She has various connections to the other anomalies of the Nixonverse, including the Last Son and Luna. If Luna is to believed, Despite killing Alice Avenue in a fit of rage, the Knight later sticks around to fight the, who's revealed to have been a genuine hero, He's also revealed to have a pretty bad temper, enough to murder Alice Avenue in a fit of rage. It takes a full show of power from him to actually put an end to their threat, and a horrifying power at that, After brainwashing the Last Son and turning him into their king and wrecking havoc on the earth for God knows how long, they finally get their comeuppance in, Their slow destruction of the English language is terrifying, but their main victim so far is the. Fan-made thing for "the Monument Mythos" By ALEXKANSAS Very interesting channel that you should watch! "The devourer of villages." They are both transdimensional species who can travel through arcs, or corners in the Cornerfolk's case, and their homeworld can result in visitors being disfigured into. erasing all languages other than their own, that attempted to shoot their queen during first contact, electrical brain surgery on civilians and super-powered beings alike, mastermind behind most of the events of the Deanverse. Al Gore ran for office and ended up becoming president, as stated in, Unlike the other episodes, which mostly focus on either historical landmarks or specific events unique to the series's. Canyon Crowns (also known as Canyonggalans) are human beings whose heads have been cut off with Giza Glass. the actual number of Pyramids is in the near thousands, with there being countless Special Trees in each and every one. ActingSuperhuman durabilityRace car drivingSuperhuman charisma The Monument Mythos (2020) Source Group: Internet Series; Category: Television; 8 characters in The Monument Mythos (2020) are available for you to type their personalities: President James Dean, Everett Arnoldson, President John D. Rockefeller. This rumor would curve Nixon's chances of victory. Dean actually does care about the American people and actively tries to help them, whether personally or by rousing the government into action, but also uses his opposition as sacrifices for Special Trees and Freedom, and has likely elected someone to be a Lincoln Looker as per tradition. Like his sister, he was killed off with little to no explanation in, as the one who finally reveals the true identity of the. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. After what he was brainwashed into doing in the Vietnam War, he retired to the ocean and became this. And it resembles a man far more than any tree. The various entities that crop up around the monuments- including the Horned Serpent, Great Sphinx of Giza, and, James Dean confuses the issue a bit by applying the label to more mundane threats like global climate change and, Alcatraz doubles as this, being a single celled organism, The Rockefeller airships are effectively indestructible, not due to their construction, but because the gas has been substituted out for, Possibly everything produced by Maize Technologies, or at least their early computers, seem to have been made, The recording of Mt. Dean would go on to self direct several more ads for after the ABC evening news, and it would become a weekly occurrence every Friday throughout 1967, and would become the highest rated show on TV. But he chooses not to, as he perceives that interacting with humanity will only result in more chaos. For tropes applying to its previous appearances in the series, see the Libertylurker and George Washington above. james dean monument mythos. Despite his superiority over America, James is quite good natured and nice to talk to, happily racing cars with his political opponents. Many would have nervous breakdowns before the countdown ended, claiming that DEANDEMOCRACY was codename for all out nuclear war. He did not even say his first word. The title he's given during WW2, "The D-Day Knight," is in reference to. Rushmore on Saturday in. Mysterious creatures which begin appearing across the southeast United States. For tropes applying to his "equivalent" in another universe, see The Crescent King below. Various groups, coined the "House Clubs" have attempted to attack it, to no avail. Luna sees this as an act of war and starts a full on invasion on Earth. He had a painfully lonely childhood, with his parents blatantly neglecting him and his classmates not treating him any better. The D-Day Knight sadly returns and kills her before this could be possible, though. A French diplomat and the developer of the Suez Canal. He got his wish, for better or for worse. One is inside the Washington Memorial, while another was at the Rockefeller Center, and larger groups of Special Trees appear later in the series. Many would believe the broadcast would be Dean related, and tuned into the ABC evening news the night after, only to be met with an ADA ad claiming Dean's American is hell. Monument Mythos is great in that it assumes its viewers are intelligent enough to piece together what has happened and causes horrifying realizations when you figure it out. In a more obvious and face value meaning, the military are indeed chasing a wandering robot. The Horned Serpent from the Monument Mythos. False children organize into the STARRYSPHINX. His brainwashed self has constantly served as a xenophobic conquerer's, As "Jesus," he was the United States Military's weapon of mass destruction during the. She and her friends fell victim to this when the Special Tree Rockefeller planted sent them to an alternate universe. Much like the Horned Serpent he separated from, Nixon serves as this for the entire Nixonverse. Mandela Catalog is ok but it's become the white bread to the Analog Horror community (personal take). Has no problem stepping foot on the radioactive ruins of Alaska to report on the Last Son's fate. Downplayed in that all three were supposed to be benevolent, but the cruel actions of humanity had, Knew that stepping foot on an alternate Earth