2016 Hokonui Fashion Awards 356 views Aug 9, 2016 1 Dislike Share Save Southern Institute of Technology, New Zealand 1.49K subscribers Scenes from the 2016 Hokonui Fashion Awards held in Gore.. It's the first official year his late wife Heather has not had some sort of involvement in the awards, but Paterson believes she would be proud of the work they've done. The Hokonui Fashion Design Awards thanks the following sponsors for their continued support in 2022. Donna Dinsdale scooped the top award in front a large crowd that had . Dive on in and explore Southland'samazing array of events! Judge James Dobson, of label Jimmy D, said Terekhova's three garments entered as a collection were innovative. Join to view profile HUFFER. EIT fashion students gain national recognition Designers are unable to specify their own models. "Fashion is a platform. Southland Events | Southland, New Zealand This event is important to the whole of New Zealand especially as we are one of the last and biggest Awards for the amateur designer based in NZ, Sheree says. Print and complete two copies to accompany garment. Its truly a place to see and be seen, with industry heavyweights and gorgeously arrayed farmers standing shoulder to shoulder enjoying the great southern spectacle. Unlike the busy atmosphere of other salons, Halcyon has an almost Zen-like quality, creating an atmosphere of peace and relaxation. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? In 2011, Reveley was asked to return to the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards - this time to judge. A garment with unique, youthful energy inspired by New York streetwear. event cancelled between Wednesday 26th July and Sunday 30th July no refund and garment returned. 'Stand out' design wins Hokonui Fashion Design Awards in Gore Hokonui Fashion Design Awards (@hokonuifashiondesignawards) - Instagram Open Section: Reveley has been in her new shop on Princes St for two years. We have a large number of entries from around the country who dont attend design schools, explains Sheree. The fashion doesnt just stay on the catwalk a glamorous audience of locals and fashionistas from all over the country make the annual trek to Gore for two of the best nights of the year. Each garment may only be entered in one section. Would you say yes to a synthetic diamond? 2015 Hokonui Fashion Design Awards - YouTube SIT is proud to support the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards 2015. It was really well constructed, the level of finishing, it was so well-balanced. UK Marketplace and Global Educational Hub Release Sustainability Guides For Businesses, Designer Focus: Anne and Lucy Aitchison, Dorothy, Trade Talks: The Issue With Plastic Performance Wear, How to Optimise Unsold Goods for Retailers, Senior Designer Wanted for Luxury Fashion and Homewares Brand, Entries for the 2023 iD Awards Close This Friday, Tributes to the Queen at London Fashion Week. Still Vision Photography with Sara Crawford. Owner Kristin Leckie and her experienced team of qualified therapists are passionate about ensuring you are in safe hands. After more than 30 years, the Hokonui awards hold the distinguished mantle of longest running fashion design awards of their type in New Zealand. Like many community initiatives, especially those centred around creative and artistic endeavours, the Hokonui Fashion Awards wouldnt exist without its sponsors. Experienced property and facilities management teams manage $1.8 billion worth of assets (150 syndicated and privately owned properties occupied by over 350 tenants) throughout New Zealand. A collection from Christchurch based designer Ari Terekhova won the Mataura Licencing Trust Award of Excellence at the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards, on top of the Mackersey Properties. Bank account number: 03-0915-0305160-00 Please use the designers name as reference. Next event date: 28 - 29 July 2023 Location: Gore Keen to learn more: hokonuifashion.co.nz The fashion doesn't just stay on the catwalk - a glamorous audience of locals and fashionistas from all over the country make the annual trek to Gore for two of the best nights of the year. Terekhova said her winning garments were made of natural dyes. All garments must be packaged for posting/delivery. Garments will be on and off models many times during fittings, judging and shows. Although,Reveley admits at the time it washard thinking of a brand name that fitted her image. Otago designers shone at the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards, in Gore, particularly in the the Upcycled section, finds Rebecca Fox. The foundation was established in June 2010 and it's mission is to provide funding for a wide range of clubs, charities and community groups - in fields as diverse as sport, arts, culture, health and education. AUT News - AUT Gore New Zealand A Tauranga designer has won the award of excellence at this year's MLT Hokonui Fashion Design Awards in Gore on Saturday night. There have been a lot of school entries again, including some from schools we havent had before. We are locals supporting locals. It was the first ever fashion event Terekhova had entered and after winning the open collections award early in the night, she thought she was finished and headed to Mosgiel to stay there before catching an 8am flight back to Christchurch on Sunday. July 2023 Gore NZ. Hokonui Fashion Design Awards | New Zealand | Enter Please use our accredited courier. PHOTO: ODT FILES High-profile