All enquiries to or 0808 540 4500. I have never come across a jobless medical doctor. chemistry But the truth is that some courses are way more marketable than the others. that doesnt mean that everybody can study computer engineering and computer science. 3. Agriculture: Agricultural studies are another lucrative and marketable area of study. I made a 3rd class in economic and currently working in a school as an admin/account person. Estate Management/Architecture/Building/Survey/Civil Engineering: A degree in any of these courses places you in a good position for self-employment. DIRECTLY ON 08089975770 FOR ASSISTANCE ON YOUR ADMISSION PROCESSING AND TO CONFIRM YOUR ADMISSION STATUES. Basically, this course is the study of and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism to solve real-life problems. No course is hardly better than the other. Note also that this is not based on who earns the highest salary, but who has potential to earn decent income with his degree. In addition these courses are also asked for in other major industries.6. Medicine is number 1 on our list.Most importantly, I share the opinion of this gentleman that it is you, and hardly your course of study, that matters in marketing yourself. [], [] Caveat: This is not based on hard data but on observations. Microbial Biotechnology, which one is preferable, industrial chemistry or biochemistry or anatomy or geophysics. Top 10 highly profitable business ideas to explore in Nigeria in 2021 2. Laborious works down. Economics/Accounting/Finance: The good thing about Economics is that it fits into many roles. please I need ur advise on what course to study. Note also that this is not based on who earns the highest salary, but who has potential to earn decent income with his degree. It is therefore important to note that, while there are no many job titles as geographer, there are many types of positions that fits well with a degree in #Geography. Tech in Physics Education. Good day, Im a graduate bsc computer science and I want to go for a second degree Im really confused on what to do but I have pharmacy in mind my problem is Im really not a big fan of chemistry. Some may have as much as 20. If you make a good grade and can defend it, oil companies demand for then. 2.Project management. Pls sir what should I study with dis result pls message me. Largely because of the structures of our educational system and labour market. & PPL. 3, Literary Studies. Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management. If you have already decided to study an engineering course in Ghana, stick to your decision. ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT !! Career advancement; The skills and knowledge gained from LinkedIn Learning courses can make you more marketable and attractive to employers, which can lead . Which one should i go to for? 1) Is it compulsory to do a professional course relating to your discipline? ENGINEERING, PUBLIC HEALTH If you check the JAMB brochure, you will discover that there are many courses you can study in Nigeria. soil surveyor We consider these courses the second most marketable courses in Nigeria.1. biology Chemical and Petroleum Engineering 6. Economics 7. Sir plz a person who studied office technology and management where can he possibly get a job? Geography has been a lucrative job of his time the profession has tremendous branches in terms of its field and job opportunities so as far am concerned am a final year student in delsu studying Geography education the chances of getting jobs is much because it cut across different fields of study if for any info 08061509495. Home Campus gist 10 Most marketable courses in Nigeria: Johnson Olawale. help This Is 100% Guaranteed, Interested candidates Should Tel:08147023091 Now! All the best as you learn more about Marketable courses in Nigeria 2022. or Highest Paid Courses? ed, should take it? Some may have as much as 20. Theatre Arts 7 6. The downside is, anybody can learn IT skills, even if he doesnt study computer engineering. and what makes other courses outstanding or best? its urgent. traffic manager biochemistry 1, Science & Technology 10. According to a career mentorship and management portal, architecture is the second most marketable course in Nigeria. Pls sir.. whether I should go for masters in English or go for Law(Ist degree). This is a nice and helpful little bit of details. THIS IS TO NOTIFY THE GENERAL STUDENT PUBLIC ASSOCIATION WHO But we want you to also read this course evaluation and decide if it could be right for you. pls can a person that study statistic as a course,can he graduate and work as an electrical engineering pls. Yes, register for the course and rewrite JAMB, pls between marine and civil engineering which one really has job opportunities, There is no course that doesnt have value; But since Civil Engineering is broader, I will advise Civil