Also check out our new podcast The Texas Green Report, available on your favorite podcast app. Historical data documents the existence of lions in every ecological region in Texas. And all four of those instances occurred in remote West Texas. Green Source DFWis an award-winning digital publication covering environmental news in North Texas. Predator removal was steady and unforgiving from the early 1800s until the mid-1960s. The victims of most fatal mountain lion attacks are children, so if you're hiking in lion country be sure to keep kids in sight. 2 Last 5 Years. Data from a Texas project tracking mountain lions by satellite imply a population of between 25-40 animals in one of the sky islands in Texas. Masters said he strongly believes this can be done while respecting the ranching and hunting heritage that is the foundation for wildlife conservation in Texas. Both government and private bounties were offered on mountain lions during the early years of the states predator control program. Hunters and trappers may voluntarily submit harvest reports when they kill a mountain lion, but most do not, making historic data on the numbers of lions killed by hunting and trapping in Texas a guessing game. Home ranges of adult female mountain lions are traced in yellow, red, and green and a male's home range is in blue. 0000056951 00000 n
I support both PETA and Nathan Winograd. Dashboard for displaying mountain lion reports to the public. Body length: 3-4 ft. Tail: 2.5-3 ft. The chances of getting attacked by a mountain lion in Texas are extremely slim. Privacy Policy | FCC Public File | Contest Rules at Sul Ross State University in Alpine, Texas. <<68E64EC28283EE4F896F60D71217D0CB>]>>
The procedure can differ based on the type of printer and the type of paper you are using. A case-in-point, James King has trouble eliminating feral hogs. & Parks, Texas, 1995, The Status of Mountain Lions in Texas, Sayre, Nathan F. & Knight, Richard L., 2009, Potential effects of united states-mexico border hardening on ecological and human communities in the malpai borderlands: Diversity, Smith, Thomas E.; Duke, Ronald R. & Kutilek, Michael J., 1984, The Ecology of the Mountain Lion in the Guadelupe Mountains of Texas and New Mexico, Stiner, Mary C. & Munro, Natalie D., 2012, Carcass damage and digested bone from mountain lions ( Felis concolor ): implications for carcass persistence on landscapes as a function of prey age, Stiner, Mary C.; Munro, Natalie D. & Sanz, Montserrat, 2012, Carcass damage and digested bone from mountain lions (Felis concolor): Implications for carcass persistence on landscapes as a function of prey age, Thompson, Ron; Harveson, Patricia Moody; Harveson, Louis A.; Milani, Dana & Dennison, Katie, 2012, Ecology of Mountain Lions in the Davis Mountains: Assessing Impacts on Prey Populations, Tiefenbacher, John P.; Shuey, Michelle L. & Butler, David R., 2000, A Spatial Evaluation of Cougar-Human Encountern in U.S. National Parks: the Cases of Glacier and Big Bend National Parks, Wade, Dale A.; Nunley, Gary L.; Caroline, Milton & Hawthorne, Donald W., 1984, History and Status of Predator Control in Texas, Walker, Christopher W.; Harveson, Louis A.; Pittman, Michael T.; Tewes, Michael E. & Honeycutt, Rodney L., 2000, Microsatellite Variation in Two Populations of Mountain Lions ( Puma concolor ) in Texas, Young JR, John Hillis, 2009, Estimating Mountain Lion (Puma concolor) Population Parameters in Texas, Young, John H.; Tewes, Michael E.; Haines, Aaron M.; Guzman, Gilbert; Demaso, Stephen J.; Young, John H.; Tewes, Michael E.; Haines, Aaron M.; Guzman, Gilbert & Demaso, Stephen J., 2010, Survival and Mortality of Cougars in the Trans-Pecos Region, Leavitt, Daniel Jacob, 2003, Mountain Lion Incidents in Big Bend National Park: 1953-2003, Locke, Shawn; Brewer, Clay & Harveson, Louis, 2005, Identifying Lanscapes For Desert Bighorn Sheep Translocations in Texas, Mckinney, Billy, 2010, Mountain Lions, Deer and Predator Control, Russ, William B., 1995, The Status of Mountain Lions in Texas, Young, John, 2010, Texas Mountain Lion Status Report, Young, John, 2008, Texas Mountain Lion Status Report, Wagner, Matt, 1996, Proceedings of the Fifth Mountain Lion Workshop. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. Still, preliminary results from a four-year-old study suggest that the Texas mountain lion population is stable and may be growing. If you do have a chance encounter with a mountain lion, and it displays aggressive behavior (stalking, crouching, etc.) When did surveillance become a business model and what would it take to rein it in? There they did a brisk business in thefur trade. In Texas, the mountain lion is found throughout the Trans-Pecos region, in addition to the brush lands of South Texas and parts of the Hill Country. Lions tend to move on quickly from one place, looping back to the same territory every 30 to 60 days; thats why trapping is more effective than dog hunting, Applegate said. The Red List is