Su hijo Atanasio Torres fue asesinado en Montebello. Slo una de las hijas del Ondeado, Karime Yameli Torres Acosta, fue detenida en 2013 en Nogales, Arizona, junto con su esposo Serafn Zambada, hijo del Mayo. @11:11PM this is the Rolling Stone article that a film is being made from Torres also got the name El Ondeado due to the emotional instability that followed the death of Atanasio. comes from people whom personally knew Manuel. Uh yea option 2. wasnt it los charlitos or something like that who killed him? Atanasio Torres Acosta: All about Torres Felix's So Juarez, blo, zetas tijuanos, san luis, durango, chihuahua, coahuila, veracruzetc rtc, were priistas and other political parties collaborators--"Off the muddied river waters, fishermen make fortunes" means:"A Rio revuelto, ganancia de pescadores"They say el chapo stared all the wars, but looks like the politicians made all of the narcs engage on the little narco-wars, they are worse than all the "narcs" put together, and sure enough, Operations Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious helped, with mossad asset general rafael Macedo de la concha, general galvan galvan, (all the secretarios de la defensa and police commanders, presidents on both sides and ministers and gobernadoresjust one of them is worse than all the narcs togetherand they are all free and alive 8:16pmPutting aside your ocassional pompous sentences, which are like bursting zits, you always manage to get at least one thing wrong with every post. Good riddance. [12][15] According to police reports, the death of Anastasio marked the beginning of the cartel war in the state of Sinaloa. has openly said that Mayo Zambada took him out because he was also out of control and was bringing to much attention to Culiacan, El Salado, Quila, El Dorado, etc. Along with him, a brief description will also be adjoined about his father with this article to signify his character. Nuevo golpe a Los Torres - Rodoce The sponsor of a memorial may add an additional. Despite reports, he wasn't very close to Oso Viejo, except that he was maybe 300 feet from the road that leads to that town. In other words M1 was too powerful and if anything went haywire it would be to hard to control him since he had a lot of people under his command. Add to your scrapbook. Quick Answer : Why did the FBI kill Pablo Acosta? Live the gun die by the gun. [14], Torres Flix became one of the most dangerous drug traffickers in Sinaloa; hundreds of deaths were attributed to the commandos led by Torres Flix, who earned the pseudonym of "El Ondeado" ('The Crazy One') for his emotional instability that started after the death of Atanasio. Close this window, and upload the photo(s) again. Please ensure you have given Find a Grave permission to access your location in your browser settings. There is a huge archive bank of great La Barbie posts. I would love to began posting "B B Guest Reporter" stuff. El mayo ni se preocupo le dio la ubicacion del m1 a Los contras. Was a great piece to read! You can only look over your shoulder so much. :3:52 not sure I would agree with you, psychopaths can often be, outgoing, charming and gregarious. He then began to work with Ovidio Guzmn Lpez, the son of Joaqun Guzmn Loera, Mexico's former most-wanted man, and oversaw drug trafficking shipments coming in from South America into Mexico under the tutelage of Ismael Zambada Garca.[3]. Where u there. [13], Joel Torres Jimnez, the son of Javier and nephew of Manuel, was shot in Culiacn with three other people on 28 February 2010. Tambin en la capital sinaloense, desconocidos ultimaron a tiros a una persona an no identificada, cuyo cadver fue encontrado en un canal de riego cercano a la comunidad de Eldorado. Los presuntos delincuentes portaban cuatro fusiles AK 47 y un M16 con aditamento lanzagranadas, una granada calibre 40 y ms de 200 cartuchos. All Information about Anastasio Torres - Radaris [23], According to the Mexican Army, the death of Torres Flix dealt a huge blow against the internal structure of the Sinaloa Cartel because he was the right-hand man of Zambada Garca and a major administrative figure in the organization. Thanks for using Find a Grave, if you have any feedback we would love to hear from you. [19], After his death, Torres Flix's corpse was sent to the San Martn funeral house in Culiacn, where family members and friends visited to pay their respects. Damn, it seems that the weapons he carries are heavier than him.In the words of Eazy E, but tell me where the fuck you found an anorexic "SNIPPER" that is only 60 pounds