2012 247,299, The Family Foundation of Virginia (EIN 52-1425355), 2008 1,300 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG), HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning), Machine Tools, Metalworking and Metallurgy, Aboriginal, First Nations & Native American, 'Poverty stopped with us': Compassion International celebrates 70 years of ministry, World Food Day 2022: 'Many go hungry, the lucky eat once a day'. Teen Challenge The hallmark of Compassion's work is one-to-one child sponsorship. Every day, our global church partners see how the food crisis devastates impoverished communities. Post author: Post published: February 17, 2023 Post category: recent car accidents in new mexico 2022 recent car accidents in new mexico 2022 2006 235,438 Christian Union also promotes the religious rights typical slate of positions opposition to legal abortion and stem cell research and support of sexual abstinence and Intelligent Design. Compassion, Compassion International, Compassion Sunday, the Compassion Logo and the FILL THE STADIUM Logo are registered trademarks of Compassion International, Inc. All donations in the United States are tax deductible in full or part. 2005 155,635 Palau and his two sons have made an especial effort to evangelize in the liberal/progressive city of Portland, Oregon. 2001 0 The Mayflower Institutes Marshall Foster was an original Coalition on Revival signatory. 2001 24,250 Michael Cromartie has brought to E&PPC his close ties to the elite Washington, DC evangelical network known as The Fellowship which hosts the National Prayer Breakfast and has been accused, by journalist Jeff Sharlet, of having inspired Ugandas festering national anti-LGBT rights crusade. First time logging in? The Biblical family is predicated on Gods created order and His dominion mandate for men and women to be fruitful and multiply and to steward the earth. But the Christian Broadcast Networks global reach enables it to disseminate content in countries where such claims, from Pat Robertson and other CBN figures, may go unchallenged. 2003 4,000 He doesnt even have a secretary and hes making these big changes. 2004 4,500 He knew he had to do something. 2005 0 Compassion tackles global poverty one child at a time, serving more than 2 million babies, children and young adults in 25 of the world's poorest countries. Violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization negatively impact the lives of millions of LGBTQI+ people around the world and contribute to poverty and social instability. 2008 123,495 2008 400 His Servants By: Naomi Leak Categories: Child Sponsorship, Youth Development. 2011 22,500 2002 1,647 2013 984,914, Marketplace Leaders Ministries (EIN 20-5399884). It explodes the myths that homosexuals are born that way and cannot change. 2005 8,000 2004 62,000 Rather, the ADF provides not only legal assistance but also targeted financing to support specific litigation. Founded in 1953 by Fred C. Schwarz, the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade became, following Schwarz death, a project of Summit Ministries (also funded by NCF) led by Dr. David A. Noebel (see: https://www.schwarzreport.org/about ) who in 1977 published his book The Homosexual Revolution, dedicated to anti-LGBT rights crusader Anita Bryant. [26] The Ministry of External Affairs later stated that the ban had nothing to do with the ideology of Compassion International.[27]. 2006 200 2009 193,200 Compassion International also pairs each child with one sponsor. As chronicled by GLAAD (see: https://www.glaad.org/cap/indiana-curt-smith), President of the Indiana Family Institute Curt Smith, Is Compassion International a nonprofit organization? Compassion International Principal Frontend Developer (React/NextJS) Remote 6d $112K-$140K Per Year (Employer est.) 2007 4,000 2007 3,000 2011 55,000 Compassion currently works in 27 countries around the world. American Values will oppose condom handouts and fight to keep the gay agenda out of the schools. 2010 3,600 The Witherspoon Institute No products in the cart. 2009 5,000 The causes of hunger and deprivation, therefore, are spiritual as well as material and The former head of late TV preacher D James Kennedys now defunct dominionist Center For Reclaiming America For Christ, Gary Cass has been a featured speaker at Christian Reconstructionist conferences (see: http://www.alternet.org/story/55717/). Compassion International began in 1952 in Chicago, IL, as the Everett Swanson Evangelistic Association. 