was a, Played with. Downplayed in that he isn't physically harmed, but the Horned Serpent is capable of literally entering his dreams. James Dean, instead of dying in a car crash in 1955, lives and goes on to run for presidency in 1968. Is James Dean just a walking, talking cognitohazard in the Monument Mythos or is he just a . the voice which commands C/H/A/S/E to walk to Antarctica is "Her.". Dean wanted to appear on public TV for an announcement about the event against his doctors orders, but a look in the mirror discouraged him, due to the tears and bruises on his skin. Just for. Despite this, he does it without bloodshed and it is still preserved in some sort through a comic book. After being abducted by the United States, his lost eye was replaced by a Lunarian one. A mysterious, if notional, entity present within the Nixonverse. Subverted as of. ROCKEFELLER-70. The Knight then stays to combat the Lunrians, though it's mostly ineffectual until he uses Alcatraz's power in, Much like the Knight in Chess, the D-Day Knight does an. James Dean is a character in the analog horror series Monument Mythos. He would instead organize a country wide radio broadcast with TV subtitles about the event, where he would apologize for the disaster and set up a headhunt for ADA members. You've unleashed another Great Serpent that's headed towards Earth now. Character Synopsis. after all, he had been in the oil business for a brief time, but to totally not recognize his two terms as president of the united states was confusing and troubling. "Alcatraz Zone," "Rushmore Zone" and "Washington Zone", people who tried to climb the Special Trees, 'In the end?' But at the. THE SUEZ CRAB (Monument Mythos) Vertex-Son. The short clip we are shown of her memorial statue morphing heavily resembles previous videos from Seasons 1 and 2 about American monuments, what with the heavy breathing and. Good job. Then Alcatraz manages to assimilate and replace the entirety of the United States in just one night without anyone knowing. Ed Dwight did not blast himself. Instead, electronic technology seems to be firmly stuck in the 1980s, with crude replacements for modern web apps like the Maize Movie Maker pseudo-computer and the TWTTR-Machine (or T-Machine) pseudo cell phone. The Monument Mythos WASHINGTONWORMHOLE. he tried to hack down a Special Tree, most certainly without anything resembling an idea of what it really was. Hollywood actor James Dean was killed at age 24 in an auto accident on September 30, 1955, near Cholame, California.He had previously competed in several auto racing events, and was traveling to a sports car racing competition when he was involved in a car crash at the junction of California State Route 46 (former U.S. Route 466) and California State Route 41. Through the form of Mockumentary and Found Footage-style videos, The Monument Mythos tells the story of an alternate America where history took on a strangely different yet eerily familiar course, one where beloved actor James Dean never died . disrupts the country so terribly, that the government believes their state borders wouldn't be recoverable in the next century. LOVE, POVERTY, WAR AND Also by Christopher Hitchens BLOOD, CLASS AND EMPIRE: The Enduring Anglo-American Relationship A LONG SHORT WAR: The Postponed Liberation of Iraq WHY ORWELL MATTERS LEFT HOOKS, RIGHT CROSSES: A Decade of Political Writing (edited with Christopher Caldwell) LETTERS TO A YOUNG CONTRARIAN THE TRIAL OF HENRY KISSINGER BLAMING THE VICTIMS: Spurious Scholarship and the . she's among the first to step foot on the. Their electronics also create more between our world and theirs, with TWTTR machines being an especially primitive version of Twitter programmed into bulky devices, and Maize Movie Maker as the equivalent for Windows Movie Maker. Dean was regarded as Satan despite his clearly good deeds and having improved his world overall after both of his terms, whereas Nixon is regarded as "God" despite being more morally ambiguous and having, To the Horned Serpent, both being actual historical figures from the past who have served as presidents, imbued with, The robot known as C/H/A/S/E is heavily implied to be. With. This triggered his transformation into a deranged parody of Christ, who was used by the United States to perform a "Sweep And Redeem" of Vietnam. Fires would break out across cities and massive amounts of cars left on highways caused high carbon monoxide production, which would flow into bunkers and homes, suffocating those inside. Note that Allan D. Arnoldson is only mentioned in a now deleted and decanonised video, however. After Virginia was taken by the Special Tree in the Washington Monument, Everett disappeared. It first appears in ALCATRAZATTACK. . Family More specifically, things bending and bowing to form an Arc. leaning just out of the doorway to glare at who's likely a soon-to-be-victim. monument mythos james dean. Valheim Genshin . r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS alex has to pick the most baller music for his videos ong . Freedom is a statue made by Thomas Crawford that was made to stand atop the Capitol Building. ", Had shades of this as "Jesus" and The Crescent King, since he was a well-meaning superhero. He'd soon break free of this brainwashing, only to be brainwashed again by the Lunarians. Four days before election day, Anti-Dean groups would hijack radio transmissions, saying that Dean ruined American television and youth, going on to cut power lines across the southeast United States. Yep, that's James Dean. On April 20th, 1969, Dean would attempt to broadcast to Americans about his first 90 days in office, not before being cut off six seconds in. She first appears in LINCOLNLOOKER. For example, the Giza Glass is created by lightning, the Horned Serpent has electrical attributes, the Starry Sphinx assaults the camera with lightning in, Amusingly enough, actual Arcs. Unsurprisingly, the Angel is not very pleased with the American government. We have the Lunarians, a race of xenophobic aliens