This model came in 4 different sizes: This model includes some of the most valuable Atlas Mason jars because they were one of the first jars manufactured by this company. It features a threaded lid and originally came with zinc caps. It is a quite affordable antique item listed for $14 on Etsy. For example. While collecting this item wouldnt make you a millionaire, it can be a fun experience. Your jar may have a faded embossment due to wear and tear, and this is the tricky part. Ball jars were made in various colors, but the blue and clear colors are the most common. Modern Baden-Wrttemberg consisted of Baden, Hohenzollern, and Wrttemberg within the German Empire. Dating antique mason jars Asian 1900-now japanese vases jars. They have a rubber seal and are great storage cans for dry products. Why isnt there a list of Atlas jars by age like the Ball jars have? Check out this video. Its lid is similar to the E-Z Seal Mason Jar with a lever and clasp for extra reinforcement. Its also important to note that the date codes didnt start until after 1937. Asides from their costs, vintage Atlas mason jars are valuable for their nostalgic effects. The Atlas Good Luck Mason Jar has a big four-leaf clover logo on its face signifyingGood Fortune. In the middle of an authentic Mason jars body, you should discover an Atlas written on it. In general, exotic shades like amber, purple, and green will fetch more. Luckily, this model varied throughout the years by embossed name: Theres also a popular rule of thumb that jars embossed with Atlas are older, while the ones embossed with Atlas Mason are newer. Other jar inventions include the clamped glass-lid jars by Henry Putnam of Bennington and ball jars by the Ball Brothers. C $24.95. Before you pay top dollar for a vintage or antique item, you must ensure its authenticity. Counterfeiters are having a field day with the rise in interest in canning jars for other purposes such as memento storage, juice jars, and scented candleholders. The Atlas Mason Jar is one of many glassware items produced by the Hazel-Atlas Glass Company. You could see Mason jars used as pots for displaying flowers, or even as drinking vessels.
Atlas Mason - E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jars for $15 to $47. We are too. They also sell antiques, including Atlas Mason jars. Still use the 1850s, it's also because antique mason's idea. How does this work? Here are some of the most popular models: Two decades after merging, the Hazel-Atlas company began producing square-shaped Mason jars with thread lids. Original Atlas mason jars are typically clear or come in aquamarine colors. Curious about Atlas Mason Jars? However, some well-used. Sellers typically like to list different prices (usually costlier than the real value) when jars are still selling. Its marked with ATLAS at the top, JUNIOR in the middle, and MASON at the bottom. An inventor and antique mason jars you have one . The vintage blue half-gallon E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jar measures 9 inches tall by 5 inches wide and costs $39 on Etsy.
How to Identify the Embossed Symbols on a Glass Jar If not, please leave your comments in the section below. C $38.11 shipping. It is also available in half-pints, pints, quarts, and half-gallon sizes. Old jars are definitely worth more, but there are a few other factors to consider. Image Credit: by Jennifer Longaway via Flickr. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These Mason jars are available in half-pint, pint, quart, and half-gallon sizes and theyre great for dry storage. Another beautiful jar worth collecting is the Atlas strong shoulder mason jar. . All six E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jars are available for purchase on Etsy. Its nearly 15 times more expensive than an average jar of this model because of its rare olive green color. It has a beautiful color and can be used for many purposes. This quart-sized, light-blue jar with a metal lid is similar to the Strong Shoulder Atlas Mason jar. The first two belong to antique and vintage models, while the last name Atlas Mason is a recent development. A hook up grounding Also is our guide to form the time. Instead, they may increase the value of the Atlas Mason Jars. This indicates that it was made in the 1900s. Generally jars will last a long, long time as long as they haven't been abused. It also came in 4 sizes: This model also features the E-Z seal and its easy to recognize because its marked with ATLAS horizontally and WHOLEFRUIT diagonally. Finally, there are a couple of authentic Atlas Mason jar styles that were first made by Atlas Glass Co. before it merged with Hazel Glass and Metals Co. Their covers had two-in-one designs. , each having several variations differing by volume, and some by color and even embossment. Another way to determine an Atlas mason jars value is by considering its style. Joined Jan 7, 2017 Messages 146 . Thats a significant frustration for collectors and hobbyists who have to sift through the trash for these gems. As with any important antique, if you suspect you have a jar that's worth money, it's wise to have it professionally appraised. You may also check the jars name and mold seams.
