how to unmarry cobb accessport

It had a Cobb intake installed and factory exhaust. Now press Reset Options which will display with approximate five line message box asking if user would like load new or account defaults this must hit OK button apply back default mapping options. The heart of this package is the Accessport V3. To start the process, give us a call at 866-922-3059 or email [emailprotected]. Is the switch doable ? How do I know if it will be compatible with my 2011 Subaru WRX? The cost to relicense is 50% of the retail value of the Accessport, or in this case $325. The Accessport does not lock the ECU. NCAA Football. Yes, the AccessPORT can be installed on another vehicle. When you select the Uninstall option, it will automatically use the factory map as the uninstall file, you are not even given the option to choose a map. You shouldnt! Can A Cobb Accessport Be Used On Multiple Cars? display: block; I just purchased a 2005 subaru legacy gt. Since the Accessport is still installed to the Evo X, Mark would have the cost of the re-license (in this case $367.50) AND the cost of changing the part number ($150) AND the difference in price . Youll need to power the Accessport up to confirm what it has been programmed to. To register a vehicle to a new owner, you will need the title of the vehicle, a completed ownership transfer form, and payment for applicable fees. After the uninstall process is completed the Cobb Accessport will no longer be recognized by the car's computer. It is currently installed to a 2015 STI. [Updated! He buys aninstalled Accessport from a Mitsubishi Evo X (AP3-MIT-002 $525 new). looking forward to a response, thanks. It's important that during this process all variables used fall within their specified preprogrammed range so make sure any customization done prior has been completely reversed before attempting this procedure otherwise serious engine damage may occur from out of limit settings in place during restoration attempts. Fourth you need to find the Cobb Accessport firmware. how to unmarry cobb accessport without car - truman-maino Will I be able to register the accessport? It will recognize the vehicle and give you the appropriate OTS map selection (this is all assuming it is on the current firmware. Answer 8: There is no preparation needed before uninstalling the Cobb Accessport. I bought a married focus st accessport. Sorry for the bad news. im looking at a v3 cobb accessport that is a sub 003 and i would want to switch it to a sub 001 how much would that cost? how much does this cost?! Im selling my car. Luckily, its pretty easy to determine which Accessport part number you need. @media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 768px) { I have a 2011 Speed3. To start the process, give us a call at 866-922-3059 or email [emailprotected]. Will I be able to reinstall it later if I change my mind? The AccessPORT may not be working for a variety of reasons. You dont HAVE to. The COBB AP doesnt support the Aussie market for this model, but The Accessport is uninstalled from your WRX. Cobb Tuning Accessport V3 Help Menu Tutorial Youtube . Yes, a change to the part number for his vehicle which will cost the flat $150 fee. Whether or not you can use the Stage 2 tune safely will depend on what modifications are on the car. How To Unmarry Cobb Accessport - If Im reading this post correctly, the Accessport is now unmarried from the WRX and could be installed in the Forester with no need to convert or re-license? Thats all you need to do in order to unmarry the Cobb Accessport from your car. Can an AccessPort return your ECU back to stock parameters with a Re-Flash? I see a-lot of different labeling and dont want to purchase something that might be the wrong item. Not all is lost if you purchase a used Accessport that is installed to another vehicle or the wrong part number. Yes, it is in need of a relicense. display: block; I no longer have my car can I unmarry my Cobb accessport? Hey Benjamin, sorry to hear about the wreck! Raymond, as stated above, youd have to pay the difference in the prices of the Accessports plus $150. I found an access port with SUB-001. If that is the case, it would need to be relicensed in order to use on your WRX. I own a 2017 wrx. Your email address will not be published. According to the article above, the cost to relicense an Accessport is 70% of the unit cost. Can I unmarry my Cobb accessport without the car? It can only be unmarried with the car it is installed on. Hi, Ive bought an accessport, for my MY16 STI ADM and the part number is AP3-AU-SUB-004, however the serial number is SUB1400397. Answer 7: The Cobb Accessport uninstall process takes a few seconds to complete. Is this correct? Answer 5: Yes if the cars computer is no longer recognizing the Cobb Accessport this means it has been successfully uninstalled. Hey all! Possible causes could include incorrect settings, incompatible software, general hardware malfunctions, or the device not being compatible with your car model. awesome thank you for the speedy response! Sixth you need to find the Cobb Accessport hardware. Second you need to find the car that you want to unmarry it from. Looks like everything is normal. Cost $150? } } My 06 STi was totaled. The Accessport is essentially 2 parts: the hardware to flash the vehicle and the tuning license that is installed on the car. If this doesnt work or you need any help, give us a call at 866-922-3059. This will read out the current configuration inside unit making sure all settings are synchronized between ECM and Cobb device flash memory afterward. Once you've selected the desired option it should run. Can you use a Cobb Accessport on 2 cars? @media screen and (min-width: 769px) and (max-width: 992px) { If this applies in your case then unfortunately there isnt much else you can do other than us connecting the AP up directly as instructed by its user manual or download guide before being able proceed any further with setting restoration or adjustment processes via PC software utility programs or direct laptop connections when possible. How do I unmarry my Cobb accessport if I no longer have the car? It can easily be replaced with any micro USB > USB cable. