He also had a very athletic and powerful build. He did not speak without cause. Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu Anhu) reports: I never seen someone with long hair and red clothing more handsome than Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). He did not take small steps. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. He did not speak without cause. (LogOut/ Use olive oil as a food and ointment for it comes from a blessed tree.142 In them there would be no raising of voices nor transgressions of prohibitions. In the previous hadith, also narrated by Sayyidina Anas (Radiallahu Anhu), he states that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) did not have a wheat-coloured complexion. The Prophet (s) was neither tall nor short. The place between his shoulders was wide. A Picture of the Prophet : The Noble Hilya Sharif, An Introduction to Qasidah Burdah: The Most Famous Poem in the World. "Hasan ibn Ali reported: "I asked my maternal uncle, Hind ibn Abi Hala, who was skilled in describing features (wassaf), about the beautiful description (hilya) of the Messenger of Allah . I desired for him to describe some of his features to me so I could cherish and hold on to them." When he walked, he lifted his legs with vigour, leaned slightly forward and placed his feet softly on the ground. Firstly, there is a ro`b (awe) for physical beauty, with this when other Kamaalat are added what more could then be said of the rob (awe). Imam Tirmidi has mentioned this Hadith in many chapters where the speech and humility of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) are described. When he was surprised about something, he turned his palm upside down, [i.e. Habit of looking from the corner of the eyes in shyness. (Hind bin Abi Hala) Some Ulama in the translation of this sentence, have expressed other opinions. For if the prohibitions of Allah were transgressed he was among the strongest of them in anger. (This quality is praiseworthy in a man as it denotes strength and courage but is not praiseworthy for a woman). From among all those that I have seen,I, more or less, look like him. Thus, without, As was discussed earlier, Muslims had been oppressed, humiliated, tortured, persecuted, and driven into exile. If he gestured, he did so with his whole palm. Therein it is stated that Allah Taaala bestowed fully on the Prophet (peace be upon him) all the inner kamaalat (perfection) and Zaahiri (apparent) beauty. His teeth were as white as pearls and bright, and the light gleamed from his front teeth as he spoke. They respected the old and showed mercy to the young. He was always surrounded by his Companions. The blessed eyes of Rasulullah (s) were extremely black. His body was proportionately jointed. Neither quite straight, nor sheep like. (Qatada) Food and Nutrition in Islam, http://www.stuymsa.org/origMSAarticles.htm, 142. In this hadeeth Sayyidina Anas (Radiallhu Anhu) states that the complexion of Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was wheat coloured. Face: "His face shone like the moon." - (Hind bin Abi Hala) "His face was round like the moon." - (Bara bin Azib) "His face was not quite round but inclined to roundness." - (Hazrat Ali (R.A)) "Broad forehead, slanting thick brows parted in the middle. Accounts that have reached us from his companions give further details of this aspect of the Prophet (saas): Whenever the Holy Prophet tread on any path, when someone passed by later, that they could recognize that the prophet had passed by there because they could smell the fragrance of his body.125, I never felt a silk cloth, nor pure silk, nor any other thing softer than the palm of Rasulullah (saas). According to this humble servant the latter translation is more appropriate). If anyone sat with him or stood near him to ask something, he put up with that person until the person turned away. Change). 1105056 / Registered Company No. [1] As the mother, mother-in-law and grandmother of several companions of Muhammad, she was known as the "grandest mother-in-law on earth". back, Jaabir bin Abdullah (Radiallahu anhu) narrates from Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) that he said: The Ambiyaa (Prophets) were shown to me. He used to say, Those who are present should convey things to those who are absent, and you should let me know about what is needed by people who cannot convey their needs to me. (Shaykh Safi ur-Rahman al-Mubarakpoori, The Prophets Attributes and Manners From The Sealed Nectar, Islam Youth Voice). He who first set eyes upon him feared him, but he who associated with him loved him. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 19, 144. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Some of the information that was conveyed through the inner circle of the Prophet (saas) about his clothing are below: I saw the Messenger of Allah (saas) ask for a new garment. [15. When he removed his clothing, his body looked bright and had a lustre (or rather those parts of the body that were not covered by his clothing were also bright and shining, compared with those parts of the body that were covered by his clothing. Sallalla Hu Alaihi Wasallam , "He was of medium build, closer to being tall. When he attained the age of forty, Allah the Almighty granted him nubuwwah (prophethood).He lived for ten years in Makkah (commentary) and in Madina for ten years. Slightly curly. (Hazrath Anas) Half-siblings. If the rays of the sun fell on his neck, it appeared like a cup of silver mixed with gold. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "ABI" - english-hindi translations and search engine for english translations. He made salaam (greeted) first to whomsoever he met. The Rasool Allah consulted his wife on important matters such as during the occasion of Treaty of advice from: Hazrat Khadija; Hazrat Ayesha This is not a suitable translation). The portion between his two shoulders was wide. We sometimes think that our particular version of Islam is better than others and unfortunately we can sometimes be quite narrow-minded. He had asked his father [i.e. It is stated in the hadeeth under discussion that Sayyidina Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) lived for ten years in Makkah Mukarramah after nubuwwah (prophethood). Arms and Hands :Wrists large, palms wide and fingers symmetrically large. (Hind bin Abi Hala) Another text in which Ali (ra) describes the Prophets superior morality, his astonishing beauty and the perfection of his behavior. He was the most truthful of people in speech, the softest of them in nature, and the most noble of them in his relations (Ishrah). He was the most generous and the most truthful. He was very fair skinned with a wide brow and had thick eyebrows with a narrow space between them. When someone talked in front of him, they kept quiet until he had finished. He is well served and attended, who is neither a scowler nor a prattler. as men of Fiqh. All rights reserved. Allah adorned him with all the qualities and good administration, At the time when the Quran was being revealed to him, he used to smile most. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 188, 137. And may God bless the best of people, our master, our beloved and our role model, Muhammad and his family and companions, and grant them peace. I desired and wanted him to describe them to me because I wanted something to hold on to. He spoke with his full mouth (was not arrogant), and spoke concisely. Hind ibn Abi Hala (Q20425828) No description defined edit Statements instance of human 0 references part of Companions of the Prophet 0 references sex or gender male 0 references place of birth Mecca 0 references date of death 656 0 references place of death Basra 0 references mother Khadija bint Khuwaylid 0 references occupation muhaddith Calfs were not fleshy but symmetrical. (Jabir bin Samra) His face was not quite round but inclined to roundness. (Hazrat Ali(R.A)) There it is stated that his hair reached his ear-lobes. He would guard his tongue from that which did not concern him. According to this humble servant, if this is applied to his journeys it will be more appropriate. (Surat al-Baqara: 151). When he walked, he moved as if he were descending a declivity, and when he looked around, he looked around altogether. When asked about it, the Prophet said, This mark between my shoulder blades is like the marks on the prophets before me 78, I saw the Seal of Prophethood of Rasullullah (saas) between his two shoulders, the size of which was like that of a pigeons egg.79. 102. Shamaa-il Tirmidhi, Islamic Book Service Publications, New Delhi, 2000, p. 115. The Arabic word hilya appears in chapter 1, hadith 8 of the Imam al-Tirmidhis Al-Shamail al-Muhammadiyya. According to this humble servant, the answer to this is bit difficult, because it was the principal of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) to oppose the ways of the non- beleivers, and agree to the ways of Ahlul Kitab, he did not part his hair in the middle. This is what the Prophet (saas) had to say about milk: When one of you eats food, he should say: O Allah, bless us in it, and give us food (or nourishment) better than it. When he is given milk to drink he should say: O Allah! He regarded dressing well and looking good as a demonstration of the blessings of Allah: Allah loves to