2006 155,000 2005 136,600 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) We believe in God. The likely content of Ventrellas speech at the session can be inferred from a June 18, 2010 talk Ventrella gave at the ministry of (NCF-funded) TruthXchange, during which Ventrella approvingly quoted TruthXchange head Dr. Peter Jones (whom Ventrella referred to as a friend), Whether Christians realize it or not, we are part of a human history that is destined for confrontation and conflict with pagan spirituality and that spirituality is driven, in our times, by a militant homosexual agenda. (see: http://vimeo.com/26365697). 2004 190,850 Hammond writes, concerning the late Martin Luther King, Jr., King was not a legitimate reverend, he was not a bona fide PhD, and his name was not really Martin Luther King, Jr. What is left? 2007 0 2013 2,600, Indiana Family Institute (EIN 35-1790240). My boys chew their graham crackers into the shape of handguns at the breakfast table wrote Eldredge, in Wild At Heart. That place, or those places, may be inhabited by the demonica base of operations. (Freedom Tools, pages 76-77). The strategy of the homosexual rights movement is to use the courts and state referendum to redefine marriage And they intend to silence or destroy any group that opposes their political goals. 2011 6,000 Hobby Lobby is a co-plaintiff in a case now before the U.S. Supreme Court (http://www.npr.org/2014/03/25/293956170/hobby-lobby-contraceptive-case-goes-before-supreme-court) which challenges provisions of the Affordable Care Act which require for-profit corporations to provide contraceptive services in employee health plans. Controversy subsequently arose when media noticed a passage in the pledge that, as characterized by CNN, contained a controversial preamble suggesting black children born into slavery had better family structures than black children now. (see: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2011/07/11/gop-candidates-caught-in-slavery-controversy/). The Becket Fund For Religious Liberty, which bills itself as the premier religious liberty law firm in the United States ( http://www.hobbylobbycase.com/about-the-becket-fund/ ) represented the Green family, owners of the Hobby Lobby craft supplies store chain, in the 2014 Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case that was decided in favor of the Greens and Hobby Lobby by the U.S. Supreme Court. 2007 2,500 I would have either gotten into crime and drugs, which were always available around me. But another speaker at the conference was even more significant, for having helped create the broader anti-LGBT rights strategy in which Lively has played an aggressive role. MDentistry Core Values: Compassion, Leadership, Excellence, Responsibility, Trust, Creativity, Inclusion The mission of the University of Michigan is to serve the people of Michigan . [22] However, Charity Navigator changed its rating system in 2016,[23] and Compassion International's 2016 overall rating dropped to three stars out of four, for its accountability and transparency. 2002 0 2011 81,500 2008 33,000 First time logging in? 2008 147,980 2009 0 2013 185,000. No to sodomy!, In 2010, only a few months after Western media attention became fixated on the role that TheCall head (and NAR prophet) Lou Engle (with financial help from the National Christian Foundation) had played in inciting anti-gay hatred in Uganda by staging a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Luis Palaus son Andrew Palau held a series of Luis Palau Association rallies in Uganda with the help of Bishop Julius Oyet (see: http://www.cbn.com/cbnnews/world/2010/October/Evangelist-Palau-Spreads-Love-in-Uganda/ ). 2007 50,000 2002 1,500 2013 5,766,158, Citizens For Community Values (EIN 31-1075684). Compassion International is a Christian child development organization dedicated to releasing children from poverty. It is impossible to call yourself a Christian and defend homosexuality. (page 69), On page 70 of his book, Hagee characterized Gods destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah: God executed an urban renewal program with fire and brimstone. Despite this, there are brave, smart, strategic, passionate, and resilient LGBTQI+ leaders and civil society organizations in nearly every country and region who work tirelessly to advance the rights of all people across the diverse spectrum of sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, and sex characteristics. Raising funds, from The Gatherings deep-pocketed investors, to implement that plan was a program manager for the Maclellan Foundation one of the most significant foundations at The Gathering and central to the creation of the National Christian Foundation. 