*FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one. Special Collections assumes no responsibility for direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental infringement of copyright by content users. Register for free to see them all, or buy a printed copy of yearbooks from East High School from West chester, Pennsylvania today. Gibault defeated Father McGivney in a semifinal game at the Dupo Class 1A regional played at Dupo High School in Dupo, IL on Wednesday February 22, 2023. The teams were tied at 54-all after regulation. Senior class portrait albums for classes 1927-1941 are available. Start your search today! West Chester East High School Principal: Dr. Stephen Brown District Home Our Schools Who Walked in the Philly's Thanksgiving Day Parade? * College Planning Night - February 8, 2023 Henderson H.S. without further permission, on the condition that proper attribution of the source for all copies is provided by clearly acknowledging the name of the Library, the title of the web page or resource and the URL at which it was located, please credit as follows: Special Collections, Francis Harvey Green Library, West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania. CENTRALIA, Ill. East St. Louis senior Macaleab Rich can be a little stubborn at times. ~ 85 Peice Pharmaceutical Pens, Poster, And Lot's More! HS PLC Dates - 2 hour delayed start times, The Light from the East: Student Poetry, Stories, Art & Drama, NCAA Freshman Eligibility - quick reference, Career Planning/Education- Job Shadow & Internships, Dual Enrollment & Acceleration Approval Documents, Technical College High School (TCHS Brandywine), Tour Dates for Prospective Students and Parents, WCASD K-12 Counseling and Mental Health Professional Services Guide, *Senior Mtg 2022 - College Application Process PPT. Search Your School to Find 1,000s of Items Curated For You. The Kansas City Public Library14 W. 10th St. Kansas City, MO 64105816.701.3427Contact, KANSAS CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY | DIGITALHISTORY, Bingham Middle School/Bingham Middle Magnet, 1922-1924 (Within Central High School yearbook), 1925-1927, 1964-1970, Central Middle School/Central Middle Magnet, 1955, 1957-1963, 1966-1972, 1975-1977, 1984-1985, Courtney Memoirs, Echos of Courtney School, The Eagle, Courtney Memories, The Bucaneer; Viking Memories; Junior Hi-Lite, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1922, 1924, 1928, 1951-1952, 1956, 1964, 1977, 1937, 1949, 1952, 1961-1963, 1965, 1967, 1969, 1973-1984, 1986-1987, 1989-2009, 1927-1962, 1964, 1966-1970, 1972, 1974-1978, 1982-1991, 1995-1996, 1973-1974, 1977-1978, 1983-1985, 1996-1997, 1999, 1909-1910, 1914-1915, 1917, 1919-1920, 1924-1942, 1944-1971, 1973-1975, 1978, 1981-1986, 1989-1990, 1993-1995, 2014-2018, 1926, 1937-1939, 1948, 1962-1965, 1967-1968, 1971, 1975-1977, 1979-1980, 1983, 1940, 1955-1956, 1964, 1966,1968-1970, 1973-1975, 1914-1949, 1951-1972, 1974-1980, 1982, 1984-1994, 1997, 1999-2009, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2019, 1949, 1952, 1958, 1960-1961, 1966, 1981-1982, 2002, 1927-1962, 1964, 1967-1968, 1972-1975, 1977-1979, 1981, 1983, 1985-1986, 1988-1994, 1997, 1999-2000, Kansas City, MO Paseo yearbooks are available online through the, 1946, 1948-1951, 1956, 1958-1960, 1969-1975, 1937, 1960-1962, 1967, 1969, 1974-1977, 1988-1989, 1991, 2006-2007, 1967, 1972, 1983, 1986, 1988-1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 1923, 1927, -19481949, 1977-1978, 1980-1981, 1983-1993, 1995-1998, 2000-2005, 1956, 1959-1962, 1968-1976, 1979, 1981-1994, 1996-2016, 1939-1949, 1951-1970, 1972-1973, 1975-1981, 1993-1994, 1996-2003, 2009-2010. *The WCASD is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. Pages on this website are reviewed and produced to the best of our abilities to be accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, Level AA. Welcome! B Reed Henderson High School. West Chester East High School West Chester, PA Class of 1984 Reunion Ticket info, click the link:. East High School (Erie, Pa.)