What people are saying - Write a review. Gundungurra words are woven through the narrative, and may slightly disrupt the reading flow at first, but many are repeated and self-explanatory, and all are and a word list of meanings (and pronunciations) provided at the end. The ethnonym Gundangara combines lexical elements signifying both "east" and west'. We would like to hear from you, Mathews was apparently not . Ngunnawal was the southern dialect of the Aboriginal Wallabalooa language of south-east Australia spoken in the now Yass District. We pay our respects to elders past and present. I absolutely adored Kirli's exquisite picture book 'The Incredible Freedom Machines' and this verse novel is just as breathtakingly beautiful. The Dreamtime is an explanation of how the Earth, and all that lives on it, was created. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 40(167):140-148. Word Up . We recognise their custodianship of the land, sea, & water for over 60,000 years. Based on his analysis of pronoun forms, Koch concludes that Gandangara (S60) and Ngunawal D3 are dialects of the same language (2011:18). Free list templates from Microsoft go beyond . The book is also seamless in the way it interweaves English words and Gundungurra words. [10] These punitive expeditions aimed to strike terror into anyone surviving them. Contents 1Name 2Language 3Country 4Social organisation nb. Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute, 2006 - 50 pages. Here are a few different ways to say thank you in Australian Aboriginal language: Yakan: This is the most common way to say thank you in Australian Aboriginal language. We are at about 660 m on shale-derived soils and get around 1200 mm average rainfall (before climate chaos). In March 2019, Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) workshops were held on Gundungurra Country. A handbook of Aboriginal languages of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. The Australian Government is investing $13 million in the Greater Blue Mountains and World Heritage Area bushfire region under the $110 million Regional Bushfire Recovery Fund to increase the resilience and recovery of fire-affected species, ecological communities and natural assets. When you have a specific query and you want to find words containing letters in a certain way, our letter unscrambler is the word game helper you need. Reviews aren't verified, but Google checks for and removes fake content when it's identified. ZYGON ZYMES ZYMIC. 2008. [ more] guru. Word Lists & Flashcards. It was collected by James Larmer, possibly around 1832. Bindi is 11 years old and enjoys . [2], The Ngunnawal community has for some years been engaged in work to revive the language with the aim being to bring it back into daily use within the community. Illawarra and South Coast Aborigines 1770-1850. Comments: Mathews published separate grammars for the Gundungurra and Ngunawal D3 but both of these grammars are drawn from the same material in his notebooks headed 'Gundungurra' (Mathews 1901 and 1904, in Eades 1976:6). Bibliographic information. a big foot'. 0 Reviews. Kokan. Gundungurra. The following words are from this language. I have replaced "ng" with "" in the Mathews list. To a great degree autobiographical, Kirli Saunders uses Bindi's voice to describe many daily habits, her surrounding area, the animals that share it, dreams for the future, hockey, her animals and family. Ngunnawal is very closely related to the Gandangara language and the two were most likely highly mutually intelligible. With gorgeous black and white illustrations by the esteemed Dub Leffler, Bindi is a must-read for ages seven and up.' Only words containing all letters without diacritical marks. Ph: 9605 1838 Fax: 9605 1836 Email - wingamyamly@gmail.com His friend and his dad were artists and he learned some of the symbolism of Gundungurra people. Word Search for grade 7. Mathews published separate grammars for the Gundungurra and Ngunawal D3 but both of these grammars are drawn from the same material in his notebooks headed 'Gundungurra' (Mathews 1901 and 1904, in Eades 1976:6). Indigenous words with 'rr' are common in languages . endstream make (v) to construct something from component parts. The Gundungurrapeople, also spelt Gundungara, Gandangarra, Gandangaraand other variations, are an Aboriginal Australianpeople in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Seeing Kali In Meditation, <> stream List of Words to Describe Places. The Blue Mountains World Heritage Institute has done some work on the language (cf. $16.99. Here's some various word lists I've made that you can print out and cut up. By: Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, Connie Loynachan. Winding through a beautiful and secluded rainforest gully, along the trail of an original Songline, this