yuba county five crime scene photos

His leather shoes were off and missing. No trace of the men was found other than the car. Joe Shones, age 55, was having car trouble and a mild heart attack. Mathias's body has never turned up. When not talking and writing about pop culture (especially superheroes or any show with a paranormal bent), freelance writer Bec Heim is usually tackling her mountain of books, writing scripts or stories, or listening to podcasts. The two cars stopped about 20 feet from him. This time the victim was a 14-year-old girl named Dawn Basom. yuba county 5 crime scene photos - smax3ddesignstudioltd.com There they bought snacks along with sodas and cartons of milk to drink. The next day, their car was discovered in a lonely mountain road. None of the men thought to walk downhill, from where they came, and instead faced the treacherous and unfamiliar path ahead. We know good and well that somebody made them do it. How did a fun night out with the boys turn into a death sentence in some remote snowy mountains? The county sheriffs department began searching for the men. Police records showed he had become violent on occasion and was charged with assault twice. The case of the Yuba County Five is one of mystery, intrigue, bewilderment, and most of all, tragedy and sadness. Crime Junkie. Debris recovered from the scene indicated the vehicle was a white Mercedes, and the Yuba County Sheriff's Office was able to identify the car using a license plate reader system, according to. Shones had gone outside to try to push his car out of the snow. Several days after their initial disappearance, the group's car, a Mercury Montego, was found abandoned in a remote area of Plumas National Forest, California, on a high mountain dirt road that was far out of their way back to Yuba City. Everyone is welcome to attend. Police and the families never ruled out foul play. The disappearance at Dyatlov Pass is perhaps one of the most famous snowy mysteries the world over. Jake Paul vs. Tommy Fury: Who made the most money from their fight? As he sat in his car wondering what to do, he noticed two sets of headlights, one belonging to a pickup truck. How these five men came to be on an inhospitable mountain road more than 50 miles from their homes in and around Marysville and Yuba City, California, was just one of the mysteries surrounding. At that time, no trace of the men was found. In 1978, in Yuba County California, five young men vanish. Two days later, Huetts own father found his sons backbone under a manzanita bush while with a search party in the mountains. Police never ruled out foul play, nor did the families. "They might have seen it and didn't even realize they seen it.". Visalia Woman Christine Adams Found Dead In Yuba County; Husband According to the Daily Mail, the District Attorney publicized the gruesome photos a week after they were presented to a jury. CHP: Man turns self in after deadly hit-run in Yuba County | The Madruga and the four other able-bodied men should have been able to dislodge it without a lot of difficulty. It still remains one of the most baffling cases within the US. On Tuesday, February 28, authorities found the Mercury on the same mountain road where Shones had last seen it, and where a park ranger had reported its location after hearing the missing persons bulletin. Shones said he cried for help but got no reply. Shones staggered back in his car while he let the heart attack pass and then wondered what on Earth he would do to get himself out of the mess he was in. They soon started to discover some very strange facts. Doctors later confirmed that he had indeed experienced a mild heart attack. Miles away from help, Shones thought he could flag down help. A few hours later he saw flashlight beams outside his car and called out for help again, but immediately the lights went out. However, no trace of him has ever been found. Soon, police found two other corpsesthose of Sterling and Madruga4.5 miles away from Weiher's remains. Unfortunately, as he did, he started suffering a heart attack. Joseph spent the rest of the night in his car before walking back down the mountain in the morning. But instead of driving south toward their homes roughly 50 miles away, they inexplicably drove east. Police believed their bodies had simply given up before they found shelter while Weiher and others marched on. For months and months, they searched for signs of Matthias. While it had been difficult at firsthe was nearly arrested for assault twice and often experienced psychotic episodes that landed him in a local Veterans Administration hospitalby 1978, Mathias was being treated on an outpatient basis with Stelazine and Cogentin and was considered by his physicians to be "one of our sterling success cases". Their favorite? Candy wrappers, milk cartons and basketball programs were in the car but maps were left in the glove compartment. The group aged between 24 and 32 years of age, had developmental disabilities and were all enrolled in a day program for mentally handicapped adults. The five were on a team for the mentally handicapped called the Gateway Gators, who were set to participate in a week-long tournament sponsored by the Special Olympics. Off the job, outside of his family, he was close friends with four slightly older men who either had slight intellectual disabilities (Sterling and Huett) or were informally