Offering Quality Products that are in stock at great prices and top notch Customer Service are our top concerns. Electric heating is a process in which electrical energy is converted directly to heat energy at around 100% efficiency, [contradictory] using rather cheap devices. The newer model 1000XL is still$59.00. Sorry to sound so negative in my postings here, it's just I hate to see people get taken, especially someone who believes what they are sold on TV infomercials like these. Same reasons.
Bills bring the heat in-stadium - Buffalo Bills Connect with Us 5360 Red Arrow Hwy, Stevensville, MI 49127 PH: (269) 428-2723 PH: (877) 494-9357 Contact Us Anybody can sell anything and make great claims and never have to prove them.I am a electrican and 1500 watts is 1500 watts no matter what shape or size. You suffer from the "curse of knowledge" (having a bias based on what other people have taught you) . they will endorse anything for a price . Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on January 08, 2011: Don, that is why I recommend buying through Amazon so you have their return policy protection. The Air King 8132 1500 watt ceramic space heater covers areas up to 150 square feet. Edenpure tried to be disingenuously suggestive. Answer: Virtually all electric space heaters at Amazon do the same heating job. I was directed to 3 different 800 customer service numbers. Most of these testimonials are not of much use. You can put a sheet of copper in front of your heater and buffer the heat with an electric heater. We have the 1000, and the 1000XL, the are the first ones. Because heating up a room with electric heat is the most expensive way to do it, simply closing off furnace ducts to unused rooms would result in bigger savings using an EdenPURE, and it would not involve the cost of a new heater. Suarez Corporation Industries is advertising a 20,000 hour bulb life and a 10-15 year "service" life (website, printed literature and printed on carton) for both their Edenpure US-1000 and Gen4 heaters. A well designed heater can produce far more heated CFM than a poorly designed heater. Anyway, they said they would do a refund and to give it a couple of weeks to credit my account.Well about 3 days ago I had another one of these pieces of junk delivered to my house so I called them, again. No more, no less. Before eden pure electric bill $75.00 and Propane bill (75 gals per month/2.99 = 224.25. total monthly costs $299.25, After eden pure electric bill $135.00 and Propane bill (25 gals per month/2.99= 74.75 total monthly costs $209.75, $347.00 for new Gen4, pays for self in 3.87 months, Don't care about all you "stats" just what my check book says, and it tells me the Eden Pure is working for me :))). Kinko's", "CBS Says It Can't Vouch for Bush Documents", "THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: MILITARY SERVICE; An Ex-Officer Now Believes Guard Memo Isn't Genuine",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 February 2021, at 01:33. But using ANY space heater will lower your heating bill if you turn your thermostat down! A 50-gallon, 5,500-watt water heater with a .90 EF and an electricity rate of $.16 per kilowatt hour will cost $781 to operate each year. Gas burners are a hazard in a barn with hay even if only in a side utility room. I use two in my basement that have been working constant for three years (except for the summer months) and still work fine. You cannot beat basic rule of physics saying that energy does not come from nowhere, and does not disappear to nowhere. If you have 5000 BTU, you can comfortably heat a space around 100-200 sq.ft with outside temperature of 20-30 F and typical insulation. Cellular shades can save you as much as 20% on your energy bill, too. Amazon has some of the best prices on heaters and ships right to your door. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. We bought an Eden Pure Gen 1000 a month and a half ago and lo and behold our electric company called today because they noticed a huge spike in our usage, as a matter of fact our usage has more than doubled. so I'm told we will send you another RFH I don't think so on the customer service center letterhead it states OUR GOAL IS IOO% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. My electric bill actually increased. Furnaces. A 1500-watt heater will produce at most 5000 BTUs. Buyer beware. I have not used it consistently 24 hours a day. *Rates from 0% APR or 10-30% APR. Are the so called experts on here thick or something. EdenPURE claims stretch the truth. FUVM. The infrared light (heat) is then reflected back into the home. Electric heat is VERY expensive, no matter how much you pay for your heater. Claiming an electric heater will reduce your energy bill at all is stretching the truth. Since the same heater at Amazon is under $100 my guess is they lowered their price to compete better. I called the customer service number 1-888-294-0280 and never spoke to anyone after being on hold for hours and I even left my home number and they never returned my call after being assured they would call. CLAIM: With the EdenPure the temperature will not vary in any part of the room. If you have any questions with any of our products both before or after your purchase, please feel free to contact our customer service department at 1-877-432-8639. Looked first at a $14.99 ceramic heater that uses 1500 watts and is rated at just over 5000 btu's. Needless to say, i WILL NOT be buying any expensive heating units with misleading claims of their efficiency and lower monthly savings. There is no combustion taking place in any electric heater, and no oxygen is being used. It is a 20 x 15, a pretty decent size room. What a total scam and very disappointed with Bob Vila!! This heater will warm almost my entire upstairs, 1250 sq ft. Today, I had my central heat heat on 64 to try to save $$$ on my electricity. However, the bitter cold in the northern states may require you to run it more. I will never buy another one and will tell others not to, they are well overrated. It can be a $20 heater from Walmart or a $400 Eden Pure.