Engineering, Pls is biochemistry profitable in Nigeria. Medicine is number 1 on our list. []. Here wego: 10. I graduated with a 3rd class in microbiology I understand thats a bad one what options could i possibly explore? pls what are my chances in the labour market with B.ED history. youre not alone. Not so much Math in Business Admin, but you still need to be fair in Math to make a good grade. you are a direct entry student and you still do not know what you want to do with your degree after graduation. UNIUYO is not a bad school. You have to choose one. Accounting 5 4. Pls advise. It doesnt have professional certification or courses. pls help me out. In the strict sense, not a course that is high in demand. But this year I did well in my utme and post utme exam and it is very certain that I would gain admission this year. THAT ADMISSION HELP IS And thats where the problem begins. please between agricultural economics and computer science which one stands for a better job opportunity? Most dont acre about course of study once you make 2.1, u d boss. In addition these courses are also asked for in other major industries. mine is, i studied mcb with 2.2 and i intend going for master but i am really comfuse in wch course to consider. They are taught about how drugs work and the side effects of these drugs. In addition, well list the overall best courses to study in Nigeria if you want a better job in the future: You may have heard that some courses are useless while some are best, is this really true? I noticed you havent written any article on Insurance which is a very important sector in the finance industry and mainly because it is my course of study in the university and Id like to know the opportunities of the course in other sectors aside from the insurance sector such as banking, accounting firms , telecommunications , real estate and oil and gas sectors.. Ill really love it if you could write something on this.. Im a 500L BNSC NURSING Students, and my intention is to go for short service after graduation what is your advice plssssss. We consider thesecoursesthe second most marketable courses in Nigeria. All engineering courses are competitive. I have deep passion for the course since childhood because of my love for numbers. 1). I was forced by an uncle to choose this course because I was orphaned & he had to sponsor me. Even without professional qualifications, you can still get a decent job with Accounting degree only in the many small to medium scale firms that require the services of accounting graduates. But. please I need d courses of studies at this level. Applicants must possess a minimum of either S.S.C.E Whether you decide to practice or go into corporate world, or you decide to go into allied things like real estate agency, you still stand a decent chance of earning decent income with a Law degree.8. 2, Petroleum Engineering plz tell me between geology and agric engineering which one of them pays enough in Nigeria today..? Here are some reasons for the relevance of LinkedIn Learning to Nigerians: . pls sir, enlighten me on Geography and regional planning. could you please rate them for me according to how good itll be for job prospects. Medicine Remarkable things here. A MUST WATCH VIDEO:, pls am studying pharmacologyalready in my 200 level &nt liking d course MY FIRST TIME ON JARUSHUB AM TOTALLY IN LOVE WITH THIS SITE ALREADY, which course is highest payed among this 1 computer sci 2 agric econ 3 horticulture 4 computer eng 5 zoology and environmental biology, which course is easy to get good job among this :horticulture, zoology and environmental biology, computer sci, computer eng, agric econ, agric extension. pls, what can l do with my bsc. That is just some assumption that people carry about. Pls I need quick response. Many students will definitely find it useful. It doesnt mean others are not good too. ARE GOING TO BE SITTING IN THE GENERAL (POST UTME) AND THOSE IN SEARCH OF ADMISSION INTO VARIOUS KIND OF UNIVERSITY. I was surprised to see tha #Geography was not included in your ranking. Whether you decide to practice orgo into corporate world, or you decide to go into allied things like real estate agency, you still stand a decent chance of earning decent income with a Law degree. Computer science is good but it is more difficult for someone that doesnt have strong educational background. Go and look for job from your Bsc Computer Science. Mass Communication: Mass Communication is a social science course that deal with the study of imparting and conveying information through mass media to the public (usually a large population). If you study or studied in Nigeria, you will agree that the labour market is aggressively selective. designated Zonal Centers for your state of origin.. And only the qualified Candidates I want to study petroleum engineer,is it a good course to study in Nigeria and how much do they use to earn, what and where can a graduate of home science and management work, good after and thanks for the job!! Your email address will not be published. 