consistently behind the curve. Mountain lion mortalities are a good way of knowing where this animal's habitat is. In fact, mountain lions may be hunted or trapped at any time using any legal method in Texas. But because lions are a nongame species in Texas, hunters can take them at any time by any lawful means on private property. Click for a larger image. If you are using a printer that has a coating of plastic that is coated with plastic, the film does not extend beyond the edges. This article will provide you with some suggestions on how to find quality maps. On June 13, the Texans for Mountain Lions working group submitted a petition for rulemakingto TPWD on behalf of pumas with the following requests: Conduct current research to identify the population size, status, and distribution of mountain lions in Texas. This page discusses puma hunting feeding and social organisation. All rights reserved. They are not counting. These risks are very small and can be further reduced by taking precautions when recreating outside and protecting our livestock.". No regulations require monitoring of traps, causing mountain lions and young to perish in traps from starvation, heat or lack of water. That history is marked by a loathing for the animal, the notion that mountain lions should be killed on sight. In the western U.S., large mountainous tracts of public land and regulated hunting have contributed to fairly stable mountain lion populations. The only breeding populations of pumas in Texas exist in the Davis Mountains in West Texas and the South Texas brush country. The high support for mountain lions signifies just how much Texas has changed since the early years of predator eradication. Cats generally are opportunistic predators. A majority of printers favor high-resolution PDF files for their printing projects. & Box, Campus, 1995, Mountain Lion ResearchIn Texas: Past, Present, and Future, Harveson, Louis A.; Route, Bill; Armstrong, Fred; Silvy, Nova J. We have expertly hemmed in so much of the natural world.. "And that, symbolizes wildness. In this way, you'll be able to take advantage of the highest-resolution map without having to pay a cent. Stay up to date on everything green in North Texas, including the latest news and events! James King said hes not an evangelist for mountain lions. The mountain lion, scientific namePuma concolor, is also known as cougar, puma, panther, painter and catamount. A mountain lion in the Davis Mountain examines the landscape. Despite the fact that the number of domestic cats and dogs in America has doubled since the 1970s, the number Best Friends Animal Society reported a 44.5% drop between 2019 and 2020 of euthanized shelter cats and dogs from 625,000 Somebody asked the question whether animal shelters can refuse animals. Thats an invasive species brought to the Americas by Christopher Columbus. As a biologist, Im always biased on the side of wanting data, Evans said. Source: Texas Wildlife. The process will create the PDF file or an image file, depending on your preference.
These lions rarely threaten humans or livestock, but sightings often frighten those not accustomed to having a large predator in their back yards. The video below shows the hikers encounter. Dogs kill 18-20 people annually in the US. For instance, if select "500x400," you will receive a map that is 500 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. Back when the majority of landowners were ranchers and many livelihoods depended on livestock production, it is understandable that large carnivores were difficult to tolerate. Whats more, most of the test area is owned by ranchers, many of whom have harbored revulsion for the mountain lion. Texans for Mountain Lions has at its core a working group of big-cat experts, including Dallas-based Monica Morrison of Texas Native Cats; Patricia Moody Harveson, a Texas carnivore ecologist; and Mark Elbroch, mountain lion biologist and director for Panthera's Puma Program. They are both obese Bowie's law is a significant advance in the humane treatment of animals in California according to Nathan Winograd. The subspecies found in Texas is stanleyana. Do not run. They also prohibit harvesting females with kittens. Some of the regional tribes include the Tonkawa, Kiowa and Apache. Be sure to use the names mountain lion, cougar, and panther to accomplish your searches. Mountain lions can be found throughout Arizona, and data suggests the populations are not only stable, but growing. "Theres a food chain thats in existence," he explained. Texas Cougar Habitat. Keep hunting camps clean to prevent odors that will attract bears. Avoid running in lion country, especially at dawn and dusk. Yes, it is possible. The first European settlers arrived in the Texas Hill country in the early 1800s and viewed mountain lions as a dangerous threat to their own survival as well as a predator threat to their livestock. Put all children behind you. The articles are copyright Michael Broad but the infographics are free to use under a CC license. 