Raphy Pina was born on July 4, 1978, on the Puerto Rican island of Isla Del Encanto. [6], En 2001, se lanza la produccin La conspiracin, siendo este el primer lbum de estudio de la compaa Pina Records, en este se presentaron sencillos de la mano de Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam, Lito & Polaco, MC Ceja, Voltio, entre otros. Productor 'Raphy' Pina se declara no culpable en caso de armas There is no direct relation between Raphael and Daddy Yankee, although they have been friends for many years. Raphy Pina Commissioned a Documentary on His Story: Watch - Billboard According to the sources, he lost his father in 2000. Your email address will not be published. A show of affection that left no doubt: there is a lot of love between the singer and her manager. Actualmente se enfrenta a tres aos de prisin por su acusacin anterior. He is a tough man with a warm personality. He was born to Mia and Rafael Sr. His father is a well-known music producer and businessman, while his mother is a stay-at-home mom. Pina was determined to work in the music industry after witnessing his fathers passion for the industry. A fines de la dcada de 1990, su padre manej a varios msicos conocidos, incluidos Juan Luis Guerra y Jos Alberto El Canario. Raphy is now dating Natti Natasha, a singer. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves naci en San Juan, Puerto Rico, el 4 de julio de 1978. [21][22] La demanda tambin involucr al productor Raymond DJ Memo Daz, quien ayud al cantante a filtrar las canciones Termnalo, Si me Saf y Al Lmite de la locura, las cuales iban a formar parte de un lbum colaborativo. Raphy Pina - EcuRed Hes had multiple run-ins with the law and is currently facing accusations of illegally possessing several firearms. Biography, age, family, ethnicity, profiles. Check your inbox to be the first to know the hottest news. We have no more Information about his Father; we will try to collect information and update soon. Biografia de El Sica Quin es Christian Ponce "El Sica"? According to the page, the record label is the most famous and successful record label in the reggaeton music industry due to its long background history and artists. Sin embargo . MIAMI.-. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Raphy Pina, 43, is known as a Puerto Rican record producer. Recent cases review 2021-2022. [3] El lbum se titul Bien Guillao De Gangster, del cual se desprende varios sencillos, entre ellos Seala. Entretenimiento martes, 24 de mayo de 2022 Raphy Pina: el hijo de un dominicano que se convirti en el hombre ms poderoso de la msica urbana Hace 22 aos, un da como este 24 de mayo, muri. In some of the most recent Raphy Pina news, the record producer was sentenced to 41 months in prison. Adems de ser un productor de discos prolfico, Raphy tambin ha trabajado como productor ejecutivo en varias pelculas y programas de televisin. In 2021, Raphy and his fiance, Natti Natasha, created a self-named podcast for YouTube. Childhood photo of Raphy Pina with his siblings. Pina Records is a Puerto Rican record label founded by Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves in 1996. Raphy Pinas age starting at 2021 is 43 years of age as he was born on July fourth, 1978, in Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. Pina has opened his Twitter account based on his record company as @PINARECORDS1 in May 2009 with 540.5K Followers. Su sello discogrfico manejaba artistas como Don Omar, Daddy Yankee y Nicky Jam. For the third time the music producer raphy pina, husband of Natti Natasha, was transferred from jail. esta es pa' vacilar y ser un tipo comun (cuenta Personal) . El productor y manejador de artistas del gnero urbano, Rafael "Raphy" Pina, expres en sus redes sociales que en el da de hoy culmin su proceso de . En 1996 fund Pina Records y ms adelante se convirti en manager de Daddy Yankee. Es un tipo duro con una personalidad clida. According to Sportskeeda, the renowned record producer's net worth is $10 million. Todo sobre el prometido de Natti Natasha, Raphy Pina - MamasLatinas.com Luego de dos aos de separacin, el productor musical Raphy Pina confirm a travs de sus redes sociales que se divorci de la empresaria Carolina Aristizabal. Raphy knew from a young age that he wanted to be like his father. His real name is Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves. Raphy Pina's verdict was a follow-up to his 2021 conviction and indictment. Actualmente, cumple una condena de 41 meses de crcel y tres aos de libertad supervisada en Puerto Rico. Se ha hecho merecedor de algunas nominaciones y varios galardones. Following Rafael Sr's death, Raphy took over what was left behind. She still looks after her son and her grandchildren. l y sus hermanos quedaron hurfanos a temprana edad y fueron criados por su ta en Puerta