Awa'awa'puhi gets off to a slow start but picks up steam about halfway. Outside Magazine - By: Alexandra Gillespie 3h. And this time around, we could share the experience with our kids. In my opinion,these are the 15 best hikes on Kauai! This trail gives you a clear overview on the west side of the Na Pali Coast and the Waimea Canyon area. Must do in Kauai! Be sure to spray and wipe your shoes before and after at the trailhead to do your part in mitigating Rapid Ohia Death! It takes you on a route along the south side of Koaie Canyon, with good scenery, wildlife and swimming holes. The Awa Awapuhi Hike is a 6 mile out and back hike that brings you through the lush vegetation. The Grand Hyatt Resort Best Family Resort:With the bestkids clubon the island,wildlife talksin thelobby, and a five-acrepool complexthat includes an enormouslazy-river pool, awaterslide, and a saltwaterlagoonbig enough forkayaking, the Grand Hyatt is unbeatable for keeping kids busy and parents happy. The trail ends abruptly on the ridge top, at 2,500 ft. elevation, affording spectacular views down sheer palis (cliffs) into Awaawapuhi and Nualolo Valleys overlooking the Pacific Ocean. However, if you plan to hike that loop, we recommend you hike down Nualolo and back up Awa'awapuhi. Entire family made it all the way to the top. June 17, 2010: I went back to hike Awa'awapuhi Trail to a vista lookout that I have bypassed the first time when I did the Nu'alolo Cliffs Trail. Check the forecast: Dont even think about attempting the trail if theres any significant rain in the forest. This photo gives you an idea of how narrow the trail can be in some sections. Even though this trail is fairly even, we recommend sturdy hiking boots since it gets quite slippery when it has been raining. ), in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited. Starting at 4,120 feet you'll descend to 2,500 feet to the trail's endwhich concludes at a cliff with broad views of the valleys and the immense Pacific ocean. But it also makes for a longer journey. Kauai is the oldest island in the Archipelago and these cliffs have been shaped over thousands of years. However, if you plan to hike that loop, we recommend you hike down Nualolo and back up Awa'awapuhi. If youre planning to hike the Awa awapuhi Trail, heres what to know to best prepare yourself and make the most of the gorgeous experience. The grassy area at the end of the trail provides an excellent place to picnic. Wear bug spray and good hiking shoes. But keep your eyes up: there are some tricky parts of the trail, including steep sections and a few slippery sections due to mud, especially in the first mile. Its important that you carry enough water because this part of the trail is hot and can be challenging. Awesome!! Luke Mcnally Fifa 21, I loved being in the tropical rainforest and seeing the view at the end of the trail was amazing. This is done to help stop Rapid Ohia Death, a disease that is killing Ohia trees in Hawaii, and to help prevent the spread of seeds that could still be on your shoes from other hikes. Difficulty: Moderate.
Awa'awapuhi Trail | Map, Guide - Kaua'i, Hawaii | AllTrails This trail goes by Honopu Ridge Trailhead. Theres a small parking lot near the trailhead on Kokee Road. If you are in average condition (maybe exercise for 2-4 hours per week), the climb back up is VERY difficult. The trail has a fairly steady and moderate grade all the way down to the viewpoint, which is great, given the aforementioned extreme mud. The entire trail is also forested, with only a few hints of a view before you reach the end of the trail. There are pesky trail markers at every 0.25 miles, which is mildly infuriating, showing you your slow squelchy progress through mudpit after mudpit . First off my family of four did the trail after much reading about it, it was very hard for all of us who do not hike on a regular basis. The trail starts at a parking area near the highway 17 mile marker. The trail does need some clearing done at the end of the trail. Hiking out, you'll no doubt respect each and every foot of that; especially if you're concluding this hike as a part of theNualolo Trail/Nualolo Cliff Trail"loop." Awa'awapuhi Trail Best Places to Stay This trail runs through Kokee State Park and passes through various landscapes for a little over six miles round trip. If you're the active type, avoid the urge to stop at the scenic lookouts and start the day with the Awa'awapuhi Trail, where a rocky ledge from which incredible views of the Na Pali Coast is waiting for you. This is the one good view along the Nualolo Cliff Trailmost of the time you are in the trees, brush, or tall grass. All downhill on the way out, all uphill on the way back (opposite of what I'm used to) and oddly not as bad as I thought it would be. These views are great but they do not compare to those from Kalaua or Nualolo. Its because you spend the entire time hiking down 1500ft. Its safe to do solo and there should be a fair amount of hikers on the trail. 3 miles down with nothing to see but trees and bush but it's worth it at the end of you are not afraid of heights and go past the gates. The Awa'awapuhi Trail is about a 6 mile out and back hike through Kokee State Park on the Island of Kauai. WHAT IS THE BEST CHEAP BACKPACKER TRAVEL INSURANCE? The trail will lead you through rain forest, high desert like terrain and to some of the most awe inspiring vistas on Kauais Napali Coast. The grade virtually the whole way is probably 30% or more. The trail is much wider than the Nualolo Trail and the Nualolo Cliff Trail, so no more thorny bushes on your legs or tree branches whacking you in the face. All partners and related links comply with our Advertising Disclosures.