--Students--Yearbooks High schools--Pennsylvania--Erie--Periodicals School yearbooks Description High school year book from East High School Date 1976 Location Covered Erie (Erie County, PA.) Time Period Covered 1975-1976 Type Text Original Format Yearbooks Digital Format application/pdf Language English Rights To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database - even a guess can help. Relive homecoming, prom, graduation, and other moments on campus captured in yearbook pictures. Tim Vizer/Special to STLhighschoolsports.com, Gibault guard Kaden Augustine goes in for a layup. The singer was aged 17 when she appeared in the 1975 Rochester Adams . Hello, From 1997 we have the WEST CHESTER EAST HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK from WEST CHESTER, PA. entitled:VALHALLA. Register for free today! If you made it this far down the page you are probably looking for more. No protected images or material on this website may be copied or printed without express authorization. Most high school yearbooks in our collection have been digitizedand can accessed here. 1946 & 1947 Yearbooks Chester High School, Chester, Pennsylvania, 1948 Chester High School Chester, Pennsylvania Yearbook " The Annual ", 1971 West Chester State College Serpentine Yearbook, 1940 Garnet And White West Chester Joint High School Yearbook West Chest, 1943 Yearbook-chester High School-chester, Pennsylvania, 1930 "Cestrian" - Chester High School Yearbook - Chester, SC, 1931 "Cestrian" - Chester High School Yearbook - Chester, SC, 1953 Garnet And White West Chester Joint High School Yearbook West Chest, 1942 And 1943 Chester High School Yearbook Chester Il, 1960 State Teachers College Yearbook,West Chester,Pennsylvania,Advertisi, 2023 - WorthPoint Corporation | 5 Concourse Parkway NE, Suite 2900. Chester A. Franklin: 1975 : Kansas City, MO: Coles Vocational/Coles Junior High: 1939-1942: . 332. Make your purchase more affordable by spreading the cost into three payments with 3 months no interest. Fobus CU9G Cuff & Pistol For Glock HK 9 40 Caliber, 3 Pair Vintage Opera Glasses / Binoculars - NR, 500 DESERT PALMS CLAY CASINO POKER CHIPS W/ Paulson, Blessed By Pope John Paul II St Francis & Anthony Medal, DEPT 56 Sound Of Music Von Trapp Villa 56178 ALPINE, Vintage Atomic Blue Ceramic Mod Pattern Big Table Lamp, Breathtaking Cobalt Glass Victorian Daisy Hatpin, Aladdin Lamp Lox-On Brazilian Mantles Case Of 12. Instant Access to Millions of Yearbook Pictures, High-Resolution, Full Color Images Available Online, Search, Browse, Read, and Print Yearbook Pages, View College, High School, and Military Yearbooks, Browse our digital annual library spanning centuries, Support the Schools in our Program by Subscribing. 2. East High School - Valhalla Yearbook (West Chester, PA), Covers 1 - 1 | E-Yearbook.com has the largest online yearbook collection of college, university, high school, middle school, junior high school, military, naval cruise books and yearbooks. David Clompus 1965-1969. It's a reunion year for Class of '73, Class of '83, Class of '93, Class of '03, and Class of '13. ALTON Isaiah Camper could only look over his shoulder and smile. Westport High School Memory Records (45 RPM 7 vinyl EP) for 1961-1962 are available. Seriously underwater., Neman: Missouri womans saga of trying to find common sense at Walmart, I can still hear the roaring of the engine, says father of teen maimed in downtown St. Louis. Do you want to see past girlfriends or boyfriends? Parent Advisory Committee for Gifted Education, Pesticide Application Notification Request, Padres Latinos del distrito escolar del rea de West Chester, Excuse Notes/ Justificacin de inasistencia escolar, How to Address Educational Questions and Concerns, 4 Ways Parents & Families Can Get Involved, Calendar Sync - Adding WCASD Events to Yours, 9th Grade Orientation Presentation for Parents, Parent Portal - How to View a Student's Schedule through Standards Grades. Past Reunions. They are available in Special Collections. Chester Co Interm Unit #24. Senior pictures are in color - very nice. East High School (Erie, Pa.)