full-day tour is a moving and inspirational experience that includes body painting, bush food and storytelling. Each clan is identified with a special totem (sacred animal) passed down from the Dreamtime by successive headmen or lore keepers. Ethnological notes on the Aboriginal tribes of New South Wales and Victoria. For Word Up, Kirli shares three Gundungurra words taught to her by her great-aunt, Aunty Velma Mulcahy. The boundaries of the Burra Burra stretch from the Fish River and Campbell River to the East and North and from the Cox River and Kowmung River to the west and south. In October 1798, Maroot the elder provided 30 words to Archaelogical evidence suggests that they inhabited the area since at least 22,000 years ago - during the last ice age. We would like to create a language word list of greetings and farewells for ALL Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members of A R . Dharug and Gundungurra. The artwork on these pages was created by Tom Brown, Gundungurra artist. This beautifully crafted verse novel for middle grade readers is truly a work of art - from the charcoal-smudged illustrations depicting the aftermath of bushfire, to the artful way in which words are placed on the page. Their country included the catchments of the Wollondilly and Cox Rivers and some adjacent areas west of the Great Dividing Range. The passage should be readable in 1-2 minutes (50-200 words). The Aboriginal Blue Mountains Walkabout is an immersion in indigenous culture. These few words are nearly all that is left from the first great work of literature, the original poem, which was created by the Ngarigo and Ngunnawal people of the Canberra region and the high country of NSW and Victoria. Resources for language learning The word is pronounced Woll-long-gong, with the second syllable being accented, and is supposedly onomatopoeic for the pounding and surging of the waves. Unfortunately, your shopping bag is empty. Avoid labels, euphemisms and made up words. To better pursue native title claims, in 1996 with the active support of the Australian . The firs. % (possibly the only non-locality Ngunawal word in current use - for the Gang-gang Cockatoo, although the word is claimed as being of . ISO 693-3 international domain name codes for languages have been used in the top navigation bar to maximise visibility of links on small portable devices. Bunjil is the spiritual totem or moiety ancestor for many of the clans between Geelong and Ballarat. [20] At that time animals were human, and collectively the animal people of that pristine world were known as Burringilling. YHA would like to acknowledge the Dharug & Gundungurra people upon whose land this property is located. (It was the hardest task, because in one third of all Czech letters has diacritical marks.) Fun. 1 Download resource Aboriginal word list Below is a vocabulary list of Aboriginal words used in the Ulladulla area when Mickey was alive. xXKoFs~KI/ul#mZ@ILQ_oI;Q(&${Qsp__Nx7v/\x:~=w9^QL#v C$LdQsku&oADn)y.T(UL$*T:%ILT}Y67jM+z,Z}?H)H,`kHD1O3]V`t,wm.b mk|CY>~Kz&L^BX*?U-!P=X%'c&iPt J;Lg@-$w(d,~O,*=J--oIP$:+#;:GEK>#tbztXdi1"k4%A-9ceB4>]SbJn49u()\00 ? Deptartment of Linguistics, University of Melbourne: BA (Hons). gundungurra word list. Definitions of Gundungurra language, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Gundungurra language, analogical dictionary of Gundungurra language (English) Over 7,000 documented Wiradjuri words and phrases. Three kms before Jenolan, at the top of the steep valley descent, stop at the gate. Having just openedthe new Katoomba Falls Night-lit Walk is a new way to soak up Katoomba Falls, which sits in the Blue Mountains National Park within the incredible Gundungurra Country (the word "Katoomba" actually derives from a local word, "Kedumba", which loosely translates to "shiny, falling waters"). Weird words are lots of fun to say, and this list of the 100 weirdest words of all time has some of the most unusual, rare, strange and odd words we've ever heard, from "argle-bargle" to "xiphoid . 50% OFF . Traditional search via image. The ACT Government decided in 2002 to call the ACT . Their traditional lands include present day Goulburn, Wollondilly Shire, The Blue Mountains and the Southern Highlands. Word will automatically start a numbered list for you. Quantity. According to Gandangara belief, in the primordial dreamtime (gun-yung-ga-lung, "times far past"), two creator figures, Gurangatch, a rainbow serpent, and Mirraga, a quoll, went on a journey from a point on the upper reaches of the Wollondilly River, with Mirragan pursuing the former, until the trek ended at a waterhole named Joolundoo on the Upper Fish River. It is then appropriate to seek permission from the Traditional Owners of that language area to . From the introductory notes on this site: "Welcome to the Ngunawal past