After the first mile-and-a-half the forest begins to thin out and the rugged Napali coast comes into view as well as glimpses into the Awaawapuhi Valley. This number is based on the percentage of all Tripadvisor reviews for this product that have a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Google Maps Link It is before the Kalalau lookout but still takes well over 30 minutes to reach there from Waimea Town. After the first mile the forest begins to dissipate, only making guest appearances once in awhile as the barren terrain of NaPali comes into view. was a little scary, haha. The trail is a continual downhill hike from 4,120 feet elevation to the valley rim of Nualolo at 2,500 feet.
The trail is quite rocky at the start and we heard that it is very slippery if its rained. You can ask about the condition of the Cliffs trail before you start. 95% of travelers recommend this experience. Its a mostly uphill, challenging walk back to the trailhead. This was as far as I could make myself go without letting vertigo sink in. He was thrilled. Total hike time for us was 4 hours but we took our time. It's all downhill (which means all uphill on the way back) to the grassy point that overlooks the sheer cliffs of Awa`awapuhi and Nualolo valleys resting 2,000 feet below. Consider hiking the Awaawapuhi Trail instead. You can read more about the "loop" on our Nualolo Trail entry. The views are amazing though at the halfway point of the hike, and youll see several helicopters getting up close to the cascading valley! And the views are nice, but not nearly as stunning as those from the Nualolo Trail. When you arrive at the overlook, the view is spectacular (although no camera will capture it so you cannot show off to anybody). Since this is a loop, you can hike these trails clockwise or counterclockwise. Awa'awapuhi Trail Overview. The hike is moderately difficult and traverses the Npali-Kona Forest Reserve. We had to turn back at the 1mile mark because of a heavy downpour and the conditions deteriorating. We wanted a shorter day hike that would provide us with expansive views of the Napali Coast of Kauai. In this guide, learn how to plan a trip around the world. The permit can be obtained at visitor contact stations during business hours. The reason why I love this trail and what makes it my favorite out in the west is because of the magnitudeof the dropoffs and the gorge. Im so interested to have the Nualolo trail. Our popular Summary Guidesheets are now included. Awa'awapuhi Trail, Hawaii You couldn't have the best hikes in the USA without including one from . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thank you soo much foe this post. Rivalling the more popular Na Pali Coast Trail, the Awaawapuhi trail allows you to see the gorgeous nature of Hawaii.And because of the trails altitude, which rests between 4,000 and 2,500 feet, you will get a spectacular vantage point throughout the hike. This trail also heads along the cliffs. Awa'awapuhi Trail is a 3 mile blue singletrack trail located near Waimea Hawaii. Learn about the best time to visit Kauai , Our Kauai travel tips & recommendations , Explore Kauai Hotels & Resorts Search Now. We walked the first 2 miles of the Kalalau Trail, on the north end from Ke'e Beach. Youll hike through tall brush, slip and slide on wet, muddy ground, and be a hot, sweaty mess at the end of this hike. 2023 Hawaii Travel Guide. The trail descends sixteen hundred feet over three miles through a rainforest to the rim of the Nualolo and Awaawapuhi valleys. Trailhead Location: Kokee Road in Kokee State Park. If you are new to hiking or are curious about what you should bring on a hike, check out our. A long climb awaits. Like an address I can punch in my GPS to start the hike.
1 Week in Kauai - Hiking, Beaches, and Waterfalls - Ruhls of the Road The crisscrossing of trails and 4x4 roads can be confusing at first, but once you select your routes, it's not too bad. Kauai's beautiful Na Pali coast. Its longer, its steeper, it can be muddy after it rains, and the trail is overgrown in spots. Having said that we all agree we are glad we did it. The man, reportedly in his 70s, was near a scenic outlook when he fell onto some boulders. Do i need a permit? It feels like paradise. I made my way as about halfway down the spine to the end point before stopping. The Nualolo Trail is worth the extra effort to have this view. There are four pieces of gear that I simply never travel without. Awa'awapuhi Trail. We were very unprepared for this hikebut we were young and fit and muddled through. It does have 3 little sections, after you go to the first landing you can venture out to a second then a third. The beautiful nature and mountains that rise up from the sea, are a must see on Kauai. We arrived at the official viewpoint and were blown away by the view. This is a good spot to take a break, drink some water, and refuel before hiking up the trail. Havent read you mentioning it so i just want to confirm.