when you're wet and wearing boots. All photos appear on this tab and here you can update the sort order of photos on memorials you manage. Try again. They also increased their presence in Sinaloa to prevent violent reprisals from organized crime for Torres death. Keep readers entertained. Facebook gives people the power. Conosco a unos Torres que le gustan los Machos. El primero de los Torres en ser detenido fue el lder del clan, Javier, sealado como encargado de seguridad de Ismael MayoZambada y supervisor de envos de droga a Estados Unidos. In case you don't notice Barbas is dead bitch.And at least Barbas died guns blazing. Do anything you want just remember to do it in style.M1 well he dropped targets and chopped body parts off but he did it in style man.Do what you do but do it in style. Manuel Fidel Torres Flix (Spanish pronunciation:[xose manwel tores felis]; 28 February 1958 13 October 2012), also known as El M1 and/or El Ondeado, was a suspected Mexican drug lord and high-ranking leader of a cell within the Sinaloa Cartel. Javier est encarcelado, Manuel muerto y sus descendientes detenidos o muertos. In September 2008, the Mexican military located Torres safe house, where they confiscated several firearms, narcotics, radio communication equipment, and an armored vehicle. Paque no lo haga enojar ya no griten tanto sino mi ap se despierta. [27][28][29][30] On 18 April 2008, Atanacio Torres Acosta, the 20-year-old son of Manuel, was shot dead in Culiacn, Sinaloa. Why did Carrillo Fuentes wanted to kill him so bad? just type la barbie in the search bar. Atanacio Lauro Torres Acostawas born to Jose Maria Torresand Josefa Acosta. Atanasio Torres Acosta was the son of suspected Mexican drug lord Manuel Torres Felix. Moral of the story. I always feel like I'm in a tunnel spinning & spinning. Quickly see who the memorial is for and when they lived and died and where they are buried. El primer atentado fue en 2008 en un billar de la colonia Guadalupe Victoria, donde fue atacado a balazos y result ileso. The general Mexican (american) citizen is a simple peaceful guy. El JT), a close associate and leader of a group of hitmen headed by Ismael Zambada, a drug lord of the Sinaloa cartel; Javier was arrested in 2004 and extradited to the United States in December 2006. Manuel Torres fue conocido como uno de los sicarios ms sanguinarios del Crtel de Sinaloa. Torres began working for the Sinaloa Cartel in the 90s and oversaw drug trafficking shipments from South America into Mexico. According to sources, at the time of his death, Manuel Torres Flix had a net worth of almost 427 thousand million dollars. Thank you! Mayo betrayed Manuel Torres is that simple , who do you think was more important to him El ondeado who would spend his time around Culiacan killing people , who became mentally unstable after his son died or a Macho Prieto a veteran of CDS who was in charge of a very important drug trafficking route in the border of Sonora /US. Probably the only narco whose corridos are talking the truth. [1][2], Born in a small town in the state of Sinaloa, Torres Flix began working for the Sinaloa Cartel in the 1990s and later ascended to the apex of the cartel after his brother Javier Torres Flix was arrested in 2004. Manuel Torres Flix - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core Antonio Acosta in West Covina, California | Phone Number, Email Just a suggestion since I know I would enjoy it, That's a real man right there I feel proud to share this man's last name PURO PINCHE TORRES. Sobrino de operador del crtel de Sinaloa, asesinado During this conflict, Torres Flix lost his life after a gunshot to the head. It is always great news when scum shit like this is dead, but to think of the masses he murdered is unconscionable. Aprueba Cabildo incremento al valor catastral en Culiacn, La segunda rplica de los Arellano Hernndez: La informacin nos causa agravio, Hallan militares 20 kilos de cocana en una playa en Quintana Roo; est valuada en 5 mdp, Asesinan a balazos a adulto joven en Culiacn; presenta huellas de tortura, Custodio del penal de Aguaruto muere en accidente en Culiacn, Localizan a dos hombres asesinados en la carretera Internacional Mxico 15, Ferrocarril impacta camioneta en Culiacn, Gana Messi premio The Best de la FIFA como el mejor jugador del mundo de 2022, Muere Matt Pobereyko, pitcher de los Algodoneros de Guasave, Activan Alerta mber por desaparicin de estadounidense Vianey Avendao, en Culiacn, Emiten Alerta Amber por menor desaparecida en Navolato, Emite FGE Alerta Amber por desaparicin