How will she h *Follows the storyline of Detroit: Become Human* They said androids were fast learners. Detroit 2038. Don't be turned off by the original character - she is there, unusually, not as a love interest or self-insert, but a fully formed personality who serves to guide and grow North. This is supposed to be an entire, yet canon-compliant, swapped-positions AU of Detroit: Become Human. He'll blow up the inflatable mattress Connor saw stacked in his crowded closet. Plot-focused stories or light day-in-the-life stories. What he's actually planning to do when he can no longer entertain himself by annoying Hank well, that's a bridge he'll cross when he comes to it. Synopsis: Connor's smile twitches into a smirk. or non-canon territory. Comments: There's another story in the series titled 'Iris' that's also worth a look.
Detroit: Become Human Fanfic Recs! - The Infinite Middle i will not include todd, leo, or kamski. Synopsis: Hank decides to let Connor know he's part of his family, giving him an ID with his last name. After her brother, Cole, died she's never been the same [ ON HOLD ] It is the year 2038. . Discover more posts about detroit become human fanfiction. Actually get Hank out of the house, if at all possible. When yet another bright-eyed rookie stumbles upon the first real stump in their career, otherwise known as Lieutenant Hank Anderson, the old man knows in time he'll be left alone again. She has had a tough life, like her parents being brutally murdered wh. This story is bas [ danganronpa x dbh au ] An escaped suspect begins to target cops and their android partners, leaving DPD in a panic as they try to protect their own. Comment: One of my absolute favorite fics. Comment: I don't believe I have words to describe how much I love this fic. It's a retelling of Connor's story with some changes, but its a lot better. . He runs into a couple surprises along the way. Read to find out :D RANKINGS #2 ConnorDBH #3 Detroit Become Human (Cover art by yours truly) Warnings: Cursing +violence. Comments: A scary good example of crack played straight. Tina Chen (Detroit: Become Human)/Valerie Morales-Chen; Chris Miller/Simone Miller; Ada (Detroit: Evolution)/North (Detroit: Become Human) . Well he was, before the android revolution that is. However, shortly after her coronation, the Queendom is attacked by a band of humans with much more sinister plans than mere destruction underway. Synopsis: 2037. The ones with terminal diagnoses. Detroit: Become Human RP. The ship isn't the main focus, so if you're looking for a general fic featuring police force humor not unlike Brooklyn 99, this one's for you. But in the middle of it all is Detective Gavin Reed, who is trying his damnest to keep androids from being integrated. An investigation of vandalism at the Detroit Zoo brings the two detectives into a slightly less-hostile understanding. detroit: become human reaction fanfiction. Despite that, Hank's new partner couldn't say a word. Comment: Once again featuring Connor's belief that his existence is a burden. Synopsis: No one knows Gavin Reed is an illegitimate child and the half-brother to Elijah Kamski.
THE ANDRIODS HAVE HAD ENOUGH | Detroit: Become Human | Part 7 One day he gets a case about a red ice related murder. Reed has his own issues to deal with though, as he struggles to deal with both old and new trauma. Carl Manfred is a human in Detroit: Become Human. Heavy Rain 2. But what if RK950 was able to find her own way? "You got a place to stay?" Now, he's thought of his actions and has become a little less pretentious. Connor tries to avoid thinking about Connor's life by focusing on other-Connor. Connor longs for his coin, for an outlet for his anxiety. An investigation of vandalism at the Detroit Zoo brings the two detectives into a slightly less-hostile understanding. His eyes meet Connor's with an expression that Connor has never been met with before. He never couldve expected to meet a kind ranch owner in a small town in Texas or how that could lead to a happiness he never thought existed for him.
detroit: become human reaction fanfiction - I'm looking for someone to RP Detroit: Become Human with me. Even Connor has issues to deal with as Niles returns intent on finding a father figure, and determined to make sure it's Connor. The best thing to ever happen to Connor was the sight of a Corgi wearing a small cowboy hat leashed to a post in front of the liquor shop. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. He could have burnt everyone's skeleton to a chain-link fence. Comment: A well-written, 27000-word complete oneshot story?
