Only for Peter to remember how Tony had looked when hed described Parker and bringing someone called Morgan around, the thought occurring to him that maybe it wasnt Peter that they didnt trust. 4. Firebeta, JinxxRadke16, Reina25, amethystfairy, DreamOrFiction, oneICURN, dellabelle, JustAshippeerr, bookinator3000, ponchoprick, sterryvit, SaurusLorie, Stressin_depression, CupcakeSkies, Aithusa_Morgenstern, a1phabet_s0up, xcharliex, Foxlass, Raven_Iris, starminsung, Zoe_420, TaeTaesJungkook, Zethar_Devin24, pterodactyl_screech, Marianna_cookedthis, Ambri_Kat, otakutwin1_0, Sunshiny__Ace13, LokiWazInnocent, Pareja, MayBear2435, CaroBunny23, WakinLazyTurnip, Abbey_Monrow, Kohakuryu, asdgsf, Sleek_peak_peek, PsWilson, ctruth7539, WitchOfTheForest, Nuso, AlgorythmicGalaxy, Dragonfly203, Anarchy_Boiii, goldenflower_uhyeah, solecitolouis1, Readswhateverfandom, dreamsandbunnies, JacieBlevins, Moonlightkittypaw, and 3008 more users "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." You could work onwhatever you need to work on at your time there too," May offers, gesturing down at his suit, which Peter didn't even remember he was wearing. Chapter 8 I did that.". Yeah but uh, this place is a little different than you know, where Im from, Peter says with a shrug and a smile, Steve returning the latter. You could take my suit; you could take the fancy equipment but you cant take away Spider-man. I dont know about this, Steve, Sam says quietly, Steve shaking his head slightly as he turns his attention back to Peter. Swinging to the top of a small apartment building, Peter rips the mask off of his head. Nothing you have to worry about., Peter lightly taps his spork against the tray, hedging his bets once again and not totally faking it when he asks, I am worried about something. Peter takes it, standing up straight as Sam says, Parker, he--. "Which makes you still a child, Peter. Spider-Man is working to catch him but accidentally meet "Ghost", the new superhero in NY. WebPeter didnt go to Manhattan very oftenusually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasnt often. "Don't". ", "T-Tony Stark?" What you see is a man taking money from the cash register, no big deal. "That was so awesome!" Theres way more thats going on here, things that Peter needs to figure out. I'm sure you saw it." ", "Me, on the other hand? "Besides, it would be nice to have someone around my age here as well.". He walks around past Steve to stand by Sam at the extra-large stove. Peter From the protective way Tony responds to her presence, to the look in her eyes, the color of them and her facial features making Peter want to ask even more questions. Happy rolled out of the driveway and Peter turned towards the rearview window, watching as Tony went back into the house. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. After locating his apartment, Peter scales the brick walls, carefully avoiding the windows. I'm open to anything though I can't promise I'll write them immediately. ____________________ "Child," Harley teased making Peter whined, hand to his chest as if he was insulted. Peter Parker. Peter, Peter says, avoiding Tonys gaze as he directs his attention squarely on Morgan. Same goes for the rest of you; if they catch you doing anything, my ass will be handed to me.". Thanks," he adds as an afterthought. That makes him dangerous, terrifying.". Being an Avenger came with restrictions, consequences that he didnt want to deal with. Peter flinched hard, then awoke with a start and jumped on the ceiling. "Calm down, guys. , something that Peter cant bring himself to believe that he did. this 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. I thought you liked my cooking, Wilson, Steve says as Peter walks forward, Peter smiling as the two flank him on either side. Do they also have eggs?, Peter laughs, and the tension in the room snaps like a twig. Tony sits down beside her, keeping a respectful distance from her as he waits patiently for her to calm down. Peter The destruction you cause without care can actually affect others. "Stop bullying me! You dont know what we heroes have to face in this business. Its a sign that Peter knows from his own Steve that theres something he disagrees with, some kind of argument that Steve had decidedly lost-- something that Peter. Chapter 12 "Awesome?" WebPeter's breath hitches and his eyes fly open as he feels someone lift the bottom of his shirt. How does a man keep a lasagna in the oven for three hours and "Anyways, where's Rhodes and Vision?". Chapter 1 WebPeter was used to seeing scars. He made that clear to Mr. Stark from the get-go. Tony and Rhodey are heading to the Raft, Steve explains, sitting down at the counter with a sigh and starting to butter the stack of toast Sam had made. "Don't lose it. He really didnotneed this right now. When he sees the people taking him in are his childhood hero's, he started to think it couldn't be so bad. 5 Times Peter Parker Saved an Avenger ", By the opposite corner of the room, Mr. Rhodes interjects, obviously trying to regain some semblance of control in the conversation. "I I don't " "What'd you do? "Wait, what?" a