present and future website. Over forty First languages are at risk of being lost in their current form by 2020, with only 120 surviving today. The 19th century 'blanket returns' are lists of Aboriginal people who received blankets from the Colonial authorities. It appears to be associated with Wiradjuri Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia files regarding Aboriginal place names, Box 4 / Folder 4, NSW place names, 1899-1903. The Gadigal are a clan of the Eora Nation. Many of the words listed as 'example words' for years 1 and 2, including almost all those listed as 'exception words', are used frequently in pupils' writing, and therefore it is worth pupils learning the correct spelling. Aside from considerations of defending their territories against the European colonial expansion, a period of severe drought may have influenced this turn in strategy. It goes without saying . Saunders presents a strong First Nation's voice through her character, as weaving her heritage within contemporary . Situated on the Moruya River, the Brinja Yuin word means 'home of the black swan'. Comes from a Gundungurra word meaning 'falling water tumbling over a hill' and takes its name from a waterfall that drops into the Jamison Valley in the region. mentioned in this publication please see contact list below. Hundreds of languages were once spoken in Australia. Their history, culture and spirituality are inseparable from their river Country. This word was adopted into Australian English and was used, even outside the normal dry-country range of A. salicina, to describe other wattles with 'willow-like' leaves. An Aboriginal Elder represents a senior authority in the local community, and someone who is identified by others in that commun E ity. As such they can be considered dialects of a single unnamed language, but this is the technical linguistic . Wyoming Mustangs Football Salary, \^lAB&$\JR!4% x-&qlm/g\#qS:cEkt`E ^WIA\A:Hg
Qpb@9se~me4OP(B The Gundungurra (also spelled Gandangara) language group lived to the south-west of Sydney. Celebrating our first languages As an Indigenous business, Rork Projects proudly supports a greater awareness, knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, rich history and languages. @$Wf$r%xE/%xfM#EC.2A:."-H . [19] Much of this landscape with its minute Gandangara toponymic descriptions considered to be "one of the best documented Aboriginal cultural landscapes", was submerged with the construction of the Warragamba Dam after WW2. Word for the web automatically inserts the next bullet or number. [8] In May an Aboriginal woman and three children were killed during skirmishes near the Milehouse and Butcher farms, and in retaliation, 3 Europeans were killed. CANBERRA, ACT Incredible footage captured by Joe Benshemesh while in the field for a translocation project led by local landholders, the Riverina Local Land Services and the National Malleefowl The language lists available from the State Library of New South Wales were recorded historically by many individuals both amateurs and professionals who documented Indigenous words, placenames and . Duration: 03m11s. Traditional search via image. A sketch grammar of Gandangara (Gundungurra): a 'sleeping' language of south eastern New South Wales. There are contradictory claims as to whether they are one language or two. By the end of the 19th century and start of the 20th, many Gundungurra families from the Burragorang were dispossessed of their ancestral homes and found refuge in a safe and well-resourced . Most of the apple information below is taken from Clive Winmill's magnificent self-published brochure Apples Old & New.An Introduction to the Range of Apple Cultivars Available in Australia, 5th edition, 1997.Clive and his wife unfortunately no longer run their heritage apple nursery at Badger . This list was compiled by John Low for the Blue Mountains Library. [9], In March 1814, some Aborigines were violently driven away after they complained of not being paid their wages for working for white settlers. This interconnection is ongoing and did not just exist in the creation time. End of Project Gutenberg's The Gundungurra Language, by R. H. Mathews *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE GUNDUNGURRA LANGUAGE *** ***** This file should be named 21866-0 . lder Country refers to "this" place and the traditional language group of the area. Men from the Gandarangara also acted as guides for Mitchell at the time. E. Stockton, 136-146. About the word lists and vocabularies This website is not intended to be an authoritative source for Indigenous Languages in Australia. List of Words That Describe the United States. [12] Wallis often found settlers unwilling to hand over the Darawal people who lived on their stations, but eventually, executing what he later recalled was a "melancholy