4 . I am concerned about their welfare. Mountain lions inhabited the state of Texas before European settlers arrived and the Native Americans in the area hunted them for clothing, shelter and blankets. With black bears, mountain lions are the largest predators remaining in Texas. Since our summary below may not be completely up to date, you should be sure to review the most current law for the State of Texas. Mountain lion trapping became a hot-button issue in the 1990s, when the Sierra Club, the oldest nonprofit environmental organization in the United States, petitioned to register the mountain lion as a game species, only to be killed outside of a hunting season in the event of livestock depredation. In Texas, a few hunters and trappers voluntarily submit harvest reports, but most do not, making the number of hunted lions almost a complete mystery. The other was near Mineral Wells in 2018, when a mountain lion was hit by a vehicle on Highway 337. As West Texas is known for vast open spaces and a sparse human population, there may be more mountain lions in that area of Texas than in others. Governor Gavin Newsom has dedicated $50 million to the UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program to give California's animal shelters Ailurophobia (irrational but sometimes rational). Texas Parks and Wildlife officials say mountain lion attacks are rare, but have increased in recent decades. Do not turn and run.
Cougars, panthers and pumas to name three. She said without the support of ranchers and other landowners, she could not paint a picture of how lions sometimes help ranchers. Face the lion and remain in an upright position. Many dogs are also mistaken as mountain lions at a distance or in poor light. In general terms, pumas at the latitudinal extremes of the range, the tip of southern Chile to the top of the Canadian range are likely to weigh roughly twice those that live in the hot tropics. They request that people contact them if theyve seen a mountain lion or killed one recently. Washington State Map With Cities and Counties. They can be rebuffed. Texas Parks and Wildlife do not attempt to create a population estimate. Children under 13 years of age must have a parent/guardian's consent before providing However, there are no credible population estimates for Texas for a number of reasons, including their status as a nongame species, the states lack of mandatory harvest reporting and lions ranges into New Mexico and Mexico. Dashboard for displaying mountain lion reports to the public. Generally, treatment of wildlife in the State of Texas is governed by theTexas Statutes the states collection of all the laws passed by its legislature. Mountain lions are a nearctic and neotropical creature with one of the most extensive distributions of all American terrestrial mammals. They want to find out the distribution of pumas throughout the state. Does it exist? Recent genetic studies suggest that Texas has two distinct populations of mountain lions: a more robust west Texas population, and a possibly declining south Texas population. Pick up a stick or other improvised weapon and if attacked, fight back. 151 0 obj<>stream
Stay calm. Deep in the Heart' is love letter to Texas wildlife, Dallas woman wild about Texas native cats, Behaviorist provides 'emotional' enrichment for animals at Boyd sanctuary, Dallas-based Shrine Circus producer drops wild animal acts from shows. Texas Mountain Lion Characteristics: The mountain lion is a large, slender cat with a smallish head and noticeably long tail. They occur in habitats ranging from the southern tip of South America to northern British Columbia, Canada. There is no official population estimate for Texas lions. Various estimates have been made concerning how often a lion kills a deer, ranging from every 3 to 5 days, for a female raising cubs, to every 5 to 14 days for adult males. Possibly this accounts for the majority of Texas's "black panthers". You can check the statutes directly at a state-managedwebsite. Either the animal has died, or the stationary signal suggests that the lion has stopped at a kill site, a place where the animal eats its prey. Mountain lions are native to Texas and historically inhabited the Trans Pecos, the Hill Country, and other suitable places throughout the state. Mountain lions may also be trapped or injured and released into game ranches and other confined areas for canned hunts. She's outfitted with satellite and VHF tracking beacons on her collar. Similar to Tennessee's wild elk and buffalo, the cougar was extirpated from the state around the early 1900s due to overhunting and . Whats the common denominator for this couple of cats? Without intervention, the South Texas population may become untenable. and cookie statement. Try and appear larger than you are by raising your arms or waving a stick. Despite this impressive distribution, they currently inhabit a fraction of their original range. State