breeze airways pay scale

Many of those interns go on to be millionaires, build businesses, and manage to be +5 insightful and funny. Maybe 3 hours. My regional airline was a casualty of covid and Breeze seems like a great fit for someone like myself. The Breeze pilots, once hired, will see the Neeleman is begging for a pilot union to quickly form on his new airline, whether he knows it or not. The estimated hourly pay at Breeze Airways ranges from approximately $11.82 per hour for Software Engineer Intern to $167 per hour for Captain. Breeze's minimum qualifications The basic requirements to become a Breeze pilot come down to flight hours. So a lifelong career. Would you pay your doctor, lawyer, nurse, even architect, engineer, electrician, plumber, welder etc. People in that position have the option of not working and watching their skills and socialization go fallow, or working and having the first and last dollar of their income taxed at 70% and more under federal and state taxation. To be honest, many college kids waste 4 years of tuition partying and enjoying life without learning anything substantial. No other large country trains and hires their airline pilots the way we do. So Breeze might get a few "interns" but the vast majority of people wanting the job want to stay there their whole working lives. Does everyone just think about cost of a ticket, but not how safe the aircraft are? 3) People as interns/college kids: I would like to have a job for life. The good news is that the hourly wages are above-average. The estimated additional pay is $797 per month. Profitability is how many dollars you make your investors, i.e. Add to that COVID and these poor guys will have NO CHOICE but to fly for these asshats. But, lets be clear: unless theres a fairly substantial number of mid-career/midlife/middle aged people among the flight attendants, apart from seeking to keep labor (and other) costs down, its hard to miss the happy coincidence of also having an angle/approach that just so happens to allow for forever young flight attendants - like airlines based in countries that still allow for to hiring and firing based on age. Sure, theres the free market, but this also seems borderline exploitative. Policies. And I think at the moment there are a lot of pilots looking for work. For those who get hired by Breeze in this first round, I would imagine they'd be happy campers in a few years. These comments are something else. This hasnt been without controversy, though. You can't have a million dollar dream with minimum wage work ethics. That's the Breeze way. It seems their target is laid off pilots from Regionals that either furloughed them or the regionals that went under outright. the whole article. 3) Solid work experience in my chosen industry! thats expected to launch in the US in early 2021, The airline is hiring both pilots and flight attendants, given that its close to launching operations, Breeze hiring pilots with uncompetitive pay. I'm much more concerned about the pilot pay scale than whatever arrangement Breeze works out with its FAs. At 55 min, it seems like a part time job. S C A R Y. I considered myself a professional and definitely grew with my profession.. All union issues aside I find it interesting that he has singled out the flight attendants specifically.. Nobody even knows what the work culture, training will be like at this startup, yet look at all of the certainty in these comments already. Could happen. Of course, I will never forget Herb Kelleher walking into a pintos union negotiation and exclaiming to them all, "Let's start by saying that I know you guys would do this nothing if you had to!". Not how youd describe most 70-year-olds. Schmucks! My only other option right now is to start all over at another regional where the pay, seniority, and quality of life will be much lower. Some can force their way, others will accept any offer out of fear to lose their job. Their value is astronomical. Breeze Airways insights Based on 31 survey responses Areas for improvement Fair pay for job Support from manager Overall satisfaction Bad leadership Customer Service Representative (Former Employee) - Salt Lake City, UT - February 13, 2023 Breeze has potential as a start-up. Some of these kids may never have ever been able to do that. The significant wage difference may be in anticipation of the economic recovery process ahead. Eight hours plus. If you fly anywhere close to a normal schedule, the numbers look brighter. JetBlue First Officers: $89 an hour for year 1 and $130 an hour by year 6, Captains at JetBlue: $192 an hour to start, then a climb to $203 an hour by year. This wage is above the federal minimum wage, includes housing and a $6k tuition credit. Hire new, low hours FO with a salary that is 30% lower than the market on the promise that they will be promoted to captain in 1 year. JetBlue is the only other major US airline to fly Embraer 190/195s, proposed pilot pay is the free market at work, Introduction: Four Times Across The Atlantic. If a pilot gets into a successful start up, the long term benefit to quality of life could be substantial and shouldn't be dismissed out of hand. They are offering an employment model that will appeal to some people and no other airline can/will match it so the cost differences should be sustainable. 2) housing: I am curious what housing? How often is the minimum guaranteed hours exceeded in a given month? 28 years represented by ALPA, walked the picket line 29 days in 1985 and was ready to do it again several times during my career to entice management to come to the negotiating table with a better contract for pilots. Does New Carrier Breeze Airways Pay Pilots Enough? I think it will succeed as long as they can attract enough flight attendants on an ongoing basis. Do they add up for you? So you can make $1200 in a month only working 80 hrs a month. Breeze Airways - Breeze careers As in, Gompers? This is a prime example of how capitalism is at the cancer stage in the United States, and rapidly approaching stage 4. Those were sure great times, what happened? Eight months later our crashpad lease expired. Pilots from Compass and Expressjet will flock to Breeze to maintain currency. I would have jumped at this deal in college. What sets Breeze Airways hourly salaries apart is the monthly hourly guarantee, which is only 55 hours, or at most, $7,865 per month before taxes (for Captains in their sixth year). Filet mignon is perhaps being used intentionally as an example of something you can't buy onboard even a full service airline