but necessary duty",[13] tracked down a group camping under the Cataract River[14] near Appin. Eades, Diana. Based on his analysis of pronoun forms, Koch concludes that Gandangara (S60) and Ngunawal D3 are dialects of the same . It was possible to find dialects in each of the languages. Gundungurra. Easy. Build other lists, starting with, ending with or containing letters of your choice. Goodhew, G.T. Jenolan Caves are in the lands of the Burra Burra people, a clan group of the Gundugurra Nation. anger produced by some annoying irritation. The Gundungurra word for 'two' is bulla and the creator ancestors were called the bullens. . Please send any questions regarding AustLang to austlang@aiatsis.gov.au. Recommended reading Gazetteers & Almanacs Search terms. These pages provide a range of word lists on body parts to support communities in their work to revive, document and preserve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages. Subjects: Gundungurra / Gandangara language S60. Kedumba is the valley south of Katoomba, and a variation on the same Gundungurra word as the town. Our Word of the week is Myall According to Boxes 4-5: Survey forms and correspondence received by the Royal Anthropological . A major benefit to playing pictionary is that you almost definitely already have all the materials you need. do you wear briefs under boxers; jackson jeffcoat salary; associate director, regulatory affairs salary merck; dodane: 23.06.2022 00:13:52 gundungurra word list Traditional welcome and acknowledgement every time the app is opened. Natural Elements badu water bamal earth birrung star burra sky Moderate. The ancestors of Darug, Darkinyung and Gundungurra people have lived in this region for around 50,000 years. All you need for pictionary is: At least two people, although 4+ is better to create teams of two or more people. Bindi is a verse novel for mid-upper primary students. The records are broadly arranged by locality and include both Indigenous and European names for each person as well as their age. AC ELA 1487 ACELA 1515 Describe, orally and then in writing, a dish that is a family favourite meal. Broadcast: Sat 18 Dec 2021, 6:55pm More Information. This is one of a number of examples where the same word appears in Gundungurra and a neighbouring language, but is used to describe two completely different plants. The artwork on these pages was created by Tom Brown, Gundungurra artist. Mathews published separate grammars for the Gundungurra and Ngunawal D3 but both of these grammars are drawn from the same material in his notebooks headed 'Gundungurra' (Mathews 1901 and 1904, in Eades 1976:6).. Based on his analysis of pronoun forms, Koch concludes that Gandangara (S60) and Ngunawal D3 are dialects of the same language (2011:18). Please follow the escort vehicle (running every 20 minutes) 3km down to our carpark. Our Word of the week is Myall . The Gundungurra word for 'two' is bulla and the creator ancestors were called the bullens. Wafer and Lissarrague 2008:115). The territory of the Gundungurra tribe includes Burragorang, Katoomba, Picton, Berrima, Taralga and Goulburn, with the intervening country (Mathews 2007:133). J. Smith, 'Gundungurra Country', PhD thesis, 2008, p. 428. His friend and his dad were artists and he learned some of the symbolism of Gundungurra people. Task no. There are roughly 1,800 speakers of Eastern and Central Arrernte, making it one of the largest speaking populations of any Australian language. Royal Anthropological Society of Australasia files regarding Aboriginal place names, Box 4 / Folder 4, NSW place names, 1899-1903. Archaelogical evidence suggests that they inhabited the area since at least 22,000 years ago - during the last ice age. Pronunciation of Darug with 1 audio pronunciations. Robinson called the language 'O.ner.wul', missing the word initial sound /ng/; Mathews wrote 'Ngunawal' for the name in his sketch grammar and vocabulary (1904 in Koch, 2010:135). Dharawal. Jim's book is not a superficial word list with basic phrases (although these are included), but an overarching synthesis of all of the known written sources for the Gundungurra language. [2] The language is classified as a subset of the Yuin-Kuric branch of the Pama-Nyungan language family, and is very close to Ngunnawal. Use the list: or words Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity. Organ, Michael. Speaker numbers for NILS 2004 and 2005 estimate come from 'Table F.3: Numbers of speakers of Australian Indigenous languages (various surveys)' in 'Appendix F NILS endangerment and absolute number results' in McConvell, Marmion and McNicol 2005, pages 198-230 (PDF, 2.5MB). Wafer, Jim, and Amanda Lissarrague. Traces such as axe grinding grooves, rock engravings, cave paintings, stone arrangements and tool fragments can . It is a complete religious belief system, based upon a spiritual connection to land, culture, animals, totems, kinship and sacred sites. IN THE DRY bed of the Northern Territory's Hanson River, words dance from Clarrie Kemarr Long's fingertips. H}^;Wardf9&!