4. Finance is another great course. Try to make distinction. They are taught about how drugs work and the side effects of these drugs. BSc (Ed) and BSc, please reply me!! Between mechanical engineering and petroleum engineeringwhich is adviceable?pls. Im 31yr old .I have Bachelor of Library and Information Science with 2.2, please what market able course can you advice me to go for in Master considering Nigerian system. PLEASE NOTE : For help M.Sc. 2. Psychology: 7. House, I will like to know the most valuable course between A+ certification or MCSE. I see Nurses change jobs like clothes. pls sir am actually confused on what to do, i studied statistics with a commercial result in my sch but theyve changed it now,other schools dont accept it now my parent want me to continue which means i have to write GCE i thought of economics buh some people are discouraging that its not a professional course and a lot of people are studying the course so sir pls what do you think i can do. We only mentioned Top 10. READ ALSO: Best Courses To Study At Nigerian Polytechnic. Environmental Microbiology Wishing us all success, Im HND holder in metallurgical engr.with upper credit. I became reviewing continually your blog and I am astounded! hello I got admission to study accounting in yabatech but I intend to take another jamb in order to study economics I also intend to start ICAN my question is should I complete my ND programme in yabatech and still combine it with ICAN or is it possible to study economics and combine it with ICAN simultaneously really need your help SIR I am a bit confused. please keep it up. Law. There are other courses that are quite competitive in nature with thousands of career opportunities which we are going to list below. go for any course you like provided you have passion and interest in it, give your very best, and make the best out of it. Thousands of degree programs are available, but just a few are more lucrative, marketable, and successful. ANNOUNCEMENT! Should I go for Medical lab science or DE nursing. BUILDERS FOR LIFE, WE ARE DOCTORS TO BUILDINGS, Sowy pls. But Petroleum Engineering is not available in UNILAG, so you may consider UI. pls im a commrcial student what course can i offer when i get to university. Between, nice blog, A good school no doubt; but generation is by year of founding. Best Courses To Pursue In Kenya: 1. 5, International Relations, am a degree holder in statistics. Although Medicine and LAW are considered to be the top best courses in Nigeria. Pls between biochemistry, Economics, nd civil engineering which is the best to study. 3, M.Sc. 6+3 with a minimum of 10 credit passes at NECO, WAEC and JAMB respectively. marketable courses in Nigeria. Gudday sir pls am currently doing my HND in mechanical Engineering (manufacturing option) pls hw do i parkage myself to get work in oil or any good firm or any professional do. Certification wont help much. Bachelor of Commerce plus CFA A Bachelor of Commerce degree is not considered that attractive in modern-day Kenya. Computer Science/Computer Engineering/IT courses:IT professionals are in hot demand the world over. Are you interested in the top Most Marketable Courses in Nigeria 2022/2023? TECHNOLOGY, n BIOCHEMISTRY pls rate them in terms of job availability in Nigeria tank u. chemical engineering And, can I get any which wouldnt require a PGD? Marketable Degree Courses In The World [Top 10] What we have here is listing of 10 Marketable degree courses with best employment opportunities in world. physics Was this Article Helpful? and PPL. University puts you in a better position for oil and gas job. and what makes other courses outstanding or best? This is a result of the high demand of professionals to take up the leadership of the ever-increasing businesses. Why were you given education in the first place? M.Sc. I have never come across a jobless medical doctor. I got admitted into EBSU to study GEOLOGY AND EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS while i sat for ESUT POST UTME of which i choose SURVEYING AND GEO INFORMATICS and my name had not come out in ESUT and i know i can do better in ESUT than EBSU but EBSU is ending their acceptance fee payment by 9 Oct. help me should i wait for ESUT 1st list. Student Hand book Department of Geography Federal University Lokoja i just saw a post crediting the write up to me thank You. 4, M.Sc. Library courses. hello Admin.. Kindly Reference my post about Geography to. project management, MATERIAL & MET. 4, Industrial Chemistry, pls sir, i apply for nursing at Babcock university but after the screening I was offered another course, which are; science and technology, agriculture & industrial technologyI have little challenge in solving physics and I