see the result of His blessing on His creatures.95, Whenever a delegation came to meet the Messenger of Allah, he would wear his best clothes and order his leading Companions to do likewise. While some of those describe him in broad terms, others have given long and detailed descriptions. A line of hair running from the chest to the navel. (Hazrath Ali and Hind bin Abi Hala) He had splendid kneecaps, elbow joints and shoulder blades, free from hair. He was somewhat. He would introduce and conclude his speech with: Bismillahi taala [In the Name of Allah, Exalted is He]! He would speak using simple words bearing many profound meanings [bi-jawamii l-kalim]. In reality there is no difference between the two hadeeth, as the hair does not remain the same length but grows. His face shone like the moon. (Hind bin Abi Hala) The wise respected him in accordance with their degree. Ali ibn abi Talib described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: He was not vulgar nor did he condone vulgarity, and he was not one to shout in the market place. He had thick wrists, wide palms, thick hands and feet. He would guard his tongue from that which did not concern him. He had a provision for every occasion and he never fell short of justice nor exceeded it. Baraa bin Aazib (Radiallahu anhu) relates that: Rasullullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) was a man of a medium build, (slightly tall, as explained before); he had broad shoulders (from which we may gather that he had a wide chest); he had dense hair which reached his ear-lobes; he wore a red striped lungi (a cloth worn around the legs) and shawl. Both are reconciled thus: His habit was to look down towards the ground, but he also waited for the wahi (revelation), therefore while waiting he often looked towards the sky. His hair was neither delicate nor curly. were large, likewise the portion between the two shoulders was broad and fully fleshed. He was slightly taller than a man of middle height, but shorter than a tall person. Thats why IGI has made a version of the Hilya Sharif available in our bookstore. [Tirmidhi]. There were some hair on shoulders, arms and upper chest. (Hind bin Abi Hala), General Structure: physical description. The soles of both feet were very fleshed. He treated his servants well. Al, in full Al ibn Ab lib, also called Al al-Murta, (born c. 600, Mecca, Arabia [now in Saudi Arabia]died January 661, Kufa, Iraq), cousin and son-in-law of Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam, and fourth of the "rightly guided" ( rshidn) caliphs, as the first four successors of Muhammad are called. His face shone like the full moon. His teeth were thin and bright. He used to give away in charity to him who begged of him of anything, even out of his stored up provision. He never became angry for his own self nor sought retribution for himself. Obeyed, liked, neither verbose nor cryptic.. When he was angry, he turned away and averted his face, and when he was happy, he lowered his gaze. The mubaarak eyes of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam) were extremely black. His beard was full and dense. Once he finished they would speak. He did not speak without cause. Whoever came to him with a request was never turned away except with that which they had asked for or with a kind word. Translations in context of "ABI" in english-hindi. Hind ibn Abi Hala (the son of Muhammad's wife Kadijah) described Muhammad (pbuh) as follows: "The Messenger of Allah was of consecutive sorrows, continuous thought, never finding rest, long in silence. Were also working with our calligrapher & designer to develop a new version of the Hilya Sharif that incorporates English translations of the Arabic text. However, she described him to her husband, who recognized the Prophet (s) from her description: He was innocently bright and had a broad countenance. The palms of his hands and the soles of his feet were thickset. I [al-Husain (ra)] then asked him [Ali (ra)] about his assembly and how he behaved in it. His voice was very commanding. How true! His gatherings were those of knowledge, humbleness, patience, and integrity. It is reported in some sources that he always carried with him a comb, mirror, miswak (a small natural toothbrush), tooth-pick, scissors and a kuhl bottle.88 The Prophet (saas) advised his companions to do the same, and said: He who has hair should honor it.89 Some other reports that have reached us of his hair and beard are: Sayyidina Rasulullah (saas) often rubbed oil in his head91, Jaabir bin Samurah (ra) was asked a question regarding the white hair of Rasulullah He replied: When Rasulullah (saas) oiled his hair, it (white hair) did not show. Please "like" it and suggest it to your friends. The drink most liked by Rasulullah (saas) was that which was sweet and cold.143, Nabeez was prepared from dried grapes for the Prophet (saas) and dates were, also, put in it, or it was prepared from dried dates, and grapes, too, were put in it. Muhammed och Khadidja levde tillsammans i tjugofem r. The hair of his chest formed a fine line. He always looked down. The best and most preferred people in his eyes were those who had good counsel for all. According to the traditional Sunni narrative, when Muhammad reported his first revelation from the Angel Gabriel (), Khadija was the first person to convert to Islam. Knowledge. 