--Students--Yearbooks High schools--Pennsylvania--Erie--Periodicals School yearbooks Description High school year book from East High School Date 1989 Location Covered Erie (Erie County, PA.) Time Period Covered 1988-1989 Type Text Original Format Yearbooks Digital Format application/pdf Language English Rights (Reprint) 1975 Yearbook: East High School, West Chester, Pennsylvania Skip to main content.us. This website contains links to third-party websites that are provided solely as a convenience to you and not as an endorsement by WCASD of the content on such third-party websites or any affiliation or association with its operators. Michael Cox 1995-1999. We realize that a East High School year book may be hard to find so registering to complete your school's Virtual Yearbook Tim Vizer/Special to STLhighschoolsports.com. The Kansas City Public Library14 W. 10th St. Kansas City, MO 64105816.701.3427Contact, KANSAS CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY | DIGITALHISTORY, The Barstow School Yearbook - The Weather-Cock, Bishop Hogan High School Yearbook - Rampage, Bishop Lillis High School Yearbook - Lillislog, Bishop Miege High School Yearbook - The Miegian, Blue Springs High School Yearbook - Campus Cadence, Blue Springs South High School Yearbook - Predator, Center High School Yearbook - The Yellowjacket, Central High School Yearbook - The Centralian, Central High School Yearbook - The Wakitan, Christian Brothers College Military High School Yearbook - The Guidon, De La Salle High School Yearbook - Parade, De La Salle Military Academy Yearbook - Parade, East High School Yearbook - The Eastonian, F. L. Schlagle High School Yearbook - Equestrian, Hickman Mills High School Yearbook - The Pride, Independence High School Yearbook - The Gleam, J. C. Harmon High School Yearbook - Aerie, Kansas City High School Yearbook - The Quiverian, Kansas City High School Yearbook - The Spectator, Lawrence High School Yearbook - Red and Black, Lee's Summit High School Yearbook - The Reflector, Liberty High School Yearbook - The Spectator, Lincoln High School Yearbook - The Lincolnian, Loretto Academy High School Yearbook - The Laurel, Loretto Academy High School Yearbook - The Laurelette, Loretto Academy High School Yearbook - The Lauretanum, Loretto Academy High School Yearbook - The Mandella, Manhattan High School Yearbook - The Blue M, Manual High School Yearbook - The Builder, Manual High School Yearbook - The Manualite, Manual High School Yearbook - The Nautilus, Marshall High School Yearbook - The Mar-Saline, North Kansas City High School Yearbook - Purgold, North Kansas City High School Yearbook - The Owl, Northeast High School Yearbook - The Noreaster, Notre Dame de Sion High School Yearbook - Le Flambeau, Notre Dame de Sion High School Yearbook - The Sionian, Olathe East High School Yearbook - Aurora, Olathe South High School Yearbook - Talon, Park Hill South High School Yearbook - South Paw, Pembroke Hill Country Day School Yearbook - The Pinnacle, Pembroke Hill Country Day School Yearbook - The Raider, R. T. Coles High School Yearbook - The Coles Pilot, Raytown High School Yearbook - The Ramizzou, Raytown South High School Yearbook - Polaris, Rockhurst High School Yearbook - The Chancellor, Rockhurst High School Yearbook - The Twenty Three-er, Rosedale High School Yearbook - Mt. Today is: Wednesday, March 1, 2023 Day 5 Today Is. Kansas City, MO Numbering restarts in 1940. Ted Dbear 2013-2017. Good luck bidding. OFFICIAL HIGH SCHOOL CLASS RINGS & JEWELRY Traditional High School Class Rings SHOP ALL CLASS RINGS The Kendra Scott Collection A bold new shape on tradition. Classreport.org provides free Class Websites for every graduating class of every high school with free access for all. 2. 