de Tierra, un humilde barrio de San Juan. He married businesswoman Carolina Aristizabal in December 2011. Raphy Pina fue hallado culpable por posesin ilegal de armas de fuego. The artistic entrepreneur Raphy Pina, shared on social networks his incredible transformation after one year of undergoing bariatric surgery with which he has been able to control diabetes and lost 80 pounds in that time. Most of his earnings came from his massive Latin trap production company, multiple gasoline stations, car and truck dealership earnings, and much more. Por esta compaa han pasado artistas como Daddy Yankee, Nicky Jam, Hctor & Tito, R.K.M. They were partners in the record company for years. Rapy Pina es de nacionalidad estadounidense. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves was born Raphy Pina on July 4, 1978 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Al hacer clic en "Aceptar", consiente el uso de TODAS las cookies. Other of his assets include a Porsche Taycan Turbo S electric car ( 100 thousand euros), two Lexus trucks, a Land Rover Defender and a 2019 Lamborghini Huracn (250 thousand euros), not counting the jet skis and golf carts. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves was born on the 4th of July, 1978 in Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. Copyright 2023, Todos los derechos reservados | EconomiadeHoy.net |. Apart from being the CEO of Pina Records and being the manager of Natti Natasha and Daddy Yankee, he has gas stations in Puerto Rico with mini-trucks and car garages that have allowed him to give each of his children home. En lo que respecta a su educacin, complet su educacin y la universidad en una universidad local en los estados. We have no information about his girlfriend/boyfriend. Su signo zodiacal es Cncer. Fama. Although, after announcing their engagement in 2021, the couple became the talk of the town. How much net worth does Callie Hernandez have. In a statement issued to the press Wednesday (May 25), the law offices of Francisco Rebollo-Casalduc explained that they filed a notice . Raphy Pina - Edad, Familia, Biografa | Famous Birthdays True to the rumours, Natti and Pina got engaged in February 2021. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves was born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on July 4, 1978. 20/06/2019. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. la historia tras el quiebre de Nicky Jam y Daddy Yankee, Problemas entre Raphy Pina y artistas palidecen ante seriedad de cargos que enfrenta, Montez de Durango y Marc Anthony lideran Premio Lo Nuestro, El cantante Nicky Jam confiesa el infierno que pas por las drogas, Yaviah siente decepcin y coraje contra Wisin & Yandel, Tony Dize lanza Dize Music, su empresa de produccin musical, Zion y Lennox se unen a la familia de Pina Records, Plan B debuta #3 en la Revista Billboard! [11] Para 2009, se une el artista Tony Dize en intercambio por el cantante Yaviah, quin tuvo los contractuales durante 2006. He became interested in the music industry because of his father. [20] A finales de ao, Tony Dize tuvo un conflicto administrativo con la compaa, lo cual deriv en una demanda de $17 millones por incumplimiento de contrato, violacin de derechos de autor, daos psicolgicos, entre otros. In reality, his father was his idol, and it was only because of him that he became interested in music. Su nombre completo es Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves, tiene 42 aos y es conocido en el mundo de la msica por haber fundado el sello discogrfico Pina Records en 1996. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves, commonly known as Raphy Pina, is a Puerto Rican music producer and talent manager. As the CEO of Pina Records, it is no surprise he was able to amass this net worth. Tiene 44 aos al 2022. [1][2], Fue fundada en 1996 por el empresario Raphy Pina de la mano de Master Joe. While one might assume that a life sentence means imprisonment till death, that is rarely the case. He additionally possesses a couple of corner stores in Puerto Rico. Estupin, Cristina (21 de enero de 2015). Fathers name is Not Available. But we are sure that it is not available and his spouses name is not available. Fundado en 1996 por el empresario Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves. Raphy was accused in August 2020 of illegally carrying two firearms and hundreds of rounds of ammunition despite being barred from doing so following his 2016 arrest on federal fraud and money laundering charges. Nunca mir hacia atrs despus de su primer intento y pas a estrenar la cancin de la nueva estrella de la msica a su nivel ms alto. Your IP: [30] El cantante Zion fue el primero en hablar sobre ello durante un concierto encabezado por algunos artistas del sello en Orlando. But we are trying hard to