Electricity Consumption Comparisons for Home Appliances | Reliant Energy Several EdenPURE heaters have been tested and compared against Lasko electric heaters. Now if your heating a whole home that uses gas or electric and close off several rooms and used the eden pure to heat a few rooms, sure you will save money. Bob Vila gave two types of scenarios. I spent aA LOT of time researching!! If you buy one of the cheapies to make do, your dollars are going out the window. It is great for days like today when the chill was just too much in the house, but it is not something you want to use consistently during the day and night. It claims 1000 s f for the gen 4 and it will do that just as well as most heaters. Cubic Feet/Minute is the best measure. According to these naysaying braniacs her hairdryer should put out more heat since they claim all heat sources are 100% efficient, etc. Have now started a dispute claim with my credit card company. Therefore, a 10' x 10' room with a 10' foot ceiling is 100 square feet, but 1000 cubic feet. There not trying to rip you off or scam you. 1500 watts of electric heat will cost you the same in a $20.00 heater, or a ripoff $400.00 one. The real way to reduce energy costs is to minimize the amount of energy lost by your house. Outputs range from 75,000 Btu to 450,000 Btu. About 8 years ago, I got an estimate for ZONE HEATING for my home including the garage. Construction Company. It seems the less expensive ones will not last as long (20,000hrs vs 80,000hrs, for the more expensive. I have three EdenPure heaters that work wonderfully! Doubled Electric bill, no effect on gas consuption. Call now at (937) 773-8350 to schedule a service request today I do not believe Bob Villa has used one for the main heating in his home, but I do believe he has likely used it for zone heating. Signed Mad from South Dakota and hope there is some kind of class action suit taken against Eden Pure and their misleading clan. Out of stock at this time though. He claimed that in 1997, while outside the governor's office in Austin, he overheard a conversation about "wanting to bury George W. Bush's Vietnam service record". Savetech bv. Suarez Corporation Industries / Pinnacle Systems have absolutely NO component life test data to back-up their component life claims. I have two Eden Pures in my home and they really work. Frame homes use a radiant barrier as a film on the foam insulation on the outside of the home. It is an older model. All they will pay is the premiums paid in. So does anything else that uses 1500W of electricity, such as a $15 bathroom heater or a 1500W blow hair dryer. They have two 1000 watt and 1500 watt settings and will heat 200 sq feet, but from what I read, the 1500 watt setting is using more electricity. The EdenPURE heater is several times as expensive as other infrared electric heaters. If the ceiling were 12', then the amount of air, 1200 cubic feet, would need heating. I know others you spoke with like theirs, but it would be helpful to all readers to hear your experience. Stay warm everyone!! All I did was laugh when the very reputable heating and air company in our town quoted this amount. I first spent a few dollars on insulation(extra)it paid off! PERIOD. It was fantastic and a threw a lot more heat than the electric oil radiator type. The heater is a point source of heat. etc. Directions to Burkett Heating & Cooling Authorized Dealer & Servicer We are authorized to install, repair, and maintain heating & cooling systems manufactured by some of the most renowned companies in the world. The copper is pretreated to soften the copper . Once again use your heads and think about what you need. What I do not understand is if the heater is so great why are not the customer service personal returning calls. I called the company so I could exchane it but I have to pay shipping.
