This week, we check out the small, upstate New York town of Otisco, where a woman began her career of arson, and murder that would extend across the area, and the years. Take a look at the top podcasts on iTunes and two things are evident: People love to laugh and they love to talk about murder. We dont boss you around; were simply here to bring authenticity and understanding to all that enriches our lives as men on a daily basis. This week, in Canton Township, Michigan, we encounter maybe the strangest & creepiest relationship origin stories of all time. Along the way, we find out that Utah loves pageants, that nothing is more satisfying than a murder burger, and that if "nothing makes you hornier than killing a man", we're very frightened of you! Will this night of horrors finally put him away for good? This week, in Vinton, Virginia, a smoldering home reveals a family, who all died, well before any fire started. A very strange story!! Along the way, we find out that this small town probably has some pretty good food, that bath water gets cold, faster than we thought, and that you can't possibly be a rapist/murderer, if you only have sex with your sister! Kenny Koretsky is an American professional drag racer who has a net worth of $700,000. A multigenerational family of carnival workers, and short order cooks, who travel the country, robbing people, and eventually committing one of the most horrific string of murders that has ever been seen, before, or since. It's a twisted tale of stolen drugs, spurned advances, and revenge. The investigation that follows is the definition of inept, and the conclusion will leave you shocked and laughing!! Along the way, we find out that railroad work camp is not a privilege, that you can't blame all the world's murder on video games, and that some people just can't be fixed!! Along the way, we find out craft festivals sound boring, that there are certain signs that a person may be about to do something horrific, and maybe a person shouldn't get bail after he's carved pieces off of another human being! This causes them to move from state to state, after the affairs inevitably surface. And what could make a daughter testify against her own mother? Along the way, we find out that Minnesota ROCKS, that abducting 7 people, over a 10 year period, means that maybe you should have to stay in prison, and that there are certain things that you can't just blame others for!! Along the way, we find out that looking at salt sounds boring, there is more than one way to strangle, and to never tell your new spouse about your former spouse!! The result is finger pointing, and several stories about who the "real killer" actually was, but anyone with eyes could see what unfolded!! Fights over inheritances mix with fights over being kicked out of a mediocre apartment due to drug paraphernalia. & 'how is this even physically possible? This week, we look into the sleepy town of Eufaula, Oklahoma, where a down on their luck, and meth addled couple hatch an ill conceived plan that leads to a brutal double murder. A listener pointed out that she died four days after the episode was released. He has competed in over 200 races and has won several championships, including the 2003 Xfinity Series championship. Freddie Freeman is a What is Pavel Bure's net worth? This is a wild ride!! This week, in Nashville, Michigan, when a body is found in a ditch, on the side of a country road, police have no clues, until a used motorcycle leads to a witness that unveils a plot that no one could have predicted. CBD Tinctures & Gummies Which Is Right For You? This week, we take a look at the small town of Maynardville, Tennessee, where two young men turn a night of fun & drinking into the most grisly murder scene this area has ever seen.Along the way, we find out what kind of wine goes with hot dogs, if McDonald's is the right career choice for a young man, and how many different stories a man can tell police about his participation in a murder, and still be taken seriously!! This week, in Lemmon Valley, Nevada, when a teenage girl is last seen, riding into the hills on horseback, no one knows what could have happened. That is, until police zero in on a man with a shady history, a shaky alibi, and one of the worst excuses for his DNA being somewhere that it shouldn't be, in the history of criminal investigation. This fits right into his character, as he also lured someone into cold blooded murder at his own hands. Business partners? When a teenage girl is found dead, in the woods, police think they may have another one of The Green River Killer's victims on their hands, but figure out quickly that it's something completely different. Right? Is he "The Sun King"? Along the way, we find out that quilts take a long time to make, that you can't just fire guns off, at will , and that maybe you shouldn't drive out to the allegedly haunted house on Halloween night!! Along the way, we find out that apparently lavender warrants an entire weekend of celebration, that it's very hard to knock yourself out, then shoot yourself, and that ostriches probably can't plan a murder!! [Pietragallo] is nothing less than amazing when it comes to research. His treachery knows no bounds, as he kills, lies, and steals his way around the country. When an incredibly vicious murder occurs, while witnesses try to physically stop it, with no luck. So, a plot is hatched that includes one of the most brazen, broad daylight kidnapping/murder plots, ever thought up. He doesnt quit until he knows everything, until [in the case of crimes that have been covered] we have a nugget that nobody else has found.. This week, in Greenwood, Florida, a local rivalry is heated up when there are accusations of affairs, and worse. Once the police get involved, it only gets worse, as this tale spins into craziness. Are they brazenly stupid, or criminally insane? Here's every movie Cameron has ever made, ranked. And will they actually dust off "Gruesome Gertie", the state's old electric chair? A very horrible person, of course. Best known for directing Lord of the Rings, Peter Jackson is one of the wealthiest and most well-known filmmakers in Hollywood. Was this a simple disagreement over a normal chore, or was this something MUCH darker, and more disturbing? Along the way, we find out that everything is fertile in Iowa, that no one has ever fallen on on to a serving fork & impaled themselves, and that some books not only shouldn't be judged by their covers, but maybe not the first 50 pages, either! And the manner of the actual killing is unnecessarily heartless. This is a crazy tale, from start to finish. Everything they thought was true, turns out to be nothing but quicksand, while the dead man's many mysteries are solved! Theres only so many times you can hear the Jeffry Dahmer story,Whisman elaborates. James P Pietragallo, 44 - Phoenix, AZ - Has Court or Arrest Records A local boy, with a bit of an unhealthy vampire fantasy, and an even unhealthier desire to drink human blood!! Along the way, we find out just how angry Australia's version of Captain Kangaroo was, how a train can