OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Clare, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 85-23.07, Pt. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. (Code 1993, 9-274), Sec. It shall be the responsibility of every parent, legal guardian or other person having the physical custody or charge of any minor under the age of 17 years to control the minor and prevent him from violating or attempting to violate any provision of this subdivision.(Ord. 82-9, 1, 10-12-82). No. Regulations and prohibitions. RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES New Baltimore, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. 208, 1, 9-13-71; Ord. BB guns; use by minors; prohibition; exception.No person under 18 years of age shall use or possess any handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs not exceeding .177 caliber by means of spring, gas or air, outside the curtilage of his domicile unless he is accompanied by a person over 18 years of age. 2008-428, 5, 8-7-08), Sec. As used in this division, the words replica or facsimile firearms shall include, but are not limited to, toy guns, theatrical productions props, hobby models (either in kit form or fully assembled), or any other devices which might reasonably be perceived to be real firearms.(Ord. Discharging firearms, air guns, fireworks, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge any firearm, air gun, fireworks, BB gun, or any toy projecting lead or missiles, except in a regularly established shooting gallery or range, providing that this section shall not be construed to prohibit any officer of the law from discharging a firearm in the performance of his duty; or to apply to any citizen when lawfully defending person or property. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Bloomfield Charter Township, (Oakland Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (Code 1977, 15-184; Ord. No person shall possess or carry any firearm, gun or pistol within a township park, except those persons who hold and possess a valid license to carry a concealed pistol pursuant to Act 372 of the Public Acts of 1927, that being Concealed Pistol Licensing Act, MCL 28.421 et seq.b. 18-208. 1333, 10-24-2011). When criteria must be met for ownership, those are also listed. I, 5.01(A), 11-4-85)Sec. OFFENSES INVOLVING PUBLIC SAFETY Adrian, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. I, 6-18-12), DIVISION 2. No. The prohibition in subsection (a)(6) of this section shall not apply to the discharge of a firearm at a shooting range, provided that such facilities are licensed and in compliance with all provisions of applicable state laws and this Code. ;--
No. No. No. Must not discharge a slingshot on private land without the owner's permission. It shall be unlawful for the parents or guardian of any minor in his charge or custody to knowingly permit any such minor to use or have in his possession, when not properly accompanied, an air gun, sling shot or pellet gun. 10-218. 18-324. No. All firearms or BB guns possessed or used contrary to this article are hereby declared forfeited to the Charter Township of Mundy and shall be turned over to the chief of police, or his designated representative, for such disposition as the police chief may prescribe. Airgun Hunting Laws (b) The words replica or facsimile firearms as used in this article mean any devices or objects made of plastic, wood, metal, or any other material which are replicas, facsimiles, or toy versions of, or are otherwise recognizable as: a pistol, revolver, shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle, machine gun, rocket launcher, starter pistol, air gun, inoperative firearm, or other firearm. (4) Trapping device. of 6-14-1990, 1.00; Ord. Long knives, etc.It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his possession or control, except within his own domicile, or carry or use in any manner, any knife, dagger, dirk, razor, stiletto or any other sharp-edged or sharp-pointed instrument or weapon in excess of three inches in length. 20-329. 25-86, 1, 11-26-86)Sec. C-706-2005, 1, 5-2-05). when actively engaged therein or actively engaged in going to or returning from such honest work, trade, business, sport, recreation or youth character building program.(Comp. 16-251. Discharge of firearms.No person shall discharge any firearm, air rifle or air pistol in the city, except when in connection with a regularly scheduled educational or training program, or when done by law enforcement officers in performance of their duty. No. (b) This section does not apply to any of the following:(1) A person who owns or is employed by or contracted by an entity described in subsection (a) of this section if the possession of that firearm is to provide security services for that entity. 42-162. Carrying or concealing of any such replica or facsimile firearm under or near the drivers seat, glove box or dashboard shall be a prima facie rebuttable inference of such intent. *Helmet is not required when you have roll-over protection. BB guns.It shall be unlawful for any person under 18 years of age to use or possess any handgun designed and manufactured exclusively for propelling BBs not exceeding .177 caliber by means of spring, gas or air, outside the curtilage of his domicile unless he is accompanied by a person over 18 years of age. (b) This property shall be under the exclusive control of the village and available for use by the public subject to the following restrictions:b. Motorcycles The Polaris Slingshot SL Is a Hella-Fun Street-Legal Go-Kart Despite a few hangups, you'll need plastic surgery to remove your smile. GOVERNMENT AND PUBLIC SAFETY Armada, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (8) An individual who is licensed to carry a concealed firearm in the state of Michigan and who is a parole or probation officer of the department of corrections. (c) No person shall have in his possession or control any slingshot, bow, arrow, crossbow, pellet gun, air rifle, noxious gas ejecting devices, fireworks, explosives or other dangerous devices or materials within the boundaries of the metropark. Sec. 54-219. Police found 23 slingshots, at least 80 scooters and. 446, 1, 2-3-98), Sec. 34-82. Carrying the weapon is considered a felony in four states, including California, Oklahoma, Massachusetts and Michigan. 