Credit to the Warframe Fandom Wiki for the IPS damage icons provided below. are the mods that increase damage to certain enemy types worth it like expel corpus? Personally, i think base IPS that you get for free, should not be more powerful than what you spend mod space on, otherwise why even bother using elemental. Some endgame builds pair Electricity with Gas to double as a crowd control effect and extra source of damage. Log In Sign Up. if they remove armor scaling as you have suggested, if they dont do something like add 10x or more health scaling, it will still be useless. We don't need complicated mods. Rupture: +90% Impact, +90% Base Damage, This is probably why nobody likes my suggestion (i suggested changing Slash Bleed ). Most builds in Warframe take advantage of the Hunter Mods in some way. BY: Erica Ziegler-Smith . mod replacements: (for faction mod or vile acceleration), NOTE: can get higher number on overframe by swapping [Malignant Force] for [Infected Clip] or [Vigilante Supplies] for [Primed Rifle Ammo Mutation], but in reality such a build is less practical bc you need the ammo and status chance to do more damage in game. (people will use vigilante armaments over this Rupture any day, its the same reason augur pact is hardly used). It has no effect if the melee weapon's Impact damage is zero (for example ranged attacks of, The amount of armor reduction per hit is a flat, constant value, independent of the amount of, Shattering Impact is applied before percentage-based base armor strips, such as. For example: Burston is 10 in each category. How to leave a lasting impression on the enemy. Before we give an explanation of what each damage type does, it's important to understand where these damage types come from and why they're important. It's easy! Edited April 12, 2015 by Rakshal -DragonOfTheWest- PC Member 907 Posted April 12, 2015 (edited) then with the new modded IPS replacement statuses i have suggested, they stack and give a huge improvement that makes them a tempting choice over just slapping on viral and calling it a day. The fact that people stay away from impact weapons if they can is a great example. The two new mods are:Internal Bleeding and Hemorrhage and they both do the same thing only the first is for primary weapons and the other for secondary weapons.Impact status effect have a thirty five percent chance to apply a slash status effect. Search within r/Warframe. i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base HP of 2500, which is 3.5x more base HP than heavy gunners. The mods that increase the damage of a type is the percentage of that damage type, not total. Full Main: Roasted chicken with roasted potatoes and green beans. Altered the text of the Shattering Impact Mod to be in line with the other parkour Mods. Browse our network 9 So i just started playing warframe again and am still learning the new damage system. sooner or later, Slash will be nerffed againor become useless against enemies. At low levels, Heavy Gunners are several times tankier than Butchers. Toxin ignores Shields and doesn't get the same praise that Slash gets. Against aLevel 8 Heavy Gunner with 500 ferrite armor, which is 62.5% Damage Reduction. Rifle I feel like now its just a waste of mod space and elemental damage, plus damage, and multi shot mods are the only real options for increasing the damage on weapons (also reload speed/firing speed mods). (It's weaker than pure Viral before you even pair it with Slash.).
Is Impact Kuva Nukor Really Worth It? (Warframe) - YouTube Thanks! Official Drop Tables They are the physical elements of the game. ( (100 + 50) * 10 / 100 = 15) This is what i was intending to mean, i just didnt indicate it with so much detail. Just about every endgame build in Warframe uses Heat. Sawtooth Clip: +90% Slash, +90% Status Duration, Piercing Hit: +90% Puncture, +0.9 Punch-through. 2 mods, each procapplies 2% Pierce chance to deal damage that bypasses armour and shields, at 10 stacks 50% chance for your next hit and resets counter. If it were treated like an elemental mod*, that would be +120% on the weapon's total base damage. The glaive prime has a guaranteed chance to proc slash damage on the target, when it's used to heavy attack. Option 2: Secondary stat increaseonthe IPS mods. people should be welcoming to ideas that makeitsooner, if those ideas still give a decent result. If armor didn't scale, and only health did, Slash would only be second to Magnetic as the worst damage against Alloy armor. Next: Warframe: A Complete Beginner's Guide. It has no effect if the melee weapon's Impact damage is zero (for example ranged attacks of Redeemer ).
If that isn't enough, I tend to agree with @DealerOfAbsolutesabove: the mods could probably use some secondary effects to be made better choices. Grind Hard Squad 212K subscribers Subscribe 43K views 4 years ago ABOUT THE VIDEO This video will show you whether or not shattering. The game features a fantasy open-world environment and action-based combat system.
Rupture | WARFRAME Wiki | Fandom Armor scaling makes all damageexcept Bleed eventually worthless including anti-armor damage types like Puncture. Update 11.0 (2013-11-20) That was what I was looking for. IPS: +50% It's tough to top Viral in the current meta. Magnetic can be created by combining Cold and Toxin. generally they aren't too helpful, because for whatever reason, they max out at just +60%. With Corrosive nerfed, Slash will be our only defense against the devil that is armor that has plagued this game from its inception. Slash as a base element is good against bare health. Some weapons are split down the middle for what they provide for damage. each stack has individual duration. - Puncture status effect creates sonar like hotspots that when hit amplifies the damage by 4x. Jump over obstacles, leap over large chasms or run across walls with your innate parkour abilities. Credit to the Warframe Fandom Wiki for the IPS damage icons provided below. Right now, the +120% Impact on Collision Force is +120% of the weapon's Impact damage. Using Radiation and not using Radiation against him resulted in TTK's differing by tens of minutes.