collect all the information about him and will update you soon. He is a tough man with a warm personality. In 2016, he was condemned to two years of regulated delivery in the wake of conceding to taking part in a plan to steal $4.1 million from the now-dead Doral bank. Raphy Pina was born on July 4, 1978, on the Puerto Rican island of Isla Del Encanto. The music maker gloats about his drifting adventures at the ocean side. We cant say their name. En el lbum destacan temas tiraera dirigidos contra Tego Caldern y Eddie Dee, por la guerra lrica que mantenan con el do Lito y Polaco. He also made headlines when he proposed to Natti Natasha. He also has a private plane, at least two yachts (worth between $ 2 million and $ 5 million each) and has been seen on different cars in recent years: a 2019 Lamborghini Urus (costs more than 220 thousand dollars), a Rolls Royce van (between 300 and 500 thousand euros). Raphy Pina Wiki Bio, Net Worth 2021, Ex-Wife, Wife, Natti Natasha Photo: Rodrigo Varela/Getty Images. His lawyers downplayed rumours that he was hurt in an altercation with another inmate. Naci en Puerto Rico, el 4 de julio de 1978. His antiques eventually earned him a prison sentence exceeding three years. Raphy Pina was captured in 2012 on charges of extortion and tax evasion. Raphy Pina, por su parte, public en Instagram un video en el que le da los buenos das a su futura esposa y ella le responde con el mismo saludo. 26 de diciembre de 2019 12:33pm. Raphy ahora est saliendo con Natti Natasha, una cantante. He stands at a height of 5 feet 10 inches or 178 centimeters or 1.78 meters. [51][52][53][54] Ese mismo ao, Arcngel decide abandonar la compaa, lanzando as Te esperare como su primer sencillo fuera de la compaa y dejando en claro que Pina "era un pillo". Se cas con Juan Norberto Rozn Villanueva en diciembre del 2007 pero se divorciaron poco despus. Raphy Pina is his stage name. En 2004, se lanz la segunda entrega de su lbum recopilatorio nombrndose All Star 2 donde al igual que el anterior este recopilaba xitos de otros lbumes que pasaron por la mano de Pina Records, la diferencia fue que en este se presentan como nuevos artistas de la compaa a los artistas R.K.M. His records have represented various renowned artists such as Daddy Yankee, Plan B, Natti Natasha, and RKM & Ken-Y. They are also expecting their first child together. He founded Pina Records, the worlds most successful reggaeton label. Who is Sal Magluta? S no llega el correo, revisa tu correo no deseado (spam). But after the premiere of this audiovisual, both decided to make it even clearer by sealing their love with a kiss on Instagram live. El sello fue reconocido como el sello de reggaeton ms exitoso en el negocio de la msica y manej algunos de los nombres ms importantes del gnero. The rumour that Pina is engaged to his long-term lover Natti is still going strong. The couple was photographed holding hands, and Natti was wearing a ring on her left hand. Raphy Pina is a handsome man with a dashing personality. Raphy is his parents oldest child. Who is Victoria Prince? Raphy does not have a personal Wikipedia page. The Estimated Net worth is $80K USD $85k. Raphy Pina: el hijo de un dominicano que se convirti en el hombre ms Rapy Pina ciertamente ha hecho una fortuna con su famoso sello discogrfico. La disquera se enfoca principalmente en el reggaeton y el trap rap. Some notable mentions include Nicky Jam, Daddy Yankee, and Don Chezina. He was sentenced to prison in 2016 after being found guilty in the conspiracy case of embezzling $4.1 million from Doral Bank after four years. She raised her two sons with strength, empathy, and love. His Facebook account Raphy Pina (PinaRecords) created on August 20, 2011, mostly tells us about his record labels and events. [citarequerida], Ese mismo ao tambin se lanz el primer lbum recopilatorio de la compaa bajo el nombre All Star, recopilando xitos de otros lbumes que pasaron por la mano de Pina Music, as como el sencillo En la cama de los artistas Daddy Yankee y Nicky Jam cuando estaban en su etapa como Los Cangris.[8]. First, it was in the video clip of Indito by Fran Rozzano. Raphy Pina Es Miembro De 44 Aos Ejecutivos De Negocios Nacidos en Puerto Rico Cnceres Los Fans de Raphy Pina Tambin Vieron Daddy Yankee Cantante de Reggaetn Natti Natasha Cantante de Reggaetn Nicky Jam Cantante de Reggaetn Don Omar Cantante de Reggaetn Ms Cumpleaos Julio 4 Amara Que Linda Marcos White Cumpleaos de Julio 4 Ms Cnceres [6] Asimismo, se lanz el ltimo lbum de estudio de Lito y Polaco Fuera de Serie, al ao siguiente el do ms importante de la compaa se disuelve y rompe relaciones con Pina Records. They seem to be quite a happy and well settled couple. The former producer and manager to. Pina owns two enormous residences in Miami and Puerto Rico. They were living a