How old are lamb Mason jars? - Foodly C $6.39. Free u. These jars are square and came in pints, quarts, and half-gallons. All rights reserved.
Mason's Patent Nov 30th 1858 fruit jars - General Overview What Mason jars are worth money? Mason jars are ideal for storing fresh produce because they are airtight and prevent food from spoiling as quickly. The older amber-colored E-Z Seal Atlas mason jars, which were made around 1910, are among the more valuable. The Atlas Whole Fruit Jar is a cylindrical container with only three standard sizes Pint, Quart, and Half Gallon excluding the Half-pint. Authentic Atlas mason jars in exotic colors are pretty rare. Atlas Good Luck jar may be purchased for $7 to $39 on eBay. For Atlas Mason Jars, limited editions and recalled designs fit this bill.
Because of that, jars made this way has no mold seams. You can see how this jar looks like here. Now, it's worth about $1,000. She believes in the beauty of our past and loves to help people discover ways to make rustic items work in their modern-day lives. Are you excited? The original jars had the word Atlas, rather than Hazel-Atlas, embossed across the front. Heres a handy guide to the history and different types you might come across these days. On eBay, an Atlas Junior Square Mason jar costs $4 and $9 on Picclick. By then, the company switched to mass-produced designs with machines that formed bumpy seams on the Atlas Mason Jars body. 1933 Ball Upside Down Error Jar - $1,000. Its nearly 15 times more expensive than an average jar of this model because of its rare olive green color. Moreover, there are three different boss styles: Hazel-Atlas briefly produced Simplex Mason jars that had a unique narrowing shape and were closed with threaded glass lids. Clear glass Strong Shoulder Atlas Mason jars in additional sizes are available for purchase on websites such as Etsy. Hazel Atlas Blue Strong Shoulder Mason Jar 7. Also, some of the containers embossedEZ Sealwithout the dash, one jar has a manufacturers defect leaving the L in Seal out, and one came without the ATLAS name above the EZ Seal. If you ever find the last two, theyll be worth a fortune. Streetsoflondon 5. The Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason Jars are also known as the Atlas Round Mason Jars. Here are some of the most valuable finds from the 1840s to the 1920s, when hundreds of companies were vying for a spot on America's shelves: 1. Its known when the majority of the models were manufactured, so it can help you find out how old an Atlas Mason jar is. Atlas Special Mason Jar 5. The older the jar, the more likely its going to be expensive. One dating ball mason jars from 1600 to date the home canning jars atlas h over 20.00! Finally, closely inspecting the jars condition can help you tell how old it is. Due to its glass lid and wire bail, this blue quart-sized E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jar can be used for the preservation of dry items. Atlas E-Z Seal Mason Jars 2. There are several other ways you can use the Atlas Mason Jar if youre skeptical about using it for food storage. They had a two piece lid that you still see commonly today, and in theory, if the jar hasnt ever been used, you could still use it today following modern home canning procedures. However, some individual jars could be worth much more. Thats mainly because he sold his patent to various buyers before dying as an impoverished man around 1900. In a similar vein, the texture of the jar also varies by the production method and can indicate when it was made. There are several main types of models, each having several variations differing by volume, and some by color and even embossment.