Who Are We Really? Chapter 1: Fight Or Flight, a detroit: become human Or one month, two days, nineteen hours and ten minutes after the end of the revolution, Connor reflects on his deviancy and the events leading him to his current situation; a room in Hank's house and a place in his life. Connor is in an abusive relationship, he knows if he stays hell end up dead. Hank is not okay. Nines za dopiero zaczyna swoj wdrwk, dlatego nie wiedzia, dlaczego majaczce w oddali odziane w brzow skrzan kurtk plecy tak mocno go do siebie przycigaj.Gavin ucisza podszepty serca, wiedzc, e nie moe dokona niemoliwego. Tekken 2. Synopsis: A suspect uses Connor's deactivation code. Synopsis: After a case took a wrong turn, Connor found himself miles away from home under a rainstorm. However, that didn't mean he wasn't ready in a split second. He does, however, have a strong online presence, and a very large following on his several meme accounts. Play three distinct androids and see a world at the brink of chaos - perhaps our future - through their eyes. Technology has evolved to a point where human like androids are everywhere. Connor has just narrowly prevented Amanda from reasserting CyberLife's control over his programming. As if they weren't hunting them through every city like rats just a month ago. The AI that both guided and punished him is gone, but at a price, and he struggles with his newfound freedom when guilt and fear are the crumbling foundations of his new life. "I was told to.. Give this necklace to the person that's the most precious to me"You stepped closer to Connor and put the necklace around his neck. Comment: Featuring machine Connor and an angry and tired Hank. "HI JAUNE!" Nora . The sticking point was that dead people didn't write letters. Come in to read stories and fanfics that span multiple fandoms in the Detroit: Become Human universe. Detroit: Reconstruction by nicholsman1557. The Hickory Killer is back, but this time his aim is completely different. A virus, non-lethal, made to simulate the common cold in machines. Or; Jin is sick, and shes in denial about it. Hank faces a shitty mental health week, but this time, he's got Connor to help him through it. Instead, he simply sounds tired. Please make sure that the author has made more than one story. He sees his chance to run away and takes it, taking the last bus out of Detroit. Is he imagining it, or is something there? and all their leaves will wither by Ravenesta, "Is it the light?" When the day came, Hank was still in a coma, and nobody remembered about the 15th of August. Synopsis: Hank Anderson never expected to have anything pinned to his fridge again- not pictures or crayon drawings or homework assignments. Yet there's an undercurrent of angst that makes the ending all the more sweet. Synopsis: Trapped in an alternate past by an errant energy flare, Connor struggles to find a place for himself in a world where those like him do not and cannot exist. Then Connor's asked to investigate a site where humans have been disappearing for a very long time. He is a paraplegic and seems to have other unnamed medical conditions, so Markus acts as his nurse and assistant. If Connor remains as a machine, he will become one of the three main antagonists (alongside Amanda and Richard Perkins) of the game.. Fall in love with your favorite characters from Detroit become Human- Connor- Hank- Kara- Luther- Gavin- Ralph- Markus. And of course 61 is working on an escape plan. Synopsis: There's a certain stillness to the aftermath. If he doesn't kill him first. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Needless to say it results in an unofficial adoption. Comment: A very good (albeit short) fic wherein Connor takes care of Hank, instead of the other way around. It shows his conflict with his deviancy since the beginning and his interactions with other deviants. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. A woman. They had gotten through this before, they could get through it again. Synopsis: Connor dies many times. Connor is willing to be the price they pay for his people's freedom. The origins are the same, but the beginning of their stories are different. Synopsis: The origins are the same. And what does that mean for Reed and Nines? The fic has an incredibly distinctive and profound writing style not quite like any other fic I've read. CyberLife lost. please note this includes all sexual activity, not just homosexual or bisexual, including het. Synopsis: After the Revolution, Hank waits for Connor at the Chicken Feed. When the deviant doesn't show, Hank finds him beaten and tortured within an inch of his life. Even worse, you were forcibly partnered with a disgruntled Lieutenant and a mysterious android. There must be a glitch in his system somewhere, right? Synopsis: Unemployment was not the best thing to ever happen to Connor, but it was high on the list. anyone's attention. (He cannot.). He is an RK800 android built by CyberLife as an . FanFiction | unleash . Ginn never thought of talking to Reed until they were put on the same case one day after the revolution. The images appeared fully formed in front of his eyes: a cute little farm somewhere in the countryside. Connor finds help in the form of reluctant android investigator Hank Anderson and the city's resident deviant population, but the search for a soul becomes far more convoluted than he anticipated. Believable characterization, interesting plot, and lots of whump in all shapes and forms! (Or: Amanda quietly wins on the stage.
