Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. While anyone is free to buy these products, and they arent restricted, just going by reality and consumer numbers, why are brands suddenly trying to appeal to what might be less than 5% of there target market? some complain about the fast food ads, and some (or ONE person who wrote an opinion piece?) if anyone wants the stats on these, just ask ..I dont come here often, but will try to check it out when I can, I get what youre saying, Dan, and the stats do back you up. I hope you dont mind (especially as you remain anonymous), but I shared your comment on both LinkedIn and Twitter and posed the question, At what point does the push for diversity and inclusion become *exclusionary* and itself as pernicious as the problem it was meant to solve?. Recent LL Bean catalogues are great examples of everything you mention. And I believe wholeheartedly that if an advertiser wants to go after a certain demographic with an ad or ad campaign, it should be their prerogative to do so. To validate their superior socioeconomic positions above us of course. Witness The Daily Wire getting into the shaving razors business to combat woke Harrys and Gillette; the intense backlash against Disney for opposing Floridas Parental Rights in Education law, which prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity for students in kindergarten through third grade; and the huge 35% drop in the stock price of Netflix this week as more than 200,000 subscribers canceled their subscriptions. I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. What is the rationale for this? But true. I commented about this about a month ago and after I did I felt so much better. And lets not forget its also the guns fault. (Thats why he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys when that company pulled its advertising from The Daily Wire after a social media influencer with two followers complained about an on-air discussion about gender dysphoria.) And the BIGGER and OLDER the ORGANIZATION, the MORE EXTREME their wants. Id also like to note that DuckDuckGo is now following Googles lead in censoring and suppressing information that its owners dont like. Do black people love hockey? I am a CAT. 20% are agnostic, but celebrate Christmas. Apparently, these days there is "a lot of fuss over gaming "forcing diversity" and people getting upset that a character is gay, trans, etc." In a viral Twitter thread, self-described "straight white dude" gamer FightinCowboy decided to explain why this fuss is unjustified and give his opinion on why diversity in gaming is important. You may have missed my point. Like with so many things in life the pendulem has over swung in an effort to correct an issue. Im not talking about changing demographics. Isnt it just a little bit racist of advertisers to tell us that blacks and other people of color must walk, talk, dress and behave like white people, and partake in activities favored by whites, in order to be successful? The only true way to make your feelings known is to actually contact the companies directly & voicing your concerns & issues. There are no white males other than stupid guys! Then form your messaging and campaign strategy from there. Its really too bad its come to this. By the way, everyone has chromosomes. There are those of us on the left who are also fed up with the not so veiled attempt by the Uber-left to vilify and demonize white males. What people have a problem with is all the pandering thats taking place in the name of diversity. Except now, it appears to have gone beyond mere pandering. Its amazing how overnight white people became complete buffoons and black people became highly intelligent with all the answers to everything in life. Even Beyond just the ads, if black people make up 12% of the country why are there so many channels on Cable I counted 18 of them but had the word black when it came to the HBO and the Starz and Showtime movie Networks could you imagine if there was something anywhere on TV that was called White Entertainment or white HBO? Is it just me, or is the world falling apart? Neutral is burying your head in the sand. There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. Its there, its part of our history, its part of who we are. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now. I think many of us would agree that it does none of us any good for advertisers to continue to push such silly and unrealistic representations of people of different races. Looking back, I shouldnt have waited so long to write this post. This blatant punishment of white males should be illegal, as it should be to all races of people. When I graduated and applied for jobs in corporate America, everyone wanted diversity (read: straight white males need not apply). At 2:54 in that video, the voiceover says: Whether its acceptance of an interracial family or a same-sex couple, advertisers say these new ads are a reflection of modern America.. . And not created and shown exponentially more than they are present in the real world in order to enforce an agenda and brainwash the populace. Your article was on the top page of my search but it was on DDG. Hint: its the liberal left. The second reason is the more we insult and lampoon strong male role models, the more our children will suffer. There is so much going on that really is inter-related. Are black people the only ones who blow their nose, take cough medicine, buy insurance? Just like I resent, though I am a woman, that when a white man usually on psychiatric drugs goes nuts and shoots people, its white rage right along toxic masculinity and other clap trap. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? No, they arent. Thank you, Jo! Or is that Deltas desired customer mix? The remote is the best thing invented and silence is golden. But, neither are other labels in society. It is pathetic and I refuse to watch all of these commercials and online ads .. Boycott the ads and dont buy the products. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is more diverse than ever, at 30.8 percent, yet despite the progress, there is still work to be done. Hes worried about missing his bubble bath and pedicure. Toxic masculinity is out. Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report! In addition, they are the highest paid athletes in the world (basketball and football) and take home 75% of the coveted music awards each year. Inclusive and diverse campaigns start from within. (However, before I say more, I must correct you on one thing. Political leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to enrich themselves while we pay the price, war is big money and it is used as a distraction from from the things that are usually going on right under our noses. Also almost never see Asians either. Have people from those groups get involved in developing and reviewing the content you plan to use. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. I am glad The Awakening is happening Im just worried that it might be too late. . Its like the response to Covid was, totally overdone, a total overcompensation to George Floyd and BLM. Forced diversity. So insulting. Stop what you are doing right now and read/watch this article from Dallas. Thank you! yes white males need not applyespecially blonde males racism, discrimination. Yes, everything has to have an urban feel to it now, as if that is something to aspire to. But at the same time, the advertising companies were developing a new marketing strategy that got away from mass markets Positioning (Rob, you know what Im talking about). I think it is about destroying the indigenous populations of countries so Germans, English, Americans, etc. wowi mean, ZING! What marketing genius came up with that concept? So now, some black people are using their skin color to get their way and win the ghetto lotto. NPR is now the voice of BLM,,,,and, maybe it has to happen that way the constant beating of the drum,,,,,,but, their preaching to the choir has started a boomerang effect with me, so much so, that i can no longer just turn on the radio and allow myself to be at their programming mercy.instead, i go onto the computer and select what segments i deem avoiding those issues..even then, sometimes they seem to find a way to weave it into the fabric. The other problem is that all of these ads showing black people arent really representative of black people at all. And Asian-White couples should be far less numerous than black-white couples given that blacks outnumber Asians 3 to 1. Its much, much bigger. just non-existent, unless shes a messy haired buffoon being dumb and not realizing her detergent is mostly all water and so does not work as well as Tide. Nissan had an ad last year that I found annoying in great part because it had an unmistakably white boy call a black woman mom, but also seemed to be advocating the idea that women are all poor drivers. (Theyre 12% of the population, remember.). Nor would I expect people there to avoid saying happy Ramadan because there are 10% Christian. Those ranchers usually drive large pickups. We are circling the openings to some pretty deep rabbit holes here, but I do think more and more people are starting to catch on. Thank you! Ive looked for surveys of percent of actors in commercials/ads by race and they are almost impossible to find. What a sad missed opportunity for brands and advertisers whose money and messages have so much potential power to show the best in all of us and celebrate the things that make our cultures special while bringing us all closer in our common love for a brand. Being Educated as much as possible. This group of people cant represent more than 4 or 5 percent but they seem to take up Al least 30 percent representation in TV commercials. Well, have you watched the news lately? The only ad that comes to mind is a boy in ballet tights eating a Rice Krispie Treat with his unseen dad voicing over a note he had written on the wrapper!! Now some black people say that fast food companies target them to make them obese and unhealthy and its racist that 70% of fast food ads have black person because it causes obesity among black people. Are tv ads only meant to target black purchasers? As you can see from your anecdote, portrayals in commercials, let