Bill Burr (Slight Return) | Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse The claims include: There are a few ways to use a portable electric heater to save money: Electric heaters are not an efficient way to heat a home cheaply. Even your oil or gas-fired furnace does not reduce oxygen because the combustion gasses that go up the chimney are replaced by air infiltration. Reverse-cycle air conditioning is 300-600% efficient, which means that it can take one unit of electrical energy and turn it into 3 to 6 times as much heating or cooling energy. I am preparing to do that now. Infrared heaters are efficient and fast, and can also be a good choice for fast zone heating as they have fans (with all the consequences I mentioned above). The above people are correct, you can only get so much heat out of a given amount of electricity. I borrowed a friends EdenPure 1000. Would i recommend them? My complaints is that I place my order 4 weeks ago still no shipment ( states 5 to 10 dyas) & cust service does not respond to email and closed half the time. I'll bet they had a forced-air heat pump. Let me easily explain. Bill Burkett was the CBS source in the Killian documents affair of 2004. Are Eden pure trying to rip you off. It's CFM rate is horrible vs. a fan forced electric heater. You should use your own judgement and take some care to buy the right product for you. Zone heat is just that whether you use a single zone heater or have your central system set up that way. Question: What is the best portable heater? You just have to decide if the features of the Eden Pure are worth the extra cost over a less expensive space heater. I was told that I have 60 days trial and could return it back within 60 if I choose to, but that is not true. Less expensive models one have tubes. So all the rest is just hype , Shame on Bob Vella. I'm paying $0.17 per KWH, or $2.04 for an 8 hour run per day. ft.
Heat Pump Systems - Department of Energy if you live in california, with the EDEN pURE ,PGAETOLD ME THAT IT CAN COST YOU AS HIGH AS 50 CENTS AN HOUR TO RUN bill is usually 200 in the wintertime,for one month my electricity bill shot up to$360 and i had a saving of $28,gas.
How to Install a Tankless Gas Water Heater - The Home Depot If you are going to call names and state things are scams, what do you think about these celebrities, who we would normally feel are honest, endorsing the senior life insurances they state is ONLY 9.00 per UNIT. [1], Burkett had received publicity in 2000, after making and then retracting a claim that he had been transferred to Panama for refusing "to falsify personnel records of Governor Bush",[2] and in February 2004, when he claimed to have knowledge of "scrubbing" of Bush's TexANG records. And it is VERY safe. All of your honest comments and reviews have just saved me from making a huge and costly mistake. Mobile homes are really bad for heat loss. An electric heater is an electrical device that converts an electric current into heat. 1) If a person commenting on this site is in the HVAC business they are automatically biased against EdenPURE because it competes with their services. The machine shot out sparks.
EdenPURE - World Leader in Innovative Products - Some Of there customers are saving and are willing to talk about it. Furthermore, after you buy the first one they give substantial discounts on future purchases of any of their products. is way overpriced for what it does. See who you know. I finally find the place and they said i only had 30 days warranty not 60 days.
Heat Pump Water Heaters - All You Need to Know - Bob Vila I needed the one with electric thermostat but I did not get that. A company of integrity that believes all the implications of their own commercial to be true would have no problem warranteeing for one year and paying return costs for the "so few that would come back. Question: What is a radiant barrier? I live in a double wall 2500 sq ft log home (outside logs, insulation, inside logs). Edin Pure has more competition so their price should be competitive if they want to stay competitive. Caveat emptor. I have a ceramic cube heater I bought 25 years ago for $19.95 that will. While at home he is not acting as an agent of the business so his actions were not in conflict with his duty of loyalty or notification. I have no complaints. If I was Bob Vila I would not put my name on the product if they cannot get anyone to anwser the customer service number or even return your calls.
