list of community based organizations in kenya

Paralegals are therefore development workers and community members who educate people about the law or offer basic legal services." 10. Nairobi is the business and financial centre of Kenya. Societies are registered and regulated by the Registrar of Societies. 11(a)). Box 181 - 00517 Nairobi, Kenya Telephone: +254 20 213 6010 or 213 6011, +254 733 632 460 Email: Website: 2. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. Upon commencement, the PBO Act will repeal the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Act (NGO Act), and create a new legal, regulatory, and institutional framework for non-profit organizations doing public benefit work in Kenya, under a single law. The definition specifically excludes companies; trade unions and their branches; cooperatives; corporations; firms, associations, or partnerships carrying on business for profit; schools; building societies; banks or international organizations of which Kenya is a member. It leads some to drop out , Our boarding schools, the Kakenya Centers for Excellence, currently serve 324 girls in grades 4-12 in a safe environment while providing hol, We provide a healthy residential environment for 150 former street-dwelling children in Kenya to thrive and grow by providing education and , In Maasai Kenya, 80% of girls continue to undergo female genital mutilation at puberty, after which they enter an arranged marriage and drop, This project will ensure that a 100 girls who are bright find it comfortable to finish school and maximize their potential of doing well in , WISER works with girls to transcend poverty, HIV/AIDS, and gender-based violence. [9] The amendment of the Income Tax Act, under the Finance Act 2012, also appears to provide for measures to ensure that the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) can monitor and review the activities of charitable organizations not only to determine whether they should continue to enjoy exemptions, but also to follow up on their compliance with other taxes such as income (PAYE) and withholding tax. Fistula hotlines: 0718 100000, 0737 100800. Peace Direct is a Registered Charity, Number 1123241, More on Conflict prevention and early warning, Environmental conservation through promoting organic agriculture and marketing of organic farm produce to small scale rural farmers, Youth and female empowerment - providing training, credit and financial opportunities. In the past, few would have challenged a powerful developer in this way. Fire Prevention charges? The organization focuses on four programs; To get in contact for donations or know more about them, here are the contacts; Kenya, like many other African countries, is faced with a lot of disasters and people who need that much-needed aid. Civil society organizations including CBOs are seen as effective vehicles to transform peoples' lives and in promotion of sustainable development because they apply integrated, people centered, participatory development approaches through organizing and mobilizing communities into action and exploitation of the rich social capital asset for public good. This is highlighted by the number of companies and organizations headquartered in the city. However, a society cannot function as a political party until it is registered in accordance with the provisions of the Political Parties Act and meets the requirements set out under Article 91 of the Constitution (Political Parties Act 2011 Section 4). Within community-based organizations (CBOs), there are many variations in terms of size and organizational structure. There are various types of not-for-profit organizations (NPOs): Other not-for-profit legal forms, which are outside the scope of this Note due to their limited interaction with U.S. grant makers, include churches, political parties, and trade unions. In the event of a company under liquidation or administration or if a provisional liquidator is appointed in respect of the company, the liquidator, administrator or provisional liquidator must set aside 20 percent of the assets of the company available to satisfy the claims of any floating charge holders (net assets) for the satisfaction of unsecured debts unless the net assets are less than KES 500,000 and the liquidator administrator or provisional liquidator (as applicable) believes that the cost of making a distribution to unsecured creditors would be disproportionate to the benefits (Insolvency Act Section 474). Nairobi: Eastleigh, Kayole, Kawangware, Mimosa. HIAS Kenya continues to monitor and adapt programs in response to the government of Kenyas policies. You don't have to! Before submitting form 1 andForm 3payment of 400/= per form should be made, failure to which the forms will not be accepted, Two coloured passport size photographs on a white background (2 by 2 inches) of the proposed 3 officials and two other board members with their names and organization written at the back, Duplicate of ID/Passport and KRA PIN Certificates for the five recommended officials and Board members. Help community based organizations understand complexities of issues they are dealing with and the rapids of change. (c) The gains or profits consist of rents (including premiums or similar consideration in the nature of rent) received from leasing land and attendant chattels (Income Tax Act First Schedule Cap. Oceans Alive Trust(which started in 2016 as a progression of the work in Kuruwitu) is working closely with KCW-CBO. Give the gift of giving with a GlobalGiving Gift Card. Majority are located in the marginalised area with their headquarters located in major towns across the country. Every NGO ought to register with the Kenya Revenue Authority and get a PIN. Tilda Bowden,Creative Writing editor of the Lucy Writers Platformon