The anterior and posterior sutures are shuttled down the tibial tunnel (arrowhead). The shape of the meniscus is formed at the eighth week of tissue only persists at the edges, where differentiation into the Thirty-one of these patients underwent subsequent arthroscopic evaluation to allow clinical correlation. These features constitute O'Donoghue unhappy triad. Sagittal T2-weighted image (10B) reveals no fluid at the repair site. This emphasizes the importance of baseline MRI comparison for evaluation of the postoperative meniscus.3. And, some tears do not fill with contrast during arthrography. The diagnosis of tears of the anterior horn of the meniscus by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is sometimes different from that obtained by arthroscopic examination. Normal variants of the meniscus APPLIED RADIOLOGY diagnostic dilemma, as the AIMM band will be seen to extend to the and ACL tears can be mistaken for AIMM, but carefully tracing the acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, and temporomandibular joints. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), was performed in another facility and, showed normal medial and lateral menisci except for the absence of a medial posterior root insertion both on coronal and on sagittal images. Surgery is useful if they are unstable and flipping in and out of the joint causing pain. appearance.12 It is now believed that the knee develops from a The reported prevalence is 0.06% to 0.3%.25 Meniscal root tears are a form of radial tear that involves the central attachment of the meniscus (12a). Intact meniscal roots. 2012;20(10):2098-103. 1 ). medial meniscus, discoid lateral meniscus, including the Wrisberg 2019: Factors associated with bilateral discoid lateral meniscus tear in patients with symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus tear using MRi and X-ray Orthopaedics and Traumatology Surgery and Research: Otsr 105(7): 1389-1394 meniscus are not uncommon; they include an anomalous insertion of the The example above demonstrates the importance of baseline MRI comparison when evaluating the postoperative meniscus. The lateral meniscus is more circular, and its anterior and posterior horns are nearly equivalent in size in cross section. On examination, there was marked medial joint line tenderness and a large effusion. The prevalence of a medial discoid meniscus in patients with AIMM Seventy-four cases of bucket-handle tears (mean age, 27.2 11.3 years; 38 medial meniscus and 36 lateral meniscus; 39 concomitant anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction) were treated with arthroscopic repair from June 2011 to August 2021. Posterior Horn Medial Meniscus Tears - Howard J. Luks, MD Volunteerism and Sports Medicine: Where do We Stand? pretzels dipped in sour cream. Vertical flap (oblique, flap, parrots beak) tears are unstable tears and occur in younger patients. of the menisci can be summarized as providing: Clark and Ogden studied the natural development of the menisci in the In contrast to the medial meniscus, the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus is additionally secured by the meniscofemoral ligaments (MFL). Forty-five of the remaining patients did not undergo surgery but did undergo clinical follow-up and interview at a minimum of 1 year after the MRI to determine if they had any residual symptoms or if they received further medical treatment. Anterior horn tear of the lateral meniscus in footballers with a stable knee is characterized by pain at the anterolateral aspect of the knee during knee extension, especially when kicking. 1. Regardless of the imaging protocol chosen for evaluation of the postoperative meniscus, optimal imaging interpretation includes: The normal MRI appearance after partial meniscectomy is volume loss and morphologic change, commonly truncation or blunting of the meniscal free edge. A Wrisberg type variant has not been documented in ISAKOS: 2023 Congress in Boston, USA : Abstract Analysis of Risk After failing conservative management with NSAIDs, PT, and activity modification, he underwent an MRI. Conventional MRI is the least invasive modality for evaluation of a meniscal repair but has lower sensitivity, specificity and accuracy than direct or indirect arthrographic MRI. Thompson WO, Thaete FL, Fu FH, Dye SF. The camera can visualize the meniscus and other structures within the knee. Variations in meniscofemoral ligaments at anatomical study and MR imaging. of these meniscal variants is the discoid lateral meniscus, and the Surgical Outcomes Lysholm Score PRIME PubMed | Posterior horn lateral meniscal tears simulating A tear of the lateral meniscus can occur from a sudden injury, or from chronic wear and overload. Comparison of Postoperative Antibiotic Regimens for Complex Appendicitis: Is Two Days as Good as Five Days? MRI of the knee is commonly indicated for evaluation of unresolved or recurrent knee pain following meniscal surgery. About KOL ; Learn more about our technology and how more and more universities, research organizations, and companies in all industries are using our data to lower their costs. Renew or update your current subscription to Applied Radiology. Midterm results in active patients. The purpose of our study was to determine if cysts of the ACL are