The Devouring Cut | Hemorrhage Slash Laetum - Overframe Archived (Newbie) Can anyone help me understand how Slash, Puncture, and Impact work when it . Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Impact: Impact Damage is one of the three physical damage types. So the damage of a weapon can in a sense over ride the base status of the weapon. Chains between enemies up to 3 meters from the target. Classic and satisfying dish with garlic, lemon, and rosemary. If armor didn't scale, and enemies had fixed armor, Puncture would actually be better than Slash against armor at all levels. In terms of damage puncture best against armor, slash is best against flesh, and impact is best against shields. Update 11: A new damage system was introduced along with new mods. bleed is damage you get for free, all DoT is like that, you hit once and if it proc's, you sometimes dont need to hit again, or the enemy is still dying while you reload(that sort of thing). We can try nerf bleed status effectto make it no longer ignore armor, but that will attract some backlash. you have 10stacks and your next hit has 2 instances, 1 hit will apply the 10stack bonus, while the other will apply 1 stack when it rolls over/resets. The status they current provide is ok for a base status that you dont even need to mod for to get, which is why I will suggest making a way to improve them, IF you mod for them. Just about every endgame build uses Viral. Why get 90% puncture with only 0.9 punch-through, when you get 30% fire rate and 1.2 punch-through with shred?. These are the most common damage types. Only to then have the community complain that they want harder content. Impact/Puncture/Slash mods don't make a difference because the weapon has no base IPS to amplify. if they remove armor scaling as you have suggested, if they dont do something like add 10x or more health scaling, it will still be useless. Whether you're a veteran of the Origin System or a brand new Tenno taking the first first remove all stacking from base IPS statuses,including slash (make bleed status cause the enemy to take 10% extra damage). personal preference, I suppose. Slash tiberon Grants a high burst of damage on certain enemies. Enemies will get tankier just by scaling health. Don't warn me again for Warframe View Page Cancel Your preferences are configured to warn you when images may be sensitive. Elemental mods do take from the total of the added physical damage, so a +10% fire would do an extra 15 fire damage. Proto Shields are used by rather weak Corpus enemies, so you can use this as a reliable element for all factions. 2020 Digital Extremes Ltd. All rights reserved.
Top 5 Best Free-To-Play Multiplayer Games To Try Out In 2023 Bleed ignores armor scaling and will always do the same damage while everything else gets weaker as armor ramps up. with negative impact riven, you can make whipclaw to be slash-puncture only. it starts becoming very complicated trying to talk about secondary effects with mods, becauseeveryone wants a mod that 'rules them all'in a way, besides that, we have so many mods that give you all the stats you want as secondary. this effect is more of a boss killing effect, where it is only really effective on 1 tough enemy, not 20 or 50. At 6000 ferrite armor, 100 Corrosive deals 29 damage. Yet, anything someone says thatregards nerffing that power, isrejected by the community. Despite the nerf to scaling, a fundamental problem remains. that is why i am suggeting removing stacks from unmodded statuses, reworking bleed to only give 10% increase in damage. All stack counters should be rolling counters, e.g. - Each impact stacks increasesparazon finisher chance and parazon finisher minimum health threshold. Recommended for use with weapons that have a higher Impact damage than other damage types. Close. r/Warframe.
Warframe - Khora Prime Slash Whipclaw Stats Stick Build i can still effectively kill level 160 heavy gunners with 0 slash build (bo prime) and no riven. Im sorry for the long post, im just trying to reply to everyone without double posting . Wont slash bleed + viral still give you more damagethan puncture, since viral gives +325% extra damage to health? Including stuff like enemies that are affected by this or that, etc.
Warframe: Is Shattering Impact Worth Using in Eidolon Hunt? Viral is the result of combining Toxin and Cold. Melee units are unaffected by Blast's status effect. Puncture I think it increases all the physical attributes, but not the elemental ones. I thought that this was the principle idea behind having 3 seperate mod configurations with each weapon, no ? Electricity will keep enemies stuck in the Gas cloud and deal constant damage over time.
Band Aid Mod - Search Sourced from official drop table repository. i can delete level 160 heavy gunnerswith 3 mods, because of slashand dont evenneed viral. Single bosses like Eidolons andProfit Taker are a different story, they have pre defined levels and dont scale past that, also they are status immune, so we cant really talk about them. i can kill level 160 demolysts pretty fast and they have base HP of 2500, which is 3.5x more base HP than heavy gunners. It is effective against all forms of flesh, but it is less effective against Grineer armor and Corpus Robotics.
Impact, Puncture, Slash: Warframe Damage Rundown (2020) Puncture tends to be the most popular of the physical damage types since it deals bonus damage against armored targets which tend to become ridiculously tanky compared to unarmored enemies.
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