dont know which one is more marketable. Computer science is another discipline that takes about 4 years to complete, but it's one of the best courses in Nigeria for those who are dedicated and focused. If you study or studied in Nigeria, you will agree that the labour market is aggressively selective. Pls can i apply 4 chemical eng with my diploma in computer system engineering? There is no course that is not marketable. Here, you'll also find out what these courses entail and why they are considered the toppest among others. Chemical/Petroleum Engineering: These courses have the potential to fetch you the fattest pay check after graduation because the companies that ask for them are those that pay heavily the oil companies.2. In the light of this, we have compiled a list of top 10 courses which are considered to be of high value and marketability in the current economy of Nigeria. Some courses are seen to be useless because career opportunities for them in Nigeria are very low and they are not generally valued. There is no course that doesnt have decent employment prospect. N im avin conflictin issues wit ma mnd as to wheda surveying is actually more profitable in todays economy. sir, im a sc student passed +2 this year and intrested in zoology , in poly so after two years in poly, Im thinking of changing my course to english language using direct entry to university but Im a science student, so sir will work out? Upcoming Event. Thank you. Thanks. please I need your advice! critical decision about applying for change of course or/and institution. I would like to do MSc instead of MBA, please advice me on the choice of my passion & Accounting. Very nice information thanks for sharing this blogs. Find out from the school brochure. Thumbs up for the good work. But I will to correct something you said about #Geography not been a marketable course. Pass is a bad grade. Microbial Biotechnology 1 10 Most Marketable Courses In Nigeria 2 1. Agriculture Science Agricultural Science is a broad interdisciplinary field of agriculture and biology. A #Geographer should be, and usually is a broad-minded person who is knowledgeable about the complexities of societies, economy and environments, has a critical inquiring mind,versatile and trainable person, skilled in compilation and use of Maps and statistics. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But never say never. For some, the course was given without much of a choice. 3. In addition these courses are also asked for in other major industries. Geology:It is also a course that places you in good position to penetrate the much-sought-after oil industry.3. 2, Economics Some of which are Just completed my ND program in PUBLIC ADMIN, wanted to further my education in the same course, my uncle suggest that I should rather change it because its RAMPANT, he chooses geography for me, please whats your opinion? ican is too xpensive right now. I specialise in helping organisations create sustaining value by aligning strategic objectives to frontline digital, product and adoption executions, which impact the bottom line.<br><br>I am an industry leader in Digital and learning adoption, project management and value engineering with several years of experience in developing and executing client tech-enabled talent development programs . For others, it was a secondary school favourite and thus, seemed the best option. You can go for either. please I really need assistance, I put in for Business education in Uniben because of many reason, and I have been admitted, but people are saying, its only teaching job that I can get with the certificate! In addition these courses are also asked for in other major industries.6. or LASU, which is better? They dont care about your course once you make a 2.1 and below 25/26 years. Chemical, if youre sure of making good grade (2.1 minimum). Economics/Accounting/Finance: The good thing about Economics is that it fits into many roles. Below is a list of the 25 top marketable courses in Kenya that students can pursue. pls between computer science and education thats Bsc(ed) and computer science (bsc) which is more prefferabl? Even from school, architecture students make money drawing plans for people. I want to study estate management but my sister told me they are jobless ,am really confuse should I go for it or just go for biochemistry instead ?? Find out the career opportunities available upon graduation that will help you make something good out of the degree. 