MV is 1360 fps and the ME is 575 ft. lbs. Accuracy can be greatly refined through reloading, though I would go factory for self defense.
Developing load for 357 lever action rifle? - Forums They show 2400 as the best powder to use for reloading the .357 Magnum cartridge. Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, State Agency: Some recommend 2400 powder. (Photo: Andy C). Employees and agents of Publishers Development Corp. are not eligible. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I would exclude H110 altogether. An area where the .357 Magnum is under appreciated is hunting.
357 magnum hunting loads, what powder is better for reloading - YouTube Titegroup is an excellent powder for target and mid range loads. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Associated taxes and fees are the responsibility of winners. Mike. Muzzle velocity from a 4-5/8 Ruger Old Model Flat-Top are 1,050 fps and 1,150 feet per second respectively. Bullseye, 100% burnt at 2.56 inches of barrel length. New Mexico Department of Game & Fish, State Agency: I'd like to shoot a few hundred rounds before I do that. Factory warranties may apply in some cases. Gregory, just to give you an idea about Unique, I have loaded 357 mag with a 158 jacketed round to 7.5 grains using Winchester primers. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. On the other hand, 16.2 Winners must respond within 30 days of receiving notification or an alternate winner will be selected. With standard primers it's a little lower velocity (more like 925). Much cheaper to load your own.
Dillon Precision 14400 38 Spl 357 Mag Pistol 3 Three Die Set Carbide All entries must be received by giveaway end date. Jacketed bullets create a bit more wear on the bore, but its better than trying to wire brush out a bunch of lead build up. If you hunt in predominantly tight spaces with shorter sight lines, a .357 lever rifle is a wonderful gun to carry all day. July 31, 2021. All entries must be received by giveaway end date.
Top 8 Best .38 Special & .357 Magnum Ammo In 2023 Reviews - TheGunZone Then theres Bullseye. JHP, 125 gr. My favorite powder for .357 Mag with 158 gr. Head to the range this week with American Rifleman staff as they discuss a trim little repeater from Savage Arms that comes chambered for the .22 WMR cartridge. (I) Giveaway ends May 31, 2023. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for DILLION CARBIDE 45 LONG COLT 3 DIE SET #14405 NOS RELOADING at the best online prices at eBay! When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. To simplify for conversation's sake, I generally regard loads as low, mid or full and further specify if the context warrants, e.g. . Nor with small hard bullets are you going to be leading free. Winchester Smokeless Ball Powder. I need to pick up projectiles for 38 and 357 for a 357 Ruger Revolver and a Rossi lever. Delaware Division of Fish & Wildlife, State Agency: Nevada Department of Wildlife, State Agency: From my perspective in this stage of my life if I could have only one centerfire rifle, it would be a .357 Magnum levergun, with my first choice being the Marlin 1894. These are good full power hunting loads. +1 on Hellbents slant on Titegroup in the .357 . $36.52. Ive sold plenty of others, because they dont see as much use. .357 Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data. It takes me all day to do what I used to do all day - but I still enjoy doin' it! Reloading bench, featuring the very reloadable .357. Recipe for 230 grain round nose powder coated .45ACP, Need couple pieces of 38 SC or 38 TJ brass. The minimum charge of WW296 (H-110 same stuff ) Winchester used to publish in the re-loading pamphlet was 14.5gr and SP Magnum primer, under a 158gr SWC. KE4GWE - - - - - - Colt 1860, it just, kids that hunt and fish dont mug old ladies. )(2009 Note: Some of these loads are from 1996 and in the passing years the powder companies have reduced their maximum loads particularly ones that have been around a long time like Unique. Cartridge Use & HistoryThe .357 Smith & Wesson Magnum, .357 S&W Magnum, .357 Magnum, or 933mmR as it is known in unofficial metric designation, is a smokeless powder cartridge with a .357-inch (9.07 mm) bullet diameter. rules basically demand a .45 ACP moonclip gun, but in IDPA the speedloader-fed .357 magnums are alive and well. full loads. Any brand-Small Pistol (Magnum) Details. Box 488, Escondido, CA 92033. Marc - accipere facile, sed sumite! I had Milt Morrison slick up the action and take the trigger back to 3-1/2 lbs. It is just a guide and the reason you should start under these charges and work up. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife, State Agency: A series of targets John shot with the Marlin 1894, proving the accuracy Nebraska Game & Parks Commission, State Agency: Your mileage may vary. Contest open to U.S. residents only. Reloading Handbook, 2nd edition. IPSCs revolver division rules basically demand a .45 ACP moonclip gun, but in IDPA the speedloader-fed .357 magnums are alive and well. Subscribe To GUNS Magazine.
