glossary of religious terms

In Catholicism, the Eucharist is believed to be entirely literal, not symbolic. The general term for all the church's official acts of worship. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "P") Often this is where choir members are seated and the place from which clergy conduct the service. He is responsible for administering the sacraments, instructing the congregation in the doctrine of the church, and providing other services to the people of the parish. Omnibeneficience: The concept that God is all-good. In most Eastern Catholic churches the Mass is called theDivine Liturgy. Kudos for getting Immaculate Conception spot-on! connected with the teaching of St Augustine (354-430), probably the most important theological authority for both Catholics and Protestants in this period. Let us make Man in our own image.. Religious definition, of, relating to, or concerned with religion: a religious holiday. It refers to the number of years since the birth of Yeshua of Nazareth, a.k.a. The head of an archeparchy is called anarcheparch, but in most contexts he can be called anarchbishop. evangelical: having to do with the Christian gospel/New Testament writings. Omnipresence: The concept that God is in all places at all times. Christendom - In a cultural sense, it refers to the religion itself, or to the worldwide community of Christians, adherents of Christianity. Among those who are in paid posts, about 40% are coordinators of religious education. (1) The canon of Sacred Scripture is the list of books recognized by the church as inspired by the Holy Spirit. Holy See. The personnel and offices through which (1) the pope administers the affairs of the universal church (the Roman Curia), or (2) a bishop administers the affairs of a diocese (the diocesan curia). archdiocesan. Glossary Of Jewish & Judaism Terms | definitions "Desert" vs. "Dessert": When To Use Each One Tax Words To Learn Right Now (As In Today) Terms That Show The Diversity Of Jewish American Life Published May 14, 2021 Jewish Person or Jew? Auxiliary bishops and bishops in Vatican service are examples of those given titular sees. It may appear cumbersome as a result of our desire to make it as comprehensive as possible. ecclesiastic: relating to a church. (NB monks were supposed to live a contemplative life, withdrawn from the world, while friars took a more active role in preaching and hearing confessions and were supposed to live by begging. As a born and raised Catholic who has worked in Muslim countries for more years than I can remember and who thinks of himself as a Buddhist, I found your list quite limited. Mass. refers to the teaching of the thirteenth-century systematic theologian Thomas Aquinas, favoured by Catholics, but not Protestants. Often a new bishop will present his letter of appointment to the priests of the diocese during a vespers service at the cathedral. The term apostolic refers to the early Christian era, with traditions of ministry and authority derived from the apostles, the immediate disciples of Jesus. The Baptist tradition includes a variety of Christian churches which trace their beginnings to the Anabaptist reform movement that rejected infant baptism insisting on the importance of baptizing only those who are able to profess the faith as believers. Genesis says: Church crimes are spelled out in theCode of Canon Lawfor the Latin rite and in theCode of Canons of the Eastern Churchesfor Eastern Catholic churches. ordinary. Reformed, the the lifting up of the consecrated host [qv] and chalice during the mass, regarded by many Protestants as idolatrous. (1) Strictly speaking, a member of a religious order of women with solemn vows. In this glossary, you will find definitions of common religious freedom and First Amendment terms and phrases, as compiled by our experts, for your greater understanding. literary genre in which the future of humanity is revealed using highly symbolic imagery. The central act of worship in the Catholic Church. A penalty or censure by which a baptized Catholic is excluded from the communion of the faithful for committing and remaining obstinate in certain serious offenses specified in canon law. The information contained here has been gathered from a variety of . For additional quotes on these topics, see Bill McKeever's book or CD edition of In Their Own Words.And for a 13-minute podcast covering Mormon terminology, go here. 16 words 57 learners . canon. Whether youre a teacher or a learner, The Greeks used their word to refer to government officials. In covering the church internationally, however, it is also important to realize that the Catholic Church and news agencies in many other nations useMsgr. superior. A national (or in a very few cases regional) body of bishops that meets periodically to collaborate on matters of common concern in their country or region, such as moral, doctrinal, pastoral and liturgical questions; relations with other religious groups; and public policy issues. Immaculate Conception: the Roman Catholic doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived without Original Sin (the sin of Adam and Eve conveyed to all human beings). a place or state of being after this life, where souls destined for heaven would have their sins purged away - in Catholic popular teaching images of fire and torment predominated. Though this person doesnt know what is islam ( I dont see any description it ), but she/he knows what is jihad . Disbelieve means to not