de menor de edad en Mazatln, Activan Alerta Amber por desaparicin de Pedro Efrn de 3 aos en Mazatln. Desde entonces, y debido a que "El Barbas" le deca "ondeado" en los mensajes localizados en hombres decapitados, Manuel Torres, que era el M-1, pas a ser "El Ondeado". Use Escape keyboard button or the Close button to close the carousel. A glorified narco w alot of cokeheads who followed him. A system error has occurred. With all the rumors of him hating el MP as well and not listening to orders from el MZ or not respecting some of el Chapos wishes he seemed to march to his own drum. They all stab each other in the back. A otro de los hijos del JT, Joel Torres Jimnez, intentaron asesinarlo en dos ocasiones. Put the other side of the story, Yep I might do that one, on El Barbas, Barbie and los manos con ojos, Otis B fly-wheel if you can translate "Linde5-galleria de las letras-El Cuerno y El Chanate ". M1 - Manuel Torres Felix - El Ondeado. Que les valga verga cmo fue o dnde est y si est o no est y pa acabar pronto plebes si lo admira , resptelo , como?? Did chalito really die with el barbas. Privacy Policy. La semana pasada capturaron a Jess Javier Torres Urrea, hijo de Javier, el JT; y a Rito Torres Flix, supuesto hermano o sobrino del narcotraficante. And yes it was chalito who died with Don Arturo that day. Otra de las hijas de Manuel Torres, Yasira Esmeralda Torres Snchez, estuvo presente en un asesinato cometido en 2015, en el estacionamiento de plaza Cinpolis. @9:32First of all you don't have to post your message in spanish just so you can make yourself look like you know what your talking about.Second do you really think the torres will even consider retaliating. And in case you didnt notice el ondeado is dead bitch. Join Facebook to connect with Alondra Torres Acosta and others you may know. Learn more about merges. Librera, Peridicos: True story. For more information, please see our @ 11:23 . But like I said I hope its true. Edit a memorial you manage or suggest changes to the memorial manager. La esposa fue puesta en libertad das despus y Misael recluido en el penal de Puente Grande, Jalisco. Errr who took down the helicopter in Jalisco Einstein killing what,14 soldados?Was that CJNG,and weren't they sicarios using RPGs or some shit?Guess you forgot about that,it only happened a couple month ago ?What was you saying about sicarios not being able to shoot straight ? El mayo gave his location to the Carrillo Fuentes who wanted him bad , there the ones that killed him and tied him up to the back of their truck and drove around , than left him on the street. Arturo Salazar Aispuro, El Tury, nephew of Manuel, killed by gunmen during January 2011 in Mexicali. If he did well good riddance to his compa if not well god riddance to his compa. Aviso legal | Wasn't macho Prieto responsible for the death of El Chapo's son?. n cbp nombres apellido paterno apellido materno 1 00017 mara virginia reyna pinedo 2 00045 jorge alberto llanos urbina 3 00052 ruth ayde valenzuela warthon 4 Dos muertos ms en Culiacn y Chihuahua, Javier Valdez, Rubn Villalpando, Antonio Heras y Ulises Gutirrez, corresponsales. The other two half brothers are probably looking at chapo Isidro like hey bro what should we do next ?!? His rage for the BLO grew and was further fueled by the death of one of his sons, Atanasio, in April 2008. La joven se encontraba en un vehculo con Heriberto Esparza cuando llegaron hombres armados y la obligaron a bajar para luego asesinar a Heriberto. Its him who is lying dead outside on the grass he was wit Arturo,his sister Aislin has that picture and many others of him on her Metro,dude you can also see video of him here - - with some of his gente Los Charritos AraujoStrange how this shit works out sometimes,his dad was a sicario for CDS,his brother Emilio was killed 08 and envueltos en cobijas,with a manta signed by guess who?Arturo Beltran Leyva. Athanasius Torres Acosta Manuel Torres Felix/Sons. GREAT NEWS! Soldiers went right to where he was hiding and killed him. Asesinan a un sobrino de El JT en Sinaloa - La Jornada I want to know more about Los charritos and chalo araujo. El hijo del JT circulaba con otros cuatro hombres por la carretera Internacional Mxico 15, cuando fue interceptado por elementos de la Polica Militar y Estatal Preventiva que realizaban recorridos de vigilancia. Yeah dude, and people look up to this bone coke head as some kind of hero.Sorry about your bros dude Yeah right, you are so full of shit. For memorials with more than one photo, additional photos will appear here or