This name was chosen because the members of the Cabal prefer to call themselves the Illuminati, which means the illuminated ones. According to the Earth Alliance, however, this group is not illuminated at all and has in fact been responsible for casting the denizens of our planet into a dark pit of disease, war, political disenfranchisement, civic unawareness, and wage slavery. Watch. The first outcome of the program, Pathfinder, has set a record for an altitude of solar-empowered airplanes in 1995 by flying at 50,000 feet for 12 hours. A made-in-Germany solar aircraft, Solair 1 utilized 2,499 solar cells with a capacity that ranges between 2.4hp and 3.0hp. . However, solar powered airplanes have a very long way to go before they can act as a complete alternative for fossil fuels.
Secret Space Programs : Solar Warden & Radiant Guardian When the secret space force Solar Warden (See US Space Force ), [7] was revealed to the World c. 2002, [8] USSPACECOM was immediately absorbed into the United States Strategic Command [9] and Solar Warden was given a new code name. Why Nikola Teslas dream of free energy was never fulfilled? It is still unclear when we should expect to see the new prototype. This practice of seeding hidden truths into mass media productions is called predictive programming, and it is also apparently used by the Cabal to hijack our co-creative consciousness to bring about deleterious situations. Ensure the contractual compliance with all commercial agreements as well as . He said that he had seen real photographs of UFOs in computer files at the Johnson Space Center Building. Howandwhys brings you the most extraordinary stories that happen in the universe. According to conspiracy theorists, Solar Warden is an ultra-secret project that maintains a fleet (or several fleets) of spaceships that are operating within our solar system. As we know that a secret space program was created for United Nations members states in the early 1990s that had agreed to cooperate for an alien invasion. Asset Manager of: - Massif du Sud Wind Project (150MW) - Romney Wind Project (60 MW) - Pendleton Solar Project (12 MW) - Barlow Solar Project (10 MW) Owner's representative of each wind and solar project. But, If it is found out to be real then it would change the views on space exploration along with space travel. According to secret space program insiders, American and Russian assets worked together throughout the entirety of the Cold War despite the narrative that was sold to the masses, and the superpowers of the world continue to collaborate on secret space program agenda items with no concern given to the theatrics regularly employed to keep the people of the world entertained and distracted. It was cracking more than hacking. In fact, all US Space Command centers were absorbed, as if hidden from public view. As for performance specifications, Solar Impulse 2 was considered a significant leap forward for solar powered airplanes. Though the existence of the SR-71 Blackbird is well-known, insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche claims that Lockheed has developed secret planes all the way up to SR-75. placement: 'Right Rail Thumbnails', He completed a 17-year tour of duty on Mars before he was reassigned to the Moon for his remaining three years of service.
SKY WARDEN L3Harris - SKY WARDEN In 2015, the British Interplanetary Society (BIS) held a distinctly odd meeting. If Solar Warden is real, the US military has the technology several generations ahead. The SSP Alliance represents the top of the totem pole in the secret space program hierarchy. In the book,Donna Hare(who was a NASA launch photographic specialist) said that in building 8 of Johnson Space Centre there was a lab set aside, especially for airbrushing out UFOs from high-res sat imagery. This thing had no rivets or seams and looked futuristic, though of course, with the low res and number of shades in the image detail was lacking. They worked alongside the Vader Alliance and are speculated to fight alongside them in their affairs in other systems. I found a list of officers in the Non-Terrestrial Officers section. They are 6th density. The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for. He intended to find top-secret files regarding free energy but stumbled upon something bigger. The Earth Alliance has been working in the shadows to undo the Cabals efforts to plunge humanity into an eternal darkness of massive depopulation and open technocratic rule. They have a R&D/Scientific focused fleet and a Military Offensive/Defensive focused fleet that is mainly focused on policing the Solar System and surrounding Star Clusters and keeping track of "Intruders" and Visitors" as well as locate and remove unauthorized . Secret space program insiders speculate that cultural depictions of the Devil and demons originate from unconscious or lore-based knowledge of the Draco, and the insider community believes that the Draco subsist on something called loosh.[5]. I had a specific intention and, like any good sysadmin (which i was at the time) I wanted a simple process that would catch basic weaknesses, sometimes network-wide, with a simple script and a little creativity. They were mostly MILAB Program Members. They have flexible beaks. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.