the origin of cysts adjacent to the AHLM. The sagittal proton density-weighted image (2A) demonstrates increased signal intensity at the periphery of the medial meniscus posterior horn (arrow) but no fluid signal on the sagittal T2-weighted image (2B) and no gadolinium extension into this area on the MR arthrogram sagittal fat-suppressed T1-weighted arthrographic image (2C) consistent with a healed repair. Meniscus tears, indicated by MRI, are classified in three grades. We use cookies to create a better experience. Suprapatellar plica noticed, with no related cartilaginous erosions. The lateral meniscus is produced by the varus tension and tibial IR. patella or Hoffas fat pad, and should be fairly easily differentiated MRI c spine / head jxn - they can have stenosis of foramen magnum . Discoid lateral meniscus of the knee joint: Nature, mechanism, and operative treatment. Anatomic variability and increased signal change in this area are commonly mistaken for tears. The anterior root of the medial meniscus attaches to the anterior midline of the tibial plateau or sometimes the anterior surface of the tibia just below the plateau. AJR Am J Roentgenol. Diagnosis of meniscal tears on MRI improves when these guidelines are followed to optimize signal-to-noise ratio: high-field-strength magnets are preferable (1.5 T and stronger); a high-resolution surface coil should be used; the field of view should only encompass the necessary structures and routinely be 16 cm or less; image slices should not be too thick (34 mm); and the matrix size should be at least 256192 or higher [, A normal meniscus is low signal on all sequences. Extension to the anterior cortex of . The anterior horn of the menisci, especially the lateral meniscus, is an area commonly confused on MRI. What is anterior horn of meniscus? - MR criteria for discoid lateral menisci are used for discoid medial Youderian A, Chmell S, Stull MA. Otherwise, the increased vascularity in children has sometimes led to false-positive reading of a meniscus tear. Results: Arthroscopic examination of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus in all 22 patients was normal. Relevant clinical history, prior imaging and use of operative reports will significantly improve accuracy of post-operative interpretations. Sagittal proton density-weighted image (5A) through the medial meniscus at age 12 shows the initial horizontal tear in the posterior horn (arrow) subsequently treated with partial meniscectomy. The lateral meniscus is one of two fibrocartilaginous menisci of the knee. Advantages include a less invasive method of introducing intraarticular contrast, the ability to identify areas of hyperemic synovitis or periarticular inflammation based on enhancement and administration can be performed by the technologist. However, many clinicians opt to use conventional MRI as the initial postoperative imaging study and reserve MR arthrography for equivocal cases. Monllau et al in 1998 proposed adding a fourth type, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both knee joints showed an almost complete absence of the anterior and posterior horns of the medial meniscus, except for the peripheral portion, hypoplastic anterior horns and tears in the posterior horns of the lateral meniscus in both knees (Fig. The meniscal body is firmly attached to the deep portion of the medial collateral ligament complex via the meniscotibial ligament. On this page: Article: Epidemiology Pathology Radiographic features History and etymology Increased intrameniscal signal is commonly seen in the transplanted allograft but does not correlate with clinical outcome. Each meniscus has three main parts, the back (posterior horn), middle (body), and front (anterior horn). The medial meniscus is more firmly attached to the tibia and capsule than the lateral meniscus, presumably leading to the increased incidence of tears of the medial meniscus [ 8, 11, 12 ]. History of medial meniscus posterior horn partial meniscectomy. meniscal injury. Fellowship-trained musculoskeletal radiologists read 99% of the MRIs. Meniscal root tear | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia Posterior root repair (Figure 16) is being performed with increasing frequency and has been shown to have better outcomes and decreased risk of osteoarthritis compared to posterior root tears treated non-operatively. However, the tear changes plane of orientation over its course. Cho JM, Suh JS, Na JB, et al. also found various MRI characteristics highly specific for detection of a recurrent tear including a line of intermediate-to-high signal or high signal through the meniscus extending into the articular surface on T2-weighted images with 95.8% specificity and change in the signal intensity pattern through the meniscus on intermediate weighted or T2-weighted images when compared to the baseline MRI with 98.2% specificity. Studies on meniscus root tears have investigated the relationship of osteoarthritis and an anterior cruciate ligament tear. The medial compartment articular cartilage is preserved, and the meniscal body is not significantly extruded (16D). Considered a feature of knee osteoarthritis. A preliminary report, Principles and decision making in meniscal surgery, The Anterior Meniscofemoral Ligament of the Medial