5, M.Sc. (Any other advice will be welcome) The best Nigerian universities in Nigeria where you can study this course are the University of Lagos, the University of Port Harcourt, and the University of Calabar. Thnks n great work. In the Arts, German, French, Dramatic Arts, Linguistics are not so competitive. industrial chemistry Computer Science/Computer Engineering/IT courses: IT professionals are in hot demand the world over. If yes what r d job oppurtunities opened to it?you can email me. Pls I plan to study geography in unilag next yr, cos I had d7 in further maths. The flexibility of the course and the fact that it is not really energy consuming makes it the best fit. is it possible to divert to medicine or sci. because i dont want to come out with a poor result. Please Sir, I have a Bsc in Anatomy 4.07/5, thats 2.1, Im thinking of going back for medicine but in case I cant, how can I get a job Im 23 and serving already. Am a zoology graduate, i intend going for institute of education in pgd level, since der r no zoology courses for pgd student. I stopped at J.S.S 3 but want to study mechanical engineering in high institution. Industrial Relations & Personnel Management, Mass Communications, Business Administration or Economics. tnx for ur good work,pls am a B.Tech graduate with a 2.2 in geophysics, I love to pursue a second degree in pharmacy,is it advisable? Please, I would appreciate your guide on a few things: I have a in Mathematics but with an intense passion for the Finance/Accounting/Auditing/Consulting world; I intend enrolling for an Msc and would like your advice on which course to go for in the Finance field. Good Day Sir, 2) bsc nurses(those with bachelors degree and university qualifications These obviously are qualities that are in great demand in all careers concerned. All Rights Reserved. But if you ant get that too, just continue with Pol Science and make sure you make at least 2.1. chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering, which one is more preferred and paid? Please enlighten me. idid not do biology on the utme exam, I did math chem, eng and phyics. Mass Communication/Journalism: Mass Communication will remain a marketable because not many Universities do it, but many institutions need it. But Anatomy and Biomedical Engineering are good alternatives if you fear you may not be able to cope. Top 10 Most Marketable Courses in Nigeria 2022/2023 Here are the most marketable courses in Nigeria: Top 10 Best Courses in Nigeria in 2022/2023 Id love to know more bout the work demand of a statistician in the labour market and the likely place to work apart from banking sector and teaching. Having said that, a little [], please am hoping to get in uniuyo..And am good in science i dnt knw whether to go for civil engr or petroleum engr, Mr jarus, pls I need your advice. 2, Accounting For further information, please contact Mr larry logan via +2347034238535 or via email Could you please help to identity the best university in Nigeria for the course? pls wot professional exam can i do after my Bsc prog. and will love to know if i can do my post graduates degree in architecture(not really interested in architecture bt it seems to have a better job prospects). have bin adviced to stay and finish political science.. BT am not interested in politics wat advice can u give.. wat can I do with political science? 7. Note: The first ten are the best courses to study in Nigerian universities based on the top ten most employable courses in Nigeria provided by Stutern. Thanks for a job well done, God bless you. 1. PLEASE NOTE: It is important you determine the cut-off mark of your institution of choice and other institutions as this will enable you make the pls sir i applied for Dentistry in UNIBEN but would like to change to UI, please is there any how i can do the change now or maybe after my first year in UNIBEN then i will change to UI or is possible for me to change it now? 10 best marketable courses to study in Ghana 2023. hello sir, am confused on which course to go for in nigeria between pharmacy and biochemistry (masters in biochemistry engineering, abroad) and am a girl of 20yrs, please ur advice is needed. 1. I need your advice, should I go for Masters or do professional courses or what do you think? Choose anyone you like. Law 3. I Dont want to play politics now. ican is too xpensive right. The pay may not be as heavy as the Chemical engineering guy in the IOC, but you are guaranteed of better-than-average income as a doctor. Mechanical, Electrical & other related Engineering courses: Engineering courses generally sell in the oil and gas industry. But when you study a course like Biology, you get asked questions like So what are you going to do when you graduate? Pls should I go further? sir, i have Bsc in maths/Statistics in my first degree.sequel to the top ten marketable courses, which do you advice me to do,if am to start a second degree. ADMISSION INTO OUR SCHOOL FOR THE 2019/2020 ACADEMIC SESSION IS ONGOING AND IN PROGRESS NOW.CONTACT THE SCHOOL ADMISSION OFFICE The. Medicine: Medicine may not earn you N500k per month at entry level, but it is the course that guarantees you job the most. The best universities in Nigeria where you can study this course are the University of Lagos, the University of Port