lincoln county nebraska county attorney

Natalie Lips Nathan Barnhill Skip to content HOME Firm overview Charitable Giving and Community Involvement Make A Payment Military Family Law Book Prenuptial Agreement Book Lincoln Nebraska 68508 Phone (402) 441-7302 Fax (402) 441-6190 Hon. Phone: 406-283-2442 Jodi L. Nelson Judgeship 2006 - present Judge of the District Court, 3rd Judicial District Lancaster County Experience 1999 - 2006 Chief Deputy, Juvenile Division 1989 - 1999 Lancaster County Attorney's Office, Deputy County Attorney Lincoln, NE 1987 - 1989 Private practice of law All state courts operate under the administrative direction of the Supreme Court. 402.833.1440 402.833.1420 FAX, County AttorneyAmy K. Miller Alisha Caldwell Jimenez Nebraska legislators will do well to genuinely commit to principles of local control and reject politically partisan efforts to superimpose culture-war sloganeering on educational matters. If you preregisteredyou do not need to register again. Scott Earl 301 N Jeffers Rm 101 The County Clerk is secretary of the Board of Commissioners and is the custodian of all county board records. Nebraska County Attorneys Association . Andrew Wegley. The Honorable Roberts-Connick, County Judge The Honorable Jay, County Judge. By law, the County Attorney is the legal adviser to the Board of County Commissioners, all elected officials of Lincoln County, Fire Districts, Weed Districts, School Districts, Health Department, and Conservation Districts. The Lincoln County court system consists of two courts. Any registered voter may request an early voters ballot by appointing an agent to personally pick up an early voters ballot for such registered voter from the office of the Election Commissioner. You are not a registered voter until you receive confirmation. Box 328 308-534-4350, Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Lincoln County, Nebraska, Polling places are subject to change with the conditions of COVID-19.The following changes have been made for the, Early voting ballots will be available at the Lincoln County Clerks Office, 6:00 PM Last day for in person registration at the County Clerks Office, Postmark deadline for mailed-in registrations, Last day to receive an application for early voting ballots to be mailed out, Last day for in person early voting at the County Clerks Office, ******Statewide General Election Day******, Messiah Lutheran Church North Door. Broken Bow, NE 68822 308-872-6327 308-872-6988 FAX, County AttorneySteven Bowers 300. Curtis, NE 69025 The Victim Witness Unit advocates and offers support to victims of crime. Trenton, NE 69044 308-334-5616 308-334-5282 FAX, P.O. Boni Edwards - Surveyor. Box 325 If the check written is over $1,500.00 the merchant/business has 3 years to bring the check into the office for prosecution., Chief Deputy County AttorneyChristopher Turner, Chief Deputy Juvenile DivisionChristopher Reid, DeputiesGreg Ariza One district court and one county court. 206 402-454-9956 FAX, County AttorneyJoseph M. Smith 4114 * Participate in the S.T.O.P., P.O. Jun 18, 2022 Updated Jul 31, 2022. Jurisdiction: Fax: 406-297-2767, Lincoln County Health Department 217 followers 217 connections. Annette Shafer - Clerk Magistrate/Clerk of the Court Mailing Address 301 N Jeffers Street-Room 207 North Platte, NE 69101. 308-534-4350, Copyright document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Lincoln County, Nebraska, misdemeanor cases, including traffic, and municipal ordinance violations, probate, guardianship, conservatorship, adoption, and eminent domain. Ann Miller As a full-time County Attorney, the law prohibits the County Attorney or any member of their staff from engaging in the private practice of law as well as providing legal advice to the general public. Grant, NE 69140 308-352-2425 308-352-2429 FAX, County AttorneyRichard H. Roberts If you have a question you cannot find the answer to, please contact your county election official. Dara Delehant Gering, NE 69341 308-436-5297 308-436-2297 FAX, County AttorneyMark Kovarik, Chief Deputy County AttorneySamantha Holecek, P.O. Tim Dolan Goods or merchandise must be exchanged in Lincoln County, Nebraska, on the day the check was written. Curtis, NE 69025 308-367-4141 308-367-4141 FAX, County AttorneyJon S. Schroeder Box 167 P.O. The department . Section 23-1114., 1000 S 1st Ave October 6, 2022 10:16 pm. Nissa Jones Michael Johnson, P.O. Lincoln County is a county located in the U.S. state of Nebraska.As of the 2020 census, the population was 34,676. A poll worker must be a registered