believe. Greek ekklesiastikos referred to the ancient Athenian political assembly. It is also called an episcopal conference. The word is also used to describe a type of Christian belief that emphasizes the inerrancy of scripture and salvation through personal conversion. The threshold amounts are established periodically by an agreement with the Holy See and are currently subject to annual inflation changes determined by the cost of living index. Adam is Hebrew for human, man. It is the name given to the first person created by God and as such has an important symbolic role in the Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions. All Saints Day is November 1, the day on which the church celebrates the saints, known and unknown. For many Christians it is a day of fasting and a day on which the season ahead is symbolized by the imposition of ashes on ones forehead. Protestants had a much wider concept than Catholics of what constituted idolatry. Still having trouble with the concept, if youll pardon me. It includes a belief in reincarnation and transmigration of souls. Arminian clergy were much promoted by Charles I of England. Now an ecumenical group cooperating on some matter of general social benefit might include representatives from non-Christian religions. Anglican: St Augustine of Canterbury, not the famous St Augustine of Hippo, 354-430, author of City of God. Seelay ecclesial ministry. @Andy, Islamic terms would grant a post on their own, and that is why we have not mixed them here (except for the mainstream jihad). Catholicism taught that scripture was supplemented by the tradition of the Church, and that the Church was the authoritative interpreter of scripture. (I am not opening up a debate on that subject). Whether in a diocese or archdiocese, his title isbishop. Catholics and Jews were the most exotic religious practitioners in town, and atheist was a strong term of disapprobation. Also a notary and secretary of the diocesan curia, or central administration; he or she may have a variety of other duties as well. Much theological debate has focused on whether the free gift of God's grace is a necessary precondition for all good works, and the role that human freewill plays in co-operating with grace. Catholics/Catholicism Puja (pooja): The ritualistic worship of a deity. Technically, 'Catholic' means universal, and the creed recited by most Christians in this period affirms belief in 'the holy catholic church'. Heath comes from a word meaning field. Heathen was originally an adjective meaning of the heath., profane: not holy. Youre right, there are plenty of other useful words. Copyright 2023 The President and Fellows of Harvard College, Native American Traditions Glossary Terms. The promises spouses make to each other when they marry are vows. It almost sounds like disbelieve is more like un-believe something you do. Where as to not believe is to never arrive at a state of belief. the belief that Christ is present in the bread and wine of the eucharist in more than a merely figurative or symbolic way. Use this to prep for your next quiz! (1) A grouping of an archdiocese, called themetropolitan see, and the dioceses under it, calledsuffragan sees. They are primarily used as spiritual conduits, words and vibrations that instill one-pointed concentration in the devotee. Check on the Web or in other resources to determine whether the man in question is a bishop or just a priest who has an honorary title from the pope. Protestantism Theuniversal churchthe meaning ofcatholic church, lowercasedis the communion of all those particular churches spread throughout the world who are in union with the bishop of Rome and who share in fidelity to apostolic teaching and discipleship to Christ. The glossary has been . The College of Cardinals is charged with the responsibility of electing a new pope when the office becomes vacant. (adj. to another comment: hinduism isnt exactly polytheistic, and cant be defined as a single religion. Glossary of Religious Terms Anglicanism The version of Christianity espoused by the Church of England, often understood to comprise a blend of Catholic and Protestant elements. Similar to profane, secular refers to anything that is not specifically religious. See also Terminology Differences by Sandra Tanner. Although this was published in 2010 and am just reading it now (2019) when i was looking for words associated with traditional religion for preparation of my lesson, i think i still find it educating and lucid. Atribunal(court) is the name given to the person or persons who exercise the church's judicial powers. Strictly, the title applies to women religious of those institutes, mostly formed during or since the 19th century, whose members do not profess solemn vows. Also known as thepriests' council, this is the principal consultative body mandated by theCode of Canon Lawto advise the diocesan bishop in matters of pastoral governance. SeeCollege of Cardinals. It appears in such phrases asHoly See,titular see,metropolitan see,suffragan see,see city. It can be anordinary consistory, attended only by cardinals in Rome at the time of the meeting, or anextraordinary consistory, to which all cardinals around the world are summoned. Delete the word symbolic. Even though excommunicated, the person is still responsible for fulfillment of the normal obligations of a Catholic. There are various sects with varying beliefs. Refers to a bishop or groups of bishops, or to the form of church governance in