deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war

Why in the HELL would our administration sour an alliance that withstood the Afghanistan withdrawal? Metallicman DonationBasic Donation - $10Big Thankyou - $20Real Appreciation - $50Ask a question - $100A Detailed Explanation - $500Benefactor Support $1000Other Amount:Please kindly enter any notes that you would like to attach to the donation here: Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Such as this, Heres some of the very specific data that they have come up with. Will a 5,000 year old country really allow itself to be subverted by 300 year old dynastic banking and aristocratic families? Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. January 29, 2021. The countries forecast population numbers do reflect birth/deaths but also migratory movements. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War-Liberty or Death Only the humble IS-Bes will be forgiven and allowed to pass through the other five realms in the Heavens. We are not being allowed to refinance under the currently severe ECONOMIC CLIMATE CHANGE. .flex_column.av-26r4dvu-a4835d8bbbfc0273f8ca8fd7d20e93f7{ The projected population for AUS in 2017 is 23mil, in 2025 it is 15mil. The charts truly show that it is the Chinese and the Russians that will be spared. in episode 80 of Questions For Corbett’. Because if it was a global disaster, then the causality figures would be more uniform. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space . In summary, the USA (and the West) have a system of government based on profit. The Ronald Reagan, another USS battleship [Aircraft Carrier] will also be hit by enemy fire. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. Strange insistence in using a mRNA vaccine instead of a traditional dead host vaccine. As a rogue agent, the USA will find it impossible to impose effective trade sanctions, as an act of war against any countries population. GDP: Gross Domestic Product (in USD millions) $2,445,124. The True Scale of Government Debt & Coming Collapse; Deagel Forecast of And there should be a hard limit on the % you can inflate the currency which should be In it, they predict a 70% reduction in the size of the United States population. All of the AUKUS stealthy fighter jets and sophisticated nuclear subs will be located to pinpoint accuracy and eliminated at the early stage of the war. Do not get caught up. In Europe alone the plague wiped out nearly 50% of Europes population. Deagel 2025 Population and Output Forecast Revisited | Essential Guide The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. The West will completely collapse. Our insider investments also did not work out in the Middle East with oil pipe lines and lithium (Afghanistan) as a rare power source for powering batteries. The Georgia Guidestones and the New World Order | Essential Guide, An Essential Guide to Avoiding Medical Tyranny | Children's Health Defence, Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid | The Corbett Report, WEF Futurist: We Just Dont Need the Majority of the Population | The Daily Bell, Dr. Sam White: Psychological Warfare Applied to the Population | Planet Uplift, Dr. Stanley Monteith: The Population Control Agenda | The Mind Renewed, SPARS 2025 - 2028 | The Blueprint For Total Collapse of Civilisation | Jay's Analysis,,, Deagel 2025 Population and Output Forecast Revisited | Essential Guide. The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors. And to confirm how brain-dead the Australian citizenry is, they are not even noticing that the decisions on tariffs, embargoes, trade with China, military alignments with the United States are not going through the proper channels. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war The United States trying to distract domestic discord through war. Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War (As of August 13, 2020, revised 2025 forecast US population drop to 100mil. Yes, but if you believe in god, one way or another, hopefully your brain pattern will be downloaded due to the graphene in the injections. Liberty in Christ - Deagel 2025 Forecast: The First Nuclear War on Stitcher Provide nuclear basing and deployment options for second-strike nuclear SLBM systems. And this is not an exaggeration at all. 7) The SEVENTH EVENT IS an earthquake in central Europe, affecting many countries, with great destruction. He put nukes right in Chinas back yard. You are a skilled and talented young man. There will come the soft rains by Ray Bradbury (Full text), Be the Rufus; more videos of personal heroism in China. Both the SLBMs for targeted destruction of cities, and nuclear torpedoes for the destruction of submarines and entire fleets. Progressive onslaught and control of all electronic media. As an extrapolation of trends show things either moving towards infinity or falling into a black hole. The date and timing all agree with the Strauss and Howe model for America. Well, if that is so, then if you read the book of revelation, then you know that the real believers will be spared, and the condemned will be the ones who will end up suffering. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. 85 percent of the population in the Hutu ethnic group. It is not Gods word or a magic device that allows to foresee the future. There will be this thing called the rapture and the unworthy will perish in what will become Hell on Earth. Not everybody has to die. The first in order to eliminate the German military empire, the second to do the same, after things got out of control while using the same Germany, this time governed by gangsters, to contain the rising of socialism and communism. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. The sneak first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. It does not matter. Perhaps they were part of a psychological operation? Whatever does happen we can be sure of one thing the world is changing faster than any of us can keep up with and it’s our guess that we won’t know where we’re going until we get there. Excerpts from the unnerving forecast are provided below: In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. It is known, for example, to have contributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. But theres not a peep in the Western press about any of this. Ancient written prophecy using I-Ching binary computation shows the coming naval battle in the South China Sea and Taiwan strait to be in the year 2022-2023. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. Russia considers their use the same as detonating a nuclear bomb, Why We Should Stop The Reincarnation Cycle while the year of the Rabbit is cooking,,,, Special forces / Black Ops Submarines (SSGNs): 4, Nuclear-Powered attack submarines (SSNs): 52. Deagel did NOT change their forecast for 2025. 3) The THIRD EVENT is the destruction in Toronto, Ontario, Canada from an earthquake. Interesting times when sparks of honesty reflect the insanity. Anyone can do it now. America is balkanized, isolated, and its every man for himself. projected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel, The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of, population and output figures. The United States will lose almost 3/4ths of its population! James Corbett offers his thoughts on the matter in episode 80 of Questions For Corbett’. The sneaky first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. Take your loved ones out for a nice meal. In 2020, in the midst of the (three agent) bio-weapon attacks on China, and the absolute failure of America in securing its homeland, as well as the strong alignment of the Australian Morrison government to the war-loving neocons in Washington DC, the revised reasoning became one of nuclear war. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. The casualty figures are gargantuan. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. There is a tiny part of data coming from a variety of shadow sources such as Internet gurus, unsigned reports and others. Then the Great Harvest of Souls will happen. Call them right now. With the November election triggering a major bomb if Trump is re-elected. So please give me a break. First F-16 Block 70 Aircraft Perfoms its Maiden . The wish for massive human depopulation is written in stone. nation-states will collapse, restructure and reform. The USS battleships being hit are NOT A SEPARATE EVENT, but rather at the same time as the City of Philadelphia being struck by bombs. They are not going down with the ship. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are basedon strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in theintelligence community. It was only a matter of time before nations realized they could manufacture the stuff. Provide bases, fuel depots and maintenance facilities for nuclear submarines. Oxford/Astra Zeneca one was not a for-profit endeavour, as witnessed by the propaganda campaign against it in the U.S. And right now, this is what it looks like, (The big news, not well reported in the West, is how Iran just joined the SCO (this month). International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. The countries that will suffer the greatest reduction in population, according to Deagel(as per 2014), are: Deagel published a statement under the foreboding spreadsheet table of gloom and doom. Not not mention a biproduct of nuclear energy. This award is the result of a sole source acquisition. The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. I might send you off to a nearly identical or better existence like now or a heaven on earth. Learn a thing or two. By in linseneintopf mit kartoffeln in linseneintopf mit kartoffeln Exp. On The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast: War, Population Reduction, & The Collapse Of The West International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear waretwas schnes gro oder klein dudenetwas schnes gro oder klein duden However,in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between theprojected massive reduction in the population of certain countries, forecast by Deagel,and other trends going on right now. Its hard to believe that we are now over three years into theCOVID-19 fraud. Where does their amazing population forecast come from? It’s also a point that these projections need everything to go exactly as planned. It can be effective for awhile but finally wont address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable.'s 'Forecast 2025' Predicts Dramatic Population Changes For The Shocking 2025 'Deagel' Forecast and Remote - Metallicman The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). Massive global depopulation predicted by intelligence organization for 2025 Live life, and dont live in fear of an uncertain future. But its not that far off. The site is a grey-web site like MM. The decrease is around 7%. An open act of aggression. .responsive #top #wrap_all .flex_column.av-26r4dvu-a4835d8bbbfc0273f8ca8fd7d20e93f7{ That simple Geo-political change produces the exact same results as described above. JUST REMOVED 2025 FORECAST - Seemorerocks All of these judgments will fall quickly, not giving the people very much time to deal with one crisis after another. That means that almost 230+ MILLION people would be COMPLETELY WIPED OUT from the American continent. Heres a map showing the predictions made in the forecast. escalates into an open nuclear war. predicts up to 80% of population culled by 2025 - Substack There will be [1] a massive die off of people in America, and Australia. You can find more articles related to this in my latest index; A New Beginning. Crime is open and brazen. If Biden is elected there will very bad consequences as well. It recently released a shocking ve-year forecast. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. As leaders from Australia, the United Kingdom and the United States unveiled their new trilateral security partnership for advanced defense-tech sharing on Wednesday, it was also revealed that the first initiative of the endeavor would be the delivery of Australias first nuclear-powered submarine fleet. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got 'nuked', disappearing from the . Thus the world wide bankers that are also engrained in the FED are not going to lose out on their life styles being affected. China is on the verge of achieving quantum entanglement computing Lidar system which is a game changer. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. April 23, 2022 . Mr. Daegel died just before the site was taken offline, and reconfigured with the 2025 forecast removed. Deagel is known, for example, to havecontributed to a Stratfor report on North Korea. Heres a map showing some predictions made in the forecast. The acquisition of Australias new capabilities will come as part of the countrys 2024 structure plan, and the missiles will be fitted on Australias Collins-class submarine fleet. by Doug Casey | International Man International Man: Deagel is a private online source for the military capabilities of the world's nation-states. There will never be another major eruption of Yellowstone. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions. you must really be pissing off the a , Sigh. Or havent you been watching the videos out of America today? can also play a positive role in this. There is a lot of bad blood in the Western societies and the protests, demonstrations, rioting and looting are only the first symptoms of what is coming. New capital will be in Denver. That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events. Which are, Here are some suggested candidate combinations that allow us to better understand how those enormous population causality figures could be reached. Instead they are stronger than the Western powers because they are actually quite homogeneous. Regardless of any future outcomes, planned or otherwise, my main focus will be on the preservation and continuation of soul. 2) The SECOND EVENT is the tsunamis which hits Florida, from an asteroid hitting in the Caribbean which will also destroy some islands there. How can the GDP be so high that a full 61% of Americans are so poor that they do not pay Federal Income Taxes? The exciting bonus was being hailed as world saviors ,while sacrificing only fracture of what other nations did. It forecasts that the population of the United States will drop by 70% by the year 2025. September 24, 2021 Lynne Johnson. At that time they never could of imagined the QUAD set up by Mike Pompeo, and that the Morrison government would wholeheartedly want to declare war on China. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. All points to the outcome you have described. These two facts point to the realization that both Russia and China would fight in a World War III scenario, and that given the current Geo-political alignments at this time that they would fight on the same side for the same interests. The most likely candidate is a combination of two (or possibly more) contributors listed above. The shadows are the prisoners reality, but are not accurate representations of the real world. In fact, it might as well happen, million of people die, and then be over before anything is actually reported. Please be cautious when dealing with folks who promise things at a cheap(er) price. It recently released a shocking five-year forecast. There is gold and silver, but aside form silver, Gold is mostly used for space exploration and durable computing devices. DEAGEL makes a remarkably grim forecast that few seem to have noticed. I would like to have a super power to prevent these events. Though not so much the dumbed-down Americans who say. I hear my echo in the echoing wood Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. It was swiftly removed and no traces were left of it. I took the J&J one-shot vax because I saw mandates and vax passports coming and I wanted to control the process as much as I could by choosing my jab. I wonder what the other two are hiding. In the domain of high-tech 5G has been a success in the commercial realm but the Type 055 destroyer is also another breakthrough with the US gaining a similar capability (DDG 51 Flight IIII) by mid of this decade (more likely by 2030). My take is that they were the past dwellers from Thuban. With this kind of pedigree, Deagel, should be seen as a legitimate player in the intelligence community and not merely a, If so, then it must be assumed that its population predictions for, 2025, as well as its industrial output predictions on a nation-by-nation basis, are based, on strategic assumptions which are shared and well understood by other players in the, Until the start of the Covid pandemic many commentators were perplexed by the, in light of recent events, we are obliged to consider a possible connection between the. And as we'd also pointed out in this April 22nd of 2021 ANP story, soon after Deagel was exposed on Doug Casey's International Man website in a story titled "Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast: War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West", Deagel's forecast for 2025 got 'nuked', disappearing from the . Morrison rejected claims that Australia wasted some $2.4 billion that was already funneled to Frances Naval Group as part of a $90 billion submarine contract a deal that was rendered defunct following Wednesdays announcement. It makes us unique. deagel 2025 forecast: the first nuclear war. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role. You need to login or register to view and manage your bookmarks. What does it mean? At best you might even end up existing in two realms of one digitally manmade and the other spiritual. You need to login or register to bookmark/favorite this content. Enjoy the time that you have with them. It is literally everyone for themselves. Sometimes frighteningly so. Countries might break up after a few short meetings and that will be that. From the last 2017 forecast of countries populations, Australia's population at the time was 23 million.