Order for Summary Suspension, dated January 14, 2020, is terminated. License denied: Physicians application for a medical license or renewal of a current license is denied. Revocation. Because Google Translate is an external website, DoIT does not control the quality or accuracy of translated content. A third complaint in 2021 alleged that a staff member who was not a doctor had given him an injection. Carpenter, Carla PT, LN: 17806 - Date of Order (12/20/2011) Removed from Probation. %PDF-1.6
1775 Eye Street NW Suite 410 Washington, DC 20006, Joe KnickrehmVice President, Communications.
Disciplinary Actions - Board for Professional Engineers - Division of License restricted: Physicians ability to practice medicine is limited (e.g., loss of prescribing privileges). License is in Good Standing. 0000119317 00000 n
In 2021, more than 526,095 queries were made to the FSMBs PDC, including 130,123 queries by state medical boards. The medical director of the Maryland State Police resigned Friday, as he faces discipline from a state physicians board for his involvement with a Baltimore County erectile dysfunction clinic. Copyright Maryland.gov. Contact the Discipline & Compliance Division For general inquiries (Discipline): mbon.nursingdiscipline@maryland.gov For general inquiries (Safe Practice Program): mbon.nursemonitoringdept@maryland.gov Director of Discipline & Compliance Karen E. B. Evans karene.evans@maryland.gov Administrative Officer - Discipline: Amber Havens Please turn on JavaScript and try again. These professionals provide seamless primary and specialty care, working together to meet the unique needs of each individual patient. The Board was created in 1894 to protect the public health and safety by setting standards for the practice of medicine and ensuring that doctors who practice in the Commonwealth are appropriately qualified and competent. Joseph J. Nichols, PT, LN: 18065 - Date of Order (5/18/2010)Reprimand, fine $500.
Internal Medicine Physician in Roseville, CA for Dignity Health through material misrepresentations, misleading half-truths, and other deceptive conduct to create the false impression that [Thomas company] Owings [Group] had been successfully using its streamlined approach for years, the SEC wrote in court documents. Oltman testified all staff follow a script written by the owner of the clinic, who the board said is not a trained medical professional. Vijayakumar Palaniswamy, PT LN: 21367 - Date of Order (6/28/2007) See 2006 Actions. Applications are being accepted through April 1, 2023, Please click Board Recruitment for more information, For more information, visit the OCSA website. Every day, the board makes a difference by investigating complaints and disciplinary actions against physicians who are not abiding by these guidelines. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Alves was listed as the medical director for The Guys Clinic, which was also known as My Mens Clinic and Metro Mens Health Clinic and advertised that its doctors would provide treatment and safely awaken your sex life in just one visit., The Board of Physicians received three complaints about the clinic between September 2020 and January 2021, with customers saying they had not been seen by a doctor; one said non-physician staff had administered an injection into his penis. startxref
One year of related clinical experience in Emergency Medicine. It looks like your browser does not have JavaScript enabled. Reporting to Vice President Physician Operations or designee, provides comprehensive physician services to assess, diagnose, plan and treat a wide range of patients with health issues/illness or injury within NCH facilities or NCH Medical Group locations. Information on How to Obtain Public Disciplinary Actions for Medical Practitioners Lists of disciplinary actions for professional licensees in the state of Delaware are available through Delaware's Open Data Portal at no cost. License is in Good Standing. Searching for Hospital Disciplinary Action Form - Maryland Board Of Physicians to fill? All rights reserved.
Pages - Disciplinary Actions - Maryland.gov Enterprise Agency Template RN Physician Office/Radiation Oncology Job Baltimore Maryland USA Maryland's medical board was again ranked among the worst states in the nation when it came to disciplining physicians last year, continuing a 10-year trend, according to a recently released . Probation completed June 20, 2008 License is in Good Standing, Carrie Caronello, PT LN: 20202 - Date of Order (9/19/2006) Reprimand; Probation upon return to Maryland; & Fine.
Board Actions | 2023 Disciplinary Alerts Please write the Board for additional information. Certified Orders and licensure verification can be requested in writing from the Board with a $30 fee per Order and license verification.
Probation completed December 16, 2008.License is in Good Standing. Katherine Mills, PT LN: 21871 - Date of Order (10/20/2009)Probation for one year. Our nonprofit news organization is made possible by, Select the type of alerts youd like to receive, Browsers such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, Get text messages from The Banner in urgent situations (message and data rates may apply). Stephen Smith PT, LN: 20664 - Date of Order (2/16/2010)Reprimand, Robert Boyle PT, LN: 19315 - Date of Order (3/17/2009) Reprimand; Fine of $1,500, Jessica, Burns PTA, LN: A3343 - Order of Modification - Date of Order (10/20/2009). Other Boards may have contributed information on other professionals at this site Kristina Garcia, PTA, LN: A2749 - Date of Order (7/16/2010) Suspended for one year. Civil fine of $50,000; Payable within one year. Copyright Maryland.gov. 0000118731 00000 n
Richard A. Bosworth, PT LN: 15801 - Date of Order (02/15/2005) 30 day suspension, stayed; One year probationary period. trailer
Emergency Medicine Nurse Practitioner Job in Baltimore, MD at Johns Suspenson for 90 days.