Solar Powered Airplanes: the history and future of solar flights Enduring, modern and ready now - the austere, multi-mission solution for ISR Strike. Leave a comment telling us what you think about this idea. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. This society is composed of multiple groups that have branched off from the natural development of human life on Earth, and the lead group, known as the Anshar, claim to have traveled back in time from our future in order to maintain an ideal timeline. A secret space program was revealed to the worldwide public following allegations against Gary McKinnon for hacking into US defense programs in 2002. Solar Warden is a secret space program run by the U.S. Space Force. What Is Subliminal Priming And How Does It Interact With Precognition. These Mars bases are staffed by slaves who were taken from Earth in the 1970s and 1980s, and many of these slaves have now had children who are doomed to a life of abject servitude. "I can't really face small, irregularly or asymmetrically placed holes, they make me like, throw up in my mouth, cry a little bi A lefty or left-handed uses his left hand more naturally and dominantly than the right hand. Loosh is a spiritual energy that is released by humanoid life forms that experience negative emotions or physical pain.
Cosmic Disclosure: founders of Solar Warden with William Tompkins Blue Avians are 8-foot-tall, avian humanoids covered with indigo-blue and violet feathers, varying on an individual basis. Even the most elevated members of the MIC SSP have no idea what is truly going on in the cosmos. In an interview with the BBC, he said he had been motivated by The Disclosure Project because they are some very credible, relied-upon people, all saying yes, there is UFO technology, theres anti-gravity, theres free energy, and its extraterrestrial in origin and theyve captured spacecraft and reverse engineered them.. Along with them, there could be several independent groups in this category which can be part of this mission too. WASHINGTON U.S. Special Operations Command on Monday announced it has selected the AT-802U Sky Warden, made by L3Harris Technologies and Air Tractor, for its Armed Overwatch program. That being said, solar aircraft in its current and predicted future forms, can still be useful in fields like atmospheric research and communications. To spell it out, he was confirming that SOLAR WARDEN was an alternative fleet consisting of aircraft carrier-sized vessels - but not the kind that floated on water.
Solar Warden Ship by calamitySi on DeviantArt - Pinterest File's Files 34 - 2019 Solar Warden Space Craft On multiple nights in the summer of 1952, dozens of UFOs circled over the Capitol Building in Washington, DC. He even took a screenshot of one of the cigar-shaped UFOs in-between space and the earths atmosphere.
US NAVY SPACE FORCE SOLAR WARDEN DESIGNER: WHO IS William Tompkins Each had its own territory. The Sky Warden team has been selected for U.S. Special Operations Command's Armed Overwatch program.
TR-3B Secret Plane | Top-Secret US Air Force Black Triangle Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. Some say that he was able to do so because he had amassed sensitive information that he used as leverage. This group desperately wants humanity to gain access to information and technologies that have been hidden by the Cabal, and many within the SSP Alliance are actively preparing mankind to ride the wave of enhanced consciousness that these societal changes will bring. However, the usage of solar flights is not a too-recent trend in aviation. Solar Warden - Established early and is the most aging fleet (though it has gone through many upgrades over the decades). This is a primary thing about this GGLN space program.
Solar Warden: the Secret Space Program It will also travel to other star systems for offensive missions. When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of "non-terrestrial officers" and "fleet-to-fleet transfers" and a secret program called "Solar Warden", he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed "the biggest military computer hack of all time . The Nazis, however, had other plans in motion for achieving a permanent presence among the stars. Solar Impulse 2 featured many advanced technologies and specifications that were not in its predecessors like an autopilot system and an oxygen mask, enabling the airplane to fly at an altitude that can reach up to 12,000 feet. Whether these programs are myth or reality is hard to tell. The AT-802U Sky Warden, produced by L3Harris Technologies LHX -0.5% and agricultural aircraft maker Air Tractor, beat out better-known airplanes from Textron Aviation and Sierra Nevada to meet . McKinnon said that he had found evidence of the following: 1. Gary McKinnon Sure enough, Solar Impulses circumnavigation has broken 19 records, including the Longest Solo Flight in an Airplane which was set by the aircrafts flight from Japan to Hawaii, piloted by Andr Borschberg. The first intercontinental flight for Solar Impulse 1 took place on June 2012 when the solar powered airplane flew from Madrid, Spain to Rabat, Morocco in a 19-hour flight. New York Times bestselling author Ian Douglas delivers the action-packed second military sci-fi adventure in his Solar Warden series set in a wildly imaginative alternate present where conspiracy theories are terrifying realities and reptilian aliens team up with Nazis in space. This organization is known as the Secret Space Program Alliance (SSP Alliance), and it is comprised of a variety of constituent members such as Solar Warden, the ICC, and the Global Galactic League of Nations. According to him, The Solar Warden Space Fleet had/has been operating by the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC).