Bill Burkett - Wikipedia I just looked them up, and they are 42.99 plus 9.95 shipping. This guy can't read apparently. Your info states 1000 cubic ft but the states 1000 sq ft. you also do no state the type of heaters being compared so this is not an apples to apples comparision just a guess. The point has been made of how some feel about it. They don't claim it will save you money. Whether you like the article or not - the simple fact is any cost savings you are seeing by using an Eden Pure heater is due to the use of "zone heating" I.e. Updating my comments on the EdenPure. I saw Bob Vila's very convincing infomercial and I agree that space heating rooms might be more efficient than a leaky whole-house system, and it does seem logical that one 1500 watt 5000 btu space heater shouldn't be any better than another, but I would be interested to know if any Eden Pure owners have actually found this second point to be true. Bill Burkett was the CBS source in the Killian documents affair of 2004. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Nothing has changed. It costs me about $2.00 per day to heat my house with Eden Pure. Perrysburg, Ohio and go home with your product the same day. I put up with very high bills until last year from what is no more than a heater that was supposed to be a heat pump, meaning it runs on heat strips. Realize that Villa talks about all of the heat loss from the furnace ductwork, then tells you to turn the rest of your house down to 65deg (using this same furnace he rails about)and the EP will keep you toasty, ROFL. For under $100, you can buy a better-looking, better-built heater that will serve your needs for years to come. Also the actual cost for Endenpure gen 4 is $397 (2010 cost) refurbished 374.00 so there are models that are returned for a savings $23.00. Also, dont buy Cub Cadet. There was an ad/coupon in the Sunday paper and then I caught the informercial on tv and felt I had found a good thing.
Gas Pool Heaters - Department of Energy Don't buy Edenpure heater they are scammer. Suarez Manufacturing Industries / Pinnacle Systems, did no component life testing at all during the Edenpure US-1000 / Gen4 product development. I am glad i took the time to read it and all the interesting and informative comments. For under $100, you can buy a better-looking, better-built heater that will serve your needs for years to come. Yes but they are ugly units and they both worked. Depending on how long you allow your electric heater to run during the colder winter months, you could see an increase in your electricity usage, along with a higher electricity bill. A few comments are concerned with my personal experience with EdenPURE. Determine the average temperature for the coldest month of pool use. In addition to that, the new windows, more insulation, more efficient unit(s) will reduce your electricity. This is the second blog I have complained on. Bought one of the USA made heaters last year and found the heater to be less effective than any of the other electric heaters I have used in the past. Kromstraat 25 1.2, 2520 Ranst, Belgium. How can 1500 watts out perform 1500 watts? Is it reliable. I have used these and recommended (I'm an electrician/contractor) the inexpensive ones to people who have cold spots in their larger rooms (rec rooms, basement, master bedroom) with good results, but if you think a 1500 watt 5000 BTU electric heater will keep any 1000 either square foot or cubic foot space a comfortable 70 degrees, you're dreaming, especially if the temp is below 40 degrees. Also the heat is much nicer than baseboard heat- it feels warm and it stays comfortable. So, for those looking for a way to reduce your bills, why don't you have your attic better insulated, replace your windows (if needed), and have a new heating unit or units installed, finance it all, and pay the extra on the payments instead of on the extra electricity you are using now. I'm absolutely thrilled with my unit. If it runs 15 minutes out of every hour, it is only delivering 8,000 btus. Though I dont know why you would want to. I bought BOTH the heater and the air filter. Like EdenPure it uses the same technology, 'infrared quartz tube + PTC'.this is what gives the heaters the longevity.