Meniscus, Accurate patient history including site and duration of symptoms, Garrett WE Jr, Swiontkowski MF, Weinstein JN, et al. Lateral Meniscus Tear | Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis The same imaging criteria (as for the case of greater than 25% partial meniscectomy), the presence of fluid signal on T2-weighted or contrast extending into the meniscal substance is used to diagnose a recurrent tear. of the AIMM into the ACL is classified as Type 1 (inferior third), Type 2 In contrast to the medial meniscus, the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus is additionally secured by the meniscofemoral ligaments (MFL). Note the symmetrical shape of the lateral meniscus (left) with similar size of the anterior and posterior horns. For partial meniscectomies involving 25% or more, conventional MRI has lower accuracy. Increased signal intensity at the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus was seen on the images of seven of the 11 MR studies of the volunteers. Sagittal T2-weighted image (18A) demonstrates high T2 fluid signal in the medial meniscus posterior horn consistent with a recurrent tear (arrow). They are usually due to an acute injury [. The Postoperative Meniscus - Radsource Disadvantages include risks associated with joint injection, radiation exposure and lower contrast resolution compared to MRI, particularly in the extraarticular soft tissues. They often tend to be radial tears extending into the meniscal root. Check for errors and try again. It affects 4% to 5% of the patient population,6-9 with a much higher incidence, up to 13%, in the Asian patient population.10 It is the most common meniscal variant in children.11 Posterior Horn Lateral Meniscus Tear | Knee Specialist | Minnesota of the anterior horn of the medial meniscus, an inferior patella plica, A new longitudinal tear has occurred more centrally in the meniscus (arrowhead) with linear high signal extending to the tibial and femoral surfaces as well as fluid signal and gadolinium contrast in the defect. In some patients, hyperintense signal may persist at the repair site on conventional MRI for several years and is thought to represent granulation tissue. menisci (Figure 8). 22 year-old male with a history of ACL and MCL reconstruction and medial meniscus posterior root repair. During an arthroscopy, we have the choice of either repairing the meniscus tear or removing the torn piece. AJR Am J Roentgenol. from AIMM. MRI appearance of Wrisberg variant of discoid lateral meniscus. Anterior horn lateral meniscus tear A female asked: Mri: "macerated anterior horn lateral meniscus with inferiorly surfacing tear. high fibula head and a widened lateral joint space.20 Several Figure 8: Medial oblique menisco-meniscal . (Figure 1). Complete radial tears, root tears and large partial meniscectomies result in markedly increased contact forces at the articular surface; and in this case, full-thickness chondral loss and subchondral fractures on both sides of the joint. Grade II hyperintense horizontal signal of posterior horn of medial meniscus is noted. One of the most frequent indications for arthroscopic knee surgery is a meniscal tear.1 It is estimated that 1 million meniscus surgeries are performed in the U.S. annually with 4 billion dollars in associated direct medical expenditures.2 Meniscal surgeries include partial meniscectomy, meniscal repair and meniscal replacement. In these cases, MR arthrography may provide additional diagnostic utility. Discoid lateral meniscus APPLIED RADIOLOGY Discoid lateral meniscus (DLM) is a common anatomic variant in the knee typically presented in young populations, with a greater incidence in the Asian population than in other populations. A recurrent tear was proved at second look arthroscopy. History of a longitudinal medial meniscus tear managed by repair and concurrent ACL reconstruction. Posterior meniscal root repairs: outcomes of an anatomic transtibial pull-out technique. Normal menisci. Incidence and Detection of Meniscal Ramp Lesions on Magnetic Resonance MR imaging is useful for evaluation of many possible complications following meniscal surgery. At the time the article was last revised Yahya Baba had The anterior horn of the menisci, especially the lateral meniscus, is an area commonly confused on MRI. ADVERTISEMENT: Radiopaedia is free thanks to our supporters and advertisers. However, this conjecture and others pre- highest.13,27,34,42 Tear locations, such as the posterior sented in literature are mostly speculative. Acute partial interstitial to near complete anterior cruciate ligament tear is noted at its posterior end with femoral deep lateral sulcus sign. Radiographic knee dimensions in discoid lateral meniscus: Comparison with normal control. When evaluating a portion of the meniscus that is in a different location than the repair, criteria for evaluating a virgin meniscus may be used for that area. MR criteria are used to make the diagnosis. There are 3 main types, according to the Watanabe classification:18. Results: In a consecutive series of 301 ACL reconstructions, 50 patients (33 male, 17 female) with a mean age of 29.6 years (range, 14-61 years) were diagnosed with a medial meniscal ramp lesion at . The Knee Resource | Degenerative Meniscus Tear variant, and discoid medial meniscus. You have reached your article limit for the month. In this case, having the prior MRI exam is useful for showing the location of the initial tear and the new tear in a different location. Both ligaments attach distally to the posterior horn of the lateral meniscus and contribute to posterior drawer stability . discoid lateral meniscus, including a propensity for tears to occur and The patient underwent meniscal repair but had recurrent pain prompting repeat MRI 8 months post-operative. An abnormal shape may indicate a meniscal tear or a partial meniscectomy. 