officials have only documented four attacks on humans by mountain lions since 1980. The first step is to open a Web page with maps. Over the past 10 years, almost all Texas mountain lion sightings have been in West Texas, near the Mexican border, according to Texas Parks and Wildlife data. . Texans for Mountain Lions a grassroots group in the Lone Star state is asking the state government to shift from allowing unlimited killing to managing the population. These statutes are searchable. Surveys for mountain lions are exceedingly difficult; attempting to count one of America's most elusive carnivores as it roams hundreds of square miles in remote deserts and mountains is no easy task. Cougars, panthers and pumas to name three. For instance, if select "500400," you will receive a map that is 500 pixels wide by 400 pixels high. And those lions are out there at night doing that job," he said with a wide smile. Lets give these scientists access so they can help us understand the movement, the population, their whole dynamics so we can be better land managers," King said. As a registered user, you can customize maps, save them, and share them with your friends. Perhaps you're wondering: how do I download high-quality printable maps? Hunting is legal, but closely regulated by the state. There are also several comprehensive genetic studies of Texas mountain lions (Walker et al. Wildlife was abundant in Texas and between 1844 and 1853, at least 75,000 deer hides alone were traded through the post. They say that Texas is big enough to support over 6,000 mountain lions, but the population will be much lower than this due to overhunting and human encroachment on their habitat. The group says, not only can big cats be killed throughout the year,the lack of regulationallows for inhumane fatesfor the animals. A glimmer of a golden tail shoots through the corner of your eye on your drive home. Note: This is an embedded video from another website. Okay!? Photo: Pixabay. MOUNTAIN LION Puma concolor (Linnaeus 1771). The cat was stalking a deer in the bushes. Your contact information is used to deliver requested updates or to access your subscriber preferences. This means a destruction of their habitat. The mountain lion, also called cougar, puma, panther, and catamount, is a wide-ranging large felid that is known from across the Americas. But like many of his neighbors, King simply wants information about the animal. . Senate Bill 583, granting the cat game status, failed to pass in the 1993 Texas Legislature. "Weve documented over 200 different kills," said project leader Harveson. Predator control, residential development, oil fields, and other forms of habitat loss have limited mountain lions to the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas. The most common areas to see mountain lions in Arizona are in places of rocky and mountainous terrain. Nights get dark in Texas, but cougar fur doesnt an American black panther is a color variant of the jaguar, now extinct in Texas. As the cattle industry in the state grew and replaced sheep, concerns for livestock safety relaxed somewhat although predator control programs have never gone away, even though data shows that mountain lions have a very small impact on cattle mortality. This image was taken October 18, 2014 in Brewster County, Texas by a trapper employed by the ranch owner. regional and statewide maps of relative cougar abundance, habitat quality, and landscape linkages" (S14). Wildlife biologist Dana Milani is a member of the research team. Cougars have inhabited Texas, alongside humans, for more than 40,000 years. "And not one domestic animal has fallen to mountain lions and thats a fact.. Referring to the TPWD petition, Morrison admits that the proposed six regulations or directives on the petition would not have prevented the death of the mountain lion outside Dallas. With black bears, mountain lions are the largest predators remaining in Texas. Texas added protections in 1977 for some nongame species but specifically excluded mountain lions. Do NOT approach the lion. Puma cat all aspects with links to more, Puma hunting, feeding and social organisation comprehensive coverage, Mountain lion tracks detailed discussion and video. A large number of the callers report seeing a "black panther", which leaves biologists in the awkward position of explaining that there has never been a proven case of a melanistic (black form) of a mountain lion. But these two entities are at each other's throats. Learn how you can get involved. Wolves, grizzly bears and jaguars have been wiped out. If Id believe that their numbers were threatened, I would back off because I love the mountain lions.. To kill them you got to get in their space, and you have got to really understand them or else you wont get the job done, Applegate said. This dire situation is due to their designation in 1973 by the Texas Legislature as a nongame species. "And that apex predator symbolizes wildness. Texas Parks and Wildlife