alone fictional comedy, are damaging as they affect and reinforce peoples formulation of stereotypes. Gawd, I am glad I am not the only one who is bothered by this (catalogs). Also note that Americans happily and overwhelmingly voted for this black man to be their president. Do you actually expect TV commercials to accurately represent life? All of this is was clearly agenda driven coverage. Diversity and inclusion in advertising in the U.S. - Statista Lets not reduce the dignity of humans with dark skin to that mindset. Thanks, Virginia, for taking the side of fairness and sanity in this culture war. I prefer the authenticity of brands like Sprite and Cheerios that frequently target the black demographic specifically because they already have an affinity with this audience or they want to make inroads with these consumers. We see what you are doing, and no, we arent buying it at all. Spot on Elizabeth! Be careful when reading that research study. Even the HIV medicine ads show two gay black guys. I am a somewhat older fellow, and looking back, single events and changes never seemed sinister. Maybe sell your TV and use the proceeds to buy some extra fuel and food (and alcohol!) Certainly the George Floyd killing was a catalyst. James Gilbert, CloudCherry, 13. Plans for improving diversity and representation in advertising U.S. and UK 2022 Plans for adapting their marketing approach to improve diversity and inclusion in advertising according to. Has anyone or can someone post a list of ad sponsors and companies that promote fake advertising? Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. Thanks, I switched to GOP after 52 years as a Democrat and a progressive Democrat. Authenticity is often valued more highly than forced diversity. See all Cranky ad reviews | Go back to blog home page | Subscribe for free. I like sports so I watch it, but am now forced to mute and turn to the guide to avoid hearing and seeing the woke advertising nonsense. As forward-thinking experts in their field, the members of Forbes Communications Council know the importance of thoughtfully incorporating diversity in marketing and ad campaigns. Youd be wrong, of course. I was going to get rid of Netflix but there are no commercials so Im keeping it. Is this some sort of mad over-correction from that year when someone noticed that there were no black actors or movies nominated for the Oscars? ). One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. Not like I am an advocate for blonde men or anything but more just an observation. I realize the world is changing but mixed race couple, gay & lesbian couples, trans people is a small percentage of the population but you would never know that by watching todays TV commercials. Modern Disney loves her plan! Just as we did in 2018, 2019, and 2020, three ANA studies help provide an understanding of diversity at ANA member companies: This work is an important initiative for the Society and Sustainability priority of the ANA Growth Agenda, which provides a compass for the industry to leverage marketing as a sustainable growth driver. Where were all of these companies five years ago. I dont think youre racist per se. My problem with reparations is that it is not needed. find one blue eyed blonde male on tv or movies anymore. Not to mention the camera shots of the audience during the match most of which were carefully chosen to show black members of the audience celebrating Serenas well played points and celebrating her opponents poorly played points. But the people behind it are telling you its all for a good, caring cause, so how can anyone possibly argue? Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. I can assure you, you are not a racist. Id like to add some thoughts to some specific points Advertising Agencies are still mostly filled with college-degreed White males, and although this is changing they still have ideologies motivated toward the Left. A very simple chromosome test is all that is needed. Literally every piece of entertainment or advertisement follows the same formula. Its pure manipulation, and its done all the time with surveys and scientists (name your field) and poll numbers all for the express purpose of tricking us into throwing our weight behind whatever cause they The Powers That Be want pushed. Shopping malls and soft drinks over index with black customers, so feature higher percentage black actors in those ads. ANA and AIMM remain committed to publicly measuring gender equality and ethnic diversity in the marketing industry and we plan to repeat and expand these studies in 2022. Walt Disney did not have a problem depicting masculine heroes. Decades of political-correctness conditioning and propaganda have successfully programmed many white Americans to fear that they are racist, or that their perfectly reasonable questions and concerns are wrongheaded and rooted in racism. Not just all blacks do this. Not to mention the actual equipment all a financial burden on the parents. I know that a lot of people saw those posts, but no one was willing to touch the topic with a ten-foot pole.
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