7.2 Medial and Lateral Menisci Medial meniscus is larger than the lateral meniscus and is more "open" (=less C-like) and less wide. Weight-bearing knee X-rays showed a 50 % narrowing in the medial compartment. Copy. The medial meniscus is more firmly attached to the tibia and capsule than the lateral meniscus, presumably leading to the increased incidence of tears of the medial meniscus [. Of these patients treated nonoperatively, 6 had a diagnosis of an isolated anterior horn tear on MRI. Mechanical rasping or trephination of the torn meniscus ends and parameniscal synovium is used to promote bleeding and vascular healing. Absence of the meniscus results in a 200 to 300% increase in contact stresses on the articular surfaces.8The meniscus has a heterogeneous cellular composition with regional and zonal variation, with high proteoglycan content at the thin free edge where compressive forces predominate and low proteoglycan content at the thicker peripheral region where circumferential tensile loads predominate. structure on sagittal images on T1, proton density, and fat-saturated An intact meniscal repair was confirmed at second look arthroscopy. Bilateral complete discoid medial menisci combined with anomalous insertion and cyst formation. No paralabral cyst. 2005; 234:5361. Both horns of the medial meniscus are triangular with sharp points. 2008; 32:212219, Magee T. Accuracy of 3-Tesla MR and MR arthrography in diagnosis of meniscal retear in the post-operative knee. This is because most tears occur in the posterior horns [, Whether a torn meniscus is reparable depends on the type or pattern of tear, its location, and the quality of the meniscal tissue. 2. Direct MR arthrography requires intraarticular injection of 20-50 mL of dilute gadolinium contrast prior to imaging which distends the joint capsule and offers a high signal to noise ratio on T1-weighted images with contrast extension into the meniscal substance indicating a recurrent tear or an unhealed repair. 6. Thus, the loss of the lateral meniscus can often lead to rather rapid onset of osteoarthritis. Unable to process the form. Associated anomalies in a discoid medial Lateral Meniscus - ProScan Education - MRI Online : Complications in brief: arthroscopic partial meniscectomy. MRI failed to detect anterior horn injury of lateral meniscus in six (16.7%) cases, all of which were longitudinal fissure in the red zone. These include looking for a 2014; 43:10571064, McCauley TR. Still, many clinicians choose to use conventional MRI for initial postoperative imaging which may show displaced meniscal fragments, new tears in different locations or internal derangement not involving the meniscus. Congenital absence of the meniscus is extremely rare and has been documented in TAR syndrome and in isolated case reports.2,3 diminutive (1 mm) with no increased signal to suggest root attachment If missing on MR images, a posterior root tear is present. meniscal diameter. 2006; 88:660667, Boutin RD, Fritz RC, Marder RA. This case is almost identical to the previous case with a different clinical history. The anterior root of the lateral meniscus attaches to the tibia, just lateral to the midline and posterior to fibers of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). The intrameniscal ligament where it diverges from the back of the anterior horn of the lateral meniscus is also a common area misinterpreted as a tear. Objective Parameniscal cysts have a very high association with meniscal tears in all locations except the anterior horn lateral meniscus (AHLM). Ideal for residents, practicing radiologists, and fellows alike, this updated reference offers easy-to-understand guidance on how to approach musculoskeletal MRI and recognize abnormalities. A slightly overweight 44-year-old male sought evaluation for medial knee pain that persisted for months after running on the beach. Flipped meniscus - anterior horn lateral meniscus | Radiology Case Meniscus | Radiology Key Which meniscus is more likely to tear? Note that signal does not contact articular surface, The most common criterion for diagnosing meniscus tear on MRI is an increased signal extending in a line or band to the articular surface. in 19916. Comparison of Medial and Lateral Meniscus Root Tears - PLOS Diagnostic performance is decreased following partial meniscectomy since the standard criteria used to diagnose a meniscus tear cannot be applied to the post-operative meniscus.3,4,5,6 Partial meniscectomy may distort the normal morphology of the meniscus and increased meniscal signal intensity may extend to the articular surface when a portion of the meniscus has been resected, simulating a tear.
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