wonderful life till they were separated because of personal reasons. De acuerdo a la edicin digital Primera Hora, de Puerto Rico, Pina lleg junto a su pareja, la cantante de reggaetn Natalia Gutirrez, conocida en la industria como Natti Natasha; sus tres. Raphy decided to follow in his father's footsteps from an early age. He commented on one occasion on his social networks, where Raphy has written more than once that his children are the most important thing in his life. Here are some interesting facts about the hugely popular record producer. In 2016, the music producer was sentenced to two years of supervised release after pleading guilty to participating in a conspiracy scheme to embezzle the defunct Doral Bank for $ 4.1 million. And since then the rumor of a possible romance between Raphy Pina and Natti Natasha began to circulate. True to the rumours, Natti and Pina got engaged in February 2021. Noticias sobre Raphy Pina hoy jueves 02 de marzo | DEPOR document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ). En el 2016 El Sica firm contrato con Pina Records de Raphy buscando nuevos horizontes, proyectos y especialmente en su versatilidad; pero su reconocimiento lleg en el 2017 cuando hizo su famoso tema "Freestyle ; Flow 3015", en el que le tiraba a tres artistas de la nueva . Who is Kalea Marie Cephus? Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a29e0dcd9f4199f They used this platform to publish their regular vlogs and keep their followers up to speed on Pina Records activities. The only one relating to him is that of Pina Records. En 2020, Raphy Pina fue acusado de posesin ilegal de armas, tras ello se entreg a las autoridades, a quienes dijo ser inocente y pag una fianza de un milln de dlares. Associated With Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves, conocido como Raphy Pina, es un empresario y productor musical. |Rumba, Reguetoneros Zion y Lennox presentan su nuevo disco "Los verdaderos, El que habla con las manos se une a Pina Records | CorrienteLatina, Various - Pina Records Present: #1 Xclusive Urban Remixes, Pina Records demanda a Tony Dize por $17 millones, Pina Records demanda a Tony Dize por US$17 millones - Peridico El Caribe - Mereces verdaderas respuestas, Desestiman demanda federal de Raphy Pina contra Tony Dize, Sello disquero Pina Records lanza su nuevo lbum, "La frmula, La Formula de Pina Records revoluciona el Dembow Flow Radio Fm, Daddy Yankee y Don Omar en nuevo disco de Pina Records, NOTA: Arcngel firma contrato con la casa disquera Pina Records, Zon & Lennox ya no quieren trabajar con Raphy Pina de Pina Records, Raphy Pina golpea a Zion, aqui el porque de su altercado Flow Radio Fm, Raphy Pina da su versin y tilda de mal agradecido a Zion, Arcngel regresa con "Sentimiento elegancia y maldad, Arcngel lanza disco con Daddy Yankee y critica la hipocresa en el reguetn, ARCANGEL-HACE MUCHO TIEMPO - Noticias - Revista Whats Up, PLAN B LANZA SU NUEVO LBUM LOVE & SEX | Sony Music Colombia, Do puertorriqueo de reguetn Plan B lanza el disco "Love and sex, Tony Dize toma la lista Top Latin Albums de Billboard, Tony Dize presentar su disco en un evento virtual, Tony Dize demanda a Wisin y Yandel y a Raphy Pina, Arcangel lanza su lbum el Los Favoritos, Natti Natasha lanza su hit mundial titulado "Criminal," en colaboracin con Ozuna, Ozuna supera a Justin Bieber con ms videos de 1 billn de vistas en YouTube, Natti Natasha lanza 'Criminal' junto a Ozuna, Tuconcierto.Net Arcngel lanza su lbum Ares, Natti Natasha explica el nombre de su lbum ilumiNATTI, Natti Natasha lanza nueva cancin "La Mejor Version De M" Radio Trece, Natti Natasha presenta Quin Sabe HTV, Natti Natasha sobrepasa 10 millones de views en YouTube con Me Gusta, Arcngel fuera de Pina Records y lanza tema bajo su compaa Flow Factory, El productor Raphy Pina es sentenciado a tres aos y cinco meses, mientras Natti Natasha reacciona as, https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pina_Records&oldid=149133022, Discogrficas independientes de Estados Unidos, Wikipedia:Artculos con datos por trasladar a Wikidata, Wikipedia:Artculos con pasajes que requieren referencias, Licencia Creative Commons Atribucin Compartir Igual3.0. Su nombre de pila es Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves. Sus padres se llaman Sarah Ysabel y Joaqun Alejandro. Also, we have no idea about his brother and sister, and we dont know their names either. He has a $10 million dollar net worth which makes entirely through his talent, love, and dedication to Pina Record. The record label mostly concentrates on reggaeton and trap rap. Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves, better known as Raphy, has become Natti Natashas official partner. Este juicio no podra haber llegado en peor momento para l, con su hija de 15 meses y su prometida y superestrella latina Natti Natasha en casa. Raphy has been embroiled in a few squabbles as well. Fue sentenciado a prisin en 2016 luego de ser declarado culpable de conspiracin para defraudar $4.1 millones de Doral Bank despus de cuatro aos. In December of 2011, they wedded. Pina Records (anteriormente Pina Music) es un sello discogrfico de la industria musical dedicada al gnero urbano. QUIN ES RAPHY PINA? - PressReader FBI Four Individuals Indicted for Bank Fraud Notwithstanding the baby, Raphy Pina has three extra youngsters from past relationships. Rafael Pina y Carolina Aristizabal Wedding HighLight 3 . Wanda Monge: La exesposa de Raphy Pina enciende las redes sociales - Mui Finaliza la era de la tiraera en la compaa para dar paso a una era de reguetn/pop ms comercial y menos controversial. Fundado en 1996 por el empresario Rafael Antonio Pina Nieves. Two of his most notable projects in this regard include the television series Bravas and the documentary series titled Everybody Loves Nitti. He became keen on the music business as a result of his dad. Talking of Raphy Pinas married life, he was once in a marriage that failed over a period of time. Utilizaron esta plataforma para publicar sus vlogs habituales y mantener informados a sus fans sobre las actividades de Pina Records. You are already subscribed to our newsletter! Raphy Pina Kids, Age, Bio, Net Worth, Wife, Married, Divorce, Legal His zodiac sign is Cancer. Raphy tambin ha estado involucrado en algunas disputas. [48] Al ao siguiente, abandonara la compaa para firmar en Rimas Music. Hasta la fecha, ha reclutado a muchos cantantes conocidos para su sello y los ha ayudado a lanzar sus carreras. The two had three children, namely Chingui, Monty and Mia. Thank you for reading this article about Raphy Pina. It is the most famous and successful record label in the reggaeton music industry due to its long background history and artists. Todo lo que debes saber de 'Raphy' Pina, el novio y - Peru21 Raphy Pina was recently hitched prior to dating Natasha, previously endorsed to Don Omars Orfanato Music Group. Carolina y Raphy se divorciaron a mediados de 2019, poniendo fin oficialmente a su relacin. Thus, he can accommodate his youngsters. definicin de Raphy Pina y sinnimos de Raphy Pina (espaol) - sensagent Pina Records - Wikipedia July 10, 2022 by americanpost. El productor Raphy Pina es sentenciado a tres aos y cinco meses The label was recognized as being the most successful reggaeton label in the music business and managed some of the biggest names in the genre. After Natti signed with Pina Records in 2016, their love story grew. Since he was a youngster, Raphy has been in charge of the organizations underground and reggaeton divisions. Pina received decent grades and graduated from high school which shows he was a bright student in high school. Who is Raphy Pina? Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts El sello fue Men Buscar por Inicio Noticias Historia Economica Pensamientos Econmicos y Conceptos Bsicos Macroeconomia El dinero y el Banco Cuentas Bancarias Bonos y Gift Cards Tarjetas de Crdito This reportedly arose from an increase in his blood sugar. If you know some information, please comment below. En la Economa de Hoy les traemos lo ultimo en Noticias acerca de la Economa del Mundo de ayer y hoy, con nuestro equipo de expertos especializados y mas. La compaa fue administrada por Daddy Yankee, un reconocido msico puertorriqueo, en 2001. En 2012, fue detenido por primera vez en un caso de fraude y lavado de dinero. He is serving his sentence in a Florida jail and will be released after 41 months. He also started his own record label, Pina Records, in 1996, and Natti is now one of the companys members. Pina estaba decidida a trabajar en la industria de la msica despus de ver la pasin de su padre por la industria. Raphy Pina y Natti Natasha son una de las parejas sensacin en el espectculo Latinoamericano, gracias a su compromiso y prximo beb en comn. Raphy Pina's age as of 2021 is 43 years old as he was born on July 4th, 1978, in Isla del Encanto, Puerto Rico. Raphy Pina vida personal gratis. Facebook. Recent cases review 2021-2022. Rafael Pina mejor conocido como Raphy Pina, es un productor musical y empresario de Puerto Rico, es dueo de la compaa discogrfica Pina Records que el mismo fundo en 1996 y que se destaca en el genero reggaetn.. En el mbito musical se le conoce ampliamente por las buenas producciones que ha lanzado y por los grandes artistas que ha tenido en su compaa, entre ellos Lito & Polaco . During the late 1990s, his father handled a number of well-known musicians, including Juan Luis Guerra and Jose Alberto El Canario. He supported his father and assisted him in running his music enterprise from a young age.
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