Heating and cooling | Bill Burkett Inventions, Patents and Patent Applications - Justia Bob Vila was dropped by Sears for problems with post job problems and costs associated. They were not meant to be used in that manner. I just needed to confirm that there hadn't been a major scientific breakthrough that makes free energy. And, BTW, author of this site, it is SQUARE FEET, not CUBIC as you stated. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on November 02, 2011: Bob, my main concern is saving ME money. I know I would not. Love my EdenPURE heater! Bigger homes and those in colder climates cost. I see the infomercial all over DirecTV. Hmmm, think about it. This article will examine the claims made by EdenPUREs manufacturer and expose their lies. VERY EXPENSIVE, but interestly enough my sisters was higher and she has a smaller home and a heat pump. It's clear that you have not only taken the bait, but swallowed the hook. I don't care if my electric bill doubles as long as I can put off ordering and paying this Government Created Shortage of Propane at astronomical prices. Thanks for the good info that saved me. I used to think Alex Trebec was an honorable man, but after seeing him and others like him offer this insurance that IS a SCAM for seniors, I have no respect for him. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. When the sunlight is in the right direction, I can see the dust particles floating by the intake. Was informed that my order was not in the system as of yet, was instructed to call back after 24 hrs. AND I MEAN THAT SINCERELY. After a few weeks it was obvious that this heater is no more efficient than one I can buy mail-order or at Costco for $ 30.00-60,00, so I sent it back at my expense. Staffing and Recruiting. Well, come to my house, put you hands in front of each item and we will see which one you pull away from first! Installing a water heater replacement costs between $845 and $1,698, or an average of $1,271, for a tank-based unit and labor. To enhance the gameday experience in the Jim Kelly, Van Miller and Paul Maguire Clubs, a radiant heating system was installed and ready for use during the chilly games of the 2013 season. My Gen 4 burned out in 2 years, Eden pure company claims they will send me new quartz heating tubes but I want Bob Villa here to fix it!!!! It doesn't mater what's inside the box. I told customer services I wanted my money refunded and was told NO WAY you have had your heater over the 60 days satisfaction guarantee.. What the h..l are they talking about I have a 5 yr warranty. Zero marketing at that point.
EdenPURE claims it uses a copper coil to reduce harsh heat. If I spend less, good. Since heat is really part of the light spectrum, reflecting it back into the home has value. I am not endorsing any unit of any other just telling my experience with this unit, so do what you will with my comment. i.e. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. [3][4] According to the review panel, investigations by major news outlets at the time, including CBS, "revealed inconsistencies which led to questions regarding his credibility and whether his claims could be proven". I don't think this is a good business now I have a machine that doesn't work. Again, it was ZONE heating and with a heat pump, like that was going to save me money. Please check with your Demand Response Aggregator for eligibility. Burkett, William W. (Galena, MO, US) Burkett, Glenda Sue (Galena, MO, US) Application Number: 10/996346 . Heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) operate in an entirely different way. I bought 2 refurbished EP heaters 8 years ago and both are still working just fine. The E.P. I might buy a DuraFlame simply because it is the same and half the price. do EVERYTHING that these $400 dollar SNAKE OIL heaters do!! My central gas system is currently broken beyond repair, and until I can install a new system, I am heating every room with electric space heaters, and here in the cold mountains, it's running $300-$400/month (yes, I know, it's temporary madness). Water Heater Installation & Repair Service. I have purchased Eden pure heaters 1 is 2 years old and the fan motor is shot and one of the tubes is burned out. Trust me. Look at your furnace's btu rating. I am on a fixed income and can't afford to pay almost the same amount I paid for it to ship it back. 2) Say you live in a 11,000 sq. Contact Burkett's Heating & The heater has been an awsome pool heater and we have had great luck with it over the years. I am ashamed that, as a scientist I didn't think through the physics of Edenpure's claims.