58-185. 54-207. 54-223. (a) It shall be unlawful for any dealer to sell, lend, rent, give or otherwise transfer an air gun to any person under the age of eighteen (18) years where the dealer knows or has reasonable cause to believe the person to be under eighteen (18) years of age or where such dealer has failed to make reasonable inquiry relative to the age of such person and such person is under eighteen (18) years of age. Definition.Firearms, as used in this division, shall be defined as any weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by using explosives, a spring, gas or air as a means of propulsion, provided that it is specifically intended that firearms commonly referred to as air guns or B-B guns shall be included within the meaning of this definition.(Ord. 9.90.020 Selling, renting or furnishing air-guns to persons under eighteenRestrictions.A. Slingshots are not generally prohibited, but check regs on a species by species basis. 38-10-24. 16-257. 16-19. Chapter 11 PARKS AND RECREATION Berlin Charter Township, (Monroe Co.), Michigan Code of Ordinances(c) No person shall have in his possession or control within township parks any slingshots, pellet gun, air rifle, fireworks, crossbow, bow, arrow or archery equipment, explosives or dangerous materials unless he has obtained advance written permission of the township board. Such conduct, as described in said statutes, is prohibited. Provided, however, that in order to provide wildlife management and control, the lands of James Clements Airport may be opened to hunting with bow and arrow, conditioned upon the issuance of a written permit by the city manager. No. restored republic feb 28 2021. how to become a sommelier as a hobby. What states are slingshots legal in? No. Transfer to minor.It shall be unlawful for any person or dealer to give, sell, rent, lend or otherwise transfer any air-gun, slingshot or bow and arrow to any person under 18 years of age, except where the relationship of parent and child, guardian and ward or adult instructor and pupil exists between such person and the person under 18 years of age. Official starters, at authorized track and field events, are excepted from this restriction;B. No person shall draw, exhibit or brandish a replica or facsimile of a firearm in the presence of a police officer, firefighter, medical emergency technician or paramedic is engaged in the performance of his duties and the person committing such brandishing knows or has reason to know that such police officer, firefighter, medical emergency technician or paramedic is engaged in the performance of his duties. 18-306. Weapons; use restricted. WEAPONS Lyon Charter Township, (Oakland Co.), Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. It is unlawful for any person to use or discharge, or to permit his child to use or discharge, any air gun, air rifle, slingshot, or pellet gun. Maiming and injuring by firearms.It shall be unlawful for any person to maim or injure any other person through the discharge of any firearm pointed or aimed intentionally at any such person.(Ord. (a) The Stockbridge Veterans Memorial Field is established on the property located on North Wood Street, North of West Main Street, Section 27, legally described in the records on file with the village clerk. No. Sale of BB guns, ammunition to minor.It shall be unlawful for any person to sell to a minor any gun designed and manufactured for propelling BBs not exceeding .177 caliber by means of gas, air or spring, or to sell to a minor BBs designed to be used by such BB guns. Discharge of firearms; exceptions. Firearms and fireworks.It shall be unlawful for any person to bring into any park or have in his possession in any park or discharge in any park, without first obtaining a special written permit from the public safety director:(1) Any firearm as defined in Public Act No. Dangerous weapons or instruments.It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, use, operate, discharge, fire, shoot, set off, or trigger any BB gun, air gun, spring gun, cross bows, toy pistol, slingshot, catapult, firearm, or any other dangerous weapon or instrument in the city, except in the lawful defense of his person or property or as otherwise permitted by law. (d) No person shall maim or injure any other person by the discharge of a firearm pointed or aimed intentionally and without malice at such other person.(Comp. (b) Possession. Any violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable as provided by this Code. 101. OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC SAFETY Eastpointe, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. Ords. No. 16-141. A replica or facsimile of a firearm shall mean any device or object which is a replica, facsimile, imitation or toy version of any firearm, including but not limited to toy guns, movie or stage props, air guns, starter pistols, inoperative firearms, models, replicas or any other device designed or used to imitate a firearm.