really spruce up a town, and just how horrible you can be, and still get out of prison in less than 15 years!! The reality sets in that he wasn't killed by accident, and there are many suspects. This week, in Grafton, Wisconsin, a body is found by a friend, who immediately decides that he must've taken his own life until bruises & 57 stab wounds are found on him. This week, in Decatur, Alabama, a young widow, with an infant daughter finds love with a new husband, but he doesn't quite provide her with the lifestyle she desires, so she decides to leave him. Along the way, we find out that it is definitely possible to be too religious, that just because you heard God say it, it doesn't mean God said it, and that starting your own religion may just be too difficult to do without murder!! Luckily for him, he's able to pick up the pieces, and even remarry, not long after. This week, we check out Three Points, Arizona, where three people moved, to escape prison in another state, and ended up entangled in a disastrous mess of inept murder plots, and finally, very bloody results. U dramatinom finiu ula je u zadnje kolo sa pola boda prednosti pred drugoplasiranom meunarodnom majstoricom Enom Cvitan, no u zadnjem kolu umor i uzbuenje bilo je preveliko da biimala dovoljno snage da zadri to vodstvo pa je porazom pala na drugu poziciju. Did they break up & run in separate directions? This one is an extra helping of crazy You've been warned!! The relationship turns obsessive, but only on one side of it. Along the way, we find out about Oysters, a horrible serial killer, also from the area, and exactly how long three people can keep a secret!! Their rituals & practices get out of control when people start being found dead, in multiple areas. From Terminator and Titanic to Avatar, these are the best James Cameron Movies ever made, How to watch The Last of Us for free: Stream episode 7 now, UFC Live Stream: Watch UFC Fights Online From Anywhere. This week, in Cincinnati, Arkansas, a love triangle, featuring very unlikely participants leads to a brutal murder, an inept cover up, and a completely unsatisfactory investigation. The worst part of it is how much he seems to enjoy every bit of pain he causes. You have entered an incorrect email address! One particular duo, which includes a young man known as "The Acid King", takes things to a new extreme, with a brutal & gory murder, that police call a "Satanic sacrifice". A roller coaster, from start to finish!! Lives were ruined, bodies were burned, and toes were found a decade later. This starts a mystery that travels across several states, and brings us to some of the most troublesome, awful people that can be imagined. While he lives in a trailer with his wife, and a school bus, with his twins, this odd arrangement doesn't end up working for everyone, and it sends him into a rage. The problems start when she begins to forget to get divorced before remarrying multiple times. His shoe size is unknown. This week, in Kiowa, Colorado, two young men on the run from the law, find refuge & work with a small town family. When the murderer was taken into custody, he even had a few parts, in his pocket. Along the way, we find out why certain terrible names no loner exist, how syrup extracting can get you out of a locked basement, and exactly how cold-blooded a way you can kill someone & still only be a "witness"!! Police question dozens of friends, and family, only to come up with no answers, but luckily for them, DNA has just come on the scene, giving them a new tool to use to solve terrible crimes like this. Along the way, we find out that southern Tennessee REALLY likes SunDrop soda, that rubber burns at an apparently very high temperature, and that the desire to kill, in awful ways seems to be shared by twins!! He says that he is, in fact, an international assassin, hired out by both the government, and a mysterious operation called "The Company". Along the way, we find out that you should like pumpkin, if you live in this town, that if movers can't move you, you don't want to be moved, and that some books are anything but their covers!! Total submission is the only way to heaven, according to this Pastor. Tim uspjesima Anamarija je osigurala mjesto u Hrvatskom enskom olipijskom timu te nacionalnom timu za svjetska i Europska prvenstva. He claims to have been married at age 7, and was transformed into God. An absolutely strange story! Along the way, we find out that scarecrows are apparently deserving over their own festival, that teenage love shouldn't be this complicated, and that we may have finally found the worst person on earth!! One of our craziest episodes ever!! This week, in Modoc, South Carolina, where a teenage girl sneaks out the window, on a summer night, to hang out with her friends, but panic sets in, when she isn't home by morning. How much money a crazy person thinks he'll need to flee from justice. This week, in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, an upstanding young family is seemingly set on the right path, with small children, and the husband even running for local office Until it all falls apart, in a very crazy way. A wild group of people, who eat groundhog, drink vodka, and get into fights, before noon. It's quite the crazy path of blood, crossbows & teeth to find out!! Betrayals, befriending other murderers, and, of course Satan! Along the way, we learn how one casino can lead to a lot of snow plowing, how smoking in a closed car can apparently turn a child insane, and to never let a man who is clearly wearing a disguise have access to teenage models!! Will he gets executed, like he wants to be?? This is a crazy one!! This week, in Wittmann, Arizona, a minor, but trashy incident leads to a case of revenge, turned bloodthirsty, horrific murder. One night someone decides to bash this woman's head in, leaving her nearly unrecognizable, and the crime scene streaked with blood. James Pietragallo Net Worth This is a a common problem, but, in this case, it ends in a very uncommon way. It's a crazy one! It's a brazen series of extra heinous attacks, leading to a legal battle that goes all the way to the Supreme Court! This week, we look at Canyon Lake, California, where a series of brutal murders leave police clueless, until one victim survives, and this ball of yarn begins to unravel. True Crime Team James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman Launch Podcast Introduction But will lousy police work, a seeming lack of effort, and some possible incompetence ruin the whole investigation, and make a family suffer even more? Along the way, we find out that even suburban Miami was nothing but horse farms, just a few short years ago, that some people just want to watch the world burn, and that sometimes, you CAN judge a book by its cover!! Along the way, we find out that no one should ever try to milk a child, that you never know what goes on behind closed doors, and that where there are brutal attacks, there is often murder!! He has also earned money from various business ventures he has taken part in.
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