The Blue Blush and The Beating Heart - Chapter 1 - kurtsxp - Detroit Their cover identities? Comment: An interesting crossover featuring amazing characterization of the four leads, a more realistic. But he has a secret. I will become yours and you will become mine by spiderwebsitar. hi! They solve crimes and the world changes around them. Hosted By Lex Russ the devil god of death. Synopsis: This was by far the stupidest thing he'd done in a long time. Synopsis: In the days after their victory, Connor frequently goes to visit with the people of Jericho. And their colleagues at Jericho and the DPDs 7th precinct are navigating all the milestones that life sends their way. Some new cases come in that make Connor wonder what deviants really are. Fanfic Fuel: Any of the main characters' lives after the Golden Ending. He just hopes the bullshit doesn't kill him when he is also assigned an annoying Android partner. North continues to be the calm level headed one in their relationship and the dramatic violent one everywhere else. North has been benched due to injuries, and finds distraction in a shy YK500 playing games with her friends. Recently, you've been given the task of . Which killer will slipup first? Synopsis: When Connor finds Simon on the roof, the confrontation results in injuries which may leave more than just physical scars. recycled paper that had become soggy, warning that in a few more minutes the whole thing would dissolve and create a mess in the already . Oh, and Amanda is called a bitch along the way.
Detroit: Become Human (Video Game) - Works - Archive of Our Own . It was just- her lack of sleep was just catching up to her, okay? One of the major figureheads of the revolution and finally a deviant, Connor now has to learn how to handle free will. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from connor is a badass. Synopsis: "But if Connor can abstract lovemake it a blueprint, viewed from above, not quite a part of himselfhe can begin to decode it. Regular price 29,99. She was from a wealthy family, and with wealth, they bought a lot of robots to do their cleaning, cook (Y/n) Anderson is a nine year old kid who works alongside her father, Lieutenant Hank Anderson, to solve cases. Throw in a mysterious serial killer and you have a recipe for trouble. Part 1 of Connor's Path. Based off of a singular image on the steam board for D:BH that really got me thinking - eventually it turned into an entire fanfic!