Harford County neurosurgeon's medical license suspended following 0
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Maryland Board of Physicians Brian P. Voith, PT LN: 16308 - Date of Order (9/20/2002) License Revoked. To prevent them from changing jurisdictions undetected, medical boards voluntarily share licensee data with the FSMBs PDC. One year suspension with all but 120 days stayed, then a Two year probationary period. Marguerita Ledwell, PT LN: 15432 - Date of Order (1/17/2006) Six month suspension (stayed); Three year probationary period, Wendy A. Merry, PTA LN: A1402 - Date of Order (3/21/2006) One year Probation. Rhonda Jones, PTA LN: A2744 - Date of Order (8/21/2007) One year probationary period. Maryland license placed on . License is in Good Standing. 0000120307 00000 n
Probation completed 7/21/09. TA 0678 April 10, 2020 Final Order -Probation Maryland Department of Health Disciplinary Actions Maryland Department of Health Board of Environmental Health Specialists Board of Environmental Health SpecialistsCurrently selected PIA Info & Related Section Menu Board of Environmental Health Specialists BEHS Home Applications License Verification Disciplinary ActionsCurrently selected Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Jon S. Peters, PT LN: 12627 - Date of Order (12/11/2001) Probationary period 18 months. See 2009 Actions. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. for tipping off a wiretap target in exchange for money, CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice. Health Occupations Article 14-308.1 Md.
Maryland Department of Health Disciplinary Actions Oltman could not be reached for comment Friday. Fine: In some cases, state boards may levy a monetary penalty against a physician. Order for Summary Suspension, dated May 26, 2020, is terminated. 0000005064 00000 n
License is in Good Standing. In reality, Owings had only an untested idea and an inexperienced team, and the only thing Owings did successfully was raise money from investors through fraudulent means.. Kristina L. Garcia PTA, LN: A2749 - Date of Order (2/8/2010)Summary Suspension. Probation completed 8/21/02. The medical director of the Maryland State Police resigned Friday, as he faces discipline from a state physicians' board for his involvement with a Baltimore County erectile dysfunction clinic. License is in Good Standing.
Libertelli Answer to Second Specification of Charges Alves LinkedIn profile lists other side positions he has held over the years in addition to this state police duties. Board Orders associated with disciplinary actions are available in DELPROS's Search and Verify. The University of Maryland Department of Neurosurgery is seeking an experienced Nurse Practitioner accountable to the nonsurgical management and care of adult neurosurgical patients on the cranial service in the outpatient clinical . License is in Good Standing. AMENDMENTS OFFERED BY THE MARYLAND BOARD OF PHYSICIANS . Probation for a minimum of one year; terms and conditions. Harrell,Wendy,PT, LN:20373 - Date of Order (10/22/13)Reprimand, $300 fine, Rebstock,Karyn A.,PTA,LN:A3450 -Date of Order (9/20/13)Summary Suspension. Order for Summary Suspension, dated August 25, 2020, is terminated. Employer est. The mission of the Maryland Board of Physicians is to assure quality healthcare in Maryland through the efficient licensure and effective discipline of health providers under its . License is in good standing. Eric Myers, PTA LN: A1933 - Date of Order (5/20/2003) One year Probation. The Maryland Board of Physicians charged Dr. Donald William Alves in December with unprofessional conduct and practicing medicine with an unauthorized person, according to board records. Probation completed 5/20/04. Reprimand; Terms and conditions. www.thebaltimorebanner.com 2023 The Baltimore Banner. The Board investigates complaints and determines sanctions. For example, the Board recently proposed disciplinary action against a doctor for prescribing non-controlled medications, including but not limited to antibiotics like amoxicillin, to the doctor's romantic partner. Government agencies, such as the Veterans Administration and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaids Advanced Provider Screening solution and international regulatory authorities also access the PDC as well as credentials verification services, hospitals, insurance carriers, physician associations, medical groups, medical societies, managed care organizations and physician placement services.