behalf of the Oceans Alive Trust, Kenya, Today the European Commission proposed a new nature restoration law with binding targets on, The BIODEV2030 project, launched in early 2020 supports the country's development ambition, while, From 4 to 6 October in Malaga (Spain), the International Bycatch Meeting will demonstrate the, Headquarters Advising the government on their contribution to national development. Volunteer Work at an Orphanage in Kenya. Every applicant must fill these forms in block letters, and they ought to possess the original signature of officials and members. Additionally, a society in Kenya cannot affiliate with any political organization or group outside Kenya (Societies Act Section 11(1)(a)). Before we look at how to register a charitable organisation in Kenya lets look at the different types of foundations in Kenya. Within community-based organizations (CBOs), there are many variations in terms of size and organizational structure. [6]. Most relevant to equivalency determinations, the Amendment establishes the charitable trust. These are trusts formed for the exclusive purpose of the relief of poverty, the advancement of education, religion or human rights and fundamental freedoms, or the protection of the environment or any other purpose beneficial to the general public. It aims at reduction of exclusion, discrimination and violence towards children living with disabilities in side-lined areas. As a result of increasing cases of Cancer in the country, Africa Cancer Foundation (ACF) was registered on 15th June 2011 to help in reducing and creating cancer awareness. The researcher established that the Omega Child Shelter had initiated education programmes, provision of hea1thcare, food security and nutrition, infrastructure development; environmental conservation, capacity building, and building of community endowment fund. The following is a list of prominent companies and organizations with their main headquarters in Nairobi: The following is a list of multinational companies and organizations, with their African (continent-wide or regional) headquarters in Nairobi: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Pages in category "Non-profit organisations based in Kenya" The following 14 pages are in this category, out of 14 total. Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) Medici Group Africa Glowbal Digital Mumias Sugar Company Nation Media Group National Oil Corporation of Kenya National Social Security Fund NIC Bank Group Prudential Africa Services Limited Pertom Digital Sameer Group Serena Hotels Standard Group The Standard Kenya Television Network Unga Group The PBO Act provides for preferential treatment under VAT and customs duties for imported goods or services that are used to further an organizations public benefit purposes (PBO Act Second Schedule Para. Even with her Nobel prize, she never settled for less but worked hard to even the lives of fellow women. Kenyan refugees, host communities to benefit from KSh 5.2b Netherlands' funding. It was established by the Non-Government Co-ordination Act (Cap 19) of 1990. If the reservation expires, the applicant can extend the period for a further sixty days after paying another Ksh.1,000. Anyone in Kenya can establish a non-governmental organisation. The need for this conservation led to formation of African Wildlife Foundation AWF which was formed in 1961 as the African Wildlife Leadership Foundation. These rules affect trusts, NGOs, churches, and other charitable organizations involved in relief, education, and religious activities. Funding Information - US Embassy Self Help Funding in Kenya. on food security, the CBO's effort had been a major contribution towards achieving sustainable development. Fishermen from Kuruwitu & The community receives a new boat. Amref provided mission hospitals with surgical support through the help of a radio network that was developed to coordinate the service and provide communication. Skills that you learn during the volunteer period will allow you to make a difference in your community during times of emergency need. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'elimucentre_com-leader-4','ezslot_10',121,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-elimucentre_com-leader-4-0');Email: The HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act prohibits discrimination on the grounds of actual, perceived, or suspected HIV status of a person in the workplace or in schools, or in access to loans and credit facilities (HIV and AIDS Prevention and Control Act Section 31-32). 3500+ Donor Funding Agencies in Kenya - Click Here to Apply Now! We provide high quality, hol, The project will provide affordable high-quality physical and virtual on-demand sign language acquisition learning devices to hearing-impair, There are major threats to food systems including conflict, famine and drought, locust invasion and the COVID-19 pandemic effects. Police are often unavailable and legal services are unaffordable for many. Rhino Ark was established in 1988 to tackle the crisis that faced Kenyas black rhino population in the Aberdare ecosystem. African Conservation Centre 6. +254 733703726. Interior design courses, requirements, universities and colleges offering in Kenya, Get the news that matters from one of the leading news sites in Kenya, Pregnant Amber Ray Jokingly Blames Her Village 'Witches' after She Gets Hospitalised: "Mtaniombea Kifo", Ex-Homa Bay County Clerk, Wife Ordered to Return KSh 26m After Being Found Guilty of Taking Taxpayers' Money, Rigathi Gachagua Says Matiang'i Fled Kenya Fearing Ruto Would Harass Him: "Some People Are Cowards", LGBTQ in Kenya: Russia Differs with US over Gay Unions, Supports Rigathi's Tough Stance, Joseph Gatiba: Meet Upcoming Kenyan Musician Who Works as