2010 438,951 The College of Prayer works to establish local prayer and worship groups of anti-gay Christian leaders and politicians across Africa and the developing world. The Lord knows that sexually twisted people will rape the animals. 2011 16,860 On your first letter, you told me the phrase, "We love you." Activists in states that allow gay marriage have been targeting bakeries and photography studios owned by citizens who oppose gay marriage based on deeply-held religious beliefs. The more Gods judgments are poured out on earth, the more explicitly will they be able to give that instruction., Desert Stream Ministries (EIN 95-3889820). Lets look at Leviticus 18:22. More recently, the Ethics and Public policy Center has been a partner with and financial sponsor of the World Congress of Families which, since the late 1990s, has rallied pro-family (and anti-LGBT rights) social conservatives on a global scale. And I tell you, I have experienced total freedom from poverty in Jesus' name. Hagees decades-long career of fulmination against homosexuality and LGBT rights includes sermons with titled such as the 1996 sermon Homosexuality: Alternative or Abomination (see: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iDAeQCUEYA) in which Hagee claimed that AIDS could be spread by mosquitoes and, quoting one alleged medical authority, asked, are you worried about your salad being served in a restaurant that employs homosexuals? The South Tampa Fellowship Church main website does not specify that its Celebrate Recovery program can cure same-sex attraction.That program maintains its own website, distinct from the churchs website, and a search for the word homosexual on the Celebrate Recovery South Tampa Fellowship Church website produces no results at all. 2009 2,800 GLAAD is collaborating with the St. Paul's Foundation for International Reconciliation, the Unitarian Universalist UN Office, Soulforce, and several other partners to present Compass to Compassion a consultation to present a common strategy to deal with the global impact of American Christian fundamentalism on rising LGBT global persecution. 2003 5,000 Schmierers ex-gay book line appears to have been the fruition of one of the components of the plan to combat organized homosexuality that Schmierer and Schlossberg laid out at The Gathering in 1997. 2004 68,140 The ADF was a co-convener of the 2012 World Congress of Families conference in Madrid, and ADF chief counsel Benjamin Bull has traveled to Russia to meet with Russian legislator Yelena Mizulina, who has led legislative efforts in the Russian Duma to pass anti-LGBT and anti-reproductive rights legislation. 2006 15,700 Consider the NCFs startling rate of growth over the last 6 years in 2009, the National Christian Foundation gave out $328 million in grants; NCFs 2015 ministry report states that its preliminary (un-audited) grant total for FY 2014 was $875 million. At Compassion, one of our highest goals is to help children grow to reach their full, God-given potential. 2011 4,100 Ethics and Public Policy Center 2008 1,587,081 2012 9,000, Philadelphia Biblical University (EIN 23-0973290). 2008 166,366 [25], Compassion operated in India for 48 years, with $45million in transfers annually, making it India's largest single foreign donor. Stephen F. Noll, a longtime associate pastor at the Truro Church (formerly the Truro Episcopal Church before Truro broke away form the Episcopal Church in the U.S.A. [ECUSA]), is in agreement with C. Peter Wagner on the need for believers to engage in Spiritual Warfare/Spiritual Mapping. Eldredges paean to manly aggression has been unexpectedly popular among the former head of the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartels La Familia Michoacana and its successor the Knights Templar, which established their fearsome reputation by committing mass decapitations. 2008 20,000 2003 0 I enjoyed going to Compassion center regularly. The aim of the current study is to explore self-compassion as a factor that may be related to coping with the effects of minority stress. 2012 200 2008 81,400 Kansas House Bill 2453 would have given private citizens, religious entities, and even government employees the legal right to discriminate against same-sex couples. 