which of the following is a pathogen quizlet

(c) The number of pathogen particles began to decline/die off. answer choices Virus Bacteria Fungi Parasite/Protist They are all alive Question 2 10 seconds Q. Which of the following applies to hyaluronidase? Which virus may be a contrututing factor in the development of cervical cancer? Section: 07.03, In ______ immunity the individual produces antibodies against particular pathogens while in ______ immunity the individual is given specific antibodies against a pathogen. 7. When stung by a bee, Jackie goes into anaphylactic shock. antioxidant IgD antibodies signify the readiness of the B cells. 2. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). IgG cell-mediated which biological agent is not considered by terrorist for the mass destruction of people? Cilia, fimbriae, and pili are all examples of structures used by microbes for __________. In this context, this means They are both forms of active immunity. 29. *Inflammation and the release of histamine is part of the body's innate defenses. A. hemolysin Which of the following pathogens undergoes antigenic variation to avoid immune defenses? Immunity produced by the injection of gamma globulin is known as what? IgG )IAjBhX3d_FXLM5[7w ;crmYzw=4+7+ts37m?FW`4Tm*;`BGAQx ."VE1 Which of the following is an example of a noncommunicable infectious disease? All of the following diseases are primarily spread by animals or insects except? Undifferentiated B-cells remain as memory cells. One of the most important steps I can take to prevent exposure to bloodborn pathogens is to be mindful of my surroundings at all times in the clinical setting. As a result, the patient developed bacterial endocarditis (an infection of the heart). neutrophils and macrophages Which type of disease is this? Explain why each of these is important for human survival. D Polio, Which disease is often called the "kissing disease" because you can get it from contact with saliva? C. degrade nucleic acid to promote spread of pathogen Solved Saved Help Which of the following statements is | Chegg.com False, False Which of the following would be a virulence factor of a pathogen? *Rheumatic fever is associated with an inflammatory response that can damage the heart muscle and valves. Washing your hands is one of the main ways to prevent from getting sick. Section: 07.02, In SCID, antibodies are missing but T cells function normally. period of illness = the time at which the signs and symptoms of disease are most obvious and severe. The length of each rod is about the same: assume 55cm55 \mathrm{~cm}55cm. *The Mantoux skin test uses the delayed allergic response to indicate exposure to tuberculosis. Which of the following is the most likely explanation? Diseases that involve biofilm-producing bacteria are of serious concern. Modify the Programming Project from earlier chapter so that the program reads a series of items from a file and displays the data in columns. The principal reason the company ran that ad was to attract attention. This allowed Streptococcus, a bacterium normally present in the mouth, to gain access to the blood. They use up nutrients and release wastes, preventing pathogenic bacteria from gaining a foothold. what is the function of human lymphatic system? T cells can recognize antigens because they ten percent bleach used as a cleaning agent should be made fresh every the continous links in the chain of infection in order, source, means if transmission, and susceptible host. Which period is the stage of disease during which the patient begins to present general signs and symptoms? Blood splash to the nose Needle stick Through the air Blood exposure to skin that is chapped or abraded 7, Which of the following is the appropriate place to dispose of glass pieces from broken slides or ampules? *The Major Histocompatibility Complex antigens must match to avoid rejection of the transplant. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. *Cytokines regulate white blood cell formation so they are being investigated as a possible treatment for AIDS. It is composed mostly of protein, has high toxicity, and is not heat stable. It is composed mostly of protein, has high toxicity, and is not heat stable. Draw the symbol that represents the pathogen. for which type of hepatitis is there no vaccine available? Solved 6, Exposures to bloodborne pathogens can occur from - Chegg 34. The LibreTexts libraries arePowered by NICE CXone Expertand are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. Noise Term 32. They are both forms of an infection. Any visible signs of illness could affect the observations made. Approximately how many people in New Mexico are infected with the HIV and/or AIDS? to avoid eating a high concentration of mercury, which food should you select, soybeans watered with water from the river, which of the following approaches could help reduce the risk of malaria in a city without introducing new risks to human populations, search for and remove items that could hold accumulated water. They are not as easily treated compared with those involving free-floating (or planktonic) bacteria. These pathogens include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B (HBV), hepatitis C (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). hay fever The four main functions of inflammation are to protect the body from further damage, remove damaged tissue, repair tissue damage, and prevent the spread of infection. ____ 1. Section: 07.04, Before working at the hospital, Beth was given a Mantoux skin test to detect tuberculosis. 33 Which of the following protozoan supergroup - pathogen pairs is incorrect? 