murderer then-- well, Peter didnt know how he felt about this so-called Raft and the fact that he was being held in some facility. "There are bad things out there, kid. 11. avengers fanfic was I know youll want to see her but its-- its a little complicated now. She furrows her eyebrows. Wanda follows his eyes, and the pressure disappears. They are much kinder when you get to know them." Of course you do, Sam says quickly, just the barest hint of something that Peter cant place. also 7. Yes he got to hug her in the mornings which was enough to barely hold him over. He shoos Peter off to his workspace before taking off after her. What it takes (to be a hero Let me know if thats not enough for you.. I still want to meet them! Obviously amused, Tony answered "No, Roo. With May always working to pay the bills he spends his nights alone. There's a sort of light, choked-off noise behind him and when Tony turns, Peter is there, hunched over with the bottom half of his face covered by his sleeve-covered hands, and he's giggling. His father Tony, his Uncle Steve, his Aunt Tasha (not he can lie to her anyway), everyone! And will his loved ones deaths. Peter Tony cupped his cheeks, forcefully turning his head towards him. "You're fine with that, right? Not "I though we were closer than this. as well as "It's currently 7:34 in the evening," the AI replies evenly. Peter thinks to himself, fingers tapping against his chest-- thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do and finding that he cant figure out a good way out of any of them. 1 He used to think everyone had scars and they did. He glances down at his watch. ", Tony throws his hands up in mock surrender. I've seen you rub at it every day for the past two weeks. What it takes (to be a hero Peter couldn't believe it when Tony called. "You're too young. ", "That was different, Peter. Sure, I help grannies cross the street or get cats off of trees. You have reached the maximum potential a human is able to achieve but I, on the other hand, surpass your potential entirely because my DNA has mutated to become a spider. "Which makes you still a child, Peter. WebAvengers Team; Michelle Jones; Additional Tags: Angst with a Happy Ending; Multiverse Shenanigans; Peter Parker is a Little Shit; Protective Tony Stark; BAMF Peter Parker; Hurt Peter Parker; defenestrating canon as per usual; Comic Book Science; Peter Parker Needs a Hug (both of them do) alt title - Peter Parker: 2 Fast 2 Furious He understood their unspoken logic, correctly guessing that Peter was just young enough and just impulsive enough to reach out to the people that he knew to see what the hell was going on. was the one who needed an explanation. Peter Yet that still doesnt stop him from wondering all the time what happened to this worlds MJ and Ned. Before Peter can even think of a response however, Sam schools his expression once more, holding up a spatula and pointing it at him. "Excuse you, I'm a teenager!" , something that Peter cant bring himself to believe that he did. They aren't just numbers on paper or statistics you see on the news. "Mr. Rogers, you have enhanced senses just like I do. WebPeter was adopted by Tony Stark by age 14. Of course I want to meet the Avengers, are you kidding me? You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. Their gazes are directed towards Natasha, who's leaning against the door frame behind them. Reaching his floor, he peeks into his bedroom window. I've been doing this from before you met me; I'll still be doing it after. This Sam is clearly more guarded, clearing his throat before saying, Anyway, you wont be staying in Parkers room. "If anyone asks you who you are, you're a new intern working for Tony." Im sorry Peter, but you need to stay here., No buts. Steve looks conflicted then, pressing his lips together in another tell that Peter knows well. The door clicks shut, leaving the Avengers to think in silence. Peter was still a little out of it and his adrenaline was running out. peter While you hear the interns 40 floors below us drinking coffee or turning screws, I hear the woman walking 6 blocks away, wearing stilettos and at this moment, sobbing because 5 blocks away from her current location, 15 minutes ago, her boyfriend broke up with her. "Um, how was it today? Literally nothing could be held back. I mean I help out here and there, but I know that becoming an Avenger would mean giving up on my patrols or losing time while dealing with bigger threats that other could handle just as well. ", Sam snaps his book closed. Precious Peter Parker Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure Parent Tony Stark stressed Tony Stark Bulletproof Suits Fluff Tony Stark-centric Post-Spider-Man: Homecoming Pre-Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) My first fic!! But his stance is one of coiled tension when he comes to a halt and twists around, as if waiting for someone else to follow. His breathing became fast and short. "I haven't changed my mind! was I still want to meet them! On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. "No offense, Mr. Rogers, but in today's battle, I, as Spider-man, incurred the least damages, saved the people that the destruction you caused would have hurt, evacuated the people from the building you decided to destroy with no warning. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. Peters not surprised when its Steve who comes in-- bearing a tray in hand and still standing outside the door until Peter nods for him to come in. I know your stomach mustve been eating you out from the inside. "No witchy stuff while you're under my watch. Don't answer that. It was quite a fight to get him to stay with another family, but he gave up eventually. "He's a special case. world were doing. 8. ", "You may think robberies aren't scary, but you don't see it the way I do; the way normal people do. "Jesus Christ, he's just a kid that's living here for the time being. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. With a tilt of his head, Peter asked, "Mr. Rogers, I thought you of all people would understand the need to save? Peter keeps his head down, eyes focused on the ground in front of him and trails obediently behind Happy. Unsurprisingly, Peter earns stares from the people on the first floor. Peter isnt sure what it does, but if he had to guessgoing by Parkers current position which hes certain they both could easily break out ofit must somehow limit his powers. Show it to anyone who asks." Clint sighs. "I need to be able to keep an eye on him. Peters left in his room for all of two hours, or so his best guess is-- there isnt a clock or any kind of electronic device so hes bored out of his mind, when he hears a knock at the door. "That's because I am 17." I got time, Peter deadpans, Sam looking up at him only to let out a small huff of laughter. Cute feels. Spiderson oneshots - Touched Starved On top of this, hes trying to keep on a brave his face for his pops, maintain his grades at university, and fulfill his duty as Spider-Man on the side. "Anywhere's better than there. WebPeter takes a deep breath, and makes his way over to Mr. Stark's lab. Looking around, he could see realization dawning on some of their faces. He doesn't bother taking the suit off right then and there, slipping past May and the burnt dinner and grabbing an orange from the fruit bowl. Well, youre missing out then. Tony watches helplessly as Wanda peers into the carefully-buried past of Peter Parker, one that Tony himself hasn't even delved that deep into out of respect for his protg. 4. - So, you coming or what?". And that? ", "This floor can only be accessed by people with a high-status badge." "You were on page thirty-four," Wanda pipes helpfully. I'll explain later." Following months and months of debate, it was finally concluded that they would have the choice between remaining in their prison cells or could return to live at the Avengers Tower under strict security and the one rule that they could not leave the building under any condition. Peter thinks to himself, fingers tapping against his chest-- thinking of all the possibilities of what he could do and finding that he cant figure out a good way out of any of them. Peter wasn't an idiot. WebPeter's breath hitches and his eyes fly open as he feels someone lift the bottom of his shirt. "Oh," the boy breathes, hands raised in a position of surrender. Peter was on the lab table just sitting down while all the Avengers stared at him with concern. Happy brushes past him and into the building, Peter nearly tripping over his own shoes as he follows him. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. He glares at Bucky. But as of recently, Peter has been acting a Forgot teenagers arent interested in classic literature.. WebPeter huffed, arms crossed to his chest. ", "So, after all that, can you honestly look me in the eyes and tell me that I shouldnt save that woman a few blocks away from the rapists because I'm too young? It glints like mercury in the sunlight when Parker glances up without hesitation, right at Peter. Come on, Mo. Peter When he does, his eyes widen comically, one hand coming up to stifle a loud gasp. She hesitates, very obviously trying not to point out the obvious. Even Loki and Thor knew everything about him. No matter how many missions the Avengers put him on, he doesnt consider himself an Avenger. You're still a minor so it counts," he said and the younger whined even more. Tony, there are so many rooms on the other floors, so why this one?". Can spiders even get sick? You said shes being taken care of but her apartment was empty, Peter says, Steve nodding as he smiles-- even if Peter can tell that it doesnt reach his eyes. We Take Care of Our Own his I'm open to any and all suggestions! Natasha's hand slowly uncurls, and she releases her grip on the hem. My daddy." WebPeter leaned on the counter as he glanced at every inch of the restaurant, gnawing on the inside of his cheek. Wait, where are we going? Peter asks, leaping off of the bed before pausing-- making a quick decision to put his hands in front of him as if offering for him to be cuffed. , this time. Something was definitely wrong. Feedback is appreciated and welcome!
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