2008 26,400 Vision America, Inc. International House of Prayer Summit Ministries Yakunin runs the Russian rail system. Just a sexual degenerate with a Marxist agenda Even in the 1960s, the controlled media and politicians were determined to push their racial mixing program on America. Fred Hartley III has held prominent leadership roles in the Christian and Missionary Alliance, including serving as the CMAs prayer and worship leader at the Christian and Missionary Alliance 2011 General Council meeting. 2004 22,000 2012 1,123,200, The Heritage Foundation maintains an extensive website subsection devoted to arguments against LGBT rights, especially same sex marriage (see: http://www.heritage.org/issues/family-and-marriage/protecting-the-institution-of-marriage), Heritage fellow Ryan T. Anderson has come to occupy an increasingly prominent role among the opposition to marriage equality (see: http://thinkprogress.org/lgbt/2013/05/21/2040851/the-arguments-against-marriage-equality-apparently-have-nothing-to-do-with-gay-people/), In April 2014 Anderson made the claim that same-sex marriage is an elite luxury good bought for on the backs of the poor. (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/heritage-foundations-ryan-anderson-calls-gay-marriage-elite-luxury-good-bought-backs-poor), 2001 10,000 One of the foremost intellectuals of the dominionist Protestant right, Noebel has helped shape the political outlook of entire generations of American evangelicals through such tropes as his claim, as outlined in his 1965 pamphlet Communism, Hypnotism, and The Beatles, that the Beatles were part of a Soviet plot to brainwash American through rock music. 2009 -193,765 (see: http://www.talk2action.org/story/2008/5/15/141520/281), 2001 200 As Ockenga conceived, the Neo-Evangelicals would not, like the fundamentalists had done in the 1920s and 1930s, flee modernity or separate themselves from secular society; they would instead infiltrate (Ockenga used this term) the secular realm, placing their operatives in key positions from which to advance their cause which was the divine redemption of the world, the evangelization of all its peoples, and the establishment of Gods dominion over all sectors of society. Subsequent legal decisions which built upon that decision established that religious groups can rent out public school facilities on the weekends. New Hope Charitable Foundation 2008 30,000 To go to the entry for any given organization, clink on the links below. 2006 224,650 2008 170,430 In a 2009 interview with Think magazine (Current Issues From A Distinctly Christian View) published in the April 2009 issue of Think, Phillips stated, The homosexual agenda has targeted the family for destruction. 2012 703,132, Probe Ministries International (EIN 75-1416858), Probe Ministries is an apologetics ministry that promotes The tendency to focus on meeting material needs without sufficient emphasis on Association of Christian Schools International At the ceremony, Mitala told Ssempa, You are not fighting alone. 2012 106,250. Cromartie took over as acting director for E&PPC in 2001, with the departure of E&PPC president Elliott Abrams, who had served since 1996. ACLJ has established satellite legal centers active in Europe, Russia, and Africa, which fight against LGBT rights and legal abortion, and the religious rights traditional panoply of culture war issues (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/religious-right-freedom-and-liberty-group-aclj-backed-russian-gay-propaganda-and-blasphemy-b ). 2005 157,700 2012 4,000 2003 1,000 States prominent Christian Reconstructionist David Chilton, The Christian goal for the world, is the universal development of Biblical theocratic republics.. MLM is the ministry of Os Hillman, a friend of Julius Oyet. God and His Law Ranked No. This web of deception, sin and wounding, created over time in an unsuspecting life, is called a stronghold. 2010 550 2010 16,750 Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Coral Ridge Ministries frontline church partners, we provide children with the opportunity to rise above their 2011 47,000 2004 100 2011 106,250 2001 5,000 The NCF provided over 25% of the ADFs annual budget in 2012. 