129. Register as an alumni from West Chester East High School and reunite with old friends and classmates. The West Chester State Normal School published the first yearbook, The Pathfinder, in 1910. See Terms, We've made it easy to size your ring from the comfort of your home. E-Yearbook.com will also publish the yearbook images online for people to share and enjoy. East High School. Welcome! John Dean 1964-1968. Book is in very good condition with 216 pages about the 1997 West Chester East activities. Gibault defeated Father McGivney in a semifinal game at the Dupo Class 1A regional played at Dupo High School in Dupo, IL on Wednesday February 22, 2023. To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database - even a guess can help. Hello Select your address Books . NOTE:Many Paseo High School yearbooks can be accessed through the Paseo Alliance. 129. . You may purchase season passes or single game tickets for our sporting events at East High School through West Chester East High School Athletics Online Ticketing System. Upcoming Reunions. Gibault defeated Father McGivney in a semifinal game at the Dupo Class 1A regional played at Dupo High School in Dupo, IL on Wednesday February 22, 2023. B Reed Henderson High School. These may not be checked out, but can be viewed in the department. With Yearbook.org, you can join your class list to receive reunion and alumni event updates, find yearbooks, and search for alumni Select your class year Older Class of 1976 Class of 1977 Class of Class of Class of Class of Class of 1982 Class of 1983 Class of 1984 (Reprint) 1985 Yearbook: East High School, West Chester, Pennsylvania [East High School, 1985 Yearbook Staff of] on Amazon.com. We Did!! East has the oldest field house in th We are one of the premier social networking sites dating back to 2003. All issues of the yearbook until 2008 are available in a digitized format on Internet Archive . Most high school yearbooks in our collection have been digitized and can accessed here. Madonna's high school yearbook which includes a racy limerick she wrote about a friend in 1975 has emerged for sale for $3,500. Para acceder a la lnea telefnica en espaol llamar a 484-366-1786, WCASD Counseling & Mental Health Services Guide, Course Selection Parent Kick-Off PowerPoint, Register foran 8 week SAT Prep Course at East HS, https://www.wceastpto.org/all-sat-prep-courses, Consrtruyendo Comunidad - Sesiones de participacin de las familias. Chase Lewis picked a perfect time to cut loose. V. 24 198, V. 26-35 1950-1955, V. 37-43 1961-1967, V. 1-2 1933-1935, V. 4 1937, V. 6-11 1939-1944, V. 13-14 1946-1947, V. 16-26 1949-1959. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! East High School Class of 1992 Class Reunion. Share your memories by posting photos or stories, or find out about your next class reunion! The first payment includes 1/3 of the ring(s) total plus the full amount of the sales tax and shipping and handling. of East High School find and contact you. Description High school year book from East High School Date 1981 Location Covered Erie (Erie County, PA.) Time Period Covered 1980-1981 Type Text Original Format Yearbooks Digital Format application/pdf Language English Rights Athletic Office Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Ellen Ronayne; eronayne@wcasd.net. WCASD Health and Safety Plan and Resources. STLHighSchoolSports.com is the most comprehensive source of stats, scores and stories from any and all area high schools. Everything you need to make your memories count. (Combined). We can provide you with an electronic version of your yearbook that can assist you with reunion planning. See members of old school clubs and relive old times. V. 2-40 1915-1953, V. 50-51 1961-1963, V. 53-54 1964-1966. West Chester High School Yearbook Class of 1935 150 images, 4109 students West Chester High School Yearbook Class of 1934 28 images, 154 students West Chester High School Yearbook Class of 1933 27 images, 130 students West Chester High School Yearbook Class of 1932 25 images, 97 students West Chester High School Yearbook Class of 1931 Hello Select your address Books . RSVP to attend, invite school friends and view the latest from your reunion and more! Choose from the 6 yearbooks available for West Chester University of Pennsylvania below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. AlumniClass.com