RWBY REACTS TO THE MULTIVERSE - KingSaber611 - Wattpad At least no one does until Connor does a fucking DNA analysis on him without him realizing it. But he needs to accomplish his mission. Only to run into human beings that might be more dangerous. Your tiring, but simple job, was shattered when you were called to Captain Fowlers office and assigned a seemingly impossible task: to find the cause of android deviancy. Work Search: Every choice you make affects the outcome of the game, with one of the most intricately branching narratives ever created. Sunny summer days spent lounging on the porch, reading a book. Synopsis: Connor is late, Gavin makes a bad bust, and the Manfreds learn that the real family was the junkie little brothers you made along the way. All Detroit: Become Human Crossovers. Humans: Click to expand. They just appeared one day. A reluctant Gavin Reed and his new partner RK900 have been assigned to investigate a string of disturbing murders. He twists his head immediately, and his first thought is what the fuck is Connor doing now? Stories focused on the romantic relationships between the cast. It had been Cole's name on the envelope. Detroit: Become Human One Shots by Lost in the Stars 1.1M 29.6K 34 One shots involving Connor, Markus, Daniel, Luther, Simon, and Ralph from Detroit: Become Human. Comments: A fantastic dive into the complications of a post-"good end" victory. Synopsis: Hank puts his hand on Connor's shoulder and squeezes, and the brave part of Connor wants to lean into it, wants to take Hank's hand in his own. See a recent post on Tumblr from @frost-queen about detroit become human fanfiction. Comment: Absolutely painful, but satisfying. The young man stops mid-sentence when the disgruntled detective raises a single hand in front of him. Kara is a prototype model RK400, belonging to a famous painter located at 8941 Lafayette Avenue. Synopsis: A year after the protests the station catches wind of a new petty attack from anti-android bigots. Please consider turning it on!
Connor | Detroit: Become Human Wiki | Fandom hank is confused but he loves his android son. Synopsis: Hank had said they would get to an Aquarium for his activation day. Regular price 29,99. or; The new android model, WS960, designed to hunt deviants is assigned to Luitenent Philip Watson, the DPD's head drunk and mourner who hates everyone around him. His mind was cold metal and white plastic. for the love of arachidae by MegaBadBunny, fifth option/eleventh hour by MegaBadBunny. The incident, when it happened, was not what he was expecting. Yes, I got the title from . Complete. Hank lowered his voice. He doesnt feel. [based on the fic, enderbomb, changed and updated to the oc names], The images appeared fully formed in front of his eyes: a cute little farm somewhere in the countryside. After realizing that Markus is not the person she expected him to be, she begins to realize that she must intervene to help the android movement, if it is to succeed without his help. A long broken detective aching for connection gets partnered with an android struggling to understand his place in the world. After being deemed a hopeless Jane Doe case, she enrols into the police academy and becomes a high-ranked detective at the Detroit Police Department to try and rebuild herself. (ON HOLD UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) Detroit: Become Human. Detective Ginn Jenning works at the DPD as a part of the Red Ice Task Force. His RK is far more useful than he would ever have imagined, and they're closing cases in record time. This is what Connor is so terrified to lose. Step away from this book if you're an innocent child, please. If you want something that makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside, this one's definitely for you. Mass Effect 2. Shock that Connor had succeeded in obtaining a confession. Markus remains dramatic and morbid while pretending to be calm and level-headed for the public. Quantic Dream. . Synopsis: Markus and his comrades managed to reach a peaceful end to the android-human conflict. He does not. But they were pretty so he just placed it on the coffee table. (Formerly called: "Enneas - The Kamski Trial"). Hank decides it's time to talk about it. Synopsis: Gavin goes to hang out with some of his anti-android buddies. Completed. Detroit: Become Human puts the destiny of both mankind and androids in your hands, taking you to a near future where machines have become more intelligent than humans. If anyone's wondering before diving in: Kara is now Markus, Markus is now Connor, and Connor is now Kara (in the broadest sense of who they are and what their story is). He's fine. Launch Detroit: Become Human again, and notice whether performance has improved or not. Comment: Had me laughing and awwing at the same time. Quantic Dream. UNFINISHED AND STILL IN PROGRESS It could be easy. His red wall may still have some shards in place but it's