keeps track of mountain lion sightings throughout the state. Collection. Footage of pumas and explanation of their peril in the recent film on Texas wildlife, Deep in the Heartexponentially raised public concern over the big cat. MapCruzin has a wide selection of maps for free and paid. Mountain lions are listed as a Species of Greatest Conservation Needby Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and ranked between Imperiled and Vulnerable. This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. "During a study of 16 monitored cats in the protected landscape of Big Bend Ranch State Park, one was shot and all of the remaining 15 were killed in leghold traps when they traveled onto private lands. Mountain lions are the apex predator, just like sharks and oceans," said Harveson. Another study in the Davis Mountains recorded a nearly 50 percent annual mortality, almost entirely due to trapping," the groupsays. The mission of the Memnosyne Institute is to help the diverse people of the world consciously encourage an evolution for themselves and for future generations by providing humanity with the means to encourage positive, peaceful global collaboration in seven main areas of knowledge. startxref
Originally, sheep ranching was common throughout the Trans Pecos region because of the animals ability to adapt to the rugged and coarse terrain. Mountain Lion - Puma concolor Mountain lions, as they're commonly called in the West, are also known as cougars, pumas, and panthers. This animal thats able to kill a deer a week or a large prey item a week, that just says that theres a good healthy ecosystem intact.. %PDF-1.3
Its range extends. With the strong public perception of mountain lions in Texas, it is increasingly important that biologists have reliable population data. The state claims that, against all odds, the population of mountain lions in Texas is increasing. In contrast with dogs, mountain lions have a long body, a very long drooping tail, and a small head and ears. Through the cameras, Harveson said the institutes research team is also able to see the distribution and abundance of the prey species. Yet Harvesons managed to get more than 50 ranchers and other landowners to open their gates to his research team. 6 reasons for the 90% drop in pound killings of US dogs and cats since the 1970s, Substantial drop in shelter animal euthanasia in the USA, Governor wants California to be a no-kill animal shelter state. If successful, these methods could finally provide an efficient and effective way to monitor one Texas' most elusive carnivores. In the brief video, shared last week by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, a mother mountain lion can be seen skirting by an electric fence with her three small cubs in tow, around 5:20 a.m . There is no such thing as a fat cat any more. The project, privately funded by individuals and nonprofit foundations, is an initiative of the Borderlands Research Institute (. ) Holbrook said his research team found the least amount of genetic diversity in the South Texas population of lions. Mountain lions are also called pumas, cougars and panthers. Rather, they lay the groundwork for the future of this cat,she said. Predator control, residential development, oil fields, and other forms of habitat loss have limited mountain lions to the Trans-Pecos region of West Texas. This Texas mountain lion died after stepping into a metal snare laid down by a ranch owner who wants to eliminate mountain lions. 0000003695 00000 n
TheTexas Constitutionstates that regular sessions may not last longer 140 days. Courtesy of Deep in the Heart Film. This article we'll review the different kinds of printable maps and how you can get them to appear sharp and clear. 0000001489 00000 n
It is from the standpoint of a person who loves British citizens and citizens of other countries may have recognised the latest developments in the woke movement. They can be driven off but dont try and play dead. & Pittman, M. T., 2012, Characteristics of two mountain lion Puma concolor populations in Texas, USA, Hernandez-santin, Author Lorna; Harveson, Patricia M. & Harveson, Louis A., 2012, Suitable Habitats for Cougars (Puma concolor) in Texas and Northern Mexico, Hock, Raymond J., 1955, Southwestern Exotic Felids, Holbrook, J. D.; Deyoung, R. W.; Janecka, J. E.; Tewes, M. E.; Honeycutt, R. L. & Young, J. H., 2012, Genetic diversity, population structure, and movements of mountain lions (Puma concolor) in Texas, Holbrook, Joseph D.; Deyoung, Randy W.; Tewes, Michael E. & Young, John H., 2012, Demographic history of an elusive carnivore: Using museums to inform management, Holbrook, Joseph Dale, 2011, Exploring Mountain Lion Ecology in Texas Using Genetic Techniques, Kikuchi, Yoko; Chomel, Bruno B.; Kasten, Rickie W.; Martenson, Janice S.; Swift, Pamela K. & Brien, Stephen J. O., 2004, Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in American free-ranging or captive pumas ( Felis concolor ) and bobcats ( Lynx rufus ), Krausman, Paul R. & Bruce D Leopold, 1986, Diets of 3 Predators in Big Bend National Park , Texas, Kuhn, Steve; Dalquest, Walter & Frederick B Stangl, 1993, Mammals from the beach mountains of Culberson County , Trans Pecos Texas, Leopold, Bruce David, 2016, Ecology of the Desert Mule Deer in Big Bed National Park, Texas (Predation, Habitat, Diet. xref
