root canals and breast cancer: the connection is clear

Your teeth are living organisms that are connected to the rest of your body through the acupuncture meridian system.. This highly invasive procedure involves drilling into a decaying tooth to remove the infected pulp, and then using a file of sorts to reach into the canal of the tooth to remove the remaining pulp. She told me that as an actress, even a retired actress, she needed to keep those teeth in her mouth. Looking for an Alternative Cancer Doctor? (2). The film includes commentary by several alternative medicine physicians who have taken controversial stances on various health topics ranging from vaccines to Ebola treatments. The belief that root canals are linked to breast cancer or other forms of cancer dates back to the early 1900s and stems from something known as the focal infection theory, according to the AAE. The connection between your mouth and the rest of your body just makes sense if you look at your teeth as an integral part of your overall body system. Unfortunately, an increasing amount of research is showing that getting a root canal can lead to bacterial overload and may increase your chances of developing breast cancer. Bottom line, if you are being proactive with breast cancer prevention and are on a healing journey, you MUST address your dental health, cience confirms the root canal cancer connection, How the teeth are directly connected to the health of your body, Infected teeth threaten your whole body with poor health, Pain Relief | Pain Management Therapy | Bellevue, WA, Connective Tissue Massage (CTM) / Bindegeweb Massage, Neuromuscular Therapy (NMT) St. John Style. But its also true that a lot of people have had root canals. This film follows the life of a young man after he undergoes extensive dental work, including a root canal. As such, a tooth that is diseased or dying should just be pulled, says Henderson, comparing it to trying to save an infected gallbladder or appendix by filling it with toxic chemicals as dentists do with your teeth during a root canal. Essentially, having a root canal done could lead to never-ending river of bacteria flowing into your bloodstream. (1). If you use electromedicine to kill the microbes inside the root canals, you may release mercury from the dental amalgam, which may make matters worse because mercury damages the brain and the immune system. Unfortunately, an increasing amount of research is showing that getting a root canal can lead to bacterial overload and may increase your chances of developing breast cancer. A root canal is performed when the soft inner part of a tooth, known as the pulp, is injured or becomes inflamed or infected. Choosing not to amputate left only two options: have the root canals redone or start injecting ozone. by DailyHealthPost EditorialApril 22, 2016. (1). Here is part of an article I read: "Dr. Thomas Rau, who runs the Paracelsus Clinic (cancer clinic since 1958) in Switzerland recently checked the records of the last 150 breast cancer patients treated in his clinic. When a cancer patient gets cancer AFTER they have gone into remission, it is called regression.. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Dr. Robert Jones, looked directly at the relationship between root canals and breast cancer. By the 28th day, we saw the levels go back up again. All rights reserved by the author. In a five-year study of 300 breast cancer cases, he found that 93% of the women with breast cancer had root canals, 7% had other oral pathology, . The result of the constant presence of bacteria in the root canal area can be a severe suppression your of immune system. The availability of any content on Vimeo On Demand should not be viewed as endorsement of any statement therein, spokesman Jordan Smith said in an email. According to The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, the Weston Prices work and other similar studies have all been suppressed by the ADA and the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) (9). An Aug. 1 post on Instagram suggests root canals are linked to breast cancer. In addition, a grandchild came into her world who made a difference in her life. These microbes, and other toxinsA poison made by certain bacteria, plants, or animals, including insects. As Chinese Medicine claims, the body, including your organs, are all interconnected through meridians . The root canal(s) apparently allow the cancer to win the battle. Dendritic cells: The awakening of your immune system, Conners Clinic focuses on personalized touch, Integrative complements conventional medicine, The Maverick M.D. a literary tour de force of, Benefits of juicing during cancer treatment, Expecting an effective treatment? Sound silly, right? Perhaps none are better known than Dr. Joseph Mercola, an author who runs a popular alternative health website that has decried Cheerios, fluoride, vaccines and, of course, root canals. Since each tooth has over 3 miles of tubulestiny fluid-filled holes in its dentin layerit is inevitable that the remaining tooth will eventually become a receptacle for deadly bacteria such as E. Faecalis, which is what is responsible for abscesses (pus-filled cavities) that ultimately spread to the rest of your body. The last resort was to inject ozone around the infected and dead root-canal teeth in order to sterilize the infected areas and give her immune system a break. However, I talk with women all over the globe every week about breast cancer - as I coach them on my program which involves the '7 essentials' of breast cancer prevention and treatment. Dr. Meinig was an endodontist for 50 years. The image reads, 97% of our breast cancer patients had a root canal, citing Dr. Thomas Rau of the Swiss Biological Medicine Centre. As such, an infected tooth, for instance, can then affect the organs connected to it through the associated meridians. With new shows appearing weekly, some will naturally fly under the radar. Is there a link to breast cancer and root canals? Root canals are a major cause of the immune system being suppressed and they are a major cause of cancer: Dr. Categories . Internet search engines may be the best way to find a local holistic or biological dentist. In a best case scenario, with a strong, healthy individual, the constant influx of harmful bacteria can adversely affect your immune system, leaving you run down and at risk for illness. Its true that a lot of people who die of cancer have had a root canal. We dont often think of the health of our teeth as a reflection on our general health but some researchers now claim your teeth are not only living organisms connected to the rest of your body, but that they are actually part of the acupuncture meridian systeman energy highway that runs through your entire body. What Dr. Rau proved was that a bacteria-type microbe caused breast cancer. The Root Canal-Breast Cancer Connection More than 25 million root canals are performed every year in the United States. Despite the opposition, Root Cause remains available on Amazon, Vimeo and iTunes. If a dentist can save the tooth by performing a root canal procedure instead of removing a tooth, it is the most likely recommended treatment. Emotionally