20. Neglect energy transfers with the environment. B. a. Feces and urine c. Amniotic fluid b. Fluid surrounding heart and lungs d. It is important to understand and follow your employer's policies regarding bloodborne pathogens. The glycoprotein adhesion gp120 on HIV must interact with __________ on some immune cells as the first step in the process of infecting the cell. tonsils and thymus A. Candida period of decline, during which the number of pathogen particles begins to decrease, and the signs and symptoms of illness begin to decline. Which of the following is not considered an administrative control to prevent or minimize BBP exposure? EKG, MHC Can you place a MediaPlayer in multiple MediaViews? They use up nutrients and release wastes, preventing pathogenic bacteria from gaining a foothold. Cytokines are being investigated for a possible treatment of which disease? pneumonia Discuss in view of the relativity principle (that there is no best reference frame). What does this mean for the movement of this chemical through the environment? The electric component of a beam of polarized light is Ey=(5.00V/m)sin[(1.00106m1)z+t]E_y=(5.00V/m)\sin[(1.00 \times 10^6 m^{-1})z + \omega t]Ey=(5.00V/m)sin[(1.00106m1)z+t]. Which pathogen needs a host cell to reproduce? Bloodborne Pathogens Test Flashcards A) the sticking of monocytes to the wall of the blood vessels at the site of infection. There is currently no vaccination available for Hepatitis B. CH 7 Antibiotics, Antifungals, and Antivirals Flashcards Preview become plasma cells. - cross blood placenta barrier 1. What is the most important thing that needs to match between him and the kidney donor? The site-specific document that describes how UNLV complies with the BBP standard is the. The organism that attaches itself to healthy cells is called a/an: A virus. Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training, April Lynch, Jerome Kotecki, Karen Vail-Smith, Laura Bonazzoli, Janet L. Hopson, Rebecca J. Donatelle, Tanya R. Littrell. A healthcare worker not washing his/her hands. D. Giardia. C. must list all department personnel by name, A Level UK Politics: Topic 4 - Voting Behavio, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice. Under these conditions, which antibody levels would be higher than normal? A person steps on a rusty nail and develops tetanus. True b. c. employers must have written airborne pathogen exposure control plans I'm workspace. True Which of the following foods is not a likely source - Course Hero What type of response is this? involves chemical barriers to entry. phagocytosis ______________ include cells from humans, animals, plants, protozoa, fungi, and most algae. You also discover that it targets liver cells. If all the words in a sentence are correct, write C after the sentence. What does this evidence tell you about this chemical? They are not as easily treated compared with those involving free-floating (or planktonic) bacteria. 3. A Mononucleosis Based on these characteristics, how would you classify this toxin? They are both forms of an immune deficiency. Which of the following is NOT classified as a bloodborne pathogen This mutation affects the A-subunit, preventing it from interacting with any host protein. A Strep throat You have recently identified a new toxin. Blood Borne Pathogens Quizlet? Top Answer Update a targeted and highly specific response to a single pathogen or molecule. Section: 07.03, In antibody-mediated immunity where does the antigen first bind? microorganisms that cause disease varicella zoster is the cause of chickenpox hiv is the causative agent of AIDS Vectors include insects some types of escherichia coli are normal flora of the a. urinary tract b. respiratory tract c. colob d. circulatory system c. Colon delayed allergic C Athlete's foot and ringworm The final temperature of the system is 100^\circC. *The acquired defense system will also recognize cancer cells with abnormal membrane proteins and destroy them. 1. *(g) chiral. PDF Employee Training Quiz - Workplace Bloodborne Pathogens One response of the human immune. OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz 2: Statistics & Pathophysiology Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. Bacterial toxins include endotoxin and exotoxins. Section: 07.04. Section: 07.04, If you were vaccinated against the mumps virus and later exposed to it, you would still be infected but it would not be as bad as if you had never been vaccinated. Bloodborne Pathogens Flashcards | Quizlet they work very, very quickly. 100% (2 ratings) 8) e) Mannose-binding lectin because this protein plays a very crucial role in the activation of the complementation pathway called the lectin pathway. (b) Would the toxin be able to cause diarrhea? OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Quiz 4: The OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. anything the immune system recognizes as foreign to the body Which of the following is a major virulence factor for the fungal pathogen Cryptococcus? who should not get vaccinated for meningitis? Employees who have an occupational exposure risk to blood or OPIM are to be offered the hepatitis B vaccination at no cost. 8 00:48:34 Multiple Choice Supergroup Amoebozoans - Giardia intestinalis (Giardiasis) Supergroup Amoebozoans - Entamoeba histolytica (Amoebiasis) Supergroup SAR - Plasmodium (Malaria) Supergroup Excavata. The time between a pathogen invasion and the development of the first symptoms is called the what? What is the minimum number of mirrors needed for this task? Section: 07.03, The acquired defense system only recognizes and destroys cells with antigens that come from outside the body. Which of the following is a nonspecific defense against pathogens? On encountering the pathogen, B-cells differentiate into plasma cells that secrete antibodies into our blood. Section: 07.02, Inflammation is normally a self-limiting process. what is the importance of corals? causing them to burst. 