Are there many hikers there? The hike is mostly through shaded forest and ending at the overlooks with some great views. This trail is muddy and step although I consider myself in shape I was very sore for about 3 days after and my wife just had to push through it and swore to me that she would never do this again. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Breaking News In Yuba County Spoiler. I saw an abandoned pair of flip flops covered in mud on the first mile. I took 2 hours going down (muddy and slippery but doable with a pole and decent shoes), 1 hour at the viewpoint (solo picnic!) Just a short distance from here is a large parking lot for the Kokee Museum, restrooms, and the Kokee Lodge (a great place for cold drinks and food once finished the hike). Don;t worry too much and carry what you need but don't load yourself down as it is a long day. Awaawapuhi Trail is one of the more popular hikes in the Koke'e Park and subsequently has a large, signposted parking lot. Nov 29, 2018 Owice Aittaleb. We have been doing the Awaawapuhi trail when we come here. Lots of people. On day three, head up the coast to Hanalei Bay. So when there is a fresh rain you will want to go slow or you have a good chance of wiping out. When Jason Momoa was 15 or so, a group of adult climbers invited him on an ice-climbing trip. Still, it was enough to make my legs wobbly and fill my stomach with butterflies. awa'awapuhi trail permit. Swimming holes should be avoided after rains, because of quick rising waters and the possibility of flash flooding.
Awa'awapuhi Trail | Map, Guide - Kaua'i, Hawaii | AllTrails Tim and I reached the end of the trail, exhausted and dehydrated, and learned the very valuable lesson of carrying enough water on a hike. At this point, you have hiked 6.6 miles. And out of the two, all four of us unanimously agree that the Nualolo Trail is the more thrilling and enjoyable of the two trails. Great hiking - Trail was 7 miles round trip but we did little over 10 miles with all the deviations. 94% of travelers recommend this experience. And of (All equipment on The Awaawapuhi trail is a heavily trafficked hike to a viewpoint of the famous Na Pali coastline.
It was sunny and dry when we walked. The farther you go, the more exposure you get and the better the view. 3 comments share save hide report The walk through the forest was really interesting as we viewed the different vegetation and listened to the various birds. That way, you can use the restroom before and after the hike, and grab a bite to eat once finished the hike. Mud!!! Now, its a 1.8 mile walk along Kokee Road back to your car and its mostly downhill from here. " Awesome hike with breathtaking views of the Na Pali coast " Aug. 2022 These affiliates don't cost you anything extra and help me keep the site going. thanks for the magical weekend @ciarabarsotti @jamisonbarsotti , country roads (that we didn't take. 90% of travelers recommend this experience. This Epic Climb in the Swiss Alps Is Mostly Terrifying -- but Also WorthIt. Good shoes and a hiking pole or stick (which can be found leaning against a tree about 100 ft in on the trail) are helpful for navigating slick downhill sections. As it is an easier trail it is also a bit more crowded. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Earth Trekkers is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to My travel buddy may back off so I may end up solo. You can continue past the overlooks (even though you are cautioned not to) in order to get even more amazing views. My wife and I selected this trail for is moderate hiking difficulty and for the amazing views at the end of the trail. Do I need a permit/ reservation to enter the park (or just to park my vehicle)? Copyright 2023, State of Hawaii. Distance: 6.2 miles out and back. The Awaawapuhi Trail is shorter, less steep, and better maintained. The Awa'awapuhi/Nualolo trail is a longer hike and moderately strenuous but pretty easy to follow. It was nice, but it didnt live up to our memories. In this guide, we cover the full loop (the Nualolo Trail to the Nualolo Cliff Trail to the Awaawapuhi Trail) and what we recommend doing instead, if you dont want to do the full loop. Additional Info Awaawapuhi Trail is my favorite hike in the Kokee State Park. If you are in good shape and up for a challenge, there is the option continuing onto the Nualolo cliff trail and then Nualolo trail, making the total hike 10 miles. Awa'awapuhi Trail. Oceanfront 'Laguna Beach House' A/C .Amazing SunsetsBeach - TVNCU #1074, View all hotels near Awaawapuhi Trail on Tripadvisor, View all restaurants near Awaawapuhi Trail on Tripadvisor, Gate of Heaven: East Bali Private Full Day Tour - All Inclusive, Day Trip to North Seymour Island from Puerto Ayora, 4 Days, 3 Nights Sailing Catamaran Experience in the Exumas, Bahamas, Big Island Hawaii Self-Guided Driving Tour, From Thessaloniki to Halkidiki: Private Day Trip to Kassandra, 'Kelip Kelip' Fireflies Tour include Seafood Dinner & Boat Ride. Permits for A.T. long-distance hikers are available by self-registration on the Trail at the parks north and south entry points. I was one part excited about seeing the view and one part anxious that if there was indeed a view today, it might not be as clear the following day when we were scheduled for our helicopter ride. This trail goes by Honopu Ridge Trailhead.
