The three kits nodded hastily, and started gobbling up the fish. They had returned from the visit with Appledusk, and Frecklewish was watching the kits while Mapleshade went for some air. It was too far, and they were tired. You told me you loved me! Deathberries come from the dark-leaved yew bush and can be characterized by their bright red color. Mapleshade buried her muzzle into his fur. -mother to three kits Ready to build her army. Yes, Mapleshade purred. Don't come any closer! Like how you never thought of Mapleshade as evil. -her only meeting up with Oakheart at night, Mapleshade: She whispers doubts into his head about his leadership skills and urges him to make it clear he's in charge. She is often described as ginger-and-white, and once to have white patches, as well as often described as tortoiseshell. There is no reason hed know and she wouldnt, but she didnt care. Were you watching, my precious kits? Larchpaw just looked at the sky absent-mindedly. The reasons why she didnt go to the bridge was Mapleshade grins. Once she left, I grabbed the mouse and took it back to Crimsonwish. In this separate timeline, Mapleshades kits lived and Mapleshade proves Ravenwing wrong about the prophecy of the 3 reeds. Thanks, I whispered, smiling. She was apprenticed to Bloomheart and later became a warrior known as Mapleshade. And, while its a little bit fuzzier with Thistleclaw, he did tell Tigerpaw to attack Tiny, and may have had him killed if Bluefur hadnt stepped in, and also the whole Spottedleafs Heart thing, which is controversial and problematic and I dont want to get too into it here, but overall we can agree was gross and bad. Be patient, and you will find out everything.Mapleshade revealing herself to Tigerclaw. She tells him that she's expecting his kits, and he promises that they can still see each other when things calm down. It is known that Mapleshade and a few others had survived the Great Battle, as she's later seen with Silverhawk in The Broken Code. Or become a loner with that loner who tried to save her. Narrator about Mapleshade's failed accomplishment. What If Mapleshade didn't make her kits go into the river? But its for the best. I dont want you to be tired when we leave.. After Frecklewish leaves, Ravenwing tells Mapleshade that she has made Frecklewish feel like life is worth living again with the birth of her kits. Petalkit and Larchkit nodded. So what? So, how can Ashfur be "not evil" in his heart, but Mapleshade is? She trusts me now, and I'm so close to the truth! Want to edit and see less ads? Warriors: Mapleshade's Vengeance also includes a teaser to Warriors Super Edition: Crookedstar's Promise. Frecklewish used Mapleshade's kits to feel better about her brother's death and when that didn't work out she wanted them gone in spite of the warrior code. She was delighted to see another cat go through the same pain that she had. Thanks Momma!. Appledusk returned with a fish in his hands. I-Im sorry, She said gently. There, she tricks Frecklewish into leaping at an adder and getting bitten in the face. Larchkit mews a RiverClan warrior had to save Patchkit. Bewildered, I set the mouse down and padded up to him. I nodded and countinued to stare at the rain. We will see what Oakstar says about this. She cuffed Wasppaws ear and he protested, following her to the leaders den. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Let me know what you think and what you think of my theory/analysis! This list shows the victims Mapleshade has killed: Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. Darkstripe and Hawkfrost had all undoubtably wanted to murder people (Sorrelkit/Stonefur in Darkstripes case and Hawkfrost had wanted to kill Firestar/Brambleclaw.) If Ashfur and Hollyleaf has a lot of loved ones in StarClan who wanted them there, maybe they were called there, in a manner of speaking. Hey. Mapleshade is a sturdy, large, matted, sleek, tortoiseshell she-cat with a scar on the bridge of her nose, a fluffy white tail, and amber eyes. Cats like Tigerstar, Thistleclaw, and Brokenstar who viewed StarClan and stupid and weak simply did not want to go there after their deaths. Nothing, remember? She had two sons and a daughter, naming the daughter Petalkit and the sons Patchkit and Larchkit. My name is Mapleshade. She tried her best to rescue them, alongside a patrol of RiverClan cats, but unfortunatly failed as all three kits drowned. We have all night, after all. There has been much confusion over Mapleshade's description. His apprentice, Perchpaw, attacked Mapleshade and gave her wounds that would later on end her life. (Although thats a bit of a stretch imo.) Lets start off by setting the scence (MAJOR spoilers for Mapleshades Vengeance): Mapleshade, a ThunderClan cat, is secretly mates with Appledusk, a RiverClan cat. Press J to jump to the feed. Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. She kept their relationship a secret, sneaking out at night to meet him in private. No! While Appledusk was gone, Mapleshade decided to keep her kits entertained. Bluestar and Mapleshade are actually quite the same The next day she heads into ThunderClan's territory, where she learns from an apprentice that Frecklewish had watched her cross the river. Same thing goes for Hollyleaf. What If Mapleshade's Kits Survived - Humans For Survival Do you make that promise?.Mapleshade demanding Crookedkit's fateful promise. She made him watch his mother drown, his brother fallin love with a ThunderClan she-cat, and his mate and all but one of hisdaughtersdie of sickness. Mapleshade didnt really care; she just regretted what she said about Birchface being the father. The technical storage or access that is used exclusively for anonymous statistical purposes. First off, she wanted a better life for her kits. Spottedpaw tries to step in and stop him when he deals a killing bite, but he snarls at her. The ones that deserve to go to the dark Forest are Oakstar, Appledusk, & Darkstar. Mapleshade watched them, amused and satisfied. And now you treat me worse than prey. Point 2) you might be right that Hollyleaf made up for what she did through heroic action. Long before she troubled the dreams of Crookedstar or Tigerclaw, Mapleshade was a warrior of ThunderClan. Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by Mapleshade is a large, thick-furred,tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with amber eyes, anda long, thick, fluffy, white tail. What did Ravenwing want with the runt of her litter? And, yeah I put Mapleshade in the murdering because of a purpose category (wanting to get revenge because of the death of her kits,) but not the murdering for fun category. Yeah, Mapleshade agreed quicklyand nervously. Mapleshade to Crookedstar in in Crookedstar's Promise. Im Appledusk, The dark cream tom replies. Yeah, I think that they(dead cats) can make up rules as they go. Mapleshade uncomfortably agrees, knowing that Appledusk is their real father. But they face distrust due to their half-Clan heritage. A fresh fish, straight from the river! Appledusk plucks it down in front of the kits. I find the fact that it seems like the Dark Forest is a choice strange, but interesting. Ravenwing was grateful, Mapleshade could tell. What if her kits didnt live up to Birchface? A mate that loved me, kits that I could watch grow up and have kits of their own, the respect of my Clanmates! We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. I was wondering.if you would let me take Patchkit as my apprentice. Not like, on a personal basis but more like how a bad storm can affect where an airplane can fly. Mapleshade quickly leaned over to him and whispered, They are ours. Appledusk beamed at her. Ask the Cats of the Clans!, In your opinion, did mapleshade deserve to -kept it a secret Are they ready to face danger..and the truth?. No kit of Birchface could jump that short," and stuff like that. Can you imagine what that feels like? A little while after that I was asleep. And just as Mapleshade expected, a silhouette of a cat was waiting for them. As for point 3) yes, I agree that is really a terrible reason, and I honestly cannot believe that it is actually the case. "You must promise me that you will be loyal to your Clan above all other things. Mapleshade goes by some RiverClan cats who snarl at her and remember the day one of their warriors, Appledusk, struck a ThunderClan cat, Birchface, so hard that he fell into the river and drowned. She admired them quickly. Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Since the day he was born, sheacted as a second ghostly voice in Tigerkit's head, not revealing herself until late into his adulthood in a dream. I blinked. Enraged, Mapleshade attacked and killed Spottedleaf, causing her to fade away forever. Mapleshade taunts Tigerclaw in his mind for losing against a kittypet after failing to kill Bluestar. He soon realizes that she's evil. As they bring her back to camp, unsure if they can save her life, Mapleshade hears only one of her kits calling for her. But, this cant be the only criteria for entrance into the Dark Forest because other cats like Darkstripe, Thistleclaw and Hawkfrost are also in the Dark Forest, but none of them actually succeeded in murdering anyone. Could be that going to the Dark Forest is based partially on what kind of person you were, and partially on magical turbulence, so to speak. I believe we will make it to the Half-Moon Meeting. She sees him in Mapleshade's training sessions, pummeling a light brown tabby she-cat. What you have done here is more terrible than anything a Clan cat has done before. The Wishful Nights - Book 1: Assassin's Oath. In this story, Mapleshade drowns instead, forcing her kits; Patchkit, Larchkit, and Petalkit, to go to Riverclan with their real father, Appledusk. He just wanted to kill them because of their association with Squirrelflight. Crookedkit agreed. According to one of the authors, Vicky Holmes these were actually hallucinations caused by Mapleshade's grief and feelings of betrayal, which drove her mad. He told you to wait. Darktail | Rain | Sleekwhisker | Raven | Nettle | Juniperclaw, TigerClan It was raining. Yes. Appledusk nodded quickly. Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. COULDNT HAVE DARKSTAR AND THE OTHERS BEEN AS GENEROUS TO HER?! When Appledusk is killed, Reedshine is already carrying his kits. First, she stalked Ravenwing, the cat who had revealed her secret, and murderedhim at the Moonstone. She discovered that she could dwell in the dreams of others, and watched over Stormkit, Appledusk's great grandson, destined to be RiverClan's next leader. Welcome to r/WarriorCats! Make more articles! The medicine cat apologized one more timeabout him judging the kitsbefore he left. These traumatic events left a huge mark on Mapleshade. Mapleshade was a ThunderClan warrior that served under Oakstar's leadership in the forest territories and a Dark Forest member. If it is for Crimsonwish, Im gonna take it. Im not sure about being as tall as the trees, but