except the Doctor." Even his dreams are filled with her. Rory is glad that if one of them was able to get out and away, it was Amy. Teaspoon Admin on 2020.09.12 - 02:53PM, Teaspoon downtime September 10 - September 12, 2020 Not to you." "Tale as old as time,Song as old as rhyme,Beauty and the beast,"(Updates every other Monday and Saturday! She proposes this idea to The Doctor. It was everything she dreamed of, until one day when tragedy struck. This weekend, we're upgrading our version of MySQL. Telepathic Bond. ninthdoctor; davidtennant; timejump +22 more # 11. Or maybe the Tardis had sensed your distress and alerted her pilot? previously called Gadget. 'Today we've got a new boy joining the class 'Rose, amid a conversation about Britney with Shareen, glanced up to see the new boy. , . Until one particular run-in with a man only known as the Doctor changed the course of her life. That would be less mortifying. Red has always reminded Amy of the Doctor. The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Reader - Works | Archive of Our Own Born blind she knew that dream could never come true, that she would be forced to remain in the darkness for "Twin Flames; Two souls that are always meant to be together. ), /I don't take requests, but suggestions in the comments are welcome./, Jordan Blanchat Sancoeur was your run of the mill orphan living with her grandfather in the middle of nowhere. Just you watch us.'. It terrified her. I will accept requests, so please REQUEST SOME STUFF. Big Ben and an invisible spaceship, champagne and slow dancing under the stars hey, Doc, if you ever get your act together and need advice on how to take her on a first date, Im your guy.. Novembers only been theirs for a week, and Amys already seen more stars than she could ever believe. During the weekend of December 28, we're going to switch Teaspoon's skin over to the beta skin we released earlier this year. Eleventh Doctor/You (61) Exclude Additional Tags Fluff (326) Angst (198) Reader-Insert (175) Hurt/Comfort (124) Romance (65) Fluff and Angst (62) #angst #characterswatchtheshow #comfort #doctor # . The dream horse series After the dark horse betrayed the doctor he went off to plan his revenge but during that time he regenerated into the dream horse. She was 12 when she met the Doctor and his TARDIS. Rose and the doctor, a few (happy) chapters of metacrisis and Rose's life together showing what happened in Pete's world for over a century. neither has the doctor. Swearing loudly, she turned to her husband who was lounged out on the bed watching her with amusement. A fairytale! Prompt from Doctorwithaspoon on AO3. With nothing but a blue box, a raging curiosity, and an incredible nack of getting into trouble, Amelia for once makes her own decision. Leave me and run away as fast as you can. Warnings: implied child abuse, mild violence, bi doctor, the expected brand of self loathing. For a moment there was silence before Jack stepped forward and wordlessly hugged him. James Smith has a quiet night in with his significant others. cause its a gay show but it needs to be gayer. Doctor Who Imagines - The Doctor Is Sick- 11th Doctor - Wattpad Or at least thats what he's trying to tell himself. ((My first Doctor Who Fanfic (((Rated M- for Mature because I am unsure if I will write smut inbut i probably will))) I do not own these characters! Work Search: Missy tricks the Doctor and sexually assaults him for days. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. A Rose Forever After, a doctor who fanfic | FanFiction tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. It becomes a race against time for the Doctor and Amy to rescue Rory before he's auctioned off and shipped away. But mostly an 11th Doctor/Rose reunion fic. This is a collection of all my Doctor x Fem Reader One Shots. Curious about its contents, the both of them find a sliver they can travel through back to Rose's universe. More than that it turns out her father was a chameleon arched version of himself from her own universe. Please let me wake up. Jack searched the room desperately for some sort of First Aid kit, but nothing was in his eye-line. Clara notices. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Sarah Jane S., 11th Doctor - Words: 436 - Reviews: 11 - Favs: 15 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/19/2011 - Status: Complete - id: 6919862 5 pages Completed October 13, 2018 lonely.neko. The Doctor lets the older Amy into the TARDIS at the end of The Girl Who Waited. Who would've thought that two people - soulmates - were the last of Dodie Chameleon thought she was just another normal girl, at least that was until she met a mysterious and quite frankly odd man and everything changed. "She breathes him in deeply and he smells like Autumn. What if the choice she was making was actually between a life with the Ninth Doctor and a life with the Tenth? But River got in the way But little Theta cant stop playing, so give the wheel a spin!, Have you ever had a nightmare you couldn't wake up from? (Or better yet, make edits in your own document and paste or upload that into the story box.) , , , . - , , , . ~A Starling Chron. . :). The Doctor had never met his Bonded and w 'was previously named "Last of Our Kinds ~ 11th Doctor' Every night they had the same dream. The TARDIS is sick of watching you and the Doctor dance around each other, so she decides to help you out. Based on the quote from the eleventh doctor "so, what do you do around here to stave of the, you know, self harm"Roroy is worried that The Doctor would say that and thinks some thi is going on. She's been running all her lives. towards her Doctor. There are some mysteries that the Doctor hates. A blind Doctor, his six-year-old daughter, Jack Harkness, and Millennia take an Odyssean journey into an extremely hostile and unexplored region of space, in a race against time to find the cure for a diseased Rose Tyler. Eleventh Doctor/Clara Oswin Oswald - Works | Archive of Our Own Rory finds out that Eleven has not been eating or sleeping properly. What would their adventures be like?Each chapter is going to be episodic and I plan on writing a "season" Will I stick with this? October is the month where everything happens. (Supposed to be read as 11 x companion! The spines stuck in his chest and belly were also bleeding badly. Doctor Who - Rated: T - English - Angst/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,649 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 72 - Follows: 13 - Published: Oct 9, 2012 - 11th Doctor, River Song/Melody P. III. ClaraJohn Smith. After learning Amy left Rory after they had kissed, the Doctor gets it in his head to even the score and kiss Rory. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (148), Doctor Who: Eighth Doctor Adventures - Various Authors (2), Eleventh Doctor/Amy Pond/Rory Williams (39), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (21), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, sex pollen except amy is having none of it, Older Amy Pond (Episode:s06e10 The Girl Who Waited), Post-Episode AU: s06e10 The Girl Who Waited, eleven/amy trying to find each other again, there might be more than one chapter to this actually, back when i was convinced there was going to be an entire smith-era 60th anniversary special, and it makes me sad that it's never going to happen, The Age of Paradox- Book 2.5: Miracle Day, Jenny (Doctor Who: The Doctor's Daughter), laughing at some of these suggested tags i mean honestly, I Wrote This While Listening To The Weeknd, Pre-Episode: s05e10 Vincent and The Doctor, but still manages to make an incredible speech, Post-Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, I really wish they'd put the concept of the Doctor's sentiment in the episode, but I guess that's what fanfiction is for, Episode: s08e08 Mummy on the Orient Express, amy and twelve have an iconic scottish argument, I have been thinking about writing this one for ages, The Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald Friendship, but i have a whole headcanon this happened anyway, I had this in my head for ages and it wouldn't go away, aka that time in Britain some guy tried to kill the king, so for 400 years we've been celebrating by burning his effigy, Episode: s12e04 Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror, Episode: s13e04 Village of the Angels (Doctor Who), Episode: s07e05 The Angels Take Manhattan, Standing Out Under String Lights and Constellations. Ships: one sided Eleven/Rory, Doctor/Master. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (257), Eleventh Doctor & Clara Oswin Oswald (117), The Doctor (Doctor Who)/Clara Oswin Oswald (60). Hurt- Rory Williams . Rose and the doctor, a few (happy) chapters of metacrisis and Rose's life together showing what happened in Pete's world for over a century. Hands scraped and bleeding and maybe it would be better if neither of them had hands at all. Faced with such an unconventional threat, the Doctor must explore how far he will go in the name of history when so many lives are at stake in a manner he can't easily condemn or overcome. And he didn't want to lose her. They shall run from the beginning to the end of time and beyond, and if anything tries to stand in their way, their worlds will burn. All she felt was numb until a strange time-traveler walked into her life. A new student appears at Jericho Street Comprehensive, just as schoolgirl Rose Tyler needs saving.
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