. Oberst Mike Cason, Kommandeur des 193. In that role, Smith advised on all issues relating to mission effectiveness, health, morale, readiness, enlisted development and mentoring of 520 Airmen. Resiliency, Risk Reduction & Suicide Prevention, 28th Expeditionary Combat Aviation Brigade, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. On 26 March, the unit demobilized and returned to Harrisburg. Jackson believes the hard work of 193rd SOW Airmen and the support of the community ultimately led to completion of this successful first step. Oberstleutnant der US-Luftwaffe Sgt. Gen. Michael Regan, Jr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here today. Effectively executing our mission is critically important to our nation and our commonwealth. The aircraft was tasked to broadcast radio and television into Kosovo to prevent ethnic cleansing and assist in the expulsion of the Serbs from the region. Fink joined the Pennsylvania ANG in 1988. The unit was called to active federal service on 1 February 1951 for duty in the Korean War. Soon after the 193rd SOG received EC-130s, the Air National Guard unit participated in the rescue of American citizens in Operation Urgent Fury in 1983. Previously, Fink commanded the 111th Maintenance Group, 193rd SOW Detachment 1, Bollen Air-to-Ground Range and 193rd Special Operations Group. The 193rd Special Operations Wing is a unit of the Pennsylvania Air National Guard, stationed at Harrisburg Air National Guard Base, Middletown, Pennsylvania. In the mid-1980s, along with all other USAF special operations units, it was assigned to the 23rd Air Force of the Military Airlift Command (MAC). Its an exciting time to be a part of this team, and I have the utmost confidence we have the right culture and people to continue with a successful mission conversion.. Nick Kurpier ( Hurlburt Field, Fla.) Air National Guard & Air Force Reserve Units 137th Special Operations Wing (Will Rogers ANG Base, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) 193rd Special Operations Wing (Harrisburg International Airport, Middletown, Penn.) 919th Special Operations Wing, at Duke Field, Florida, is the command's Reserve special operations wing. Provide a quality, realistic, tactical range environment for air-to-ground, airdrop and Joint Terminal Attack Controller training to ensure the combat readiness of flying units throughout the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic region. Students become familiar with the practices to accomplish the EI wartime mission: Project engineering, management, and total project oversight. 560 unit members had participated in the campaign, and flew 845 hours of combat operations. The 193rd's web page attributes this interest to the 1967 Arab-Israeli conflict, but the program predates that war. The 193rd will continue to build upon its legacy of exceeding expectationsand will retain its rightful position at the tip of the spear.. Led by the efforts of unit conversion officer, Lt. Col. Benton Jackson, the wing has been preparing for its mission conversion since 2021. MISSION
Obermeister Sgt. 350 th Fighter Group, 1 Oct 1942-7 Nov 1945. Full-time federal technicians are the nucleus of the wing. An MC-130J Commando II arrives at the 193rd Special Operations Wing Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. Sgt Aaron Garner, 193rd Special Operations Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, marshalls an MC-130J Commando II Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. Smith takes over as command chief after previously serving as the senior enlisted leader of the 193rd Regional Support Group. AFSOC, Air Force Special Operations Command. Alexander Farver), Airmen pose for a group photo on the ramp of an MC-130J Commando II Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. Flying the EC-130J Commando Solo, a specially-modified four-engine Hercules transport, the 193rd Special Operations Squadron conducts information operations, psychological operations and civil affairs broadcasts in AM, FM, HF, TV and military communications bands. More than 450 technicians support the wing in day-to-day operations. Alexander Farver), An airman poses for a photo in the cockpit of an MC-130J Commando II Feb. 2, 2023 at Middletown, Pennsylvania. 193rd Special Operations Communications Squadron Mission first, people always.
193rd Special Operations Squadron EC-130J Commando Solo aircraft prepares to land at an air base in Southwest Asia. During this mission it broadcast throughout the initial phases of the operation, helping to end the Noriega regime. As a command pilot, Col. Fink has more than 3,900 hours of military flight time in the T-37, T-38, A/OA-10, C-130J, EC-130J and MQ-9 and is a veteran of operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom with 506 hours of combat flight time. Plan. Gen. Michael Regan, Jr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here today. The wing is transitioning from its legacy EC-130J Commando Solo aircraft . There could be no more perfect time for Colonel Ed Fink to return to the 193rd as your commander, said Regan. Alexander Farver). These units were located at Olmsted Air Force Base and operated the Lockheed C-121 Constellation. I can assure you that I and the rest of your leadership team are laser-focused on developing you as the future leaders of this organization. We were able to showcase our amazing . The 193rd SOW's primary mission is to fly and maintain the EC-130J Commando Solo, a specially-modified four-engine Hercules transport, conducting information operations, military information support operations and civil affairs broadcasts in FM, TV and military communications bands. In 1998, the unit and its aircraft participated in Operation Desert Thunder, a deployment to Southwest Asia to convince Iraq to comply with U.N. Security Council resolutions. Air Force Special Operations Forces (AFSOF) Logistics In 1989, Volant Solo was instrumental in the success of coordinated psychological operations in Operation Just Cause, operating under the control of the Joint Special Operations Task Force. Regional Training Site, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. (U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. It was an honor to be part of this ceremony and recognize worldclass professionals who have supported this weapon system for over three decades! The wing is the only Air Force special operations unit in European Command. 