voter in Lincoln County and be able to work on election day from 7:00 a.m. to approximately 9:00 p.m. Once appointed, even if you volunteered, poll workers enjoy the same civil leave protection as those who serve on jury duty. I want to welcome you to the 2022 Election page of the Lincoln County, Nebraska website. Nathan R. Arehart 308-535-3525 (f). May I have someone get an early voters ballot for me? 4110 (p) can be filled out online then mailed. A ballot will be mailed to you or you may go to the Election Commission and vote at the office. Any registered voter may request an early voters ballot by appointing an agent to personally pick up an early voters ballot for such registered voter from the office of the Election Commissioner., 412 East 11th Street, 222 South 4th Street 111 N. 56thSt., STE 301 Please contact us if you have any questions. I hope you use this page often in 2022. Anthony Clowe The successful prosecution of criminal cases depends mainly on the support and assistance victims and witnesses provide, especially their willingness to testify in court. If it appears the crime charged has been committed and there is probable cause to believe that the person charged with committing the crime is responsible, the defendant will be bound over to stand trial in district court. If the citation allows a waiver, the violator may plead guilty and pay the fine and court costs without appearing in before the Judge., P.O. Box 310 Box 995 Box 130 Emily Medcalf Pender, NE 68047 402-385-3416 402-385-2152 FAX, County AttorneyTammy Maul-Bodlak University of Nebraska - Lincoln University of Nebraska - Kearney Nebraska and Nebraska Nebraska State Bar. Voter InformationWho may register to vote?, P.O., P.O. The County Attorney also prosecutes violations of county ordinances, including junk vehicles, community decay, animal control and air quality. The Lancaster County Attorney Office's Juvenile Division is responsible for prosecuting child abuse and neglect referrals from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and all law enforcement agencies within our community. . by the County Board at such times as necessity may require. The following are common examples of civil cases: In a civil action, the party bringing the action (plaintiff) must prove his or her case by presenting evidence that is more convincing to the trier of fact (judge or jury) than the evidence of the opposing party (defendant). To receive a Lincoln County certified marriage license you will need to send the following information and a $9.00 cash, check or money order: Lincoln County Clerk The bad checks division cannot accept checks that are written on a closed account, stop payment checks, postdated checks, or held checks. LINCOLN, Neb. ONeil, NE 68763 402-340-6379, County AttorneyBrent Kelly Lincoln County uses an optic scanner to count the ballots., 621 N Cedar Emergency relief funds are now available for those needing financial assistance for housing and utilities due to the impact of COVID-19. The training session is held two weeks prior to the election, will last from 1 2 hours, and you will be paid minimum wage for attending as well as mileage. Veronica Barreto. We provide continuing legal education programs, service, support and resources to the county attorneys and staff to enhance and improve the quality of all prosecution throughout the State and facilitate access to best practices in law enforcement and public safety. Deputy Public Defender. Box 29, 121 West 3rd Street Alyson Roudebush Gage Cobb Auburn, NE 68305 The following state offices are nominated on a partisan basis: The following federal offices are nominated on a partisan basis: The following county offices are nominated on a partisan basis: The other elected offices in Nebraska are nominated on a non partisan basis. University of Nebraska College of Law . Daniel Donnelly Box 117 Democratic primary election The Democratic primary election was canceled. Lincoln, NE 68504. Insert your Name and County. Nebraska County Attorneys Association ., 125 South 15th Street Blair, NE 68008 402-426-6811 402-426-6826 FAX, County AttorneyScott VanderSchaaf, 612 Indian Street, Suite 3 Rebecca Harling County Attorney View All Lincoln County District Attorneys., Chief Deputy County AttorneyAmanda (Spracklen-Hogan) Fanning, P.O. Papillion, NE 68046 402-593-2230 402-593-4359 FAX, County AttorneyLee Polikov Lancaster County, NE Attorney (402) 817-1450 University of South Dakota School of Law South Dakota and Nebraska American Institute of Family Law Attorneys and National Academy of Family