9 Vintage Atlas E-Z Seal Half Pint Mason Jars Glass Lids (Loc 12-2) - eBay The Atlas Square mason jars come in square shapes and the exact sizes as the E-Z seal variants. The Atlas Improved Mason Jar is an aqua cylindrical container with a threaded lid. These are some of the rarest and most valuable Atlas mason jars today. However, just 8 years later, in 1964, it sold 10 of its 12 glass manufacturing plants and went out of business. Atlas Quart Mason Jar Vintage (1 - 40 of 294 results) Price ($) Shipping 1900s Atlas Strong Shoulder 1 Quart Aqua Blue Mason Jar Canning Jar with Zinc Lid - Wedding Decor SecondWindShop (4,478) $17.50 Quart Mason Jar. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Atlas Mason Jars Value (Identification & Price Guides). Im not in it for the value just the cool history. The final model has a square shape and is embedded with ATLAS at the top, SPECIAL in the middle, and MASON at the bottom. Well detail those out later. Now heres the million-dollar question how can you determine an Atlas mason jars value? You can get a sense of your jar's value by comparing it to others that have recently sold. eBay offers additional green E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jars for $15 to $47. See if holding onto your favorite action figures as a kid has paid off. It may say "Atlas" or have the Hazel-Atlas glass mark on the side. The rubber ring under the lid invention instantly hit homemakers who needed to preserve food longer and better. Oder jars are more likely to have been used than newer jars because back in the early 1900s no one imagined that a simple glass jar could become a valuable and sought-after item, and didnt bother properly taking care of them and preserving its condition. ATLAS E-Z SEAL GLASS MASON JAR ATLAS TRADE MARK #8 BLUE BASE CLEAR TOP VINTAGE. Manufacturer defects like bubbles in the glass or a wavy texture won't detract from the value. Hazel-Atlas produced thousands of canning jars as one of the Big 3 glass companies in the 20th Century USA. In comparison to the Strong Shoulder and E-Z Seal variants, this vintage Whole Fruit Atlas Mason jar is rare and not widely available. This Mason jar has E-Z Seal written on the front for easy identification.
Antique & Vintage Canning Jar Price Guide - Adirondack Girl Atlas Jar Dating - How to Date Atlas Jars - Wendy's Milk Bar In this article, we will go over 19 of the rarest and most valuable Atlas Mason jars, how to identify them, and where and how to sell or acquire Atlas Mason jars. Look for distinctive crown designs and . The glass company Hazel-Atlas, which is also known for making Depression glass, began production around 1902. The Atlas Good Luck mason jar is pretty rare and valuable. This jar comes in four distinct sizes, including half-pint, pint, quart, and half-gallon. Atlas E-Z seal mason jars have an integrated glass lid and a fastener.
10 Most Valuable Atlas Mason Jars: Complete Value Guide Atlas jars came in many different styles, but a few are especially valuable. They have a square shape and come in pints, quarts, and half gallons. Atlas Square mason jars have Atlas on their front, the HA symbol in the mid-body, and Mason at the bottom. The color of Atlas Mason Jars is either transparent, aquamarine, or clear. Apr 19, 2019 #5 K. Ken_Riser Well-Known Member. Accessed December. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These seven vintage Atlas mason jars will invoke fond memories that you wouldnt ever want to forget: The earliest E-Z Seal jars are from 1910, and theyre the most valuable Atlas mason jars.
How to Date and Value Atlas Mason Jars | LoveToKnow These jars are round and feature the words Atlas, Strong Shoulder, and Mason on the front. The value of a Ball Perfect Mason Jar varies depending on the age, condition and rarity of the jar. Atlas Masons Patent Nov. 30th 1858 half-gallon jar sold for $478 on March 3, 2022. However, if you dont plan on using them for wet ingredients, they can all be used to store and display dry ingredients. Hazel-Atlas Simplex Mason Jar 8. Yes, they do. In theory, if the jar has never been used and is in peak condition, you could still use it. We will assess their model, size, how much they are worth, and their manufacturing date. Also, to help you in your collection journey is a total value and identification guide, so you dont feel overwhelmed by indulging in your new hobby. Atlas Mason Jars are definitely worth the hype and, in our opinion, should be in every home. But even this aqua-colored one is a prize. The new company became one of the largest glassware producers in the USA untilContinental Can Companyacquired it in 1957. After that, other companies started producing the Atlas mason jars. The Atlas E-Z Seal Mason Jar is an example without the L in E-Z Seal.. Atlas mason jars have been digested several times by larger corporations, and they immediately stopped using this symbol on the bottom when the company was bought out the first time in 1964. It is because there are factors that influence the value, and we will discuss these factors that influence the value of Atlas Mason jars. Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason Jar Clear Glass, 6. Buyers visit the site to search for products they want to purchase from a diverse range of individual sellers, and then they bid on items in individual auctions. As a hobbyist, the appeal of rare items is their exclusivity more than quality, although the latter sometimes contributes too. Check for cracks, chips, scratches and other signs of damage. This is a price guide. The Atlas Junior Square Mason jar is a limited-edition miniature version of the Atlas Square Mason jar. This Research Wiki, the FamilySearch Catalog, and FamilySearch Historical Records are organized by the localities and place names as of 1871. Jars marked "PAT NOV 26 67" on the base. Most Atlas jars will have these seems. They come from the manufacturer and have no bearing on the jars value. If reading this article has persuaded you to either make some extra money by selling the Atlas Mason jars in your attic or to become a lover of Atlas Mason jars, then showing you where to sell and find collectible Atlas Mason jars is only the right thing to do. They are adaptable for any purpose, including canning and decorating. It has a round shoulder with a strong shoulder slightly above it below the screwing threads. A:Hazel-Atlas Glass Co. is a merged business fromHazel Glass Co., Washington, PA of 1887andAtlas Glass Co., Washington, PA, 1896. They make great additions to your vintage collection or to your kitchen accessories. Its a great way to store things like soups, stocks, and jams. A vintage aqua blue E-Z Seal Mason jar with a glass top costs $24 on eBay, while an Atlas E-Z Seal light blue half-pint jar costs about $60. This clear Mason jar stands out in two ways: its square, and it has the Atlas Mason jars H over A feature. Purple Strong Shoulder Atlas Mason Jar, 11.
How to Pollinate Roses | Kerr jars, Mason jars, Kerr mason jars - Pinterest Paksh Novelty Mason Jars 16 oz - 10-Pack Regular Mouth Glass Jars with Lid & Seal Bands - Airtight Container for Pickling, Canning, Candles, Home Decor, Overnight Oats, Fruit Preserves, Jam or Jelly. Even though these jars dont react, they get very hot to the touch. However, it may also be a very rare find. This antique half-gallon E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jar was manufactured in 1910, making it extremely rare. Examine the Jar's Condition c1890s Ball Script underline Mason's Patent 1858 undropped A, Aqua One Quart Fruit Jar with a Zinc Cover, with embossing as follows ( Ball script Mason's Patent 1858 ) also has embossing on the base as follows ( 311 ) , screw top finish with the zinc lid, ground lip , Aqua in color, measures 7 1/2 inches tall , has a lip chip, this jar is in Good Condition, shipping is 10.00 for this jar , I . Atlas Mason Jars - New You can quickly tell this Atlas mason jar by the Atlas Wholefruit Jar inscription. Metal Lid Old Blue Jar EmilySnazzyBoutique (1,009) $48.00 FREE shipping Due to the lids design, the Atlas Good Luck Mason cannot be used to store food.
How Much are Old Mason Jars Worth? - Antique Answers It has a threaded lid, as opposed to the previous model, which had a threaded cap and could only store dry materials because it was watertight. In this section, we will look at the different Atlas Mason jar models and how to identify them. Thats precisely like the canning design that we use to date. However, there is also the emblem of the HA in the center of the jar, not encircled. Does the jar say "Atlas"? Today, the vintage Atlas Mason Jars use surpasses food preservation to keepsakes and decoration. These days its getting easier and easier for counterfeiters to produce fakes that resemble authentic collectors items, including Atlas Mason jars. There are seven common vintage Atlas mason jars that are worth noting. The jars are square in shape and have the words Atlas Junior Mason embossed on the front. The Atlas E-Z Seal Jar was the best-selling model for the longest time due to its reinforced lid style.
Baden Online Genealogy Records FamilySearch After that, you will be able to curate your online market space and make it accessible to collectors for searching and purchasing. Vinyl Records Value: Your Old Value Records Worth a Fortune, Vintage Stiffel Lamps: Value and Price Guide, Vintage Smith Corona Typewriter: History, Models, and Value, Vintage Schwinn Bikes: [Types, Identification, and Values], Vintage Rooster Cookie Jar Identification and Value Guide. Clear Glass. The glass company Hazel-Atlas, which is also known for making Depression glass, began production around 1902. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Atlas Junior Square mason jars also have the Atlas seal-all #63 lids and bands. Also known as the Atlas Round Mason Jar, this cylindrically shaped container has a threaded lid and top. Always do your research and look for other listings on different websites to see if more people are selling a jar of such a color. Generally, the older a mason jar is, the more valuable they are. However, some individual jars could be worth much more. It comes with a zinc lid for protection and its color distinguishes it from the usual colors, such as clear, aqua, green, and blue. Atlas Whole Fruit Jar 4.