on the photos tab. So, right after you put holes in their head, its then you should respect them? Cuatro aos despus, de nueva cuenta intentaron asesinarlo a balazos en la colonia Ignacio Allende, pero logr sobrevivir. I could have included so much more information, but it would end up being a novel not an article, Then make the first official BB novel, homeslice, Just thought I added that keep up the great work Otis. [10][11], Manuel reportedly lived in the hills and valleys of Sinaloa, rarely frequenting urban areas. Atanasios murder marked the beginning of the cartel war in Sinaloa. Go to hell punk. I mean Macho was set up cause he killed members of his own cartel but el ondeado was loyal to mayo. While living in Colombia, he was accused of supporting Jos Mara Crdova's revolt against Simn . Ive never been able to find anything.. 6:00pmWikipedia has a list, from there Google to go more in depth and you'll get one or two blogs that nerd out about the subject and certain individuals. Log In or Sign Up Atanasio Torres Acosta See Photos Atanasio Torres Acosta See Photos Atanasio Torres Acosta See Photos Francisco was a main operator of the Sinaloa Cartel in that city, responsible for carrying out several violent acts and overseeing the retail drug sales.[36]. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Thanks for your help! Here's the Link pendejo even borderlandbeat had it right in this article His sons were Csar Ral Meza Torres El Mini-6, and Arturo Meza Torres, and his brother was Faustino Meza Ontiveros, killed on 8 January 2009. If you notice a problem with the translation, please send a message to [emailprotected] and include a link to the page and details about the problem. Vincent Acosta Obituary - West Covina, CA [13] At the crime scene, the gunmen left a written message on the behalf of Arturo Beltrn .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, "On behalf of your friend [Arturo] and his nephews Los Zetas. They got what they deserve. 10-Life in a box eating slop bit being able to see the sky or walk hand in hand with a women or kill as many soldiers as you can before you die. The military guarded his body to prevent his accomplices from stealing it. Your family should've understood that death is a possibility. . However, his father Manuel didnt leave the killers. Attending a music concert can be an exhilarating experience. [13][31] His daughter Alondra (aged 4) was injured in the attack and subsequently lost her forearm. Learn more about cookie policy, Copyright 2022. The Torres family continues to garner favor from Mayo, Manuels kids (he had many) still live in the area. His family is nothing but mafiosos. Enjoy reading these types of articles every once in a while. Who would they ask for help the antrax ha yah right. You guys are the idiots fantasizing thinking Mayo would never betray el Ondeado , he wasnt useful no more and was getting ready to go to war with another CDS veteran I think Mayo made the right decision. Lo que Muchos no saben ser. Please keep reading to learn more about Atanasio and his family. According to the United States Department of the Treasury, Torres Flix got public attention on 18 April 2008 when rival members of the Beltrn-Leyva Cartel assassinated his son Atanasio Torres Acosta in an ambush attack, injuring his daughter Alondra (aged 4) and sister-in-law Sandra Rivas Heredia (aged 24). He tried to separate from his pistoleros in much the same way Ramon Arellano did, hoping they'd chase them and leave him in the clear but they saw him. There was an error deleting this problem. Becoming a Find a Grave member is fast, easy and FREE. Cinco muertos, entre ellos Atanasio Torres Acosta, M1, identificado como sobrino de Javier Torres Flix, JT, operador del crtel de Sinaloa, fue el saldo que dej ayer el crimen organizado: tres en Sinaloa, uno en Michoacn y otro ms en Chihuahua. Actualmente el JT est recluido en el penal del Altiplano y tiene una orden de aprehensin vigente en Sinaloa por homicidio. Do you understand were i am getting at Don? [15], The Mexican Armed Forces increased their presence in the state of Sinaloa to prevent any violent reprisals from organized crime for Torres Flix's death. Weve updated the security on the site. @12:43 you are right about Macho Prieto being on everyone's bad side. Jorge Octavio Cardaz Cualtamirano | Mezcal Reviews ABL was appreciated by many in the mafia , not to mentioned ondeado didn't want to let anyone operate in Culiacan comfortably , Carillos have operated there for years and ondeado would kill people from