Law Attorneys Nebraska State Bar How to Partner With Your Divorce Attorney View Website View Lawyer Profile Email Lawyer Jeffrey Lapin (888) 525-8819 Criminal cases are brought by the state against individuals or groups of individuals accused of committing a crime. Credential Application; North Platte, NE 69101, 2022 Official General Election Results by Precinct, 2022 Official General Election Race Legislature District, General Election-Legislature District 1 Page Precinct by Precinct, 2022 Official General Election Race City of North Platte Proposition, General Election-Precinct by Precinct- NP Airport and Special Issue, General Election-Precinct by Precinct-NP City Wards, 2021 Official Hershey School Bond Results, 2018 Official Primary Election Results by Precinct, 2018 Official Sutherland Board of Trustees Special Election, May 12, 2015 Maxwell School Bond Special Election Results, 2014 General Election Results for Lincoln County, 2014 Primary Election Results for Lincoln County. Use the fields below to search for an attorney. City of Lincoln/Lancaster County. Kristin Huber This will tell you your polling place and give you a pdf of your ballot. Lancaster County Bid & Business Opportunities. Libby, MT 59923 Tecumseh, NE 68450 402-335-2051 402-335-2135 FAX, County AttorneyRickSmith North Platte, NE 69101, 308-534-4350 Ext 4240 (p) . Nebraska County Attorneys Association Providing its members with quality training and education. Dominique Jones Alliance, NE 69301 308-762-1710 308-762-1712 FAX, County AttorneyTerry Curtiss If you register nonpartisan, you will only be able to vote for ballot issues and nonpartisan candidates in the primary election. Cody Miltenberger Andrew Van Velson Yes, as long as this is done by the registration deadline. Joe Meyer Join to view profile Rembolt Ludtke LLP. Morgan Smith Early Voter ballots may not be voted at the County Clerks Office on Election Day. Beth Beninato Faith Kjelstrup Lindsey Stennis John Schmidt Lincoln County Clerk/Election Commissioner Courthouse - 301 N. Jeffers St North Platte, NE 69101. The prosecuting attorney files the charge against the accused person (defendant) on behalf of the state (plaintiff)., P.O. West Point, NE 68788 402-372-5500 402-372-5400 FAX, County AttorneyDaniel Bracht Lincoln County - Official Website of Lincoln County, Nebraska Welcome to Lincoln County, Nebraska! Box 4 The parental consent forms are available at the County Clerks office. In addition, messengers receive mileage and $10.00 for picking up and returning supplies. Patrick McGee If you would like to view a detailed election calendar please visit the Secretary of State 2022 Elections Calendar. How many election precincts are in Lincoln County? Michael McInerney The Nebraska attorney general race is an open seat after incumbent Doug Peterson opted not to seek a third term. Clerk(s) Annette Shafer. ILC's mission is to welcome immigrants into our communities by providing high-quality legal services, education, and advocacy. The department also works hand in hand to ensure compliance with all state and federal election laws. Tess Moyer Every two (2) years appointments are made for a two year term. Wahoo, NE 68066 402-443-8151 402-443-4527 FAX, County AttorneyJennifer Joakim Madison McNary Housing and Utilities Emergency Relief Funds. Rebecca Harling - County Attorney 301 N Jeffers Room 101A North Platte, NE 69101. Libertarian If language accommodations are needed, please call the Victim Witness Office and request a language card. Franklin, NE 68939 308-425-6258 308-425-6274 FAX, County AttorneyHenry C. Schenker Cheryl Orr Accounts Payable, Ext. The Lancaster County, Nebraska, Public Defender's Office (Lincoln, Nebraska) is seeking a highly qualified candidate for an attorney position., P.O. In an emergency, you may ask to be excused. 301 N. Jeffers St, North Platte, NE 69101 Jameson Cantwell The Victim WitnessUnit works closely with law enforcement and other community agencies to ensure that the victim is protected from additional acts committed by the Defendant; to protect the children and other family members of the victim from exposure to, or possible injury inflicted by the Defendant; and to gather restitution information from the victims of crimes. Box 248 Ryan Lindberg Alex Kelly (402) 426-8877. The Assistant is Cynthia Rucker. The County Attorney also represents Seward County in civil lawsuits and involuntary mental health commitments, juvenile court actions, determination of inheritance tax and tax foreclosures. Box 313 View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position. Phone: 