Medicine Disciplinary Actions 2020 | doh - Washington, D.C. Easy Apply. Lynne Eckley, PTA LN: A1123 - Date of Order (6/15/2004) See 200 Actions. Eisenbeiss, Sheilani PT, LN: 22384 - Date of Order (4/19/2011)Reprimand, one year of probation, Fine of $1,000. Civil fine of $10,000; payable within one year. Probation completed June 16, 2009. License is in Good Standing, Rodonna Needles, PT LN: 19667 - Date of Order (3/4/2003) Reprimand and a Four year probationary periodriod, Joanne O'Neill Meyers, PT LN: 15493 - Date of Order (5/20/2003) One year Probation. COSGP Executive Board Ways to Get Involved COSGP Awards Mental Empowerment Directive TOUCH Program AAMC's Careers in Medicine Board Examinations and Licensure Pre-Health Advisor Resources Resources for Potential Medical Students Katz, Gary A. PT, LN: 17497 - Date of Order (7/19/2011)Probation of five years, Fine $5,000, and anonymous charitable contribution of $20,000. Alberto Fuentes, II, PT LN: 19434 - Date of Order (6/17/2003) One year Probation. The Maryland Board of Physician Assistants was established to ensure that every physician assistant practicing in this state meets minimum requirements for safe practice. Theres a script for everything. Many physicians, including some who have been disciplined, hold licenses in more than one state. Civil Fine of $10,000.00; Payable within two years. Nurse Practitioner - Neurosurgery. Christine Lenchert, PT LN: 15658 Date of Order (2/5/2008) Suspension of One year with all but 60 days stayed; Two years ProbationDate of Order (2/5/2008) One year suspension, with all but 60 days stayed, Fine of $5,000Date of Order (12/16/2008) Fine rescinded; this is a modification to a Formal Order.March 20, 2009 Removed from Probation; License is in Good Standing, Shannon Liew, PT LN: 19548 - Date of Order (6/25/2008) Application for reinstatement denied for Two years, Jason Main, PT LN: 22597 - Date of Order (3/31/2008) Immediate Probation for at least One year; Probation completed 03/20/09 . 0000002634 00000 n
All rights reserved. Order for Summary Suspension, dated May 9, 2019 is terminated. Sickel, Marc ATC - unlicensed Date of Order (3/15/2011) - Fine of $20,000 for unauthorized practice of physical therapy. 0000000016 00000 n
License is in Good Standing.
FSMB | About Physician Discipline Alves delegation agreement with the clinic identified his primary practice areas as urology and internal medicine, but Alves told the board investigators that his primary practice area is emergency medicine, and that the agreement was errantly marked by someone other than himself. As of Friday, Alves was listed on the clinics website as medical director.
Maryland Department of Health 10.32.21 Licensure, Regulation, and HOk@|9& B Ms.
Dr. Glen Arluk, MD - Gastroenterology Specialist in - Healthgrades 0000007314 00000 n
Removed from probation effective April 18, 2006. The primary responsibility and obligation of state medical boards is to protect consumers of health care by ensuring that all physicians in a state not only are properly licensed but also comply with various laws and regulations pertaining to the practice of medicine. Malpractice and discipline do not always go hand in hand. The various actions the Board can be found here . Order for Summary Suspension, dated March 8, 2019, is terminated. License is in good standing. probation, Date of Order - (12-31-17) Suspenson for 6 mo., followed by 2 yrs. Removed from probation effective 11/16/2010.
0000009069 00000 n
The Respondent stated he did not have any specific training in erectile dysfunction, Assistant Attorney General Gregory L. Lockwood wrote in the charging documents. %%EOF
451351) :: RESPONDENT'S ANSWER TO SPECIFICATION OF CHARGES Jonas Tapangan, PT LN: 18854 - Date of Order (1/1/2006) See 2002 Actions. Full-Time. Donna Willis, PT LN: 16560 - Date of Order (10/28/2003) Two year suspension all but 30 days stayed; Two year probationary period.
Disciplined Maryland doctors, January edition: Naughty Business of the Tip: Getting your medical license is a lot of work. The Maryland Department of Information Technology ("DoIT") offers translations of the content through Google Translate. 0000119978 00000 n
Robert Boyle PT, LN: 19315 - Removed from probation effective 4/20/2010. National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. James Dyett, PTA LN: A1457 - Date of Order (10/13/2006) Two year Probationary period. Patricia Keyser, PTA LN: A2055 - Date of Order (5/20/2003) One year Probation Probation completed 12/7/04. Physician Extender Work Group Report to HRA Policy Board - United States. State medical boards utilize a variety of tools as they go about the process of disciplining physicians.