Malcolm Tunnell . There are just 20 confirmed fatal lion attacks on humans from 1890-2011. Weight: 70-170 lbs. Weight: 70-170 lbs. Here is a pretty full discussion on mountain lion tracks. Its possible that mountain lions could use habitat in East Texas to recolonize previously occupied habitat in Arkansas and Louisiana, though it is unlikely given Texass current policies towards mountain lions and expanding human development. They prefer hilly, remote regions and have very shy natures. Tracking Mountain Lions In Texas: Study Suggests Population Is Stable, 95 percent of the land is in private hands. The idea that animal tracks can be used for individual or sex discrimination is not new; tracking is one of . Genetic flow between these populations appears to be very limited. Puma attacks are much rarer than attacks by dogs and other animals. & Henke, S. E., 2001, Trichinella Infection in Wildlife of the Southwestern United States, Robertson, Paul & Altman, Charles David, 2000, Texas Mountain Lion Status Report, Rominger, Em, 2007, Culling mountain lions to protect ungulate populationssome lives are more sacred than others, Roy McBride, 2000, The Effects of Predator Control on Mountain Lions in Texas, Russ, William B. Bowies law AB 595 California is an animal life saver. This would mean conducting research to understand the population and population trends, and establishing hunting and trapping regulations comparable to those in neighboring states. Before qualifying I worked in many jobs including professional photography. The map shows two things: how far dispersing mountain lions can move and that the Mississippi river is a formidable barrier. xb```f``dX32 +0pld`dPb`85a>A)m;f0{IO@UkGi
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lPFi@>kb0^3"4J. However, it is best to be aware of your surroundings just in case. Thats why a new coalitionof big cat advocates, Texans for Mountain Lions, islobbying Texas Parks and Wildlife Department to add protections for the majestic creatures. Compare this to the 538 human deaths from domestic dogs from 1979-2011. Solve this simple math problem and enter the result. 0000001272 00000 n
Protections being proposed for Texas mountain lions, Fort Worth Botanic Garden: 'Dornith Doherty: Illuminations: Past, Present, and Future of Fern Research' - Fort Worth (Feb. 17-June 30), Dallas Arboretum: Dallas Blooms - Dallas (Feb. 25-April 16), GreenSpace Dallas: LB Houston Bench California Crossing - Dallas, Dogwood Canyon Audubon Center: Winter Tree ID Walk - Cedar Hill, Friends of Tandy Hills Natural Area: Trout Lily Walk - Fort Worth, For the Love of the Lake: Shoreline Spruce Up - Dallas, Keep Fort Worth Beautiful: Como Litter Cleanup - Fort Worth, Trinity Coalition: Ned and Genie Fritz Texas Buckeye Trail Restoration Day - Dallas, Dallas Sierra Club: GirlTrek Walk in Remembrance of Harriet Tubman - Dallas, Dallas Sierra Club: Ways to Combat Climate Change, Water Pollution and Species Extinction - Zoom, Greater Fort Worth Sierra Club: LBJ Grasslands Project - Fort Worth, Keep Grapevine Beautiful: Why Prairies Matter - Grapevine, Keep Fort Worth Beautiful: Cowtown Great American Cleanup & Earth Party - Fort Worth, Waco Friends of the Climate: 6th Annual Climate Crisis Art Exhibit - Waco, Dallas College Sustainability: Sustainability But Make It Fashion - Irving, Green Source DFW: Oak Cliff Earth Day - Dallas, Bank of America: Free Shred Event - Plano, 2020 Green Source DFW Awards will be online - and free, Dallas activist merges social and environmental justice, Global environmentalists speak out on Ukraine crisis, 'Lights Out Texas' aims to save migrating birds, Green Source broadcast to feature tarantulas, spooky tales, Turn your backyard into a hummingbird oasis, TWU prof leads weekly neighborhood clean up, Creek clearcutting spurs Dallas neighbors into action, Corps preserves some of the last Fort Worth prairies, Support Food Source DFW on North Texas Giving Day, Dallas medical district renovation to follow green prescription, Monarch grants help fund butterfly way stations in Texas, TLC Vegan Cafe serves up savory plant-based fare, Journaling can deepen experiences in nature, New Fort Worth City Hall to repurpose 20-story high-rise, Fort Worth seeks input for urban forest master plan, Alligator sightings stir up neighbors near Lake Worth, Green Source DFW Awards return in person in Fort Worth, 2017 Green Source DFW Run for the Environment at Bachman Lake Park, 2016 Green Source DFW Run for the Environment at Bachman Lake Park, John Darling's award winning compost at UTA, North Texas sustainable leaders support Green Source DFW.