Secret space program | The Conspiracy Wiki | Fandom Materials engineer Jobs in Warden, South East England, England Id been caught and disconnected, missing my chance to grab even a single image., Once, the sixth man to walk on the Lunar surface named Edgar Mitchell said, I suspect that in the last 60 years or so, there has been some back-engineering and the creation of this type of equipment, which is not nearly as sophisticated yet as what the apparent visitors have..
US Special Operations Command chooses L3Harris' Sky Warden for Armed This was my Eureka moment, Donna Hares lab was still in existence!
Solar WardenThe Ultra Secret Space Program Designed Using Alien Technology The Global Galactic League of Nations is basically NATO type secret space program. It monitors a specific geographic area and preserves our solar system. I found building 8 by reading the comment sections of the PCs via the command console, these fields are used for auditing and luckily NASA filled them all in, so i knew which PCs were in building 8. mode: 'thumbnails-m', With the aim of developing low-cost unmanned electric airplanes to take out science missions like communication support and atmospheric studies at altitudes of more than 60,000 feet, ERAST produced several solar-empowered aircraft. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and. I was absolutely gobsmacked and those folders had thousands more images. (Source.
AT-802U Sky Warden: a light attack aircraft based on "Mule" The first trip of the first prototype of Solair took place on 21 August 1983, and it lasted for 5 hours and 40 minutes. In 1998, Pathfinder Plus broke the record of its predecessor by achieving an altitude of 80,000 feet.
The tool I wrote scanned for local Administrator accounts on Windows PCs that had a password of either : It was written in PERL (actually a compiled .exe so it would run on all NT machines, using PERL2EXE at the time) and scanned a class B in 8 minutes, the low-latency due to me running the scan on an already compromised machine on the same or another gov/mil network. According to the testimony of insiders such as Corey Goode and Tony Rodriguez, other MILAB programs exposed children to the absolute depths of horror. They used to consider the occurrence of SSP. The Solar Warden space program had been initiated about 30 years ago, and has since been operational in Earth's orbit without the general public knowing about it. We'd heard the codename as a rumor in an anonymous Open Minds Forum message that came . The real test for Solar Impulse 1 came around four months later, on April 2010, when Marcus Scherdel piloted it for, In the following months, the prototype succeeded in making the first trip in which it charged its batteries within the flight (May 2010) as well as completing its. QFSWALLETS!! (14.5). A secret military tribunal was established, and over 25,000 sealed indictments have been filed at since October 2017. [6] MILAB is a contraction of military abduction, and this term refers to a number of projects that were supposedly conducted to obtain and train assets, usually children, for the secret space programs. August 1992. Also the United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. The prototype is now displayed in the German Museum in Munich. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under Air Force Space Command. While the members of the Earth Alliance, the Global Galactic League of Nations, and even the Cabal all agree that the secrets of the clandestine space programs, extraterrestrial contact, and suppressed technologies should be disclosed to the people of the world, there is some contention over how this feat should be accomplished. According to the independent testimony of multiple insiders, a treaty was made in the 1950s between malevolent ETs, represented by breakaway Nazis, and the Eisenhower administration. A solar-powered airplane is a plane that is powered by solar panels. In this article we have covered 5 different secret space programs that are supervised by US authorities, lets read here.