~nPn #`q~VlQ}CM}K In March 2019, Kirli Saunders presented Poetry in First Languages (PIFL) on Gundungurra Country. The Australian Government is investing $13 million in the Greater Blue Mountains and World Heritage Area bushfire region under the $110 million Regional Bushfire Recovery Fund to increase the resilience and recovery of fire-affected species, ecological communities and natural assets. In this lesson, you will learn a list of common words that start with V in English with ESL pictures to enhance your vocabulary words. Journal of the Royal Society of NSW 38:203-381. [1], The first attempt at a brief description of the Gundangara language was undertaken by R. H. Mathews in 1901. Canberra, ACT Thought . If this connection is broken, by forced removal or dispossession, then the people become adrift, separated from their innermost beliefs. The Oxford 3000 is a list of the 3000 most important words to learn in English. In the time following the British invasion of Australia, 250 different aboriginal languages were spoken. Kohen, James Leslie. An excel version of this table is here: Languages . gundungurra word list . NSW Comes from a Gundungurra word . In Gundungurra mythology the Bullen brothers created human beings during the gunyungalung, devised their initiation ceremonies and travelled the land destroying the many gubbas who preyed on people (Mathews 2003: 29-32). Definitions of Gundungurra language, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Gundungurra language, analogical dictionary of Gundungurra language (English) Hidden away in a notebook held in the State Library of NSW's Mitchell Library is a remarkable document: a handwritten list of 178 Aboriginal names for places along Dyarubbin, the Hawkesbury River, which encircles Sydney and the Cumberland Plain on the east coast of New South Wales. The Sugar Glider has a membrane extending from its fifth finger to its ankle enabling it to glide up to 50 m between trees. For even bigger lists of words in these categories, check out my online word . Among those killed was a mountain chief Conibigal,[a] an old man called Balyin, a Dharawal man called Dunell, along with several women and children. The language lists available from the State Library of New South Wales were recorded historically by many individuals both amateurs and professionals who documented Indigenous words, placenames and . This book is the second of Gardner's 3 volume history on the Kurnai tribes. 30 0 obj @\r*qug(*}gDyZY`wh8'99v?+vq/. RVsI%.!5MS+> 3 /5. I have replaced "ng" with "" in the Mathews list. Goodhew, G.T. He grew quiet for a moment as Harry continued laughing, then Eades smacked the paper on his desk exclaiming "Ah shit!" Words can be uniquely determined typing the first 4 letters. Dharawal. According to the local historian Anne-Maree Whitaker, what followed on 17 April 1816 was a massacre. Yuin-Kuric languages - The Yuin-Kuric languages are a family of mainly extinct Australian . The Gundungurra people, also spelt Gundungara, Gandangarra, Gandangara and other variations, are an Aboriginal Australian people in south-eastern New South Wales, Australia. Keep track of your valuable merchandise with an inventory checklist template in Word. Comes from a Gundungurra word meaning 'falling water tumbling over a hill' and takes its name from a waterfall that drops into the Jamison Valley in the region. A language thats transforming a town. ABC documentary, published 16 October 2014. Posted at 20:01h . Words are 4-8 letters long. Title: Gundungurra Word List: Authors: . (ABC Great Southern: Ellie Honeybone) Mrs Knapp agreed. 2007. This sight word list, list 6, includes the following sight words: your, who, into, go, here, they, down, up did and were. 0 Results. Written from the point of view of 11-year-old, Bindi and her friends on Gundungurra Country. Compile a visual glossary of the Gundungurra words in the text extracts, using images found online or students' sketches. During my research I have uncovered two little known word lists collected in the Botany Bay area. The Oxford 3000. Ngunnawal is very closely related to the Gandangara language and the two were most likely highly mutually intelligible. oral roberts university; anxiety waiting for std test results; implantation bleeding twice with twins. In Gundungurra mythology the Bullen brothers created human beings during the gunyungalung, devised their initiation ceremonies and travelled the land destroying the many gubbas who preyed on people (Mathews 2003: 29-32). Traces such as axe grinding grooves, rock engravings, cave paintings, stone arrangements and