193rdSpecial OperationsSupport Squadron, 193rd Special Operations Maintenance Group Alexander Farver | Brig. They advise the mission commander on force protection measures, conduct FP surveys, provide close-in security, and assist with SOF led protective service operations. Continuing its tradition, in 1997 the 193 SOW and Commando Solo supported the United Nations' Operation Joint Guard with radio and TV broadcasts over Bosnia-Herzegovina in support of stabilization forces operations. Our goal from day one has been to operate the Commando II with the same potency as an active duty unit, and our aircrews are trained and ready to make that a reality.. Fink and Smith take charge at a critical time and will oversee the wing aircraft re-missioning from the EC-130J to the MC-130J. Ramirez added that the wings mission conversion is unprecedented, in that it was able to maintain full operating capabilities of the outgoing aircraft while simultaneously preparing for the arriving mission. Although it has never been mobilized as a unit, most of its equipment and personnel have been individually called up to serve in Southeast Asia and in Desert Storm. The group flew its first communications intelligence mission on 4 September. As a command pilot, Fink has more than 3,900 hours of military flight time in the T-37, T-38, A/OA-10, C-130J, EC-130J and MQ-9 and is a veteran of operations Southern Watch, Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom with 506 hours of combat flight time. An Airman from the 193rd Special Operations Wing used his military training to save the life of a family member who was having a seizure on Christmas., . The ceremonial passing of the guidon to Fink marks the beginning of his command of the 193rd SOW. In 2010, the unit and its aircraft, participated in Operation Unified Response, contributing to the relief efforts in Haiti after it the southern reign of the country was struck by the magnitude 7.0 earthquake. Assignments. , Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. New aircraft and a new mission are on the horizon. The REOTS mission is to provide additional readiness training for upgrading proficiency levels of civil engineer heavy equipment operators, throughout the Department o, 193rd SOW Sexual Assault Prevention and Response, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil. In 1960, the 140th was notified that it would be converting once again to the much larger and faster C-121 Constellation. They were hung there by a PJ, Chief Master Sgt. Gen. Michael Regan, Jr., Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander, during an assumption of command ceremony here today. Its missions included broadcasting the "Voice of the Gulf" and other highly successful programs intended to convince Iraqi soldiers to surrender. 193rd Special Operations Wing welcomes new aircraft, mission, Airman saves family members life at Christmas, Joint exercises increase security forces readiness, lethality, 193rd Special Operations Wing welcomes new commander, command chief, Outgoing chief bids farewell, offers leadership insight, Historic EC-130J Commando Solo military aircraft performs final broadcast over skies of Central Pennsylvania, Emergency management: becoming lighter, leaner, and more agile, Career Fair offers Airmen one-stop job shopping, New training course offers medics, nurses hands-on experience in austere environment, Around the Air Force: Accelerating the Legacy, Expanding Cyber Resiliency, Poppy Seed Warning, African nations hold Women, Peace and Security Panel at AACS 2023, Department of the Air Force updates policies, procedures to recruit for the future, Ammo Airman Named 193rd Outstanding Airman of the Year 2021, Weather Forecaster Earns Outstanding Senior NCO of the Year 2021, Target Analyst Earns Airman of the Year 2021, Instructor Pilot earns Outstanding Airman of the Year 2021, Through Skull Valley, Faith and Fitness Triumph, 20 years later, unit members recall 9-11 response, 193rd Special Operations Wing welcomes new SARC, Airman Insight: Airman 1st Class Adam Schuck, Air Commandos co-host SAWS, champion transformation and partnerships, Department of the Air Force to conduct hackathon, SecAF visits Hurlburt Field, observes AFSOC's Readiness for Future Operational Environment, C-145A Combat Coyote makes final run after decade of service, 73rd SOS Gunship crews awarded MacKay Trophy for most meritorious flight of 2021, Click on these links for our Social Network sites In his first speech as commander, Fink outlined his three priorities: mission, people and relationships. In that role, Smith advised on all issues relating to mission effectiveness, health, morale, readiness, enlisted development and mentoring of 520 Airmen. On 15 October 1964, the 140th Air Transport Squadron was authorized to expand to a group level by the National Guard Bureau. Their primary job is to provide mission planning of direct combat air support and operate and supervise communications nets to support Air Force air resources and Army ground maneuver units. Mission first, people always.. If there is one thing I want you to hear in this address, its that this position is not about me, Smith said. Ramon Colon-Lopez when he assumed the billet of Command Chief. Brig. AFSOC is one of 10 major Air Force commands and the Air Force component of U.S. Special Operations Command, a unified command located at, . Earning his wings in 1992, he has flown more than 3,500 hours in the MC-130E, MC-130H and MQ-9 aircraft. 148th Air Support Operations Squadron, Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania. I also know that without competent Airmen who are motivated to serve, we cannot and will not be successful. Gen. Michael Regan, Pennsylvania Air National Guard commander (left) and Col. Edward Fink Jr., 193rd Special Operations Wing commander (right) exchange the guidon at an assumption of command ceremony Oct. 28, 2022, Middletown, Pennsylvania. The 193rd participated in the rescue of American citizens in Operation Urgent Fury in 1983. As your new commander, you can count on him to challenge you to do better, but he will never ask you to do something that he hasnt already done, or is willing to do himself.
The 193rd SOW employs more than 1,900 Guardsmen, mostly traditional Airmen who serve one weekend a month and at least 15 active duty days per year. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide was featured in these broadcasts, which contributed to the orderly transition from military rule to democracy.[4]. 193rd Special Operations Civil Engineer Squadron