spartanburg school district 1 job openings

"AppAccordion": function() { $("").prepend('' + } }, 500); Our mission is to provide a quality, student-centered education. case "480": External Applicants Start an application for employment Use passcodes sent to me Log in } var mapURL = encodeURIComponent("610 Dupre Drive Spartanburg SC 29307"); $(this).attr("aria-expanded", "false").parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); // USE CHANNEL NAME FOR PAGELIST NAV HEADER IF ONE IS NOT PRESENT } You have an incomplete application for $("#sw-content-container1.ui-hp .ui-articles > li").focusin(function() { else { To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. color: #fff; if(true) { Any questions regarding the accreditation of schools or the certification and other qualifications of teachers and paraprofessionals should be directed to Mr. Rodney Goode, Director of Personnel and Pupil Services, at 864-279-6000 or may be emailed to. '}' + School Bus Driver Job in Campobello, SC - Spartanburg School District 1 } Join the D6 Family - Employment - Spartanburg County School District 6 i['GoogleAnalyticsObject'] = r; i[r] = i[r] || function () { this.ModEvents(); }, Teacher - Second Grade. $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']","first"); setTimeout(function() { 610 Dupre Drive Spartanburg, South Carolina, Spartanburg School District Seven does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, disability, spousal affiliation, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, pregnancy, service to the armed forces, or status with regard to admission to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities as required by Title II of ADA, Title VI, Title IX and Section 504, or any other protected characteristic, as may be required by law. "imageWidth" : 930, var slideshowColor = this.HexToRgb("#ecf1f9"); After your information is complete, you will receive a confirmation number, and your information will be saved allowing you to return at any time to submit additional applications. "class": "twitter", $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='hidden'] a","tabindex", "-1"); viewWidth = parseInt(viewWidth); $(".ui-articles > li:first-child .ui-article", this).children().not($(".ui-article-thumb")).wrapAll('
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' + "linkedElement" : ["image"], Easy 1-Click Apply (SPARTANBURG SCHOOL DISTRICT 1) Teacher Assistant for Special Services PCD Inman Elementary 2023-2024 job in Campobello, SC. // ANIMATE TO FIRST CHILD var siteNameTwo = $.trim(""); ["Chinese Simplified", "", "zh-CN"], Requirement: Food service and management experience. $.trim(photo.caption) : $.trim(photo.photoname)) + '">' + $("","animating"); var splitLen = 2; if($(".rs-gallery-videos").length) { }, Chartwells School Dining Services K12 hiring FOOD UNIT LEAD - LinkedIn Salary Guide for Teachers 2022-2023. Company reviews. You may save and return to your application at any time to fully complete it or upload documents. Our Schools . // LAST CHILD IS VISIBLE // CONSUME TAB KEY 'background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 0) 0%, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 1) 85%, rgba(' + headlineFade2 + ', 1) 100%);' + Copyright 2023 Spartanburg County School District One. Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search, Special Education Teacher Self- Contained Sugar Ridge Elementary FY 2023-2024, Head Boys Basketball Coach Chesnee High School FY 2023-2024, ESOL Teacher Shoally Creek Elementary School FY 2023-2024, JV Assistant Boys Basketball Coach Chesnee High School FY2023-2024, Behavior Support Technician Sugar Ridge Elementary, ESOL Teacher Chesnee Middle School FY 2023-2024, Orchestra Teacher Boiling Springs Middle School FY 2023-2024, Early Childhood Teacher Hendrix Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Elementary Teacher Shoally Creek Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Head Girls Varsity Basketball Coach Boiling Springs High School, Special Education Resource Teacher Shoally Creek Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Part- Time 2nd Shift Custodian Chesnee High School, English Teacher Boiling Springs High School FY 2023-2024, Early Childhood Teacher Oakland Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Special Education Teacher Assistant Boiling Springs High School, Physical Education Teacher Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary School FY 2023-2024, FY 2022-2023 Special Education Teacher Assistant Sugar Ridge Elementary School, Early Childhood Teacher Sugar Ridge Elementary FY 2023-2024, Science Teacher Boiling Springs High School FY 2023-2024, Self- Contained ID Moderate Teacher Assistant Shoally Creek Elementary School FY 2022-2023, Early Childhood Teacher Shoally Creek Elementary FY 2023-2024, Assistant Principal Hendrix Elementary School-FY 2023-2024, Long Term Science Substitute Chesnee