Driver for Super Metro, Monsterland cast real names, photos, profiles, net worth, 100+ best one word comments for a girl's picture on Instagram, 12 richest people in Tanzania in 2023 and their net worth, 20 best loan apps in Kenya for genuine instant loans in 2023, List of Fox10 news anchors and reporters to watch in 2022. On the other, the major difference between public and private charitable organisation or foundations is that the public is formed by government or public institution and majorly relies on government. Environmental Organizations in Kenya 1. Website Feedback Amani CBO began life in 2001, founded by 15 local school leavers from different clan and ethnic backgrounds. The formation of the Rhino Ark organization was to offer assistance to the Kenya Wildlife Service to build an electric fence around the Aberdare National Park to help reduce poaching. By actively engaging all the involved governments to ensure all laws and policies are implemented. Wildlife conservation through partnerships to strengthen institutional arrangements, building community awareness and improving on benefit sharing. Likewise, a Kenyan NPO could be controlled or owned by an American grantor charity, which would have to be disclosed in the affidavit. IUCN tools, publications and other resources. A company limited by guarantee cannot be a private company (Kenyan Companies Act Section 9). Kenyan law does not restrict other organizations or persons from controlling a Kenyan not-for-profit organization beyond stating that an NGO must be private and voluntary. The PBO Act permits an organization to register under any of a variety of legal forms, but if an organization registers as a Public Benefit Organization in order to receive tax exemptions and other benefits derived from this status, it will cease to be registered under any other law (PBO Act Section 6; see also PBO Act Second Schedule, setting forth in detail some of the Benefits of Registration as a PBO). Amref Health Africa If someone tries to charge you for services claiming they represent HIAS, please report itat our confidential email The NGO Act, which will remain in effect until the PBO Acts official commencement, defines an NGO as a private voluntary grouping of individuals or associations, not operated for profit or for other commercial purposes but which have organized themselves nationally or internationally for the benefit of the public at large and for the promotion of social welfare, development, charity, or research in the areas inclusive of but not restricted to health, relief, agriculture, education, industry, and the supply of amenities and services (NGO Act Section 2). Together, the two organizations are lobbying for the plants environmental impact to be assessed before it is operationalized. Under Regulation 30 of the NGO Coordination Regulations 1992, if an organization requires exemption from VAT on a) goods and services required to meet its objectives, b) income-generating activities, or c) income for expatriate employees, an application must be made through the NGOs Board to the Cabinet Secretary of Finance. Under the PBO Act, when an organization is deregistered, wound up, or dissolved, any assets remaining after all its liabilities have been met shall be transferred to another PBO having similar objectives, which shall be identified through a resolution of the governing body of the organization being deregistered, wound up, or dissolved; otherwise, the PBO Authority shall determine the recipient PBO (PBO Act Section 8(4)(m)). An NGO can affiliate with a political organizationinsideKenya, though the Government discourages this practice. The application and management of customs duties is governed by the East African Customs Management Act 2004. It gives children, even from the humblest of backgrounds, a fighting chance in life - a ticket that we , This project will provide vocational training to Kenyan women who are striving to become self-sufficient and provide for their families' bas, SFK aims to sustainably bring back water, forest and life to degraded lands in Samburu County, Kenya, supporting local populations towards f, Adolescent girls and young women in Kenya are at serious risk of poverty, exploitation and high risk situations like early marriage, pregnan, Childline Kenya works to STOP child abuse by creating a safe environment and opportunities to report abuse through the only nationwide helpl, As you know there is nothing as valuable in life as education. 4(a)-(b)). ministry of east african community (eac), labour and social protection state department for social protection department of social development application form for registration of a community based organization (cbo) county constituency sub-county ward 1. Ishaqbini Hirola Conservancy 5. HIAS Kenya Overview 2022-2023. The organization prides itself as the voice of east African region wildlife conservation by influencing change through; EAWLS engages itself in the following programs that aid in conservation. Bridging Social Movement and Community Organization Activism: Rethinking Theoretical and Organizational Barriers. The urban refugee population in Nairobi has increased; around 88,000 refugees and asylum seekers live in Nairobi and other urban areas. Community and self-financing in voluntary health programmes in India. Jan 2012 - Present11 years 3 months. Registration of charitable organisation in Kenya is done by Non-Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Board. Some community-based organization (CBOs) with a written constitution and directors are formally registered and incorporated. 11). Fistula Foundation The aim of the clinic was to provide healthcare services to the needy without turning anyone away. 21(1)(b)-(c)). 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