and spiritually, she was exhausted. Dr. Price removed a tooth which had had a root canal from a person who was suffering from a disease and then surgically inserted the tooth in a rabbit. You can take those two facts to the bank, folks.. Microbes, when they live in a colony, are actually quite smart, as research has shown. In a letter dated 29 January 2019, the ADA, AAE and AADR wrote that continuing to host the film on their platform could harm the viewing public by spreading misinformation about safe medical treatments like root canals. See Also: Root canal cancer myth Show details It is impossible to cure more than 200 diseases unless all of the root canal teeth are removed properly because even if you killed the microbes of the disease, microbes hiding in the root canals can come out and reinfect the person. . Other treatment options for cancer in the lymph nodes may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, a stem cell transplant, immunotherapy or targeted therapy. Earlier this year, the American Association of Endodontists , American Dental Association and American Association of Dental Research requested Netflix, Amazon, Vimeo and Apples iTunes remove the film from their platforms, citing a potential for public harm. When the symptoms of cancer are gone, the patient is said to be in remission. With Stage IV cancer treatments, it is required that the patient is on a potent alternative cancer treatment for at least a year. Root canals and breast cancer: The connection is clear Along the way, the 72-minute film claims that root canals cause an array of alarming health problems, including cancer, heart disease and chronic illness. His 5-year study involving over 300 women with breast cancer found that 93 percent of them had root canals. Read Also: How Long Chemo For Breast Cancer. The procedure typically costs hundreds of dollars. Root Cause, released earlier this year, chronicles an Australian filmmakers search to find the cause of his chronic fatigue, anxiety and insomnia. They were proven deadly disease agents in 1925 in a study by Dr. Weston Price and 60 prominent researchers. On occasion, these bacteria do overgrow and can escape into the bloodstream to cause infection. Root canals are designed to save teeth that are severely damaged or infected. In fact, they openly state people should seriously consider their dental health with respect to many other types of diseases and suggest that anyone who is having health issues contact the Holistic Dental Association and/or the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine for not only more information but as well to locate a qualified biological dentist in your area. While I dont challenge that traditional Chinese medicine has its benefits, theres no solid proof that this system is real in the way it was presented in the Root Cause movie. Microbes do not originate in the root canals, rather they originate elsewhere in the body (such as where cancer cells form). There is no medical evidence that root canals cause cancer, according to the American Association of Endodontists, American Dental Association and American Association for Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research. But if Netflix thought the documentary Root Cause would go unnoticed by endodontists, they were mistaken. Follow them up and see what percentage of those develop cancer. He looked to every medical, emotional, and spiritual avenue for an answer to his pain and had nearly given up by the time he found it. Help keep Cancer Tutor on the cutting edge of relevant natural treatments and display ad-free. Your donation also helps further the research of the Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc. FIND A HOLISTIC OR BIOLOGICAL DENTIST Many, probably most, dentists and physicians don't understand the . Interestingly, he also found that, in the majority of the cases, the cancer tumors were . Dr. Hal Huggins, a dentist and dental toxin specialist says Dr. He now goes so far as to recommend any cancer patient he treats to first see a biological dentist to examine their teeth and even remove all root canal teeth . Robert Jones, a researcher of the relationship between root canals and breast cancer, found there to be a very high correlation between the two. The streaming service did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Just ask me and Ill respond personally. They are recommending the treatment because they believe it is the best option for the health of your tooth and for your overall physical health. This means that the patient will almost always be on a potent cancer treatment after they go into remission. Viral Alternative News: Root Canals And Breast Cancer: The Connection However, dont fear. However, in my experience, this never happens. Bill Henderson is the author of the book Cure Your Cancer and host of the popular radio show How to Live Cancer-Free. After 25 years as a cancer-prevention advocate speaking with thousands of cancer patients and doctors on and off the air, he says, Two facts have jumped out at me from those many phone calls 1) The most common cause of all cancers is root canal-filled teeth and cavitation sites; and 2) Until a cancer patient gets rid of the root canal-filled teeth and cavitations, they dont get well. You May Like: What Helps With Constipation From Chemo. People are slowly discovering the hidden dangers of root canals as more medical professionals speak out about their dangers. His 5-year study involving over 300 women with breast cancer found that 93 percent of them had root canals. After the pulp is removed, the dentist refills the lost nerve and pulp with a plastic substance to deter bacterial growth.Standard root canals that use manual files for cleaning fail to effectively sterilize the tooth completely. It is silly, and dangerous. The other 3 also had dental problems on the same meridian, but they were not root canals, they were infections in the jawbone. Staying on a Stage IV treatment for a year won't help these people. The two sets of thermograms below illustrate, in both grayscale and color, this connection. Root Canals And Breast Cancer: The Connection Is Clear Infected teeth threaten the health of your whole body. An Aug. 1 post on Instagram suggests root canals are linked to breast cancer. Step 6: Inexpensive (yet potent) cancer treatments, Hope for Cancer: How 7 Principles apply to microbiome, Hope4Cancers integrative approach to treatment, Doctors Hope for Cancer details personal quest, Hope4Cancers individual treatment approach, Dr. Antonio Jimenez offers Hope for Cancer, More is better need not apply to hormone therapy. Chinese Medicine believes that Qi (chi) energy flows through this highway and accesses all the different parts of your body (5). She also went to a chiropractor to assist lymphatic drainage and followed a nutritional protocol to support her immune system. However, the. Read Also: What Happens When Breast Cancer Spreads. Between treatments, she used a mouth rinse with ozonated oils and was on a lymphatic drainage program. A Vimeo spokesman said the company has left Root Cause available on its On Demand service because it is an open platform that allows creators to sell their videos.