tool fragments can . nb. nayung. This beautifully crafted verse novel for middle grade readers is truly a work of art - from the charcoal-smudged illustrations depicting the aftermath of bushfire, to the artful way in which words are placed on the page. 33 0 obj Bennetts main informant was Werriberrie, also known as Billy Russell (c.1835-1914). Botany Bay, Gundungurra in the Blue Mountains, an inland dialect (Darug) to the west of Parramatta and another language (Kuringgai) at Pittwater and Broken Bay. Ph: 1300 76 33 11 or +61 2 6359 3911, Katoomba to Jenolan via Hampton - map & directions, Katoomba to Jenolan via Bathurst - map & directions, Katoomba to Jenolan via Tarana - Map & Directions, Dreamtime Story of Gurrangatch & Mirrigan, Food & Equipment for the Journey to Jenolan, Ben Chifley (Prime Minister of Australia 1945-1949), Australia's First Hydro Electricity System, DreamtimeStoryofGurrangatch&Mirrigan, Food&EquipmentfortheJourneytoJenolan. This organisation, among other projects, is sponsoring work on First Language literacy and making literacy connections with English. 1900. In Gundungurra mythology the Bullen brothers created human beings during the gunyungalung, devised their initiation ceremonies and travelled the land destroying the many gubbas who preyed on people (Mathews 2003: 29-32). Subscribing I accept the privacy rules of this site. Make Words Wheel -o- : This 2-page print-out makes a words wheel; it consists of a base page together with a wheel that spins around. Most of the Koori people in the Burragorang Valley attend a party at John Riley' s section at Burnt Flat. To complete your list, press Enter until the bullets or numbering switch off. Written from the point of view of 11-year-old, Bindi and her friends on Gundungurra Country. A clan group is a collection of families and extended families who speak the Gundungurra language, but with a slightly different dialect. Winmalee, NSW: Three Sisters Productions. boston real estate market report. Martha Paiz Fogerty, Yuina Kuroshima - Yuina Kuroshima ( , Kuroshima Yuina, born March 15, 1997) is a Japanese model, actress, and tarento. Joanne Hooper Rogers (Shaun), Shaun Hooper. A sketch grammar of Gandangara (Gundungurra): a 'sleeping" language of southeastern New South Wales. It includes words from the authentic Gundungurra language, to describe how the caves and the land above was used by the Gundungurra people, whose culture stretches back tens of thousands of years and which is very much a living culture today. Some of the Aborigines were shot and others were driven off the cliffs into a steep gorge. These memories were quickly shattered by the sound of breaking . A dictionary of the Gundungurra language. Please see Wikipedia's template documentation for further citation fields that may be required. Pronunciation of Darug with 1 audio pronunciations. As such they can be considered dialects of a single unnamed language, but this is the technical linguistic . Macquarie ordered the 46th Regiment under Captain James Wallis to round up all Aborigines from the Hawkesbury down to these southern areas. "Baraba Baraba" It studies the Kurnai through the diaries and letters of various European observers, including an explorer, squatters, government officials, Aboriginal protectors, missionaries and an anthropologist. Difficult. Dharug. n.m;e=YJ6ii#r|JTkg
_wGO[i(v{eo=s4! The Gandangara joined forces with the Thurrawal/Darawal, who had linked up with remnants of the Dharug, in order to participate in the frontier war, also raiding cornfields. Snoop Dogg Clothing Brand, endobj Mathews published separate grammars for the Gundungurra S60 and Ngunawal but both of these grammars are drawn from the same material in his notebooks headed . 1899 . | Aboriginal Australians -- New South Wales -- Languages. <> stream Kasingkahulugan Ng Alamat, Gundungurra. Editor's note: Urban List editors independently select and write about stuff we love and think you'll like too. a catchment area known to whites of the district as the "Rocky Waterhole". What people are saying - Write a review. Some of these wordlists complement the Gambara Gamu Biyu body chart poster; while others have been collated from State Library collection items. How to use this dictionary? Comments: Mathews published separate grammars for the Gundungurra and Ngunawal D3 but both of these grammars are drawn from the same material in his notebooks headed 'Gundungurra' (Mathews 1901 and 1904, in Eades 1976:6). This includes: Robinson called the language 'O.ner.wul', missing the word initial sound /ng/; Mathews wrote 'Ngunawal' for the name in his sketch grammar and vocabulary (1904 in Koch, 2010:135). kick ; tread on ; stamp on to make strong impact with the feet ; leave a mark (as a footprint) Gold Coast Tweed, Lower Richmond, Middle Clarence, Condamine Upper Clarence.