Quick Answer: What Mason jars are worth money? - PBSF Baseball Blue E-Z Seal Atlas Mason Jar 8. It is for sale on Etsy for $28. However, there are variations to the H over A mark based on manufacturer location. In addition to that, small bubbles trapped inside the glass can also mean that its an older jar. These square jars came in half-pint, pint, quart, and half-gallon sizes and use the same clasp-like seal with the lever used to latch the lid in place. They were first released in the 1910s and can fetch astronomic prices. Generally, the price range for a single jar is anywhere from $5 - $50 for uncommon colors, to $50 - $200 for more rare colors and designs. Atlas Whole Fruit jars come in pints, quarts, and half gallons.
Any sign of damage from slight scratches to significant cracks or chips would diminish its value. The Atlas Strong Shoulder Mason Jar has sturdy glass at the bottom, while the E-Z Seal Jar comes with a bubble lid and wire reinforcement. Despite the fact that it produced millions of jars, they are still considered collectors items. It is a clear glass jar with a zinc lid, indicating that it was manufactured in the 1920s. They use the same clasp and lever seal and should only be used for dry storage. It has M, B with a circle around it and 5 on the bottom but no HA. Thanks for any information you may have.
However, there are a number of ways to tell how old your Atlas Mason jar might be. or Best Offer. More valuable jars include the amber E-Z Seal jars made around 1910. A jar's age and rarity can be determined by the color, shape, mold and production marks of the glass, and the jar's closure. Keep in mind that both letters are always capitalized, and H is always above the A. There are some old jars that are collectable and worth some good money. There are even some really rare antique jars worth thousands of dollars! Its available in all four standard Atlas sizes, pint, half-pint, quart, and half-gallon. Learn how to spot one at antique shops or in your own collection. Business expansion and growing demands led to varied Atlas Mason Jars designs enabling consumers to buy the most suitable for their needs. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Vintage Atlas Good Luck Quart Mason Jar Glass Lid (Loc 302-A) at the best online prices at eBay! Run your fingers around the bottom of your Atlas Mason Jar for mold seams. Atlas Square Mason Jars 3. This moves into the 1933 to 1962 age range. However, you must be very cautious buying these, as they are the most likely to be faked. If the jar doesn't have seams, it may be a very old example.
Are Hazel Atlas Mason Jars Worth Anything? - Antique Answers We understand that feeling too well and are here to help you avoid it. A Mason jar revolutionized food preservation and made it possible to easily keep food edible for years on end.
Vintage & Antique Mason Jars Guide - Dating Ball Canning Jars Dating old atlas jars Dating old atlas jars Digger answers your request: the zinc lid sealed on the atlas mason jar made actual, i love the value of home-canned peaches. Glass Insulators. Therefore, its value will be lower than that of an original. Classic Retro Game Room Ideas You Will Love! Please note that there are limited-edition colored Atlas Mason Jars though uncommon. UPSIDE-DOWN JAR BY BALL Vintage 1969 Hazel-Atlas Brown Amber Glass Juice Jar With Metal Lid. The Atlas Improved Mason Jar is 7.25 inches tall and 3.75 inches across the bottom. MASON'S PATENT NOV 30TH 1858 Antique Fruit Jars - Summary EAPG (Early American Pattern Glass) Numbers seen on the bottoms of glass bottles and jars General Overview on Glass Insulators Sea Glass / Beach Glass Collectible Milk Glass Bromo-Seltzer~Cobalt Blue Bottles Anchor Hocking Glass Corporation So, look closely for isolated microbubbles in the glass, and feel the weight. The Atlas Junior Square Mason Jar is a limited-edition design produced only in pint sizes. Atlas Junior Square Mason Jar 7. Willoughby Stopple Jar. Now that youve learned the value of Atlas Mason Jars, the next step is identification. The most valuable ones are the Atlas E-Z seal, Atlas trademark mason, and Atlas strong shoulder mason. 