2005 20,000 (Conservative Caucus Research) 2011 2,800 then, is an unavoidable dimension of relief and development worknot only for 2011 10,000 2007 6,000 Because of the unique, unusual role the Iowa caucuses play in the American election primary system, the Iowa Family Policy Center wields great influence over Republican presidential hopefuls. Many believed it helped defuse the radical leftist movement on that campus. As a young man, Peter Cameron Scott joined the Christian Alliance Training Institute in New York, run by Albert Benjamin Simpson who was the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination. As described in this encyclopedia, in the entries on the Revival Prayer Institute, the Lilburn Alliance Church, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance, CMA has emerged as a major force in the war on LGBT rights in sub-Saharan Africa. transform my life is one of those mysteries., Child Protection Officer, Stemberger has stated that Florida LGBT activists working for a Jacksonville sexual nondiscrimination ordinance are a radical group of political operatives who want to force their aberrant views on human sexuality upon the rest of society by the mandate and penalty of law. (see: http://www.glaad.org/blog/who-john-stemberger-and-whats-really-driving-his-boy-scouts-crusade). Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. It not only addresses immediate physical needs but also helps build self-esteem and This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming. Per the Villars Statement. 2006 50,000 2012 10,000, The Family Foundation of Kentucky (EIN 61-1167112). 2013 1,000. 2006 35,000 2008 0 2009 144,500 Another of Howard Ahmansons projects has been the funding of efforts to promote schisms within mainline Protestant denominations, over divisive wedge issues such as same sex marriage and the ordination of gay clergy. Prison Fellowship Ministries We might also start various front groups. Writing for Freedom Writer, journalist Mike Shaver described (see: http://www.publiceye.org/ifas/fw/9408/gleneyrie.html) the presentation of Focus on the Family leader John Eldredge who outlined a stealth strategy in which national-level organizations such as Focus on The Family would operate through state and local proxy groups: John Eldridge, the first speaker, brought greetings and warm regards from Dr. Dobson of Focus on the Family. Dr. 2009 3,000 In his capacity as a leader at Focus on the Family (from 1988 to 2000) Eldredge helped shape the Christian rights strategy on combating LGBT rights. 2013 166,250. In a similar manner in which the 1980s-era Coalition on Revival created plans for how to impose biblical law and the biblical worldview in all sectors of society, The Villars Consultation launched a now-burgeoning school of thought on how to integrate the biblical worldview into Christian aid and relief work. 2007 0 2009 6,800 There [were] not any positive people to look up to or to mentor me. 65% of the management team is White. mysterious ways to fulfill the plan. Giving a special un-recorded presentation was Alan Sears, Alliance Defending Freedoms president. FRC president Tony Perkins also serves as the head of the Council For National Policy. 2013 1,478,858, In Touch Mission International (EIN 94-2783852). 2008 2,423 2007 5,500 2007 144,050 2007 781,054 2002 22,450 2009 250 2012 15,800 2008 56,150 4. Bob Eschliman, former editor of the Newton Daily News, filed a complaint this week with the U.S. In a 1993 speech, prominent Christian Reconstructionist Joseph Morecraft exclaimed that the role of civil government should be to terrorize evil doers to be an avenger! a quiet but significant role in exporting the anti-LGBT ideology of the American evangelical right, especially through its material and leadership support of evangelist Luis Bushs Transform World initiative. Im thankful that Christians across the country urged World Vision to reverse their decision, and prayed fervently that they would do so. The Alliance Defending Freedom, a heavy recipient of NCF funding, in turn provides substantial grants to the Liberty Counsel. 2010 18,000 2003 0 2006 5,500 2003 0 They wrote Jeremiah 29:11 in their letters (which became his favorite verse) and told him he was destined for greatness, he was handsome, and he was enough. Up into 2014, the website of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes featured a testimony from an athlete who claims to have been miraculously delivered from homosexuality through her conversion to Christianity. 2010 7,400 2008 1,120,500 2013 36,000. It is destroying the souls and lives of those who embrace it. , 2001 200,340 2013 1,000. Like the Christian And Missionary Alliance, as it has grown and developed AIM has quietly drifted towards beliefs and practices associated with the New Apostolic Reformation movement and its outlier movements in charismatic evangelicalism, as well as towards the wider church growth movement from which many of the key NAR ideas and practices emerged. Summit Ministries was until 2011 headed by David Noebel whose long participation in the American far right has included teaching at a school associated with Billy James Hargis Christian Crusade, running the Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (founded by Fred C. Schwarz), membership in the John Birch Society and the Council For National Policy and through Summit Ministries training youth in the biblical worldview, a Summit curriculum firmly rooted in Christian Reconstructionist doctrine. 