Loading the .38 Spl. & .357 Mag. - An Official Journal Of The NRA A 50-ft target with the .357 Blackhawk using 158-grain cast flatpoints with 7.0 grains of Unique. Discussion in 'Handloading and Reloading' started by Throwingdown, May 26, 2009. Ive never seen a 90-grain load in a store. You can try bowling pin shooting or metallic silhouette. Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM February 2023, P.O. Winners will be notified by certified mail on official letterhead. According to Quickload .357 data using a .357, 158, Sierra JSP FN 8340. It is just a guide and the reason you should start under these charges and work up. Like Marc said, I'd want data specific to your bullet. use hot loads). Pennsylvania Game Commission, State Agency: Now this rifle is ready for use by several generations of our family. containers. No substitutions or transfers to third parties allowed. With Sierras 158 JSP, 15.5 grains of H4227 is right at 1,380 fps and groups three shots well under 1 at 45 yards. * Bullseye, Unique and 2400 are products of Alliant (formerly Hercules) Powders. recommended), (you can try 3.3 gr. It has a steel core and will pierce an
WIN 231 for 357mag | 1911Forum vtducrider said: Not looking for full power 357mag loads. I am looking for a powder I can use for both lead/target loads for the 357 Magnum that I can also use for 38 Special loads. My friend the late John Wootters raised this question in an article from 1983 and even before this, in November 1982, Ken Waters published Pet Loads for the .357 Magnum Carbine.. Unless one goes into abnormally dangerous areas or situations, many people, like me, are willing to sacrifice some power for day-to-day comfort. However, I've read Unique is hard to meter. Originally Posted by Hick. guys", but have not provided top accuracy in my .357 handguns. ballistics tables call for a muzzle velocity of 1450 fps for the 125 Mail-in entries accepted; send postcards (no envelopes) to: GUNS Magazine, GOM April 2023, P.O. Hornady jacketed over 5gr. Result of not working out is a kaboom and potential injury. There are now 25 states with so-called Constitutional carry and Florida appears to be approaching permitless carry, which translates to more citizens S&W Set The Bar For Magnum Handgun Performance 50 Years Ago. Trail Boss is an awesome powder for loading the 158 grain semiwadcutter to moderate magnum levels, retaining good performance and fun without inducing arthritis. Bullets are .357 for jacketed and .358 for lead in diameter. I love it because of how well it meters in my Dillon powder measure. What should the discerning collector look for in a potential buy? For me, I use 231 for light plinkers in .357 mag with 125 grain cast bullets. Life is worth living make every minute of every day count for you. New. ), (See note on Powders below or read all about various In the .357 for heavy loads I have come to love Hodgdon's Lil'Gun w/magnum primers. But in those three disciplines, the .357s potential is going untapped, you could argue. Illinois Department of Natural Resources, State Agency: Hodgdon - 700-X. Factory warranties may apply in some cases.
If part of your plinking enjoyment . For a medium velocity load in .357 Magnum cases with 158-160 grain bullets at 1.58" OAL use these as minimum start loads and OK to increase a grain or so as needed to get best accuracy. All right are Reserved Reload Ammo, Reloading The .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol), 1,075 (plated, actual in 7 bbl revolver), 1,307 max (Enforcer load below is SWC + GC ), ,108 (as of 2008 HP38 & W231 are the same), 1,610 MAX a Commercial JSP load averages 1,503 fps, 1,208 Hi=1244, Lo=1179, ES=65 (good load). IMR TrailBoss are products of IMR (formerly DuPont) Powder Company. These figures are all for a 4" Some loads use bullets of .358 for jacketed and .359 for lead. 1.590 in.
shows that 16.5 grains of 2400 powder will drive their 125 grain will drive those bullets to a MV of 1217 fps. I have gotten the best results/grouping with all three using 18 grains of 300MP with Hornady 158 grain XTP's. Hand loading self-defense ammo isnt recommended so well table that, but you can load up practice rounds that can approximate your chosen self-defense loads. (III) Giveaway winner(s) chosen by random drawing. Reloading booklet Alliant Powder Co. Reloaders Guide (1995) Hodgdons Due to different barrel lengths, type of bullet, seating depth, primer type and other factors, you may not get near the FPS charted. Figure 3. In the late 1970s, leverguns chambered in .357 Magnum began appearing. It is not the best for all things, but it will work in just about any pistol caliber! Giveaway prizes may have evidence of being test fired or exhibit minor handling marks.
357Mag loads with Berry's 158gr RNFP/H110 | Glock Talk I also like to load a 148 grain wadcutter with Autocomp, and find its superbly accurate with more thump but better range to 50 yards. Flexibility of the .357 Mag. Is it worth my effort in developing 357mag loads using this powder..wondering if it was to fast..I am using 158gr sierra JHP bullets.
.357 Magnum - CHUCKHAWKS.COM But if you dont want to buy a new gun to try them out, you can get by with the .357 magnum. all purpose, and I also use them for .38 special, just less of it. So many options, so little experience! (Photo: Andy C). We dont always need full power loads and my more pleasant shooting loads are assembled with H4227. This is not John Waynes revolver it is a modern work of art! CCI primers. The "U.S. Rifle, Caliber .30, Model of 1903," better-known as the M1903 Springfield, has become one of the most popular U.S. military small arms to collect.
Loads for Short-Barrel Handguns - Handguns A stiff .357 load is plenty of punch for a relatively delicate animal like a whitetail. by 9.8 grains of HS-6. To protect the privacy and security of winners, names will not be made public. All entries must be received by giveaway end date. For reduced power loads in the .357 I've had great success with accuracy from Trail boss. 32 H&R Magnum. No purchase necessary. I keep my loads to 1,100 FPS in the .357 magnum w/ cast bullets. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, State Agency: of what some consider a forgotten Magnum! But you can download a .357 magnum to get a round that still has the powerful feel but is a little less harsh on the hands. In these, I like to load a 130 grain lead flat point bullet over a charge of 700X that shoots to point of aim. When you want to go up to heavier loads in the mag cases try IMR4227 or 2400. We try 2 different powders, Hodgdon Lilgun and Alliant 300-MP. The last one, a brand-new Remington/Marlin, came from my local gun shop a couple months back. The same thing happened 20 years later with the new .44 Magnum and the Winchester Model 1892, which had originally been chambered in .44-40. Contest void where prohibited by law.
Complete Reloading Manual For The 357 Magnum [ 2004] - Internet Archive Full copper plated bullets are a good idea for .357 loads instead of plain lead. can also shoot all .38 Special ammunition. Contest void where prohibited by law. Then use whatever you can find cheap for 38 special right now. (Photo: Andy C). JavaScript is disabled. We don't want you to blow yourself or your guns up either. with unavoidable grey area. The action was not as smooth as I would like and the trigger pull was much too heavy at 8-1/2 lbs.
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