but which many people would pay for. A new airline that bills itself as "seriously nice" first took to the skies in 2021. Is there a penalty for leaving early? New airline Breeze Airways releases hourly wage numbers. This might work at Breeze for now given the state of the airline industry, but somethings gotta give over time here. In the past, he has always favored taking care of his employees. The most qualified and competent FA candidates will not be happy with a job that is not only poorly paid, but offers next-to-zero chances of becoming a career with that employer, while being viewed negatively by the career employers in the field. Sounds ripe for an age discrimination lawsuit at some point too. Of course this wont last as the market rebounds, but the die will have been cast for what they think of their employees. They can't profitably or even just realistically offer higher minimums than that at this point because they won't have the volume of flights. Kendor coming out strongly in favor of Gilded Age company towns, I see. (the "free" school and housing comes out of their pay just as much as if they got full pay, and paid for the school/housing themselves). It's not like America's legacy airlines are immune to hiring very young, very inexperienced people. I will make $15-20 per hour for my hard work on average when you figure all the work we do for free. And yes, if a doctor is an intern at my hospital I would And yes, if a doctor is an intern at my hospital I would not hesitate scheduling surgery (I'm sure he/she is cheaper) since I know he's had full training. You get what you pay for folks! Now as you can tell, I am giddy with enthusiasm and by the prospects if I'm selected for the internship! They are exploiting pilots. Id be interested in knowing more about the contents and cost of flight attendant training programs. Salary to both of these groups of people is somewhat incidental. This airline is banking on their 4 year contract holding up. Editorial Disclosure: The editorial content on this page is not provided by any entity mentioned herein. I think it will succeed as long as they can attract enough flight attendants on an ongoing basis. This seems more in line with what they should be receiving for compensation. for there liking only. I don't know how Breeze expects to hire the best people who invest in the job at those wages. And in the interview say no thanks pay to low and walk out. Procter and Gamble, I'm thinking of you! *Layovers will be rare (mechanical issues, weather), trip planning will be "turns" - out and back same day. By clicking the Send button, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, and to the use of cookies described therein, and you also consent to the collection, storage, and processing of your data in the United States where the level of data protection may be different from that in your country. I'm nearing ATP mins as a CFI and it looks interesting. Do you see 50 yo or 70 yo lifeguards on the beach? @Wendy B Gates - Breeze didn't specifically tell me I'm too old, they said I was overqualified. Ability and respect is earned. Free shipping for many products! Seems oppressive, so they wont be seeing my business. What does the department of labor think about this? A union can negotiate for the whole group, unity makes force. On the other hand I have a feeling this is going to be an age discrimination lawsuit happening as soon as they figure out no one over the age of 30 is being hired for a flight attendant. Aviation professionals pay has changed dramatically, starting in the late 80s. I'm sure safety will be first class on Breeze. This is absolutely exploitive. Corporate apartments with two bedrooms. I explained more in my previous posts. Here's to hoping for an actual pilot shortage in the next few years, and then we'll all be laughing at this ridiculous pay. And @Ben L. is still reminiscing the best cars in the world evar, made by 100% union labor in the 1980s. Barracks or proper housing and will the company take it out of their paycheque? Pilots are guaranteed pay of $75 per month. First year SkyWest pilots make more than Breeze pilots. Go there to get flight time and then move on. Unfortunately flying is something easy to be passionate about, and the industry takes advantage. In youth I worked fast food full-time for many years. Heres what we can expect from pricing and fees in general: Breeze is launching operations with Embraer 190/195 aircraft, which the airline is leasing for very little. It will be interesting to see how it plays out for sure. This number represents the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. If the pay is off the mark, the marketplace will correct this soon enough: pilots have options, and they know it. Same pattern emerges for Captains as well. The company hopes to take flight just over two years later, with service launching later this year. (E-190) How awful that Neeleman is forcing people to work under these conditions with a gun to their head! Find Salaries Clear All Captains will be paid $117 per hour in year one, and $143 per hour in year six Mesa Airlines | Yes, they are using and abusing us. The LDS coming from the Beehive State have, at the end of the day, always thought of its team members really as worker bees. That minimum guarantee is just that, a minimum. Good luck, Febreeze! Yes, they are using and abusing us. To eat while traveling. Oh, and first crew base is MYR. Would you pay your doctor, lawyer, nurse, even architect, engineer, electrician, plumber, welder etc. There could be plenty of pilots typed and timed in the E-jets whod be willing to take this awhile waiting to get (back) to the majors. And, it's not clear if they get health insurance as part-time employees. Your feedback is important in helping us keep our community safe. Outside of banner ads published through the Boarding Area network, this compensation does not impact how and where products appear on this site. First Officer 1st year $89 and $130 in year six. Starting up a new airline in a global pandemic is certainly difficult. Time away from home and on duty? Finally, Breeze needs to get its financial footing or their employees could all be forced out on the street. @rich Does your fast food place include housing as part of compensation? Reactions: Karee. Flight attendants as interns is a novel idea on paper but. I know that Breeze is hiring for captain right seat flying, aka the pilot has captain qualifications, but will be flying as first officers until there is enough flying for them to be moved to the left seat.