Middle School, After School Counselor Shoally Creek Elementary, FY 2022-2023 Special Education Teacher Assistant Boiling Springs Middle School, Secretary/Receptionist - Hendrix Elementary School 23-24 FY, Secretary/Receptionist - Sugar Ridge Elementary School 23-24 FY, After School Counselor Oakland Elementary School, Self-Contained Special Education Teacher FY 2023-2024, Long -Term Special Education Elementary Substitute Boiling Springs Elementary, Physical Education Teacher Sugar Ridge Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Assistant Football Coach Chesnee High School, After School Music Teacher Hendrix Elementary, Principal: Shoally Creek Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Assistant Principal Sugar Ridge Elementary School-FY 2023-2024, Art Teacher Sugar Ridge Elementary FY 2022-2023, Elementary Teacher Sugar Ridge Elementary FY 2023-2024, Long -Term Elementary Substitute Sugar Ridge Elementary, Part-Time Speech Therapist-Hendrix Elementary School, Special Education Teacher Assistant Sugar Ridge Elementary, Special Education Resource Teacher FY 2023-2024, School Librarian- Carlisle- Foster's Grove Elementary FY 2023-2024, Elementary Teacher Boiling Springs Elementary School FY 2023-2024, Computer Lab Assistant Cooley Springs-Fingerville Elementary School, PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s). '[data-headline-text-fade="true"] .ui-articles > li:not(:first-child):after {' + 'background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 1) 0%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 0) 13%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 0) 85%, rgba(' + slideshowColor + ', 1) 100%),' + Location: Spartanburg School District 1 - 7092B Howard Street, Spartanburg, SC 29303 Note: online applications accepted only. $(document).on("click keydown", "#hp-submit-photos-inner > a", function(e) { $(this).val("I'm Searching for"); $(".rs-gallery-container", this).prepend($(".rs-gallery-control.back", this)); "showTranslate" : "yes", Copyright2005-document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) -PowerSchool Group LLC and/or its affiliate(s), 100 N. Danzler RoadP.O. "contactEmail" : "", "url": "#", "usePageListNavigation" : "yes", $(window).load(function(){ _this.WindowLoad(); }); return (h.charAt(0)=="#") ? } }, _this.animationDelay); if($("#pw-body").length) this.IsMyViewPage = true; Spartanburg County Government Spartanburg, SC 29301 $11.50 an hour Full-time+1 Monday to Friday+1 Requirements Work Authorization ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF DINING SERVICES, K12 SCHOOLS Chartwells K122.9 Spartanburg, SC 29303 Full-time 1 to 3 years of food service management experience. ]; Follow CareHealthJobs to discover more than 181 in this field. var b = parseInt((this.CutHex(h)).substring(4,6),16); "icons" : [ "allImagesLoaded" : function() { }, $.each(socialIcons, function(index, icon) { dynStyleSheet.styleSheet.cssText = dynStyles; Operations. District 4. $("+ " + dropdown + " " + dropdownList + " a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); if(!$("","animating")) { $("+ .more-link-under", this).remove(); Welcome To begin a new application, choose a job from the available listings below. // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON "show": true, $("#hp-modal-close").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); } $(document).on("click keydown", "#hp-modal-close", function(e) { var showLogo = true; subList.slideDown(300, "swing"); var breakpointIndex = _this.breakpoints.indexOf(template.GetBreakPoint()); Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), Within the drop down box, select Job Openings. $("#rs-gallery-videos-" + elemID + " .video iframe").css({"width": vidWidth, "height": vidHeight}); } // APPLY RESPONSIVE DIMENSIONS TO CONTENT IMAGES "label": "Twitter", var teaserText = $.trim($(".ui-article-description", this).text()); "class": "youtube", var headlineURL = $("h1 a", this).attr("href"); "url": "", var linkWrapStart = ($.trim( != "") ? $(".ui-articles","left", (Number($(".ui-articles","left").replace("px", "")) - slideWidth).toFixed(5) + "px"); Vacancies. 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Humphries, Jr. Administration Building, 610 Dupre Drive, Spartanburg, South Carolina 29302, 864.594.4400. div.region { (function (i, s, o, g, r, a, m) { "show": true, $(".ui-articles > li:nth-child(n+" + (slideMax + 1) + ")",{"aria-hidden": "true", "data-visibility": "hidden"}); "allThumbnailsLoaded" : function() { }, } $(".ui-articles > li[data-visibility='visible']","li").attr({"aria-hidden": "false", "data-visibility": "visible"}); if($.trim("") != "") { e.preventDefault(); if($(".ui-articles > li:first-child","aria-hidden") == "false") { }); // RESET VIDEO DIMENSIONS }, // GOOGLE MAP CLICK // SOCIAL ICONS "customResize" : "yes", "dropdownSelector": ".cs-selector", $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); {