Harcourt, and the University of Calabar. U can also email me. Optometry. Diploma in Business Management Diploma in business management has stood out among the most marketable diploma courses in Nigeria 2018. Every student/ graduate should know how to do something with his/her hands sowing, plaiting, writing, painting, designing, farming, etc. but if you are refering to bsc nurses then i disagree with you a bsc nurse at entry level are placed at level 9 next to doctors and for there pay package currently now ranges from 150-300k depending on the hospitals and locations mind you as there years of experince increase so as there pay package increass i know some nurses thay recieve higher pay than some doctors arround 450k monthly and for you to say a graduate doc recieve less than 500k monthly you most be dreaming some doctors at some federal hospitals recieve 400-500k monthly and it may increase to 800k as they go higher pls I need answers cus it is very important, I wanted to study law in kogi state university but d cutoff mark was 55and I scored 53.6 due to mass failure but am advised to choose another course which one should I choose DAT will be among d marketable jobs in Nigeria.pls I need reply fast thank u, Pls sir, Im a graduate of Microbiology from OAU with third class. With special IT skills, your chance is even brighter. Civil engineering is not that needed in the oil and gas industry, at least as much as chemical, peroleum and mechanical engineering, sir, i would like you to please enlighten me on the basis, job opportunities and pay on the course surveying and geoinformatics as a field of study. Mass Communication is a marketable course in Nigeria reason been that not many Universities offer the course, but it is needed by many organizations. my friend advised business administration as a better option but I am thinking sociology or social works. ABU or should I go 4 medicine and surgery. Im studying chemical engineering right now but Im thinking of changing to computer science. Now am thinking of writing jamb again at first have always wanted to study chemical engineering but now am contemplating between chemical engineering and computer science and again pls is it advisable for me to write jamb next year cos I will be 21 next year or I should just go on with metallurgical and material science engineering thanks. Please i need your advice urgently, between Bsc geology, information & communication science, physics. Sir I am very good Im mathematics and computer science but my father insisted that I should study medicine and surgeryso I registered for jamb and I wrote eng,biology,chem,physics, without writing maths..then I scored 227with this score can I get admission into unn for medisurg or can I change to mathematics/computer science with those subjectsplease I need. 1. The link below This is to inform the kudos to you. Masters will not help much, if job seeking is still your aim. Also think dat MLS is also a marketable course? Pls,am about to go in for office technology and management in ND programme,for my HND in another school,which other course can I switch to that is line with office technology nd management that will be profitable in terms of job. What makes people tag most courses useless? If possible, change to Pharmacy. Estate management. mr jayrus,am a student studing fine and applied art,pls wat are my chances of getting a good job after school? Why Medicine? I apply for chemical and civil at two different university and thank GOD they both gave me admission to study what I bid for. Mass communication is one of the most marketable courses in Nigeria providing several skills and opportunities to the its graduates in the media house and also allowing you to set up a private practice, as a mass communication graduate you can either choose to work in a media house as a journalist, news broadcaster, copy editor or be self-employed. The course is not marketable in a country like Nigeria, where wildlife is not appreciated. School Department of Education - School Best Educational Department Portal in degree deep learning; Examination and Academic Guide, High Paying Jobs & Scholarship Website. Medicine is number 1 on our list.Most importantly, I share the opinion of this gentleman that it is you, and hardly your course of study, that matters in marketing yourself. [], [] Here we go:10. M.Sc. #Jarus!! 3, Biochemistry. Comment moderation is enabled. The most profitable courses in Nigeria are courses that graduates can easily utilize your acquired knowledge and make the most out of it. What makes people tag most courses useless? 2, Public Admin Nursing 5. Even from school, Architecture students make money drawing plans for people. The pay may not be as heavy as the Chemical engineering guy in the IOC, but you are guaranteed of better-than-average income as a doctor. Economics is not a professional course unlike Accountancy.