okay. Gavin od zawsze szed przez ycie, ogldajc si przez rami, nawet jeli wiedzia, e nikt nie prbuje go dogoni. Chapter 1: Just a Detective, Nothing More and Nothing Less. "Lieutenant Anderson, my name is Connor. - . Somewhere, in the distance, Jeffrey Fowler is writing a detailed list of the pros and cons of auto-defenestration. When she was ten, Chloe, the first android was created. It claims it feels fear and distaste and anger, then relief after its owner had been brutally stabbed twenty eight times and left to rot. . Synopsis: Hank pulls back from their hug first. Even after the success of the Android revolution and Connor's reinstatement at the DPD, Hank still needs reassurance that he hasn't been tricked again if Connor is out of sight for too long. The second best thing to ever happen to him was the emancipation of his people from slavery and the opening of negotiations for equal rights. "Hank, since you're on administrative leave, I assume you haven't heard. Synopsis: After Markus spares Connor's life, Connor has a moment alone with his thoughts and everything that normally entails. Synopsis: Connor has a hard time expressing his emotions - it can make him seem cold and unresponsive sometimes, which is the last thing he wants. It mainly keeps a lighthearted tone as Connor tries to befriend Gavin, who is understandably wary of the RK800. I did my very best to keep it all fairly similar, yet tried to add my own differences (enough to change some major plot points, I hope), this is my first, properly edited and written fanfiction, so of course expect some mistakes! Detroit: Become Human. A little about me: my name's Jayden and I'm thirty-six years old from Canada. Chapter 1. . Comments: One of the first fics with RK900 in it, mainly focused on Hank's reaction to Connor's replacement and RK900's growing relationship with him. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. ", a thousand million stars by anathebookworm, Your Face Is Frowning Oh So Thin (But The Corners Of Your Eyes Are Smiling) by A_M_Kelley, Break Me Slowly by ChangeTheCircumstances.
Detroit: Become Human | Official Site | Quantic Dream +10 more. The time was 1207 and Lieutenant Anderson was due to arrive at the station. Despite the shift in Detroit's social climate, Gavin still holds reservations about whether or not androids are truly alive. Synopsis: Connor keeps adopting Roombas. It reads: STUFF CONNOR LIKES, and they need to figure out what to put on it. (, , ). However, shortly after her coronation, the Queendom is attacked by a band of humans with much more sinister plans than mere destruction underway. An android who protected his owner, his best friend, Jude, from an attempted robbery and homicide. "You would shoot an unarmed opponent? Jericho had been running for the last few weeks. ), data corrupted, data lost by conn_tinuity, i am so much older than i can take by Archadian_Skies. Synopsis: What Hank told them was this: Connor had a choice and he chose the power of good. She was not- she was just not sick. Connor #313-248-317-53, whose predecessor was murdered by Reed in the evidence room, confesses that he's not the same Connor Hank knew. A typically gloomy city called Detroit is home to F/N L/N, the young, hot shot detective working for DPD. Synopsis: The first thing he noticed was the overhead light was off, the red of Connor's LED bouncing around the smooth curves of the bathtub. Synopsis: Since he got stuck there, all Connor had for distraction was a Sumo-shaped imperfection in the wall, and a count of how many days he had gone missing. RK900 will be the death of him. Comment: Focuses on an alternate revolution path where human and android cooperation will be necessary. Carl Manfred was born . Synopsis: Gavin Reed is adjusting just fine to the new world order.
Detroit: Become Human / Fanfic Recs - TV Tropes Will his developing feelings for 'Nines' be the thing to change this? He doesnt plan on telling Hank or anyone else, for that matter. He feels lost and well, he FEELS. Gavin never did know how to back down from a fight. He just needed to keep some levity.
RWBY: The Worlds of Arc Chapter 1: Intro: Detroit Become - FanFiction Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Thousands of lifetimes later, Gavin Reed goes fishing thinking nothing of it. it was the most reaction he'd had from his companion all morning. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Connor tries to curb Hank's self destruction which has worsened since being forced to leave Sumo behind. Rather weary of him at first, Detective L/N finds themselves growing closer to the android. Mmmm, you cant jus say that t people Jin slurs out, and oh dear Creators she was definitely not okay. He was nothing more than a mission. He expects some alcohol and stress relief. But, it didn't make the reality any easier.
Detroit: Become Human / YMMV - TV Tropes
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