148 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham, NG7 5JE. He did not find fault with nor over-praise people. These are some of the things the Prophet (saas) said about certain foods: The Prophet (saas) said that mushroom is a good cure for the eyes, it also arrests paralysis.140, Illnesses are cured by means of three things: (one of them) is a drink of honey.141. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya ulum-id-din, Volume 2, pp. The opinions of Allaamah Munaawi is that it was something sensory, and not a similarity, which emitted miraculously from between the teeth of Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). The joints of the bones was also large. Voel vry om Wikipedia te help deur dit uit te brei. He did not neglect a right nor did he let his debts reach the point where others had to help him. He continues: He was continually smiling, gentle in manners, soft in nature. Maulana Muhammad Manzoor Nomani, Maariful Hadith, (Meaning and Message of the Traditions), Darul Ishaat Publications, Karachi, Volume 4, p.335, 123. On the authority of al-Hasan ibn Ali (ra) who said, I asked my maternal uncle Hind ibn Abu Halah [ra] about the description of the Messenger of Allah (saw) since he was wont and fully capable to describe them. Ibrahim b. Muhammed (ra), one of the grandsons of Ali (ra), informs us: When Ali (ra) described the Prophet (saas) he said: He was neither very tall nor excessively short, but was a man of medium size. He was never given a choice between two matters but he chose the simplest of the two. Imam Ghazzalis Ihya Ulum-Id-Din (The Book of Religious Learnings), Islamic Book Service, New Delhi, 2001,VolumeII, p.242, 134. Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 33, Number 4151, 93. He never struck a servant nor a woman, and I never saw him taking revenge for an injustice dealt him, except if the prohibitions of Allah were transgressed. When he walked it seemed as if he was descending to a lower place. He did not have curly hair or lank hair. They helped those with needs and showed mercy to strangers. It was allowed him to enter his house for his own comfort. , Hazrat Sheikh-ul Hadeeth Maulana Muhammad Zakaria (R.A.) writes in KhasaIle Nabawi in explanation of SHAMAILE TIRMIDHI:-. Moreover, he was an enemy to MBS, and indeed, he fought many battles against him at the time of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and at a later time on the side of Ali bin Abi Taleb. He did not take small steps. [ 8] Tuesday January 09, 2018. . The Holy Prophet (saas) was the most patient among men, the bravest, the best judge, and he who pardoned most. Imaam Tirmidhi has quoted in this chapter those ahaadith that have been narrated on the noble features of Sayyidina Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe wasallam). Ahmed Cevdet Pasa, Qisas al-Anbiya, (Stories of the Prophets) Volume I, Kanaaat Press, Istanbul 1331, p. 364-365, 81. Red lines in the white parts, wide sockets, and natural grey corners. (Jabir bin Samra), Nose: Those who described him would say: 'I have never seen before or after him anyone similar to him, peace be upon him' ", As-salaamu alaykum. Footnotes The Messenger of Allh (SAW) was neither very tall, such that he would be clearly noticed, nor was he short. It was even like a mirror and white like the moon light,His shoulders were wide. 'Ali Ibn Abi Taalib, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: "The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, was neither excessively tall nor extremely short. He would encourage that which was good and strengthen it, and he would discourage that which was evil and undermine it. The stranger was fascinated from the distance, but no sooner he became intimate with him, than this fascination was changed into attachment and respect. Whenever any excess money came to him and if he did not then get anyone to accept it as charity, he did not return home till he gave it to the poor and the needy.