10 Supposed Secret Space Programs - Listverse They would then be flown to the Moon where they would participate in training exercises designed to bring out their latent abilities. has launched many lesser-known solar empowered aviation ventures and projects as a part of its Environmental Research Aircraft and Sensor Technology program (ERAST). While the Dark Fleet apparently has a sizeable presence here in the Sol System, their main forces are deployed in distant regions of the galaxy, where they join other captured races in the perennial task of expanding the slave empire of beings that many on our world would consider to be demons. What Is Trypophobia A Disgust More Than Fear, 16 Interesting Facts About Ambidextrous People, 20 Interesting Facts About Meteoroid, Meteor and Meteorite, 10 Facts About Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response & Triggers That Cause It. Most members believe that an upcoming electromagnetic shift in solar dynamics will actuate a quantum leap in human awareness. Mining Pools: Why They Are So Popular In 2023, 1.2 Million Years Ago Unknown Human Species Manufactured Obsidian Axe In Mass, Project Stargate: CIA Top Secret Program To Track UFOs & Explore Mars, Former CIA Director Believes In UFOs & His Friends Aircraft Stopped At 40,000 Feet In The Air, Aliens From Andromeda Told US Army Personnel That Humans Are Composite of 22 different E.T.
These Are the 5 Planes Vying to Be AFSOC's New Armed Overwatch Aircraft Simulation Hypothesis: Are We Living in an Artificially Simulated World? Some say they're defending us against alien threats. UFO attacks. In 2016, the program announced its plans to develop a third Solar Impulse airplane that would be able to accomplish some of the tasks usually done by satellites. Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. Taking this into account, some have drawn the conclusion that Rich alluded to advanced technology being secretly developed and it might be responsible for some of the flying disks we see today.
NASA Hacker: 'Solar Warden' Reverse-Engineered Technology From E.T. To Were on the same page but wait, it gets better. Who piloted these craft, who hid the information that Gary McKinnon found, and who put that monolith on Phobos? Carrying several thousand people, it had several departments, botanical, tactical, inner lakes and different ecosystems, with several alien races from different worlds. Developed in the 1960s and 1970s and deployed in 1980, Solar Warden is one of earliest secret space programs.
Some Disclosure on Solar Warden Solar Warden (3 book series) Kindle Edition - Dark Fleet. It was a mandatory aspect of this program. TR3B-type UFOs are of special interest to members of the online UFO community because it is widely believed that TR3B-type alien UFOs recovered from UFO crash sites on Earth inspired the design of advanced USAF stealth reconnaissance aircraft and Pentagon "black project" crafts of the TR-3 series, including the TR-3A Black Manta, and the TR-3B Aurora and Astra, otherwise known in UFO . Like other secret space program assets, Cramer alleges that he was involved in a so-called 20-and-back, which is a 20-year term of service that each participant agrees to with a litany of consent forms. Interestingly, the US navy ships have only two letters S but he saw three S. Cramer reportedly defended these bases from indigenous Martians and other extraterrestrial species. Email is required and look like an e-mail address. Daily updates on UFO sightings, ghost encounters, conspiracies, mysterious phenomena and everything crazy and weird. At a lecture held in 1993 at the UCLA alumni center, Ben Rich, the former CEO of Lockheed Martin Skunk Works held a speech about the advancements in space engineering during the previous 40 years. Two years later, Pathfinder broke its own record by flying at 71,530 feet. We'll see if that actually pans out. This particular space program is mainly focused on evolution and acquisition of technology.
Filer's Files 13 -2019 Solar Warden Secret Space Program What Is A Solar Powered Airplane? - Science ABC It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA. Solar Warden was developed as a form of interplanetary border control to stop malevolent aliens from stealing more humans than they were allotted. It includes illustrations of aircraft and spacecraft designs as well as the. These witnesses to the secret space programs claim that Lockheed, Northrop Grumman, and various non-aerospace corporations all joined together to form an organization called the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC). According to secret space program insider Corey Goode, the ICC does trade from their bases on Mars with over 900 extraterrestrial species. But if it had happened, then McKinnon could have used his legal rights to appear in court. We have no answers, but his biographer wrote about his contact with extraterrestrials. The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) is a combination of corporations (the corporations that have come together, build their resources, and created a vast infrastructure in our solar system) from all over the world that enrich aerospace technologies. to do a solar flight, it is not the first solar powered airplane to fly in history. (14.3). However, the usage of solar flights is not a too-recent trend in aviation.