308-534-4350., DeputiesAngela Franz Jim Rocke 301 North Jeffers Street. Gering, NE 69341 308-436-6674 308-436-5496 FAX, County AttorneyDave Eubanks Jessica Murphy View Website View Lawyer Profile Email Lawyer. . North Platte, NE 69101. County Attorney Pat Condon said the investigation hasn't lead them to believe they'll need to file charges against the 10-year-old boy's parents either. Jennifer Meckna 402-274-1105 402-274-4478 FAX, County AttorneyLouie M. Ligouri NECAA Bootcamp has been rescheduled for March 23 24, 2023Lincoln Marriott Cornhusker Hotel. Please complete the Request for Prosecution of Bad Check form. Albion, NE 68620 402-395-6603 402-395-6061 FAX, County AttorneyJohn V. Morgan, P.O. FIND SERVICE PROVIDERS. The attorneys practicing in the Child Support Division and civil law are Tyler Volkmer and Stephen King. Offenses Not Eligible for the S.T.O.P Program: S.T.O.P. Lincoln, NE. If the Defendant pleads guilty or is found guilty by a jury, the sentencing occurs after a pre-sentence investigation is completed. 4118, 301 N Jeffers, Room 101 Some listed candidates are elected in specific districts and because of this some names listed on the sample ballots may not appear on the ballot in your precinct. 107 308-728-3630 FAX, County AttorneyHeather Sikyta Hartington, NE 68739 Seward, NE 68434 County Attorney Email the Attorney's Office Physical Address 605 S 10th Street 2nd Floor Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone: 402-441-7321 Fax: 402-441-7336 Directory Adult Diversion Services Domestic Violence Division General Felony Division General Misdemeanor Division Narcotics Division Sexual Assault Division Traffic Division White Collar Crime Division Box 135, Chief Deputy County AttorneyDebra J. Fergen, P.O. Nathan Klein You must go to the polling place on Election Day or have an agent pick up an absentee ballot as indicated below. Nina Corwin Immigrant Legal Center 4.3 . Offices such as President, Governor, State and County officials are partisan, therefore if you register nonpartisan you will not be able to vote for them in a primary election. Ben Perlman Early Voter ballots may not be voted at the . Lincoln County, NE Personal Injury Attorney with 25 years of experience (308) 696-3118 315 North Dewey, Suite 213 PO Box 1267 North Platte, NE 69101 Personal Injury, Bankruptcy and Medical Malpractice University of Nebraska - Lincoln View Website View Lawyer Profile Email Lawyer Allen Fugate Lincoln County, NE Personal Injury Attorney Lexington, NE 68850 308-324-5644 308-324-9843 FAX, County AttorneyElizabeth F. Waterman Update Now Law Firm Info People Attorneys Danelia F Kracht Joseph W Wright Office Information Address Suite 101a 301 N Jeffers North Platte, NE 69101 - 3970 Phone (308) 534-4350 I encourage you to browse all the information available. Box 370 County Attorney Donna Fegler Daiss TYPES OF CASES Able to lift voting booths which weigh about 12 lbs. Nicole Fisher Time/Attendence and Voter Registration, Ext. Nebraska Political Parties: Sarah M. Sutter Who may apply for an early voters ballot? Sarah Graham Amy Goodro Lincoln, NE 68508 4024417321 4024417336 FAX Shelby Rowan, 501 M Street, Room #11 Rebecca Harling is our current Lincoln County Attorney. The Victim Witness Unit helps guide individuals through the complex criminal justice system. (KLKN) - Lancaster County attorney candidates faced off for the first time Thursday night in a forum. Rachael Henderson, 612 Grant Street Box 569 Kari Fisk County Attorney County Attorney Physical Address 605 S 10th Street 2nd Floor Lincoln, NE 68508 Phone: : 402-441-7321 Fax: : 402-441-7336 Hours Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Directory Erica Pruess Mailing Address P.O. 510 Lincoln Avenue York, NE 68467 402-362-5583 402-362-5620 FAX County Attorney Gary Olson 0. Aurora, NE 68818 402-694-6907 402-694-6906 FAX, County AttorneyDoug Dexter The attorney for the family of a 71-year-old Niobrara man killed in 2019 when the Spencer Dam collapsed asked the Nebraska Supreme Court to revive their lawsuit against the Nebraska Department of ., P.O. Steven Lyman Kimball, NE 69145 308-235-3698 308-235-3670 FAX, County AttorneyDavid Wilson Laura Lemoine Box 33 Lincoln, NE 68508 402-441-7321 402-441-7336 FAX, County AttorneyPatrick F. Condon Elections are every two years in the even numbered year in May and November. The prosecution of bad checks is as follows: The Child Support Division is responsible for the establishment of paternity and child support orders as well as the enforcement of child support orders., P.O.