which ordained bishops have authority. The teaching affirms the central role and responsibility of the church to reach out to all people with the Gospel message while acknowledging that those who have not been apprised or convinced of that message may still be saved if they live upright lives in accord with their own convictions and understanding of God. religious: [adjective] relating to or manifesting faithful devotion to an acknowledged ultimate reality or deity. In the U.S., the Amish in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and other parts of the Midwest have maintained a strong sense of community and continue to insist on simplicity, rejecting the use of modern technology. There are only two Catholic archeparchies in the United States: the Byzantine Catholic Archdiocese of Pittsburgh and the Ukrainian Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia. His Biblical faith decisively shaped his commitment to social justice. Someone who lacks professional knowledge of a particular profession is called a layman. Angels are a class of supernatural or spiritual beings, imaginatively understood to perform various functions on Gods behalf. the process by which people are restored to God's favour, having lost it through sin. Their liturgy and mysticism is more similar to Catholicism than to any other Christian denomination, but has some important distinctions. It is also given to certain other high-ranking church officials, notably Vatican ambassadors (apostolic nuncios: see that entry), the secretaries of Vatican congregations and the presidents of pontifical councils. This useful and informative work should help anyone studying religion up to graduate level, but it is also a . Once consecrated, the matter of the Eucharist is believed to be bread and wine in appearance only, with its metaphysical substance completely transformed into Christs Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. For more information on covering the Catholic Church and the Mass, see: annulment. justification laity/lay. The Catholic Church recognised seven sacraments: baptism [v], confirmation, eucharist [qv], penance [qv], holy orders, marriage, anointing of the sick (extreme unction); Protestantism usually only two: baptism and the eucharist (though sometimes penance as well). Children from a putative marriage are considered legitimate even if the marriage is later ruled to be invalid. Buddhism: the teaching that suffering is inherent to life and that the way to escape suffering and repeated existence is to limit ones desires and expectations. as the religious title before the name of bishops and archbishops, not just before the name of priests who have received that honorary ecclesiastical title from the pope. Marital chastity means faithfulness to one's spouse and moral conduct in marital relations. An acronym for anno domini, the year of the Lord. Biography Daniel G. Reid et al., Dictionary of Christianity in America (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1990), This definition of covenant is from O. Palmer Robertson's book, Circumcision controversy in early Christianity, emphasizing the letter of law at the expense of the spirit, epochal relationship of restoration and peace, Names and titles of Jesus in the New Testament, dictionary, "Christendom", Catholic Encyclopedia: Chronology of the Life of Jesus Christ, Architecture of cathedrals and great churches,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using sidebar with the child parameter, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Wikipedia glossaries using unordered lists, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 8 January 2023, at 13:15. gospel: the story of Christs life and teachings as told in the first four books of the Christian New Testament. apostolic nuncio. In the United States well over 30,000 such lay ministersan average of more than 1.6 per parish nationwideare employed by Catholic parishes in full- or part-time positions of more than 20 hours a week. can put you or your class In the interregnum following the death of the pope, the College of Cardinals administers the church, and those under the age of 80 meet in a conclave to elect a new pope. Glossary of Church Terms - The Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah Menu LOGIN About Us Diocesan History Former Bishops of the Diocese Priest Necrology Glossary of Church Terms Our Bishops Bishop Stephen D. Parkes Biography Coat of Arms Sacramental History News Statements Official Portraits SDP Social Bishop Emeritus John Kevin Boland, D.D. Eastern Catholics and Orthodox usually refer to confirmation aschrismation. presbyterate. Adj. Refers to a decision to live chastely in the unmarried state. John Smith orthe Rev. The ancient teaching that outside the church there is no salvation (extra ecclesiam nullasalus) has been officially nuanced in church teaching to include many who do not explicitly embrace the church and all its teachings, or even many who join no Christian religion. The apostles are the disciples of Jesus recognized as leaders of the early church; Paul, although not a disciple, came to be considered an apostle as well. It is governed by an archbishop. the various texts of church services (adj. chastity. These days religion is front page news. Religious Terms Glossary: from the Concise Lexicon of Christianity purgatory A code of ecclesiastical laws governing the Catholic Church. iconographical). vespers. Catholic church service in which the eucharist [qv] is celebrated. Ritual Abuse: Involuntary psychological, physical, sexual or spiritual maltreatment, associated with a (normally religious) ritual. ?the one who just disbelieves in God, or the one who claims there is no god??? Catholics, like Orthodox Christians, believe that there are seven sacraments:baptism,confirmation,Eucharist,penance,matrimony,holy ordersand theanointing of the sick. Such a council's role is consultative and always subject to the final authority of the pastor or bishop. on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement. The term church has been adopted by other American groups such as the Buddhist Churches of Americato indicate this form of community fellowship. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "O") It is the highest diocesan position open to women. Antichrist He is remembered for his strong role in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (beginning in 1957), in the Selma to Montgomery March (1965), in the March on Washington (1965), and for his leadership in the Civil Rights movement throughout the 1950s and 1960s. @Emma re: small c versus capital C Catholic there is no difference except that one is used as a title. Quite funny , from Latin The early morning hours of dawn. Protestants rejected purgatory as unscriptural. religious titles before names. real presence GCSE which was published by the School Examination Council (SEC) in 1986. It refers to someone withordinaryauthority in church law over a group of clergy, over certain pastoral concerns in a specific geographical area or over the members of a religious order. monsignor. A broad term in Catholic usage for any activity conducive to the salvation of souls. atheism: disbelief in any deity or supernatural power. Now that there are four eucharistic prayers in general use, they are usually referred to as Eucharistic Prayer I, II, III or IV, but they may also be called canons. parish. You run a writing website, please use gender neutral language please, it isnt that difficult. For permutations of meaning, see the OED or some other authoritative dictionary. Although the three Abrahamic religions get most of the news copy, the number of religions that matter to people number in the double digits. Anglican -. religion, human beings' relation to that which they regard as holy, sacred, absolute, spiritual, divine, or worthy of especial reverence. split within the church, which may or may not lead to heresy [qv]. the leading enemy of Christ and his teaching, referred to in various biblical passages, and widely expected to appear on earth before the end of the world. Anything not related to religion and spirituality is profane. It is also commonly regarded as consisting of the way people deal with ultimate concerns about their lives and their fate after death. It is sugar water which is used during the Khalsa initiation ceremony. Catholics believe that in the consecration the bread and wine truly become the body and blood of Christ. They assume a variety of forms, but are frequently depicted as having human or animal form. Also calledevening prayer, vespers is part of the Liturgy of the Hours, the series of psalms, prayers and readings for different parts of the day that Catholic priests and deacons are obligated to pray daily. Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms - Verbum Glossary of Hinduism terms | Religion Wiki | Fandom Anthropology of Religion: Glossary of Terms - Palomar College Ill give some thoughts to how additional words might be grouped. An honorary ecclesiastical title granted by the pope to some diocesan priests. Many Protestants preferred to use ordinary bread. sacraments. liturgical). presbyteral council. episcopal vicar. When I was growing up in small town America, stories about religion were generally confined to the Saturday church pages in the local newspaper. Mantra: A sacred religious prayer. First century Christians writers adopted the word to mean assembly of believers, or church.. Paatal: Also termed as nether world, it is the underground world and is one of the three lokas. May be a synonym forpriesthoodor may refer to the collective body of priests of a diocese or similar ecclesiastical jurisdiction. (3) Any gathering of Christians for worship. Also called chiliasm. Test your spelling acumen. The Catholic Churches with origins in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa that have their own distinctive liturgical, legal and organizational systems and are identified by the national or ethnic character of their region of origin. idolatry Religious clergy live according to the rule of their respective orders. On Azusa Street in Los Angeles was the mission church of black Holiness preacher William J. Seymour where one of the most important streams of pentecostalism had its genesis in revivals that took place between 1905 and 1913. beliefs associated with the Dutch theologian, Jacobus Arminius (1560-1609), who came to deny predestination - a kind of Calvinist 'heresy'. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was one of Americas most renowned Christian leaders. The synonym is universal, or Universal, as one might prefer. generic term for the churches (excluding the eastern orthodox) who rejected the authority of the papacy. This depends on a philosophical distinction between the accidents and substance of an object. excommunication. pastoral council. In the Christian tradition, church refers to the organic, interdependent body of Christs followers, the community of Christians. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: GLOSSARY OF TERMS . In the documents of the Second Vatican Council, however, the laity are those who are neither ordained nor members of a religious order. Backslide - To go back to old sins or habits that one once had victory over. It consists of bishops and priests serving the diocese. Glossary of religious and spiritual terms (Starting with "R") In a church setting one may speak of the clergy and the laity (non-clerical members of the church). (2) Before the liturgical reforms of the Second Vatican Council, the single eucharistic prayer used universally in the Latin Mass was called the Roman Canon. Relig-ish: Soulful Living in a Spiritual-But-Not-Religious World It can include ordained ministry such as liturgical leadership and administration of the sacraments, or lay ministry such as instructing children in the faith, serving the poor, visiting the sick, or being an altar server, reader or music leader at Mass. In 1966, the conference was reorganized as the canonical entity known as the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and its twin civil corporation known as the U.S. Catholic Conference. When referring to the Roman Curia,Roman CuriaandCuriaused alone are usually capitalized (likeSenatewhen referring to the U.S. Senate), butcuriais not capitalized in reference to a diocesan curia unless it is part of a full proper name. Anglicanism The religions have been chosen to reflect the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world. For theonyms, or the names and epithets of gods, see List of Roman deities. The first three are also called thesacraments of Christian initiation, and in the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox traditions they are administered together in infancy. religious priest/diocesan priest. With the publication of the model syllabuses for religious education, and the work involving the faith communities in Britain, it was felt to be an appropriate time for revision. (The Catholic Church in Canada has a slightly different system, with regional instead of metropolitan appeals courts.). A laicized priest is barred from all priestly ministry with one exception: He may give absolution to someone in immediate danger of death. The topic of religion, like that of ecology, is one that concerns all human beings. Only cardinals under the age of 80 are allowed into a conclave under current church rules. Also, you defined orthodox with a lower-case o accurately, but omitted the very different of Orthodox with a capital O. That document was the first comprehensive code of church law governing all Eastern Catholic churches. Penance is also called the sacrament ofreconciliation. In English the standard abbreviation as a title before the name isMsgr. multifaith): An attempt to initiate dialog, cooperation, and understanding among individuals of many different faiths. Ill put it here and probably insert it where Id intended for it to appear: @bad tim, Journalists and school officials shouldnt have to tiptoe around religious topics. suspension. A national (or in a very few cases regional) body of bishops that meets periodically to collaborate on matters of common concern in their country or region, such as moral, doctrinal, pastoral and liturgical questions; relations with other religious groups; and public policy issues. Now the term is used figuratively to mean any remedial activity pursued with zeal and enthusiasm. The same meaning is becoming attached to jihad. (Catholics regarded the eastern orthodox as schismatics, but not usually as heretics, even though they rejected the authority of the pope). Jesus Christ. The word comes from Greek hairesis, action of taking, choice, sect. Originally a heresy was simply a difference of opinion. Somehow it has dropped out of the post. If I know something, there is no faith involved. Subscribers get access to our archives with 800+ interactive exercises! Continuum Glossary of Religious Terms provides a comprehensive glossary of terms from seven major religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism. All Rights Reserved. Believed by both Catholics and Protestants to be the ultimate source of religious truth. mass, the The Liturgy of the Word includes Scripture readings and a homily and ends with the general intercessions. Religious Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster (Galatians 3-4). nun. Neither classical Paganism nor contemporary polytheism are earth-centered even if that term actually means anything. Religious Definition & Meaning | the sacrament [qv] in which bread and wine is blessed or consecrated and then consumed (the communion). 3 attributes expressions of a monotheistic entity. Ametropolitan seeis an archdiocese that is the chief diocese of an ecclesiastical province. The religions have been chosen to reflect the main faiths that are studied both in school and at university in the English speaking world. episcopal. Anglo-Saxon for that matter are two German tribes. metropolitan. agnosticism: the philosophical position that the existence or non-existence of God or a First Cause is unknowable. (2) The proper legal term for some institutes of men or women religious, all of which are commonly calledreligious orders. asceticism: a mode of life that excludes physical pleasures and self-indulgence. Penance is also used to mean the action required to demonstrate true repentance: 'doing penance' by saying prayers, fasting etc.