17. Which of the following would be a sign of an infection? The virus infected the gorillas and chimpanzees, but only the chimpanzees got sick since the virus is not a pathogen to gorillas. *(c) ion. Symptoms: nausea and migraine. *Epinephrine counteracts the effects of histamine in anaphylactic shock. True the bacterium becoming most resistant to antibiotic treatments, such as penicillin, is known as what? Micro Bio Final Exam Flashcards | Quizlet Ability to adhere to, colonize, or invade the host 3. In an employer's exposure control plan, s/he is required to include a category called 'exposure determination'. Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that is used for pain relief. :lL2ti+KXP? True 4. mononucleosis is most common amoung the elderly. they only act internally. C. It is an example of an adhesin. tuberculosis 35 Questions Show answers Question 1 10 seconds Q. The word pathogen can be defined as: a. all microrganisms b. all disease-causing microorganisms c. all insects d. all microscopic particles Definition b. all disease-causing microorganisms Term Which of the following is NOT an example of biohazard? "Even indirect contact with HBV, such as getting spilled blood on a small cut on your hand, is considered a significant sourse of occupational exposure. Some have glycans on their surface which the immune system fails to recognize. Since fungal infections are of a certain type of microorganism, areas o fhte that can be infected include all but which of the following? a vaccination. immediate allergic 3 0 obj They release histamine which causes blood vessels to become permeable. x[ms6|fj 2sMnNhKM*] $ rdIX>Nvjc/_vbU/vk?OuSmsv.^]N_sy3bH,eY|d|g1s9{v1Ogti~9]WrV==j5,4?iG^~%k/ejP7-0_kK_}wNE=?2|y= w 6eiW2xl z{5jW,>pJE$Bfl^b'ddQ8odUpfct{KY|{U;&I$t zrs,# @-"*1.!c?]sr[z}jeOg_W/_,lR"=58Nx? Pathogen A has an ID50 of 50 particles, pathogen B has an ID50 of 1,000 particles, and pathogen C has an ID50of 1 106 particles. Section: 07.02. Chapter 13 Practice Questions Flashcards | Quizlet Nb['hm a. Section: 07.03, What is the definition of an antigen? Explain how helminths evade the immune system. During a humoral immune response, which of the following happens when a OSHA mandates that all employers are required to provide the Hepatits B vaccination to employees free of charge. He has a fever of 38 C (100.4 F) and complains of nausea and a constant migraine. OSHA mandates that all employers are required to develop an Exposure Plan outlining what steps are to be taken to prevent exposure to bloodborne pathogens. B Measles In July 2015, a report was released indicating the gram-negative bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found on hospital sinks 10 years after the initial outbreak in a neonatal intensive care unit. Section: 07.02. Bloodborne pathogens can be which of the following types of Accessibility StatementFor more information contact us atinfo@libretexts.orgor check out our status page at https://status.libretexts.org. True or False 3. Section: 07.04, What are the first antibodies produced by a plasma cell? Candida can invade tissue by producing the exoenzymes __________ and __________. D Protozoan, Unit 7: Alcohol, Drugs and Tobacco Awareness, Honors English III Final Exam- Vocab and Rhet, Spanish Exam Speaking Questions and Answers, Dutton's Orthopaedic: Examination, Evaluation and Intervention. Apply. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. IgE, IgM Section: 07.03, Shaun was in need of a kidney transplant. 26. a form of immune deficiency, anything the immune system recognizes as foreign to the body *IgM antibodies are the first produced by a plasma cell. 3. 35. Which of the following represent epigenetic changes caused by a pathogen that can affect its ability to cause infection in the host? During an oral surgery, the surgeon nicked the patients gum with a sharp instrument. Which of the following viruses lives permanently in the cells and flares up periodically? have enzymes which react with antigens. Some infections cause disease, which is any deviation from the normal function or structure of the host. Virulence factors contribute to a pathogens ability to cause disease. Salmonella is the name of a group of bacteria that causes the infection salmonellosis. IgD Section: 07.05, Which class of antibodies plays a role in activating the complement and clumping cells? Which of the following is NOT a way for pathogens to enter the body? A. degrade antibodies *T cells possess specific receptors that help them identify antigens. antibodies. Which of the following are small cell masses where protective cells are stored? True or False 2. This mutation affects the A-subunit, preventing it from interacting with any host protein. Universal precautions Treating all human materials as if to be infected with bloodborne pathogens is called a. Pathogens & Disease | Biology Quiz - Quizizz (b) In terms of quantity of pathogen, in what way are these periods different? B Measles Section: 07.03, What two sites are involved in the production and maturation of T lymphocytes? Multiple Choice Cryptococcus neoformans causes a systemic infection primarily involving the gastrointestinal tract; this fungus always grows as a large. It acts as an opsonin i.e. 83209Bi{ }_{83}^{209} \mathrm{Bi}83209Bi or 96242Cm{ }_{96}^{242} \mathrm{Cm}96242Cm. B. promote pathogen spread through connective tissue. 1. Definition. True bacteria The following is not a defense mechanism for infectious disease: A mucous membranes. HCG Ch. 17 Multiple Choice - Microbiology | OpenStax 2 0 obj Which of the following would be a virulence factor of a pathogen? Antigenic __________ is the result of reassortment of genes responsible for the production of influenza virus spike proteins between different virus particles while in the same host, whereas antigenic __________ is the result of point mutations in the spike proteins. complement Needlesticks and other sharps-related injuries may expose workers to bloodborne pathogens.