I know your heart is bigger than any tree I have ever seen., Petalkit bounced happily. Mapleshade's kits survive the journey to RiverClan and grow up in the new Clan. Did Hailstar say you could go? Mapleshade | Villains Wiki | Fandom Waves of rain spiraled down from the sky, crashing down on the clearing and the roof of our den. "A fresh fish, straight from the river!". First, Goosefeather,a medicine cat who had the ability to always see the spirits of both StarClan and the Dark Forest. She traps his apprentice as bait, and just when she's trying to get him to fight her, his new mate Reedshine shows up. The following night, she waits at Highstones and kills Ravenwing at the Moonstone. They should live as rogues and loners because that's what they are! He took a vole from the fresh-kill pile and left. Deathberries, also known by Twolegs as yew berries, are a type of poisonous fruit resembling red olives. Im gonna go find out. She set off towards Larchpaw. Imagine how she would've reacted if she'd gone to StarClan instead of the Dark Forest, since she'd be re-united with her kits. Well, I think youre right! When he started to become close to Bluepaw, she scolded him. She feels like she's found a place where she belongs, and is ready to wreak vengeance for all eternity. by that logic, why wasn't Mapleshade accepted into StarClan? Appledusk returned with a fish in his hands. Im truly sorry, Birchface. . You have everything that I wanted, Sandstorm! Sol | One Eye | Slash's Group (Slash, Bee, Snake) | Stripes's Group (Stripes) | Jacques and Susan | Darktail | Rain | Dodge's Group (Dodge) | Jaggedtooth | Willie's Group (Willie), Non-Cats Darkstripe was loyal to a murderous cat, he tried to kill a child. I feel frozen with excitement! But then the Clans cast her out as a traitorand she vowed to seek her revenge. Yes, it WAS Mapleshade's Fault that her Kits Drowned by HollyleafTheGreat Fan Articles November 2, 2020 59 comments 4 min read HollyleafTheGreat takes a look at Mapleshade's involvement in the death of her kits. The fading part I got, thought was cool, until StarClan warriors in living memory were "faded" after death. And, thats not all! It was believed by some that she would be leader one day. Why do you think I'm here? You will live to regret this day forever, ThunderClan, and that is a promise. If only I could truly raise them with you., Mapleshade closed her eyes and smiled sadly. And, the most unfair thing of all was that Featherwhisker kept Bluestars secret a secret, when the other medicine cat couldnt keep their snout in the right place, resulting in Mapleshades kits death, heartbreak, and grief. Mapleshade then moved onto Tigerkit, the grandson ofOakstar, who previously banished Mapleshade and her kits, and nephew of Frecklewish, one of her victims in life. True. Mapleshade's Kits Chapter 1, a warriors fanfic | FanFiction Wasppaw! She brings him to the Dark Forest and reveals she's been watching him throughout his life. Enter a Melbet promo code and get a generous bonus, An Insight into Coupons and a Secret Bonus, Organic Hacks to Tweak Audio Recording for Videos Production, Bring Back Life to Your Graphic Images- Used Best Graphic Design Software, New Google Update and Future of Interstitial Ads. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Mapleshade was once a good-hearted cat,bent on serving her Clan to her last breath. Can you imagine what that feels like? What do Chinese red noodle beans taste like? Also, WHY COULD DARKSTAR NOT HAVE BEEN AS GENEROUS AS CROOKEDSTAR?! You will find much better company in the cats here, Tigerclaw. Mapleshadeshe's a really old Dark Forest cat, and all of the others seem afraid of her, even Tigerstarwell, Mapleshade is taking a special interest in me. Mapleshade names her kits Petalkit, Patchkit and Larchkit. Seasons later, Mapleshade started working for Ashfur in the hopes of being able to live again. And we know that, after their death, Mapleshade was haunted by their cries and kills three people to free them. In Omen Of The Stars, she's also described as being transparent from fading away. He rejected her in front of RiverClan, who then refused to let her stay. And, Mapleshade would have naturally hated StarClan for causing the exile of her/her kits by sending the omen to Ravenwing. Its been two days since my apprentice ceremony, and I was just out fetching more horsetail for Ravenwing. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Mapleshade gave birth to Larchkit, Petalkit and Patchkit, and the Clan assumed Birchface was their father. Oh, that would be wonderful., Theyll be the best ThunderClan warriors ever, He whispered. If he was the medicine cat, why does he need me? Petalkit didnt really listen to the conversation, Mapleshade observed, because she was staring wide-eyed at all te scenery. Mapleshadewas a female she-cat born in ThunderClan, one of the fivewarrior Clans, during the time that Oakstar was leader. The wind whispered through the trees as Mapleshade bounded through the Thunderclan territory. Along the way they learn important lessons about life, war, love, and death. Out of nowhere, Larchpaw leaped on him and pinned him to the ground, although his claws were sheathed. Afterwards, she gets pregnant with his kits. Copyright 2023. Mapleshade decides her third cat to kill will be Appledusk. And every blessing they stole from me! Hawkfrost | Rushtooth | Rainflower, WindClan Mapleshade is evil. Period. : r/WarriorCats -
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