considered "slow learners" (Weiher and Madruga, also an Army veteran). Authorities would later discover that a Snowcat vehicle had pushed snow aside to cut a path toward the trailer on February 23, which may have given the men some hope they were in an area where Forest Service employees might soon return. It was Weiher who had died under the most mysterious circumstances. [5], Additional details came from the store owner, who told investigators that men whom he believed to be Weiher and Huett came in and bought burritos, chocolate milk and soft drinks. This case is bizarre as hell, Yuba County undersheriff Jack Beecham told reporters. In 1978, five friends set out for home from a basketball game. " Yuba County 5 or the Yuba incident that has been called the American Dyatlov pass. [2] His death, too, was attributed to hypothermia. Two days later, just off the same road but much closer to the trailer, Jackie Huett's father found his son's backbone along with a pair of Levis and ripple-soled "Get Theres" shoes. Valerie Lane and Doris Derryberry [Photo Credit: Yuba County Sheriff's Department] Valerie Lane and Doris Derryberry were two young girls who were murdered by Larry Don Patterson and William Lloyd, and their bodies were found in a wooded area in Yuba County, California, more than 45 years ago. Updated: 4:21 PM PDT April 11, 2022. Madruga's body had been partially consumed by scavenging animals; only bones remained of Sterling, scattered over a small area. Why did Ted Weiher apparently starve to death? It was getting cold after he wasnt able to keep the cars AC heat running anymore, but to his relief he saw headlights in the distance. She relishes raving about her favorite shows and turning peoples drafted darlings into polished finished products. We know he was in the trailer where he left his shoes, and it's assumed he took Weiher's, which would have fit his frostbitten feet a bit better, but his remains have not been found after 47 years. There was also the theory that Mathias convinced the group to head toward Forbestown, an area between Chico and the mountain road, so he could visit a friend who lived there. On the ground, officers tried to use horses to get around on the rocky roads. Hoping he could flag down the passerby, he exited his vehicle and began screaming for help. Jackie Charles Huett, who had a slight droop to the head, was sometimes slow to respond and a loving shadow to Weiher, who looked after Huett in a protective sort of way and would dial the phone for him when Hyett had to make a call. This about the unsolved case of the Yuba County Five, and how five men disappeared and died, leaving no trace: read to find out more. His mother and stepfather, Ida and Robert Klopf, finally reached him on the phone weeks later and pleaded with him to come back to Yuba County. The day after Weiher's body was discovered, searchers found the remains of Madruga and Sterling. The game ended around 10 p.m. Current and classic episodes, featuring compelling true-crime mysteries, powerful documentaries and in-depth investigations. [6], In an area to the northwest of the trailer, roughly a quarter-mile (400m) from it, searchers found three Forest Service blankets and a rusted flashlight by the road. He got out of his car to flag them down. Find us on Elle Crime and Mo Tibbs comin' in hot with another unsolved crime. Photo via Pinterest. reply | flag message 3: by Fishface (new) Sep 28, 2019 10:01AM The keys were gone and there was evidence of the boys having stopped at a convenience store for snacks. Its called The Ritual, and although in this horror movie things turn supernatural, the parallels between it and the Yuba County Five story are strong. Miles away from help, Shones thought he could flag down help. The passengers then left together in one car. All were fervent basketball fans, and even had a game of their own scheduled for the following day, playing on a team representing the rehabilitation center they all frequented. They continues walking, ignoring him. Warning, Graphic Content: Crime Scene Photos from the Corbett Case Ted Weiher was found in a trailer 19 miles from the car and Madruga, Sterling and Huett were found in the locality but several miles away. He had a mild heart attack and was sleeping, when he woke up and saw the boys (possibly accompanied by a woman and baby), but they avoided him. [2], Searchers returned to Plumas, following the road between the trailer and the site of the Montego. Were the group together and then decided to separate after Ted's death to try and find help? Episode Info Jackie Huett Photo Source Gary Mathias Photo Source Either the driver had been extremely careful, or it was someone familiar with the road, a familiarity Madruga was not known to have; his family said that Madruga would not have let someone else drive the car. The five men had prepared the night before, some even laying out their uniforms and asking their parents to wake them up on time. Instead, immediately call the Sutter County Sheriff's Department at 530-822-7300. Schons' reports have been quite strange over the years and somewhat varied. Shones eventually decided hed have to help himself and hike down the snowy road until he got help. yuba county 5 crime scene photos - bluelaws.org When they opened the door, they were overcome by the odor of what turned out to be a decaying body inside. Man who shot at CHP officer sentenced | News | appeal-democrat.com He Hello and welcome to your favorite podcast that goes bump in the night. Northwest of the trailer, about a quarter-mile away, searchers found three wool forest service blankets and a two-cell flashlight lying by the side of the road. Several months later, in June, the body of Ted Weiher was found in a trailer with missing shoes and badly frostbitten feet. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1971 Juan Corona arraigned at Yuba City California 9X8 Vintage Press Photo at the best online prices at eBay! The trailer was located about 19 miles up the mountain from where the car was found. Its called. They werent missing this game. "Bizarre," says John Thompson, the special agent from the California Department of Justice who had joined the investigation. Mathias had been in the Army, too, but was discharged because of psychiatric problems. Marduga still had the keys to the Mercury. Weiher had lost nearly half his 200 pounds (91kg); the growth of his beard suggested he had lived as long as thirteen weeks from when he had last shaved. Gary Matthias was one of the five who didnt have a mental disability. Related Article Donnie Wahlberg unravels The Amityville Murders in this 6-episode true crime series, 'Very Scary People' Investigators could not determine why the car was abandoned, as it was in good working order and could easily have been pushed out of the snowpack it was in. If you come across them, do not attempt to apprehend them yourself. The case has been called the Mathias Group Incident, the Yuba City Five Case and the American Dyatlov Pass incident. Of the group, Gary Mathias had the most severe mental health He was suffering from schizophrenia and was on medication to control his symptoms. No fire had been set in the trailer's fireplace, despite an ample supply of matches and paperback novels to use as kindling. To the Los Angeles Times, she said it was impossible for her to believe Madruga would ever drive his car, which he prized, into an area where it might be damaged. The five friends decided to go to a basketball game together to cheer on the UC Davis team. Heavy forestry clothing, which could have kept the men warm, also remained where it had been stored. This week we cover the bizarre case of the Yuba County Five.  "Oh, Grandma, I won't need a coat," Ted said. [5], The other notable report was from a woman who worked at a store in the small town of Brownsville, 30 miles (48km) from the point where the car had been abandoned, which they would have reached had they continued down the road from where the car had been found. These were individual canned, pre-cooked, and prepared meals issued to the U.S. military. Is Ice Spices new boyfriend Pete Davidson? Yuba County Five Case Analysis | Unexplained Disappearance and Deaths He had driven up there, where he had a cabin, to check the snowpack in advance of a weekend ski trip with his family. Published: 13:22 BST, 5 February 2019 Updated: 15:52 BST, 6 February 2019 Remains aptly named Corpsewood Manor have been abandoned since the owners were . Shones said he saw a woman as well, and that he also heard a babys cry. Rating: R (Sexual Content|Language|Some Nudity|Violence . Mathias's tennis sneakers were in the trailer, and the C-rations had been opened with a P-38 can opener, with which only Mathias or Madruga would have been familiar from their military service. [2] Only bones were left of the three bodies in the woods, a result of scavenging animals; but the one in the trailer, Ted Weiher, had apparently lived for as long as three months after the men were last seen, starving to death despite an ample supply of food and heating materials nearby. "Not tonight." After Schons' car ran out of gas in the early morning hours, his pain subsided enough for him to walk 8 miles (13km) down the road to a lodge, where the manager drove him back home, passing the abandoned Montego at the point where he had recalled hearing the voices originate from. But then the story takes an even stranger turn. He had even left a window rolled down, something he would never normally do. [6], Efforts to search the vicinity were hampered by a severe snowstorm that day. Ted's feet were also badly frostbitten. The car was found several thousand feet up in an area above the snow line in a completely different direction. To date, there hasnt been any evidence to contradict him. The driver had either used astonishing care and precision, the investigators figured, or else he knew the road well enough to anticipate every rut. He didnt think much about what hed seen until he heard about the disappearances. All were either mildly developmentally disabled or had other severe psychiatric conditions. Yuba County Five Paranormal Catalog The internet is divided on whether it was an outside force, Matthias himself, or some sort of accident that led the Yuba County 5 to their deaths & disappearance. The last time any of these people were seen was at a college basketball game at California State University. Yuba City 5 - my best explanation for it : r/UnresolvedMysteries - reddit There are many questions about this weird case. For most of them, their fate was to die in snow-capped mountains. [2] For whatever reason, the men had left the Montego; they had, instead of going back down the road (where they had passed the lodge that Schons later returned to), continued along the