2010 232,563 2006 601,138 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) One close colleague of David Noebel has been Christian Reconstructionist Peter Hammond who might be characterized as South Africas Scott Lively. 2010 2,450 2006 43,134 2004 139,200 We offer pre-planned group sponsor trips and unique custom visits. Cromarties many ties to the Christian Reconstructionism movement (and its political front the Coalition on Revival), include Cromarties participation in the key 1987 Villars Consultation, which mapped out a Christian Reconstructionism-based vision for evangelical international aid efforts. (see: http://www.patheos.com/blogs/warrenthrockmorton/2010/01/11/americanresponse/), 2001 1,000 including the International Society for Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurses (2010), the National Association of School Nurses (2017), and the National . 2008 2,097,372 2012 0 Recently the California legislature decided that homosexual history in American will be taught to kindergartners Its shameful that the homosexuals can get a curriculum in the public school and the children of God cannot The church was not put here to whine. The most common ethnicity at Compassion International is White (63%). 2010 5,000 2009 5,200 29), Ed Silvoso has been credited with convening the 1999 Singapore meeting that led to the formation of one of the NARs most important apostolic networks, the International Coalition of Apostles. 2009 4,000 5. 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). 2007 83,400 (combined, all AoG entities/missions) Freedom Tools goes into considerable detail concerning the actual process of carrying out exorcisms, including providing specific language, chants or incantations, which are to be used in the process. 2007 323,766 2. In her book, Stewart describes attending (see: 2002 1,000 2009 0 2004 1,000 Louis Palau Association South Tampa Fellowship Church 2001 700 Nearly 200,000 children and youth like Kennedy are waiting for a sponsor at Compassion. In the forward to Luis Bushs book, then-Compassion International President Wess Stafford stated, Every major movement in history has grasped the need to target the next generation in order to advance its agenda and secure its legacy into the future. You served in the military and loved God. 2003 37,000 2007 11,500 2012 3,381,000 (The Christian Union) Healthcare. Bickle has preached that Apostle Paul preached that In the last days the homosexual agenda will become so intense that, before the Lord returns, marriage will be outlawed in various parts of the earth and stated that the gay marriage agenda is rooted in the depths of Hell. 2006 197,000 2003 1,000 (Eternal Perspectives) I want to let you know that I am also a sponsor of one little girl from the same slum I grew up in. The Massachusetts Family Institute statement on Marriage and the Family reads. As a family, we began having at least three meals a day. ARFP has played a major role in the wave of religious freedom bills that began to flood into state legislatures in early 2014. In March 2009, Schmierer who markets a line of ex-gay books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Chinese, and Hindi was a speaker, along with Scott Lively, at a Kampala, Uganda conference credited with dramatically escalating anti-LGBT hatred in Uganda. Orombi also served as head of the Uganda Christian University (see Truro Church entry), another vector for the U.S.-funded export of anti-LGBTI religious ideology to Uganda. 2005 70,000 2011 34,000 But (as discussed in the biography Charles W. Colson: A LIfe Redeemed [2007, Waterbrook Press]) Cromartie a brilliant student who brought to the task a deep knowledge of theology served as an unofficial Christian intellectual mentor who introduced Colson to the top thinkers and theologians of the emerging neo-fundamentalist (or Neo-Evangelical, or New Evangelical) movement. 2012 0. 2006 4,000 Your donation helps children when they need it most.. For information regarding COVID-19 and how Compassion is working through it, please visit our COVID-19 FAQ page. 2001 2,345,482 2010 100 (see: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/obama-not-christian-because-bible-very-clear-about-homosexual-acts-being-very-evil-thing), 2009 400