(Ord. ), as amended or Act No. Discharge in public place.It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, use or operate any air-gun, slingshot or bow and arrow on or across any street, highway, sidewalk, alley, public land, public park or any public place except upon a properly constructed, operated and controlled target range. manometer is used to measure high pressure; 2007-15, 3, 12-16-2007; Ord. No. (6) Public place means any street, sidewalk, alley, park, government-owned or government-controlled building, common hallway or public room of any place of business or assembly open to the public, common hallway or public room of any dwelling of greater than 2 units, and any other place to which the public has lawful access. 22-174. Sometimes you live in a place that does not have guaranteed ground delivery, and in this instance we are not able to ship the restricted items to you. The word firearm, except as otherwise specifically defined in this division, shall be construed to include any weapon from which a dangerous projectile may be propelled by using explosives, gas or air as a means of propulsion. No. 71.2, 2(22), (23), 7-5-89; Ord. Red Ryder 46-216. No person shall aid or abet another in violating this section.(Ord. Replica or facsimile firearms. (a) No person shall draw or brandish a facsimile of a firearm in a threatening, rude or hostile manner with the intent to frighten, harass, vex or annoy another person. (h) As used in this article, the term weapon free school zone means school property and a vehicle used by a school to transport students to or from school property.(Ord. 1994, 20.5901), Sec. DIVISION 2. 38-10-1. WEAPONS Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan Code of OrdinancesSec. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person, except as otherwise provided in this article, to have in his possession except within his own domicile, or carry or use, a revolver or pistol of any description, shotgun, or rifle which may be used for the explosion of cartridges, or any air gun, BB gun, gas-operated gun or spring gun, or any instrument, toy or weapon commonly known as a peashooter, slingshot, or beany or any bow made for the purpose of throwing or projecting missiles of any kind by any means whatsoever, whether such instrument is called by any name set forth above or by any other name. Sec. (c) It shall be unlawful for any person, with knowledge that a law enforcement officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, paramedic or medical first responder is engaged in the performance of the law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics or medical first responders duties to draw, exhibit, brandish or display any replica or facsimile firearm in the law enforcement officers, firefighters, emergency medical technicians, paramedics or medical first responders presence. No. of 6-15-1970, 1), ARTICLE II. (a) No person shall deposit or abandon in or on any lands or water areas within the boundaries of any park or playground any garbage, sewage, bottles, cans, refuse, trash, waste or other obnoxious materials except in receptacles provided for such purposes. Discharge by minors.It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of 18 years to use, possess or discharge a firearm unless under the direct supervision and control of and accompanied by a parent, legal guardian or adult authorized by the parent or legal guardian to have direct supervision of the person under the age of 18 years. of 11-10-2011(1), 1(2)). DEFINITIONS Thornapple Township, (Barry Co.), Michigan Code of Ordinances32.2.118 Outdoor RecreationUses which provide continuous, intermittent or seasonal recreation and/or entertainment-oriented activities largely in an outdoor setting, including but not limited to; amusement and water parks, theme parks, fairgrounds, zoos, golf driving ranges, miniature golf facilities, animal racing, go-cart, automobile or motorcycle tracks, amphitheaters, air gun or survival games, batting cages, ski slope, skate board parks and similar commercial recreation activities. 50-286. 3. There is no helmet required in Washington State. Hunting.Hunting with or the discharge of, a firearm, except under permit for target shooting as authorized by the township board, or to control nuisance animals as authorized by the department of natural resources, is prohibited within the following described area of the township:Starting at 23 Mile Road and the Macomb Township-Chesterfield Township common border; thence easterly on 23 Mile Road to Gratiot Avenue; thence northeasterly on Gratiot Avenue to 24 Mile Road; thence easterly on 24 Mile Road to Baker Road; thence northerly on Baker Road to New Haven Road/Washington Avenue; thence southeasterly on New Haven Road/Washington Avenue to the west city limits of New Baltimore; thence southerly along the west city limits of New Baltimore to the shoreline of Lake St. Clair; thence southwesterly along the Lake St. Clair shoreline to William P. Rosso Highway; thence westerly along William P. Rosso Highway to the west boundary of Chesterfield Township; thence northerly along the west boundary of Chesterfield Township to 23 Mile Road, the point of beginning. No. Transportation and possession.It shall be unlawful for any person to transport or to have in possession in or upon any vehicle a firearm unless the same be unloaded in both barrel and magazine and carried in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. Dangerous use prohibited.It shall be unlawful for any person to use or permit to be used on any private or public grounds or in any private or public building, either an air-gun, a slingshot or a bow and arrow, when the projectile, missile or arrow from such use can be fired, discharged or propelled in such a manner as to endanger persons or property or to permit the projectile, missile or arrow to travel or be hurled or propelled outside the limits of the grounds, space or building in or upon which such device is being used.