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Keep that in mind when considering the purchase of a used Accessport! "You've come far, and though you're far from the end You don't mind where you are, cause you know where you've been" BoostEqualsLife Registered Joined Apr 27, 2006 158 Posts } Give our Customer Service team a call at 1-866-922-3059 so we can get that process started for you. [emailprotected]. I want to uninstall the Cobb Accessport but I am not sure how. The Accessports are the same cost so youd just pay the fee to change the part number which is $150. How do I know if I need to uninstall the Cobb Accessport? I own a 2019 STI. How can i get 17 WRX OTS maps? .jaspr6403186c7b4e6 { It is a physical change that would require sending in the ECU. Can you Unmarry an Accessport yourself? AP Ver2 is not working well enought for me to be comfortable with and have gotten an unmarried AP3-MAZ-002. AccessPORT from this vehicle. Hi good days, I have a COBB accessport V3 in my car and tuned by a COBB ProTuner, and he is no longer do the custom tune job, now I am going to find another to dyno tune my mazda 3 MPS but he said I need to get a licence first, what should I do if I need a retune by a different person? If it is, there will be no charge for a new license but it will need to be converted from an 007 to an 006. so youre telling me I have to buy 2 accessports? It usually comes down to money. I heard Cobb would do it for 300$, but then I might as well as buy a new one then. Please email [emailprotected] with all the information regarding your Accessport and the vehicles. Uninstalling will allow the Accessport to instantly apply to any other Evo X. Now comes the tricky part even though these steps are generally straightforward for most devices running Windows operating systems, there are nuances for both Mac OS X and Linux users as well as some other sources citing alternative methods so if in doubt visit our tech support page here at CLM Motorsports or contact us directly. The Accessport will only allow you to install the correct map specific to your ECU. Answer 9: No you will not lose any data or settings after uninstalling the Cobb Accessport. Ribbons : 165. Ive been using an AP3-SUB-004, and today I restored the factory settings on the WRX via the AP so it just displays Install when connected to the car. } But if you didnt, youd have to go through the hassle of uninstalling and reinstalling the Accessport to each vehicle every time you drive. Since the Accessport isInstalledhe will have the following costs: UninstalledANDWrong Part Number To Less Expensive AP: Jon owns a 2015 Subaru WRX. I will be trading in a 2017 WRX for a 2018 Forester XT in the next week or two. The SUB-004 Accessport is $675. Joshua. Which uses another part number AP3-POR-006. Ping Pong. Youll have to use a below method to determine compatibility. The Mazdaspeed Accessport is $650. We are able to reprogram it to the part number compatible with the later cars. To register an imported vehicle in the Czech Republic, you will first need to obtain a technical inspection certificate and proof of insurance. For more details or to start the process, give us a call at 866-922-3059 or email [emailprotected]. How To Unmarry Cobb Accessport Without Car - After you install the Accessport to your car, uninstall will be an option. In the US? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 90s Rap. What would I be looking at on price to use it for my 2013 Focus ST? display: block; The Subaru AccessPort is a handheld tuning device used to remap and tune a Subaru engine's ECU for improved performance. the last owner says the car never had a cobb tune donebut its questionable considering the mods. .jaspr6403186c7b4e6 { The part number pictured below starts with SUB03 so we know this is an AP3-SUB-003 part number Accessport. This will prompt you to get the car to factory setting and done unmarried. If you can't say it with numbers, it's only an opinion. Unmarrying Cobb Accessport?? | Subaru WRX Forum 70% of that is $385 which would be the cost to relicense that part number Accessport. What if I purchased a car with a tune on it from a dealer, but the original owner has the Accessport and there is no way to get in touch with them? .jfhqs64031852aca31 { .jfhqs64031852aca31 { When shipping my access port to get it relicensed do I just send the access port or do I need to send the cable and case as well? } To start this process, give us a call at 866-922-3059 or email [emailprotected]. Will the tunes the previous owner paid for be accessible to me? But what if you want to delete a configured Accessport profile