Carillo Fuentes because they supported Arturo Beltran Leyva . Since then it was shootouts between them vs mayos boys. The fall of M1 Manuel Torres Felix "El Ondeado", his history and his And how many narcos are actually serial killers. Following his sons murder, Torres went on a killing spree, torturing perpetrators at his Culiacan home, thus earning the name El Ondeado (The Crazy One). Which memorial do you think is a duplicate of Atanasio Torres Acosta (215179027)? Get Anastasio Torres's contact information, phone numbers, home addresses, age, background check, white pages, resumes and CV, social media profiles, arrest records, photos and videos, public records, skilled experts, places of employment, news and work history La muerte de Manuel Torres Flix "El Ondeado" o - Fuerza 94.3 fM You need a Find a Grave account to continue. Antanasio was shot dead in April 2008 in Culiacan, Sinaloa. On the very next day, he slaughtered both the men because of whom he had lost his son. El Macho Prieto), another high-ranking lieutenant of the Sinaloa cartel. Those are some bs facts. This page may contain sensitive or adult content that's not for everyone. Your thinking mentality is beyond moronic, RIP the 11 soldiers who die in the clash whit m1 , two of them were my bothers its sad how the goverment dint report any deads , the 11 familys of the dead soldiers show up to the military head quarters all they said was they coulnt report the deaths because they dint want to show weakness to the cartels. Reading these stories is like listening to rap music. After losing Atanasio, his father never went back to a normal lifestyle. What degree of stupid are you? Find family history information in a whole new way Create a free family tree for yourself or for Atanacio Torres Acosta and we'll search for valuable new information for you. i did not know his daughter lost her forearm at 4. In 2008, Atanasio Torres Acosta, el Tacho or the M4, was murdered when he was driving in a van accompanied by his wife (who was injured) and a 6-year-old girl, in the Montebello subdivision. Get the latest sports news from SportsSite about soccer, football and tennis. Thank you for fulfilling this photo request. He sacrificed his family just to feel like a boss and a badass. If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. His body was sent to the forensic center and was guarded by the military in order to prevent his henchmen from snatching the body. But he was gunned down before he got the chance to. In presence of his family members, Torres Flix was buried beside his son Anastasio in Jardines Del Humaya. Continuing with this request will add an alert to the cemetery page and any new volunteers will have the opportunity to fulfill your request. El Kike cuenta con una orden de extradicin a Estados Unidos de la Corte del Distrito Sur de California. How do these guys know who can be trusted. there's no need for proof if you knew m1 well you knew he killed chalos young son and nephews. Hey 7:39, what do you know? What you know is what you've read on the web, seen on youtube, heard in corridosBLA,BLA,BLA Como se cuelga la gente and they don't know $#!T Los Beltran killed M1 son he was a 20yo hitman. *3:28 & *8:56 Sour pampers, I do not give a rat's ass about the chronology, the quantities of dead, the number of bullets or the feet of yellow tape on the crime scene, all I's saying is: the government always instigates the fights among the narcos, they sell the plazas to all comers and make them fight for them all the timeand charge them plaza, piso and fees--but you are taan, taan, pero taan pendejos, que nunca entendern. Along with Ovidio Guzmn Lpez, the son of Joaqun Guzmn Loera, Torres Flix oversaw drug shipments coming in from South America into the Mexican states of Chiapas and Oaxaca. y si tienes familia en cosala los llanos ya sabes que el m grande nunca traiciono el don manuel si eso fuera pasado para que hubiera vengansa el m grande habiera mandado que mataran todo la familia del ondeado..estoa gueros no saben mada del pedo y tienen que dejar escribir estas pendejades, Cual venganza? ). [3][7], In September 2008 under the Operation Sinaloa, the Mexican military located a safe house owned by Torres Flix, where they confiscated several firearms, narcotics, radio communications equipment, and an armored vehicle. Chalito would send Chino and M1 running in culiacan. Una de las tragedias que tambin ha enlutecido a la familia Torres Flix, fue el asesinato de Atanasio Torres Acosta, "El Tacho" o "El M4", ocurrido el 19 de abril del 2008, cuando junto con su esposa y una menor fueron 'rafagueados' en el fraccionamiento Montebello. Why did mayo order chalo to commit suicide??? Oops, something didn't work. El clan Torres Flix se sigue desmoronando. Raul meza Ontiveros, El -M6, brother in law of Manuel, killed by gunfire in March 2007, his brother being Faustino Meza Ontiveros who was killed by gunfire during January of 2009. 