See the Wonders of Kauai's Nualolo Valley on This - Hawaii Magazine Entries (RSS) Awaawapuhi Trail 4.5 218 reviews #7 of 15 things to do in Kekaha Hiking Trails Write a review What people are saying By DlB824 " Breathtaking views " Oct. 2022 This is a good hike it's listed as a moderate hike it's 3.25 miles the the vistas. When kids went ahead it was sunny and bright. Rivalling the more popular Na Pali Coast Trail, the Awaawapuhi trail allows you to see the gorgeous nature of Hawaii.And because of the trails altitude, which rests between 4,000 and 2,500 feet, you will get a spectacular vantage point throughout the hike. Did this hike yesterday. This once joined the official Nualolo Cliffs Trail but it is now closed. Permits may ONLY be purchased online or in person at District Offices.
Awaawapuhi Trail (Kekaha) - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go Hiking shoes. If you are a resident of another country or region, please select the appropriate version of Tripadvisor for your country or region in the drop-down menu. Its drop is a massive 2,425ft whereby contrast Niagara Falls only drops 156ft. Bring a minimum of 3 liters of water per person, although 4 liters is better. Even though this trail is fairly even, we recommend sturdy hiking boots since it gets quite slippery when it has been raining. Awaawapuhi trail starts at a parking area near the highway 17 mile marker off 550. this forest reserve area is managed as wilderness because of the rich variety of native dryland plant species thriving in it. Mar 3, 2019 Matthew Henderson. The Hilton has a beautiful pool, has private beach access and hot tubs so you are still getting an awesome value and the resort experience. This is my favorite hike I did in a month on three Hawaiian Islands! Cheers, Julie, Your email address will not be published. Awaawapuhi Trail Location West Kauai Region multiple_stop Length All five of these spots are in great locations but each one is a little different.
Honop Ridge Trail | Outdoor Project Awa'awapuhi Trail & Vista | Outdoor Project Be smart and be safe for the safety of all. If it's muddy to start it will only get worse so it's best if there have been a few dry days before you set out.
Hike the Awa'awapuhi Trail on Kauai's Napali Coast Absolute favorite hike on the Hawaiian islands. Most areas of the Appalachian Trail do not require fees or permits, but a few do. ALLTRAILS and the AllTrails Mountain Design are registered trademarks of AllTrails, LLC in the United States as well as certain other jurisdictions.
11 Best Hikes in Kauai (2023 Guide) - Trips To Discover Take trekking poles or find a good walking stick in the woods (this is what we did), it really helps. There are four pieces of gear that I simply never forget when I go on a hike. Heading down the Awaawapuhi Trail might give you some false confidence about how easy the hike will be. 97% of travelers recommend this experience. Pinhook Bourbon War Vertical Series 5 Year, I slipped and fell twice. The first time we did this hike, Tim and I had run out of water long before this point, and doing this part of the trail hot and dehydrated is torture, not to mention dangerous. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. I recommend parking in the large lot for the Kokee Museum, which is 0.2 miles from the trailhead. After graduating with a journalism degree, I set off to explore the world while creating adventure travel guides featuring hikes, waterfalls, beaches & adrenaline activities. Some of the links in my content may be affiliate links. It only takes about an hour and a half each way along the total of six miles out and back journey. If you are in good shape and up for a challenge, there is the option continuing onto the Nualolo cliff trail and then Nualolo trail, making the total hike 10 miles. The hiking I am used to mainly start by walking upwards, but this is a 5km downhill walk from about 1255 masl, descending almost 500m.
Waimea Canyon + The Awaawapuhi Trail, Kauai Trademarks and brands are the property of their respective owners. Make sure you have plenty of water and wear cloths that you don't mind getting muddy, that means shoes. There was no view whatsoever. Recommend that you use good traction devices especially if it's wet. And just note that there is no cell service along the trail, so dont expect to text, send photos, or be able to contact friends or family by phone while hiking this trail. As user akeldamach87who hiked the trail in 2009shares in a comment, its up to hikers to keep themselves safe: The trail skirts the upper rim of the precipitous Nualolo Valley and permits a loop route from the head of Awaawapuhi Trail to Kokee State Park Headquarters or vise versa. If you'd like to help even more, be sure to check out my Patreon as well. Hi - Your review is quite "glowing" for this trail in terms of the view. The Awa'awapuhi Trail on the island of Kauai, Hawaii is breathtaking, offering gorgeous views of Kauai's famed Na Pali coast. Awa'awapuhi Trail in Kkee State Park - Hawaii This trail is located near Kekaha Hawaii on the small island of Kauai (famous for its beautiful mountains!). Use caution and do not go too close to the edge as some of the viewpoints are eroded.
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