7 Types of Clocks for Vintage and Antique Collectors, Best Retro Posters Ideas for Avid Collectors. Hazel-Atlas Mason Jars typically used clear and aqua blue glasses. They are also available in a variety of colors, including aqua blue, green, and light blue, among others. Identification Tips & History Highlights, One of the most unusual types of antique glass that collectors can investigate, Vaseline glass is absolutely fascinating due to its color, history, and radioactive components. Atlas canning jars were made in the early 1900s-1920s. 2002-2023 LoveToKnow Media. To understand why people would pay such sums of money for simple Mason jars, lets briefly go back in time and get to know the legendary company between Atlas jars. The presence of defects like scratches, cracks, chips, etc., can adversely affect the value of your mason jars. He produced them by creating a machine that made lids through thread cuts. However, some well-used Atlas Mason jars could have worn away seams, so it can be deceiving. The Atlas Square Mason Jar, as the name suggests, is a square-shaped jar from the Hazel-Atlas Company. On Etsy, these antique pint-sized E-Z Seal Atlas Mason jars are listed for $90. FREE delivery Mon, Feb 20 on $25 of items shipped by Amazon. It helps in food preservation and is available on Etsy for $50. Some Atlas Mason Jars are rare finds due to their limited supply causing their value to skyrocket.
Atlas E Z Seal for sale | eBay Therefore, you should NOT use empty Classic jars for home canning!
Most Atlas Mason jars sell for under $15, but there are a few examples that can be worth much more. The type of jar you sell will also affect its value. Mason's Zinc Lid Jar. Wine Glass.
How old are Drey Mason jars? - Its very frustrating trying to see how old the jars are. It is available in pint, quartz, and half-gallon sizes. It is priced at $16 on Etsy. An Atlas Improved Mason Jar is worth $34 on eBay. Antique Atlas Mason Jars $14.00 $16.00 shipping or Best Offer Rare Vtg Atlas Mason's Patent Nov. 30th 1858 Half Gallon Fruit Jar Green Excelnt $39.95 $14.85 shipping or Best Offer 13 watching Vintage Clear Atlas Mason Jar #4 with Glass Atlas Seal Disc $60.00 $10.85 shipping or Best Offer vintage Atlas mason quart jar clear $3.00 0 bids Unique characteristics are a dead giveaway when identifying specific models of Atlas Mason Jars. The possibilities are only as far as your mind can take you. Some of the unique colors include purple, dark blue, and amber. The model is also distinguished by the fact that it is made of amber glass rather than recycled glass. Thats why weve written this Atlas mason jar value guide for collectors like you. They also come in round shapes. Since mason jars were traditionally storage containers, collectors look for Atlas Mason Jars in stellar condition. Blue Atlas Strong Jar. Aqua Blue Rare Atlas Improved Mason Jar, Factors Affecting the Value of Atlas Mason Jars, Where to Buy and Sell Antique Atlas Mason Jars. Thank you once again, have a nice day. Value depends on many things such as 3 4. You can also call them Atlas Round Mason jars. Folks we are now on INSTAGRAM.GET SNEAK PEAKS BEFORE THE VIDEOS COME OUT.FOLLOW US HERE: --~--Today's Vlog is all about g. Lightning Jar. The Hazel-Atlas Glass Company comes into the picture here. Atlas Special Mason Jars 5. The better news is that you dont have to worry about not knowing the signs because youve come to the right place. If your antique canning jar lacks one, its most likely an old model, and if its present, its a post-1915 creation. Examine the jar to see if it has lines or mold seams from its construction. The Atlas Improved Mason Jar is a cylindrical glass jar that is becoming increasingly popular among collectors. Like Whole Fruit jars, Atlas Special mason jars are easy to tell with their name inscriptions. Nicolas Apperts invention was followed by John Landis Masons creation of the screw-threaded seal on a glass jar, also known as the Mason jar. Although there were disagreements about its original production year, historians claimed Atlas Glass Co. designed the E-Z seal beforethe merger. Atlas mason jars are one of the most generally desired vintage mason jars. Newer jars were made by other companies after Hazel-Atlas stopped manufacturing them in the 1960s, but the oldest jars are among the most valuable.