370 34 comments Add a Comment ThaMagnificent 2 yr. ago That's why M1 went crazy and how he got that nickname 95 MouthOfSatan 2 yr. ago According to sources, he had turned out to be an intractable beast who allegedly used to torture his rival gang members as revenge. Atanasio Torres Acosta, "El Tachio", Manuel Torres Felix lived in the mountains. Atanasio Torres Acosta is the son of Manuel Torres Flix and was well associated with his father and his drug business. Technorati. Ignacio's nephew was cowardly killed by hectors people and nacho showed hector how easy it was for 3rd parties who are related to get picked up and killed but yet nacho still spared hectors wife or gf and let her live because Ignacio wasn't about killing innocent irrelevant people. [38], The album sold 100,000 copies and had over 12 million hits on YouTube by March 2012. Cuando el Crtel de Sinaloa librada una guerra contra los hermanos Beltrn Leyva, asesinaron a uno de los hijos del Ondeado. Atanacio Torres Acosta, son of Manuel, shot dead in Culiacan. We will review the memorials and decide if they should be merged. All photos uploaded successfully, click on the Done button to see the photos in the gallery. May he twist and turn on his way hell and be tormented for eternity by the spirits of those he killed. I would be glad if the carrillos did that to him but never heard about it. 0 cemeteries found in Culiacn, Culiacn Municipality, Sinaloa, Mexico. How did Chacorta die? - | Home of Advertising Where's your proof for the stuff you're saying? How about machos people ha yah right. from arturo beltran. Resides in Covina, CA. psychopaths are more common than you think, 1 in a 100 people, yet they never act out their violent fantasies and never become killers. Since then he formed a strong connection with Ovidio Guzmn Lpez, the son of Joaqun Guzmn Loera, and began a new journey by working with them. Easy there 8:56, that definition came about after M1 embraced itGood one 12:05 kind of makes sense yes that was on the 2008 narcomantas. this guy was absolutely insane. working with Blo . Because of him his son, Atanasio Torres Acosta is now a well-known identity for the audience. Los homicidas dejaron un recado, en el que se poda leer De parte de tu compadre y sus dos sobrinos, Manuel Torres, para que lo tengas presente, el cual rpidamente fue retirado por policas ministeriales. Learn about how to make the most of a memorial. He was one of the old time narcos, dating back to the early 90's. Alondra Torres Acosta | Facebook On 13th October 2012 in the early morning Torres Flix had a terrifying gun battle with his rival community named Oso Viejo in Culiacn. Anastasio Torres Acosta, de 20 aos, y su hermana Alondra, son hijos de Manuel Torres Flix, hermano de Javier Torres Flix, alias "El JT", extraditado a Estados Unidos en 2005, a quien las . Lol blo have always been known for cowardly things. Seems no one has heard from him in awhile. There was a problem getting your location. 8,447 followers. Atanasio Torres Acosta AKA "El Tachio", son of Manuel Torres Felix AKA "El Ondeado". His brother el JT (jailed), his brother inlaw el M-6 (dead), his nephew el Mini-6 (dead) his son Tachio (dead), el M-2 Misael (jailed) his son in law who was married to Yasira (dead) countless cousins or parientes also dead. And also M-1 was a ANTRAX? Yasira Esmeralda Torres Sanchez a daughter of M1. Mientras conduca una camioneta Lincoln con placas . Hopefully, the information is enough to have a clear vision of Atanasio Torres Acosta and his father. For all we know the guzmans never liked him. Tony L Acosta, 52. When he was just 20, Atanasio met his untimely death when he was shot on 18 April 2008 in Culiacan. A true warrior. Corridos Famosos Y Su Historia - Arley Prez - tachio el 4 torres. Why everybody think Mayo gave him up, he was insane and blood thirsty, but was his best inforcer. The email does not appear to be a valid email address. that's probably because of all the coke he had up his nose, or from not sleeping, or both, Mayo also tried to kill Chapo but then he noticed that he was a real leader and became his compadre ..
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