is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other sites. We are a small, family-owned business and yet freely host over a million class websites. Choose from the 4 yearbooks available for West Chester East High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. The WC East Football Booster Board is trying to raise money for a new field house. Or use the QR Code below. West Chester East High School - Class Rings, Yearbooks and Graduation | Balfour Change Your School We're bringing the TRADITION to you. 1967, 1970, 1976, 1980, 1985-1988, 2010-2011, 1904-1905, 1907-1921, 1924-1940, 1942-1952, 1954, 1957-1965, 1968-1970,1975-1976, 1978, 1980, 1988, 1999, 1912, 1915-1916, 1920, 1925, 1931, 1941, 1945, 1953, 1955, 1959-1975, 1979-1981, 1985, 1989-1992, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical College, General Hospital and Medical Center School of Nursing, Independence Sanitarium and Hospital School of Nursing, Kansas City College of Osteopathy & Surgery, 1927, 1942-1943, 1946-1948, 1952-1953, 1955, 1961, 1963, 1966-1968, 1984, 1993, 1901-1903, 1906, 1908-1910, 1912, 1914-1918, 1920, 1922, 1925-1927, 1930-1932, 1936, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1960-1961, 1964-1965, 1973, 1978, 1990-1992, 1897-1898, 1901, 1905, 1910-1911, 1914-1921, 1923-1925, 1927-1932, 1934-1941, 1945, 1948-1949, 1950-1953, 1956, 1960, 1964-1966, 1976, 1978-1980, 1992, 1966, 1970-1973, 1976, 1978-1984, 1989-1992, Northeast Missouri State College/University, 1933, 1966-1967, 1972, 1976-1977, 1980-1982, Northwest Missouri State College/University, 1928-1930, 1955, 1968, 1978, 1980-1981, 1988, 1999, 1948-1959, 1961-1972, 1976-1990, 1992-1995, 2003, 2007, 2009, 1908, 1910-1915, 1919, 1921, 1924-1926, 1928-1929, 1936, 1938-1958, 1965, University of Missouri Kansas City School of Medicine, 1906, 1912, 1920, 1930, 1948, 1961, 1980-1981, V. 1-4 1927-1939, V. 7-9 1933-1935, V. 11-26 1937-1951, V. 3, V.4 (No. 2013 Serpentine unavailable. Atlanta, Georgia 30328 | 877.481.5750. East Senior High School. Preview pages of the 1978 yearbook from East High School from West chester, Pennsylvania online. Illinois boys roundup: East St. Louis, Gibault advance to super-secctionals. may be the next best thing to finding East High School yearbooks. Email notifications are only sent once a day, and only if there are new matching items. Read and submit stories about our classmates from West Chester East High School, post achievements and news about our alumni, and post photos of our fellow Vikings. Signatures in front and back of book to Daisy. All Schools Listed in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Images are provided for non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, and are not intended for reproduction or redistribution. The remaining ring(s) balance is charged to your credit card in two equal payments. Preview pages of the 1974 yearbook from East High School from West chester, Pennsylvania online. E-Yearbook.com has a wealth of genealogy information spanning over a century for many schools with full text search. 4 killed, 4 critically injured in crash at South Grand Boulevard and Forest Park Avenue; Parents push back on allegations against St. Louis transgender center. The Hawks will face Illini Bluffs (32-4) in the Jacksonville Supersectional at 7 p.m. on Monday at Jacksonville Bowl. The event will be held from 6 to 9 p.m . Exclusive to Balfour, Celebrate your achievement with family and friends. Register as an alumni from West Chester East High School and reunite with old friends and classmates. To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database - even a guess can help. Register for free to see them all, or buy a printed copy of yearbooks from East High School from West chester, Pennsylvania today. East St. Louis used a 19-7 run in the third period to take control 40-26. Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? 54. / West Chester / East High School . To inquire about having individual images from the yearbook collection scanned, please send a message to LHistory@kclibrary.org and a Missouri Valley Special Collections staff member will contact you. For questions regarding use of digital materials contact Special Collections (, https://library.wcupa.edu/digitalarchives. 