without a vehicle? the device has a UNINSTALLED state. When synchronization_state is reverting, it means that the process of synchronizing data across devices or systems has run into a conflict and is attempting to undo changes in order to return to a previous version or state. ], how to unmarry cobb accessport without car - jude-cashett. It will give a warning if it detects a previous tune and usually give the option to overwrite. The Accessport will need to be mailed to our HQ for the conversion to take place. So if the person wants to get an Accessport anyway, they might as well go ahead. The instructions provided will walk you through each step of how to reset and reconfigure all parameters used by your access port back factory default values for stock configuration applications only. 02-05 WRX vehicles require an initialization connector to be flashed and are available for $5. Can I still install it on my car or do I need the accessport reset? Accessport Unmarry v2 | Subaru WRX Forum To verify, have him send you a screenshot of the Accessports About screen showing the Uninstalled status. The AP in question is $675. If you have any further questions COBB customer support will be happy to help. Hello, thanks for contacting us. Im trading in my car. The shop (DPS, who have many good reviews) told me there was an accessport installed in the car and never unmarried. After the uninstall process is completed the Cobb Accessport will no longer be recognized by the cars computer. 2 Accessport V3s are able to be reprogrammed to a different part number. It should be noted however, that this tool does not allow users to undo any deletions and so caution should always be taken when using this function within Accessport's interface. The cost would be $636.50 to make it work with your vehicle. Does just uninstalling it allow the potential buyer to install it and use it or do they have to contact COBB for the $150 USD part number fix? From the above post, it says that it should be starting with SUB004? If you're the owner of a Cobb Accessport tuner, and you're considering selling your car, you may be wondering if you can unmarry the Accessport from the car. The body style will not make a difference. If you are able to uninstall it from the STI, it will then be able to be installed to the WRX with no issues. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. What can I do?". This service is $150 plus any positive difference in the cost of the part number youre changing to. v3 However, if you have been unable access your vehicle or no longer have possession of the vehicle that was previously flashed with the COBB Accessport then there may still be some steps that you can take in order support unmarrying. I purchased an unmarried, non installed unit thats for an ecoboost for-003 and I own a 2017 fiesta st so I need the unit to be configured to for-001. } The good news is that it is possible with a few extra steps. It looks like one of our support team replied to your email today with the information needed to get started on taking care of that. Your email address will not be published. If you own an Accessport, then you know how great it is to be able to quickly and easily make changes to your vehicle's tune. How to verify unmarried Access Port? | IW STi Forum I have a used accessport, it married to another ecu. Thanks ! } And yes if you unmarry your cobb accessport you can sell it for about 400-500. 70% of that amount is $455. The short answer to the question is yes, you can disconnect your Accessport from your car without running a tune. How to Unmarry Cobb Accessport | Tip Or Tech So if you want to unmarry your COBB Accessport, youll need access to your car in order to do so.However, if you have been unable access your vehicle or no longer have possession of the vehicle that was previously flashed with the COBB Accessport then there may still be some steps that you can take in order support unmarrying. The first thing you need to do when restoring an Accessport back to its stock programming without a vehicle is install the latest version of software available for your target model through their website or manufacturer support page. Note Two Exceptions to the Accessport Part Number Shown Above: 1 Accessport Activates or APAs. Check out this quick Accessport V3 InstallUnistall TutorialFind an Accessport for your car here. Good question. How to untie the COBB AccessPort from the car after an I purchased a used accessport thinking it was unmarried, however, both the seller and myself were mistaken. It allowed me to install and tune the vehicle with OTS maps, but the option for Uninstall is available; does that mean it is not functioning properly? How much would I have to pay for it to get uninstall and installed to my 2018 wrx. Hi I had my AP uninstalled from my previous WRX, SUB0311905. Eighth you need to find the Cobb Accessport website. [emailprotected]. The COBB Stage 1+ Big SF Power Package is a simple bolt-on and tuning solution that will allow you to easily improve the power output of your 2015-2021 WRX! However, there are some important considerations that should be taken into account before deciding to do so. How to unmarry cobb accessport v3 without car If you are going to remove your Access Port and return your ECU to stock you do not have to take your car to a tuner. The cost to relicense it would be $325. Finally, you'll need to remove any tune files or