names, new categories and record ticket sales are set to make this year's Hokonui Fashion Design awards the biggest yet. At the end of three years of fashion school, she got straight into launching her own brand, which shares her name. Theres not a lot of black, which is amazing.. Winner - Alice Parsons, Bayfield High School, Runner Up - Madison Brooks, Marlborough Girls College, Winner - Te Rina Coffin, Bethlehem College, Runner Up - Amelia Phillips, St Hilda's Collegiate, Highly Commended - Zoe Coventry, Wellington Girls College, Winner - George Park, Bayfield High School, Runner Up - Leah Murray, Gore High School, Highly Commended - Lucy Girvan, St Hilda's Collegiate, Winner - Libby Dalziell, St Matthews Collegiate, Runner Up - Sophia Garner, Wellington Girls College, Highly Commended - Rebekah Graham, Rangiora High School, Jennifer Cavanagh, Arrowtown (Collections), Ruth Bucknell, Masterton (Open Sustainable), Garment with the most A garment filled with excitement, designed to turn heads at a formal red carpet-like event. Hokonuiradio targeting the biggest economic driver in NZ the rural community. (download PDF from this page - above from 1 February). Held in Gore, these awards. Any contact will result in immediate disqualification of the designers garment(s). menu2 Close Menu United States angle-down International Singapore Australia The awards, in their 32nd year, were held in Gore on Saturday night. All sections cover mens and womens fashions. Come for the fashion - stay for the fun. 1 follower 1 connection. "We endeavour to work with the design tutors as to what sections are relevant to them for their students to design garments for., The awards also welcomes designers who may operate outside of tertiary institutions, or for whom fashion is simply a hobby. There are to be no physical drop offs to the depot, garments will not be accepted. It is a nationwide not-for-profit company. I am hoping to bring the same vigour that has won me these awards to any prospective employer. READ MORE: * New Zealand Fashion industry rebuilds after Covid-19 lockdown * Brighter, but smaller, Hokonui Fashion Awards gearing up for the catwalk. It's a significant achievement to be going for 34 years as the event is the longest running fashion design awards of their type in Aotearoa. Viv Tamblyn's winning garment in the nightlife section. Apparel was proud to sponsor the Open Recycled section won by Debbie Smith. Fashion trends come and go reflecting the dynamic world around us. Hokonui Fashion Design Awards | New Zealand | About School Section: Amore School Avante Garde Award Winner - Alice Parsons, Bayfield High School Runner Up - Madison Brooks, Marlborough Girls College Highly Commended - Eva Albiston, - Thomas green School streetwear Award Winner - Te Rina Coffin, Bethlehem College MLT Hokonui Fashion Design Awards convener Sheree McIntyre with an entry made of the plastic seals from the inside of milk bottles. To enter: Entrants must complete one Entry Form per garment entered. Rachel Macnab and Ethan Allchurch-Rush, two second-year Fashion Design students at Ara, turned their personal experiences into haute couture gowns and captivated the judges of the Hokonui Fashion Awards, New Zealand's longest running competitive platform for upcoming designers. Narrative Award (Best 400 word narrative, describing the creative and visual themes of the designers garment) - $700, Auaha Award (Garment that is creatively and visually intertwined with the designers own culture) - $700, Garment with the Most Commercial Potential Award - $700. Viv Tamblyn won the open glamour section winner at the 2022 Hokonui Fashion Design Awards held in Gore. Dive on in and explore Southland'samazing array of events! Live: Hokonui Fashion Design Awards | Stuff.co.nz Its original iteration was far smaller and locally focused, with 34 competing entries (mostly woollen) and Megan Buckingham from Gore taking out the prize. Garments will be modelled by models selected by the organisers. I believe its because they are keen to encourage budding designers and it also gives them a feel for what is happening out in the fashion world, she says. We take a look back at how the event has reflected our own shifting attitudes. SIT is proud to support the Hokonui Fashion Design Awards 2015.. Winning Designer Inspired By Maori Heritage | EIT Hawke's Bay and As a Heartland . Funds come from gaming machines operated in some Licensing Trusts, hotels and sports clubs around New Zealand. So, if you are looking for somewhere to come, with sustainable natural products be inspired and enjoy, then book today. Next event date: 28 - 29 July 2023 Click the link below to enter and pay online. For school-aged designers there are four streetwear, nightlife, recycled and natural fibres. 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. People have had to think outside the square about where they were going to get their materials from, and from the entries weve seen they have been very resourceful. Hokonui Fashion Design Awards - Still Vision Photography | Facebook She even featured in Vogue Italia in 2012. After all, it was her baby to begin with. It doesn't take much to see what kind of quality the end product is, she says. Open Avante Garde Award, Winner- Cydney Rooy, Massey University, Wellington, Runner Up- Phoenix Tumataroa, ARA Institute of Canterbury, Highly Commended- Eloise Gawler, ARA Institute of Canterbury, INDULGE BEAUTY THERAPY
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