road in the direction they were originally going. Public Corruption. Allison Janney leads an all-star cast in the new film, "Breaking News in Yuba County.". Itsweird. The boys stopped at a convenience store for junk food: Hostess pies, soda, candy bars. . READ news articles about hundreds of cases. Out of Bounds: What Happened to the Yuba County Five? This is a Mopac Audio podcast and is hosted by writer, producer, and podcaster Shannon McGarvey. All five had intellectual disabilities or psychiatric issues to various degrees; all of them lived with family, who kept a close eye on them. He felt fine, especially for 55, and he'd decided that day to venture up a lonely road through the Plumas National Forest, close to Rogers Cow Camp . Investigation. On February 24, 1978, five men from the Yuba County, California-area vanished in the wilderness of Northern California. 3 While the ground search was called off, a California Highway Patrol helicopter continued to scour the area from the sky. And they traveled for a very long time. In June of that year, a small group of weekend motorcyclists came across an abandoned forest service trailer on a campground site. The men wore only light coats against the cool temperatures in the upper Sacramento Valley at night that time of year. Could they have been searching in the snow and been freaked out by his cars for help in this isolated area? Is Hailey Bieber obsessed with Justin Biebers ex Selena Gomez? Ortega, 55, is charged . It had enough gas to continue on, but a snowbank had likely caused its tires to spin out. He passed a 1969 Mercury Montego, but the vehicle had no occupants. This week on Five men attend a basketball game together, only to never be seen again. On the night of Feb. 24, 1978, five young men with mild intellectual disabilities or psychiatric conditions just . Become a member of StrangeOutdoors for exclusive content, See the latest Exclusive members-only articles on StrangeOutdoors.com, Read more strange stories from California, Chris Sylvia (The disturbing Pacific Crest Trail (PCT) disappearances), The Yosemite National Park Sightseer Murders and the two faces of evil, The mysterious disappearance of James J. 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NOTE: This is an update to my original report found here So while getting pictures together for the page on the Yuba County 5, I stumbled across a Reddit post that had been made 18 days ago. What Happened to the Yuba County Five? - Historic - Historic Mysteries It wasnt until June when the snow in the mountainous area had mostly melted away that motorcyclists helped make a break in the case. Were they forced to go up the Bucks Lane on the way to Palmetto City, did they decide themselves to take a detour or did they take a wrong turn? Why was a common question for investigators and the relatives of the men, but no answers were forthcoming. The trailer was 19.4 miles away from where the Mercury Montego was found. There was nothing left of him but bones. The Yuba County Five - Dark Tales These are questions that may never be answered. After Weiher died, or after the others thought he had died, they may have decided to try to get back to civilization by different ways, such as walking overland.[6]. When Shones spotted their abandoned Mercury, the car had been driven roughly 70 miles away from the Chico basketball game. Purposeful motion like that is not consistent with the circular patterns traveled by those who genuinely believe themselves lost. [3] The eventual discovery of four of the five men's bodies seemed to suggest otherwise, but raised even more questions about what had happened that night, and whether at least one of them might have been rescued. 15 ratings1 review. The Generation Why Podcast: Yuba County Five on Apple Podcasts [6], The day before the men went missing, a Forest Service Snowcat had gone along the road in that direction to clear snow off the trailer roof so it would not collapse. Yuba County mother accused of drowning her 2 children in bathtub - KXTV Later, he saw what he believed were flashlights. Shones would admit he was very ill at the time of the sighting and could have hallucinated some of the details, but that didnt explain why the men bothered to abandon the car at all, or why they didnt acknowledge Shoness cries for helpunless he had somehow imagined the whole thing. [2], Weiher's body was on a bed with eight sheets wrapped around it, including the head. "You need . One of them made a phone call from a nearby phone booth, and the other two stayed in the truck. This week, Emma teaches Brian about the Yuba County Five and their mysterious deaths. Officer-involved shooting in Yuba County leaves 1 dead [6], Two days later, as part of one of the other search parties, Jack Huett's father found his son's backbone[2] under a manzanita bush[6] 2 miles (3.2km) northeast of the trailer. He had lost almost half his body weight and his feet were badly frostbitten. But authorities would later realize the biggest story to emerge from that dark, desolate road wasn't his brush with death. In the second part of this double-feature, we detail the infamous Yuba County Five, and compare All week, Gary Mathias told his mom "We got a big game Saturday, Don't you let me oversleep." It was reasonable enough that he had seen the men strike out from a car they believed to be stuck, but who was the woman and the child?