other data that's stored on the Accessport.Uninstalling the AccessportTo uninstall the Accessport, you'll first need to disconnect . so I wrecked my 14 and have a 19 never unmarried the wax now I have the ap and my sti but no way to unmarried and cobb hasn't answered me in two weeks consider my self s.o.l ? A police report stating the car is wrecked or stolen or an insurance claim stating the car was wrecked or stolen. Fourth you need to find the Cobb Accessport firmware. Answer: No you just need to contact Cobb support for help. I bought an AP for my WRX two weeks ago and a week later I had a wreck and totaled my car. Make 100% sure it is properly Uninstalled. October 2, 2022 by Carolina. } Answer 11: Yes you can reinstall the Cobb Accessport at any time. And how do I have it relicensed? This is typically readily available on forums or Ebay which may be a better alternative to craigslist. Also, does it matter if it goes from a sedan to a wagon? How would I go about doing that and what are the associated costs? Is there a way to unmarry it without the car, so i can use it for my 2016 fiesta st. Subaru Accessport V3 (AP3-SUB-004) The Accessport is the world's best selling, most flexible, and easiest to use ECU upgrade solution for your Subaru. Answer 12: You may need to uninstall the Cobb Accessport if you are experiencing issues with it or if you want to remove it from your cars computer. .jfhqs64031852aca31 { 3. Contacting manufacturer customer service is likely your best bet as they will be able to help step through any solutions based on individual circumstances and product specifications. I have just purchased a SUB004 that is married, what is the cost to have it relicensed? In order for that to happen, you will need to contact our support team and set up a service ticket. Thx, ernee. } If not, visit this page for direction son how to update: You can also find other great tips online from forums and automotive communities who are willing to share their experiences dealing with similar issues. Food. First, download and install Accessport Manager. All information published on this website is provided in good faith and for general use only. They will help set up a service ticket and quote your final price. Ninth you need to find the Cobb Accessport forum. If the profile is no longer needed or applicable, then the best way to remove it is through Accessports "Datalog Delete" tool. Look at the On Accessport instructions at the link below. I Would Suggest That You Go Back To The Dealer And Tell Them. The following is a basic guide that includes the things to consider when buying a used Accessport. Hey Dan, unfortunately the Accessport you purchased for a 2013 WRX (SUB-003) is not the same part number that youll need for your 2017 WRX (SUB-004). @media screen and (min-width: 993px) and (max-width: 1200px) { Can i install cobb accessport by myself because im going to be tuned the stock engine not stage 1 nor 2 i just wanted the accessport run and set the gauges 0 of 0 people found the following answer helpful A: Yes, you can install and use an AcessPort without modifications. If i need to change the part number of a V3 accessport, do I have to send it back to u? Overall, it is possible for you to remove your Accessport without running a tune but doing so has risks associated with it which could affect both its performance capability in another vehicle or adversely impact the internal hardware of said other vehicle depending upon various factors outlined above hence we advise exercising caution while making decision here accordingly. Simply select the desired profile and click delete which will then prompt you to confirm your selection before removing the data log file completely. You would have to send it in and pay to have it unmarried and potentially part number changed depending on if it is compatible with your car or not. The cable that connects to your computer would also be a plus if included but its not a proprietary cable. } Third you need to find the Cobb Accessport software. Got a accessport v3 for 991 carrera from my friend, mine is a 991 turbo, wonder how much would cost to fit my car with new PDK flashing. Do I need the car? I bought an un-married V3 AP from a ford focus RS, to use on my 2013 Ford Fusion 2.0 ecoboost. According to the article above it is 70% of the cost of the price of a new Accessport. Once you know what part number you need,pry up on the faceplate of the Accessport youre considering buying and make sure it corresponds to your part number. CGAA will not be liable for any losses and/or damages incurred with the use of the information provided. Even if it previously had a COBB tune, a new Accessport would be capable of installing over it. To check if your AccessPORT is installed, scan the list of programs in the Programs and Features menu in your computers settings. According to the article, the cost to relicense an Accessport is 70% of the cost new. From there select the desired option. How To Properly Unmarry a Cobb Accessport - YouTube To verify succesful unmarried AP, either connect the AP again to the car or a computer using the USB cable provided in the kit. Can you use a Cobb tuner on any car? [Answered!] Thu, 10 Oct 2013 00:00:00 -0700 A VINTAGE 1950s Volkswagen Beetle owned by a pensioner will You're all done! Kyle, I have purchased Accessport Stage 1 package for my 2015 Fiesta ST and havent installed the Accessport yet.