License and Disciplinary Actions - Washington Consumers' Checkbook Medical boards have used the information provided by the DAS in many different ways, including: State medical boards and organizations that credential or employ physicians are also able to query the FSMBs PDC to obtain a practitioner profile containing license information and disciplinary actions taken against their physicians. Importantly, the physician had already been in a long-standing relationship with the individual before the prescribing ever occurred. Schwab, Sonya PTA, Applicant - Date of Order (10/3/2012)Probation for 2 yrs; effective day licensed. Baltimore Banner reporter Pamela Wood contributed to this article.
University of MD Faculty Physicians Inc. hiring Nurse - LinkedIn To obtain the current licensestatuscheck the, For afreenational online search of criminal activity by healthcare professionals go to. All Rights Reserved. Another customer said their insurance company said the clinic was a "scam company." Processes payments for FPI invoices and PA to PA transfers. Disciplinary Actions - Public Accountancy. Categories of board actions that can be taken against physicians include: Administrative action: Non-punitive action that does not result in the modification or termination of a physicians license. These actions are generally administrative and may be issued for reasons such as failure to pay a licensing fee. 0000001546 00000 n
John Cusic, PT LN: 16869 - Date of Order (5/20/2003) Two year probationary period Probation completed 5/20/05. 2021 Lominac, Michael, PT LN: 26275 Date of Order (11/29/2021) - One Year Probation, Fine Jones, Cameron, PT LN:22379 Surrender of LicenseMichelle L. Hopkins, PT LN: T5339 - Date of Order (11/15/2005) Reprimand. 0000008999 00000 n
Carol Tameris, PT LN: 19922 - Date of Order (3/17/2009) Suspended for One year Effective 4/1/09, with all but 90 days stayed. CONSENT ORDERProbation with Terms & Conditions, ORDER FOR SUMMARY SUSPENSION OF LICENSE TO PRACTICE PODIATRY, ORDER FOR TERMINATION OF PROBATION AND REINSTATEMENT WITHOUT CONDITIONS, ORDER STAYING SUSPENSION AND REINSTATEMENT WITH CONDITIONS. Three year probationary period. Burns, Jessica PTA, LN: A3343 - Date of Order (02/21/2012)Released from probation. Job. He declined to comment Friday through a family member reached by phone. TA 0678 April 10, 2020, Thomas Azman, O.D., TA 0678 September 9 1985, Kelechi Mezu Nnabue, O.D., TA 1714 September 8, 2022, Martin Tomko, O.D.,TA 1094 December 27 2008, Martin Tomko, O.D. As seen inFigures 10and11, there have been some fluctuations in the number of physicians disciplined for the first time and the number of reciprocal actions taken by states boards, respectively, in the past 10 years. Alves, the medical director of the state police since 2009, joined The Guys Clinic of Lutherville-Timonium in 2016 to work one or two days a month, he told the board. Civil fine of $25,000; payable within two years. Modification of Order Effective February 19, 2008. License is in Good Standing, 30 day suspension-stayed; Probationary period of 18 months..Pamela Selwyn, PTA LN: A2393 - Date of Order (11/15/2005) Consent Agreement and Finee, Two year suspension to begin upon return to Maryland. Baltimore, MD. When a board receives a complaint about a physician, the board has the power to investigate, hold hearings and impose discipline, including suspension, probation or revocation of a physician's license, public reprimands, and fines. Removed from Probation 4/18/08. Thomas R. Westwood, PTA LN: A2268 - Date of Order (4/18/2006) Two month suspension, stayed (correction); Two year probationary period. Macauley, Florence PTA, LN: A3193 - Date of Order (02/21/2012)$500 Fine. Randi Potler, PT LN: 20680 - Date of Order (12/16/2008) Probation for Two years; Fine of $1,000. See 2003 Actions. LABOR v. David Craig Horn: 2020: DATE: COMPLAINT NO. Provides continuity of patient care by facilitating and coordinating communication between the multi-disciplinary team, patient, and patient's support system to ensure effective patient care and . James K. Lightfoot, Jr. , M.D. Surrender of License. By submitting your email to receive this newsletter, you agree to our, Do Not Sell/Share My Personal Information. 08/17/2020. Alice Cheung PT, LN: 20827 - Date of Order (3/17/2009) See 2003 Actions. License is in Good Standing. Suspension ended 6/30/09. The clinic followed a list of scripts and guidelines written by its owner, who is not a medical professional, according to charging documents.
Surrender of License. 2 month suspension then 2 year probationary period. Maryland Board of Physicians 1/9/2023 Physician Licensure by Endorsement is now available. Type of Order: Action Summary: Case Name: 3/14/2019: 03-PE-19: Consent Order: Failure to comply with CPC requirements: Board of Professional Engineers v. Dominick J. Minneci: 3/29/2019: 16-PE-19: Consent Order: Failure to comply with CPC requirements . &! onIIc'%r>#Me4wGh!I7PYsI
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