How Much Energy Does my Water Heater Use? | Direct Energy Certainly the bedrooms are cooler, but remember it is a zone heater not meant to warm the entire area of 1250 sq ft, although the bedrooms are not cold. (FYI: the same goes for room air conditioners.). Only if you needed this type Of heater. That was going to be a total of 5-6 zones. Go to the Home Depot, Lowe's, Cosco etc., and choose the heater out of couple of dozens designs they have there. I did consider the possibility of buying one, but after reading your hub i re-read the brochure and realized that this was also extremely misleading without actually lying. They definitely do state 1000 SQ.FT., not cubic feet.I really don't need you to explain to me the difference in cubic feet and square feet. A btu is a btu is a btu. Unplugged edenpure. I will check the duct for cracks and insulation and if I want to get cheaper, I'll look into the Sun. Sorry about the math confusion, but I really did mean cubic feet, not square feet. He had to pay 25 bucks to ship it. Qualifying programs are: Capacity Bidding Program (CBP)* - available for residential customers. I purchased a gen4 2 months ago and could not find I was saving any money since Im all electric.I have notified the co I want to return the heater for a refund and they keep giving me the run around about sending me an RMA and the prepaid UPS slip to ship the unit back to them.after reading some of the other complaints I'm wandering if I will ever get a slip. has anyone else had this problem and if so can you advise me?
IMPACT hiring Tester in RANST in Ranst, Flemish Region, Belgium | LinkedIn Other heaters I've used don't keep the rooms warm because the controls don't allow the versatility that the EdenPure does. Has anyone specifically gone from a traditional electric space heater (ONLY) to an Eden and found an improvement in their electric bill? I WAS FREEZING. Vince DeAntonio ( D. B. Sweeney) is a former college football offensive coordinator, who abruptly resigned five years earlier, and has now become coach at the high school. We. Edin Pure used to give you 2 models (large and small).Sam's Club usually sells Quartz heaters at a competitive price. Nothing is 100% efficient. The customer service for these things is terrible, they leave you waiting on line for long periods listen to a recording telling you over and over you will wait less than a minute. Keith Schroeder (author) from Wisconsin on February 19, 2019: This article was published a few years back when EdenPURE advertised their heaters at $400. First of all, because it is silent. Hi everyone . You are just cutting costs by heating a smaller areasomething you could have done without a $400 space heater. They said they could not do a refund because it was past the 60 days and I said I thought the 60 day thing was for the smart people that decided they didn't want it, not for a DEFECTIVE product of which I have received 2 in a row.Anyway they refused to refund my money so I guess I'm just stuck with this piece of junk. Cost between 30% and 60% less per hour of operation than wood-burning fireplaces Emit 40 times fewer emissions than wood-burning units and cost less to operate They can be turned off easily with a switch, eliminating concern about remaining embers Propane gas-burning cooktops and ovens. Our house is more than 2800 square feet (not cubic feet) and we have the heater down stairs. How long do the bulbs last, how much do they cost, and does a technician have to do the work? Bill Burkette, who was the original lead singer of American vocal group The Vogues, died Thursday at the age of 75.The group was formed in 1958 at the old Turtle Creek High School, calling . How can heated ceramic plates absorb water? No its all on the website and in the advert's you've just got to read and understand. My best friend bought two, I told her not to do it. So, I turned on the EdenPure, had it on high, which I didn't need to do, and my upstairs is varying from a toasty 70 degrees to 67 at the farthest areas from the EdenPure. After calling the hardware store that sold the heater was told I would have to contact the company who finally sent a shipping label but the instructions say that you must use the original box. You cannot get more energy out of an electron than is in it. It does nor really matter what type of heat source is used: gas, electric, oil, wood, solar, wind etc. Some people still can't get it. They are usually a rip-off. Common sense. dont buy this heater,if you live in California. Consider Choosing a Different Electric Heater. The clue is in the word personal . All EdenPURE does is dress it up and jack the price to the stratosphere. You save $ using a portable heater because you can heat just the space you're in at the time. So, for this is is great. Your heating in the northern regions will typically average somewhere around $500/month. Price? Even a child knows that hot air rises. I was going to buy an edenpure because I am a senior citizen and in winter my light bill is out of sight but reading all the negative comments, NO THANKS! Any typical portable electric space heater of 1000-2000 W will produce exactly the same amount of heat as EdenPure. EdenPure makes all these claims about saving money, but in their ad they say their $197 Personal heater will heat a room of 300 sq. Commercial Boilers. A 1500 watt heater is a 1500 watt heater REGARDLESS of how much you promote it or charge for it!