332. Leonard Closson 1953-1957. Anyone with a copy willing to let us digitize it, please contact us at libspeccol@wcupa.edu. Marty, Saint Michael the Archangel Catholic High School Yearbook - Magnum Opus, Saint Pius X High School Yearbook - Tiara, Saint Teresa's Academy High School Yearbook - Teresian, Saint Teresa's Academy High School Yearbook - The Avila, Shawnee Mission East High School Yearbook - Hauberk, Shawnee Mission High School Yearbook - Indian, Shawnee Mission North High School Yearbook - Indian, Shawnee Mission Northwest High School Yearbook - Lair, Shawnee Mission South High School Yearbook - Heritage, Shawnee Mission West High School Yearbook - Saga, Smithville High School Yearbook - Warrior, Southeast High School Yearbook - The Crusader, Southwest High School Yearbook - The Sachem, St. Mary's High School Yearbook - Directions, Sumner Academy of Arts and Science High School Yearbook - Excalibur, Sumner High School Yearbook - The Sumnerian, Sunset Hill High School Yearbook - The Sundial, Van Horn High School Yearbook -The Falcon, Washington High School Yearbook - Hatchet, Westport High School Yearbook - The Herald, William Chrisman High School Yearbook - The Gleam, Winnetonka High School Yearbook - Odyssey, Wyandotte High School Yearbook - Quiverian. Images are provided for non-commercial, educational, and personal use only, and are not intended for reproduction or redistribution. Spread your ring payments over 3 months for more flexibilty. You have permission to edit this article. To read the yearbooks, click on one of the options in the "View the Book" box in the top left-hand corner. Bucknor for rejecting handshake: Zero class, Man shot and killed after fight in downtown St. Louis, Liberty High student killed in St. Charles shooting could heal you with a smile, Fate of St. Louis Fox Theatre still undecided, Brothers who did everything together, fashionista among victims in fatal St. Louis crash, Centene expects to lose millions of Medicaid customers beginning in April, Arch Madness: 2023 MVC Basketball Tournament bracket, schedule, game times, TV info, St. Louis man charged in quadruple fatal crash; police say he ran off with his license plate, St. Louis prosecutors staff down by nearly half as caseloads jump. Gibault is looking for its first final four berth since the 1999 team finished second. To search or share West Chester East High School photos and yearbooks, you must first West Chester East High School Yearbook The Kansas City Area Yearbooks Collection is comprised of over 1,000 digitized yearbooks. West Chester East High School, West Chester, Pennsylvania (PA) AlumniClass.com (1871) - 10019 E Knox Ave, Spokane Valley WA, 99206. 54. Download & Print. Physical copies of elementary, middle & junior high schools, college & trade school yearbooks can be viewed by visiting the Missouri Valley Room on the 5th floor of the Central . (Reprint) 1985 Yearbook: East High School, West Chester, Pennsylvania Skip to main content.us. Kansas City, MO Memory book for class of 1940 is available. EARLY 30's MILKY WAY CANDY COLORCHROMO ADVERTISING BOX! Home > View, post and comment on photo's and events with your classmates! If you see your name among the East High School graduates, someone is looking for you! Chester Co Interm Unit #24. Pupil Services Committee. This area is dedicated to our alumni that have served or are serving in our armed forces! Looking for old family members and relatives? Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Post your West Chester East High School class reunion information here and receive a free reunion planning website with the reunion tools you need for the perfect class reunion. East High School WEST CHESTER, PA. 1978 Yearbook . October 8, 2022 06:00 pm - 09:00 pm West Chester , PA. The "Read Online" and "PDF" links are recommended. *Issues of Southwest Trail are temporarily unavailable. At this time, only high school yearbooks have been made digitally available to site users. For the above purposes the user may reproduce these materials (by download, printing, etc.) Register to let other graduates One of the most popular resources in the Missouri Valley Room are the yearbooks. Gibault (29-7) has won five in a row and nine of its last 10. French Guiana, French Polynesia, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Libya, Martinique, Mexico, Middle East, New Caledonia, Oceania, Reunion, Russian Federation, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, South . The yearbooks can be found by searching KCHistory, or by browsing this page. Unfortunately, searching across yearbooks is not available in Internet Archive. In 1911, the name of the publication changed to The Serpentine, which has remained the title of the annual publication into the present day. Day in Cycle Rotation Quick Links Para acceder a la lnea telefnica en espaol llamar a 484-366-1786 Attendance Information District Homework Policy Open the document below for instructions on saving and manipulating yearbookimages. Click below to begin your paid subscription. West Chester East HS Class of 1984, West Chester, Pennsylvania. Find Alumni in Pennsylvania > Gibault 58, Springfield Calvary 56 (OT):Kaden Augustine and Gavin Kesler each hit two free throws in overtime to lift Gibault Catholic to a win over Springfield Cavalry in the Class 1A Hardin Calhoun Sectional championship game on Friday. Choose from the 23 yearbooks available for West Chester State College below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. 4 issue only), 5-19 1926-1926, 1928-1942, V. 1-5 1921-1925, V. 7 1927, V. 9-25 1929-1945, V. 27-58 1946-1975. CENTRALIA, Ill. The evolution of Drew Winslow and the Triad boys basketball team continued in earnest Wednesday night. without further permission, on the condition that proper attribution of the source for all copies is provided by clearly acknowledging the name of the Library, the title of the web page or resource and the URL at which it was located, please credit as follows: Special Collections, Francis Harvey Green Library, West Chester University, West Chester, Pennsylvania. AlumniClass.com is not affiliated with and is independent of any school, school district, alumni association or any other sites. V. 6-16 1920-1930, V. 18-20 1931-1933, V. 22-26 1934-1938, V. 28 1939. To find a family member, enter information such as their First Name, Last Name, and where they lived into the U.S. School Yearbooks database - even a guess can help. Our 40th reunion will be held on Saturday, October 8th, 2022 at Teca in downtown West Chester. Choose from the 1 yearbooks available for East High School below to start exploring the extensive Yearbooks collection on Ancestry. THANKS. Search and browse yearbooks online! East High School. Share your memories by posting photos or stories, or find out about your next class reunion! We have been getting a lot of requests for more yearbook and reunion photos! The Flyers (24-8) have won five in a row and will face Sacred Heart Griffin (31-3) in the Springfield Supersectional at 7:30 p.m. Monday. Hello, From 1997 we have the WEST CHESTER EAST HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK from WEST CHESTER, PA. entitled:VALHALLA. Search Your School to Find 1,000s of Items Curated For You! Roundup of Missouri boys basketball postseason games based on stats reported by each team. 1996 East High School Yearbook 1985 East High School Yearbook 1980 East High School Yearbook 1978 East High School Yearbook 1975 East High School Yearbook Subscribe with this special offer to keep reading, (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). The yearbooks can be found by searching KCHistory, or by browsing this page. Find Alumni in West Chester, Pennsylvania. Kass Dahlquist 1992-1996. Click on the Yearbooks below to view a copy Online at Classmates.com. / West Chester / East High School; East High School: Past and Upcoming Reunions. All online tickets purchased will be scanned at the gate for admission.