who want to conquer Earth and who turn the Last Son into their weapon. Powers/Skills As "Jesus," he made the people of the United States his chosen people, and was willing to destroy anyone that stands in its way. The projects goal is to restore hearing to all American citizens by July 4th, 1969. This would cause the Last Son to awaken his superpowers and become inspired to help those in need, effectively setting in motion the events of THE NIXONVERSE. This is later revealed to be a complete lie. While some people managed to get out, rescue efforts retreated because the structural integrity of the tower was compromised. By the end of. ", Much like the Deanverse, the Nixonverse has various strange beings and anomalies that inhabit it. Dean would call many world leaders and high ranking military officials to confirm the non-existence of a nuclear attack. It is known for its hijacking of Air Force One in 2003. This is untrue. Ronald Reagan gets half his face covered in. Despite being incredibly powerful, Nixon chooses not to intervene in any of the Nixonverse's conflicts due to his distrust of humanity. Beware of Spoilers. As it turns out, they both died by falling off of "two flying balloons" in the same canyon in. The Great Depression is avoided entirely due to Rockefeller's dealings with the Germans, who was the United States president at the time. A chunk of, And then it's revealed he was, essentially, Alcatraz matter trying its best to imitate a human and making several missteps along the way until grief and rage made it drop the act, Alice Avenue's memorial statue does not contain her soul, The "letter" he writes to the World Nightly in, Even when it's revealed that Nixon laid out a said path for him, he immediately disregards that by rejecting his fate as a Lunarian prince and upending the entirety of the Lunarians' prophecy through, He's evidently not very intelligent, with, His grief at the realization that Alice Avenue is truly dead, spreading across the entire United States and annihilating the Lunarian race, when he throws Alice Avenue off the Chrysler Building, The "letter" he sends to the World Nightly is riddled with spelling errors and is written in poor handwriting. Wonderland is literally referred to as the Horned Serpent's Metastructure, yet it's existence was the cause for the Horned Serpent's existence and by extension itself. which is made out of a substance similar to baby powder, this prevents the Great Division from happening. After transforming into the Crescent King, Alice reveals his backstory through radio signals in hopes for him to remember his true identity. President James Dean is a major protagonist in the alternate history analog horror series THE MONUMENT MYTHOS and a posthumous protagonist in THE MONUMENT MYTHOS: THE NIXONVERSE. A piece of Alcatraz matter that and escaped the Horned Serpent also assimilated some of its properties, becoming Richard Nixon and his extensions. She's not exactly wrong in her assessment that human peace is built on inequality, and that the United States' "peace equation" is a blatant example of that. George Washington, stretched out within Wonderland for a long amount of time. A lifetime of being attacked, brainwashed and used as a weapon by genocidal empires makes him finally snap in. However, in this universe Alcatraz is much, much different, and alive. His "fictionalization" of the world basically ends the Nixonverse and overwrites it with a new reality. It would take three hours after the broadcast to shut down all sirens in America. the trope still applies but with the roles flipped, the US government being the gray and the ADA being the black. All three of them end up losing their sanity. So is the ship alive? It first appears in MAIZEMOVIEMAKER. Him ordering Ed Dwight to shoot Luna, combined with the Apollo 12 mission shooting a Lunarian and taking their eye convinces Luna that. Actor (formerly)President of the United States his three extensions and the destruction that they have caused was a side effect of human intervention. r/THEMONUMENTMYTHOS lunarians! Being freed from brainwashing a second time and realizing that he's complacent in the Lunarians' atrocities does a number on whatever is left of his sanity, and this realization transforms him into a monstrous abomination who can only weep at his. He's responsible for the creation of the Last Son, The D-Day Knight and Luna in order to "test" humanity. He appears as a completely black silhouette in, be related to the Deanverse's Virginia and not the one he married. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from A strange entity photographed on the surface of the Moon during the Apollo 11 Mission that heavily resembles a certain Richard Nixon. [SPOILERS TO MONUMENT MYTHOS] BSI and maize team up, Virginia doesn't get affected by the "tragedy" so she's still here, Maize decides to bring . 0 coins. Over 60 million Americans would watch the broadcast due to the hype it would receive. The Last Son into becoming their new king. A splinter group of the Anti-Device Association, a Doomsday Cult who worships the Horned Serpent as a god, formed with the sole purpose in mind of freeing it off the crust of the Earth. The White House would also be placed on lockdown, Dean would be ushered to a bunker, but due to hearing the agonizing screams of American citizens, he refused. The official subreddit for the Monument Mythos. Upon regaining his sentience both times and realizing that he's responsible for their atrocities, he has a, That all changes when he ends up captured and brainwashed by the USA Government for his unpredictable behavior in war, turning him into a. the Lunarians, believing him to be their prophesized King, force him out of his retirement and disfigure him into the Crescent King. A select group of unusually tall, Greco-Egyptian swordsmen who patrol the forbidden zones of the Grand Canyon, armed with fine blades of Giza Glass. Assist in restoring power across the US during the DEANDEMOCRACY campaign due to ADA sabotage of infrastructure.